Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 22, 1923, p. 6

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cjisrsm lor kt ilm following rie- nirlli rnaiea wcl ltln soc mcmiirui jc inc pr lino rlr porta uirsm si mi rd mxrried nouhlhiluanhiuy at hrln ltlrtav nivmlmr l 133 fy itov john ijniliay juhlri itiiml- of oraiurwvlllo ti hiinry nurrlnli at ouoltili died o j andishhoh at culrur ahu nn hunilay ochiht 2h i23 ollvir o aiuioomih uj1 yar ohant at iiih horofl t i1slvi1 on tuowuy novmlnt 1b33 john jl jrunt ut mm llmo u rlltnt of acton al 10 ycara klliott at liircraoll on monday novcmtxr id 1033 hobrt uuuilt utn ihki hrtmlury canadian ordoi korvstnra ugrxt 7fi year cuhick at moffat on kriluy no vember ib 1 william cuniok fnthnr of mr w j itlt mill atrootjactiii lu hla h5ui jfiiox ahiiaham 34 ailmlrul hon toronto on haltirtlay novemlut 17 123 hqruh kdlvou imuvoi wlfn of ilv dr john abrnjinm ant ipollipr of itov ii k abraham r ouoliili in memoriam smitii in lovlnjf ynrmory of my tleor father nnd njothnr alvxanilr lnlr- tmrn bmlth who tltml february- 1 1901 and mm attn mcdonald hmllh who died novemlmr 17 1010 thl world may rhansw from youy to yonr and frlcntl from day to day uul never hall itm anna wo lovo prom our tjfctmory fada nwny 1iijly u uvkkty neighborhood news- town and country tlo pnuliylnriun iudlon ah i ktv u vry njoywldn fowl miiinmiviollowci by h prmcruniinii in tlm church laid uvtwilns aflr tho nupunr had bnon partakm u hilnnllil prugraliimo by tlm following iirllnlh wuk rivpii iltilun lynrrulim ontmnrlor uhllil wnturtulnnr mm moore fluoliih minn ollvo thompson mim illa attn- mirtmtf ajbiculloum minn muricaret rook 0irlrfjtt iuiy ulndloy iomi- tlimlut liil addroaan by hovm mr lloro httlnburs mr iarklioito kvf rton th prokramtnii wnu thor oughly en joy it ihroukhout anil a plouaant availing viin int this coniumniiy huu u flno old litdy rchulnnt who u not ufruid of work him im in hor rlhtyulxlh your and wiitt oulin wnnk nnd could lead tho young follcn wjio wrro htv hi toiijilnic tupiillh hiii- lm ryir oil of thlm fcik jiip artott xse jreafl tiiuiuiday noveuiukk brief local items 1 anton rounlchwil nomlnatlona jnoxt monday ilaat tntalmnnt of taxoa uro duo tomorrow 23rd inat tho dmr huntont luivo all returned brlnclnx with thorn their allowanc b tho vatltworka dooartmont busy putilnr in borvlccb thta day ouelph m likely to havo four can didate for th maymlty in th munl- cldol c lectio no guelph and lort collorno will hold their municipal election on the uune s date aa acton why do poople pmuit in ualnff tho term all walk of life when nlmoat everybody ride i a new motortat with a now car moym ho ha dlocoverod that mud 1 no reapectar of nutdinobllca venlaon haa been qulto ivopulor on the bill of fare in number homea in town thl woek the wall of the now addition at tho mason knlttinr mill arc oom- pleted and it la now ready for the roof a new dloeaaa is re ported in ger many cipheritla caused by the atrmln of countliuxttho almoat vaiueloaa marks what some auto driver know about driving- a car would nil a book it la what they dont know that fill the hospitals harry bentley of trafalgar was seriously injured on tuesday when he fell in front of a heavily laden wagon the whocls passing over his body bav charles hacked was at niagara stalls on sunday where he occupied tho pulpit of rev mr draper who preached the anniversary sermons here owing to the low price of wheat it is estimated by the dominion ilureau of statistic that there is a decrease of 100000 acres in the land sown this fall in canada mr h w sabine publisher of tho marmora herald for the past seven teen years has disposed of hla busi ness to the marmora herald publish ing co limited at a meeting of the quarterly of flclal uoam of the plains circuit nel son a unanimous invitation was ex tended to the pastor rev j w hunt to remain a fifth year one night lost week oeorge nil- sons barn at speyaido was burnt to the ground a span of horses wagon and a cutter total value about s40o were n the barn and destroyed the council in its endeavor to keep the sidewalks and boulovord in town from damage have passed a by law for their protection the text of the by4aw appears in another column november jnjfl j l memor able as a month unusually mild with tnucb fine weather the oldtime wall tho melancholy day have come has not fitted in with this months con ditlona on monday as john mcmillan o nelson was at work on hi farm h saw a deer