Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 15, 1923, p. 5

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from th imu of th frm prm of thursday novmbr 10 1023 good olid wlntnrwcfthnr now a meeting at all interotitimi will imt heldqr monday evening ontnntxe a hoekoy club for arton after the ice lorm on morklivy mornlnk the pavaroonbi umi niiiootuiicm in a very treacherous condition there la talk of orgnnlxlue e- hoard of trade for acton the awning aeaeon u nhout over but botorw another nrrivea the coun ell should pome a by luw reiculatlng their height louny a dtlum haa till- intentionally doffed bin hat thi ium- tnor owing to th trench eruly low- ana in town llark llroe occupied the town hall 0100407 tuesday and wednesday evenings and had flllod huuaee eyery night their patron any they put up a oratclas ontortalnment and are worthy of the generous support they receive from the public monday was the dorkeat day of the year there were a good many com plaints whan the electrlo light was turned off at 8 36 in the morning but thanks to mr carrtithers thg elec trician ware profuse when it went on again at 3 zf in the afternoon kno church sunday school will commence their practice for their holi day entertainment on new years night to morrow evening the matter of blocking the railway epoetins by the o t r trains has been a vexed question here for some time complaints have been numerous and the matter has been taken up by loco authorities and after repeated testing it has been found that the railway act has been violated information has been laid and the railway uth ties will be cited to appear shortly to answer to the charge on monday evening the members of the quarterly and trustee boards of the uathodlst church mat at parsonage and were entertained by rev and mrs smith increased confidence in national railways ftlr henry thornton rjinda maritime pleased with improved servloe sir henry thornton president of the canadian national railways returned to montreal recently on the coraplot tlon of an inspection trip embracing the lines ol the national system in quebec new brunswick nova scotia prince bdwavd island mod the stale of maine j wei very gratified at the many evident of the continuous improve ment that is taking place in the service rendered by the canadian national in the territory paosed through sir henry amid upon reaching montreal tha physical condition of the pro- perty hoe not only 1on maintained but hag- been unproved in many re- spect ii wag specially pleased to notice the degree of confidence that the various communities have in our district and regional officers as i have said before the success of the national system depends to a very large extent upon the intelligent loyai and efficient work of it personnel sir ilenry thornton was aocompani ed on bis inspection by vice- presidents s j hungerfold and j b dalryample and other officers of the company at various point delegations waited upon the party to present- suggestions for new extensions and for the develop ment o existing- lines these pro posals it was stated would be con sldered carefully but there was no announcemeni forthcoming of any im portant expenditure among the points visited were sberbrooke and bonaventure que moncton and st john n b- amherst truro and hall fox n s chorlottetown and buro- meralde p e i members of the party stated that there were many in dications of an improvement in gen eral business conditions id all the cities visited on this trip blr henry thprnton travelled for the rirst time over the transcontinental line between quebec and monctun and also made hla first inspection of the halifax southwestern railway in nova scotia nuw a port of the notional eystem jen8itivene8s some people wlthouj a sensitive nature never become sensitive through experience mnd spnsltlveness is such a doubtful blessing- that few born without it would take any great pulns to acquire the quality the most common conception of u sensitive person la of one whoso feelings are easily hurt in wounded feelings uil questionably sensitiveness b1v u earliest manifestation sensitive ctill dren are at limes the uuhnppluat rut at other tlmee they are the happiest although they huvo griefs and pangs that their mom slodgy playmate never know tliy uuu enjoy in higher degree tlio plnaeant emu uon of life they have u keener ap preouulon f affection and of kindness their spirits respond more quickly and eagerly to the stimulating innuetioe of friendship and books and nature what they have especially to do as they grow older if they ur to make their sensitiveness nri advantage to them rathey than a handicap is