c8v artnn jffrt r tyteaa thtrilhday novi mhhl d l61 ballad of a post office clerk beginner urn full f hi oluil i i rx tht j blllll liy t i t il i it h uiuu i till rxt lain thn kn arrival iruln ll mull rt i xi tt in from all tho rul f c o o unu the utroot o poslugp o u paper for i mum know u tin uann 1 rutua h il mumi ry fur duto and iuu tlio length of purcola to i inch every llttlu regulation thut uppll registration h mo any tho 1outul hi rvlco in cinch i have no smart uniform i a kstal worm ioddllug i to ti etumi cards fur my ay taking nhkola in for quur n out the rorward i rlors octtlng bawl ml ouc forty times u day hut no and of worrying iun accomplish anything junes i 1 got than if only have h try i am learning as i go utiil it a wind of nice o know that iiovomon moans promotion byo and by am but id jtost helping ml thu till thino special occuhioii they urn got ilnic imltur untiialntodn unit roln inutihlp i mlnlf dimcr the nuto m h lh tin telephone nnd nirul mail r ml m huvo done murh to level pro juii tin nutnmul hit 1ms nubh d coming uiid g jini t i imi mom frequent unit i rt ngnlx tlilu th ugh i imvo gi tt n up to iii gmy hitlr group il rur in urruut of tli in ilor r vlallh buck i 1 forth qviiiih ti oems ofthouoht ll la a madness to make fortune thu mistress of events bocuuau in herself aha la nothing but la rulod by prud on co dryden lift up thyoolf look around and see something high of und brighter thun earth earth warm a and earthly dark noib- nichtor it many times fulls out thut wo deem ourselves much deceived in others because wo first d celvwd our solves hit i hldney tho wise provo and tho foolish ton fess by tholr conduct hat u llfn of employment hi tho only life worth load ing poley some bay hi wander back again homo day 1 l wan dor bask uguln i whore tho old homo tat mid ilomuth tho old tree down tin lupo a fur in other innda its humbln cot wjh ahelt r m from every euro ami puln and life h iwool hi aw cot an bo whun 1 am thoru again chorus iii wandor back yra bai k ugajn whom childhood a home muy 1 tor memory lu swoot it frnhl htlll slugs km praise to inn homo day 111 wumw bick nuuln to aconna o dojir to tn whom llfu ttwwtit infum iv r mu jlouldrj u niolhir- uiiau to tlvo onou mon tli bold on hour of joyoua nmrry play hl tliorna tut inly awortuht llowtrii tlmr in uf m mrry wy bom day i i i carta a whmd rvntlo torlt but it in f nun pamo la uo aura tesl of 1 only a probability of auch uccldont not a property t carlyla polltanom coata nothing porhapa that a why it a one of tho few things tho avorogo bureaucrat doan t waato tho leoat error abould humblo but wo should novor ponnk oven tin croat eat to discourage ua porto oood haa but ono enemy tho ovll but tho evil haa two miomlra tho good and luelf j von mullor the great difference between tho real statesman and the pretendqt ta that the one seea into tho future while tho other regard only the present the one uvea by the day and acta in ex pedlenoy the other acts on enduring principle und for immortality burke a crown golden fn ahow la but a wreath of thorns brlnjnt danger troubles cares and sleepless nights to him who wears a regal diadem mil ton the proper functions of a govern ment la to naako it easy for the peopln to do good and difficult for them to do evil gladstone the history of tho gospel has boon the history of the devolopment and growth of christian democratic ideas ii w beocher the worlds battle field have been in che heart chiefly and there the great est heroism has been secretly exorcised baeeher abroad and i th hla primer n full military the schoolmaster i trust him armed w against tho soldier array brougham while just government protects all in their religious rites true religion affords government its surest support wash ngion the world can only le reconstructed and it eon be reconstructed by r making it in the