Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 8, 1923, p. 3

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ffftg artmt jffrrf hria jy rituiumay novimuih k 1dj3 thanksgiving thoughts days win 11 iiomiiiir 1 it tirii ilnii rlonvn mi i vm iliim plat mill f ii til will 1 wr ji i iirtl i uriknulvii ufe in 1 i llm ut day ii in i wheal l hy thy lummy tuk ur ptulm ut hi letprluglug w wiir protected ir buy full und flowing joiful ijuy our 111111 unfit lifted high r rough tl durknena to the unlit to tn v und ours to elm riii h ili in memory lxyoiiil eight our kindred uml acquaintance i hy in hv u who iiuftily iituy uphold our pnnlmu of triumph ii on thin thanksgiving day murgurut ij rangstai how can the farmer deter mine the best variety to grow tim experimental lurmu throughou canada may im railed upun m give valuublo advice with regard to moat promising variety of grain iirow in tho district ur inuvliim which a glvan farm lu located the districts in canada however are so immense that only konerul infor- mutton regarding tlio bultublllty of s variety for u given district cult bi given by un experimental farm this 1b especially truo wlin u farmer has peculiar condltlonu on ilia farm than becomes imperative unit ha mako u further tout undur ms own tondl- llons in order to determine the wore which suits those conditions moat sat isfactorily it often huppns hat uimii physical peculiarity pf the district fnuanu a problem thut does not urine in u place 4 or 6 miles away hunt may bo had in u small ur now land may be coming undor cultivation it may b t hard to get variation with sutneient stratfgtli of straw on heavy wot peaty oil all these uvo local problunih that tho individual can solve for himself in tho following way writ tho near est experimental farm and and obtain information as to what varieties are likely to be moat suitable than pur chase ut least five poundu at each of these a greuter quantity hbwovcr would ba better mvo pounds la suf ficient to now one run of seeder about is to 35 rods ions i it is intended to bond down grass and clover with the grain u lb beat to block the out- slde spout on each end of tho grain drlkojyl drive eo that the wheel fol low the second drill mark instead of the first as hi normally the cast in this way the seeder will cover all the ground with grass seed and leave a 14 inch path between the varieties which are seeded during tho stowing period obqar- vuuon should bo made as ti tho be haviour of the variolic under test so that by harvest time a fair idea may be gained as to which variety appears to suit local conditions bast if considered necessary in order to be surer of the yield a few strips from b to 10 are recommended ouch one rod long- may be cut out of chosen row in each plot the heads ob tolned from these strips may than t threshed by hand and the rain weigh ed the weight of grain so obtained from one plot may be compared with that from another ta further evidence of the relative stand in of the sorts tests it does not take long tu cut the heads from a strip one rod laog nor does it take long to thresh and for the little trouble involved onu is able to determine what variety is most like ly to give greatest returns under the conditions oonaidered the experimental farms are always willing to give advice and whenever pr t c sol vlrii local variety problems do not hesitate to write to the nearest dominion expert mental farm when you need udvlce on a varloty for your district j q carl vraser tfereamrt pulpit versus choir differences of opinion between choir and clergyman are not as many perplexed musla committee can bear witness unknown in churches or to day but in our time such vnfferonoes seethe under the surface they are rarely brought before the congrega tion during the sunday service ou worthy ancestors so much more strict jhan ourselves in most matters of re ligious decorum were less scrupulous when first the bass viol replaced the tuning fork and later the organ super- seded the viol oldfashioned ministers not unfreqaontly voiced their disap proval from the pulpit in scriptural language these that have turned the world upsldawdowu are come hither uuo proclaimed ena clergyman mournfully rudfig to announce hi text on the conclusion or the reorganlsed cholrb first effort another of a njore out spokenly belligerent turn of mind thundered defiantly and the songs of the temple mhall