quite near him it rai into the woods whon he called his brother- in law a o flummtirfelt bronte the account of klllott a marks of 11100 for the 28 foot tonorots beam bridge constructed by thm u tbo eighth lino between ksquoalng and georgetown wa ordered to lm nad by the county council qet your chrhuma preauiits off by parcel post before the rush begliis it is belter and safer fur nil concerned and will ensure delivery on time oct a card from the post office showing all the different rates jlov c d draper of niagara falls who was a most effective worker in the methodist sunday hchool during hi pastorate here addressed the school on sunday after hood in helpful vnd encouraging terras the mission circle und c q i t have the program mn for the uuth nelson night next monday when presents for the indian children at kltaipaat and aoollectlou will w re ceived at the young peoples league kium pucss readers urw urged to do their chrlstraasahopplug at huuis and to patronise the merchants who invito their limtrohugo through tiiu ktues pssss columns as n cotiiinunlty we want to work together stink togotlmr support one unolhor te loyulio uur neighbors and thus will w prosper togouisr horses are oncoming so ourco in the average smal town that sonietwuly wilt really have to invent a tiaw term instead of that old wheexo a one horse town you kivow a four cylinder town or something like that bhelbume economist why not make it a three cylinder town to b more nearly correct t a rather crusty old bachelor offer pat erf am ills the following udviu rut f swy thelawti mower lake down tho abutters put up tho storm windows drain the auto radiator light- thu tlru cast lhi outer darkness your li v ds put on something heavier suml for your wifes furs buy u imir nf rub bers lurohase a 1hx of qulnitto and tuna the ash sifter cnewsons corners a very tain fut accldeut occurrsdto miss kathleen dennis on her iftiiws farm ndar here lust haturuut a wlrr fence was being built and thn wire wem being stretched taut tho tension was pulled up and just a tlm wlros were being stapled the stretcher brakn and part of 4t struck miss kajhleon who was standing near with great foren on tho hpad and face bha sustalnea a scalp wound which required several stltohos and a rather serious injury to tho eyo mrs frank day who has been tak ing treatment for asthma in toronto for several weeks is not making en couraging progress mr day 1 con sidering selling bis farm and removing to the city quite u number from hero ultondod tho anniversary servlces-ln- tho metho dist church acton on sunday they speak highly of the sermons by llov c d drapor of nlagura falls and greatly enjoyed tho highclass music rendered by the choir tho turnip crop is now harvested a large quantity of turnips woro teamed to acton and itockwood a few farmers pitted part of their crop eden mills the u k o and u f w o will hold their monthly meeting ut the homo at mr charles davidson- spooml line on tuesday november 27 uood programme deota zoo ladles provide lunch the kilon mill w m s of the presbyterian church hold their thank- offering meeting in tho church on thursday afternoon a good number being present miss ituth auld gave a solo which was much enjoyed after the opening exercises miss urydon of harry lilll returned missionary from ho nan was introduced to the audi ence miss dryden has been in china for six years and is now home on furlough gave k most interesting address on her work and customs of the people in chins and ho unsani tary conditions which prevail there in many parts as a rule they aru kindly disposed and receptive to be ing taught to read eager to learn hymns and willing to bo taught the illble and of the saviour who died for them it requires great patience to teach them miss bryden is a moat pleasantly plain speaker and her ad dress i was much appreciated by all present she will be welcomed back to eden mill at any tlmo she may be able to come a bountiful lunch was served at the close of the moot ing a good collection was also given at the close of the meeting mrs auld and miss ruth treated the ladles to a dainty lunch mrs w wilson and little son visited toronto relatives for a week at thanksgiving l mrs ashworth and children of tor onto visited recently in the home of her parents mr and mrs mitchell for a couple of weeks mr james mitchell of toronto was a recent visitor in tho home of mr and mrs mitchell cedar bank farm ir and mrs neville and- sons of milton ware