dcallia me no allowing rau ihrtna lfeaiha yc mrmorlal line ratra lor ikwri married oolloicamihbllr iti toronto m wixlnrmlny opioikt ijss liy tin hov ii t i- mrkrmll it a i earl mrvir iluughlur f mr uml mm w j fumiilioll nurvul to r ifrwl- nrlii 1 lollop arton in memoriam ckalilu loving wimury of our lnr wlfn nixl motlior who tmnu1 uwuy novinur ii 1q21 ul imr hum 100 jllmour avrnurtnmtu ioving nixl kind iir utl iht wuyn upright uml junt tn tho nixl of tir luy hlrickn- uml truv in hourt and mint a tiouullful memory left be hi in lfuhhani hojj and naijohtkk cwf rjjvrtnn 3trrr jrraa t1iuhhday novkmiinil 1053 brief local items ioity iy ti haturtlay will im world fiver wbat im homo without tho local nowaitaport fowl will im ruthir ncnrco for thanksgiving ijay unw rain hhiwwl to nil u th swamps for winter farm- am huulng to nnjnh tak ing up thn root crop tho nlmrods un- off fr thnlr nn- nun hunt for rirror evry rodblooded canadian has much to b thankful for auction juilo of farm nlock are baglnnlng to crowd ouch other now cream for th croamorlos la grow ing scarcer tho prlco u improving humocoroon will be numerous ovnr tho thanksgiving and armlntico annlvnrsary police court news magistrate i illicit knlrnnor of bhtil burno huld police court in tho court hounant orunjtuvlllo inst thunuluy aftornixiti allnurl chiulwlok hpru dulo tho muii who wan ronvlotl of tho kurgu robbery und nutnril to ovu ynurtimtt prlkimi wu tioitlowcil ovu your in kingston ionllfiitlury for imiiuj uiipllrutml in tho ihufl i t00 worth f furii and clothing froi tho norton klttlmt company ntor 1 hlihhurnu it rouplo of wuukn ugu i in ctloi with dlwo inly tho third than thn mill wholl wu don towiothhvhy lipoctor k i in inland lttvonun iopurtni urul wnikii uk w hold in llrumptoti ly ioiko muginirul mwirn lust irl- dny thin win u chnrito ugahint it tumlliimiii of 1 lumber luty who wun ullugml liy itoy lllbli- previously on- vlctcl of having llio till willi hiivlnk glvon him tho mill illbju udhorod to bin orlglnul htory hut tho crown hud no corrulnru hon of tho aiitmnt tomlinnon hownvnr wum ho hud no itnowlodfto r ihu mtlll never aw it did not dfdlvtr it to illhlo lilhlo uworo thai j ciirr f hwimixn wuu with tniiilliuwn whou lh wtlll wuu dullvor- odl carr wiro hn had nut imoil with tmlnon n calcdon for monthn prior m th iluir tmmbd in tho churro thoro lol 0 ulmtunlluttoii of klhlau ol- donco tho clmrgo wa dim tho unlteil hlatoa thnnklvlntf iay will bo obaorvod on thuraduy novembor 29 thankaitivlnif poultry aro quoiimi at lower prtco in toronto ttian for aaverol yoaro vthn aocond and nnul tnalajmont of tax ea for tho year in duo two woolen from tomorrow t thu itoyal auxiauuurul kulr opona in exhibition irk toronto on tues day november 20 a numbarof our cltbuna attondod the funeral of the la to samuel ilarrla at itockwood on saturday a fair amount of coal la coraln in now thore la plenty cor present needs thanks to tho dclorsj mothodlat church annlvonuury a week from sunday llov c d drap er of nuuxara kalu will preach mr alex crip pa fine nw resi dence on prodorlck street la about completed and ready for occupapcy kirly mornltur mjuur was hold in st- josepb church last thursday mornlnr at c30 oclock all soinu day the plan of creation included n wlao feature when it u made im possible for man to fool with tho weather the work owes everybody a llvtnd but tho catch cornea in tho fact that every man la expected to do his own couectlnc vat the mommonul aervlce aj the methodist church on sunday ovorumr even new adult members were ro celved by letter at the iouc coyrt ut ilramplon on monday inanoctor iloevoly fhurtcod oooro ilowor proprietor of tho cookavlllo hotel with aoulnic llrjuor a wltnoau awiiro that ho won unriih tofned to klink to itowora hotol thu on octolor 23 ho wum thoro und pur- chaawl two drinks of whiakoy at oonts each a cotimtablo tostlfloil tli ho bad soon tho wltnouas cur ut tho hotel for ovor uii hour and that later in tho aftornoon hn was intoxlcatod there ioltco maslatruta moore 1m- poooil a fine of 1200 and coatn whl us paid a nocond chura waacallod for hon ins agnlnat urn rrank kcuta of tor- nto townahlp her husband uttondod and oald his wlf wua hi caao re manded until tuesday isth neighborhood news town and country a8hqrovb terra cotta mithodldt church hero run held lu huckfarft llirlli dltiiii uiir rondoi vd itple illbomn und in i dhl help uuhk i frrlukb tlno terra cottn oommiinlly jo in ml on monday ovnulna inulvink mr uml aim ilnnjiimln 1arr who huvo ro- nlded in thut locality tor 1v yotrrn mid iiru movlmc to tjuclph u couch and i ptirho of mmioy on the ovu of lliolr lilopnrturo they whi loavolho vllluio ixaclly lb ycbin after