peccuno howllngst- an interchange mildly renilnlntent of these du parted days took place not long ago ucoordlng to the newspapers in texas the minister sitting in the pulpit with an expression of attvnth dignity had listened to the liming of tho uaual anthem then hj ro and stated in a loud clear voice my tejfwlll bo and after the up roar wasceased m r a moment declared the ln- lerbod reporter of the incident the choir looked as ify4hpy had len fad ou persimmuns insteud ot peaches then they got together and the softest kind of whispers begun to talk it over as a result of the conference a slight change was made in the muml cl programme and when the sermon had ended and tho organ pealed forth the choir burst forth fccatxully now it la high tltnu to awake out of sleep huyirtg by the old home town the man who lofl lhr nmull town ton yeurs ago omen down u pig wlmn he cornea tuick vlalt mid hnda that limn of the boyw who ulayed right thorn in tho slow utto town uro today in ihssomslon of very ruloi t- ablo business intnrebts own their own homes 4ind are fairly well dutabllahnd they stuak to tlirt old pastura and let other hop out and try thu un that looked gren from the dlmlanco the new paatru may have lertn all it looked but there was a lot of picking in the old one loo tho man who ao- comptlshoa most lu the onu who as a general thing devolopm in his own ter ritory bofora melting up hla goods fur the next move wlikn major ollant wah yojno uy beat thunka are due to my old cronle who used to live in george town or tho loon of hla copy of last wonka hqrald i road with vorv grvat intercut the- following story from the lk of my lifelong old friend major uachlan j rant abput the roar ing game of curling bock in thu oariy days why i remember when l4iqhlnn grant camo lo acton owi fifty years ago u scotch laddie in his toens lie had a liking far the storekeeping business and clerked for charlie symon for year then ho and his brother jack now of llstowal commenced business together in thu old barracks block on main street a little later they took a notion to- ealj out and go to georgetown and in georgetown the major has stayed ever since today has one of the oldest citizens of that town and quite un oracle among the young folks qut i most let lachlan tell his own yarn about curling in oaorgaiown- here it la editor herald a one who attended the organisation meeting of the georgetown curling club i thought it might ha of interest to some lo know some of the objects of curling as well a some of the games early history in georgetown tho object is tofuralah recreation and entertainment by goo i clean manly sports and attain the ject set forth in the closing sentence of the following song composed by the kev p norman mcleod of scot land over forty years ago hut john mpelglil turned many a fine stone tit of ruck maple and mike hphght fitted ficm with iron linnillou unit wolghlb and they snado a fair nutidtllultt anil aturdcd heaps of fui owing to in- 1 riff lighter the urlnrs played a lonunr ten there ixilng liu diflli ulty tti ll in on the open pond tit moi of anton tmd the ountry- nlili win pluyi d lu thomt duyii thoulil not hint of ii inline u aflernno ut this i hi old ii trt nion km 111 uood antony i bo pinyurn i r iium ijichlon mcdonald ilnirlle lohn wullnoi mlh hpelglit uwn 1 utitl itenjaniln nlrkllu ll im rt cnut john ilolt holrtirk hwnti james ma tmwn wllllant 1 imtbrook hun ander son i cant rnmi mlnir wliethnr handy cirunt and the kunncdya unit the kel soa and trlggorsonji played or nol but i fanry thev would 1m in tho gumu with th other bnikh hearties i was too young wlxty yeurn ugl to piny but i rfiniinlhr the old wood en atoneu and 11 nclng them yearm afterward hiowix on the iwoini of the old flour mill i uikbh they vr a all burned when the mill burned down the last limn fifty yiuru bud i have the improbhlon thut it wna in alton ntter nil where ijilhlnn grant rot hie first lekbona in iirllng i mmotnliof liml he whm u irltlo awkwatd uml lack ed weight when he uund to try to play with the old iniya ou tho old mill kin it before ho went to georgetown c antons oldest rea tprtsamy 4trtciitlun work lit giving the u good many of th it n gohwt time on llal- niche 1 was glide- i nlcht it was frees n sneexln tak care quo the wude man o ynr cough a fig for the aneealnt hurrah or the freexlnl r this day were to play tho uunspjel on the locht tboo get