to learn selfcontrol when their feelings are hurt they must bear wound stoically they must lourti mt to let their ego obscure the eosinu they must harden themselves against the rough knocks of life without becoming leas accessible to its soft appeals inassairilie pe redox of sensitiveness 1 that the more suqcessful a person u to conquering- the vulnerability of hi qprtwfeelincst the mare tender be grow ot the feeling of others when hla aeniuvdeas becomes thus ob jeottve it begin to flourish as an aid and enrichment to llfs then wharls sweet and sound in nature and in urt make deeper irapreaslou gives greater pleasure furnished a livelier stimulus the boy who thank he is morbidly sensitive must not despair the chances are that he will become a man 4 quick human interests aad keen and ympatheuo understandiug uinf rtlo1 unl lying hnlplooe- utterly unprtipured lliruugh luck of hplrltuul i i a lit cor for ho nrlvont of the kinkilom it was the hour of onimirtunliy und if thiro were oiiough heralds of the kingdom he flock be folded tho rijwi harvest garnered he hun already chosen twelve die clples a number corree ponding to that of the tribes of israel duws thorn with authority tike his own over demons and dtseaao peaks verse 38 hnl forth tho original word is more forcible implying i strong impulse it is used tn mark 1 13 the hplrlt drlveth him into thi wild erne and frequently of ousting out uvll spirits ulso of casting into outer durkneaa mati 2g ao curr luke h 1 ilrlnglng tha good tid ing to the disciples und the early christians the rollglon of jeaua was pro eminently u rt i iff ion of joy and gladness it brought comfort and was not a religion of sorrow its joy- duaneasus expressed by the spirit and lovn of the early christians madu a profound impression upon the pagan world tho preaching of the gospel was indeod bringing tho good tidings if the kingdom of god tho king dam meant the deliverance from op pression and each convert was in spired by joy in the holy spirit verse 2 certain women in this forward movement there were engag ed not only the apostles but other disciples among wham there ware cer tain women whom usefulness in chris service is here noted the names of throe are given they are mary magdeleno joanna the wife of chuxos whose husband was a steward in the household of herod susanna and many others it is evident that in he days of the apostles wumen were am free to engage in christian work as john 3 10 ood so loved the world this irauch treasured vorse has been called the little oospel because it is a brief statement of the fundamental fact upon which tho christian faith rest it declares that the origin of the gospel is in the love of qod in the brief spuco of twenty five words touches upon the principal doctrine of christian religion lessen themes ministering to the multitudes may we not confidently affirm that tho crowds loved jesus t of course the motive of idle curiosity was strong unworthy impulses led many to at tend to the new teaching neverthe less the multitudes must have been drawn to the saviour by a jutre unnamed affection the wlnsomenea of his manner the earnestness of his words above all the luexpresalbio love in his heart must have found swerlng affection in the hearts eager men and women jesus wins people today by the sheer attraction of his personality by the persuasion of his presence all people of every race feel hi power and come to him nd all ore welcomed by him jesus gsvexhlmself to his service he came to the couch of suffering he put forth hla hand to heal all the world will oome to jesus whcn people realize that he alone can hji the slcknees of their souls the only reason why the multitudes do not now crowd to ills feet is that they know not that they are lit ik is easy to recognise the distorted body but very difficult apparently to realise the dls trees of a twisted life blessed are tbejtho percetvfd their need and oome to their physician saviour and friend i go the great utterance of jesus christ after his resurrection was the command oo here we have the military spirit the thought i not at all an idea before which the dls clples were to nit in enraptured con templation a great impelling force wag set at work and it was to push them out to the end of the curtb some idea- of what this command meant may be derived from those who heard it the ductule heard some things in this which sent them to the ends of the earth and believers have had simitar experiences throughout alt the history of the ahurch we judge the propelling force of an englae of war by the length to which it can hurl lis missile we can estimate the force of a general by