schools h q wells the smack in school a district school not for away mld anowclnd hilts one winters day was humming with its wonted notes of three soore mingled girls und boys some few upon their tasks intone but more on furtive mischief bent the while the masters downward look wag fastened on a copy book when sud denly bahlod- jjts back rosu sharp und clear u rousing smack us twere a battery of bliss let off in one ire knendous kiss what a thutr tho startled muster cries that thlr u little imp replies wuth william wllleth if you plouthe i thaw him kith thuthannu peathel with frown to make a statue thrill the master thundered hither willi like wretch o ertuken in his track with stolon uhutiels on his back ww hung hla headlnosr and shame and to ths awfuj trosonc came a great green bashful simpleton tho butt of all good natured fun with smile sup pressed and birch upraised the throat oner faltered im urauxod thut you my biggest pupil should be guilty of atl act bo rudel bo fore the assembled school to liootl what wll genius put you to tt t t twas she beret if sir sobbed the lad i did not mean tn iw ao bud but when husutiuah shook bur curls and wh lap rod i was fruld of utrls nd duran t klsa a baby doll i cauldri stand it sir at ull but up mid kissed her on tho a pot i kiiowbim hoo i ought to not hut somehow from liar looks boo hoo i thought she kind of wished me to lyiide 1 ulnler wntidi r buck ugulu kind and tru iom utlll r muln aniory chorlshod viow no nioro my wayward foot ahull room t ifo a roil lod imthwny o or hut in tho ff and lovo of luim 1 ii mat mf ovormnrn arthur w vroii h oltting togftilkil 1 wua ntruuk with tho no to f the former acton resident writing from to run to in last weeks irum irkss roapeotlng thu nno community spirit which is so man if eat fcom time to tlmo those later days ho cited a number of instance in which ho hud obsprvod this gratifying fact during the present year in town i thought of another as i roud his nolo and that was the cojnlng to gather of christian people of tho town ut the seventy eighth anniversary of tho uothodlst church a week ugo lust hunduy the llaptlst folks coma with their pustor at the morning service to swell tho congregation and ut nlghf our peoplo of knox church uttondod in such numbers that the capacity church was tuxed t i oat up there in the gallery that night and looked over that lurgocin gregatlon 1 wan glad and proud i woj glad to aoe the christian poopln mlng ng together in suoh large number ltd i was proud that our folks of the iveabytorlati church hvo bocumo liberal in their views und ho friendly with the members of the other bodies 4mil on an occasion of thlrt kind thoy are ull quite ready to leave their own kirk and worship with the poople who are rejoicing in passing unother an ntvarsury milestone one of the good things of the pros ont day and generation which i enjoy very much in my old ugo is the ovl denoe of a hotter understanding be twee n the- town peoplo und tho rountry people and tholr coming together on town by hoi in vohli ten from unly u f i w mllrn i way in cunt tin apmi unit or n wholn duy i r ut inuht uf uflornoon mill no the time foul i t nfton bo urfordixl t tuy nn hour or two uo oinpllslna the sunn pur un 1 a run to town r country lu an utmost i vnryduy ct urrnnro ttu tojaphonn und the dally mall nnd tho home m wupui nr dlsemlnato tho nnws olrikt und fiilrkly inatiuid of by word of mouth long nftcr 1 a v tuki n plui i nnws in onvoynd with bus f tho color of prrjudlm oi foully riin rthig llumull hnluxl unit kliwlmcn pro nmt en hnttur tin litrwiandng of ouch othirs probbms 1 b old idea thut tho city man wis the nninumor and thu furnmr tin j roducor is fuat 1h uipoarlng wo un imirnlng tin t w nil urn prultmom und all conatimarw und ttiut t furmnr is tho grutnit coruiumer us ull alore und moro may tills belter fet ing