Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 8, 1923, p. 5

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ffig artmt 3ffm jltrafl thursday novkm11bh bmb31 a thanksgiving i lie blu of hit uv vor tin blrda no nit up on lilgli kor the bright garb of i ho troeu wuvlng til tho allium n lirecxi kor did flowrrs blooming thi or tho sunshine ghuiuing fair kor thlw world o full of beauty i thank the o my iord far tlio rosy ylow of huallh mora lo be ihlroil hurt woulth for ho cool ulr iiirmng uml flm itunnlng through tin- veins ilk wit kor tlm thrill of life and youth uniting u hojfovo hi irnlli for those hlmimlnifh now loday i thank thi o my ird the sunday school lesson for sunday novemder tl homi mihkionahy thaciiinuh of tiik 1hatmh ieu 07 17 uoldim toxi iol the pcipltn prulun thee o 1i lel till im omjit nriuso thm- ik c7 3 for th that tb i for tltri k klmln vllllf i whlh rinii f u friend illiid ijiii tnolhl ulthlflil deed idii whan wurn ii thai which t kmr low lit m i ilutiik thr mi urn giving of thy hlounlii y lordi twenty years ago frdm thelus of the frt pru of thurady 12 1b03 l this is a beautiful ntivembeivury few of the melancholy day lutornilng- tlng with tho day of bright and glad- umo aunshine tho ladle of tlm town are making an earnest effort to have u public reading room opened tlm lack of suitable accommodation u thu greatest i tlimoulty encountered mr james h bnydor of churchill h purchased the framo rcsidanco and lot at tho cornor of mill and welling ton streets from mm w ii imnv consideration h0qo0o mr bnydor will lease hi farm and nettle in acton early next month mr ii j kerr of thu maple jiurat herds at mimosa has boon ooununtf up the prtxes he won lit the fall ex hibitions with hlu herds of puro bred yorkshire and herkshiro hog ho won 109 prises out of 112 entries 07 firsts 10 seconds and sthlrds thl result in certainly vry flattering to mr kerrs ability uy u broodor the final sumo of foot bull between the acton and scotch ilfnck team wo played in uourgotown on saturday und resulted in u victory for acton brum 10 the nl no toe nth annual meeting of the ouotph iresbytorlal women ml slonary society was hoid in knox church last thursday and friday and wa an ocean ion of especial interval to the ladle throughout the bound of the 1resbytery the uttondanco waa large delegate being proaent from acton nartrood berlin branch- ton campbell will eden mill el or eramo forgua oalc oualph ho peler ilollln uoaboro naaaagaweya preston puhnch rockwood water loo married kennedy nelson at tho homo of the bride acton on tuesday november 12 1903 by itnv smith b d assisted by ilev j c wilson ba john it kepnedy son of the late duncan kennedy to amelia evelyn neuon daughter of the lata john nelson br i acton th text explained vorwti 1 od tn- niercirul unto un tho thuma of lid mngnlnvont xuijtn l tho march of uimi to victory it trucit tho imilulillnluiinnt of his king dom in uruol in thu punt it looks for ward to ttin d in tho future until i of tho world nwp tl un tlmlr lord und t cambridge lllbhi ul oppnsltloi ll the klngtlonin ii lod of i bran i iy him homage and tuiuntr ills jiatl7n it the wcstinohouse brake great thing are achieved through parsistonco and hard work but at tho critical moment there is ofto of something that comes near being good luck a railroad accident soya a contributor to tho new york bun that wrecked the train on which rode george westlnghousq then an alert young fallow with the inventors brain and lore powers of obsewauon sat him to thinking how nuch accident could be averted as ha watched the train crews strug gling with the inefficient handbruko hfti irtra fluhwl into mn mlnh- if there were only some way by which the engineer could brake the train r for months he thought of little else except this question but the solution seemed as far away as ever one hat day as he was sitting at hb desk a little girl timidly approached him with a request that he subscribe to a maga- kine young wostinghouse busy and absorbed but incapable of speaking roughly to a child purchased a copy and turned back to hla work but the end of the task was at hand for in the magazine at his elbow lay the phrase that was to solve th prob lem of the airbrake ills model for the hrake had been completed but the operating power was unaatlsfac- lory