visitors over thanksgiv ing in the home of mrs hampson ir robert root and children c ouelph were guests in the home c mr and mrs henry leslie 1uv mi raid of kssex was also a guest in the horns ot his niece mrs henry leslla mrs simpson and infant daughter of hamilton who has been tho guest of her mother mrs hampson for u few weeks returned home lost week mr and mrs townsendof hamil ton and children spent sunday in the home of mr and mrs a el rudd miss francis hodge of toronto ulo mrs jeffrey and miss jeffrey ouelph were recent visitors in home of mr and mrs a ih rudd oakv1lle nineteen names wore added to the communion roll of knox church at tho preparatory service last friday the 19x3 voters hat for the town of oakvlllo has just been completed ap proximately 820 now names appear this year as a result of the new law at a regular mooting of the hoard of education on tuesday ovenlng it was decided that the schools of thu town should have u better pro toot ion in case of ire last week mr molkle and- mr holmslead visltod tho schools 1 tried out the alarm systems the central school was the only one which upitenred satisfactory there uxn no loans of fighting are should one vo ir in any of the schools record hon x 8 martin minister of agri culture and leo lllllmer m p will address the llurllngton fair ban quet on friday evening november 30 the oakvlllo dairy has been sold to a anderson of uurllngton who to- take possession on december wesloy chudch trafalgar will hold thalr annual fowl supper on wednes day evening november 2u the new gregory picture hall i itltnost ready tornapenlna the decor ators are putting on the finishing ones this week r dean and c v lllllmer were appointed delegates to the- o ii a meeting with instructions to try and secure u more compact grouping j mccurran of the nintli line trafalgar hud an eytt badly injured by a shall cap from a gun he wa shooting- he catholu womens league held tie of home cooking in st andrew it c hall yesterday afternoon mr unil mrs f harris huvu re turned to oak v die audi are nuw stay ing with mr und mrs o anuand mr harris has recently purchased tim willows on the eighth line and will make ills home there tho fishermen report un exception ally i lurue cut oh of white rial lately at rronte these fine fish are being brought in by the bos t load and our fishermen ure all smiles some loads will go as high as half a ton the concrete for the new highway bridge has been pouroxl even includ ing the floor of the bridge and the sidewalk on wither side the weather has been ideal even better for mnnalve concrete than hot sun liner weather komi for the sdo rutting will be erected at ones miss mabel fairfield of buffalo was visitor with ut musses fairfield last week number of mn are working on mpalrhur the oast pier thd govern ment derrick here the footings have boon laid cor tb new masonic tmpl andvlhs brick la being haulsd to ths gtthiur police court ncwb actons municipal treasurer gets an other 200 fine through chief mepnsrsons alertness william mnrklow thn auntrlin farmer of krln township who is lillegud by tin ollliors who have in hurgo tlm oiiforcamuiit of tlm ontario temperance act to have boon ixiot- legglng liquor int aelon for months past came up for trial liuforo police m mrln t rat i mooru liuikoj 1- rlday of tur- noon at mho town hull murklow did not upptiur but was represented by mr l w ooetx barrister ouolph inspector itvevoly und chi if mi phor- son gnvo evldencu hint following do finite informuuon and in possessloi or thn numbers of the murkurs oi marklows car which they hud obtain ed from tho highways department they laid in wait on main htreot near scene htreot for him to come in with his usual friday evening supply aimiui half pust hovon he cumu along 1 1 in jltils wuawlllujinijn l ho car thiy turned their sourrhllghts on urn car us it approached and seolng i ha ur and tho drlwr they suspect ordered him to stop instnud ilt ki ping he put on uam uhd ihrew tut jar of moonshine tm officers secured thin and put it in urn evidence r counsel sold hn hud no defonse to offer but asked thai umlnlmiim pen alty be lmiobel thn magistrate reg- istered a conviction and imposed s inn of 200 und costs as chief mo- iherson lain tho information penalty goon to actons municipal treasury tho cliorgo ugulnsf irtitl llellsky for assault ini his fatherinlaw loul- petroaky or toronto proved to bo nothing moro nor ira than a family brawl tho magistrate advised tli