Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 8, 1923, p. 1

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jt jctim ttt ptt forty ninth year no 10 thursday morning november 8 1023 acton ontario canada thursday morning novembfr 8 1023 single copies five cents fhe methodist ciiuhch actjon rev chas- hackett paetor paraonao willow be 10 ll u tn aimisllre iwy bermnn thi mlnluti r huhj i iest wo forget 2 30 i ni mutxtay he h mi i 7 od ni riiunkuklvhiir liny her vljn tli mil ll r hiilijixl a bong of thankil lilf c th in itr k iiii iirr rmuetid h hi tiiliilaiil in limn that tho tv mint u if mjiiiico mny ln oh ncrrvod f 11m itiiitnlin wnrvlrn 1 vi iimuhjy wklcome presiryterjan knox church acton mlnlatar rsv a c suwirt m a manke- willow bttmt 10 dg u m tho minister thanks giving borvlre ft in roquemtcd hint oil those attend inn servlro in tho xnornlnc bo in their places early so thut the lw minutaa of alienee may ln ohurrvod 3 00 it m hunday h4i1a4 i 7 00p m tho minister hubjoct war or peace stranger leaving address with tho uaherw will bo called upon by tho paator all aj1e cordlalay 1kvitkd special notices savings of 550 to 1050 on young mens suits- 2950 make no mistakcj this is an offering nothing short of an opportunity a manufacturers clearance being ro sponsible for the price reductions plain blues and grays for tho conservative dresser and a large range of pcncij stripes andchccks in fancy tweeds and worsteds young mens two button models all sizes its an opportunity indeed one in which men and young men will bo quick to compute large savings from a style quality and service standpoint actual savings of 5 so to 10 50 according to individual choices i for sale quebec hnntir in g largest le condition mlth j uwhon to let comfortable room nloilrio ii iturnaca and bath apply to 1 u iiox cs2 ac to i for sale good driver and u numbr of milk in koalm apply to h itojtejttb main btroot stove for sale oood cheer heater stove with ovn for aalo at u bargain if taken at onco apply to geo dills west bower ave auction sale w j johnaton will hold un auction hale of 100 i loud of choice catuo at lot si eo occasion 7 nawaxawoya near crewtoni corner on thursday no vembpr 15 at 1 30 o clock aharp hj it j keith auctioneer cow8 for sale freeh some due to freshen in one month and some tn two month these cow are priced to noil m we rout make stable room john clitaff echo lodgo farm phone bsrsj il it no 2 acton strayed to tho premlae or tho underpinned about october 29 a rod cow with aore udder owner may have same b proving- property and paying- expense j c in ole 11 rrno j rockwood lot 31 concession fi nasaagaweya red durham cow astray strayed from the premises of jibe tinderstcnod lot is 3rd line equea inc red durham cow four years old dehorned anyone knowing bar where bouu communicate with neil qiltjks r il no s milton phone 8s1s georgetown in 3 farms for sale si farms in the counties of hajton and welunjrton varying- from 40 to 200 more let u send you our list a number of homos and business place in acton for sale fire and lit insurance money to j a aurrn rami estate agent phone 10s action onl card of thanks to every resident of acton and th surround i nr vicinity who so heartuy cooperated to make the acton cltl- kn a band hall owe on parade such a suooaes the band wuhea to express their hearty thank from the smalt it tot who marched in ha paruda to the old wit resldonts who turnod out to participate and everyone who aealsted in any way the band feol indebted for their assistance wchvderlanp friday november 9 nobody money with jack holt- a swift ove epmedy a brint nn spark in as u nrw auld piece jack aa the bold bud counterfoil and wanda ifawloy as the one alrl in a million come cash in your share of tho lauaha addod attraction hocii at vannat tars fojt ranch an nlucatlpa and interns tin atttdy of th all ver black beauties saturday november 10 ttui prodigal judge with jean rvlae tho most lovable characters in fiction uro raproarnled by judae hlooum prloe tulervilln upd holoman uahluty thay ore opposite in everything yet tin ilavpted lu each other n damon und lytb las comely a 1alr uf kinys with larry hemon monday november 12 youtwul cheaters