a-yi-wtiiwsi- i r-f- buje rtnn ie jlrr sa tiwkhimy novlmlll it h 1023 tlrle elders thanksgiving llui ul dtchtri ii y fnii mini tnduy uaef grieving wife inn for u good u n ami mury by way o making lilin ulnn hu lil llrother ml ilrawii mar who wfo must purl llxu junu bus no ill doctor j mien tin juot u slipping u ull life n worries hi 1 1 h u uulni lmf ahe looks like a and brother thorns if tha lord does stay wo muntn t quum1 with mmvldi mo hero an interruption i urn from their visitor aunt tubllhu u wisu and courugroiiu ilutin i think you bud belter tu right ihrra nephew tiny umn niy wnl i wouldn t saddle my wn inlatulita und meanness uio tho uwd id be a nun und im r them roynolt hovun yearn ago luul my tho a woe test girl in tho neighborhood wus married to ou john flruy her oyes wore bright unit utile child und hor face wus oh no rolr thoro was u tltnewhtn you thought tho world not worth u lock uf her hair tlula whan you worn tier lover lovers and husbands i ilnd artint much alike you ntodnt frown im going to sponk my mind i wuli id npokon it long ugo wish id culled out john itluimo shamet when you nt begun to w ur tho life out of hor who bourn your numu hho waint fitted to do thu work of tho farmhouse year by year and trying hor beat to get through it has cost hor somu thing tin clear you dldn t offer much sympathy you wore bettor at complaint and lesson giving mighty poor help whan a mortal droops und faints iw her worn- oijt body with tha daily euro and when y and si strife did you put a good stout girl in tho homo and try to brighten hor llfot wtoti that youre muttering to your self you didnt think dont tell mo thorn are nonn jo blind i know right woll m tho oiim who will hot ww and yet you loved her back in tho post dont dare to soy in tho vast th elder cried but aald tabllh how long did the honeymoon lafctt you wore so busy so much to do so many dollars to win to take the time to mako love to your wife would be a shame und u in hor mission in ufa wan to nlnvu and toll that you rolht proapor and thrivo you wince at the truth a aelflah man la tho meanest thlntf nllvu the- alder snaped why ellxa jano dearer than ufa to mo and yet you tell me thai my noslect baa made her tho wrk yoai aeo if nhe u dearer than lire to you ahe made nnimtr with a amlle two u id have been a jiloiw plan mo- ihlnka to have aaid ao once in a while and not have left hor break i n her heart for want of a tepdecword and then try jsl coao jour conaclencr up by bbuoifiy it on the lord thai ahe ucs in the bl aparo bed room with a face aa white am no dreamlnc of beavena own rat and peace and thankful enough to ko the contrite elder could bear no more he waa off to dtlxa jane with a haate that totd aunt tabuha ab had not lectured in valu then ahe aald to tho irate aplnster there la anger in your eye dut i like to take tha aelnah aorc and break them aad make tbem cry you have never been married alary you have tved youf tf nmitirojr but itve been a wife theae thirty ntlmlbroimallatiktlttrlimtalialiramlatimllaviml ohr 3krppjrp0h ijnrf tnri tin- i ihping of killa mccabr koillli hwktt o ivlll7 v oil lliu thaw i out it waa aiiiiiw avrill who nniml with two othor arla in llio third li frunf of factory jlwurdliu iiouu u to whom kiok luti lie i huil n what hualtatlnaiy oynrmd lur diwr ilathnlm hoaluchy hnm wlrk n if ii roomed ulono in lh hlrl mtoy hat hall bodroom tor two wrlui holdlnir herself darkly aloof from th oihor factory jtlrls who hi nnld to limm wnrn ullttii ilarhol imtd luliuht lb i ii uld i in th jtrlc und of ii huil uill and lnl out of lh ml utrlikd llk th at luichol an dolnit indr th and so i arctib for womans riohta ber rlchf to the love and care of tbo man who taken hrr to hur homo ana dves her his name to bear you think your brother a ahlnin light he is perfect in your eyes but love outwejjrh the ftrtted of sold with one who is food and wise z trust his eyes are opened at last ho ts-soi- aahomsd la 2uha- 1 daresay now bo is down on hts knees cry ins and carrying- on bonlnc eltsa jane to hot welt aay 1ns how blest hn will be if shell only live to let biro prove that he loves her tenderly cant you sue uary how it wm endt as fast as ever she can shell get the roses baok in her cheeks if only to humor tbo man aunt tablthas prophecy come true and for this reason toaay theyre keeping thankaaivtns royally in the homo of k4er gray kki ut tho fiusa jane as sweet us a table fakea hr place when be starts to number hu bleaa lturs the elder looks at bar face the lord has been very good to me the words oome straight from his heart tbo wife of my bosom llxa jane and i have not had to part i thank i lira now fur the lessons learned from the orroro of thv past that i am freed from tbo love of alf and from worldllntss at lant she smiles and the elder can bat note the dimple in cheek and chin tve so much to be thankful for ho cries i dont know where to be gin i jean ulewett where mile j grow longer when you are told that it is u mile from x to y do you really know how far it ist