in idly turning over the pages of the magasine westlngbouse saw an account of tunnol- building in which the work was done by compressed air in a nosh he had found the solution of his problem chance accldont fate what you wilt had sent a child into his life to point out thb urgyjp a great name and still greater wejith although young westlnghouse real- ued his indebtedness to th little magasine agent and tried hard to find her he never saw her again her work was done a beautiful highway in connection with the opening of the uunffwlndermere highway hon charles btewart minister of the in- lerlor issued an invitation to the people of canada it is the hops of the government says mr btewart hut this highway will ytutblo increasing thousands of canadians to visit their own posses sions the national parks und to en joy the extraordinary opportunities for outdoor uf recreation und education which they afford th nw road is tho drat highway aero the central canadian itocktes- it will maks accessible to motor travel on alpine region hitherto almost un known to the puhlji and will also provide u direct route frum the prairies to the a lesson in english many travallurs tiavo th unfortun ate falling of attributing iguoruno and baokwardnum to ovary una who wears the strange surb and nbservwa the strunga custom of a foreign land often as in tho ua of tho tourist in china that the new york trlbunu toll of there j u rude mwskonliig whon hi steamer touohud u hong- kong the tourlat wum delighted to ae m chinese woman lit tho costume of her country jom on board miii bh- wa jhe first chlme woman that he had seen in the natlvw riruax und hi determined to take a pioturo advanc ing to within u fnw foot uf th little woman ha levelled tho camera at her and began to exclaim loudly hi ama- tsur pidgin english ms takoe ulotural can cutchnet can catchitet tho cbliieso woman toojcotl ut hint 1ft deep disgust and replied in put- feet kngiuh vou can catcher but you may not turning she wulkud away hh hud been graduated from an american col lege the yearprevious i to sufeguurd the child from dumago that worms cause uu millar worm ivwdera he msdlalne par excellence for children these powder will clear the system entirely of worm will regulate and atlmulate the organs in- jurloiihty affected by the worm and will enoouruge heultliful operation of the digestive procvaw as a verm i fugo it can bo rellsd on for it wftec- uveneas ruco to iihlim upon uu this lsu purt of tho jirlomlly benndlrtloii num 0 im20 mitldh hflah in u muulral murk indlcjitltiif a imuaq or intnrluda in the ctiuntlng uf tho psulm- 2 thy mulvutlon amuntf nil ih notlcod n the uiinin nun an other acrliiturom that the v or i m uxiiromxing dmp devotion art always unlvernal in their eontnn1- tho worhlplng heart naturally takes in tilt the wortd vorso 4 oh lot th nations bo glad with tho punlmint personal joy be- roinns nittlonal and tuitions nro to rn- jolc a do individuals tlio reason for thlu vladnoan is statixl for thou wilt judsn thn peoples with equity juwtlcn la tho foundation of joy vorue god ovnp our own god to tho psalmist god was personal and vecy real ills sense of personal awn- erhp in hero ox pr cased atrongly even our own god this ol earcut conception of god on a ierson with whom clone human relation could be uatubltshtht und malntalnedls u char- uctorlstlaor tho psulmuits message lessen them iralo and itlnanlng in tho central west the writer onoe heard an aged dovout plononr nf two ejate lft how many years before ho had migrate with a larger company and settled in won trim wyoming they found a far lonely vnllpy whore they tilled virgin fin ida and guarded their nhoep tho oul man ald that yho teoplo were bound together by their mutual in terest and thalr common faith it wa their custom in the evening whon- ovur it was posxlblo to gather on tho bank of the rushing river a mighty bonfire would be built tremendous aong of praise and psalm of thanks giving would ocho through tho vallay thon as the flames sank lower and the embers glowed against the black ness of the mysterious rlvur and the fantastic shadows were lost more swiftly in the monochrome f the lght there would come a solemn hush and then tho oldest man would lift his voice in prayer sometimes using the petitions of the psalms of our les son