up my aul leddy the break fast get ready for tho sun on the snawdrifts beglu- ln to blink gle me bannocks or brochan im alt for the lochon to mok the stanea glee to iho lee on the rink i the ice it is splendid it can mended like glass yo may glower on t and shavo an your beard and see how they galther com in owot the brown heather the servant and malster the tenant and laird theres brave jamie farlle hes been late amt early hatter curlars than him or tarn conn crntna oe wi the lads frae kilwlnnln theyll send tin btaues upluitln wl u whirr and a curr till they alt raun the too ts an uncolike slpry that balth whig and tory i maun aye colly bhang lo like dogs ower a bone and a denomination uro wit n tin in patience for roe kirk will thole to let ithors alone bpi in fine frosty weather lot a meet thesither wl u broom in their haun and a hooa d llkii parties like brithers will lovu brlthers agree 1 the touch op genius handy macpherson started to build a small qui house of brick- alfr the usual plan of bricklayers he worked from the inside and ua hu had the material olose beside him thu walu were rlttlng fust whan tiium arrived and with it his son jock who brought bis fathers dinner with honest pride in lilu eye humly looked ut jock over the wulf on whloti he was engaged und uskud lloo dye thing tm get tin imr famous foy titer but hoo tlue ye get oott youve forgot thu doorl ope glance round him showed hundy that jib son was right but looking kindly at him he said man jock youve got a grun hold op ye i yeu be an architect yet as suras yar feythers o builder the symbol us had decided at lust to make tho great avowal convinced ttuit a word would suffice to assure ills gitod for tune lis only laoked h beginning u beautiful poetic inspiring leg inning at last ha had found it presenting himself to the desired one und suddenly showing her a ring ho said my love for you is llko this ring it has no nd the young lady examined urn little gulden c i rule i toe uwhjle with i lisa attention and tbeti returned tt to him llk uy luyu for you she said u uiho this ring u lias no baglunlmr following the spirit of thu fore going tho early settlers in the scotch block took kindly to curling noli having stones stones they played with woodon blocks for many years mostly on utvwurttown pond and from all reports many huppy hours wern pent- amunt the early ourlers were lltu h larks mollsoun hanlys mlihle uhonks and others a silver medul was competed foi us a township unit dlstrlat trophy annually trwnt about 1h40 or i860 and your humble servant had the honor of being on the winning ring the last time it was plaed for in 18611 on the pond in oeorgetowh four rinks competed us follow t scotch rink georgetown hugh mc kay skip llobt young d iteld and f uurotay young canadians dr starr skip jos craig andy murray und frank taylor hootch u look a- nejl- boilsklp abe hturk john and a tor go ksrdy ttve fourth rink was a mixed one with willie shanks of imehouae mklp charlie symon of acton sajwly henderson 7th line and ut boy grant on the draw nollson beat starr und shanks heat mckay thu tlnal was between the two brothurs inlaw a great battle with much hunter and nulso and a close gutne the gmat wllhu hhunkm winning out llm lulu ctipl johnston was the tuaioitluii of this medal and it wus on uxhlhltlni lit mckay tiros window u few years ago it was inude of silver and us large us u fuirnixod auuoer cant juhuatons son is trying to irate its wltereubouta in 1870 the first covered rink was built and if you wlili i will lu unothur letter give you the uunies of the first players on thut duto i am yours stnoerety u grant major urmnte rcmlnlscunuee have started my old rumemburwr o work oil the same line curllim wus u greet gunin in acton at the time ho speaks of wtkrjiforence tg stawurttowu thj big mill ikind which w in thusu later days designate fulry lake was thw soeno uf great activity in thu winter 11 those barly times the uury hcotdl ourlers lu those days und xhetr ljig- ush und lrtsh fellowt itlxerim gut to bit not only interested but axpert in hoy urf ung denta i want li of the band youngsters ai oldtileru too a lowe ou nlgltt wrinkle hut it surely made a wane und jolly halloween for everybody all the fnlks every wh re ware happy that night y i was out right through the snow storm rheumatic and all the rnunuuerudera in the parade were happy the- people on thu ntroals ware happy