starrintf tllcn llliiilar a juasy nappy story uf modern youui and us rrlvolous outlook on ufa the plot la luld umhl tho liinr mpet clrclos uf kw york wealth und nim lety comedy gold chill with ijuu cudfl tile wiirjd n rtuatost ntmi- sdy actroms matlnsai at so evenlna ik ami u tuesday november 13 good men and tru b tar rin 1 lurry curoy a very interesting and umualii px- olectlort picture j roduiod n iit natural scenery of rare wastum beauty bomutly hot water with nottt ilunia a christie oomedy whhili ahuws how live little failles- tan nuurly wrutk your lionn kplsimlu no jz of around thi world in ih ituys wednesday november 14 u woman sacrifice with corinno rltmh a swift ly tnovhic urumit of a airl who ives ewrythlrtic up for the onu she lovus tim nurlhurn tnld winter acanury la mustiiincetit comedy the hbuty with iirry bemofj4 j a mcclure 4 son whewww that cold wind means ovehcoats big warm overcoats to snuggle into and laugh at the h weather every man is thinking about them now thinking about them in a necessary sort of way when tho wind howls every night and morning overcoats are at macdonalds plenty of them and wonderful coats they are of course thd big manly ulsters with belts in the back are h ere ti gain some have a clever three piece belt arrange ment which allows three choices nil round belt half belt or no belt at all then also the big warm coat with no pretence at u belt whatever just hanging in a- graceful drape and tho smart style that is ever so slightly conformed the chesterfield always liked by men of conservative taste so tho styles go ever so many distinctly different ones hard faced ones plain and check backs from dark to light in colors and in prices from 15 to 75 i at 7250 3000 3500 an exceptionally strong showing at these three figures mens and young mens models in profusion sizes 34 to 44 allwool english meltons special 2500 an outstanding value in tho showing plain double- breasted models with regular pockets finished with tweed lining throughout no- better value in the country d e macdonald bros ltd gaejphb leading and largest store weekend specials extra special i pound boxes of seal of approval chocolates 60c box weekend special price 49c mu1 street acton the proof of the boot is in the wearing z 7 xode 5 weekend chocolates owing to our shipment of chocolates not arriving last week in time for our special we were only able to offer hard centres and peanut ousters our fresh shipment has arrived and we arc now ready to offer you a full assortment of both hard and soft centre regularly betty brown chocolates we have just had the opportunity of taking the exclusive agency foy betty brown chocolates wo receive a fresh ship ment of this famous lino every week so they will always bo fresh tho standard price is 60c in 1 pound boxes also packed in half and two pound boxes h wiles y say voij hu1 bsttsr he iwklmi tir yum- f t hikmo jnya u told uoy wih injlmpu tay all wltw 4iuy- noiwl ntrnnif wturdy holioo rnrni or lactory iuhiih u u pulr of ithl rubber h u iytiitutlvo we have them all weiqhtb ud alt 10 suit yuuux e uu at tow est possible prices urn a und vomtmi t hplm li the hi ulnf pliudxm iliutto hhtipirm in lutim ft it utid iipt iidn pnmf llimiiy in yvlntf woitit fir in ll hli 1 woniuil ati hia iiakga1n shoks kuii thti ah lii lit tut tn nt miyiiuti at at w 12 fed a90 h l harrison the shoe man where quality counts vv wa deal hare it will ly you rr armis lice- thanksgiving memorial scrviccb to be held in acton churches on sunday dth appropriate references mass meetino in the town hall monday at 10 a ceremonies at monu ment and cemetery next buntluy november 11 will be lbs auth anniversary of the armistlca which onded the ureal war canada also celebrates it as thanaaslvlns and it should be a day of real thank- vine already horo la too rreat a tendency 1 o upon armlkki pay as one of colnbratlon of ports ma thousands of canada a sons lie burl ed in lonnder h holds they died that canada mlnht remain u freo nation the anniversary of their vvtory should bi celebrated with reverence canada hoe much to be thankful for this year und laudable erranemont havo been effected to encourage the residents of acton and community