ppwf towfiv- r riw kjwhf ljss w qujp arhmffirp thdilhdav novumillcu 0 1033 motherhood nluht thrt dear ior1 ni trr ii i iluk to thy luy k llllln lr hut let inn li mmuiit from my ulri tuni lull thi hum 1 1 i little mi wur i i mii not think that tlimi hudst f him ho in no 1ltlo irl h ciiii 119i nil ll inn mil prulun then nil ids hutl learned wuu tn imlil fl my klsiieu in night out the i 1 1 nungtl there in mo the t uy hu loves int best if hi forget if thou allow it that my ihlld forgui and run tun nut to meet mo when i comb he thou tend liltn w thou o01i of hi the mnt imrn i ii oni of bin kl linurt do ununlu kuti in i hark i all jy hour l with 1orulvo inii iird but i uln grief an1 tired of tears und cold to comfort ing thou urt wk i know and tender uye ami kol tliou but my child uml hw lu qufa i thw and i believe ab clod my rhlhl until i lo orphunud ammiu thu angels all alon ho lit tin und ulnnol io knowi ni then ho oifly known his moth or givo him v back josephine odge duuk a noonday incident ho passed ulatty thu crowded iomg at the side nf hln hunt it tall handsome uthlutloi just in from u successful run that won his collage the trophy evorywhoro ha won showered with congratulations and admiring glances a successful atblotu and a scholar- wonderful com hi nation it was not strange that mr hunna wu proud to show him to hor friends hitting quietly in a retired corner wu charley wright whoso dark eyoa followed tha hero wistfully what rare thing itmust bo to bo ubje to go to college and improve imni gifts what a delight to win prises and tamo charley wondered if tha soul in that comely body behind those tunny blue ayes reached out longingly as hln did tor companionship with the infinite what a wonderful influence such a man could have with god dwelling within 1 did he dwell there perhaps the soul wu satisfied with prlxe and fame could such thing satisfy a- well what is it a kindly voice broke tn upon hie thought and be raised his darkeyos to thn blue what i be pardon cliarley rose to his feet in confusion r not at alt your eye called mi i am very began charley hui face flushing i shall only be sorry if you rufuae to tell nje plainly what you were think- in tou wlu tell maf the voice was earnest and gentle charley hesitated but u momunt than with trembling tips he spoko the thoughts of a moment before while tho hero stood with one hand in tils pocket looking solemnly at tho carpet when charley stopped with u little choke tn bis vplce the hoco lookod up 1 i thank you thank you very much i but then the hostess broke in upon them the next day near the noon hour charley looked up from his desk in the dreary counting- room and met the blue eyes of the hero ive been looking for you this morn ing he sold am 1 so hard to flndt smllsd cliar ley it seems no one knew where to sand me then you are the only person who ever spoke to me personal ly about my soul ii want you to hejp me charley glanced at thu clock i will be free in ton minute and ho gave him a chair ab they stepped into tha street a few minutes latex charley said every fibre of my being is ut your service but you know that this is matter to bo settled between the soul and it god tea said tho hcvl realhto that but i tried u alone lost night i am but a child and need t be led charley looked about wo need a uttlo quiet ha ald feeling very help less there in fhe crowded street i tblnk that cnurcbf open it was a small catholic church with many images bedecking its dingy walls charley led the way to tho altar rail and they knelt together it was merely a noonday incident two young men kneeling for a few moments in quiet church while j he rattle of business passed upon the street you would not have reud of it here but that a tired woman resting a moment in the church paw them oorae to tho altar with clusped hands and shining faces and huurd their conversation at the door before they separated mmmianiiiiiiiiuiiimi lp stor lrtbh b0rt ionj y old eightpoint ciiauixh ti5nniy jackhon guhhhhb g w itu thn opening of the untitle urdens hud luim to do llowovcr mui it wllletl uml hob munnoii m- b rt it id the nlaughtcr of thi fuuthrd and four rooted rrltutila ulul 111 tliuli i dimly protocmvo vigils during thu breeding months tboy hnd lonm tu low the gumoawa proventvd thnlr interfering with uny huntlifg nt in l n vlolutlon of the stututes and in the frne htute of ijaraturtu us tho south louulunu swamps liu binit cujiod slncn they were tho imunui of tho plrnt jcnn iakltto avyn surh luwbfttuklng was almost liiuiilbli to uupu wltli thny cruluil atiwn thn ntuln wuturwuyu