others would rollow and yet others to express the need and the longing and the trust of all- the voice of the old man trembled as ho recalled those early scene he aald that the hour of evening prayer more than anything else kept this isolated com pany teadrat happy and cull o hope after long years he had come back to the older settled valley to urge the people to sing praises unto jo hovah and to invoke ills blessing tho laalmshave aver proved u lourcn of comfort ahd of inspiration to thosi who have gone out to faroff field the three iams psalm 1 is an extension of the thought of psalm 46 10 i will be exalted among the ria hon t will lw exalted in the earth this is the new years day psalm of the synagogue recited seven tlm previous to the blowing of tho trum pets which mark that festival it lias been used from ancient time as a special psalm for ascension day in u all nation are s to pay hnm daily readlno for nxt week moriday novombw 12 a mlnalon- nry tour mull 9 3c3 tuesday november 13 iruaclilng and healing mnrk 1 939 wednesday novmilkir m-muuilon- ary con vert w luke k 13 thursday novimibir 16 tlm train lug or tho heventy iuko 10 113 friday novrmlmr ig j- jcrnonal work lnjudeu john 3 ilv katurday november 17 rernoniil work in ha ma rlu john 4 116 hunduy november la i delight to dn thy will 1aulm t0 1 lot- was it different flow mhowlng hr tniuumu ttiunk oontrlbutluti nho aald exquisite ild i toll you goln aunt lrlu riu for ynui tllat lace ir that wo arc t1 take that liltln apurttnont t oh im glad of that mild aunt lemlly im llk te board ul ii ml but will vun mo di ma ptol tiled and nald ito much ulhut a horn o of our own that i gave in do you ki not tho fl w how to t thing ilut ill have kiep houset uild florenmi u aurvunt o age to the god who has proclaimed and proven ills supremacy by 111 recent triumph over the heathen psalm 07 is a orlght and joyous song evidently intended for use in tho tem ple service at the feast of pentocoet or the feast of tabernacles it bor rows word from tho ancient priestly benediction to pray for gods blessing that all the world may learn tho char acter of ills providential dealings with r ttlu psalm is inspired by th consciousness or israel mission tq tho world as- the messianic nation he 1 tho instrument for the establishment of gods universal kingdom it is a prayer for the accomplishment of that mission aim 100 is hrlef but full of mean ing it is doubtless a psalm for the thankoffarlng in the temple israel had prophesied the stranger will i bring to my holy mountain and make them joyful in my bouse of prayer for my house shall be called a house prayer for all the peoples the invitation of this psalm corresponds lo this prediction and the six poalrn which fqrm a series of ant home for the dedication of the restored temple with u call to israel to worship end fitly with a cai to the whole earth to i in israel worship acknowledg ing jehovah the only true god from ancient times this psalm lias been used it the dally service of ho synagogue except upon certain festivals the metrical version of it universal known and loved as the old hun dredth hymn first apbeand in lcm the unity of gods plun the mo- sianlo psalms all bear witness to tho unity of the divine plan which 1 being wrought out jhrough successive age t the world there are fow feature if the palms that urn more atrlklnif than the constant anticipation of the inclusion of all nations in jehovah kingdom on the one band indeed nation appear us fho eadly oil- emles uf jehovahs people linked to gether for i heir destruction hut doom ed themselves to be destroyed if they proceed in their unholy purpose uul long with this vlow of the relation f tho nation another und u more hopuful unit is constantly presented the nation un well as israel belong to juhuvuh und are the objects of ills tlioy will eventually render him homuge and jsruel u to be the in strument for accomplishing this pur pose und ublihlng the universal divine kingdom tho earth und oil it inhabitant belong to jhovuh as i heir creator they are umw his ub- utlon and muluutrvieutto hi puf- h uu discipline und teaches tho mi nd they are addressed us being cap able of moral instruction ho is th upisuio und universal king and judge plii nation are constantly exhorted o taiidor ulm homage to fuar him