Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 29, 1923, p. 4

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i i j y ssmmwif s f h the itouc or ip ikrtnn 3frrr ijjlress aaxscultuti rl to wcfililu i onlrb tllh actuj illfck imiss i pulllli rr liurwuy moxinif lllr w hull man thill mill slrret ai1 pries i lr fi chri male tlie il pstl u nlcalrl r in ilnc lotk n u nffict in lit united which uliicflpiloni r advehtimni uattatranunl slofi mtait lo t nr line ale acuura lo first tatcrtioa mnd s ls per line lor etch buiim quest insertion contract dllplar sdvsrtfae taenia lor jo indira nr mora pal annum l4 cstim per inch utli inaariioa advcrttacrsenti out apccilic tlir and charratl ac teleimowes- kalierut snd n kaldncs ol i thursday morning november 29 1023 editorial premier ferguson and an o t a referendum premier fergusons emphatic declaration at the annunl meeting of the ontario conservative asso ciation at toronto last week in respect to tho pro posed referendum on the ontario temperance act so ardently hoped for by tho moderationists and their friends wnn surely gratifying to the rank and file of the electors of ontario he declared that he would ignore the noisy demands of extremists on tho liquor question and submit the ontario temper ance act to a referendum only when the govern ment qecame convinced that sane public opinion really wanted an opportunity to express its mind on that statute tho governments position on this matter ho stated had been reiterated timo and again the tompcrance act had been placed on the statute books by tho expressed will of the people and the government woufd regard any interference with it without a referendum as arbitrary and auto cratic it would give a referendum when it consid ered that public sentiment favored one but it was reserving to itself the right to decide the time at which public sentiment called for such action reads like ancient history tho licensed hotclkcepers of hull have decided by mutual agreement that in future women will not be allowed in the gril rooms of their hostclries unless they are properly registered quests and that no beer and wino will in future be served to women except at the regular meal hours or where a full meal is ordered and consumed this ruling will apply to sundays as well as week days this surely reads like a chapter of ancient history but it may be more understandable when it is stated that hull is a city rh the province of quebec where govern ment control is in force matters must have come to a deplorable pass when the above discriminating action was deemed to be necessary by the saloon keepers and hotel men i the pavements and boulevards bylaw in the passing of the new bylaw respecting pave ments and boulevards last week tho council has shown very conclusively that its members are anxious to protect tho cement pavements from unnecessary damago and tho boulevards which so many citizens are endeavojujig to keep neatly trimmed and tidily shaped from being destroyed by being driven over by careless teamsters or motorists or by herds of cattle insufficiently attended from running over them and tearing up the turf acton aims to be one of the most attractive towns in canada its citizens have accomplished much in securing and deserving this appellation tho passing of this now bylaw will tend greatly to aid in preserving the appearance of tho town the municipal officers have beon instruct ed to see that tho bylaw is strictly enforced and the penalties costs and damages it provides for sbquld boye the effect of rendering all concerned careful to observe its provisions not intoxicated unless lying drunk in a public place- tho government control law in quebec and british columbia and presumably the new law for alberta has an interpretation which is unique view of the interpretation which has been accepted with all other tempcranco measures for the past fifty years it seems that no person is considered to bo iptoxicatcd under the government control law until jlying drunk in a public street or place a few weeks ago tho system was investigated by a special writer of the ladies home journal who after being told by tho comptroller of tho national brew eries that there is no drunkenness to speak of in quebec journeyed to tho recorders court in mont real and copied from on official report given him by tho recorder the fact that in tho iasttwo years there had hmojuuuight into the court 12048 persons arrested while lying drunk in a public street or public place it is this lying drunk that explains why the premier of quebec whose government de rives great sums from its rakeoff on liquor sold is able to present comparisons showing a declining rate of drunkenness in quobec in quebec cities drunkenness is a condition of the feet rather than tho head and the chargo is made that the police deliberately- keep down the record of arrests by taking into custody only thoso so far gone that lying drunk is the only way to describe them the rlomc journal article declares further the mild beer and light wines that were to replace strong liquors and bring about truo temperance have long since given way to more potent beverages and with the change has come a tremendous increase in drinking in 1021 when tho breweries were making light beer with only 251 per cent of alcohol 6409189 gallons of