to observe tho day and tha day following in the proper spirit it is a tlmo set aside not that man kind ahould koran itself on turkey but thut we hhould slve thanks to the olvfir of avory sood gift for what w havo enjoyed it ah cm id not be a sad monprlal day hut one of reverent joy to that end a comnlttee of the council the ministers and cjtlxens havo arransod the following plan and order of service n hundoy tho services in the vurlous churches will emphasise tho events of which the armistice la the culmination and partake largely of the thanksgiving spirit the congre gallon ahi requested to assemble early and at eleven o clock to jointly observe two mlnutom of ailonce on monday which will be observed n armlstlco day anniversary and our national thanksgiving day la which all tho people are expected to leave their usual work and unitedly part id pate in a public way the services will be of a memorial character ant will consist of three parts as follows 1 a public service tn the town hall of a devotional character in which the people will join at jo o clock 3 following the above the people will assemble at the soldiers uonu munt where auitabln ceremonies will bo observed tho monument decorated and the lost poet sounded and two tnlnutea of alienee be observed 3 proceed to knlrvlew cemetery to docorato the grave of the soldiers buried there whore further ceremonies will take place a printed order of service will be distributed through tha audlenoe the proclamation of the keeve guests that all cltuena will the day and participate in the mem orial jkirvlce and attend promptly tlmo acton citizens hand and the metho dist sunday school orchestra will have an important part in the dayw pro- newb of local import the undoe to the crescent repaired uaoara ltoartlutorn a co havn ro paired tho maria htroet bridge load log over the railway alditufi to th crescent new railings hsvn been put on and the planklnjr on tm floor of the bridge liaa hon renewed where ii was required it is now in splmidld condition extra suburban csrs on thsnksgfejna kxtra wnst hound toronto hupurlieh cars will irfjive wnst toronto on mop day lllh inst at 9 lb a m arriving in arion vi 10 4tf and at b 45 p m arriving in acton at 10 17 p m ai east bound car will eav acton u 9 3i p m and will arrive at wi toronto at ii is p m improve the pavements for wet westher if the sod wercf cut hark from th odgoe of the pavements for six or night li he thn walks would he much more com fort aide in wet un 1 anowy weather having- gruvn over the edges in many places thn sod dame up the water and wet walking is the isult splendid address in knox church dr he ho no id of luilph who was for a number of years a mlsalonury far off kpna was the speaker in knux hurca last runday morning proved an chxiuont ieaker and hla outtlik f the work of the ml alonarloa in ki rru and its relation as nation to china and japan was very teres ting- annual court department all el service men are cordially in vlted to assemble at the band halt at d 30 u m on armistice day and b ready to fall in lino behind the bend civilian dress and decorations will be worn come and honor your fallen comrudoa major ii m kennedy will be in command the honored herpes of thla com- unity who died serving king and country und whose names are inscrib ed on acton s splendid monument vhlch wan unveiled and dedicated with pproprlatu ceremonies and military and clvlu honor three years ao on armistice day are am follows corp j l moore 24th battalion corp roy hurd 29th battary corp w a brown 6th f co c e pte j d burt 15th battalion pte m kaley zlst battalion capt t a arthurs chaplain chinese labor battalion pte a anderson 116th battalion pte f elkinqton 68th battalion pte f wills 4th battalion pte j fryer 18th battalion pte t irving 3rd battalion pte 3l moleod 20th battalion pte a winterburn 4th battalion lieut h a king 13th northumberland fuaillere pte a oribben 42nd battalion pte p radford 104th battalion 8erot w lee 4th battalion pte p godfrey 198th battalion corp f masters q m b 4th battalion their kama uveth for icvermore govrnmnt control net a buoeeas iiat sunday bains international tempore nee hunday in the sunday houh itev mr