hollgetonts to get together and com to an amicable settlement thiitthoy did und finally shook hands quite goodnaturedly the oasts amounted to nearly forty dollars including 10 do for thn doctors bill und allowance to potroeky for being away from work for a woak ilolmuky also sur rondorod tho boy hill potrosky hfi brothorislaw who was attending school here and over whoso custody thd row commenced tho futhor son- inlaw three daughtors a brother-in- law und a couple of babies were in oourt george olmstead pleaded guilty at ouelph police court on thursday to a charge of stealing an uutomobll tho property of mr samuel acker on august 11 and was sentenced by magistralo watt to one your ul the ontario reformatory to a second churgo of stealing s7g0 from mrs loach of rln ho also pleaded guilty on this charge ho was given throo months in tho reformatory both sen tences to run concurrently with tin sentence ho received at sam lit foi thoft which he u now serving at tin farm at ouelph lost woak chief constable kerr o oakvllle brought oeorg ilennolt t jail at milton convicted by police magistrate shield of being dru while driving a cur und sontenced four months imprisonmonrr jlatin is a toronto man thees will probably he a soquol to tho burning of tho huson barn speysido recently it 1 alleged there wore doings at hllsons that night tho police uro investigating police magistrate mooro went to ooorgetown on monday to hoar throe cases two of assault and ono u breach of the ontario temperance act ii onoasxault case the plaintiff und do fondant got together before tho mlttlng of the oourt tho ahurgo was with drawn the costs paid and the bollger- onts ronewod friendships tho aa- cused- in the other cases failed to put in un appearance and tho cases were remanded until the 29th inst rockwood at krnmoao council last woek tho rates wore struck ilick wood police village assessment flvloss rate 38 rolu umot police village statute labor f420o canadian national rsll- wuy statute lubor 1400 rev j a stewart the new presby terian minister is rapidly getting ac quainted with the members of his congregations both here and ut izden mills his sermons have been much enjoyed mrs george poorer visltod relatives in brampton last week rev john little who is pastor of barry hill church eramosa has pur chased a homo for himself here und will continue his residence in itock- wood no clllxens are more welcome and it wlu often be u distinct ad vantage to havo a third minister here mr robert watson who was oper ated on for appendicitis u fow weeks ugu is homo from thu hospital and u gradually improving the trial of the charge against ed- ward hunt who wa rooutly com mitted for trial when hu uiuyjared be fore maguitru wutt has been sat fur docember 11 dublin he pupils of school soctloil no h dublin who entered for tho chumplon- ihlp pumlu speuklng contust fur hultun lounty last lrlduy evening at milton oovurud themselves with- glory und their toucher miss aoheson wlu credit ou of the twelve medals of fered in this competition hi connection 1th thu school fairs of the county dublin brought home four and in ad dition oneur two cash priitu there were fourtlttsso lu the oil iest girls over 10 years boys over 10 r gli is under 10 and boys under 10 i thu class of girls over 10 margaret wuldlt won the nrst prlxe und vuodul fur the county tlm subject of her speech was tlutlouul hucreutloti there were no entries in tho class of girls undor 10 from dublin but little signs webster who is only 0 years of ugu guvu a npeech on a story about baby rubin for which tho judges awarded tier fifth place i the class of boy over 10 donald mcllougall gave a splendid apeuoh on our privileges and responsibilities as cltlsetls he was awarded the second prixa and medalt three dublin pupil won prises in thu koloss of boys under 10 howard webster took second for his elocu tionary effort on the tnemo how we cun help our country waller fry er tlilrd his pech being the story of old dobbin uud his friend utd wllmr fryer was awurtlod fourth place his subject was memory ho contest was hold in the town hullj milton before u largo audience two of the milton high suhool teuuh- rs were the judges mr r it flom- ing agricultural reproseiitatlve co upled tho chair tho speeches were imltcd from three to live minutes each v lussrs wllllani mo arthur john ruddlok und howard webster took their curs und cutiveyeil the pupils und their teacher to milton t the school fair for the township