asks u london writer to begin with it all depends on what country you are in and what a miles means id your informant lie may be thinking of u geographical or nautical mile which is 0s foot iri lerurth wheras the ordinary kngluh mile is onjy 6380 feet v if you are directed by a scotsman youehoul4 remember that thu scot tish mha is 6 3h feet in lodgtb an irishman might haw measured th distance in irish miles which contain ceu if you were told by a oonnau tliut it was a mile from x to y you would find it very ions journey us tho gorman mite is 34118 ft lutuc the krench kilometre is u lilt lo iuhj than twothirds of tb euiglliih mll the llrasillans have u unit of nmiuurn knows as u rail lis which u uneuhd ononjurth aw long us tho fcniillh mile while tho japanese rlt is twu aitd u half times as long as tho kngluh mile hhool ut hotp mailo a failure hha had flwn p dihtors chlldmn t thorn barn af l r aayod divshinukltia ulfxves for unn arm lurn wlfom iwuuiirul hor nluter had mint york thoro was out nough nllk for a now tialr of aleoved and luirhrl felt thbt to im a heart brpaldnf tlilntf al most as bad as hr fulluro with iho 1lno ludga bchool lior sister murcolla aald th was happy only when itho w u aklng or claunlntr out i llachel s only talent did a domestic one but ahe wuu od ut homn unci north jurlthu ulrhi novor lived out it would hvi imon thought a dlagrucu to thoir fumlflou thoy could go to work in a factory although that wuh u loss of caste rachel whom h r family called thu homo body who lovod table and the waning lamp bubbling of tho tcaksttlo and tho uput- ter of the bacon on tho tiro had changed all these delights for tho pressing environment of thu fai tory board 1 n g ho use x i dldn t think of an oil beutr said rachel on she followod annls through the ball wo don t hnvothom jn th country i guess you dontl i camn from away up in the mountains whure we have great hickory log tiro and thorn wore ten or nsl itut you hav make the best of it annls voice was bravo although it was husky t guess itllla mccabe will com over she uddod in a lighter tooo iulla is roai good company rachel shrank perceptibly hi i la ylccabe was in her room ut the fan tory she was of a showy prottlncss and she evidently thought a groat deal about it and she was given to loud voiced jesting and a certain offhand familiarity very different from north jericho manners i dont expect you like her d yout said annls aware of the shrink ing but youll and out thorus mi ptber side to iulla mocabot its kind or uncertain which side will get the upper hand but when i think uf that i always remember what my old grand mother used to say uncertainties bo- long to god i ry to ratnember that too when i don t know whether tho milts are going to phut down or not the warmth and cheer of hur neigh bors room lightened rachel s heart u little although thoy were not quite like north jericho girls she fait a cheering sense of comradeship with them and suddenly the bomeslck- iica fog thu tiknjlv iiig- tf t oh wouldn hlllu m i ii mum l 1 wo iolllll t jtlllat and oh if yo lint fun hoi joyfully l he ok mill ruturmx ft 11 in lro mtly 1 rooked fof yriuidtiwi ulnl tho hoyn tin y in all gonu nuw all hut jim nil- oh oh if 1 iotil1 only mnu it tlimiu-clvlm- t i jlinmlul htiu imp pi il hi r u ad intu her hunda for inniuont tin n ilushod the tears uwm ax if unry with huniolf t cunt hcl n clutch nt my hiurt when i think of jlmmlo but it ii no uuet oh how i pity you mo i thliira novor to hnvu known what a joy it is to be mlntrenu of u kid hun und cook for your own its awfully iier for yot lo fuel ho iulla uid juliette jlicky now dora und i wi in the factory i jforif wo wnrn nlxtotui und wo haven t your lulenu of i iurh we always louu- for a homo hut 1 thought you wnntud to go on the wtuge or uomothlpg like that alinlu brokit in quickly if the loyu oould huvu u mod home like thuiikw- klvlnif it would keep ilium awuy from wakclmm ii und the tow shows ilula you imit help no much to help keep the xjyu uwuy from wakohum u und thu ehui allows uh repeatedly slowly that s what you want of mol ulie hid hor face again upd luughed u little and cried a little hyslorlcally b don t act ullly ulllal said juliette imperatively got up uhd play us u tunn you oukht not to bo usked t cook anybody who can entertain un you can i i cun do both dut 1 do love bent to do the homey things oh why funt u glrlm luiva a chunco to hi just homey and happy r cried iulla starting up und wiping bef oyes annls looked at itucbel with u llttlu nod as much as to uuy 1 tohl you thoro was uuotber aide to hlllu mu- cule i shouldnt wonder if tli mako a chance utmost anywhi itdcbel stoutly remomlorlng dawned upon ber in the c durknoau uf lion lonely lltllo itllla gused at itnchol for a moment from under frowning eyebrows half- solemnly bulfuulzxloully thou she flung a marshmallow ut her from the paint of a hatpin vou havent boon u millgirl long nha aald hho ihrummod u gitr lltllo tuno on hor banjo unci aang in u thin sweet taking llltlo voloe itaohel