the depths to which he sinks the blows or his urmy w may estimate the reality and power of the influence of jesus christ by tho lengths to which mori have gone in obedience to him the keiith of livings tunewhen david uvlngstoatr returned to scot land ufter an ilhaeno of sixteen years africa the university of glasgow desired to honor him by conferring on him the degree of doctor of laws on uch oocaalons candidates tor honor ary degrees usually expected uli em barrassing reception ut the hund of the young col log urns viho are present in full furoo bubbling over with bdyuh fun llut when ltctor livingstone ap peared on the platform thay received hint with hunt resptot and reverence was gaunt und wory from ex- ttoeure to sixteen yusrs of a trios h sun und twenty suvun si tucks of african fever ojiu urm having bueii rendered useless by the bite of a lion hullg hull tees by his slit there stood u rvul her i who had fought iiimiy d battle ror humanity add wlm pres untie inspire 1 a reeling of awe in the minds of all resent tin told thm going buck to africa partly to open new fields fur urltlh com- nerce partly to suppress the african ilave trails and partly to open the way for the preaching of the iiospel uut he sentiment thut stirred all hearts i wo this shall i tell you what supported lue through all the year ixtle bmeng people whose language i could not u ml orl wnd and whose at titude tuwurd tup was always umci tain aur orten hostile 7 it was this lo f nrwttu you alway oven unto the end of the world to nearly all canadians b news that tho buffalo which wo have been uccuatomod to regard as nearly extinct huvn rect nlly e intruasod us to noces sltato tho ulauhtur of u herd of 2 ood at the canadian liural park wain wrtght allxtrtu will tome us a very pleasant surprlsn the mire uxls tonco of this surplus definitely nn- nouncfcs thut though xvv will imvi see a largo wild herd again wo yet may hope to sue the prulrlus repopu laud with numbor of buffalo and that this magnificent nnlma m nnruh uf the plains will bo always with us the buffalo wtro in thnli glory win n tlt construction f the first american transcontinental railroad was legun tn 1811 herds of fifty thousand head were than common on the western plains of this oontlnunt um far soutl ns muh und um far north as hudson s i lay und as i many as 100 000 robes were marketed annually so easily wero these obtained that whiskey trudxrs could purchaso a robe for one cup o liquor in 1874 the north west mounted police on trek for tho id cuiuk saw savaral immense bents notably neur the sweet a roe mills when tho force marched all day through a herd of 60 000 which black ened iho horlson this romantic scan mo vmdly contrasting the wlldernees und itu denlsons with the oncoming re presentative uf rlvlllxatiun is surely u fit subjuct for artists and poet the work of destruction once launched proceeded so rapidly that b 11180 only vust quantifies of buffalo bonee and skulls remained to show per study snd dissuasion what three forms of missionary nvurk did christ undertake ut the be ginning of ills ministry what had been hi preparation fur his mtsslont what was the keynote of his teaching and peauhliigt what power and authority did jesus give to his twelvo disciple t how djd certain women usglst him in his ministry us rea a few of the superfluous buffs to thut th grent herds had nvnr lnxm thn mh tuy li ilf breed hunter had fait en to i llmting those skulls and hones for the mujiur rnflnerlos and bono dust furtoru of the united htutis it u worthy of notn tint tho nrat eastbound fmtght train run by th canadian incirio italtway was loaded with such relics tho prtannt encouraging utne of iiftnlrs in duo to lb- foresight of the canadian oov rnniuitt which in 1507 puroiuiud a small herd of buffalo in mont mt ninl brought it ivr tho bord nr to form lhn nuclous of the o 000 hnd now ut wulnwrigbt to this wis purchase we owe the fact that thi buffalo iuim not become merely a her uldio ooust us extinct u tho unicorn or the dodo dally reading f next week monday november ig the a real commission mutt 38 16 20 tuesday novembi r 20- his last commandment murk 16 1420 wednesday november 31 wit nessen of those things luke z4 44 6 thursday november 22 follow thou me john 21 ig 26 friday november 33 the utter most part of tho kurth w acts 1 1 b saturday novemtkor 24 thut tlu world may bntlavo john 17 d 21 sunday november 25 cood tid ings of good laa 3 715 funeral flowers a prominent church official ton yeurw uffo started u natlonul movoniout to alallsh tho sending of flowers to fun erals he said tuko the roses und put tht m not on u coffin hut in tho lapel