Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 8, 1923, p. 4

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i- 1- the home of 1p irtmt 3fivee tyteeb kly jl ird to i wlu tin acto i utr iurs i f mill slrl suict tf ilal pjd is itulkmlcd advrktis1m intcrtran anil i pf qucal lohftlon xlnnlraf 1 in 1 unlitx ubacrlplion ar i lbl ultcttim 1 1 cuc d ii ifv c a pil telephones- edatorud eed dubiocm osc rettilcace of iviii anniauco day remind of obllffauontf numbers of places throughout canada might well say with the ncwmurkct era the upproach of armistice day malcci us hold our bonds in shame to think that nothing yet has been done to rccognrc in some suitable memorial tho men who hove laid down their lives in flanders while we enjoy freedom irom german despotism let us hope that another armiiitico day will not puss before our memorial will take definite torm thanks to tho generosity and enterprise of our citizens acton does not come in this category our splendid soldiers monument is admired by nil and it is aiitting memorial to our soldier heroes who fell it action s jljuebecs liquor law very deficient the muchlauded government control act in the province of quebec is evidently hot accomplishing all the premier claims for it at n meeting of the pro hibitionists of the province at montreal the other day a number of resolutions for attention by the government were passed amortg these ero re quests for more rigid enforcement of the law con cerning the one bottle regulation of sales to min ors and to lonvictcd1flebnatcs to prevent mail ship ments of liquor into dry areas for cooperation with the united states authorities to frustrate rumrun ning bootlegging quite a lengthy programme and every item deserving the urged t attention of the government and its officers thanksgiving ims thursday morning november 8 1023 editorial halton county has 10000 lesa to raise the officials of halton county council have been notified that the highways department of the pro vince has discovered an error in ithe charge against the county in the expenditures on provincial high ways of slo453so this reduction of the mdebted- ness of the county may well be applied to reduce the county rate chargeable to each municipality in fact that would seem to be the proper course to take inasmuch as this 10000 of overcharge has really been levied pro rata on the nine municipalities of the county protest against abbreviation of the name christmas the abbreviation of the name christmas is ob jected to by many to use the name in tho abbre viated form would seem to be a reflection upon this most sacred of all anniversaries the retail mer chants association of detroit hasstartcd a cam paign for the general use of the correct spelling of the word an appeal sent out by the association to all retail stores in the city reads as follows christmas is without a doubt tho most universally observed holiday in the world and there is no reason why the abbreviation should be so generally used wc believe thai this request will meet with a ready re sponse from all members of this association and we trust detroit business men will establish a rule be ginning this date that the word christmas must be spelled out in full in every instance this action will have many supporters not only in detroit but the world over the sane liquor law of quebec j a mccausland m p p for somhe tor onto took it upon himself to tell a crowd of montreal people the other evening that by christmas of next year ontario will have a sane liquor law such as quebec has the present premier be said will give the people what they want that parts true enough premier ferguson is a wise observer of the times and be knows as the majority of electors in ontario know that the people do not want any such liquor law as they have in quebec and they have said so repeatedly with no uncertain sound mr mccausland has evidently failed to get with the people of the prov to ascertain their views but premier fer- nson knows them full well in many cases accidents to motorists at highway craastngs ovcx railways are due to the negligence of tfmac driving