nettllnit thuro im krldo and tinnim oit novntnlxr 0 l7 mr iarr camo to cu hilda in 1k47 urn u child ut five romlnu dlroctly o ihtij fifth lino went wlwro ho ban nwldoil- tor ko your born nrur tho hfth un enldod in tho dintrlct mn ul eramosa towiinhl younit mn wori each flliod fo and coiilii amount inc in oil to j24 ut 1vlduy moral na urnalon of tho illco cotirt t ouolpi when convicted f trapping uiroo rac- cooiiii out of iioumoii the rlmr wa lulil by provincial limn wardon ji mcklnnon of lalowtd a itiruo tourlnie cjtr und tilrud wont into tho ditch nt four crinir uial wfdneiiduy jiliiht durltiif h iinow utorm no om helm injured and neither of thj i urn dunuitfed in any oxltiil- th wind ulilold on thn trurk which was drlvon by mr m 1 harry of hockwood wua njdlntorod thn tmuins rnr loft tho road uour kmrniuui iwrnt omen und tho truck at out bend tho road mouth of tho uloro leslies school tho following la mid nchoo for octolxr of h h no fl krl iua vljitlo mcarthur mccutchoon brmu kuhcr hr tv mnrjorlo hold isivi ntoii arthur mckoownkioren uloii tlkiman allan ivalhloon mclcoowt tor miarthur allan fnl ii willie johl mutid uivln alt- qeoroetown educational conferences a serlaa of meatinga throughout the county to dlaouaa timely topic in accordance with ho roaolutlii of tho teachotv inatltuto ut the recent session in toronto a i confervmcos will ln hold in tho 1 urban centres of tho inapoctoruto a t cache ra are oxpootod to attend tho tonforonoo moat convojilont to thorn and if possible to attend more than one of the moetlncw it was decldoil to hold only one sosslon at each centre from 3000 a m to 1230 p m inspector donyes who was asked to assign tho dates and place of mootlnjr has made the follow i nc luulknmunt november 24 ib ft milton lubuo school atiuect discipline in tho schoom xeador mr i d hhorey decembef s 192x oakvillo west side school subject seat work in all forms leaders mr it- v san derson mbua emma b brown mrs il mcasklll january 19 1934 hurllnston central school subject school homo com munity loader mr j a lockaxt and mr p j bowk or february 9 1924 oconto town public school subject methods in arith metic spellliur writing- heading leader mr a o oreon march s 1934 acton public school subject time tablo supplementary heading leader mhui m- z hen- elt ulsa m k currle u president w i 2 hon no it secretary hi in lottie milk remember the fifth of november the gunpowder treason plot was an oldtime couplet for ouy fawkes day the toller plods along the road the cynlo halts and- snickers one man who helps to pull the load la worth a thousand dekr it is alleged that certain persons under eighteen years of age are driv ing motor cars without permits the offence is rather serious if you do nothing 1m to partici pate in the armistice day memorial ervloes next monday observe tho two minutes of silence at 11 oolock some good old orthodox indian summer has foljowod tho apeu squaw winter which came on hal- lowften and it has been greatly en- joyed brampton private hospital in the two years of its existence has cared for 9 operative patleqlh oil medical cases and there have been 81 births and 4 deaths owing to the rain and the stall ing of the hydro light for fifteen minutes just at church time on sunday venlng the nttendance was much smaller than usual over in new jersey the nuuru- trate ordered boys who committed halloween pranks to be spanked wonder how he treated the girls who were guilty of like offcncest just a fow of tho usual fool pranks were perpetrated on halloween tho splendid carnival of ac ton cltlsens hand provldod belter fun tor normal youngsters in a saner way the ouolph ludles who w tn charge of the rummage aalo for tho benefit of tho elliott home in that city ore very well satisfied with the results tjtic gross receipts were i10s1 foreman campbell und his men of the acton section of the canadian natio hal way have been working with other gangs in the georgetown yards rebuilding the switches and making other improvements there police court case are rather hum orous this week two cases were heard by 1 m moore ut hrampton on monday two casus at milton yes terday and two cases are cullad fur both friday and saturday in acton tha programme for tile young peoples league of tha mothodiat church for the coming aix month was distributed at the meeting oi monday evening u la uulte oom- prehensivu und showld be very intof anting 1 the ontario government has thin week appointed john williamson a member of the hamilton police koroe to bo a itovlnolal o t a uncwrco- nient officer in the lluinllton district for tho purpose of usalatliuj inspector mocreaay r according to a statistical note there are 14 par cent fewer