grow until tin re in complutn bar mony in the ian i und the iommunity hi irit 1m of tho in out hupi y uud nnrn ulilo tyim well say i m roul ulud ut hoar from tho young 1 ollow on tbn itunk lltops nguln im pleased to know altotit the byiik honk an 1 any the bulunoo may hot b growing very fust but if the y ung jllow bus really learned that i horn ura only opo hundred rents in a dollar und is determined to save u fow of theso oui of iivary dollar he gots bis hands on hdnevtly 1 m not ufruld of tho growing imi lance in th t book wlwn ho flnda bo reull do it and has the hulanco oomlng n the crodlt niiui n it e little from week to wook he ii soon find himself taking an interest in it 1 do hla boat t muku tho ttulunce worth wlillo 1 ijdllto woll remember wimn na a young chap i first begun to huvo u llttln monoy an old uncle nn id to mo one flay kuvo your money my hoy it bytiuts all how monoy tnakotf money for you when you givo k a chance you keep on saving and your internal will be coming in after u white un i you ii be surprised to sea hoiouuf capital increase when you are caruful to keep it working at tho dmili of thin undo thirty or forty ugo his train to showed that ho hud proven very conclusively thut monoy mukos monoy and jio was not at all niggardly in his uxiondlturm eltbor the young follow rather glibly hints that i linvc been doing what ho uakod mo to do und doing it rather too fully to please him ito asked far advice out of my long experience und t have been giving it ti him it seem now thut he only wunts advioo in homoopathlo does well those young folks seam hard to please but 1 ii try und put up with thla breath of criticism and help him all i can i don t forget however that its only two or three weeks agu that he gavo tny mary a rather rough jab along tho same lino is un hoimrnblo and holpful part young muuii history a library m re illy kit u lux jry bu jiilo of he hic itsurl m if lift it is lhu a fruitful un ii er i il htt ml ui 1 ylillu kh prnrl us rult fn tn y ir t y ir th influi m r bo uh ui in it inuo iti re murk ubh fbey mnki tl ii mini a gr ul ill itloi tut i m utll a ii id liuj i i wmi t u 1 mom u thlnkliik i vl i und u thl kli hm in mu ut not n b nti a jil j 1 h ln l ixiokii un invuluub 1 us u u jdii uu ir 1 to a you ng inuu tin ultur of u tuhtn for rndhk iti pu nno ipilitly it hoi ting t i 1 r vuiitn i un i a thirst r r nn ii luimtuiiiuhtn ihuuuroii it muknn him scorn whut lu low ui il cuurlte uu 1 vulgar it provi nts thut wiury un i rout i oils mi r wblrh driv u no many to tho gambling tut lu ur to mi niieluss doings to while uwuy their ti inure hours ultra form thi hul it of worth while mailing und yru will ut any time in for un inti n utlni book to frviuimlrig tbn huuntu- of vluua ytitrm ngo a yming miin t l t tlon to one nf th leading ituthoni of tbn duy uu to whit book b woul 1 rnaimmonj him for bis nullng uu tur young i oltow bus imko i mu here is hla answer yoii may go without plea and culm but if you curi for your fiupnlneum nnd progrtss you will not full to rail th biut of booka mihii na hhuknaifouro irving thu keruy dlckona uu i thosn of tho boat itutbor of tho day i would furthi r rocom mond him to rud oc usiouullv th biography f nomn good innn who ha struggled his way upward und win n oxparlom dm im worth knowing tin history of cultudu and of tlm fniplre uhoul 1 nlsu bo om braced in hla rnud ing i think too h ubotild got uc intod with tho uvea of the u tut da men and inadurn of tho lay no young roan can all to bo honumtul from reading ut tbn llfo und times of htr john a mu lonuld tho hi mlniscunooa of htr hlcliurd j cartwrlght tho ufo und wotks of wlllluni lwurt had stono dr q nor go 11 locke s itulldan of the c a nml lun commuiiwoalth if ho want u good cunudlau story for u change from tiio mom substantial tooka lu will enjoy ood a croon country by kthol hi chapman