of the coat of the laboring tnai on his way to work tho gcntlomun did not succeed in abolishing a custom tliut is eesentlully beautiful a love for flowers la a sign of refinement native or acquired a flower la a symbol of joy in its liv ing texture nature t once titrate all the glow of sunlight and the sparkle of the stars thoru is un appealing tenderness in their friendly faces that has made them seen appropriate gifts to bereaved friends rut sometime the custom of send ing flowers to funorubl 1 so overdone as to constitute u heavy tax on fain lllee that can hi afford it for it lias come to tlju point whore people fro quently are called stingy for not doing it th sentiment ut love and uym pa thy la often more eloquently eg- preaeed4 the utile bunch of bios- is plucked by a lady from her garden than it is in the blanket of ss sont by the fraternity to which the deceased may have belonged and e who grieve yor their dead know this to bo true asthma brings misery but dr j t kellogg e asthma llomsdy will replace misery with welcome relief in holed us smoke or vupor it reaches the very innermost reuesses of the bronchial passage und soothe them restriction passe and easy breathing returns if you know as well how this remedy would help you us do thous ands of grufvfu users thurtj would be a package in your homo to night try it bee the point helug asked to explulit tho differ m e between legal language und tho com mon sort jones did so by this illustrat ion if u nun were to give another i apple he would simply say have sm uppiat llut tfstho transaction wuru doilw in gal form the yuwyur would draw up a deed of lft in tint following form i hereby give tuwl convey to you all and singular my estutn und interns right title claim und advantages of and aald apple together with ull its kin juice meat und pips und a i rights and sdvutitagtu therein with full power to bite hiunoh uut und otherwlee eat the tmnw ur give the te away with ur without the skin juice meat unit 1iim anything here before or lin roll before or iii other hltiuiim of whutavur tmtur kind whatsoever to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding tid then another lawyer would comu along und luka it uwuyl any requisite ir and st mpply of hand iv the frm kvry farm rulser should keep u thoniah ktiautrlo oil uly us a tuuity remdy for ills in thu family but itvcause it is u horse and outllu medicine uf yual potemy an o substitute for swtut it for ik rss und cuttle atfouted by collo it tur huriussvm anything thut an bj udmlnlstered figured it out at u retent trial in xlaoun says the times denumirut a tugro was oit tho witness stuud lis tout id od that a riuu ho hud buuil kliocke i down lay un is ground hv miliums und the up posing lawyer questlalud the state ins nt j to test uie uocurauy uf tne witness he took uut his own watch and asked the negro to tell hup when flye tnln wum up the negro told him oorreutly as ha was leaving the court room the lawyer uiught up with him plum ho said 111 forgive you if you ii tall in how you old it yes boss salt the ht gnv ah jun lggred ft out l kigurvd it oillt tes sah by de t look on d well hehjjhgjflii where sound c eases when rising from the earths surface thi ulr beenrans llshter and more rarl- fled all of its component decrease lii amount at thirty mile up there is llttlo or no oxygon and the destiny of the air at that attitude is about ones- one bundrodtb that at the sea level at fifty miles the nitrogen ceases ant then s practically no water vapor ubove live mite above twenty n mil- the air is too rare to tram sound and an absolute alienee there prevails as the ulr is rare at that altltudn and as no mutes or dust are thi re tho light waves pasa almost unobstructed und there is nearly total darkness and uheence of all color temperature too is very low probably approaching that of outward space this region is then one of cold dork silence the fact however that meteors sometimes become luminous ut tho height of one hundred mile and more iiliuw that there is an atmos phere of some sort at that height probably hydrogen helium or kind dred unknown gases an oil that is famous though canada was not the birthplace of dr thomas eclectric oil it lb the home of thut famous compound prom here its good name wo spread to central and south america the west indies australia snd new zealand that is far afield enough to attest its excel- ion op for in all these countries it is on sale und in demand relieved an eminent lngllah man of science recently delivered a lecture during which an amusing incident occurred lq the course of hi remarks he said something to this effect it is a well- fttbllshed