the bund hoys were happy and everybody was in a jolly mood with no thought of the destructive and in- uapa work so often perpatrutod it wiib a contrast to thoao days when boys and young man tore up side walks and tore down fences capsized minull buildings und took apart team- biers wagons sputtering thu parts all about town when they went to the trouble to carry lumber rucks plooe by piece to thti roof qf tho so hoo i house and wit tho trucks together again up there wmnti they went eo flir as u pile ties and tonco rails on llm old i t it tracks rwmove parts of the shingle mill und tannery machinery nnd throw it into soma armors plow ed flold the world is surely growing butter and the leaders of the com munity ore dolncf their level best to guide the rising generation into saner plans for fun fun which does nb harm to uny one and does not leave u dark brown tasto in the mouths of the perpetrators of evil deeds next morning heres for lots of fun for everybody upon obne and innocent lines on all ou- young folks sporting adventures my thanks to the band presence of mind like many a brilliant man before and since his time tuohurd hrnulny irjdan had a hublt or resting on his oars a bit ton long when he thought himself tired then finding himself short of money ha would borrow thl hublt incnaued with his yearsi ami moreover his efforts to discharge hlw obligation grew less and iujol his reputation at last was such that tradespeople demanded cash on dellv nry s lien jam in itobort hayoon who woj himself woefully addicted to the same bad habit tells with evident glee two stories of a fellow sufferer a butch or one day brought a leg of mutton to sheridans house the cook took it put it into the kettle and went upstairs for tho stayod away some tlm lured the kitchen took off the cover of the kettle fished out the joint and wulked off with it but the laugh was not alwuys on sheridan a creditor whom he hud successfully avoided for some time camo plump upon him as he emerged from 1011 mall there wus no poa- slblllty of dodging but 8hridiyi did nut lose his presonco of ml in j oh sold ha thats u beautiful maro youre on dye think so 7 yes indeed slow does she trot 7 the creditor was pleased oven flut tered llm told sheridan he should see und immediately urged the mare to do her prettiest hut long before the animals best puce was reached shork dan had turned again into pall mall and was lost in the crowds righborhood news- town and country milton a thnnkrtglvltig eulipor and miiswal tnd literary piugraiuino will be given in the mothoilhil chur h on ihurmluy nvnnber lb llov dc hcott pfinr nto one of milton n unit will dellv i m ndifvaas mm alex jm wb lni been nti u wo rtiunths vlait her old homo in otlund haw returned homo a large partridge- aw tlinuili a piiim of glass in mrs jorlium u house on vletorlu aviiiiuk in ttli nday tho bird was no badly injured that it hud lu im killed mrs joliw agnew of mijlou and hi r later mlas h icaiilerbronk arrlvoil home uiat weekufter a visit of throo months in the west htlithon ilmdliy of toront forumr rhlof ronstuble of milton buffered u puralytln ntrokc u f w days ago und is lulttj helpless he hud been buttering from bhkid pmssurii for mnml time he j ubout 7ti ytar of ugi iast lvlday evonlng mr und mrs wm hume martin htret hold iv m- epoii lu honor vf their hon ir aeerge hume and his bride previous to their taking up their residence in ottawa where ijr flume la connected with the dominion geological burvny jack mackay son of hay w m munkny who is moving lo toronto this weok wus given a good sand off fine evening hist woek by uv students or tho milton high school oe atkons road un address und hob stewart pro- senlml lilrrl with u white gold watch chnin on behalf of the boys und girls of the school there was a large attendance of members last thursday night at a uncial meeting f ht clair masonic lodge milton with a number qf vllt- ors the meeting was called fur the investure of it w hro j m mac- kenxlo d d d m of hamilton dis trict with tho regullo- of his office to which he was elected ut the meeting of the grand lodge of canada in on tario at toronto hoformer burlington ftlamond cut diamond at the annual fair thut is held ut small town in llussla a gentleman observed a olpey and a iole haggling over the sale of a horse when tho transact lor w d over he asked the gipsy how ttioh he hsd got for the unlmul the