in tho launch in iildxtlnie llcmiuiu uml lau und doing what they otild union if u poiiulutlnn traditionally hohtllu to all gaino lawn but tt was not until thy mopped at thn ojd iiluntutlon where the harding family was reclaiming tbp ancient ricit- luiids that tho deputy wardon sut his usalatant actively to work to sav the wild life of thu forests tha hardlngs had forblddiiti all hunting on thulr olghtaon- thousand ucni place which for u century the rujun trappers had overrun unmol- stfil willett hud told mr harding that to stop thi killing of dor in bis waniim would be ulmot liiiponulhlu but slncu then dug harding uiul his bin tor katharine hid been so per- sutunt and mo vigilant that hunting with hounds had n tou pod tha plun- tatlon hands reported however that thu wury native hunters were still coming to tha place by way of thu doop swamp in tha rear wo found where a doe had bean killed not u mlu from the house kuihcrine aald to willett indignantly und right on thu trail where dug und i huve waked morning after morjiing hoping to snapshot soma doer wo want to wuylay the big buck that used to jump the fence snd feed with tho cattle last winter weve seen hlm dozens of times with tho glasses jind if any of tho does und fawns nr out he stands guard on the levoe watching every instant ofa hughtpolpl said wulett ho is u famous buck here umong tin cujuna hes been chased for yours by every puck of hounds und every hunter has tried to bag him made your back fields his refuge since the uayou aux dies swampers wounded him down there plerroi whuiitthey got round tho ditch hob pointed to the kodhnmor that bung thick in i hit nun nn tho wends they uuw wliini thu buck n utdes hnd lirush- id it away then thu trull again led uicr tho luviic and kfuherlnen hiart nunk for tha trucks wont straight into thu bluiik nwam wutur undii th- great yprhi hut i toll you olti klgbtlolnt doiihnt like vntort whlhporod hob and hes bold nautili it iniiipoiil in the nalds during tho day you wait wttll plk thu trull up ugultl hi- wuh tiptoeing euutlnusly down thu invpo thindlng to watt h tho edge of the water whim do us wis mollonrd to him to stop a liuiidrod yiirdn uwuy tiiiougli u glimmm of young null thy- sai tin liuik llothad tmrome unuun ut tboir following his trail and hud goiu 11it lulu tho swamp tn follow u lurullul coiiruu under tho treov lln stood 110w itncodoep in water watching them a splendid dun- flanked animal with wide earn forward and antlers motionless an eightpointer sure enough kutherlite garped hhe aould not photngrnph him i mhnt dlstunru in the shade of the woods hut ha wum und nppnrenlly gang the sumo anas that played thoj deeper water and was nowhere to be reassuring 4 a party or physicians were on tlnfr way to a mudlcs1 convention and tboy had gathered in the buffet our to dis cuss professional mutter tho talk had hecyn with proper ol 6 nil ness in bandaging it had progressed to that point where sneeslng was condemned for the germs it disseminated when tb enjtha whistled to announce ah approachlns station the porter t tared lie waved ihls whisk broom liresh you qlt suhv he usked one of the doctors the doctor turnud on him just exactly what ive been con tending ho said heatedly then one of the finest little systems spreading germs that over wu i vented this porter conies in hare and he brushes me off then he b run hoi you and you und you und ovry un else ahd starts u lot of germs tlylng round in the air to be breuthed in und start disease i say thut govnis ought nut to be disturbed in pubun ts dunj geroug they ought to be tut alone not thrown up intothrf air by ull this brushing i thero was a moment of silence th lorier grinned foolishly he stood ort on one toot then on the other h grinned ugaln then lraved his brush come 011 dootah ha bagged aomi 00 and let ma bresti you off i vshawl dont lot that idea about miorobes hptliar you any i what little broshln m going to do aint going to disturb no germs no sunt bunutlful to look unnfrald 1 nevir suw such u buck mutter ed ikl no wonder ho famous among ho cajuns and ho known worn frlfindlyl whlsporel douglus our dooi- olo blghtiolnt old rltthtiolnt normal to he satis fying himself about the strangers in tent ions aftar they had wlilspcrtd for u moment he went on slowly they hoard his footfall in tho water then the soft break of u twig than like a shadow against tho swamp he was gone icathor i no sighed v suppose it is foolish but i should like to follow him if vm only oould lie in wait for him on that trail hed wulk straight out to my camera im sure lie