or john muthuiion by clura kothwell anderson all occnslonul tnuguklrln would h lp and i know my young follow would tlnd mu it of interest in popular mechanics th literary plgesl or tho national geographic if ho can got hold uf u nuinbor there ttuw 1 vi irlven u rctty gmd progrumnin und i know thut uvry wuggontion i huvo tnu tp will he help ful if iurrbi1 out uud it is in no respect impossible either happy in the happiness of others it tnaybo you have heard tho slnry if the ulck illghuuder who thought t would muko itjm feel bettor if he uld only ilntt n again to the music it n bagnlpi thn bag ipo wua brought ii und a frlmi 1 found who could pint t a llttln wbllo nfterwunl the doctor isknl thu nurii what effect tho muulo hud ti on tjtn alrk man ob bo is better was tho unswur i ut overybwty ole is dead now wo shall no mo of un say tfiut h wua si iflsh uf the mun from hcot 1 did to be so oogor to boar the note ir the insfument he loved best or ull win ii ho must iinvn known how dls lordunt tho noton would be to other fihk fi iks in tho hospltul and it muy im thut was true hut ho simply thought of his owh happiness an l yet can not we all think of dnyu when we hjlvo been juat us upon having our own way at the t xicnbo or happiness of other folks t thu tiling wo want immidii so big th hita of mind and the comfort of those about us so small i itrlng lu tho bug pipe i itay it loud and long we lovi lu music 1 iel others bury their h ads in the pillow lui the player has mowed all his breath uwny and our joy is notnploto illeand in thn man who has learned to makn his wlshps conform to those who must live with him from day iluy when it will soothe the tired tioubi of other to listen to tho a stewltht of the harp why insist that the uagplpo shall be brought int i like strawberries the est of all but if grandma takes black berries why 1 ii ruke em tool bo said u llttln chap who had learned the secret or iwlpg happy in tho happiness of others would that wo all might be as thoughtful tnen this would be a bolter nnd a happier world ldgnr l vincent i good food ib necessary a rortuln clergyman was complain ing thut tho people just would not come out tu hear him a hard headed but slirowd philosopher who heard the complaint said whon i was u boy our neighbor had to pay his boys ten cents dully for bringing tho cows homo from the run go v often the boys had to return bout tbn cows our oows cumo mi of themselves every night- wo put the ten cents in the food trough the nouqh thino it lu hard u uuy which in 1hn worst the mun who irlfin about unylng honl nil luniiouloh ir the fellow who hart uud wound with the rudpnuss that hi rhooaua to imiomlttulo bluntnosii thorn is says hot mon hut sj null nth like hid plun lug of u sword on can rid lilrnmjf of the unit uuy lf lb ruturu in bob uullpd i ootu sliiu i hut mil vllu mouth who vlnlutts tin proprieties but it is hard to donl with thn sodniy of iiuhiiiusb i nit wl tongue like a bludgeon or raptor mnki u huyoc of uur fuelliigh uud uotialbllltli a wu have to put up with him ulthough we often gr un undt r tho weight of the uffllctlon there wtta u time whin a man c uht bo a hour uud mukt monoy to day fortunutily one of tin things that tell agulnut uun m in nng loci ot tho amontlloh of huslnoau it does nit pay to tin juok lllunt tin jtougb thing lu even mora fatal than the hmooth thing uu bringing swift or uiul nu n curtuln n trlbutlon moiujiiiow is bettor than vinegar when it com s o a holm hob mon lu hho and iuthir journal just a word to tl i cloulng i3on t us you uro quit what they young follow u big words util sa you uudorstund thut was u good but here ho comou ugain seeking tny udvlco lie appears to imve been browsing some t tho public library im vary glud uf thul it a fur bettor thun loafing about the street corners i von if his favorite place la tho atups at one of