gipsy opened his hand i showed a tenrublo note then worth about five dollars hut isnt that vory cheupt ho aald the gipsy the urse im lame the gentleman then sought nut in iole to whom hu said you have glv- i ton rubles for a lame horse tho iole broiled knowingly un rw- urkod hes us sound as you or 1 saw he was badly shod und that was all hes us lama us u twolegged stool iad him badly shod on purpose to nuke people believe that that was h onto rtfhla limp when the iole wus told this he leumed for a moment taken aback and hung his huud then he heaved u igh und shrugged his mhouldor ah well he said its ut right t wus a bud tenruble note ilev j 13 drown of new york la htopplng ut the iliruonage miss ivith r hopklna loft on iuusduy evening to take up four months pupil dlotltinn work ut cooper hospital camden n y comment ement will t held ut tho hurllngton high school on friday november 0 thirn will bo n matinee at threooclok and un evening per formance trf t6 the methodist sunday school will hold their christmas entertainment in the form of a banquet and christmas tree of the friday preceding christ mas december 1 professor b w iuraons m a ih d d d and mrs parsons have returned to rochester n y after spending a few weeks with mrs par sons slater mrs h w dingle tlio nelson nnd uurmngton agricul tural society will hold their annual banquet in to method t church gym nasium on friday evening november 30 a number of prominent speakers are being secured for tho occasion a id a musical programme will be rend ered through the kindness or mr george k waller goncrui superintendent or tho dominion power und transmission co lines tho radial cars now tnuke u stop ut martha street which is prov ing u great convenience to the real dents in that district fifteen entries have been received by u 11 fleming usa district representative of tho ontario depart romt ot agriculture in the public h peaking contest to be held in thu town hall here this contest connection jslththe burlington school fair mn thob green was a very sua issaii exhibitor at the dundas poultry oakville irin light liiiiihcci turtmml on ut n h iitutliin ilronto nnd in tho nf mr mil iitiillon iiiit und idi niuir intnl by tho family an i the puhlli in li urni d that mimit iirotectlnn ilbly n to wun hlng dm inn hail hint hultir number nf 111 tin glrh rime looking i undies the jupu n it tun i r of tn llroi uppn tliey nluo srved i huh potid thoy i fumy work i i jl ilif 1 uiki mid operated ml sco 00 th death itev h it r knok chur i itochenti r n ut the home of her olimi mm htuurt hubble muble murlu lb odessa ny where mr und mrn mlg hod imujii of mrs crulg wifw nig u former mlnlttur i 1 oukvlho ahd now i y took pluco lust woo hiltln mr uml mib ir hiiow ami two u have gone t kiighiiul wh ctor will tak a npmtlul nbt- tn i ourne thy will imi uliaent r elilit months und will jiuly g rmany and other ut six urmlii ah vhlt i iurnjn it has limin derlhid by the mlnlstor and oldolalh of the methodist church to rurry- on ovuitgallntlo aervlces in the mew litsk hull ufter the new your in these ervlny the christian work ers will ho nuhuuid by ax iollciemun ilrown the nottd now york nvnngallst linv uu j i munru preuahml in knox chun h mlllou on sunday and dclared tla pulpit vacant the mln- lslr ltov w t mackay who bus retired ufter it pustoruto of nineteen yeiira preochi d in oakvllle he wus int rim moderator of knox church when ilev jr muprt received tho call to this cliarue itecord the fair deal will prises heat oollectloti at the show three specials 2nd 3rd and 4th on cockerel 1st 2nd und 3rd on pulletii 1st on cock 1st und 3rd on hull 1st on brooding pan gasottu iiewt wtretlbago our employees for eight before i die tho rourln gstne only one pair curling- stooes in town al think thuro was real hmtci grunltc ftch gi t thut o endow before i die some sort of green plate whuru itttt street ur chin could blay crlokot all acces sories provlaert was one of th dreams of herbert jenkins londo publuhur ho begun life at ftfteen in u bookswllers shop he und an other boy used tu sit up half the night devouring books that boy wus thu pot john wusenj id walking to save u lie nny omnibus fure refusing un in- vltutlon to u river ploul because of a tdxpanny tullroud furi lunching on u bun fhlm lu the picture of hla early twnniies us lie huipy llms tlesiirlbed it in lull when ha wus ubout 30 his life of jnorgo uorrow tlrst