hog in the country lyiw than there were before the war and wo oannot but think that somehow the statlatlcian must have forgotten all about coal profiteers and motorlsejr who want all the road hera are few new words young students will require to look into the latest dictionary for f they sueoood in correctly pronouncing and trlvtus the meaning of fascists soviet realtor vltafhlae kb than la the older dic tionaries wont tvo servlowwhsn that wisrds ar hunted for appreciation of prince of wales 8 kirk georgetown officially thank ed for flowers sent for re turn journey mr hon young dairy i mtullml u btoum utorlluing un wuuhlng plant which innuroa clounlfnoffn in tho hundllnic nuppllcd to bin fuatomora tho uitnual ihld day iiporui in con- npctlon with georgetown high hchol wero hold in thu park on vrlduy oc tober id thoro wum u large ut anco und ouch ovent wiui koenly tented mrs john i- wlllliimu of toronto hprtit tho wookond at tho homo of her father mr wm cleave mru tllodnoy of hamilton vullot at tho mothodlat panto nag o last week mr und mrs hamuol wordon spent thonweekond with relatlvui in fergus mia irene sinclair a graduate of our high school has rocontly been appointed critic toucher of tho hyor- son school stuff toronto she at tended toronto normal college with the 102223 clan mr and mrs fred cook and family urti removing to toronto thin week mr und mm cook huvo boon ronldonts of goorgotown for tho pant ten yours und during that tlmuhuve nmdn many warm friend w t smith formerly of nerval haw opened a hutchur shop in tho corner store opponlto arnolds factory thoroa a hole in the pavement ut thu corner of muln und mill st roc in that is going to be tho cause of an accident if it is nut repaired mr und mrs hcrymgoours llttlo daughter la progrouslng fuvorably of tor her recent operation for appendicitis ut ouolph hospital tho llttlo son of mr and mrs jl wcmynn who wan operated on for apimimllcltln at guolph hoapltal last week tn recovering nicely anniversary morvloea were hold in anhgrovo mothodlat church on sunday afternoon key churlen harkott of acton was tho preacher munlc was rurnlshed by goorgotown method tat choir tho dedication ceremony in connec tion with thn official opening of the oddfellows now lodge room in tho arena will be heldon monday evonlng november 26 tho local council of women have boon fortunate in completing urrungo- ments for the executive of tho nutlun- ul councft and also tho executive of tho provincial coupcll of women ti hold tholr annual mooting in george town on november 21 and 32 thorn meetings will bring tu wur town womii eminent in various forms of publli work herald jr if- thyru htorio lulu mcut- rheon gordon lonlte amite altkeu mary mrcalg hi prlmor klaio nolnon jr primer lcvoljno ijimbbrt kvely on mccajg lloyd mc known v mcdonald tjiacljor tho school und pupil of delightful halloween rhcmhoufl on friday eighty reldentu of i entertained ghontn cnl und juck-o-lan- woro enthunl- tlal lu tin evening the hoctlon were wllrhen black ci terns aloundod antlcally joined in fat en foretold and a number of humoruua exorclnoa wore given by tho pupil tho drill of tho enatcrn iland wan euoctally ludl- rrous at tho clone of tho program mo umplo refronhmontu wore orved by the ladles the rinult of the examination loat month at school no r icniiuomlng thn dublin school is uu follow hr iv merle stewart john illack jr iv murgurnt waldlo donald mciougull jr iii howard wobnter jr 11 lawrence wohntor wilfrid wuldio llllllo mcphudrnn i claa wllmer fryer stewart huddick walter fryer f senior prlmor aiinlu illack junior primer hignu webntor c v ache0n teacher naqsaqaweya with cotnmendlble foresight kindness of heart mr b kirk of the georgetown torn i company whi president of the canadian florists and gardeners association mint tp tho quarters of the prlnco of wolf the empress of franco ror hi turn trip homeward 2 co of tho fluent red carnation that could be selected mr kirk had ascertained that the red carnation fa the prince favorite flow er and for that reason selected thut flower with which to decorate the princes cabin that they were appreciated by his royal highness la amply at ten tod by the following note from lord thomas tho princes private secretary which was received by mr kirk on satur day empress of france at boa october 14 1023 sir 1 am desired by lord itenfrow to convey to you und through you to the canadian florists and gar deners association of canada hi koyal highness appreciation of your good wishes and sincere thanks for the beautiful flowers sent to his cabin in the kmprnns of france for hi return journey to england yours truly godfhky thomas private secretary s kirk president