cars this negligence is to be found boffa at unprotected and protected crossings the canadian national lines from may 21 to september 21 1023 show 38 cases where there was danger at protected crossings due to the negligence of those jailing the crossings all but one of these cases were atae to the carelessness of motor drivers notwith standing safety devices and cautionary signals people take chances and disregard safety motor accidents are becoming more frequent every sane motorist deplores this if accidents are to be lessened the sane motorist mnst educate the culpably negligent rrjotor- ista some of whose actions are recorded in the list referred to from the canadian national railways retttrns great britain moaum for expremier bonar law in a very unique and striking way the grief of the people of great britain for the loss of a pillor of the state was manifested at the funeral of the late bonar law the pallbearers at the obsequies in westminster abbey on monday included tho prince of tales representing king george rt hon j h wbitley speaker of the house of commons the earl o balfour former premier h h asquith lord fitzalao lord carson lord bcaverbrook austen chamberlain and j ramsay macdoaald labor op- position leader in tho house of commons thus bout the bier were grouped the heir to the throne tho acknowledged representatives of traditional line- igqftnd conservative policies ef the ancient and reformed religions of the hereditary depositaries of that whigism which gave britain its modern freedom the champions of the radicalism of the present day and of canada from whence this great citizen of tho empire came tho man or galilee unites all diverse factions of a great people in the hour of national mourning and common loss editorial notes six hundred and fortyrvc rural schools in on tario have an average attendance of less than ten pupils tho consolidation of sections would surely mean an advantage to pupils in such schools as well as to the community cooperation between canada great britain and the united states in giving assistance to inland revenue officers in checking the operations of inter national traffickers in drugs is an arrangement just effected which will have salutary results the debates of tho next session of the house of commons will bo richer for the presence of hon t a crcrnr of marquette man after a years absence from the house this western statesman will bo cordially welcomed to the resumption of parliamcn- arrangemcnts are being made by- the provincial government for tho erection of a monument to the late sir james p whitney the project is a worthy one and will havo the support of politicians or all shades sir james administration was worthy of such recognition it is gratifying news that great britain has decid ed to back canada in its development work the british government will bring down legislation at the coming session of parliament to make effective its offer of credit for development work in the dominions and crown colonies wo all knew there was a nigger in tho woodpile pardon jcoal mine the american coal commis sion appointed to investigate the coal situation has reported that wholesalers have been taking profits at the rate of over two hundred per cent over their prewar margins while retail coal dealers have been taking less- carle ton place canadian hon g s henry told a deputation from oakvillo which asked for a special night traffic policeman the other day that the government is considering a changoin its method of policing highways which will leave tho work to municipal officers instead of special highway officers as at present this may be just as satisfactory hut it will entail much work upon tho municipal officers new motor law to protect human life thc nw minister of highways is determined to put l atop to reckless driving on our highways hon mr- henry has announced thut at tbo beginning of the year there will cqimo into force at ot govern un the conduct of motorlsta on the highways which con- jajna some drastic sections a man aonvlctcd of reckleas driving or driving over fprty miles an hoir fe w 8 to j wi