o prulsu htm und oveil to worship llm in hi temple the time will sumo when oil nation will acknow- lodgu hi ovorulgiluy to him as tho hearer of prayer shall ull flesh come ue 1 the conndencii of ull the nations of the uurth and the psalter ends with u c of universal praise from mvrv living thing the cambridge ibo for study and dleeusaleti what u the msln theme of psalm 47 what event in israels history inspired isulm it 47 und 4mt on what feast day of ho jows und on hai oiuuiltti day in the christian church calendar is psalm 47usodt w were other nations around tral governed why should thoy rejoice at the promise of being judged with eiulyt what is tlm predomluent note in psalni 1007 why ar the ex- tatlons in these psalms addressed particularly to the israelite how many gut as had tho tompiot why are tho psalms in this group classed i missionary hymns why would sraals experience serve a an urgu- raent to draw other nations fto qodt laughlugj qurse luppoao i ho korvunl louves7 well- said flormoo demurely i can make nplnndld fudge and 1 had great succtti with ualad tlrosslng didnt i mammar yrs you did said mr whlli laegihlng 1 up pom- icnilly yo think i ought to huvo taughf hel but florence nover took the limit intornst in household matter not am much kato itvon i didnt want to force her to loarn when ho dlllkid it there wui ito heed of it and you know its morn trouble to show else how to dn a thing than to do it you reel f yes it la you neednt think i wnit to shirk aunt kmlly aald florence of course 1 rijllxo that i shall have o do house keeping und oftnn port of tho work when the need comes i can pick it up a i thin hoplv do but whut would have been the ane of my doing dl- harnauble commonplace uninteresting things when it wasnt necessary and vhon my tlnis wu so filled up with ny music und going out and ho girls iuh und all thatt aunt kmlly wu eilenland her sis terinlaw changed tho aubjact will has a good position oe so ydung a man ho told james all about tt and wo un satisfied that ho will do well ho works so hard poor follow said florence he had hardly any vacation this ummr mrs whlto rose to go il owns la irs stop und see inn again us you go out kmlly she said aunt emily begun to put on hor wraps florence she said up- ye aunt emllyt florence looked up with a smile from tho dainty lace trimmed garments bhe wondered what was earning now aunt emily said odd little things sometimes her nieces had charitably decided that she was queer hut aunt kroliy wm often amusing suppose said aunt emily that when your father askod will about hi business as it wa right for hi do of course will had answered oh i havent been in any business so far 1 ha to monotonous office work i like life in the open and thon im un amateur artist hut im no shirk now that im thinking of marrying x ahull go right to work and i dure say shall pick it up easily oh but aunt emily here mo fasten your coat that is very different is it maybe it is said aunt emlty well goodby courtjng in missouri 11s ton to this excjulmod mn harlow looking up from a morning iuor mrumi tho tabta ut her fnttmr- inlaw who is the only other member of tio family who ha tlino to llngor ovur breakfant llores a plane whcic wumnii are valuod an they were in the days of chivalry where 1 this modlovu hamlet asked mr harlow between ulps of homowhorn out west replied mn i larlow rulher vugilaly fur sha hnil already tngurvto read the dally preach muni in the womans page this tlmo roiicnrnlng streetcar manners the young man at the place have wrlttei our mayor asking him to send un lm in ltd la to shipment of young women they promise them husbands homes und hupplness imagine young men here in tlio east eager to exchange hauielor freedom for tho gruvnat of till respotislhllltles mr harlow nodded understanding- iy it is o now desire in thut part of tho country he declared tho de mand wu just us great fortyfive years ago fc a young man myself thon continued reminlscanlly und oucn n i iam on a hunting trip in mis- i i put up overnight at a farm house whore there were three sons only one daughter hnrtly aflnr i got there a wagon invii ip containing iwo young men who were instantly ushered into the parlor hupper was then served but while we wore eating the howling of tho dogs announced a nnwooiior t was a third young