fact that the sun i grud uully losing it heat and that in the course of seventy million year its hunting power wll be so diminished that ail ittneilciopt effects will be lost and no life can exist on the earth m soon a this sentence was uttered u sturdy tlrlton in the rear of the hall o and signified his desire to oak a question pardon me he said but v long did you say it would be before this terrible calamity would oc urr why about severity million year mpeuted the scientist with a smile the questioner felt back into hi at with a deep sigh uf relief thank jioavons he muttered i thought i undurstood him to say seven million n as it vermicide an excellent pre pa ration is mother graves worm x- termlttutar it ha eaved th live uf countless children friends who believe in vou stick to the people who inspire you with a if confidence tliat doe hot nmiin tho ruttnrer of course fur flat tory whilo it may he responsible for vanity and conoelc does not give birth fox uny thing strong and wholesome llut there are people hvho while they do tint flutter you believe in you and make you believe in yourself there is something in their attitude which im a challenge for you to develops pow ers hitherto lvilected to attempt feats that up to this time have seemed be yon t you to be worthy uf a confidence whose inspiration you feel even if it is uut put into words if you have f i lends who huvu this effect upon yu utl k to them no inuttor how deep routed thn corn oiuy be it must yield to holloways i 0111 hi luovea if uhhi um directed near success whsii any krwat invention is putunt d il im gi nerally found that a number of othrir inventor wnr on the same trui k home of tfeem made oohsur able progress but 111 some small de tail of hoir invention foil short of cuinplutlom und on rtiat account they lost whutnvni of fajue or rutlt fails to the lut of the successful inventor not infre luently it has happened that work taken up un un abandoned mine has brought rkh profits to the persistent worker oitu of the sudnst things nu failure is thu lao often it is almost suca ess to have gone a little farthsr or tried a little longer or have kept up heart a little more bravely would have chang ed tho lesult complatiy millars worm powdor work ho sf ifectlvuly thut no truce of worm can be found the peels thisn away jlu the stools without being pnroeptlbln rticy tnukn n entire and clean sweep of thn intestine und nothing in the shape of u worm uli hud litdgmau thorn whvli those tmwder are in opera tion nothing could be more thorough ur deslrablo uian their wolfou the explanation an american in london living in private hoti i inquired of an knsush acquaintance how it wu that every one in the house immediately recognht ed his nationality in vagabond journeys mr percivnl pollard records the conversation tho fngtlshmun tookod at our a mori can frlou fur a mo mo n i und thou ventured this definite explanation oh of course dun t yoq see they wuuld know you you see like u shot i mn to auy you see that its quite odds on don t you see that you are that you are you seel i it tho american nhowed on that a llttlo and then remarked a pro wis of nothing say aln t it a una thing we speak the same languagot ye sir that s what keep the two countries so close tuguthcrv tho language still us i was saying i ton t make up my mind whether its my feet or my language i d like to havo a roal heart to heart talk with you about sumo of these little dotalls of the language that bind us tosethnr tongues across the sea a it wom come and have lunch with me at the cocll quite sorry i just wont and bad u bone an hour ago ueg pardon oh i mean to auy of course dun t you roe i had a srlllod buoe at the club wll thoros another thing id like to talk to you about when you have time some day that the exact do anltloh of the week end ive noticed tluit when your lawyer or stockbroker and so forth says he going away for the week end it means that he leav ing thursday evening and not showing again until tuesday morning there goes a boy from 12 ton i can tall him by his clothes prom whore t h ton m repeated tho yankee ao cont on the ton doant ift no don t you eee it just icton m oh rhyme with raeetln eh drop ping the g carefully at the same time as the voice and otherwise concealing the ulphubet as much a possible 7 well well bod the american pulled up his home aln t it great wo speak the same lunguage the difference a itegro mot an acquaintance also u negro on the street one day and wak surprised to woe thut hi friend had on a tiew suit new hut tiw shoes and other evidences of prosperity hy boy h said ho come you dressed up that wayr 1 you got