was vaguely astonished that itllla mccubo could sing so well then alio took up u rollicking song that broke into laughtur on u high crescendo note und went bubbling down to tbo huws tho tuugbtor was o infuctluuu yhat thoy ul laughed with her oh what u voice you have what talent and what u way with ye cried ituchol in frunkeat admiration uut i have no training und m cant got the right cbunce to uho ull talent you wouldnt blame mo if i took any cbanoa that i could gut would your there was lntanso oagernuks in itlllu mccabes voice oh hlllu dear iulla said aml avorlll appeullngiy oh it bolp with the thanksgiving ooul 1 ivhtit liad sold and croplny ill ii ml tho door wua upeix d by nirgs and hut llui 1 i vi n u u lo u girl ilk till of till i a uirj who wantid nui lumjilnuly iioaiaiidid iln rlary 1 iill ukm ull tho iy v uhow tnlkht in m txttir e itlllu ihuii th ittruiutlhu- illlu hut wh im vu a hi will hir n uhv known thai uho uiii nellke plucx and jlinmhi nald aiiiiu hopefully and we riiunkaglvl tilng wild cull hi i in r lo it thl g will bo only a imigln itudiel and the b kihungid u joyful und mium so under the nhelter of a n at tiun f uppleu ihn three glrlx tuv up tho third lloor front lo itllla btxuiine ihnro wua a hiuull nxm adjoining for jltnmle they neat for jlmmlo privately und he journey d dnwii ffom the rotiutry under the n du to in ull la irtu hllswful nu thankngivlng day itllla hud tnma ovur lute on tliunku giving ev apparently a tlltln dls- lurlxid to nay that she could not come ipillo iu eurly in the morning un ntw had hoped hocauiie uho hud u little huniniiii to attend to it wiim audi a blonslng thut it wuii u inllil und talray day for jimmies journey it was such a delighted jl mle who was mod a omfurtuhln in thu pleusunt third xory froni thofbud ttecn adorned with every knlckknsck thut the gru could muntur jlmmlou dullghted fucn would lluuh every time tt step was heard upon the tuln hut there wuu ho hi hit in tho great kitchen iturhel wuii begin ning to ink i ilillas nluie even to tho muklng of thu plum pudding wheri was itlllut annls had her forohoud tied up in u hard knot an dora coombs said and itachel felt thut although- the txiyw und girlu who holjmd wore hllurlous u deadly dumhii had fulli n upin the thunksglvlng cheer meanwhllo hualiuou wua doulnlnjf hlllu rrom the grtutt cheerful uplcy kitchen whore her liourt was thli wuu the letter that had om io hor lute oil thanksgiving eve mi- hiuu mccabo this la to in form you that you are walltod to luku the trt of utlo klue luclunl at the perform mice here to morrow night come ut otico to rehourna if you huccud the plure will bo youru per manently j helbrlaklfl mgr tho letter was dated at poltlfere the adjoining town to mlllvllw it wus tho grout trans- atlantic vaudeville co a doyxiing vision riu before the hanlworklng fu tory girl the show might not bo nice the call op home or ull iho duyh in the your thunkn kivlntc l nupri imly the home iluy 1 in tin day lo ho uluil und grateful li iho bono it of mil own making ilettej ml iii it lu hi iuy to inlurn in glud ii ii uimi- iruulujla lu tiio jiumni ur our i hihlfiooil din dour homeit whom niuth r und futlxi wall wokom us uu ttiry iltl win ii wo wor children iiuhikl of the two tin nuw bop thut ii now lov of our proud oftortu have m i lire uu und die uld wbnru tho hlehulng or lfu llnelf was given u and when omi by one uu muny other plunaliiiim have in en gruntwl us tho lulrn of llui old hoinu jtoonxu to mu incomparably iho ntronger on wiich u day tin re iiimo a time in the life of ulrnout ii v ry one of us when return to it in no longer poimlbtu n time when tho tlnur fumlllur libuuo in struugn with ulleuiu und umptlnouswhtiii il in u im ro blind dumb thing from which the uoul has lied ho while wu yet run if wo yet lain lot us bjionil 1 huiiksglvliiu in the humu that ullll llvis with th ilfeiic tlioito who lova averlll fellng of dlngunt it but u girl could n hi mich htrults us drudgery ut th uld there was hlllu s own mi t be too part leu i sho was kvon hi wus likely to shine tfaat was even before iulla mccahe came she was late and annls averlll went two or three times to tho window and peered out anxiously annls is always anxious about killa explained dora coombs sho u afraid abe is so fond of fun that one will go where there isnt a nice kind of fun it is more likely that she is look- ng to aee whether her boys from aahoriirioiufao jhompjjc going toymkebiuaa buioqu said juliette illcky annls never hun thee boys on her mind thoy were such good boys at home said annls wltb a heavy nigh but they are home boys they dont know what to do with themselves after work is done they might go to the christian association rooms there are books and games there but someway the factory boys wont go there you aee they are not so well dressed us the others they oeodnt be so woakmlndodl said dora sharply they uro no worse off than we girls are if you had brothers at homo dora country boys like these you would understand that they are worse off said anpls decidedly