hackett preached tlrrlnif sermon on temperance last utiday morning lie showed conclu sively tlie rallaoy wf oovemment con trol m h tcmporable measure b luoted statistics whowlng ths largely imreased amount or drunkeunees in quelmi nd iiritiah columbia the two provinces where government control in fore total eallpae of bun in january litrth vt wotontutsj rrota all over thu world will bog in to athr in we torn ontario early in january 1p34 to wltpoaa tho total oollpso of the sun wh0 will reach lis greatest depth of liitvnalty n thla duuiot on january 36 tho sun will boain to b obscured by tits moon about a in the morning if tho d lg olear ull wtatetn on tario will havo a unliuo oport unity ulwervin nno of the moat apeo ttouh- of recurrent ole marvela wlllpoton freaa aeolatlof at thu mtmung uf wellington lroos aaaoolation ai mt kureat tha election f oftlccre resulted aa follows presi dtfpt j c tempi in the kerwus news ueoord vlfle frealdeol a h oardln- th llarrlstan uvlow secretary truaurer a w wright tho mount ftireal cunftnlcrate ati kepreaonutlve the vlalilng iirvsmtncn and their ladle wuiv entertained at lupchmn by the mosjnt koieat iluslneaa leoplea aa soclmtlon and later were ukan for a motor drive around the town a apeecl of welcome waa delivered by mayor ri o allon and suitably respond- l u by lrealdont j c tapayua in aqrleulture f agriculture will hold their annual course in agriculture t ilrookvllle pvery farmer and farm nrs son shbuld avail themselves of un opportunity of attending such a valu e for glrla will be held in conjunction with tho ugriqul uml cluss courses will be two w if domestic scionco and two week of owing- announcement later doubling actons hydro capacity a gang of electrical experts have bein engaged at the hydro loyor houao for the lutat two wwki in in la ming additional transformers ant other appliance which will inertias the capacity of the hydro plant here to double that now being nu polled ruworjrioi off on hunday from one t four o clcxk to irmlt of now con nectlon tralntf made the work in volvod will require a couple of weeks yet to complete the electricians en gagnd on the work are from the kltch ener hydro station memorial services at norval and georgetown special memorial aervloek for ax service man for next hunday hav been arranged for by major ii li kennedy in the morning u service will be held at 10 30 at the mftthodlat church in norval at the cluse of th service the norval people have or ranged to give dinner to all visitor who attend from a duttanc in tli evening- a service will bo eld in tli anglican church at oeorgvtown e peclaliy for ax service men at o clock ah ox service men who desire to attend either or both of th services should inform major kennedy pf their intention at once special musical evening it waa musics i evening- at tho young people s league in the methodist church on monday night and those prosvnt felt that the programme was especially enjoyable those who con trlbutod were alls j qalbraltb mr tuylor recently come among us from sweden and lr orenvllle masales solout tbe misses mason piano duetts mis lottie mason and xtr alex hhnnd violin dtultv mrs a k ostrontler readings a chorus by a numlwr of the man and selection by the orchestra ula haael idmmon and mr sault were accompanist and miss uentiett was n tbe chair spiritual conference at kitchener a mplrltuol conference of represen tative of the uuelph and oalt dis tricts of the metbodlst church will be held at kitchener next thursday 15th inst sessions will be held at id a m and i 30 the conference will be under the leadership of the itev q i campbell of the department of kvungellam and social service mr campbell has had considerable auc cess with meetings of this character the influence extending from the con ferences themselves to the life uf tho individual churches and it ishoped a a result of this gathering u deep and abiding work of evangelism ui each circuit will follow llsv c lfcw kett thatrjnan oxrouelph district and l number of member of the actoi iburch will attend the womens institute cencevi the concert unde the ausploe of acton woman institute last thurs day was u grand suoevs the hall be- ins niled all who