c thoonc who doca not return to tho aceno of an accident this looks drastic id the minister when making his an nouncement but the legislature thought that wc have reached the stage when oomething ja needed to arc for htfman life such if the law and i have jbyery reason to believe thaht will be administered mtmehrhe continued and ho calledr upon his hearers to beyleadora in campaign to bring about gooperation nng motoriita to enaure tane motor ing- in u tht hon mivhenrfto jo be commanded metorjiti generally will appreciate hir action and jftmm jgludly cooperate to secure a cessation of the foolhardy speeding of which soroo motorists are at a mens banquet at port colborne the other evening a prominent military man a leading citizen gave expression to this sound bit of philosophy the man is g poof specimen of citizen who is capable and successful in business who still la unwilling to shoulder his sharo of the towns public responsibilities or to help in local welfuro work he doesnt appre ciate what are tho real things of life and so say we and just 09 emphatically the consolidated municipal act of 1022 provides that the council of any xownship may pass bylaws for granting a prize not exceeding 10 for tho best kept roiidajdc farm front and farm house surround ings in each public school section in the township and for prescribing the conditions upon which such prizes may bo competed for and awarded thjs is a good idea that councils should encourage for improv ing the appearance of homesteads would inevitably resulti x ny jiroolamntlfin of tho government mauttyy next will be observed in mil j ml 11 1 011 us a day if special thanks- gitlng for tlujufliiy blessing f ors of lh past your this 1m a custom that u 1lk1 ty itfuiiy of our imoplo thp cxtltor putior in mumkoku tall aalaa mul 1roam1 that tho ahurchoa of lira brlil bo wuro niloil t hip dour with layout wnralillfir un thunklvlii ny 1i nwoko imwdver to hurt thut itin rhurtilio woia ull but tuiipty hlul nrmrly ovorytmmly imil tmie imi lo iry uixl kilt nomothlna k i lrtbabw tlml rnumr will not mwnit tho iluy n bruhfuily mt they houhl think of ii 111cro ly um a seoulur holiday ilia ulilaf i mint of fntcrot contarliitf in aimrt or in the illnnar whoro tha traditional lurkoy jrracoa tho board lut many will roootfiilm it aa a tlmp fur m- founllnr oermnnal and national favor mid 110110 can do o tlioushlfully with out fooling of inrar ratltllo naturally it bohoovta all thoughtful nlilvcnm of thi favored and bromoar- ou country to imuo and niodlialo upon th nuiaona havo far ilvhiif thanka plrat of ull liorlmim hat whloh im uimormimt l nilnda and heart of all la gralltudo fr a fairly good and bountiful iinrv0r tind thta u perhuna ktclully o lit ontario tha earth la iorda and thr fullnoaa thereof mn hull aiindy aoatlared bountl- tulb fi wrtly out barn ara flllod with 0l in tho mutter f dutlonal wealth wo tun only think of the word of the iutlmul tlod bath noi dealt iu with uuy nation tho natural reaouroaa if canada ara fahulou and aa yat undeveloped our rhino foreala ruh- erloa and agricultural wealth ore be yond calculation a country of uutkouudod and undoveloted youlth la itoimiri to become tha home of mnnv million in tha next ganernilon amid oil the national blaaalnaa that are our and which are io apuattm rvon in thaao tlay when ao many na tion ar troubled and torn let ua nut bo sullty of the wo ret of alt national crime that of foruettlna ood thu i not a aermon or a homily yet it might imj welt to turn to the book of deuteronomy ii th ohanter and read iho iroalamatlon of thankartvlna 1- kiirxl by momi vomr thirtythree hun- drd yaara ago at a tarlod in tliu national life when the eotle were aa much inclinod to rorgec god um aro amo in canada rbdoy o la the natural objective point for averyona at the tha nkag wing nu- uany home will be happlor be- cauxi of the happy re- union and iattullon whloh are- aaooclated with ho observance of this day widen the circle wo thut it may include at your dinner tahja your boya ahum who cannot go to hla distant home to be with hla own teople on the happy day lat your daughter