man the mother rxma to admit him but the daughtor rushed forward dont get up mawl she said it one of my fellers 1 come in jim i howdydor aftorsupper i was invited to alt in he kitchen jim was loft in sole possession nf the sittingroom scarce ly wore wa comfortably settled in the kitchen when a fourth young man made his appearance tho house consisted of only three two boa us were already in tho parlor and one in tho sittingroom there was nothing for tho lost comer therefore except to tnske himself as unt 3ally and the amalekite8 2 i inn going to kill them uuld 1 who is it you want to kill in quired nathan looking allocked thn aiuulokltos said i who lire they inquired nathan and thon i remembered that ho imdu boon to church that morning owli lo loulhucho ho i just explained to him whut tho niliilnlrr said you nee he preach- ml uu a sermon about haul and thoiio tilmnru tho amaloklloa that tho iord told idm to utterly uboui dow haul ypurud agug und didnt i kill him and tho mlulstur suid thut ho wui tifruhl that some of us churrh folk worn junt llko haul heciuse wo didnt fight our amulekltou our sins were j our a male kite you know uccordlng to the minister and he wum nfrald that instead i ull our alnulflklto so mo evon know where our ami i ml ho v many of i agug llv inhibitor etty sure thut blgg said that he tt our killing of tu didnt alukltoii lived that a good nt aiiiulokltp uio word bu hiutu whu ho id interpretation in music every work of art emanated from un interesting and absorbing idea which seems to demand expression in the most artlstlo and complete form especially 4s- this the case in music the most intimate and the most intro spective of oil the arts this magnl fl it art depends for its o fleets upon channels of its own while the paint er and tho sculptor speaks directly to their public througttu completed work the musician on the other hand must depend upon un artistically trained interpreter his work is not finished pen he places it upon paper its value may be raised or lowered de pending upon the character and the training and the talent of the ono who elects to perform the work in tho work of musical ure there aluraber under the veil of notes and staves u sleeping beauty awaiting tho magic touch of the interpreter to bring ull the loveliness to life the interpreter must first of all be real artist otherwise it will be im possible for him to liberate the magical vibrations of the music in the work tho creative musician there must naturally be more dependence upou intuition and individuality while with interpretive artbrt greater stress hi laid upon the extent of his interpre tive knowledge what is of greater importance to the interpretive artist that ho shall know not merely the composer und his work but shall com prehend the nature o the musical re ceptivity of the public mind for which he must perform there is no poisonous ingredient in otlowaym corn ilemoyer und it can be used without dunger or injury often a slip twixt the cup i and the lip you tunt alwuy tall say u ex change wliat- will happen for in stance there is u story uf u man wbo termlned lo commit suicide he went to u store und bought a rope a of coal oil a box of matches u dose of arson 1c and u revolver he it down to thu river and pushed iho bout from thu shore and rowed whore u limb huug over saturating his clothing with tho ooul oil lighted a natch and set tlrw to hut clohtlng took he dose of ursenlc put the muxslu f the revolver to his temple pushed ha boat from under him and pulled tho trigger hut tho bullet glanced and out the rope above him and he fell kerflop into the river the water put the fire out und he got strangled and coughed up the arsenic lln rose and waded out end dnclared himself u candidate for the ueiiuta familiar naivete bernard llaruoh the holed flnaliclor ild ut u luncheon in washington germanys declaration uial she is o mor to pay her war reparations la well its u little tvuivu it reminds a at the drafted hiuti a drafted man told the array doc tor that ho couldnt serve why itott the army doator in quire htrortslghted said the drafted ma- prove 11 aald the doctor hhos up all night with aathnuu icveryonu lows how uttack of asthma often p their victims uwuketho whole night long morning find him wholly unfitted for a ilay of business and yet