came were greatly pleased with the programme mr cowan was at hi best and the hearty encore ahuwed the appreciation the hmiple mis thelma oawlu excellent in her dahclng of illahlaud olng sailor jlomplim irish jbjg nd alogglng her winning way were fully enjoyed mrs a it westllik took part wonderfully wall and ploying- und accompaniments ware ch anjoyed mrs hyrna gave tuiiuo well rendered piano numbers which weru muali uppre il mru a il ituhup ontrlbuted winiii qua tlowars for tha decotutlon uf thu halt which e sent to the slik at thd lose it tba concert returned men passing bogus cheques x cheque swindler lias beoli opurat ills in quelph during- the lutst few luyw pud this fellow i one uf the mealiest who itave been here he i li ex service mall und had the name uf some of the boyd who reaidu in uuelph uiul whom ho kiirw while in wanes ou his arrival here he took he opportunity uf looking them up ud renewing acquaintances hit then went to one of the local merchant i presented a chwjuo fur the sun 45 ull i asked to ituve jt ashed waa drawn on u toronto hank und identify him nt the bank he re ferred the mercltutit to his friend who tourse said he was all right as be had borne a good reputation in krenoe the merchant cashed th cheuuif and it waa of course protest ed and the meropant had in addition losing the amount of the ilimjuu to my the protest fee chief ltb re ported the matter to toronto and itas received a letter hi which- it say that thl man who gwas a toronto ad dress has done the same thing before but that hjs parunla settled the ntafjer by making good tha cheque mer chan is had better beware of him there ilso a warrant out for hi arrest at kuumlououlph herald another acton company to build new factory acton machine company to erect new iiuildinjr and increase their output council to submit bv law to secure consent for ex emption from taxes hn regular session or the council hold on monday rvonlnov couti clllors holmes jtel tho if rd und her rison were present in th nliatmo or- hnete ilarber councillor ttell occupied the chair the commulcci on vlnunco present ed their twenty third reikirt und ro commended payment of the following account general account n l- aidowullf rejialre t acton piiksi iioau advvrtlslng yj iurbes balance due on aide walk 30ft 3c hydro kjrotria commission street lighting- 164 00 hydro kjactio commission town hall lighting 9 llell talepbono co service c 30 i a wonlnn damage to houso and refund of dug tax 17 tio ir47 0 wats works account itell teluphone co mervlofm u t 4 31 lyd ro klectrlo cpmmlsslon power at upring 40 18 hydro rlectrlc commission power at tire pump 18 1u neptune meter co aupplin s 87 james itobertson cq upplles 31 49 bvon jones lalkir 20 oo artoh fame aan advertising v 76 hsu 33 tho report wan adopts 1 a communication wum roceivod froni 1 1 ardmom a co ntu 1 1 ntf t jui t t hy had leiialreal tho creso nt hrldjo imr modlotely under i rom tr kred r itlow kuimrinti mlont vf tho acton machine company waited upon tho council and ututod that ho propose re bulldlnjf and enlarging the shops on main hlret tho plan is to eret a modern mill o nut ruction fai lory of c- ment brick and steal tht output will le largely ltirniifd ncis altutlng tho employnnnt of additional hands in rociuostchl from tho council exemption from taxis und frim water a a concession from thn town tha council fa von d the proposal hut considered that tho by law would have more prospects of success when submitted to the people if the ques lion of free water wr eliminated upon this undarstundlng u bylaw was prm pared moved y e t thetford seconded by prank s holmus that leave be grunted to introduco a by law author ixlng the cruntlmf of exemption o municipal taxes to the anton machln company and that said by law be now given a aral reading carvjod the by law was given tho reqalrod numttrf of reading and will be sub milted to the rutvpuyera for tholr en doraatlon on the day of the municipal election on monday doc mber 3 after which if two third of the rate payer give tholr approval it will be passed by the counall moved by c ii harrison seconded by krank holmes and resolved that a n of sympathy with tteave ilarber hur present illness