thats 4tl you have to have broth ers at homo lo make you foot for cried itachel eprlngli rrom her seat which was uho foot of u bed in her eagerness when i was sohameslck that feeling came to that there neednt bo such homesick puues in the world 1 and i just niad up my mind that if thoro was any thing 1 could do to muku it homoilke i would of course yuu know better than i whether cm bo done itachel faltered a llttlu there wus such a look of doubt on all the faces t nt i just cant understand how any of us are going to boar thuhki giving day she udded desperately annls avorlll lert ber seat on trunk und sat down beside hut hoi tho wrinkles growing deeper oil her pinched jlttlo twentynvoyouc old face annls was sadly hampered by timidity und an snxlous mind dont see how we can mukn it any more homelike here she said ulnwly and us for thanksgiving day y just have to jjoar it until its over and not have u bit of real thtfnks- glviugr oh i cguli wont beur it cried ttachel etrs richards is ulways u llttlu dupreesedut thanksgiving bu uusw wu toy and she cant go to her bisters at east lebanon us she wants to it isnt ovcn ttg oleasunt us usual uuld annls sadly t lot ber go cried ltuhu and w have u thanksgiving ull by purselvesl they will send toe ft turkey or two from home there u u brood thut i raised myself i liellave ktrs uloharils would go uwuy suldahnls reflectively but ilut cant uook lutorrupted dora coombs dora was goiturully satisfied if she hudu new pink waist and the latest uheup novel while juliette illcky read tile doings of society people lu the hunday pupem and yearned to he on of thorn who says we cant cook upiuk for yourself dora called a gay voloe ut th door and killa uccabo tame in with the little pirouetting- lep ihut was hers even among thu luomx oh iulla you did bring your ban jo didnt yout cried juliette with delight my banjo and a whole ouni if marshrnallowm and the best cook in thu county maam at your service thoyghi say it as- ahouldntl and iulla dropped a oourtsfsy tatting her banjo and her bog of marahmallows tail upoh tho bed that she might seise her sktrtg and curtsey m dua form tou are really romg tu et mrs luohards clear out you say and ifolps to have a thanksgiving of youc own a scorn ful caddie the golf enthusiast who loves the game better than he plays itdoesnot always have an easy time for be sides his difficulties with course one ball and clirb he must often suffer the caddies stinging scorn one afjrnoojbvgofpns a story a fat man who was struggling over the course made a particularly bud play and tore up a large pleoe of turf with tu mashla lifting tho sod in his hand the player said ruefully to hts oaddle on earth am i to do with thtsr if i were yuu said tile boy id taka it up to the hotel to praethie on a really sod truly dwfashjaned banjo and sli annul rrrprarnhkrto be- horn and mako tha thanksgiving pudding ill promise do you hoar tliut annlst tha girl aald almost solemnly huch u thanksgiving pudding as 1 can muk doeant grow on every bush i can tall you aha udded with one of hor sud den transitions to guyoty now ut us go und see if idis ltlchurds will let you do it it wus evidently iulla olccubes way that overcame the landladys scruples rather than the promise of llachalalurksya jiud uio girls as sumption of all tha labor and care before the girls escorted itllla to hur home everything was settled the muklngout of the menu was u joy und the only thlog ubout it that wasn t a joy was the necessary limiting of the number of guests thu boys wnru eager to holp then is no more homes i ok heart chan i country boy s ut thanksgiving time thoy very quickly proved that thof was no danger that wukahams saloon or what the girls called the low would draw them away from unr oidfashloned v thanksgiving tbo toast itself could not be a great or- delight than wus the preparations so they ull said tbo boardlng-mu- tress gavo up tbo ureal kitchen to the use of the ooks for two evenings be- fim thanksgiving day the proapoc- tlvu guesss both girls and boys come uhd helped und even the cooking of sauush und pumpkin thu chopping of meat and iho seeding of rulslus wus only u frolic hlllu mccubu wsm evidently in hur element mho vi ry quickly proved thut she luid made no empty boast of hoi ui us u cook hachol took th bumble position of helper ut once annls averlll showing un uhnost fuvr- lah unxleiy to throw all reponalbillt upon itllla uccabo you you dont mind if 11 1 ha 4 made to fool that w tant do without hor do yout situ uskud anxiously us she cornered itachel iiehlnit the hugur barrel in the pantry i pover ahuuhl huvo thought w could do this i dont know what i should have dune if you idn t como here but now 1 want the mj tlumkjtflvlnir to do p greul thing u greater thing ttm i lmi toll you mt iow for iltll i only want to help im willing lyonu should go ulioud who cult do it beautifully us she tan said llachel heuttlly thun then r guit i cun toll you annls shut the pantry door softly wo l hut no one could hear hills is li uu awfully