canadian florist assoclutlom a joke with fatal consequences the young man who removed lan tern from open cutvarts causing dr j aquae death sentenced graham iraythe merrill john wane henry webb chester davidson and arthur forbf bmiluxf hagers- llle came up befure judge lennox at cayuga butt week for noutenco in con nection with the charge of criminal negligence in causing the death of j jaquaa of flahervluo lit oc tober 1022 tho caao wu tried ul thu fall aaalaes when sentence wu de ferred the ove yoking men wore let off uu suspended sentence but wore bound over to keep th peace for three years in a bond of f00 each und i wo from each of their fathers they are also to pay 500 each to the widow of tha bite dr jaquea u a slight re stitution for her ions and sorrow tho above bus reference to the fool inh act ov tho young man 1 removing lantern an a halloween joke which hail been ptaonrl ut u oalvert in oo until of reconstruction u a warning unl whlctrxrauhod in tho death of dr juquea former if of fergus who ru i nte the excavation in bin auto and wu killed rockwood georgetowns fine new pavements kor years somt of georgetown alreel have beep in u very unaatlafuu- tory condition luat year u pew cerrfent pavement was laid uh main strvot and this your thu roadways of guolph and mill street huvo boon reconstructed with atone und content and tho main street pavement extend ed tu the white ur id go the main streets of the town now liuve splendid cement roadways when the new toronto barnla highway is completed to connect with the towns pavements georgetown will have as flna ntroots as any town of its alse in tbvprovlnoe thar g always someone some- where wxho is aiulous o buy what you have jonmil sorrieone who jios jdlit tho artlcla yuu wmnt to buy to com plete a deal each must know of tho others wonts and there u no bettor jpfumdra certain way 4o niaks thege wants koowp tluui thrdhjh th 4uuw wont ada mr and mrs israel thacker has returned rrom tho tvcst aftor a vory enjoyable visit mr jon gray has boon very ill ut his farm homo during tho week mr gerald ob borne is buffering from un attack of pnoumonlu- tho regular monthly meeting of tho women institute was held ut tha home of mrs andrew hewat last fri day evening there wore twentyflvo member and visitors in attendance and they were all repaid for coming out by the excellence of the evenings programme which wo entirely in the hand of the school tachors of thu vilugo who covered themselves with credit and won vplumos of praise tho itockwood boys attended the arthur plowing match and carried off all tho prlxes and trophies except in one class in which they did not com pute will gray secured five flrnts in the first class ho nocurod first for best plowed landtbet f coring best finish strajghtost fearing and nweep- a taken jos oaken in ind place and john stewart 3rd in the clan under 21 in sod joseph itenham won the cup and in tho clan under 18 jus auaten was first und albert hoyco 2nd mr leonard mcdougall townahlp unaoasor and mr edward synott have returned from tholr trip to tho went tho report of the committee who bad churgo of the sale of work of tho blind in cooporalon with the nu tlonul inatltuto for tho blind toronto wu very t rat trying tho sale of lug 16080 oftag 6124 total re- wlckur work nutted 117130 of bak- oolpu ij8434 expenditure 716 leaving a balance of 121710 or oil amount 123111 wan forwurded to tho tonal inntltute fur tho ijitnd and 046 goes to tho womens institute tbi x tha homemade baking being for the hulloflt of the iiihtttuto the standing fluid crop corn poll lion un turn i pi for this dlatrlct nan junt been completed by mr mclean of hlohmond hill there were in ull nfoun noldn judged and mr mclean atate emphatically that thla 1 the boat competition in turnip he ha yet judgod in all hi large ex perience every one of tho holds win ning 08 imilnlm and over the heavy yield or 1210 bushel per aore by mr ju stovol crop plitood it at the of the hut with u score or 974 point with mr jo uuhans coming nocond wltli 11b1 bushels pr ncm mr arch mcnabbs had 11b0 bushel ior acre mr mclean states that all the hold ware far above the averugs for atrulghiness of rows cleanness of orop iryoouom of lice and quality of crop the priie ranged from 20 down to is samuel ilairut una of the venerable and highlyantoumod uttixeu of thl oommunliy died in the general hos pital guelph lunt thuraday the tun- erkl wh hold on saturday uftarnooti und wa conducted by i to v hoy uoig- er hi puator- mr iturrln was uu early not tier ho wun u man of nterling uhuiucter upright hi ull bin dealing und honored with thn re poet of ull wim knew blni he wo a member of the mathodlat ohurch and