bo tiassod and the hope expressed for his apuedy re- covary carriod w j hold waterworks auperintird nt wa authorised to secure u new lov for thn pump i nt blutlon couik11 ihen adjourned social and personal acton schoolv roll of honor v k mcclwary was in toront i toy itrown waa uetpo nd from hamilton miss itertio hmlth v toronto for the wanll hrnnii from itevsor vll o i frl nd mr allx ii to run t mis hjla hnyder or hi on i visiting arton rrlendir this miss margnr t ilenimit wu from ttiroijto saturday and nrile ml anrilo crawford of juelph vuitud friends hare over the week miss tjlany wabb of cuelph iei the week end with mi iorna kan iody for october standing of the tubllc school pupila at their ijihi exainina tionh being the three who won highest marks in eaoh of the classes week win meponald and mln i earl aid returned from tha west lust ess rs lloyd were homo fnir weak end nd telford konnay toronto ovor hay uumblr and arnold mc visited frlnnd lu hamllto ronuld last we mr and mrs o arlof dills an i baby j- rum os pnt the week and with tor onto fflend mr h lrt cjuiikhi rirk of ttjronto own last week i anil mr w u in i tod friend li mm j w howetson of ilrumpton spent wadneuday at the home of mr v r mccleary iuunll of oualph 1th mr clifford jawsllery robbers caught the five young men who robbed thr juwellory store uf mrs wnd cultord el fc worth pf aoodvcin october were arrested in toronto on mon day tbey am all toronto lads and all under twenty year of utc they made a clean confession of tholr burglary to the police they were en to oualph yesterday to stand their trial handsome medal to a worthy company he georgetown plural company ural ted have received tho h hi isome medal awordod them for their dlapluy of otadloll at the west rn r at london thl year a vury compli mentary letter from tho director aq compunled it it is a meual of which measrs kirk and mlniyr the akllled florists of the company are vt ry proud cross country races t gualph thu year the ouolph cross country uun and jtuad ituco asnoclatlon lias beeif re okgauued with a view to ugaln making- the event uu annual ti the no are five opoii race and hot lea than ai prises will be awurdod each race over 1 soo 00 worth of prixes are oitared ull uf wmui have been donated by tha tltixan of oualpli it 1 not a tuunvy nutktng voiituru but simply ah effort to ntlmulute roud rwr lug and to give u day of ttrut tlui itport on thanksgiving iay musical evening at knou church the musics 1 cummlttue provided very enjoyable evening at knui tlulld on monday the mule quartette com posed of messrs kumley wurden mann and hmlth rendered a number of selnction with nierlu a solo by mr c leuhmuh duotls by mr htowurt and mia 1 akin mid meears ituuiley and korlw w re tujuykl as were also instrumental nurnbar by misses olive coop f and loren- tturr a apluiidid reading- wu given by ltav mr htwurt which wo e pilully eljoysd motor rsn over clarence hendsrsons feet oil trluturduy nvenllig u rarulom driv- lull hi motor lutu clureuco hun intwi mhi f ux councillor u a hniidunioli ut thn oornuy uf mill utl i hsiu utreets and knock ml him down i whtel uf tint tnoturvtuii over the lad foot and also ovar hi expras wagon smashing it to plocos the drlvar iiusstxt on and iit- to w name und liumtk1- ha ha be nummnnml in answi r for hi aliased breach of thn motor v hlulsa act in 1olioe cdbrt on baturday morning s good qualneas by be the busliituui girl i gain comiuoiifml a hi monthly mooting for u imprevsmeiit iuriiu inee qlrii f hill la have trlow of koml li per und self lost two year they have boeit taking llibu ly uiplrr u mipetlut tarnr hut thl yea au it suemetl dittluult to secure a teacher it bus twmii decided hutuce j he 1 rugruinmo and it l intended to carry out u programme soninwhat ulmlur to that of the can in club with a apeukar to deliver address of uu edutatlunal or in utiouul nature ut em li miutlng orlula ivcaeu harold penf u day or i k nar anderson of nnw york 1 visiting hi nloci mm k v collier an i mr j k oamblo misses itana irbe und hbilo kreo ion of tuelph visited with friend ere over tha week and mls nellie williamson of toronto visited her friends mr and mr a t liruwn during- tho week kudolph