too splendid to be afraid tho hardlngs wanted to follow down tho levee but bob pointed out where tho ujlght tidge ended in ubsolute swamp however katherlne said that as she had alreudy gone over her boottops the water did not matter they kept on down tho sunken levee j und scrambled across a windfall of tangled trees to a grassy islet hut tho big doer hud wndod out into the motorists stop and think an automobile travelling ut 10 miles per hour covert 14 do fvut lt one se cond is miles per hour covers j feet in one second 10 miles per houn covers 191 fet in on second 3ft mile per hour covers 18 66 feet in one second 10 miles per hour covers 44 feet in one second is miles per hour covers 6111 feet in one second 40 miles per hour cover 8864 feet in out second 46 miles an hour covers 46 feet in one second bo miles oer hour covers 7 ft in one aoond u miles pr hour cover lovl fret in one aaoond 60muo tl -hour- yfrvarg tmtuavnjna otnftodtv r why ohno dirty trick on bob last summer hes a wonderful creature shuma if we cant keep the hunters from cornering him on our vory iuice the game warden was doubtful o his power to help a long as the cajuns hunted fairly ho could not in- llfcrfera on tho harding lands uut dug harding insisted that tho hunters were jade lighting deer and kllll does if that wore so tho w anions would be justified in making an arrest uanidos willett and hob wero eujpr scores with pierres crowd if thoy were the poachers tha hard ing had despaired of stopping the forays no una except a cajun swamp- could follow the trull through the flooded forest behind the fields und tho hunters were too wily to enter from the bayou wlllett left manson to investigate ie matter the next day katherlne and douglas look the young en gineer to tho buck levee whore the overgrown fields gave way to tho cypress jungle in this the deer usu ally lurked during the day und at nightfall come to feod on the wild peas in tho rice ditches in one of the old deer stands katherlne had waited at dawn and at dusk in the hope of getting a picture of their shy woodland friends hhe and douglas had often found tho great hoofmarks f he big bqpk where the deer leaped he ditches the hoofs were twice as large as hose of any other doer and tho familir were ready to believe all the local yama of the prowess of old eight- pom t that time and ugolty he had fought off the hounds to save his does and that he hud led the hunters wild chases the entire length of the open land in order tn allow the other deer to escape aftei tho hardlngs had cleared up the buck fields the bayou man said that old elghttolnt ro doomed and tboy were consequently much astonished whun they learned that tho newcomers intonded to protect all deer tho cajuns wont cross your holds now said manson but they can run their pirogue anywhere from the back swomp kill a deer and escape tu the water and nobody except one of their own kind oould- follow them half a mile through the jungle uosliles he smiled if its old pierre i would not udvlse you to overtake him hes hard una that was not much comfort the harding wpra determined to save tit deer as determined as katherlne was to snapshot old tightpoint somi morning when ha left his feeding ground tho dear hod already din cove rod that in utio from tha pluiifu lion house evar crossed tha fields to harm them und were warily making the rite dltohtpi their hldlngplui tjuu wu dykfttherltio hod nrmjulth in tho success of her form of hunting she deolurod that the deer wore ul ready becoming friendly l only yesterday morning 1 saw a white tall vanishing into the palmettos and 1 do bollevo it wua old jsxiht- iplliu t she showed thorn the trucks und uoh with his keener knowledge of thn woods said the buck was lying not vtry fur from thrf spot- fits the big one and hes making u regular stamping ground of your pea vine 00 r nor its the dark s the moon when thu deer feed from dawu to si rise und then seak ho swamp but old ttlghtrpolnt doesnt he bus den sumowhere within a mile lot go buck tomorrow morning- und trail hltu if ties nmdo u fresh truck im a raid i cant do much in the way of protecting hi in though an uniiy oautdnt keep those swumpors out tlmv know ull tha secret pirogue loud upd wed get lost 111 tha mwallip it ail hour hut muybu if old tightpoint lifis in thu holds we ui stalk him pnd shoot him with the cumera tin next morning the three went out op tho buck lovue trail hum enough tho grout buck hud jumped tho ditch during the night fed among tha peas und jumped ouj again hut as hob had suld the hoof marks instead of