his in- flunnco wu ulwuyn on tho side of right james colter of lcrumou plottded guilty to having thn paltn of fur bear ing anbnul unluwfufly in til lioaae- lon urn was fljiod q0 und fonts in guelph potloe court uu monday edward hunt u former runident of this village wits urrontad ut wiudnur n suiurday on u charge of u moriou rfenco hi wu brought lo ouolph n monday by provincial constable gurdlnor of kltohuuei und arraigned before magintruto wutt but uk the crown wa not ready to projja with the naso an udjuurninent for a vvuek tantad im frlondn of mr amon norrih of nusnagawoya will be norry to learn ho la seriously ul in st joseph hoa pltal ouolph with bamorrhugn or tho ntomuch und but slight hope uro huld for hi recovery mr david j ullbertnon hud a puru- lytlo stroke last thurnduy ami 1 in a critical condition hev e milton carter of jornoyvlllo will pmuch unnlvomary normon in tho ebemixer church next sunday at ii a m and 7j0 p m tho hook- wood me t hod in t choir will ulntf in tho morning and tho ebennxcr choir ua- mlntod by mr stout of guolph in th evening hev o s cannmoro b a of nan sagaweya will preach in jorneyvllli next sunday a memorial servica will be held in o nassaguwaya ivoahyterlan church i monday 12th inst armlntico day whou hev mr debb of hurllngtun will give an uddran a unltwl chair f thn different churrho of tho town- nhlp will usuint in the nervlco mr hubert watson who wan op a ted on for bowel trouble a hort thno ugf in tho general hospital ouolph in in u critical condition aminbomontm huvo boon completed for a banquet at the village inn campbellvlllo on monday evening november 12 under the auspices of tho athletic association thoro pneofjt features will bo thn presentation of nwnutern to the local intormedlato champlonn of the halton i lane ball leuguo und winner over tho cham pion of tho north wontworth huso- bull loaguu known foli hio fsiendbhipo a group of people wero iftiunklng of a prominent itiip who hart recently died i tmvir hiippeiied to mitoi jilni olio luiitl hut i would know hn wau a loo limn bocuuiin ha mudo iiuch won derful frlundii yen another agreed lie wim known for hlu frlendidilpii it wun a rent tribute thut wuu paid in thonni few word the mini who wun goiti would not huvo won the frlendnlllp r thu loo people who mourned hi ciuu if thoro hud not lieeii koiuethlilir line in hlrn wo lenllro thut the frlendxhlpn or olhnrn toll um iioniethliig on to what ort of men and women they urn hut wi do not ulwuyu rntnember that the mime in true of otimelvvn who urn her frldndn7 wuu- ulmout thn prut tpuentlon ankeil in miturd to i young woman whono iiainn hud boei uuituiitnd for inoinhurhhlp in u mall ehlh und the flico of the prealdolit iljrlirhteniul ut the nnuwer to her iu- llun hho bun miuie very inn friend i um mire nhu will bo un uddltlmi to he clul in thin cuue thn lint of her frlendii wuu the only roferonco thut the iipplliuut heeded what wort of frlondn hun imr hu runn with thn hliorman sir i row if i dont believe wo euro about taking him in then do wo 7 ygu know thoao sherman street fell own uro not uxuctly our kind und if hes tho name nort wed hotter keep clear of him convorniillotin or thin nort urn not at nil uncommon ami more thuu one boy or girl making u wrong choice of frlendii in thubeginuing hu lonl tho chunce ror uorfiothlng tint tor perhaps uuch n juilgniunt in unjunt but to people who urn older und morn ix- perlonced thn frlondnhlpn formed by a young pernou indicate a good dnul they glvn u pretty utrong hint as to the ipuulltlnn thut ho udmlrtt in other und tho traltn that h munt huvo hlm- noir in order to attract tho people that ho donn thoro j not likely to be any very mining attraction between tho hoy with high idea ut honor und truth- fulnenn und tho hoy who in known to prune ice fulnehood und docelt john gordon wright the danger of overcon- fioence a i mou t ilory of alberta goes wet by 25000 prohibition defeated by th largest vote ever polled in tha province calgary alta- nov b- in jy fur thn largest vote ever ollod tn alberta on the liquor question prohibition yen- tcrdoy wu defeated decisively seven yearn ago tho province guvo a dry majority of twenty thousand in u total vote of 95000 on tho abolition of the retail sale of liquor in 1020 th iter of importation camo up und with it total vote of 106000 there wu a majority against importation of 18- bofl yesturdayn vote will go clone to loodo und tho majority ugutitnt pro hibition atunding ut the momupt ut about 24000 probably will approach 30000 when thu return aie complntu there uro t2 provincial cotintlluoil- clus and uu incomplete return thorn appears to huvo boon u majority for rernment control in 3s