bualnees iiiusistlll lui carried through all this lilght suffering and lack o rest can be avoided by the prompt use uf dr d d kulluggs asthma komedy which positively does drlvx awy the attack well 1 t you see that nail there in tl e celling door wald drafted n ye u d tho doctor dont said the drafted man huppy us he could in the kltchei hllo tho young lady divided her st ent ion impartially between the four ton minutes later there wore two muru irrlvals tthe wldderers tho youngest boy ox plained audibly at nlno oclock i wanted to go ti bed and thf father divined my wishes im sorry stranger he said but the only- bed i in the parlor and this is coqrt in night them two in tin larlor hover leave afore midnight and tho other fburl straggle along later friday nights la purty bad but sundays its wusa last sunday night there was ten on em and the gals glttln moren more part liar seeing no other resource i betook myself to u haystack in the yard and tho old man remarked as he lighted me along yes sir courtlns always brisk missouri oxpluluod it ull out lo vulhun ho sal still n minute anil then io got up laughing und nay ho well bully youll have a lough job killing old agag i reckon now thut made mo mud for i didnt think i hud any agag to kill i wasnt certain hut there might be two or th of the common nntmuchuccoupt for mn to light turh a big follow bring in your cream r early in the week acton creamery lias decided not to accept cream on satur day after twelve oclock a m the fovcrnment is anxious to secure a higher standard for ontario butter and this is ono of tho methods that will facilitate our work in this direction let us have your cooperation in this move to sccuro higher standard und make better butter railway timotablea at acton anadian n acton creamery co t j oneiu pr01 we are still buying kjcch open tuesday friday and saturday evenings quality our motto phone b3 oolnq west 20 a- 1l13am 31 1036 am 33 3 29 p m 36 i c00p m 39 b30 p m 26 hunday i 1020 am golna cast hi 70h um 30 1118am 336 pm 17 pm 3m 813 pjn- 24 hunday 708 pro kind t amalekitc wth h t as for uu ag ug i was n i hadn l uny ouch anil i spoke ilghty rtjiln that o out sharp ami said nathan whitcomh some folks had better look ut home thats right whore urn looking ays he doesnt tho wlfo make tho homer and than ho wont out while i cleared off thn dluhe i felt niul troubled because td npokn nharp to nathan for ho wasnt i pro- fusnor thon ami i was and yut moat day ho wu u sight ploosanter mxikcl than i was ilut then it wuw too ug- gruvutlm to toll mo to my faro hoi t to iushiii with agug whin i mini i hadnt worms feed upon tho vitality children- and endanger their live simple and effective remedy 1 mother graves worm exterminator chung and kuno i birthplace sts tli a joko kno date of birth jests that are sup posed to be of modern irish or french or german origin can be found in tho writings of the ancient greek whi perhaps had them from still earlier jos tors in the chinese hslso-ljn- kuangchl or laughing book are joko that even in their oriental garb are much like jokes we have heard in western tongues the new york tri bune prints one of them two men chung and kurtg were warming themselves before an open stove chung who was remarkable for his coolness and loquacity said to icung who was exceedingly quick tempered my dear kung there is something that i should ilka very much to say to you it relates to a circumstance i have observed for a little time pant ilut bearing in mind your somewhat fiery and quarrelsome disposition 1 have hesitated to mention it to you however i have at last decided that if i do not mention tho matter to you i shall do wrong and i have oonae- luontly determined to ask your per mission to speak to you about 1l well what hi ut your coat my dear icung aald chung qufotly is op are i for pitys sakel exclaimed kung angrily jumping up and finding his coat nearly burhod off why in the world didnt you tell me before thore it goes what a frightful temper chung murmured as he mov ed quickly away no wonder you called hor hoadedi n oil for all ms n tho sailor the soldier the fisherman the lumberman outdoor laborer and all who are exposed to injury und the element will find in dr thomas eclectrlo oil a true und faithful friend to ease pain ovo ooldsv dress wounds subdue lumbago