tnvltt or two 0 her girl frlenda to ahare tlwnkaglvlnf with her with gratt tude in uur hoarta let u all remem ber at thl thankagivlng time havloura worda inasmuch tm ye have done it to ono of the leaat of thi ye have dona it unto me we are porhap oldfoahloned hut wo beluive the cuatom of former year warn a good one that in whloh the people gnlhered in their repectlvo place of worehtp on the day appoint ed und apent an hour in aong and peech mingled with earneat thanka- ulvlng for the jeraonai and national bloaalnga of the year come yi thankful peoplo come ltuuo the bona of hurveat home all u aafely gathered in kre the winter atorm begin an aovtntuhb wtth a stb ull ualnb hy ui 11 my hi ml mu un hl lioti 1 um fibni llllllllliu ll aim ih ami li ii h h um id lo inlp fl d mil 1 km fin hu mhh ll wiin vmy l lid 0 lln 1 iki ittm hi 1 iivm uloiud 1 whll ii f 1m 1 in tvtmt nil nir ulali fllw wi 1 wl nyiinhrt aid nun full lln i ami huinn him hu triivil nuvmi tiilb una 1 1 mi- mihimm 11 in rtmurk bill ll by avi 1 turn to mil i it the drv rot of potatoes tho dry rot la common in to rod polatoea laat winter it waa very prevalent in collar and store house in western canada and caused much loss it la the most common cause of atoruge rota in western canada dry rot goo deep into tha potato the murface of the decoyed port la u white rkrahty gronrths ore often present when the potato is cut open cawllles ara often present in the decayed part there is or which ao- ompanlea rota- citused by bacteria the dry rot is caused by ungt whloh enter tha potatoes through bruises or unda the threads of the fungas grow in the tissues of the potato and cause tho rot tho whit mouldy growths on the decstjnd ports ore the throada of tho jungu whloh have come to the surface and which pro duce millions of spores seeds these spores may cause rot in sound potatoes if they reach a place whore the skin is broken dry rot does not usually attack potatoes before digging- but rather when they are placed in cel lars or store houses the dry rot fun gus may live in vegetable matter in tho soil and tends to increase when potatoes are grown year after year the best means to prevent losses frtjrn the dry rot is to avoid bruising or injuring- potatoes in digging r in aturing them all the rubbish or old dried potatoes should be removed rrom the cellars or store houses before the w crop is stored it would also bo advlsuhle to apruy tho wails aod other purts of the store houses with a solu- o bluustone 1 hj bluestone to 10 gallons ot water potatoes should not be grown in the same field yield after year but othor crops should be od so that the dry rot fungus will i increase in th soil the dry rof develops much more rapidly in warm and moist air so potatoes should be plucttd in cool und dry storage soon after digging the cellar or store room should be kept as cool as possible without dunger from frost cool stor age is perhaps the most useful means uvold losses from dry rot i about 9640 degrees fahrenheit the best means of preventing dry rot is briefly us follows 1 select good seed from healthy hills or from fields that show no dls- a want seed in fields in which po tatoes have hot been grown for several years ilandlothe potato crop carefully id injuries rs to uvi 4 llemuve ull refuse of lost y crop from cellar or store house 6 jlaco the potatoes in dry cool atoruga soon af tar digging w i frasar officer in charge domlnloi papt iatbologlial laboratory bas- kutuon bask dr sherwood eddy says that germany la now in a worse condition than any country of the world not excepting russia prance he thought was tho moat prosperous nation in europe frances aim ho declarcdi is to secure the dismemberment of ger many no better conditions to ensuro war in tho next generation could possibly be devised than those lit present obtaining in the relutlons between franco and germany it is sincerely to be hoped that the coming conference of nations will brjng france to ee that tbe i really acting iho part of a ere brand she qot that one hiqht emily was u dear little oldfashion ed baby foui years old she pronoun- ed her words