of them including thu cltlos or calgary e1- nton lothbrldge ujtd medicine hut i some rurut oonntituenclen thu figure are no clone thut later return will involve some uhirtlnjr from one column to another l e p conylktaro prusldont of the moderation loaguu of alberta in ux- proanlng hi aatlnfactiou with thu ver- dlut auld he hoped tho government would apiiolnt u liquor commission for u flxeti term suoh u board hu nuld ahould have ubnulutu oontrnl over it htuff with political luitrunagu cunt plotely uumluuted while the wot in ontario hull th result of the vote in alberta un u indication thut public nontlmcirt to ward iirohihltiou ln changing and thut uii pruvlnoo will full into lino wit muultoba hrltlnh columbia alberta and quobor and whllo prohibltloultu declare that no uuch conclusion am to be drawn from thu verdict glv tho western lrovlnoo the pruvl government hu hot formulated imillcy lu regard to u liquor rofuruiiduni nor wiu it do o unbll it inmunlfunt thut it i demand utl by u stronk body of publlo opinion premier f in out of the city for a day or so attorneygeneral nlcklo dnolal mod any right to puk an to the future policy of tho govi ment which he nuld was only witliln the province of tho ittme mlulntor but he hud no hesitation- in peaking un to it present policy a declared before the lat election nuinuly to ufojo the ontario tumpcrutico au a panned by thu loglnuturn and lu allow tuturw policy to depuiid on thu condition und development of pulilh- oiilnlon very dully puper loll tho iimn ukllled und fsurloun o lout bin urn by trying one trick too tnuny sklllxl und woll- trulned though tho airman rimy have been hn lout control or ills machine utj u critical moment und dnrfln lor remitted at thu uumn tlipo wo read of u nklllod nwlmtnnr who ventured too fur out or attempted some feat be yond tiln ntrongth und endurance and in tho numo pupr too wo muy roudof nomn kuonmlndod youth who got thn fnlno notion that rlcho dtiuld bill nod by u shortcut process so omhoxxlod tho funds of hi amploy- bollovlng hn could hide hln mla- deodn by clover manipulation ho found ho wus mlstukon ndonce bring troublo to thono who depend too much upon or chunce it makes thu ono iminnesnlng it no nu re of his skill and prowonn of hi acute noun unit cunning thut ho allow hln nutfduvelopod egot- vorridu or overrule hi hotter judgment confidence in ltnolf a splendid thlnjr for it in tho opposite of four of timidity and hesitating un certainty hut overebnfidonco carries tho pojiamnor beyond tho nolo limits of hi ability und power tho ovorcon- ndent attempt to do much morn than thny uro table to hu or thoy fall to be cautious and careful thu moment wo bucomo overconfident wo weaken our ublllty and lone our iwwor junt thut moment nonmltody olno stop in und taken our plum attontlon tu bunlnunn puluntuklng euro pornltnnce rontltiued ntudy untiring dlllguncu keep um ulwuyn pretmirml alwuy num luck of thono qua 11 tie breed ovor- conridencti and overconlldonco noonor or later moan failure why plant tree8t troon add vnluo lo property troon cool tho nlr in wlnfor und rnd- itite wunnth in winter tree hnrp lo koop thn air puro for man und tho lovnr animal trees provide homo for thounandn of hlrdh thut holpxmui in hln hghl ngiilnnt injuiinitn iniinct treon provide liornmi tor many util- iriulu tiiat are tnicful for man for fbixl und clothing treen heli u man in hlu itcht foi lielter nuntliithin trooh uuppy u urge part or ull the fuel 111 thn world treon glvn un wood nnrt wood pro vides uu with building material fur niture impjomentn ulennlln timibi and other uhoful thlngii in great variety trnou provide one of ilm rnout ulrlk- ing nml permnueijt fonnn of beauty tree improve the climate and con- oil i id lite treen provide u gr m lurid la lieu un uneful kfurltlme luriuur nrlety collecting friends im trylm ttrong f l leni lvhnn they hid life woi climb und who after thorn who cj over tho hard place uy to dd urrouud niynelf with ildhoker to u chum dliiounulng vocallonn i wlillt rilellil who ii pull mo up liivo nm hflh ilu thn only kpger u niakliig a big mlniukn hlrong manly frupdn ho munthavi of counw but hu muni have also others as good hut who neoil pulling up an ho diutsi who are weaker thuu he and whom to help will develop hln own munhood a llfo of nil motiving und no giving 1 us duugerouu in friend ship us in malliriul ihlng uiilenn wn pass along the pulln und llfin glvon uu in thn llfocllrnb wn nhuu rourli thn goal porhuph but hhull lie poorer than when we started tho lino lin- pu inert that make up nohln character ull dwarfed and dead bocuuso or lack of oxorclnel proclamation thank8qiving and armistice aervices thn oitlx rtmpjihtihl meeting