and overcome rheumatism it 1 excellent therefore it should have u place in all home medicines and be jligst those taken un a journey rules for wedded bliss sup plied with licenses ouuty clerk john nlndorf of ht joseph county allclilgan believes that county clerks responsibility doe not lui with the luauauca of marriage iceneos la lias had printed a supply of cards containing his rule for u successful muirrluge and each couplw 1 glvon one one side of the card carries the oounty clerks blessing may all your iluys be am happy as your wedding day on the reverse side appear ten ruloa to insure happy marriages they include i keep up tho courtship go 60 6 ii the money und 060 on the love make your own home und dont livo with lelstlve hewure the boarder uud dont be a tightwad theyre ull good rules nlendorf uuld 1 have tried them in my own no and i know acton monument works dhlajlkilh and jmpout1aiu4 of monuments of all k1ndh ordoru for lettering on stones already erected promptly at tended to hxpert workmanship und reasonable prices x nicol hox 1st mill bt acton when monday morning com f thing if i didnt find out tint i tiulnt a mite pf snap in tho hou it dreadfully trying for id got my holler uu uud wa going to have thu oloihom out curly there wuxnt unylwuly mn to go for that soap so i hud to chuttko tny dress and run down town tc tho store und by thn tlmo i got lioim uguln i wu hot unif mud and tlmd i low in tho world i forgot ubout thut moup i dont know but id hiuf com pany kutujday and 1 supposo that put it ny head well monday was a dreadful day for weather them was tho hot tost kind of n dry wind und it blow dust and id ulwuys noticed that that kind of wind blew cross words out of my mouth too tho shite t i hung on tho line wo fall und get in tho dirt and thu wind blow o that i coawnt make tho raki stand thut id put under tho clothe line to push it up and i remomber that the utovo door didnt shut way i wanted it to and i guvo it u bang that most brought the stove id left a room till monday to bo swept und i did swoop it in nplto of tho dust and the wind- blew right on my biggest fuchsia in tho front yard und broke its item off and it wa ho hot it was easier to bo mud than not and ao nt dinner when tho- spoon to tho uppeuuucs tumbled in handle ujid ull i just couldnt stand it und puttered out 1 hover saw such ii abominable day in my llfol and nathan looked ut mo and all a auld was hm amu ok i tee dead yott and i declare x was so taken back that x watched myself and it just seem ed to me that x never noticed before that i said mo many nharp things or angry so sudden and i found out olheg smalekltas too bu tnen of thum was so big as agag i moon temper hut there were lot of the them und ono night i wo just dls- ourugnd with myself uud eat right lown on the floor beside the churn und cried nathan cutna in und found tno and ho made mo toll him whut the nutter was and i just subbed out its those amslekltosl thun i told nathan how id triod d triod and failed worse und worse and after id told him nathun sat still for a- long time and then ha said kind of bashful for i spoaa ho retmmbared that i was a church mem ber und he wasnt and it seemed queer to huvo the preaching come from hi he said sally i was looking up those amalekltes in tho bible the other duy ielng kind uf interested hearing you talk about them and i found a place where it said that once the chlldmn of israel went out to light with amalok and the lord wasnt with them that day a guess theyd forgot as he said about it and so got awfully whipped and i well rtonfyou think that people who go to fight amalekltas need the lord lo help themt and nathanm fare was a red as though hed been saying somnthhig wicked well i think i tried to follow na thanm sermon after thut and after a long long time x did taunt to ksep agag dumb even if he was there just ho kama my llttla girl prissy wu lx year id then bhe hud my temper too and i thought maybe if id begun to right the ahiuleklte sooner prissy wouldnt have heard me say tn many thing 1 ought not to und she wouldnt huvo got into saying cross tilings her- soir i jut i told her shout the amale kites ton and the i child really begun try to tight them it made mn ik ubout whut the tilble say of the lords wurrlug with amalok from generation to goncrutlon