hplalvogel who htth 1mm n in the nurthwest nine august returned liuinn last week nownutn churl e ilarnatdt retunrkt from tho wiwt on ha turd ay jtov h i u haugh wo in moore neld on tuosday attending the fui oral of thu late mrs morgan mr and mr john mckeown toronto apent several day ut tl hum of mr l weal last week mr trunk itompf luft lost weak mjiend ii l uple of weak in a hunting trip pear hi old home ilurks kalls heovu uorber la u1i onl1ned to thi house through hi recent illness h hoiwu liuwtvnr to be about again short old hum und j tho public krhool xumluu ctobr wnri ftjnrludod lost jltod as follow 7 banio fourth da lit us 301 o lady ii hn ls morton 330 k und junto arthur ruy 340 boo m s iioiinntt senior third mevyl jriii li ii 344 hux 1 coxa 533 ivy jlolmo 34 total 360 l tltor teaclier fourth n 370 vlmu mur- murjorlo hwllxtr 334 total teaolior kathli luill 401 total 650 junior third moloxxl 474 allun murgnry gurdnn sjur- 4t x ll mm ro teachai mr david kyder of toronto who has t ii upending several weeks with mr und mrs l west returned home thl work mr an i mrs ic k garvin and muster hilly r toronto visited the humti of mrs itobort qurvin o the witik and messrs ki wild and yank hplol- vu inft on monday fur a point be tween north lluy and hud bury on u door hunting trip sdr and mrs h t lepogo and mr and mrs harry lei age und baby hurry of toronto were guasu at moorocrufi on hunday messrs w blaftwun s fits thorn huuhan andm t motored from toronto and spent sunday at the home of mr thoa statnam hev j w jaugh of phi lips burg quebec hka moved tb palmers ton where ho will be in charge of the pariah mr itaugh u a brother of rev h a i uuugh mr william hwackhamar who re cantly returned from th hospital ut outmph is making rather slow proress toward reottvery ho has been feeling better tho post few day i k j forater returned sai day rum chicago where he waa at tending tho clinical congress of the american college of burgeons at thi convocation of tbe coluuxe feyhtgy wight dr korster received the degree fellowship in the american college hutaeon as did also several other canadians btrat ford usaconherald -f- knlargeincntg at mason knitting mill nw storey being added to take care of increasing volume of business work oummanced this week on new one storey addition ut tha mesoi knitting- mill the old building- uf 37xt3 will havo u new utorey of atone and txincmtu ovpr the entire a lurge ateul window will bo used tho oiiatrui tlon and oils new utorey will have a larger part f daylight construction it is mr masons plan to erect the outalde walls and roof if thl uddl lion thl fall uiul neat season to cover the en tiro building with llslioprlj utuio thu making- one of the moat attractive fuctory bulldlna around ha now uddltlon will curry the uhlnery und tnanufactujrlnlr part of plant and thn lower hour now umed as the workroouts will lx usel for thn storing of matarlal und a shipping room and ollloas although the mason knit thu in pa u y bus only been esubllshod r about two ytar it arowtlt hud imii mttudy und ti new addition will ally futilltuto un increased output of tlu- uu uf ihlldreit uiiderwaar liluiiufui turud there women auklllary hu wumen auxiliary church will hojd th hafcuur and hale of ciwiklng ueatoilllmh- 11 unhuul batur womans intttuts meeting ho rguur mooting- of the woolen litute was hed lust vrlduy at the te of mr i c uussell a lar vd usaamblahl uiul a plndld meet- itig wu held with plenty of di lu1i m the brunch i donatio u luuntlty of lainay to tha gordon hone milton and making quilt foi homo itfctls mr j 12 uaniblo was ap- lntd delt to tho iojiviinthm in toronto thl month borne good l-o- ipe weie given mrs iteld renderod i solo which waa enjoyed by all mia jean on favored the mealing with an trundiitul number the meeting i clooed by the natfnnal anttiain u whlili the social committee serv a dainty uyicb senior second iorna mccomb 37e llowurtl hwlt xer 31 joe wood 343 junior third isabel itruco 386 ltolort hull 311 laura hall 301 totul 400 i and union tauclior junior second aduhol itrown 36e nora water house 347 lol atkinson 930 settlor first catherine macklo 367 turd hun man 344 teddy elliott 342 junior first hlla wood 332 