ho bank corners uu aaku mo to tell him what are tho good books i would recommend him to read well if he s really in earnest und wishes to improve his mind and there by tit hlmaeir for u job better than tluit of the average laborer he will not lie satisfied with the popular story hooks which they olass in the libraries theso days us adult fiction i like idea of hot confining the reading of books tu those selected from the iblla library a young reader will value u book and its contents twice r if ho owns the book itself a uttlo library growing larger vry word you hud in referring to your study and use of grammar but it was ruthor out of pluci mary s just as much interested in th young i ellow as ever hut she llkim tho little understandable wraoly words wofjld annov anybody it was the dear old lady s first fide in u taxi und she watched with grow ing alarm ua the driver continually put hla head outside the cur us u iguut to tho tratrto following at last uro became exasperated tyoung man ah said you look ufter thut cur of yours und watch where you re driving 1 11 tell you when it starts mining winter in the ontario highlands tho cunudlan national hallway havu just issued a vnry interesting and attractive booklet on winter hports in ontario highlands dealing capeclal ly with algonquin varic copy of this booklet may be hud on application to any canadian nutlouul ticket agent 213 no counterfeit infidels did you over see u counterfeited bullk hotel yes why was it counterfoitodr llocuusn the genuine note was worth counterfeiting m did you over see a scrap of brown paper counterfeited t no why notr llocuuse it was net worth counter felting did you ever see a counterfeit christian yes why was ho obuntorfeltedt uecauso he was worth counterfeit ing i was ha to blame for the counter feit r of course not did you ever see u counterfeit in- ridel r why no why notr ahem wo puss tho uhovo catechism along travel the national tv ay tho unadlun national ituilwuys canada s ull canadian irun continental rout c is tho new way across the contlnont in addition to tlui fact that the territory traversed is unsurpassed 111 sconio inluresl uud grandeur the rocky mountains urn crossed ut the lowest altltudu und euslost grurilunts of any transcontinental rullway in america und ut tho sumo time can ada s highest peaks including mount itobson are in full vlow from puuaing trains tho continental limited ono of the finest long distance trains in tho world is operated every day be twoen montreal and vuncouvor with nlosa connections from toronto in ita journey of nearly three thousand miles across canada it traverses six of tho vinces of the dominion and direct ly or through us connections reaches centres n western canada and on tho pacific coast this train is made p uf all steel modern equipment and affords the traveller the opportunity nuking thn trip lu u splendid tourist sleeping car at u minimum of cost ur if tnsto dictate tho more sump us htumlurd sleeping cars or com- purtment library observation car may enjoyed tho dining car servldo l thq national way is tho new way i ost yourself on its advantages when contemplating your next trip for reservations and full information upply to any canadian national ticket agent 3l3 it makes a difference warn the colored driver of un ox am saw a uttlo llxard cfuwling up trnu he flourished his long whip und very deftly snapped off the llxard s head further along the road with skillful precision he picked a horse rty off the fence with the same weapon his skill ua a marksman was next ex hibited on a chipmunk that showed its head above the ground a white companion anally asked ham take a crack at that hornets host ham grinned und re pi lod no suh ho suh buss them foliar is uwgan isod ht noahd how a mulo auction took place in a ring enclosure uccoss to which was by ono small gateway und