ut mi of acton o nnnetnhlu in thn town hull on lerehy publlo monday at november 10 oclock a 12 m 1023 for tho purpono of uniting in u thunknglvlng und memorial service thn order of nervlco will bo consti tuted of three purtn 1 service at the town hull at 10 mclean co what about that 2 overcoat we have it the best corns ever shown for the money arc in brown and gray shades with lre collar belt at back all wool call and wo will bo plcwsed to show you these coals dark gray overcoats with hair length plaid back extra kood valuo at 2500 turn bulls li in 16 underwear this is a new line for us to handle if you arc looking for warm underwear ask to sco no 111 twopiccc shirts and drawers at l25 and 20 each boys fleecelined shirts and drawers tiger brand sizes 24 to m at goc 70c 80c 90c and 100 when you buy undehweak do as we do buy the best mclean co boll btreet acton ont oclock 2 procood in order to tm unnounc od to holdloru monument for aultubli coremonion and two minutes of nllenco 3 procood to fnlrvlow comelory lo docornto sold its grave all cltlnons aro urged to olino thono armlntico anil thanknglvlnj nroinon and to plnu to tin at thn town hull promptly at 10 oclock no that tho order of service hiny bn ru rr i im out im nrrungnd liy order geohqe hahhi1h lleevu acton october 22 1023 buying by mail l iowiuiid u mighty nut worth living how woild you tiko to journey to the nouruwt city for ii pound of uugur or a yard of tnunllii or a spool of throudt and how would you like to mitko the trip when you hood n pre- ncriptlim illlod in u hurry with death running you u nice you would makii nomu iiolsa if forc ed to such un extremity um then mora nolnn you would auyr mid jually ui that a town in which you rannot buy u pound of sugar or u yard of muslin or a wpool of thread proncriptjoii niled i h mighty lor uxcunu fur in- yut our mnrchutit can only ufford to keep theue thing voniunco um long uu you buy other thing from them it in not doing thu town uny good lo buy tho llttlo things bore- and then cltunu off to it city or neiid lo u cala- logtln bollne wllell you wuilt houlotblllg on which thu tiiurilmnt bus u chunco to make u dollar neither i it dolnir you uny uod for tho prosperity of ouch oktlsuii 1 dopyndeiit to a hug orient uivoti thu pronperlty of tho community uu u whole wo are not telling you uomuthlutf you do not know io uru niuiply lefruuhliig your tnum- iry in hope thu lltim may como when people will conclude thut u town thut in worth jlvlntf in in worth trud- lium thut ull when age pays at huyduri norfolk knglund throe coiiiurios ugo tho lord of tho manor bequeathed ipjooo tho internal fnijn which was totje vuted annually- to provldw dowries tor four brlilun un- lor tha term of the imquent tha monuy hun to lio divided butwuuti tha young- nl the oldest tho shortest und tho fullest drill mutrlud during tho urno of each yosr lu thu pui inh church after tha tnuri lug bride and hrldogroom p veniy to nlgu riglnter brldw in thud lituasiifad by the lo luting minister at the und of tho r the tuurrlaga record aro pxam- inod and the dowries awardotl to thona qualified tu reoelve taesa i urumony lug i do need hands but- cllllegu htud money durli uppllud to i nt denlrous or eurn- t tint uummor vuy- fnrntvr for it ponltlqn hu furuir benltiitud von ho nuld when thu ntudeiit prenned him i do liuodf bund hut i dont fool uny npeclul need of udvien und thu lunt colloue loy 1 hlrud npufu u lot of vuluuhtu htioiigth ivlny m udvlio on hw to run my farm a younir tituii wun ungugud u book- koupor by u firm doing considerable buhlneh und lit thu und of the llrnt week he wioto iii inothor allying how rirtumili it wu thut hu had uuii glvjn the joh hu pointed out thut tha jinns methods wtn extieinuly nld- fuuhlotiud mid thut hn would bo en abled lu muku iimny chuiigc which would bn worth u gieut dnul to thaiu hlx mo hlli lulur hu wu look lug- for u job km pi oyer upprocluta intorent and initiative they uru pot inclined o discount imw uluu hut th imw m- ployofi who conn idem tliut 111 lmt buntnenn i to point uut thn mlntskn liiuitu before hln time and to itivo ad- vlcu to lit oldu lu likely to und thut hlu survlto cult ho wpurud a oorlultl moduniy u wllllngiien to luuru um well it a roudiiiu to work uppuul to must employer we want 300 hen hlght now for bltf uiylng mechan ical job if you urn mechanically innllned und like working u round automobile und tractor dont de lay never wu thoro such u de mand for trained mun a fow week time invaatod now will give ypu u trudo that will mnau inde- penilenca for life leuni autojno- blln and tractor operating and re pairing urn vulcanising battery building and nxyucetylarui welding htho hemphill