very distinctly but fre quently moused them this was e poouhy true the lluftsiu commercial declares iu regard to the names of her hieal which she often confused one day whan she hd come td the broakfut table with the statement that sho was hungry for supiier her mother hcutne u llttl impatient now kmlly she old this u rid culuus you must leani the namoajkut the tneuls ami use thorn properly when you huv been asleep all night gut up and dress and oome down stairs what meal do you haver oatmeal mamma wu tho jnno- nt jreply the 0h08t and the meat we have all heard of tha krench hoolhoy who asked to translate into krishull the kvench of to be or to t evolved this- to was or hot to um another aoboolboy has equalled till translation ucoodhig to lb iondun chrmiluht in recovering from uennuu the tost tho spirit indeed is willing but the nosh is wuuviln the form tho ghost p of course is ready but the mofti is feeble 1 bruiul buitks as bit wnii liit llinn m un f inns dibiis in y wnii tbt wifii d wild nil iiik nnd rtlfiilftt in- lliiliubl with wlillnfintltni uf tin pih h ih woum bring nl hn illy minukyittil ah nl nl ill iiiilik yp dkteiird iiiik hi wild h in ihmihlii im m ml myniplniii of pink tyi ii vir to i hu slioi u ll l l hi ill his miulilu illmnutuiliid iijtcit hih lja fillow iiulolly mid imililid him io ii poal ills limn was not at hinl jiml tlldh anil ilymsnii im bhxt lii hiw lb atitr mi itijoolloii hiiiiii ah hn iipiniiiiid wild tin yila ihi biid took it lulu llllll bul hi kin in im ik froln ihn ndlng 1bl tliy gullopuil uwuy in llm hlnjluial if aplills und frlkd hihiiii um yull with lliuli tails high ui lf itttlph uuvo ihti iuii un liijthlliiu in tin- lunw and i in in d him oo tin tlvidhikit of lb uthtr hhiillllic unlhltil ttnil wlion ituljih nllpitnl the lopo from ills iktrnh im flat p ill lad biuwfunil titan i u h0id fin ward wllh u loud hfuow ityvmon bud no idea tfiut llm beuul was ivully itngry and turiiot ualilo to toll up th itulut hllddenly im flt himself huiltd into lh ult th l bail ohiirgod him ilulidi fall hi around wllh tlllnl lliut jurrad breitlli from ida lung kortuguti- ly tbtitstedr ovirruu blm mid loiild no mire him lulph liahd lo his fiil only o suj thi stnor mtiuv cliaruliitf at him ugitlr as be on mo on with lowered bend itnlph sprang lo ono aide und tliu griuit heud wlthjts cruul horns grafted his log tin looked oimjui for ills horse but wo so mo dlaiuiion away icvld- mitly tliu stum pod o of the tiltlu hud fxoltnd it too itydraon wu in nxiromn purl tho snubbing post was hi only mfugo lit dxlfid tn hind it und kipl it 1 1 woo n bbni it lid the uhurtflntf eleer tho iwual loiiod puwtxl the ground uiul i mnn ut him dellberntaly to dis lodge him tho creature wits thor oughly aroused its jlps were fourg- flockod upil its eye worn savage korluimtely for hyerson the cuttl i ut thi fliomtnt came galloping xjp tliu yard it was itulphs optxrtunlty as they charged past he moiximi tho lull of una animal und ran with it thut suoaied to dlvrt tbo uttontluu of the infuriated steer from thi man to ho other steer und he olmrgixl after 1 1 tho two animals camnto- gothor with u crash ttfat knocked tha one tn whloh hyersan was clinging to its knees it quickly recovered itself and the two anlmajs began to fight ityerson ran to his horse mounted it took his blacksnako whip und se parated tho two steers but it took a long tlma for tho cattle to get quiet ed down and resume their foedlng to this day llolph ityerson carries a scar in the fleshy part of his thigh to re mind him of his adventure numok ku0 lih6 li rumor 7 a llu lb i is u dollbuiulo n a riiinur tuny im ultlmr ll limy lunk iihhu ihui igln in u wlvi id in ui- mllll iii i of whli h is lixuok sl 1im ivar tbn 11 pirp i vly fr islu alld if ulritim- t whai- iiiimtly ii usi rmiui imvi im illsiimitiuh a war rumor i lanm hod siiiiiiiwhri uiul tliu world in 411 hour is all agog und if it be uulhorlfitllvfly orreotftd hlfut liurtii is done und in u t k morn duys wn imiiglni wn liuur tbo buglt blowing ihnlpiuskctry rutlllng mid iho war stoixls italgblng not only is suob tliu iunk but liuslni i hullod