bryukht him into public view lid has just died after building up u great pub lishing buslnens a legal tangle thu day was drawing to u uloso judge jurors wltuasses and lawyers era grwng wuury finauy the uuael for the prosecution om to examine utu dufeudunt icxaotly how far is it between the two tuwiht naked the lawyer ijn a weary vulie the defendant yawned und replied about four miles us the ry flow a no doubt said the man of isw you tn nun un the how cries the judge luuned forwatd no he e market suavely h niauus uu the fly crows then all thrie looked ut iuio unother feeling i hut soitiuthlhg wus erin mr wm turdcrt hllisburg fell from a high beam in his born last woek and received very painful injuries about the shoulders und chest mr edward harris uelfauntala has sold his farm on the 4th line col don west now occupied by mr donald ijjuok to mr duncan mcleod miss mildred lowrey illllsburg who lias not been feeling well for a good while was operated on for uppendl- citls un friday at tho itoyal alexan dria hospital at fergus mr und mrs j d ltltch huve re turned from u visit with relatives ut montreal miss hendull of slough england is vlltlng wltlt mr and mrs w ii laughlln culodon on tuesday evening of last week the barn und several othur small build ings on the farm of mr geo miller 8th hue brio township ulonf with the seasons orop was completely de- truyed by rife also three store pigs und h jiutobettjof geese and chickens per 1b bed in tho flames insurance it boo irs cupl meiklehum 6f toledo ohio and mrs hudd of suokuno wushlngt6n visited with friends lu town lust week mrs hudd is a duugh r of the late walter mulkluham und was born in hrli but left for the utillihl htutes with her parents when six years old tito laurusse club wus presented willi thu silver vup donated by mr h c ausuu for winning the honors in the krlncalodoii township la- orossu lrague lust week mr j h gibson presoitted the uup and mr w a itmrnesboltom manuger of the team mude a very suitable reply behulf u the club on 1 rldny last ttis proierty holders of the village of hduburg voted m buw to authorise the issuo of do beutures of the corporation uf thi township of erin for 19000 00 for tin purose of grunting s bonus by way of a loan to thu cuturuot eloctrlu ajid wore almost ununlmous iu their voles for the byuw the count of thi bullutu showing ei f the byluw an 1 id against mr thoa mcquarry has leased his form north of tho village to mr wes ley loader i mr l l mundell has contplated thi foundation and cellar fur u tlw houau lis has commended lo build on mul street ha enpiets to rlnlsh th fiwm work this year uml will have tho job ready fur tho hrloklayers and pluster- ers urty s the spring itr d a cutnurou uooumputiieji by his nephew mr lloyd cumeroti hud a delightful motor trip und visit with friends ut london thames vl ii wind sor uhd detroit thy report thu highway lu excellent uondltlon espec ial ly from qunlph tu windsor advo- that ja ull just nnw you ph uho traiibcrllxi tliiuu letters ut once mlas let dit they must get the next mall and mr porter swung around to hla desk and wus deep in his cal culations before tho girl loft the room hack at her own desk emily workod skilfully and swiftly she was careful und aucurute und liked to do her work well when thn letters wero finished signed itnd mulleti however she leuned buck with a high of pleasure from hr mut who couhl liwk out over tho city nwifs a fairy view lit tho late uf- ttruoon with long utnethyst ahadows und llonting plumot of smoke golden us mlmuet clouilhtntd the blue glint of the hurbor imiiiiui it all kmilys cyia grew dreamy hhe longed to write u poem utxiut it pbtuntly ho wrote down lines itnd phroaes she wus startled by the voice of mr lunu the treasurer miss leeds cun you tell me any thing ubout account hoc ut i cant find it in the indux mily started up ut once during her vucutlon hr substitute had ployod huvoo with the curd indexes emily hod not yet htralghtened them out ill tin i it mr lane she replied and five minutes later alio triumph antly unearthed it mr luna took it with u growl you had bettor get those things in order us soon us pos sible hu rcmarknd emily wulked owuy with heightened color thoy expected iter to undo an other girls carelessness and do herown work tool still of course it hud to bs done unmu time and her vary anger made her work mom quickly fortun ately no calls interrupted