beer were made in quebec the following year when tho browcrs were putting in lots of alcohol 21741030 gallons of beer were made and sold in quebec and in addition 579385 gallons of strong beer were imported and drunk this year the total is expected to reach twentyfive million gallons nearly all of which will bo drunk in quebec the evidence at hand docs not point to government control or the wider sale of beer and wino as an improvement on ontarios temperance act i the hydro shop for service n that the capacity of acton hydro station has been increased to about double its capacity ana more current users are being added from week to week the need for a more convenient service for- supplies is more and more manifest users of elcc- trio current find themselves in need of new lamps fixtures and supplies every day and at al times of the day owing to the fact that the hydro shop is open only for an hour or so two or three evenings of tho week the patrons of the system are greatly inconvenienced tho people should be able to secure electric necessities just as freely and conveniently as they are to secure any other household necessities now that a new year is approaching tho hydro- electric commission will naturally bo considering advanced methods of administration and the question of arranging to keep the hydro shop open during the hours when other mercantile houses in town are open should be decided upon the people hero are exceptionally loyal to the hydro service they deserve in return this desirable convenience acton machine coa bylaw the ratepayers of acton will vpto next monday on tho bylaw to grant exemption of taxes to tho acton machine co on the now building thoy pro pose to erect for ten years this exemption of course does not include the school taxes nor tho frontage taxes levied during tho past five years mr blow manager of the acton machine co has built up a fine business which is constantly grpwing to accommodate the expansion which may be reason ably hoped for larger premises aro necessary the proposed new building will be of mill construction with cement and brick base and piers as was re marked in these columns a fow weeks ago acton has been singularly fortunate in the manufacturing enterprises which havo been established here w know nothing of failures umong these they go on from year to yeur they extend und employ additional operatives their number is increasing year after year their managers and workmen build now homes orbuy homes offered for sale they patronize our merchants they take an interest in our community enterprises they uniout and assist in supporting dur taxes and rhe increasing population helps to pay our taxes and support our municipal ultilities mr blow of the acton machine co is the type of citizen who is worth encouraging for his enterprise ho asks for partial tax exemption for only ten years at the expiration of that period the enlarged premises will be on the same basis as other town property for taxation in tho meantime the added employees will be paying taxes on their homes and patronizing our mercantile houses a moment of serious thought will prove to our doctors that the bylaw fa well worthy of tho support of all citizens who desire preparing stock for winter production ii u high time to think orpara- tlimn for the wlntoi tho hoiisii should 1k thoroughly illslnferted uii hnio washed leaky roofs broken glum torn rot to nil und crack in tho walls mended and avery4hlna lut into- liihijtforn tho pullolm am brougfu fuulrf 1 done sufficiently oarly so that tha pullota will not recoh chock whon thoy are brought condition should lm made as m am poaslbln as thoy were when rengo that 1b tho hnuwui hould lm ktit as open am possible no that the- pullota will not buffer from the con flnomonl un no douht many of them havo boon used u rooatlng i komi scratch grain sparfnety tu keep tlm bird active and glva thorn all tho greenwood you can get thcrh t tuil if a variety of araen feed js used and it la given in vnrlou forma bin can b inducod to mora of it than f only un kind uoou hproutod uam chopimmt elovwr mpo cabbuga or anything in tho vruy of rroon food that will prompt tho bjrri mbould ixt given thorn it may ho 0ol both moparutely and chapped up un ralxod in a mouit nuuh unlos cart la taken when tho birth aro put in to food sparingly with gruh und heavily with groon feed they pro llahtn to immtome atuifglah if any ton ilonry tj thin in noticed kpom an it htioutd bn uaod freely ubout a poumt to 100 bird tho following method of foodlng have giver good reaulln a hopper of dry roauli corapoaod of equal part bran middling common and oat chop and half part tankage i kept before the bird at au time an 1 nuo water grit oyater nholl ami charcoal when pomlblo milk a ahto upplled when milk i not avail- additional meat food rouil b up- plied in tho morning the bird an givrn a vufy light feed of arrntch grain cattered in the litter gttten feed lu lo mupplfod at noon a moist mub given in which 1 mixed a goodly proportion of chopped greenn at night rul food of mcrutch i fod whom light are ued and they udd gruatly to tho early winter production an extra feed may bo worked in- uoorga itobortaon altnnt dominion ultry iluvbandman neighborhood news- town and country mlhm 111 h i in liii iii rrop 111 lo will lenv for ufn hoi w viiill if