hard place tjiu lias got to tuke euro of bni sixteen yuf old biother who is partly paralysed the undo wlru he llvus is too kmr md then there lu dsngur thut illta will dim hurgo part of th lu thu winter those that di lltit of work will bo thu oiium to go here wus u murmur of symputhy frojn luthol that only feebly showed uclie at her huu vo found out thut mrs hlchards will do u loiuutlful thing went ills in u whisper hhu proposed it hcraelf just when i was thinking ah- illdut cure whuthut things vvre home like here or not uho will lei ulhus brother ouiu u ur the suku of tuivlng hlllu herol yuu know she inily toil hum und onnksfor hersslf where hii llvm mid i thought we vou 11 ull ilp in uml hulp ulong if she is dls- hnkyjcatgd yvdl ytislaam luichu eagerly it may louio hurd wo may iw disohurgvd ourselves annls voice ahook und ull her anxious mind uhow el lu the lines or her tuc llut it is to av hhiu from hotting ho dls courage i thut stu will bo doupuruto buie he n annls drew u rumpled himtibtll ftoiu bet iwn kut cropley uml crumplet s tlreal trans atlalillo viiu devillu hliow ituchol reud in lurgo letters lfe heard her play on her full und for jlmmlo what shu lint do for jlmmlnt tho girls would think she was cur rled uwuy by tha glittor and guyoty und admiration they didnt know how keen was thu disgust shu felt thoy could not understand how overbat unciug was thut other side of ber that lunged only for home and jlmrate iulllforo wus only ton miles away uho could she would got buck n time tu make the thanksgiving pudding iu port for rehearsal ut imcal where s your hutijot said uie man- ugor bruscpieiy when shohad made her way through an entrance adorned 1 with photiifcraphs of mile luclunl whose pluco she might now have tu a dingy crowd oil u trice hut but i cant ruhoareol falter ed hlllu its thanksgiving day am ivu promised lo make a pudding i rri not sure anyway someway disgust hud doc period in the very ut- mosphere of the cheap show but thought l would go on tonight und try try by making a pudding instead of relicartlngusnered tho manager angrily and ull tho tnon laughed its u grout- ltucnceluluuitellyou wo shouldnt have offered it lo you if wo hadnt boon pretty sure you hud talent hut you cant go un without ruhuutatngt there s unothor girl thut will jump ui tho pluco take your choice between the rehearsing und tile puddng i ii glvo you ton minutes it meant the gay life of the show or the drudgery of the factory it meant mure titan could ever bo told if it hud hot beau or the blossed homo thanksgiving that had made it seem possible to sweeten sll the factory life hlllu would have yielded uho turned a determined lialo little faco upon tho manager before tho ten minutes were over im going homo lo muke thu pud ding she uuld hhe fairly rati awuy from the urgu- muuts which be hgun to use once in tha street nliu stopped und looked back ut tho naming show bills it wus only because aha hud thought of the possible shutting down of the mills in tho winter und of jlmmlo iii just depend un what annls said thut uncertain ties belong to flint she uuld to herelf and hhe tun on to tho home thanksgiving joy finds a home not long ago there wus a touching story in one of the chicago dully ivors about u llttlu toy who wus without uuy home his immu was joy ilu hud lost ikuii his parents und then his guuniiun hud died uu thut uf rive years old he wus left homu- luas for thu second tmo lie hud no living relatives nodlately tululihone calls tolu- grums and persouul inqulrlus poured the howapuper hunudtf of homes were upon to joy hot lu chur- ity but because those who uskud for him really wuntod to tnaku hlrji their llio editors uf the tiewspupoi deeply tou clied by the eager spontaneous cry that uipao to them cull of tho ihlldwse homes inie uf the poppto who watited to udopt joy were rink some were well- todo others wore in modorwts c umsluhces und some wn poor t iatr made u careful luvestlgull ml wvlooted u few of thu mot uultublo jumllleu kyom umoiig these it asked to ohoomo his own homo joy sturted out with u roiireseiitatlv of thu newspaper and vlsllod one hotm after unotliur for twu days thu llttl fellow xv us umloilded thu whole t ity lucuuio frogtr to know what his t liolui would lut am thu suspense uf tho childless families who hoped fur him wuu touching on the third duy he visit ed a home ho bud nut piovlously wouii it wus u home of u wry modest sort lomfortuhlu enough but with no sign ut wealth und nu orfvr of luxury womun culnu down the hulf us thu little lhy umo in at the front door hb siok oitu word joy instant ly the llttlu fellow run to hor und us shu taught him up hu throw his urni ubout hnr hook joy had found a mothoi und tli womans hungry heurt had found a sot and ull tha city who hud watched the drama said bow fortunate was this woman who had no great wealth to off ei and who hud yet won the little fellows heart uut it wus not luck or chlhluh cu- plloi thut settled tha oltlll thu wtumuu hud love1 uhlldreit ull her life oiij luid given her time