mar- uoim uit duprnsmod n k nuiauatii ull is uniurtulli un 1 11 the truth i tor llh countehfeiter6 foiled to foil forgers a new type of bank note has been designed for issue by tho hunk of ireland which it is claim ed cannot be counterfeited the yocrot has in tho selection uf cortaln shudos of green and liluo which fall to register when photograped thus rendering it impossible for forgors to duplicutn thn engraving exactly tbo how notes uro available in tho denom ination of onn pound sterling- tho central design con sin is of u large qvui waring the word one surrounded by u sunrise effect made up untlrely of tiny letters spelling one pound thn rnvarso koeps tbo iuixui cokirlnu but leslgn la a star with a plc- turesiiun re presentation of fcrln tho mout unrlant name for ireland and rays composed of the words itank of ireland teaching teacheh it was on arduous task for the teacher to drill into har youthful pupils tho principles of arithmetic now listen she void in order to im subtracted things must in of thn sajnii denomination you cant tako thrtut apples from four peaches uur eight marbles from twelve buttons it at be threa apples from four apples and so on do you understand most of the children seemed to grasp tho idea however one little young ster in tha class raised a timid hand imouso teacher he inquired could you not take three quarts of milk from two cows f whats your verdict weve asked that question of any amount of our customers who have tried excelsior flour und without exception wo have been assured that it is the bebt pastry flour they have tried weve put the best of everything in it to make it the finest flour procurablcran we kn u customers say for if a full line of feed and seeds always on hand clearing auction sale farm stock and implements the undersigned has received in structions from e cripps 4 son to sell by iublla auction at lot 2 cession 7 fcrnmosa town line on thursday november 8 1023 at one oclock sharp tbe following 1 1ohseh 1 bay harms 1 1 years 1400 ths 1 brown horse b year 1460 liiil bay mure 11 years t sorrel horse is years cattfis 1 roan cow t years with calf at foot ir not previously sold 1 blue oow due in february 1 rod oow duo in kebruary pure broil 1 red cow due in april 1 jtuuteln cow due in july 3 heifers rising 3 yours cnlvos 1 baby bef 1 il pivousiy sold viqh amd hiihici b tloom owes 3 young sows 11 plgm weeks old 4 puis about 136 nu each c pigs about iso lbs each impcmknts i leorltik binder t foot out 1 masseyharrls mower k foot cut 1 jdeerlng ruko 10 feet 1 masseyllarrie see i drill 19 o 1 manure spreader tudbnpe anderson 1 dlso 1 oultlvjilor 1 wilkinson plow new 1 toliuri plow 1 turnip sower 3 sourrton 1 liow 1 t iron narrows i turnip pulper i chatham faimlng mlir 1 set wugon srulus 3000 ths 1 out platform siales hoi lbs 3 vugons i etonehout 1 set sloop slolgbs- new 1 sot bobsleighs gtuvol but 1 puttur now llrookvllle make 1 planubog nutter good as udivj t rubbortlro buggy roller bearings h tiuy and atook mok l nat rank for sleighs nutter quantity f rope 1 crow 1 safety hoist with 300 fetit pure ma nil is rope 1 liuckoye hlrtitther oomplata i single stretcher 1 soollou grinder j inif svpurutor capacity t0 um root fork scoop shovel barley fork b ttiunure forks 1 stool hutumori 5 lung- hundlnd shovels 1 spado 1 sledge hummer 1 log- canthook 1 steel splitting- uo stone hook 3 turnip knives 3 hoes pitch forks uhuliis sheep shears watering an buggy whip 1onrtess hre extinguisher int of hoavy gate hinges blmltir whip fence wire nattle chalnsi scythe dasl- churn tslay hum butter print butter bowl strainer pall eta launihu 1 set heavy team hur- ntss 1 set single harness 1 pair buuvy hoise blankets some extra col lars hay chain uooth ani towi- l tons clover und timothy hay 10 ions sweet clover 400 bushels grain if not previously sold some turnips und mangolds s dosen grain bags bout 40 hens and some chickens positively no reserve tlcumtf ok balichunm of iu 0u und ui1r ush over thut hiiiotipt 1j months rdlt sjlvwi uipvtd joint notes lx pr mmuni on for i ash hay grain roots and fowl i ush utoro pigs ami baby tmuf 3 months