tliroo inonilih wieh hr wutor mrx it it hillrlth mikh mllirml htitl ii m of iluftuhi mturnud hotnn on tin minx to qpniiding throi wlukjt with hot- nun i mrh i wllklnnon mm iw win of i toy t n iw of campbell vlllr i dun iii mr iwo hu not ln w for monn limn anil 1 on ul k lo vo for ul montlm ituaunll the llttl m of iavld hruuh wuu iwnlly hlttim by a txua a few day mio 1 1 in fm luidly rut and mwolfon wi uixinrhtand nothing hu boitlon about thn ilotr uiuugh tho phynlihu who t lrayi fai o nuy it jiii ou id hu doutroyod chaniploo peohqetown air hamllt airm vlmltod during the wook ir qoxe r a ptoporty for u gu tho dddllution mplnndld nnw linljl htllldlpg took plui uii cuhoiiim oflhil lomfottuhly hottlml in hi in tho wllloughhy hih k 01 mr i koraoy hnw gon vulloy 11 c wiioro itlu omii wooktl tit in h ith- ol w liruiimilii v liuiloy i purchaail itorgelown oddfellow ylion tin mo ago tfo dlod iulto k v monday ovun- coli i now now nm- on mill htrit iino lo cmjiton in will pfml f her brother iddonly u oiiort lojltorlal notks more than half a million dollars has been paid to carusos heirs in the past two years in royalties oo records sold the loitering echoes of his golden voice are likely to prove valuable for a generation mail and empire whether tho u f o remains in politics as an organization allows clubs to act as local conditions warrant or withdraws entirely from political activity will be decided at the annual convention next month resolutions urging alt three alternatives have been forwarded by various clubs in tho province from an address recently delivered by cx-pro- sident wilson of tho united states it would seem mr wilson has nothing but contempt for the pusil lanimous attitude of the united staters towards europe since the great war mr wilson is not tho only one filled with this same contempt beavcrton express one of tho strongest objections to government control of the sale of alcoholic liquors is that it soon becomes liquor control of tho government the rovenua feature of tho system becomes too appealing to the vendors this has been quite manifest jn quebec where tho premier openly boasts of the- largo prohtsltfcrived from the sales from liquor the death rate from tuberculosis has been re duced by ss per cent in the past twenty years the deaths last year were lower than ever before this has no doubt been duo to tho special effort made to combat tho disease the spread of information through tho press has been one of tho greatest factors in no other way can so many homes be reached canadians aro naturally interested in tho pre ferential features of mr baldwins policy as should the electors of great britain return his govern ment it will mean that canada along with the other dominions will reap a substantial trade benefit under a favorablo tariff should tho british electors stick to f m trade and return mr asquith canada will not sulk of break away as that is a question of policy but should tho labor party bo returned and the policy of conscription of capital become law that is another question and might mean dismemberment of the empire teornownfrlbjr charles dingman editor and managing director of the stratford beaconherald for many years a prominent figure in canadian newspaper life died after a brlof illness ar his homo at stratford on thursday mr dingman who was in his 57th year had been unwell only a few days suffering from sciatica and it was not thought that tho malady was scrip us until it suddenly affected tils heart mr dingman was a son of the late a dingman for years publisher of the strathroy age and later of tho stratford herald ho began his newspaper career on the gananoque journal and was subsequently with the montreal star montreal herald and win nipeg tomogram he was a man of high ideals an active worker igjhe methodist church and a journat- trails of a clrqvman do not bo a paraon unltaa you are hlemd with u trim aeiiho of hum and u thick hide advuo un kngluli clergyman in iwitwni weekly a paraon duty i to vlflu hi flock if ha doe not great 1 the grumbling if he does he u nubbod tho anub mix nicely with the welcome to pre vent you rrom being puffed up tho following 1 one of the neutcat of them i won aakod by a friend who had boon offered u living near foe to gn and m tho vlcarnge and ahuroh and report i did o luid tho clerk showed tna round a we neared the end he cama back und oald uo you our new paraon air if i may moko ao bold i oaaured him that i waa not i bo main glad to hear that elr he aald with relief weve alwttya had iioa4 un bo far lit a aeattcred pariah i called upon an old couple about tea lime would you like a cup of tear the houaowlfo aakod i confeased that i ahould like it very much the dear old eul prepared one und kept apologising b- cuujmj uho had no jura or cake i oaaured her that it did not matter in tho loaat well ulr oho oald bright ening after all tipnt a if you wa ono of them that food high anyonb can aeo that one more a friend of mine hud got u job for u man who had been for u long- time out of work i gueewod ho waa gottlna pretty ahahby o i looked ip u ull wo word dlucb of a elxe and took it round the hum wife took it and 2 waited in the room roady to be overwhelmed with thattkn hhr ime back and ald my unhand thank you kindly nr hut he dont hold with paraon clothur but if youve got anything ovd