and thought und soul means us shu hud to tuuko tlnni happy ud good hhe had loved eh i id r f uud woi ked for them and ti of it was uikin hen fuue und 111 but voire the little boy kpew us hhu saw im i thut she wus thu bust inxiuif of them ull fur him thutwuy so indlreetly that it i hitbins ucculeutut we gut our hi loinpuiihutloii for love und sur- ubd right living upon what w an entertainment have depends what we are to gut all llui of uml your southern frii iiarrloil nliu inch u homo returning ioply lmprusmod noon nui nit wunnlrig loltjir which noon after thuliksglvlng a letter from u young nd who bus lived in new ice her marriage i glvo o wjth her permission tho homo corning mora i myui if iumo tmiko oninmbor that dit k and 1 un thanksgiving duy dint was nsveu yours ago und we huvu upenl every jhlinks- givlug nliu o then in new york ulwuyu held by uorne reunoii uppurently final oildly otiough nulther my tirptliera nor my sister have npent a thanksgiving ul homo during theso seven years althur of couruo wo huvu ull vlsltod mother und futhor wbcio vr we could there huvu tun ii piuny fond rounions par tleulurly nlnu dlok und i have con trltiuted two kiddles to the the fund of fumlly joy but uomuhow thanks giving uhovo ull other holidays fustivul of homo had found us each your lu our udoptid cities far from tha little brown house that despite new lovis und new loyalties la home to uu us no other place cun le this your with the oral crisp of uutuinn hi tlu ulr u vision o diur old brown house as it had looked on my wedding day cams insist buck to mo uu inuuf h lfit wore calling loo it wus calling met the unforgutahri- unmlutukuble vol dick i exolulmod una morning ut the brink caw t tublo us i looked o ut the tiulghtmirltig aiutrtmniit houi h uk und iminmiiig uftur tho fualth of uptown now york i want to walk down a drowsy uhudy street whuro ull tho house need fresh paint and all tho gutes need cloning i want truntiull whitu faces smiling at me from the front veraudus upd vivacious block fucou grinning ut inn from the back gurdoiim i wutit to be called mary lou not mm 1ord by overybodj meet i weti to out a supper not fried chlckci hot hlscults und hominy and waffles and mlruw berry preserves i want to hear a sureenough old mummy toll ing tubs to little mkirv lou nnd sing ing llltlo dick to uieap i want i know maid dick us i paused for breath you want to go home and so do i and and so aioos llttlu go home for thanksgiving pvur were going hlght thun i decided not to toil nothor and father ngf wanted them to ha such a aurprlsa and so sorry far itoor exiled mwegajotand leslie and john wu wouldnt toll them either it seemed cruel to flaunt oui better fortune lit tbem bo ull un heralded dick und i tha bubtes und their nurse urrlvad in c at u of thunksglvlng it was a- golden dsy when we left tho dear old town on that thanks giving which wnlylm nlir wimjrttn- day und this thanksgiving seven years later was golden too fragrant with thu ucei rosea und gentle with a seductive peace as wo drovo through tho wldi louf- u tiered trout ii i noted lovingly thu aoft faded gruys und browns uf tho houaos thut us i hud predicted houdod paint und the hospitable care- lussqjuutof the upon gales it wasnt pick uud spun it wasnt progres sive or umbltlous op ulort that soronu and worldforgotten old town hut it wus humel o the uleepy charm of it tender gracu of itu unstrlving uspect how 1 wish i could mako you see it fuel it then wu reached thu little brown house it is a hhuhby house i uutosu it heeds pulnt like its neighbor us gata is ulwuyu utuhdlng open um tha last gueat bus left 1 1 a shiftless habit whluh i jiava often heard deplored itut surely them is much tu defend in up upon t- of welcomo be ux- rud ull ye who inter her it seems lo suy lor tu ouku of such u greet ing i think one cun overlook untidi ness how wunn and mellow too are those fuded walls wai paint how could fresh pulnt smart and glaring tumpuru wltb that weathered brown we literally tumbled out of thu rulnwhucklu uurruy thut hud brought us from the ututum and run up tip ide rooloidrthl imtli o the housu thutulblis doing bravely lu thu ruoe mother und rather would be ut church w but wu could tli id good friends to receive uscliloe our dear id colored cook und kum her hus band who was by urns butler gar- ihlvir und jack uf ull trades tough buforu wu could pull the oldfuuhiomd knotkir kum hud hung wide thu door and chlou ulouu belsiml him wuu tixdulmlng well bluss du luwdl dtyu ull huro now hometliiiig in the gluiicu thut chlou und hum ex bunged struck mu us slgiilmutil of more than my own little tlook yon mom i you moan uut luut then tltiio wuit u tumultuous rush floni thu living room und alurgurut lrfisltu uml john uurroundud us wo luid o coinu homo wu told nliu another looking 4tl una unuther with hulipy uiuty eyrs we just hud to ixiuhi home didnt wuf to whloh murguiet udded softly i hfnk whut it will muun lo inothui uud fut hui fill u if i w 11 behlu tolled told her o miirguiit they must huvo boon