a jobr 1 se got momsthlitg bettor than u job he replied 1 so got a profession what is it 7 i so ull orutur whut s un urutort lunf you knowt replied the roe- londunt unit in surprise wall i ii tell you what all orator u if you was to walk up to un ordinary nigger and usk him how much wum two und two he d say four but if you was to ask one of u otutora how much two and two wum he d say when in the cou se of human events it become necessary to utue the- numeral uf dn second do- moulnuloii and add to it the rigger two i may unto you and 1 soya il without fiur uf suicowsful co tetrad itlou thut d usutt will inval bly be four huts un t rulur deinq popular mivut mople woul 1 like to im popu lar thy woull liko to t liked but thuy ltu r do not know tlw price they iimvu to wy orlhiy uro not willing io pay it to ih ivopuhir you have tu ire interwated 1 1 the lives und problem if nthfi ivoopln you have to listen tiuiluiilly to tlikin whether you want to or not it 1 hot enough to show hudden or spusinodlo in t ores t in the u hairs uf your acquaintances you must show an unfailing interest the loan winy hvi r fulls to rejoice with otlmis und iievur fulbr tu sorrow with thum pays- a havy price hut he will proluuly be fclopulur made hiu home8ick shut thut door yelled the rough limit where were you raised in u burut the maii uddreacdoorn piled but the sihmikur loo itiiii t nlm a moment later observed that ho was lu tear cluing uvi r to u1m vli tlm he etologlaeil oh come he said sikithlngty you ahoul in t luke it to heart because i unkul if you ware rulsed lu a bam thut u it that m it sobbwl in utherwuii i whs raised hi arbarit and it hiuktw mo hoim sick every time 1 hear ait a as bray the famoub no 21 flcury plowb only six of them j1 oocyich wuh two bharcs and skimmer three good road carts very cheap just what you need for bad roads in the fall diamond seed harrows one set four section diamond seed harrows at a bargain carriage rubber tires put on automobile tops covered automobile and carriage painting done areasonable prices j n oneill son garage and carriage works s qeorgetown ontario no 79 j tlliun no 11 10 3saro no sx u ilspm no 3t fi 09 u m no 3d hsspm no 2 uunday 10joanl ooln0cast no zs 7 01am no 30 11 18am jo 34 3 35pm no 3d a 17 pm jo 3k s 13 pm no 2i hi inlay 7 oh pm toronto buburhsn eleetrlo rs iwsy going west 9 17 a m r lially except bunds y 3 32 p m boo v m dully except founds j 11 02a m sunday only i5 p m hun day only dei p n sunday only go i no east 7 41 a m doily except sunday 2 03 p rq dally except sunday til p ra dally except sunday 0 68 a m hyndoy only mb p m sunday only ru p m sunday qnly freight dollvered by spec 11 express freight freight picked up at on ad dress in toronto hl t thettfoiid agent aqton s ee avae and ee better write or phone for appointment for when you wish to come a d savage optometrist ov mfo optician savage optical building right at the poet office quelph personal greeting cards beautiful emblematic christmas designs artistically lithographed your name neatly printed in text or scripts fine plate card with ewelopes to match good choice of deshs and greeting inscriptions 1 doz 2 dbz 300 3 doz 4 doz no 1 175 400 500 no 2 200 aso 1j50 50 no 3 2js5 375 475 575 order at once before assortment is broken the acton free press phone llw esl castoria nxnxxnxnvnnxvvi motheri pletcherj outoria is a harrolcsa substitute for csfr oii7taregonc teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants ia arms and children ull ages of constipation wind colic flatulencj- to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness respond natural sleep without opiates p s to avoid imitations always lookkor the ignalure of ucawvi proyf hhn i i rnd pickofig pluckuii everywhere recommend u t e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons uajn street actoi acton monument works dlalns and imfonteilh op monuitbnt3 ok all kindh ordorn for ifittarlns on sionea alraady rcud promptly at tandftd to exprt wolonanahlp and tfauonablo prlcvsx j nicol box itt mill st acton acton elevator near o t r station following brands ba hand flour manitoba flour pabtrv rolled oats oat chop oat8 oilcake hav and grain grain bought and retailed alex l noble iienbv awrey manager free press job printing is always neatly done this stores policy to rcpresant goods ex ctly as to their quality tq acll to thosic wtio know ad tu those whq dont know at a uniform ulr puce to rulhll all uaautoes and cheer fully correct al mis- ukjaa to descrvo your conqdenco by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewellers quelph qntario

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