rov hindlbv auctioneer 1l it ni t alton v day clerk wire bars inoh fence wlra vik- gossli innl or femulo lisuis ut sons soititi llllli thing that grntlnns t licit iurllulnr miifbiilit and prnslof i is lei ioonh in iho channel of most mkely trrowth nml by t tlmw it ruuohe its- limits sonio reputation is lilnstud mmiii jliurmilr bosmlrrlid to thf dullollt of lbs khulilh of sooloty a worthy lllftun is a lundlduts for some publld poslllou nf biiwr und irusl ut the hands of bis follow cltl- sna anil boforn iho ounipiilgn is half over did ruction misrepresentation sliiiiilnr mid fajsnlinod uot in their work through he medium ut tbo whlsf mired rumor snd llm fuel that hi who know hlin ht dont be llnvo thn mlntement dont iuvo him tuko thn latest rumor the domini hank one in a few hours ll spreud over canada and pun in soimm xhosa most interested duposltora mr who bus 337 lisluncorosllng there inns with tbo speotof u papyrus withdraw it und in his nxciltmnut tells all und sundry ho mit the bunks buslndl then mr x who probably hus tl h3 a bslunoe rushes like un urchin r candles und itpplas on hallowon to the institution und demands bis cash but mr worthwhile really has some reason for his anxiety ut least he thinks he has because of the amount ut stake so hi calmly saunters to tho hunk und posses bj ctmok seouros hla treasure und after counting it returns to thu abode of leisure and after seven days vognltutlon rinds thut everything in that iartlnular mam mons puluce wus ull right und ho is out tho seven days interest on 10 ll or 20 thousand dollars time and time aguln these happen ings have takpn place to the injury of business persons and institutions because of rumor moral weigh reports keep your hftuds and use discretion and judgment udder all circumstances lion pub lico a mcndrtant in thc bud publl il fo n ago n ynung foreigner during uoout one ofl tbo it unw york rily ilo iiii or llftrun ynrii of iik- lu i no mlallvcs iii lh united hihiih und uuld thut hu imil support fi i hluimoir hiimo iu hlng this country by wolllng wspapers ills ommnnl of i bit fitmfunii luiikuugd wus good foi a forltfin r so remntly urrlvixl l was inkn inlji tisipdy tb limujuiullon uuuiirlllns guv in youlb ii prnllrnlnury hourlng preiaru- lury io ih porting mm on llknlyj to bijoitio u piibllii htrgo he tobl i burn ihui b bud only hhviiii i on is in tbo world tho following mornlnir itflfr a tiluli spent in ibn irowdd doiinllin rooms the young rnun was culled before ibn hisird of speclul in- fjuliy this time hu proudly wuved u bundful or hiniill bills im wus rb lir by twolve or thirteen dolturs thuii h- bud bnn the dny before the iy m story of his rhdias ran iim follows in the detention room i found ninny man of many birufiiage hi lii of thnsq lungiiagos f could spstik uud rnud krom n inrmnn missionary i kt ffw dp i os of u mw york iiier iirhited in inrmun i sffd ull tff lbini t- jmpt one from thai cop i read tbu nnw trtmslaung us 1 renr into lllbuiinliin trrora the mibuwi imis 1 got a few kiraeaks then i pill lllu n wn into 1ollsb und go nourly n krone frorn boseiuieners wllh ltd money i bought a wulh thut wnuliln i inn iit ii knife a flrmnn wutb- mukir in tbi detention rom fixed tli wiitdb ho ibid it would run f guv blm the knife ilhn exchanged th wuti h for luiother silver wiitnh sod liulr of uiots vnr the idiots sm writing two letters for htm an aus trian iole who could not write gave me another wntrb these two watches i xobunged for u wuteh with s grxid hwins movement this last wnlrh 1 sold to ii guard for tile mnpey i bold in my hand aftir heurlns this remarkable story the tionrd rnrommended thai the boy be ptrmltnd lo rnmnin in tbe country in tbe mrn nt one of the immigrant moi htlns ono of tho members of the board added theres no danger of thut younif fellow oyer hemming a publli charge if h stays in mew york very ion if he 11 own hulf the city business directory dr j a atcnivrn physician snd surgeon omen and itcaldeilco conn r avenue and icisln htrsel rilonlc km lilt b j wilson fiummtl k kl tl vtf aeun ontsrle v 3 lalhp ollkl uu w 3 lai ok yi- ker urn aod throat leoal