cillluu us mother uud futln tlu ir hunts in uut huvu hoop culling us uvoil tlumgh they didnt uuy u taioiuu hhe nodded aipl then shu hush ed tou h sj h ihuyru coming limn the living toom door swuug open und uud lii r uud futhur blood bufoiu us lor uu limtunt tbey did hot move or speuk nor did w i prayed fur thlul i huurd mother whisper thun wu ull uuemud tu have our uims u round onu utiothur tit unr with llttlu mary um und dick lu the midst of us uud theru wtru broken joyous trie wu vu oiiiu homo and ys durjjngu ynilwi lomu home not in ull my life ahull i forgot thu i duy ttw thanksgiving table with evuiy ilui t til i id muihur smiling ut uu from tiiu i mud uhd father beam ing on us fiom tbo foot thu marvelous lioim dlmmr whiuii chlou uud bum glorloualy iiuul to thu uux pentad sit boroio um thu heurtrejolclng af- lerilouu win 11 the liolglitmrg to whom f diii urrtvul hud sped cuuio swell thu i bonis of wo liio mu ig im no fnl uvi ulug urouud tlp n ah one hurt lo go honio to- siteh ihhjgh us itiomil of thu hearth 1 luokwl at the group gut hor nd uftur suppvi tun und thai uliueiy uiuiaces- wary fire futhtu nlaiidnr unit t und ntutuly u bruvo nnd iiolilu 1 uro ul novelty four mother fuli mi doll intuty uu u nina fudoh nwi t uti u roue too fur nil hur nnvonty wlnteni llio children alxiul them john und loilh uml my own dick all a strong olid fpank and uluan and lim maxiarul rudliint in hi r proud and g iiliwonnin hood the two grand hlllnn lltll iihk flushed and uleepy to my moth rs arms and little mury uu rosy chubby otlll wldu uwuku und brisht of eye- enthroned upon futlii rrf kino as i looked i know ihut i uw the ikist life halt lo rive i glunriml u ut dli k win ro ho sut houhlu me uud found his yi m wet if only id gone homo ut 1 hanks giving while rny own mothii uml futhur lived ho whlnporod woll initio to your home ovury thunkuglvlug us as long as home urn ml i llnluhod for i knew thut not even tho little brown housu wua really home 1 knew that when mother und fntlior wi r gum it would be only a plat u of einwy rooms homo la a living thing it im a uoul thu mo ii i of msrrlod lovi imxo that night i lajilod on moth- trs door und thun ont rod without walling for a reupousu hho hud not hoard my knork aha dd not hur irja come in tllm was kntollug bosldo her tmm and lr her wlilto gown her llttlu figure lookud like a child h llko i child too shu was talking aloud to find hhe wus giving thanks lo him for having answered hor prayer und hro ugh t hi r children homo it wuu thenr that i knew whal hud lulled me do you wonder thut utter reading this letter i wuntod to cry out lo ull of you who con oo hom oo home on thunksglvlng 7 lor everywhere the hearts of mothers and fulhtrs urn calling everywhere the little browi houses and tho splendid und htntely onos too ore besoeching you comu to us while wo urn ntlll ullvo und alivo with tho soul of thu lovo thut has mude us its dwelling pluco tho utlop cash and other assets it is a cynical shying of vdda accept ance that business is business by it tnon mean that you aro justified lu claiming youf pound uthlouh if it is so nominated in tbo bond it lu thu work- lug religion of every shylock whatever his race or creed or color hut there is another standard by whlih business men measura iiuul n- essjmay indoed bo business lu tho onao thai man have to earn u living but something besides cash is noceaa- ary to the accomplishment of uny great and parmanant success mr j ilerpont morgan somo years ago was ono of the wltnessun who up i mia red before tho congressional com mittee that is investigating the control and distribution of money lu tha groat financial centres is not commercial credit based primarily upon money or property tho attorney for the committee asked of him no lr mr morgan repliod first thing is character before money or property uefore money or any tiling money cannot buy it no turning or changing or roller of the questions could shako thu testi mony of this man whoso experience of groat financial enterprises is prob ably as groat us that of uny other liv ing person und who is himself tha most powerful single figure in tho world of monpy and credit mr morgan was not content merely to answer tha com mittees questions he amplified his answers and buttressed them with re marks that ha volunteered i know men who have nothing and yet they can borrow alt the money they want because people believe in them ho said men have come into my omco whom i know had not u cent in tho world and i have given them a chuck for a million dollars wo did not have to huvo mr morgan point out tu us the value of churuotur for it is known in every community since there aro men in every commun ity who hsvo put it to the lest but it is interesting and impressive to huve mr morgan say what he did because o the weight and authority thut be long to him thu unscrupulous man is worth only the market value of his fortune thu man uf character is worth thu murknt value of his fortune plus thu credit value of his character uiid that is often ten