consldorubla umusemeitt wus caused among tho n lookers by the efforts of the men in charge or tho animals tn get them to go through it ono mule especially seamed obstinately bent on doing any thing and everything but pass through the gatewuy wunt any hrlpt shouted ono of tho bystander us tllo mulo driver rested u moment no answorod tho driver but id llko to know how noah ever got two of these- blighters into tho ark it has advantages use canadian njitl ui troll and rhlcugo international douljn truik loutn l iwnpn cunudlan points un 1 lb roll irtiii til ugo where nnoitl u im in ul di ull western states polntu in i t alitor ul it is tho rou to if lho intor nutloiml i ipjllntl ixiiiluily ui lho truln of au par i or orli uluau modern equipment i oini nrtmont drawfits hm m hi curs uu 1 ohnnrvutl makes travelling u ln by tho nutloiral way gel f fnrinumon und risorvittlonn frt canadian nutluial hallway ag high lu hug i lug hup ill in not of france mrs dulrymple who wax tru veiling wnf proud or ix r linguistic aicntu pllshmeils ai cordiugly uln wuu vi ry imxli iiltusod when 1 malnn wmuin win n did you leurn your 1 rnnnht irom u nativn mm dalymplo rt piled proudly ah uald tin ivenchwumun n native of what the national wav to the national capital liulmi ut onvonluut hours uriox olli i dining ur cr i trnlnn opar nted pif lltny uii sinol equlp- inniit including club compartment and mtuuuurd slmplng curs on night trains und dining and turlor cars on iay trulmt uru fouturon thut invite public i tuonngu lb the national way be twion ton nto and ottawa tho u lul ity leaves toronto at 13 10 i p noun dully except uunday urrlvlnk ututluwn ut 7 16 p m too night ottuwu lxpran leuvos tor- ont ut ii lo p m dally arriving at ittuwn ut 7 4t u m for tickets and fnrt bur information apply tu any cnn- u llun nufloual ticket agent 213 fsvyfc i refreshes tired byes i for long winter evenings v lanterns and oil cans a good iantrhn is your bent frlen i u it i w ntrrs night ut choro time a well made lantern holding two pints of oil and having jl handy lift that makes lighting a mutter of only a few seconds is priced at 135 and subs oh cans irtiore arn wt many things uro aid c house that run smoother und with less nolsn when they urn given u llttlu oil often they are neglected because it is too much bother to upply the oil without un oil can a handy oil ran is waiting for you at taldorb w d talbot main street phone 76 acton ontario we want 300 hen itlgbt now for big paying mechan ical jobs ir you are mechanically inclined and like working around automobiles and tractors don t de lay never was there such a do mand for trained men a few weeks time invested now will give you a trade that will mean inde pendence for life learn automo bile and traator operating and re pairing tire vulcanising battery building and oxyacetylonn welding by the hemphill practical system free employment service is at your disposal free catalogue get big pay and steady work do it n6w hemphill auto trsoter school 143 king st west toronto acton music store apex kecords with all the latest hits our stock of christmas goods is now complete with gifts to pleae nil gges childrens own records old rhymes for christmas time album complete with three records i 35 all the latest hits in sheet music acton music store mill street acton ontario a class u neqro a group of tiugrous were jil the ter mlnul station hunduy morning t lln u few departing brethren good liy 4 trainman noticed one negro looking on nonchalantly and inquired john re you going north 7 no sir said the negro addroasud 1 so a olass l nigger whut do you mean by class 11 nhrgert asked the trainman well said sam i us her who if dey leave sud t h here w turn duy come back ryans mens store a prize list or specials taken from our thoroughbred stock of mens clothing and furnjshingb mens sweater coat mid jjrown