leudlrur off into the swamp followed the brier- grown levee other deer trails crossed ft and recrosaed it but tho young hunters bad no difficulty in keeping to old hla ht- points marks ha hod not bri gone ah hour bob showed the other that the aoft mud was anlll sinking where hla feat hac trod wbnthey cams to a cross ditch dob raised bla hatrtl for- ellano theral ha poinded at tha delicate soum on the water jugfwher the deer track ended ifha-aeukn-raa- brok en i th big buck oould not be many minutes ajxajuj- of thero katharines heart wssbeatlfig fast wthaxcita- thlng thou hu staggered forward into the palmottou ntnpped and thaw up his huad ills muxale ipilvernd us ho ilrow in tho air lie swept hit itrniofuf nrrk about and imorted until n at hint his big duvk eye hkihim with rom- prehmislon uu lluy fit 11 mi tho girl nnd two thiyn ii in turn hut forward unit he wan till uu u atatun tttiddnnly ut norno nulter of kathnrlnon slaova hlti fruino tilled with life hn nuiil nlde- lloig spring niwuy from rtietlt then another unit another oull ho utrurk tha iovkh trull croned tho rl n dltth with 11 splendid leap and vanlahud high bnik into our homo finldnl orltml ikiuglus i do bellevo lint old night point will know enough to may ibi ufter tlls 1 thu history 1 church hvmnoloqy hume one bus uuld thut hymns ure tho oxpouuhts of thu inward piety uf tha church bong in thn nxpromaloii of joy a bird bus lost it turol when thn re is no hupplneaa in its heart und a mun reully sings only when he is lu uood humor thu church ull through tho centuries has marched to the muiilo of tho sklos und in no 11 ma ii niuuur hfim irlumphed through hor songs tn wrlti the history uoiib would b5 to thn church if wo look river our inhurllanco uf nut nwl uoiig us mtibodltid in th hyni- nul of the vurlnus uvuiiicellral churclipn we will disnovnr thut wu have a rlrh hjnmimloii 1 a gems of literature no olhor collection of lyrln pontry in comparable to the hymnaui uuthorlxad by tho various churches of this country a good hymn book is u library in itself a laboring mun for tho price of a halfdays unskilled bitwr can have a wellprinted and wollselnrted volume hymns that for purity und depth thought dignity swoetness am beauty of expression uro far superior to all tha lyrlo poetry that could havn bean pruauted in tho best days of orenk or la tin llteruturu it would be dinicult to nnd unythhif in ancient llteruturu equal to tha hebrew psalm all people that on earth do wall hlng to thu lord with vhaurfu volco him serve with mirth his praise forth tal coma y beforu him und rojolca and in modi wesley wh re cull wu find anything n yootry finer than churlos christmas hymn- hark the herald angels slug olory to tho newborn king pouca on earth and mercy mild ood und sinners reconciled soon in the gloomy cypress swamp we cant go any farther said hob youd go in over your head in some hole thoy stopped to look ubout rhem und listen the stillness was oppres sive except onco when a branch snap- pftd somewhere in the flooded funst suddenly thoy hcurd a crash and n splosh of tho water than it twno uguln tho wild baind of somo onlmul in night 4 hos comnlg buck cried douglai llo swung hlmseir uikn nn upturned root to peer aheud then thoy all suw the buck wildly charging for the com paratlvely open of the levee ulong the fields ho splaahod tho water high into the air when he struck tho pools and then bounded lightly over the fallen logs und clump of palmetto iio would huvw pasted within forty yards of where the three- stood but just an ho reached the solid ground fchot rang out in tho swamp behind him the three young people on thu trull saw him whirl madly round thoy had a confused vision first of his white and huff talljmd then of his dun head and antlers as he stumbled and rolled crashing through the brush then he nunc htmvelf into a mass of fallen timber and was stlll knthorlnc almost ceased to breathe she was so much astonished deers performance her brother und bob clambered upon the cypress roots to look ahead ltcaently they heard an exultant yell off under the trees there ho corneal cried doh and well get there first a slundor green pirogue glided among thr cypress trees the cuju hunter was paddling it swiftly umong thr logs undthummocka making better time than hob und douglas who had started forward and were floundering in the swamp water the first inti mation the hunter had of their pres ence was whan bob reached u bit of land and shouted at him you af back out of hero i know you and youve been warned out of these woods the naddler stopped loss thnii