times us much one crop pays for farm with low priced farm lands and huvy yields of grain in alberta this y sumo farmers huvu been able to accomplish wonders in tho way of financing their farms williams bros of consort purchased a fur in in v full ul 1031 which thoy prepared for crop lust year and seed to whuut till yeur the report that the crop they huve taken off this full has paid tho expenses and the pumhuno prire of the lund in addition of the 83 000 000 acres of land suitable for cultivation in albortu only ubout d 000000 ucros huve ns yet toen hrbught under thu plow oood land can lie purchased from 1g to j 6 un ucru the pro- cu of alberta has hud this year i of tho largest crops in its history sorry for their kino ail i ngllnh profomoir who hnl in n u follow luliit hid friend of i iwuil vii whm ho was the li im of uup wuu up point 1 hoiuiiuiy pliyuii hui to hu mujtuty uhorlly uftn h l inio itllik th prfifcanor wuu v i y i nd of fhlwroudwliitnd bin hind nt lo know of trio honor onfrni upon htm ho he wrote upoi iho hlui kl iird in 111 lii unroot ii inifrkiir llulmr in plmmeil to inform his ulildinls thut in hun in en appnlulid honorary pliyuii lun lo 11 in mujohty king idward i he profisuor uhottly loft tho room und whin hu r ouimil to no i motlur iuhw ho coutuv nut uihlurtitiitnl wh thoy should i hi so mufb mnuil ut whin he bud writ tun iutor how v i tin dlnrovered ihut siime one hud i uro fully udtol lo hln unnouniotix nt tho following clod iiuva the king he was qualified irofoshor if a person in good hi ilth hut who imagined himself sl k uhould sond for you whut wuiild you dor medical htudnnt glvo hint some thing to muke him sick uud thin ml milliliter an uhtldotu irofossor dont wuito uny more time here hang out your shlnsla nkw lamp burns 9i per cent air beats electric or qas a now oil lamp that fives an amus ingly brilliant soft white light ovun butter thun gus or ieotriclty has bien losud by tho u h government und 36 loading universities and found to itu superior tu 10 ordinary oil lamps it burns without odor tmoko or noise no pumping up is simple clean safe burns 0 air and 6 common koromono coal oil the inventor k n johnson 240 crulg bt w montreul is n to ring to uoiiil a lump on 10 days i hkw trial or even to give ono khk13 to tho first uxor in each locality who will hulp him introduce it write him todn for full particulars also aik him to ox plain how you can got tho agency upd without experience or money make 1260 to 600 per month a useful dunce u iuit who lo 1 imyihliig w ink ii duy kll win nurul hottg i hln hi i ft a vi ry dull llnll- iiiklug mlir iimuiii tho axutt r lie in uih ii pi rf 1 dun do ni know iill lmerul hidltwlik jiiiiiii im ioii f tin inonl um fill mem hint t my uttiff iwnru i lirnue un ordur i ulwuyh imw jonrn iud ii if he tun kll what ii in u un i um nine th re run he no uimi that uiiyimm will mlhunieriilunil it more in his line r mu nl the in li nu i legnipny wua fu l ul on i alili ii ludy who guhhod the w ingtun hi fir ells tha tory hifortutiutely tho wdy tukn the inventor for hie had iiiim- omiiutrlut if cavallerla aim ext lalmed would lovi to hi ur yni play your beautiful i um zo 1iituliily murcoui repilud quick i uhull ho di lighted if you have wh i uu piano uuitl in o l choice clover honey six 10 lb pail injcfate price5750 andrew mepherbon nerval guelph business college offers uptodate clerical business stenography and ho- cretarlul courses by expert ex perienced teachers uludntits may entor any duy wiutb poil infoumation v d spbott rvinclpal internal and external pains aro promptly elived by db thomas ecltctric oils that it hu bcfm bold foh marly nttv vzajtl and 18 tooay a ofteater aculeft than ewxh mkmkf is a tcstiuonial that bpcaks fo m njatcftoua curativg ouautiea a flour thats at the head of the procession of pastry makers is the excelsioi brand it has a natural and earned right to take such high rank because tbo wheat from which it js made tho skill care and cleanliness used in its manufacture prove our claim that excelsior flour is the best made try excelsior flour today d h lindsay joix stheet acton ontario start early got your house and barn ready for winter we always carry a cumploto lino of builders supplies at low prices locks knobs latches hinges glass putty paints oils etc dont put off those repairs too late in the season w d talbot ihone 95 mmin street acton immmiiinribiiiiiiiiiiihimmnimi no advertising campaign it is not wise to speak of an advertis ing campaign you can accomplish any thing by advertising you can accomplish nothing by an advertising campaign either you advertise or you tloirt ad vertise the word campaign is too limited to describe this tiling you might as well speak of a breathing campaign or an eating campaign do not tbink of advertising as some- tbing to be done by fits and starts ifyou have any such idea take twenty deep breaths rigbt now and then try flopping until lunch time the successful advertising campaign is one that continues all year round iwiwjwill avujvj wr- y