dr j m bell d d s l d dentist honor oraduate at toronto univer sity the latest anesthetic used 14 desired offloe at residence corner mill end frederick street 1 hat to be a kleker i ulwuys long for peace lillt tile wheel that does the squeaklng is the ono that gets the grease try again an lrqsclbto bridegroom ofsevonty- ihree marrying his third wjfe went into iho vestry to sign tho register after sevorul rrultlesaattampts to make a mark on tho paper he turn ml to the clerk and said this is the second or third time youvo played me this trlckl next time i shall bring my own pen wanted women weavers for wool len mill 50 hours per week saturday free learners taught harris co limited hockwood phon n 21 v riox us harold nash parmbr m a bsrruttsr betieitor notary pub ilo conveyance ete pibrvman block acton ont homkv mm v trhtoaok8 ilmirs 0 30 nm to c im hiturday i hi ihk h g mrlr barrister sol loiter notary publlo i oseroetevn ont dental dr p g gollop ddslda dentat surpso omee over bank of nova soocls roorfl f so ta e jo evening by appointment miscellaneoua francis nun an bee u binder- aceount books of sji kinds de to order periodicals of every descrtptsaa carefully bound ruling- neatly nd prompt done wyndham street oualph oat over wllllaour store lodge directory d h und say mill street acton ontahio carvers for thanksgiving what a delightful mul dinner is when father icumw up smiling after carving- the roast nr tho fowl to the wwtlsfactlon of the entire oompanyl not only will tl set of carvers kuu fathers tumpr ub- ruftlod but his good humor will spread to guests und family und make dinner u jolly welldigested ineal our mtalnlosu hteol carver kts consist bf u fork with a sufoty guard a kulfd utiul uiul a ktilfo with nlnetuch curved blade ull of tho flmst hheltlold stool knife uiul fork have huudsomo slug bundles und whuocurod und wtillfushlunod bills tors w d talbot phone 95 main street acton personal greetingcards beautiful emblematic christmas designs arttiuciilly lithographed your name neatly prluled la text sr kcrlpbi vine pluto curd with enveloped to mutch good choice of detdsnu and greeting inscription no j no no s i dox 175 200 2 do j30o 3j0 375 3 dm 400 150 47k i doz 500 50 b75 ordbr at oncc assoittmhnt is uurorc bkokkn the acton free press phone iw lx sons of england m3e woqogreen no 3qz ueetlng nrst and third thursday la each mnn lb tit- g m in i o o 1 hall ifcroura and visiting- members cordially lnvltd to attend precious w p j- little acton 1ol no ast the member- of i o o 417 will hold a social rttllllllt iii thn hklitu roont n kriiuy ociuihi- 24 j fcvry mmbvrs invltud to bt lirnmiiir- k t thktfoim w u jl a r j kerr auctioneer and real tsiatc agent it years acpurlurice acton ontario bales entrusted to it- j lcr re ceive attention from date of listing to data of sale ust your sales with me itesldance llower avenue acton phone 38 acton call at toy expense e pbowman baso ols land surveying and engineering 10 douqlab 8t ouelph 8ticokaot to th ita d a nlvui o u u slgltavfnlg tfohonro can4a j e cheevers book binder qusbso 8l east quslph onl hooks snd magaxhios bound ul ifaiidsetiio uni substantial covers nahles uttered in gm oil ihblaal llytuiil looks wild ethur books all work prewptly eweeuud liable the old und hellnble granitti and marble works we sre mail ulwu ret tind dlreot imltorters of all kinds of monumental olid headstone work we sell dlreot to our customers at wholesale tirloea thus saving our austoiuers 40 tr cent we have the best uupllahood tttid the only taieohsjilcs in tbe komluloii who call operate pneumauo toob properly we ran give refereiioes from hundreds of our ouslomem in toronto uud other plaoea when others have to have law suits la order to collect w ht ths largest and beat stock uf ormolu la the dominion or morw than any thre dealers tn the west w se legltl- nuue dealers and omploy ho- agents and do not mauoy or peat oustomam by sendlnc but ignorant mnu aouott- las order w mploy ohty tneahanlog and defy ootnpatiuoii hamilton sons cwr nonrwh wmiwtob ata qtilpl xf lai v ev

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