twenty yards from the dear he rabxid his rifle with a mutter evidently ho maant to defy tho two boys hut whan katharlno appeared struggling after thum he seamed daunted 1 know you i hob repeated you uro one of pierre crowd and you know mo tool t the cajun did not answer hu guued angrily ut thorn und looked tovyurti tile pluco where tho deer had fallen then muttering he swept his canoe round u cypres butt and turn ing tu shake his fist ut them paddled slowly uwuy hob uunson continued tu shout his threhts although he kn thut he liad no authority to make ar rests and that he oould not roach tho man if he tried when tho cujup hud disappeared jhu throe hurried to where they hud lust seen tho big buck to their sur prise they found him stu on his feet liv wua backed into the heuvy brush luuniug und swayln against it his head wus lowered his antlers swung slowly hub wuiod douglas und his slater buck then he approached th buck cautiously tha dears wye warn daxed and vacant ii did not seem to hottou his protect ore hob wont so close thut lie could have touched his muxxlo and old lughtpoint merely continued to sway his huud hi knees wore troubling und hi dun flank houvud hos not hurt much cried hob ha wus struck uu tha horn thats ull bee right nuar the busu und it drove him crusy for u mlnuto but hull comu out ull right watch his eyes hos gutting til senses nuwl then wo saved him said kuthur- inn its good wu followed so fur tho film in old ulghtpohittf eyw was slowly pausing they stood uboul him in sllenco whlto thut stow shuk- lug of his haud continued kutherln feltjupy titr hlholplos misery that she usked whathui tha twys could not do something hut it would not have mteh safe to try unythlng tho riflebull hud plowed a groove ut thu base of the bucks hums und us hob said ho wok coming to if we hudnt come up the follow would have finished him with another shot said douglas lots phonograph blm he stand her excitement katherlne hail forgotten her camera now site baokod into he brush and water and took half k doaen pictures of tha buck as aha was taking the last one he began to snort and paw the water i think wed batter move back a bit said bob the king might feel a tittle eurly anil oharjre in any direc tion without knowing- we were his frtawa hfj orsxwl4 t they bad hardly started when old x vauflden 0fwg l i t a emmbrd okii llan national ticket aant bomeone lias ventured the statement that the man who knows his hymn book thoroughly is better read in ejur- llh poetry than tho man wqo knows hhukuspeare milton and hrownlng but is ignorant of those grand and simple hymns z the hymnology of tho church la expression of its faith if space allow ed it would bo interesting to show how every vital doctrlnaof the gospel is beautifully sxprohsed in our vurlod hymns olve us tho hymns of the church tha hymns she ban really loved and if we are skilful at interpreting wo shall and her belief more perfectly oxprohsod than in any olhor form a distinguished unitarian divine has said that hlshop kens long- metro doxol- ngy praise rather hon and holy ohost has done more to rumlllarlxo the enulloh speaking peoples of tho curth with the christian doctrine of iho trinity than ull tha theological ajmiks ever written par be it from us to disparage creeds and conf slons they oxpreas tho substance our fulth but what light and color atr to the landscaiie what fragtunca is to thn flower what harmony is to mual this the hymnology of the church hs to hor symbols of doctrine the springlnr of theso hymns has brought together more closely the various churches charles wotoy may never have been nllowed lo preach in westminster ab bey but his great hymn jesus lover of my bout has been sung there thousand times and charles wesley was a methodist was was hay palmar tho author uf my faith looks up to thet a congregational 1st who was horatlu hour tho author of i lay my bins on josusr scotch presbyterian who woji jam montgomery the author of friend after friend deports and hall to tho lords anointed t he was the son of a moravian preacher yet all t liege singing evangelists with tholr different sectarian creeds have tholr nuitim and their hymns printed sld by side in ovory church hymnal thu hoek of praue issued by thu pres byterian church und the hymn und tune hook issued by the methodist church both within the past six or seven years are much alike und it ought to be easy to extend the hand of gospel fellowship to all tho mem ber of tho different churches us wr extend tha hand uf chrlstluulove to all tho sweet olngers who bring to urf their