hold at llmehousu lu september pupils from this school entered six- of the contests for public speaking and all six of them won pitaes dublin school which has aaalunja in out orators for the pejrwlfty years will evidently have a good company of them from ins present flay scholai matinee at wonderland salui afternoon b oqloolc admission sjad iba l you vnever had a better opportunity to thau now when you can secure one at rock bottom price excellent choice our large list will enable you to select what you re quire we have some leal bargains for the next two weeks and would be pleased to show you any of them j a smith real estate agent telephone 105 office at residence corner mill street and wallace avenue i s i i i churchill mis alvln fisher hud un operation last week for adenoids and the ro- rnoval of her tonsils hho in horn again und recovering nlcoly a largo number of the people from this section attended tho anniversary services in te muthodlsl church anton on sunday everton lvuligellstlc hcrvlccmj aro being held in tho disciples church under tho leadership of hov mr watorwortli of hlllsburg the mombfirw of thu congregation of thu dlclpls church hero appreciate the servlues rendurnd by its official a wruk ago mrs j- stewart who has been thn church organist for uoveral yours wusnutde tho recipient of u guimrous purso und kind word of ap preciation lu a complimentary address a social hour was spent togethor ufttrwurd arnerlosn surprised at canadian law dunlol mclntyre of buffalo was surprised monday morning ut niagara knits whon he discovered that ability to pay a fine hudno effect oil magis trate fraser before whom he appear ed on u charge of being drunk in charge of ult automobile hu was sent to jail for ten day while in toxicated ha is said to have driven his car into u bakers wugon california and pacific coast tourb when winter comes tho pncldo coust h tat os and british columbia offer a liavon of refuge from our rlgoroux climate particularly sunny california california has become famous as a winter tourist region because of ltd oxcolldnt ollmatlo condition its varl- slbllltlo it affords for all kinds of outdoor sport and recreation its solon- dld motor roads seabathing etc tho canadian national hallways offer u wldo choice of routes embracing rait and sea trips travel one wuy through canadian llocklou vli jumper nutlouul purk and mount ltob- nou the north pucioo coust houto to viincouver und victoria seattle port land bun francisco mid lo ahgolns any agent of the canadian nntlonul luihwitys will ihi pleuhod to furnish full information regarding these tours barn money at honfe kum upwards of 12s weekly grow ing mushrooms for us ull winter plcummt work fur either sex iurt of rrostprottf cellar or outbuilding necessary illustrated booklet und puiticulars for stamp address plainly canada mushroom co dept 4 260 ouedui avu toronto village of acton bylaw no- 651 a bylaw to prevent damage to filde- walke and boulevards in the municipality whoruus complaints have ben msdc that duhiage has been caused to bouls- urde uid sldowalks by moans of per sons wrongfully delving vehlclei and julnml over tho same nd wliervus it is xpodluitt thut provision should bu made ugulnst such duluuge he it therefore uiiuutud by tho muni cipal council as follow 1 nu person shall drive uny horse liittls or other animals or any wauun otor car truck or dray or any oihr ursodrlveil or motor driven vuhlula ir uiiyldewalkr orlioulevurfl within in inunlolpullty have uu hereinafter provided in the event of it lining hocus- sury for u teuinstsr to mrlve u wugon or u motor vehicle across a sidewalk he shall do so whore a private cross ing has been provided uud if there is no such oroaslng ho shall before driv ing u cross the sidewalk place scant ling at euoti side und plunks over the co in u lit pavement lu such u way us to uvuld ull damage to the sldewulk 9 in the case of cuttle or other animal being driven along uny street of this municipality without h or tethui thuy shall be uooompanud by u sufficient number of drivers or herders to prevent them from trampling the boulsvurd onsuub streets any person or persons guilty of in fraction of this bylaw shall be liable to a hue of not loss than fs 00 uud not exceeding 110 00 fur ouch off once and shall also at the discretion of the niuglstruln be liable to make good in addition uny duinuge which may have been caused by the sold infruounn passed in duplicate this lth duy of