with ahuwl colloj- sixes 3b uiul 40 all exceptionally good buy ut fz40 mans sweater coats colors heal urowii and uoroon shawl color a good weight ribbed article made from beautiful soft yarn sixes st to 42 prlos 2j5 wool neat shawl t assorted sixes mens sweater coats heavier weight slul 100 collars close fitting cuffs und best selling color llegujur is 00 valuo special pries lb mens finnil work shirts cotton und wool special pr i2f man military flsnnel work shirts assorted ulxos tj mens silk nckwoara good assortment u put tern m ull beuutl fully boxed tiultttblu for gifts phc fic 2 for 1100 or tujc 2 for mens or and llusjher u to u ish vvool mutflerah wool in color qruy jlrowu hand ltogulur 1 co valu spiels pries me mens flseeed shlris and drswers inmmuu s pluke per gsrment 97c combinations per suit 101 khskl comblnstlon ovsrallslmr ntixkmn uiuchuillcw txtru good buy at p r suit 3jd mens winter csp kllngklose vurbuildy liistetn brand prow f 128 snd si 75 t hixes 34 to hlsej bit mans socks tk uud houthur luck i lumu cushniui all wito sixes 10 lo tun ushiiioi uttd rlblnd hi 1 per pslr 47o v boys brown leather gauntlets i ihed frougudl utt ussoi t d six per pair 47d nd fio very likely he did uesale aged four years who was v downtown with her mother caught sight of o baldheaded nun oh mother sho rxatuimed in high shrill toues just see that maul ur hasnt u hair on his head lsn t it sdr hush i replied her mother lie will hour jrnu oh replied lloasls lu subdued tonus dosspt he knowr itrj smallwares department two interestlno toplcti an handbags and kandkeichlefd handbaosmudu on lu woll nttlug frumu of gool luuther with two oulaltu pockets uhl flaptuer mirror und rioutly hiuhi with u iolorwl lining colore tlroy urowii und hlai k speolal pries f 18 handbags two other lilies long uttd square v stylii 0 the suitm good uuulltvjuatliei und lining special prices lutv and lj10 handksrchus 1 uro lltiou will dainty emlirtildi nut cornels in ull whit and white with colors spselsl pries sach 20c swiss hsndksrehlafs hand smbrol lorod and hull i druwit llireuds in plain whitu and white with colors special prloe esoh 1b winter fair shopping program november 30th december 8th when in guelph visit ryans three storesupper wyndham street the store organization that specializes in satisfaction ryans millinery three tables op trimmed hats at half price vutlouii mtylm of druy tllurtl irlntmtml hut ittdudlnx room f rtt our bunt moilelm x bood mpro0ltulon ut tlta wunlod bhiule of matrons hats hllk velvstm some trimmed with feather hunduuux und others with ulrferuiit stylus of ornuitiuiits and ribbon choice of ths lot tsjfe thrifty purchasing for the home all wool plaid blankets illue and pink whlpid singly ble mxb4 speolal price ssoh 4a6 all wool blanks tavuro cunudlan woo huo uxbx wwlght 1 ttis 1 ink or llluo imtnlur whipped singly special prcs par- pair 2 laruest sixs flannetstts blsnkeu pink or lltue borders 13 4 white or tlrey pr pslr 276 english woven pyjsma cloth ss inohew wlilo fancy strils in usllo llluo in tun nlou soft tiuulity pr yard swe comforter chlntxiii rlorul duhlgus light nit ilium and durk uolors yurd wide per yard 20o irish linen damssk tame cloths 4 ho in mod ends slightly impel fett lu wuvu but no indus eaeh 3qo- irish llnsri osmssk tabls cloths hlxts ixa und 2x3 hlgbly linporfom in weuvu esoh 726 hmatitchod pillow sllpsuixe 4 only oood quul ity cotton eaoh 4bc best csnadlan print yard widn light ground also nuvy und cadet ulue per yard 2dc umbrellas in separate holly boxes no kxtut jlutkrtin fur liixvh all ix tilloimlly bond uwtrcmont ut iimaiim nit ilirrerunt uualuia tu on humlmii im mivilally worlliy at meullun r vllk and woul loll wllh urn lutoal idtua in wood liundlm ut i ik 8poui prlc o2j hosiery and gloves how to economize on your bilk womens csshmsos he very rinu ull wooj in ths new wide lib with