gospel songs and thus have a nonsectarian pulpit und pew as wo have now a nonsocturlati hymn book when the time wus coma for uun- yuns last bahd uf pilgrims to close the river mr despondunoys duughtor muchafraid went through the rivor singing but none could understand xvhui she said and away across the river tha good old hook says they sing w song 1or ts surrlv th in immortal und deuth has no dominion over it so surely if tho christian creed bo truo und truly in terpreted thu voice nf prulsi will fu- liuw its strength in othur worlds thuti this for do we not sing ill praise my maker whlto tvebrouov and when my voice is lost in deuth prulsu shall employ my nob lor power my duys of prulsa shall neer bo past whllu life und thought und being lust or iminnrtulity undures u ltoger threatened with c0n6ump tion pliyalt limn no longer speak of ui- beri ulntdm ntj inherited for thoy know that whui in juhnrited is not the illsause hut 11 lowered power of reidmiime when u uiltd nomes into thu world wltli u lilntiiry uf uny sort of physlcul wiukiwsu in his iminmllalu fumlly he doc not often have the purtloulur form of dlneuno that hi piiruntji fr kriiiidinrentm hnd but he usually bus u constitution favorable to thu growth of dliieuso germ tho km uf tuberculoid is uvery- vvhoro ulkiut us rowdy to take ud- viintaka of un opportunity und es pecially ot thn opjkjrtunlly that is orfered by the naturally rfrmfanlshud rrslntanati of vapidly growing young puople ol von u family history of imputcptlhlllty 10 dlneuix- 111 u lad fnurteen jinoru of age who i growing fast who ovfirworkli ut school or in dulges to exmim in uthlotlu and wlio has tha choerful dlnriuril of tho lawn of health so natumf in a loy of that ugv and no termor could pruparo ills land for a purtlculur rop miiro scleu- tinmll than that tud iw being prr- liured fur bis futo it is in such iojkuj thut tha modern prttvantirlum does u mm h gootl every home shoulil bo a private pre ventorium und in famllinv wlmro there 1 a tendency to didtrutu health the rules should be rigidly unforced tho preventive t routine tit ulm to build up u coimtitutjtn ntmnu itnougl to resist thu microbe gf timnrculoslo tha comer utonu of the treatment in frriih uii und the muni impuriant uln chi ihluc lu iutiilng in thu nien ulr llowovri dldlcult urn hothersomo thut may be it is simply ossontlu to tho end in view an upper porch can 1m built ut until i cost und with warm bndolothing holwuter bottles and htulter from drktni storms for the ilcenar it must br ud 5 nlixhui each yoar tho ijucstlcn of diet 1 somo- tlmns u troutilusomu onu for such iterwoiih orten uhuw u utronir dlsllku fur tha very foods they hoed hut thu importance of taking plenty of oil und butter und milk und cream and uggs must hu luulstud on that is ap moat us essential as fresh air tho boy must unguge very moderately in uthloilq stwrtu und must not think uf participating in uny coniputitlvo uth- lotlcs grapefruit tho grapefruit or pomelo us it is somotimc culled was doubt i its first brought to florida by tha eurly span ish aattleru in the first part of tba six teenth contury tho homo grapo- frult comes from tho fact that tho fruits are grown in clusters of several fruit each though the treo 1 leas hardy than the sweat orunge it gradually became widely disseminated in tho warmer part of florida however it was not until some time during the olfihtlo that the fruit began to bo regarded as having commercial possibilities borne time between 1ss0 and 18b8 tho first pomelos woru shipped out of the state while florida produces by far the thu larger portion of tho commercial output of this fruit u few hundred cars of it are now grown each year ln california with tho quantity gradually increasing und a small production consumed for tho moat part locally occurs in ono or two other states porhapti there is now no other fruit a popular us u breakfast adjunct as tho grupofrult this no doubt is be cause or tho refreshing ucldlty which it possesses together with tho tonio affect of tho bitter principle which ulso churuotiirixes tho rrutt however tho bitter taste a liking for whici comes naturally or lu easily acquir ed by many two pie mukes the fruit un outcast in tho estimation or pot a few though tho pomelo trees in florida worn all seeding until after the com mercial aspects began to lake form and even now the fruit of munyof tho old neodllnr troes is market ml no up- todate grower would now think of planting trees grown from sood the only way he cuti obtuin a grove that wilt produce fruit of the desired char acteristics