may itruco 2 51 ooorga tyler 27h total 4k0 honor 340 pas 370 olio li armstrong teacher junior first doris holloway 163 hosxel 160 margaret total 20o senior primary teddy humcen 160 harv y has- surd 146 kathlih n put rick 102 totul 175 n anderson toucher junior primary clot a ilelun ltuburn so helen campbell 20 mervin mid 30 herblo wice 3u marjorlo near ib dorothy mcarthui 19 ilert crewson ib nor man kcorrow 19 kddlo pootitt is mlcklo holme ih iorothy llubcock 18 class u gortlo kerr 30 iruncu ja nnlnga 1 jeuslo trotter 1 marguerite jttudo 167 lull an i mlko ituasol race jluntx 20 mary jobn chubey ih alloa cecil gibbon ih jack koy day 16 total 30 ii curtlinor toucher all halloween carnival tha festivities conducted by acton cuixen band afforded heaps or fun at eight o clock lust wednesday evening when acton citlxens hand came out from tho baud room en mill street to head tho parade of hullo we en roysterer and inaugurate- tho festivi ties of the uvenlng it looked as if mother coosa was plucking her go ling up in the uxure with a vuiiguanco tho downy hake thsiundcd tike a fairy shower und bundwraan follcsame hallowe on tnuxjuorudors und the crowds of cltlxon viewing tho festal doing were soon covertnl vith fleecy snow this howovor failed to dampen the ardour of uny ojihc ubova-btuuna- a whit happiness and fun reigned everywhere on the street the band costumu was unique members were dressed in whlto shoots with tall white mother hubbard dunce caps dororated with replica of the fabled black cat they were fol lowed by hundred of masquerading- cluaena young and middle aged in costumes versatile and various some ware ingenious and pretty others gro teaque and amusing but all attractive the ublqutou cluwn was there jlgg und maggie had a pluce while tha ovor present irish pollctimui colored gentlemon cowboy and just married couples were tnucb in evidence a kaxoo band headed by mia lottie mason played quito a leading part commissioner held uuted a grand marshal fur tho paruda thu torchlight procaaslon moved up to tho canadian national 1 tall way crossing- then turned and paraded down to main htrout und then return td to tho uovernniuut uu lid log and thence down to the atoru uf thu fa rip era club there the buijd gave w concert una the liund numbers were interspersed with uuluctlons on the bagpipes by hergl- kohb tho various contests ror custumua were judgtml hare by mr il m ma- douald mr wllluiin armd t and mr l ii hhorey and rosy tod uu follow lint hulluwo on coatuniud iudy helen mcdonald joan kunnuuy host hulluwouti coatuuiotl uellt murley ilamsliuw arthur hackntt best hallow- on cos tunud itoy un- dor ti getkrga mason uotilon coopar best hallowe an costumed uirl un der 14 dorothy campbell ihylli cook hast hallowe ait costumed it ty un dor lo allan maralmll oirgu llulmj hast hullowe all cohtlllll ii otlt un der looorl holloway fjqiau 1 rry the judgok liajii in ir uwardu not upon thu i ruttlomt oi movl uttiuu- tlve cilstumo but upon tllqo blost uppropriata front u liulownun htuud- ikihl ah uttrautlvuty d ratud iwmth was oonduutod in the utoto of actuu lutpi- urs club whurri efrvahim nt wre urved lharo yu qulli u duitiund for hot tea mil coift und th tooth some viand tli tit ou ulu a wig warn hi thejlhiith wlnir uti xporiutd fortuiio toll r ivulnd tho luroscopo of llfori foituiio to ull utid sundry for t i onnl l ration did u using- huslitas youus und ultl emed unxlousror thu wv latlouu thin wise oil tuty wu piaturthl lu tuuku respecting their individual xperletn u to tho future all the pruvuiutiu l itlulhliiat unsol i er hklltully uui tloiiu1 un by mr it j kerr ut goo i prlit whllo tbe bund hallowe oti carni val uomiliaiidi il thu universal uttuti- tlow of thu uhlldrt n uiul ypuut p upli ft dldn l hhtjui tho cutoinarv hallowe un call- uiul ueiitlo hiiii thut candlns uppi uml othi r tonfiulmt would be accpthh huuit tf tho home m town wr ftvir 1 with uixty or seventy uu u tulhr hi fore und after the purudi until thn supply f good thing providiml wuu txhuul ed muctvcredu 1 duo tin piendtd luithiuvo hi t carol vol it wu tin ii i this umuully dim i 1 1 uast- ajstoo aver bod id foi tlulr

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