ilbbod ulusuu top color utuik vawii ury slid llrowiu ah slati uegulut 1 lo spselsl price w 00 womens oahmrios llitu uualliy nil wool in tjiorstlu ttrown or uund ah l bpatl prloe per pair oso cashmere hose with wide top v ry ft no woul double boel und sold lltuther shaduu of liltio llrowu iovut ah alios special pries 70c womens bilk faced lisle ho itlbbe 1 ulustlc top double heel uu 1 sole a upaildid wealing hoku und u good wolghr for winter speolal prlos psr pslr mb womens ail wool qsuntlsts nluu long uurf in tolor coating 1 leaver clmy white und nuturul all sixes a speolal at fc read this underwear list womshs whits cotton vests hlbbed with v nock ghd short sleeves bjxws 36 and 3tt special pries sseh 47 4 womsrte drawers lllbbsd cotton to mutch tho above vests closed style spselsl prlc per pslr 47o wornana vests lcxtra outslsu mill in ndnl sub- stundanls ilauy full weight cotton v tuc uleuvuless lutlf sluovos ur long sleeves speeisl prloe ssoh 66 womens bloomersr mill monded sub standards lttbbod cotton with gusset und elastic ut wulst und knee bles 3fl to 40 in imnk or white spselsl prle 5bo womans whits flsnnslett oown high tleok and long sleeves ulxus till tu utul co speolal prloa ssch 1xx womens whits flannelette bloomers ictusllo ut waist and kuue sixes 2 snd 20 eve outaixa b9o elastic top corsbts pink tliisllo lop corsets buk utud llghtlj bo noil for th alight itgurs four huso superiors hives 90 to 3b special prloa 80d a giod vutlety of colors olid of l 19 siobthats tylts clearing childrens hats volvutu urn velta mostly durk loiois trlmti i wllh rlhliolis spselsl pries 50o snd b9o i lush huts bpsclsl 2j6 womells misses and girls coats 10 women and mioses coatu uedufed m- those us the auusonts lst stylos und shades 1h materials ure mutvelu huvuiyn norman ly utindlue valour ciihiollhx und pluht luiik coatings large uollurs of bublw canadian houvi i opttoaum ulock vox heallns und llouveriiie uume with ouits ulo tailored styles inverted pluut in luick llugluu sleeves patch pockets bather buttons half lined all the wanted shades in lltowti nuvy llluok hiuthr mix tures and lilaok rsdused prioas l8 2jt9 2813 m07 uj26 etc other aplul lines of ull wnpl vulout and luld buck coaungs at 1 1278 and flfjxl qlrl cost 7m to 13jsa g b ryan co departmental storeb guelph oweiisouiideatabliblied 1885 ponuss silk all many nlft pilrpusos 88o and b8o nuturul wi igbts dress goods and silks the cream of this seasons buying woe i dres goods 6 980 all w dr ptatorluls mostly uo tally hurgu 43 inches wide hark colors spselsl prloe per yard w ah wool ser inuhcs wile in c jsp llluo nuvy und uluck rsturs prlo wool ssntoy all wool 40 linlurt wldo in tolorttiml llrown cooou hunil orey henna cnpn ivory jap itlue park nuvy mid navy ltose und huik fssturs pries pr yrd t tfl dot any bsrusah pure wiuil 84 ltuhvti wi lu toluiw navy uul llrowu coctm hand jam ulue snd uiattk a b uullful dioss wolgtlt i lotlu pssturs phcs pr ysrd i os- wool costlua b4 inch all wool coating in pluln und uiuwd colors in tho nvw huh sffeot doth lleliuluvr hit 11 1 nuvy h ul llrown jup uluo ory und many iiopulur mlgturvs fssium prio br yard 1 w wool eiderdown all wool in tolors lis 1 lvmy hky llu viuk hone mauve apilool wand uiul key b4 i m hurt wldt t fsslurs pries pr yard wm ma11ns shk 3d liiuhus wile all shk tin 1 juut reielvol colors nuvy uuck cocou beul urowu uml liay fsstyrs prlos pr yard ddehas satin hwims dudleys llutlii id lunltus wl tu colors tuvk und mid nuvy hand huul hiuwn jup woo uud ihanlt psslgre pries par yard 16 canton crplleavy quality milk union rrtie an inohuw wide colors cocoa heal urown imy juv llluu putty wulrtwn navy und ulaok fstur pries per yard zm pliltu silk all silk huuv only a buuullful dress hiatsrlal duchess qskifvad inches wido in llluuk a lumlotu itiiuhpi lo hunt drvs weight clplh special prlds per yard 1 fit i