uu son of rfpening free dom from seeds soodn vary from none te many in different vurtetios flavor n grcea bio combination of acids sugars und the bitter tuute hnd quality in othcr re poet is to plant budded trxu of tho vuriuty or varotle known to ponies ihuhu churacturistlcu ln a plbastng degree the tree grows nrtuuii or twenty feet high with u round top und thick glossy loaves when heavily loaded with large lomunyullow fruit borne li clusters it is anpaclutly attructlve tu appearnnoo tha yield under tho most favorubl conditions may bo us high us flvo bun ilrod boxes to tha ucrw about flv boxes to the tme but tho best grove probably avorugu not over two boxes to the true una yoar with another not quite the same now children said thjt toucher uti o lined oh 1 1 short tule hilly duster write u hontenco on tho black board containing the word uneadota hllly marched up to the blackboard und after hesitating u moment wrote a rabbit hu four logs and an an ecdote s the mount robson houte across canada inent ftnd when dob led uwn round an impenetrabla xngwot brlee bam boo nd latantr pibna jrijjubiriir iitfffrvihftiriw 1 whyuke onanoej r 5hplfjluh wrtefcmjtta tf tfltah47relrbrd somsallan tile delights of a trip uorts cunudu liovor fudo in memory the interest never wanes and the ecstasy of on days treval through tha canadln hocku 1 an oxparloiicu of u lifetime the route of the cnnttiumtul limited which runs dally between uuntrout and vancouver with direct connec tions from torontoj traverses the beautiful lake country of northern ontario from winnipeg to saska toon und icdmontoii is passes through some of thu must fertile lands of the great prairie province a flight from kdmonton and you uro in jaspar nation p and thu glorious can- udiun uockles embracing sonm of th fittest mountain suonory in tha world then on to thu puclfia coast through urt uvurohangliuf pa no rum u ilf mug- ujllciiit und slupeiduus uoauury the caiiudluu natlonul hue through thu mountain aklrt cauadus highest poaks ut the uusiust grudlont uhd low est altitude of uny transcontinental route tho highest point reached in crossing thw- qrnut divide being 3718 fast you will consult your own intaruatn if you muke your next trip west byhe now way the national way you uw the cholca of various routes you have the option of mak ing the journey lu a splendid tourist car at minimum coat or if lasts dic tates the more luxurious humaerd bleeping cars or compartment li brary observation cars are ut your disposal the equipment on the con tinental llnatted is allsteal and mod ern in every particular at full information from any can- j save her many fatiguing miles what more wolcomo xrnm- gift for your wlo or inothur than a ox- vmioi tolopbonot tuo timo and stronsth used in running- up anrj down uuim to una wop or make tulephono calls can bo bottr employvd extension tolophonem cost only 124 a month i tho charsro for infltall- ingr is only 100 they a r o a wondorful con venience if you order now wo can install un extension telephone for christmas hvrymtmlkfu the fearless man whllit staying in tho son port town or klnsale in ireland mr itohert lyiid dmlred to cross the bay to handy crivu und got an old sailor to row him nntl bs wlfa over tin doner hutu the trip in humbles in ireland the wind was sweeping across the water like cmridji hosts but the old man assur ed him thut thern wan no dangir ksslly demuadnd we went ilown to thn bnach with a push we hud thn ixut in thn water and thu wind with quick movements and a trnmiilliik of hoards the sailor hnd got himself be tween the oaraj nid was iiulllng un out an uneasy tkcklihell into the rough sea ha wns now as merry us u midget he was triumph in minia ture who having met an easy victory over two simple strangers now wint forth ugnlnst tho mlglhv ocean lteir what g would yon take inn to h maamt b usked in a voice of pride and hlfh spirits into the wind hmlllng we refused to kuess klghtythree maam ho declared with a great tug at the oars nighty- three on my last birthday lood heavens i thought to mynr as tho stern wont deep in a wave und the wind whirled tha noso of tho imul round toward tho shore and t uu old man of eightythroe we huvo on trunted ur lives we ware going forward with u kind of stralghtncss but euch swirl nf the tide neemed- tn lift us uldewlue n ou- idnrable distance toward tha kie of tho rocks i watched thosa rocks draw nearer with an uneasy fascination und began to wonder whether one of u would be savurt or whether our infant child would be left a complete orphurf evidently the old fellow