practical system rentmrrpbr orv dlnpouul lcreit cat a logon get big pay and toady work io it now he nphlll auto tractor school 102 king hi wont toronto village of acton re acton machine company m proposed jtylaw to grant uxemptlon fnmi taxation to thu ubovu inuntloiiod acton machine company bynapsls of bylsw thu purpoun of thn nuld byhiw in to urulit qxomptloii from municlpul tax- utlon except uchool ttlxe ullil lm improvumeiit ruten tp the acton mi clilnu company ivoderlck h hlow proprietor for u period of ton yearn on u hew factory to bo e rooted in tho villuiin of anton by the said acton muctilnu company for tho purpmui of manufacturing uxlo und other motor ucoennorlun thu nuld exemption to commence una dutn from tlm ootn- tiiuiicoipoiil of thn erection of thu nuld factory take notice thut thu vole of thu rutepuyoiu of the nuld vlllagu of acton will bo taken on the ubovu mentioned pioponed hylaw on monday tha third duy of december 1033 ut tho sulik me ut thu natuu place and in thn mm mumier oh thu vote in tho nn- iii i munlelpa icluctluuu aiho tuku no tko thut on lvlduy thn twentythird duy of novembnr 1923 the ltvo or aulliig uuevu will httnnil the llrumwri hululu the town hull ut ten oclock lu thu forenoon to appoint lu writing slgiioqvby him two pnrhon to uttend ut the hluii ummtug up of tho vote and ono person to uttoiid ut ouch polunw pluca on behulf or the pernonn intereilmi uml lilonlt on of protiintltlk the panning if th uu id by- law und ulno the nutna liumbui of pm noun uu behntf of thv liemoiii opponlng thn nuld byluw alno tuku notion thut tlu cleiu l the council of thn nuld village will at tend ut thu town hull acton ut 030 p in on thu nuld third day of hncerr her 1023 to uiu up tho number i vote ul vun for olid una i not thu uu byluw nonce notice i heruhy klvmi thntlf tli utuiit of tha tutupuyurn 1 oh tlilnd thuiulu thu mihl bybiw u tiun nyn- opsin of which nipaur wbovu wll bo taken tutu mmnldurtttloii hy tbr muni cipal council of the vitiligo of autou special sale for thursday friday and saturday mens 2- pi ceo underwear flcccclined penmans per garment 100 mens merino combinations penmans 185 mens 2fciccc pure wool underwear per garment 150 mens fleecelined combinations 175 mens pants per pair 225 mens smocks 185 mens overalls 185 mens pure wool sweaters 275 mens working sweaters 175 boys all wool bloomers 175 boys all wool pullovers i t 150 boys 2piecc underwear fleecelined per garment 65c boys stockings sizes 7 to 0 30c girls drawers ankle length all wool 50c girls heather stockings 50o ladies ah wool pullovers 200 royal clothing and gents furnishing store m brown mill street acton open evenings ncilsons supercreams everybody asks for them the 1 pound package of assorted chocolates that sells for only 60c for this week- wo oftor you butterscotch toffee 29c lb as fine as the finest wo are proud our topees and our butterscotch toffee is a leader a clear hard toffee made juat to suit that sweet tooth regular 40c tb saturday treat 29c lb weekend chocolates s2c lb a largo assortment of highgrade chocolates in assorted flavors both hard and soft centres dont fail to tako a pound or two homo with you for tho weekend regular 50c and 00c lb saturday special 32c lb ught lunches if you fcl a little hungry when down town shopping drop in and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate or a sandwich wo will do our best to please you v rumlev phone no 3 acton ontario month fni thu nlghtll day november 1dj3 palng tti lata of thojlrnt publication uf hit potluu u n iaitufcm clili of thu viumku of anton 1 la tail ut acton novmbnr htll 1133 1u3 from now until christmas voii will be in rountutit hoed of kmbrolilery itloa crochet cottoil j ml ull kind of kuiicy woik to nut ruudy for glfta como in und stock our woik hiiuktil and lot un hulp youholva thu ujuifkitlon wltb ustl- iiim of kuiicy thing to muku and of cour8e we have the latest btvle9 in millinery too miss j galbraith hill fttrblt acton ont i liiss specials for friday and saturday p0kk c0ts- frcjli hunia jilccc porib side pork ilvcc per b iork cliops rib per lb shoulder chops per lb shoulder io3t per lb veal cut8 shoulder riooat veal por b veul chops rib per h loin chopn per b hump koh3t vcl stew vcl per lb beep cutfl kound koasi off siewk leg ppr lb hump rofit per b hound steak per lb sirloin 3tek per lb porterhouse roagt vper lb wing roast per lb use ao x0e wso utp a2e vzve up 17p 17c cubed meats smoked hams wpolo or half per lb jise sido bacoq slab or half per lb 3hc smoked rolls whole or half per lb i hd try our homemade sausage 18c and u0o per if oppn wednesday arteftnoonp w j patterson cornkh mux and main gtkkbis acx0jint r iv r 71 m