duy lulte u spell lifter thl nathun made unothar hpoech that sur- prlaod mo fcjully said he tunt fair tar you do ull the righting and if the lord will help me im going to look y own amalekltes i think it tlmo t was years uud years ago but vif forget how glad i wui that nathan und i are old roik now und yastrduy h said to me sally uuimm your agug dead litt ho 7 dont u anything more uf him and i looked up ut nathan und said ue isnt deud yet nathan but l hops ho duy coming when he will be luwed iii plooorf lieforo the lord mury e ltutnford alreadv in he sere and vellow homo ono hus auld that uu old man limply u liuiii twenty years older than ouraolvu this little joke from ich is evidently founded uu thu observation which if you will oon- er it i an uoutuona v and how dud sskwl th visitor uf a small frlaitd of about eight year pretty well thank you consider ing replied tlie boy considering whuff inuuliud thu visitor pu axled welt he getting u bit old votl know replied tlm boy hell be thirty totnorruw youths compan ion an oil thst is prised everywhere ui- thomas eclectrlo oil wum put upon the murket without any flout ish over fifty yuar ugo it was put up to meet the wants of u small section but u soon u it merits became known it had u whole continent fur u tin id and it 1 duw kuowj uud prised throughout thle continent there 1 nothing ttquul o it for sale the famous no 21 floury plows 1- only six of them 2100 each with two shares and skimmer three good road carts very cheap just what you need for bad roads in the fall diamond seed harrows one set hour section diamond seed harrows at a bargain carriage rubber tires put on automobile topscovehed automobile and carriage painting done at reasonable prices j n oneill son garage and carriage works georgetown ontario toronto suburban euetrlc rsllwwy golnu west except hunday lally oxropt tfunday daily except hunda hunduy only hunday only hunday only going east llally except vjjindav dally except hunday dally oxcopt sunday sunday only hunday only sunday only 917 a 333 p hoo i 1103 a 836 ofis p 748 n 2 02 p 61 b p 0g8 a fcth b6 p freight delivered by poclol express freight freight nicked up at an ad dress in toronto ej t thetfoitd agent acton se6 avage and ee better write or prions for appolntmant for when you with to com a- d savage optometrist a mfu optician ssvsd optical building right at th post office guelph personal greeting cards beautiful emblematic christmas designs artistically lithographed your name neauy irinud in text of scripts fine plate cord with envelopes to match good choice of designs and greeting inscriptions 1 doi 2 doz j doz 4 dor no 1 no 2 no 3 175 200 223 300 350 375 400 450 475 500 5j 575 order at once before assortment is broken the acton free press phone llw t e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt- attention to orders left t e gibbons main btkk1ct acmw castoria mothkr i fletcher gutqria is ti lmrmles substitute or castor oil paregoric tccllilng drop und soothing syrups prepared to relieve tnfutits in nrma ami children all acs of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the ussimuatioii of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep mrithotit opiates to avoid hiiitallona lwy lk or br ilitiutiltc of yl ljwrtl ilirftlott on firh pnr-mr- vi y icljiu everywhere retomuicml it john v savage htouk main stiiket acton p o box 4o0 be independent of the coal and wood merchants hum coal oil in htandurd oil burner campartys oil burner for use in cook stoves heaters and furnaces three times tlio- heat for half tho cost iio ashes no trouble no rlk money back after 30 days trial if not satisfied can be seen in use at tho store sales attended and good bought en commission goods wanted acton elevator near ot r station following brands on hand plour manitooa flour pastry rolled oats oav chop oats oilcake hay and orain grain bought and itetailed alex l noble henry awrey manager free press job printing is always neatly done this stores policy to represent goods ex- actly us to their quality to soil to thoaa who know nd to those who dont know at h uniform fair prlco to fulfill ull guarantees and cheer fully correct all tls takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewellers guelph ontakio iiu

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