read my thoughts for he looked over scanning me closely and said well if i was asked my opinion whether you or the lady had the most courigo i would give the prlxe to the lady i admitted her superiority and said the elghty-three-yoar- old making a general reflection bh the loat was llfjd op s windy wavn an- othen ten yards- nearer dent ruction them that hasnt the courage should slay on the land the fearless man will come through a storm where the heartless man will be drowned tha words had hardly been poken when we got into calmar water and boforo wa knew it we wero clamber ing safely out of tho swaying pitching boat somewhere in florida to be somewhere n florida where the aun is always shining where tho golden oranges hang in cluster on tho trees tho palms stir gtently lojthe wann balmy breexes and where the sweet magnolia blooms la the thought in the minds of hundreds of canadians ovtry winter this year there will be the usual nxodus of canadians to the south when canadians at home are skating and skllna those in the- south will be surf -bathing- sunbathing on the worm sands deep- sea fuhlns -rolflng- otc when making arrajurcraent tor tho trip south consult any agent of the canadian national railways for par ticulars of aqprlce winter tourist rare am now in effect valid to re turn up to june 1g and good for stop over at nil important points 21j whou holloways corn hemover is applied to a corn it kills the roots and tha callosity oorae out without injury to tho flesh lavino a ghost thu folinwlok um lining ghont hlitv uiiien fniu iimlou iualniid th inhuhltunt of mtkntium will nlr hui h rh mioihi f t ghostly journ whhli in my people dm lured ihey hud setii ulldliil iii thu ntmii ut liildnlahf thu ghoul wns rnimnd to hitvt- tnjide un iiipcuruii uihui lint humh lltue unit night und r litentn nhw murked rulmtunm to vontiip furlli in tho huunted illhlriit uflilr duk t wns oveiiluully itni dd ti luy u trap for hu ghonl und so u fiw lilalit ug u number of the inlm hunts 111 ihtrmsvlven und kept willi h aftnr u innglhy vigil u figure uiviukmi atros the field in while towunls u hnnl of calth umong which it wa loat to viw hoon ii nimured uguln snd glld d towunu u iiirm und dlsitppear d the youths uf thu district then of- uunlxad furia and ua a lurlalu ttlglil tlit rnnon rakers army set out suy thn wplmtrlfloip an uilvunce glmrd wu sent forward to n i iiiinultri the main ldy rumiiln- lni hidden bol ready for uny vwr- luin 1 the ghost did not full them but ni lhv in tihlomod hour it mm forth from the reur of the furm shedding u i in n ir lltllt into the llllt at n glv eh lgiul thn udvunoe guard went utlj u ion the muln nnty rtit five intiiuun in hupensi und bin tha mil- rturn wlih lhv unnoijn- iiunt thui th tniiwtni u young fatm- i r in white ovrum with a lunlrrit utteiiillng lo hie nnnd of aiiulllng cow deserved it why did ii nulk th tlikrnpl hmlr i l inufclilrulit of t wl w i n ull nlr 1 ulvi- i tin 11griitn tn id k inv ml d l hi jiii iidln n r ui4 1 hi iiilvn him infants delight ibltetsuap dreco the wonder kidnoy liver stomnch tonic au nationally advcrtioj sold by aluminum cooking utensils a row of shining aluminum cooking utensils will makc a bright spot in your kitchen this winter the shining bright ness of aluminum is not its only virtue it is the lightest and most durable of kitchen wares and its even acquisition and long retention of heat make it the ideal material for cooking utensils w d talbot main street j phone 76 acton ontario laaiiatsaimiimimiiaimt who pays for advertising a page advertisement in colors on the back cover of the ladies home journal for just one issue costs 15000 who pays it in the end v nobody jones brothers were doing printing with obsolete machinery and slow methods they bought uptodate machinery which increased their production many times over running on a costplus basis the patrons get their workdone for much less and the printer turning out more work got more business who pays for the new machinery nobody advertising creates an instant de mand and stimulates the sale of a product till it can he produced in large quantities v like a ford car every six seconds and that means the lowest possible cost of pro duction if by advertising a man ean speed up the sale of an urtiele till he can make and dibtrilmte it cheaper thuiiutiy competitor and the consumer can buy it for less limn he used to pay and the manufacturer is making morelnoiiey on the article than lie v r ever madwho pays for the adverlisin nobody ue the columns of the free press to speed up your business mwwwj