her uqd by five o clock she hud finished the work now i hope thur ii be peuee she suld to herself heally it was u com fort to have it done to morrow aha could bring her keats to road in odd moments she was utterly unprepared for tho blow that fell a month later ijalf- stunneu she stared at mr porter hut but i do my work well she stammered yes ha returned bluntly whal you do hut you havent beu square a can mny dride the road from llnkennl to iioe in cornwall pnsseh by ht koyim tin wafers of tlinswell ut thla pluce hw sobs u wonderful property iicrordlm to thomas fuller who iiayu whethr huhhunl or wife i tm tlrst f drliiu ihereor they gel tho mastery th r by i mr sidney heath in bin illurhn i ifo lu the middle ages wun thut hoiithcy imipnrtallxed thin fountain in his ballad the well of ht ktyui a well there wan in the wuut lountrlii and u ohurer urn never wum m on tin re is not a wife in the wtnt imin- trie hilt has heard of flio well of ml keyne jtha batlud uiiuh iii to relad that a traveller sitting bralle tho well met u ountrymun with whom he bud u long chut ulxut un tradition you drunk of the water i wutruiu betimes he to the rountrymun buld hut the ooutilrymuii smiled mi the stranger poke and sheepluhly shook hla head i hastened ult idilluif she took a imttlo to very simple the graphic accuracy of til herotl remark gives this story from tho bel- fust nrrvvb high value aunty so you took your fbft dunn ing lesson today did you find it dlf rtouitt wee nephew no m its ny nougl all you have to do is to keep turning round und wiping your feor how an elephant was weighed in india thpy crirn tell u hinry of hh ihjl a ulndu prime h on i or i in it islon hhowtxl lihnf aluioit lii clevt i an atchjnii d i a hlith ulllclul hud mad n mw llm h wnilil llslrihuto to tin p tlio wijuin of lilu own tliplmiil in itllvi iniiii uut how should hti i o iiimiiii it in burn what the weight t 111 wm f ai li iuriid uml t it ver til u of iii ioul labored in uin lo coitutruct i mat llii of inillu lent htmiktb to w ijj ih el phuut at ifiikili hliuhjl i nmn forvyuri un ujgmlnl apluii that wum sm hlmple iih ll wun liiginlouw lie euusetltlvt un wl dy unlrnnl to b timducted alum ii nt if npt lolly made for th ptlr- ponif into a flutbottnined boat tin having inurknd i the imiui the height to which the water r n hod after tho nhphant had weight it down he had lhi nnlnijtaa out and ntnni nub uiltuttd irtttiincit ut quantlly u sink umi bout in the numu line thn utoiius wt re then taken to tin ut ulna and weighed inn by one thlui o tli udmhullon of the ourt hhahjl-dla- tovemd the trun wiight of the ele iiliant the gift of the ex jtnm wus leillng whbl an uxu lltnt took his wife won sinlttt ixiunltd that hla- wife was a upltndld dr hurnuker nnd rtolilnnon proudly ututud that hlh wife wun an unusually rlv r nrjiut hrowii wuu not to be outdotm no lu r marked my wifn imjiureat linguist no tine bemtd nrebjiel tlnru wiiii u tnomauts hiiouci then niblii- hon pokn up humph he exclaimed they nil whistler did not care one mm late james mcneill wlilitlr die inmolni artist went into i jjhkioii hut itho he uood there liireiiinlt d au the dark hud taken his ti tt to ittmthi r part ot the ahop to niutth li ah he leaned idly against tin iiiiulir a man rushed up to hrtn look off bin mt lllruut t into whntt- h in n i ii inl bxclnlmrd lu ungr ik lii i want you to undorstund hi it i know nornoltilng uloui hats jiut i inuut ibut this hat doesnt fit in vwilhtlr i o ok ml ut the man with inl rt ut tin ii ho nmllod politely iiih imt tho hat on ho said and ih unary lunu did so whistler took- oi him iiv i critically from head to- font th n lu his peculiar drawling in aid quitn iluht tiulle tight sir it does not lit nlther ilium your coal and furthtirnuit ynir waistcoat is too large iintl your trousjirs are a horrible color after whlntlur wi nt out it took thai proprietor half an hour to convince the linui hut it wus not on of the clerks wh had inrnikrd him just sorrowed it l ho doctor tailed on u man who was 111 uud told the wlf that she must put him into u recumbent position a what doctor a nnumw poslthjn said the doctor as boon au he had gone she went to a neighbor and aald mrs brown oould ytip lend inn a recumbent posi tion 7 hut mm tot ii van dntermlnod not to uliow hoi ignorance and answered i in very norry my dear but 1 vo just lent mine jo mrs smith hours u day und w expect tham to