november a d 1033 i ukonou uahbun lteove u n jtaiimtsh clerk for making christmas gifts 1 thn fascinating pictures of homemade christmas gifts in the magaxlnc warn thn clever needlewoman that its high time for her to begin making gifts for her friends the materials she will need are un to be found in our store stamped poces embroidery ooss crochet cotton knitting varna silks and ribbons an assortment of trimmed and readvtowear hats always on hand mtll street acton ont miss j galbraith entire stock reduced mill slreal l starkman acton ontirio acton music store apex jec0rds with all thb catisst hits our stock of christimis goodn is now complete with gifts toplcttscuill ngca childrens own records old ithyincs for chribtmas time album complete with three kccorda 1j5 all the latest hits in sheet music acton music store ji j guelph winter fair nov 30thdec 6th december 3 5 judging eivesttock december 6 four b auction sales w j w lennox lnuent k w wade secreuiy from now until christmas we are offering everything in the store at substantially reduced prices both in seasonable fall and winter goods and in suitable christmas gilts you will find our prices much below the price at which similar merchandise can be duplicated anywhere else reductions have been made regardless of our own xost an examination of our prices will convinco youfthat you can save considerably by purchasing at our store we have a splendid- assortment of christmas gifts for every member of tho family come in and be convinced a dollar saved is a dollar earned commencing f omorrsv at mclean co an important sale of white wool blankets die if you want to keep warm get a pair of these blankets uji wool and cotton nnd wool mixture made byonc of the tjcsttnnktnraduflrflntccabyhimtogivcgool wear 10 pair white 04xh regular 060 for 775 s pair white 88x81 regular 1050 for 875 10 pair wtlito 04x81 regular 1100 for 925 5 pair white 08x88 regular 1250 tor 1050 10 pair scarlet and tan 04xb2 regular 1250 for 1050 now is your- time to get a pair of these blankets cus tomers buyingapair of blankets for christmas we will keep and deliver them the nighrbeforc mill street acton pntario when you buy blankets do as we do buy the best mclean co mill street acton ont special sale on every article mens work sweaters mens 2piece purewool underwear per garment mens jleecciined 2picco underwear penmans garment mens fleecelined combinations mens caps in all the newest shades men black smocks mens plannel shirts boys suits sizes 27 and 28 boys purewool pullovers boys black ribbed stockings boys extra strong bloomers ladies white underskirts black thread in all numbers per dozen per 160 135 100 150 150 l85 125 435 150 29c 150 75c 65c royal clothing and gents furnishing store m brown open evenings hill street acton saturday treat just arrived something new tho club package a one pound package of neilsona assorted highgrade chocolates which we offer yojiat the very popular price of 60c per box try one tho best yer butternut roll 29c h a candy for tbo whole family a rich cream fondant centre dipped in chocolate and rolled in fresh ground peanuts regular 40c lb saturday treat 29c lb weekend chocdlates 32c lb just a real good assortment of strictly fresh chocolates hard uud toft centres and assorted flavors dont fail to have a pound of two in the homo over tho weekend rogular 50c and 00c lb saturday special 32c lb light lunches naturally after coming out of the show or from a stroll you feci d little hungry drop in and enjoy a sandwich or a cup of hot chocolate our motto quality and cleanliness ask for ncilsons special ice crciim brick v rumley phone no 3 acton ontahio the best in meats at pattersons meat market 44 they huve quality they arc tender they ure fresh but not too fresh they ure propoily prepured they are cut und sold in a cleanly mumier hoy ure delicious wholesome uud pleasing to terve do you want a rount thut will he juicy und tender when hot that will lice up piccly when cold v veal luntl uocf pork the bent of each an experience of mnie yen re in the bushiest of supplying meat h out it and the beiicht of what wo have learned m yours when you order here wo know ull about the meat we sell und we wont b it unlets its tho bcot in tho market we stock a line op canned goods also watch our windows friday and saturday for specials open wednesday afternoons w j patterson corner mux and main streets 1- acton ont

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