give us a squure deal thoy must be oil thete for eight full hours wo don t pay for poetry und d iy dreams they dont belong to this business fr wo want eight hours work nd you havent da live rod tho goods miss leeds with a sinking heurt frolly turned uwuy it vas true alio could not dony it and suddenly through hor humllutlon she caught a glimpse new deal a sure reminder time i somewhere was u lupid yuung muu uud kept very jute huur he wus going u long journey und oit bidding farewell to his beloved said tu htf uurllng when t um fur uwsy will you gmss ut yundur slur evnry night and think of mr i will lndid douruut uliu replied if i deedsi anything to remind ma uf you 1 would tjinusu hint very star why di si 7 he unkud i uei ause it la always out en very lute ngaf night anil haiks uu iiule to thv i luorulug the tallv8tick ihmny und huth vforo breaking stick uud tossing them into thu grate thuy blase up and make things look so shiny 1 exclaimed ruth to grandfather i otijoy thn bright blase too said gruitijfuther and while watching you brak btlcks it have thought of the time whan i was a little boy and used to try and try to mkko two sticks brtuk lu uxuotly the aamo shape could you noyer do it7 uonny usked never grundfather answered in the longago duys nth ku that were culled tullioh wero ubd for keephuf uocouuts the tully wus u plain stick in which noli hc or other murks woro out thesu antclm showed thn quan tity of goods uohl or tiie amount of luuuey loaitul the tallystick wus used in many bin in us transactions when thu murkv op the tally worn uitfaotory lo both the buyer und thu seller then the sticks wm split down the middle ami the buyer took onu pieie itnd the seller the other liy and by wh u the time for puy- nt cuma whoever luul the piece held by the debtor wun the one who onuld claim the money it is said thut thor wus never uny dispute ubout u nmitm claim because two sticks navur briuk in exactly the salllu aljupu if thu two pieces tho broken tiillysllok tallied o fur ther proof wasxkked what juer bookkeeping ilenny ssttd it was u good way said grand father n c says the boracic in infants delight adda the hygienic touch that keeps thesidn healthy and attractive trill iae mraily use u infants delight tbilet soap 1 ysatlatmimmilaliailmstf a literary betrothal inm riptloim lit- t omplintentary copies of uarilnd works do not always serve thu graceful purpose to which one dotllcutud by th celobruted professor wuhoii of ldinburgh whnni thu hultiir for tbu huud uf professor wiihoiis daughter hail gatu- ud thu young woniunm approbation shu of uourse tefertud hlu to hr futhel having btuttmj his cae the youuger gentluiuuu wus usked to bid tho young lady to inoia to hr father liar obtdieocs with proniltt probbir wilbon had before hint fot review u ponderous volume on the flyleaf of which was duly lu- hirihod with the authors compli ments he tore this flyleaf out pinned it to hla daughters dress solemnly led her to the uuxiuua lover- und wen bunk to his work mile long train the worlds reiord for lovluthuit lin train wus shuttered by tho ciui- lan put irin itullwny one mite in igth a tnouster train of 1j5 curlourib whettt wos tipnintnd over the c p 11 lline bttwtteu hloughlnn uud aroolu huuntchnwuii retuutly the content the i urn weighed g bea tuns which h u tare of j 3h0 tons made s total wulkht hatilud by u slnglu engine of 7 04fl totim tlio gjeat sti ing ul cars tainnd nii 135 hush- eki ef whett are you going to get your share of the christmas trade theres some food for thought mr merchant are you going to tell the buy ers of acton that you havefull christmas supplies or are you going to let some s one else entice their trade away y may have your shelves packed full of the best christmas stock you have carried in years but if you dont tell the buying public about it through advertis ing you will get passed by for some more progressive merchant who believes in telling of his fine stock from now until cbristmus readers of the free press will be watching the rjidvertitfing columns of the paper to tell theili where to btiy their christinas gifts to advantage will they find you inviting them to deal with you or are they going to pass you up if you need help in writ ing your advertisements we will be glad to assist you make sure of your share of the christmas trade mr local merchant wfbj

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