ul a man hell have a look at it rabbit rearing viance belgium und other urupean countries rabbit breeding la important lnduatry tho meat being used for food and the palta in thu manufacture of fur isngland im port over twentyfive million pounda of rabbit meat annually while in one yeur a canadian firm of furrier im ported no fewer than alx hundred thouaand rabbit akin theae ptato- menta are taken from a bulletin en titled rabblta laaued by the domin ion department of agriculture the lnduatry ha of late year developed rapidly in the united btatea und in canada intereat la growing we ure told the climate of this country by i of it drynee la well uduptud for rabbit rearing which ua u uldn ilaht with proper care and management bo made un appreluble ource oftrevonue not only 1 rabbit meat highly pal atable but tho akin ure mlo naively jjwhi for making imitation fur auch ia eallne manchuriaq or french rmlne and many other ily various irocooaea of tanning dyeing and clip ping the oklna are reported to undergo rvmurkuhe transformation in frunou thu angora rabbit la cultivated tor ita wool the bulletin which la well ujuat rated turnlahe information re garding houalna brooding folding innrkntlng uiul choice of breeds and treatment of dlaeaae cop lea niy be tibtalned freo from thu 1ubllcatloiin uranoh of the department of agricul ture ottawa the freedom of being a girl bomotlmoa it annu as if there wuro nu freedom about it luvani are uch u drug i and when ibmodm nfo dono there aro stocking to dam and frock utul hat and gloves to put in order und all the household tasks for which mother la responsible hhe does not ask us to do thorn because of the les sons but we feel the burden just the aalno und try to help her and tit worat of it is that it is not our own house or uur own cooking of our uu dlshv ho we dmum of wlmt our own houi would bo like everything would he so und so and so just exuuly us wi wahtod it if there was disorder ll would be out own disorder uicl w oould uttond to t just when wii pleased without any reproachful mk or ques tioning from anyone fclo wo lung for what up pears to 1m the rruedoi of that houao of our own whon wo get it wo tlnd that it 1 not ull troedom there is ulways si one to please besides ourselves wo have merely exchanged dependence fitr resimnslblllly and responsibility i greater enemy to freedom hall a dependence tho old greek poet hopheoalas said long ugo that a young girl in rutbw house uvea the happiest life tosaib to human beings condition vury but many many girls when they have gained tho fanuled froeftoin thy sighed for look back and lull again for u leace and lnnnlls r un ity uf lotting mother do it uclough and h kirk woiu t toronto last wek ut to luting mavonlo cjruiil uhik at tin plo who n llity of gulutn iodgo no o20 waji constituted and roiiseoralod rev mr camurou pastor of knuxr chuixh who was taken 111 last wi llkoly to t ouiliitd to hi bod home tltno mombetn of hln largo oongroiotloll u nil cltlsotie generally join in wlnhlni him a speedy restora tion to his iisibil hiulth and vl tho vollowliiir ollhorh of utoriotowii hockey club wro idot tod lust week president i uinold clotfvo vloe-in- sulrmt ibty orahiitn hocrotury c l ituddy treasurer alf colo manager of intormodlulo team jutik mrolb- ihii kkeiullvo i i llughu jf clark mill j ij- thoinpiton lrunpoote fo u fust hookuy ti inn for tho coming metittoi uro vry brht r-lloruld- the habit of confidences homo young people form the habit of indiscriminate onndonros thoy get in tho way of tolling tholrprlvitti nftalrn to nn lluiuo uouualntuncc while tholr frd nd c iho txnotlt o all their fancies us well as urtuul hup tltoru arigdvoru rouwinu wrhy thli in a bad habit ono is thut it is llkoly to lwro our listener thore is n 1 1 niwn to suppoko that other imfiph will bo part i rul u rly lntorontod in hoar lug about our personal riimurim ant anolhor rtawon is tlit surh a rcvola tioti of our intimate affalra is doatruc- tlvo to our sef rfjipotl thoro are ulmo things whluh should bo kept strictly to ourselves in fat t tho pro- numptlon is that our urfalrs urn not to bo talked about except wmn un nxc optional reason cultm for exreptlon- itl treatment htrong nuturoii ar ro- uervixl alxntt tholr own t oik oripi it ut hi n weaklings who feel an irresls- tlliln lmiiulso to take everyone infti tholr lonndenco oakvilue tlm town council bus grwtitod ii i gregory portnuuiioii to operate his new theatre until tho end uf tho your without u lloeusu a champion uuow plow hu boon purchased for tho town ut u cost ot idooo tho bainiuet in uo munition with the oitoiilng of jhsk hull wus u record breaker kully six hundred people enjoyed tho ruast chicken salads pica and other good thing provided l lavish abundance by the ltulee aid the urge gymnasium was niled with boiiutlfully deoorntei tnhlns a large eotrln blgil bearing thn name gregory 3 foot wide und 24 feet high itt bo 1 ilk erected ut tho gregory thmttro vm it hunt liuu boon grunted a imlt to bullil u sixroomed houae on maple avenue ut u out uf 300 thut itlchattl jdhnutoii latile to ms lith un tho torontohumllton hig- wuy on the evening of november 12 i1jj3 ut ubout 7 30 uclikik but thut tho ovldom0 produood doos not satisfy us us to how he came to his death wun tho verdict of tho hnjury at the imiuewt mf jutntu itobertson who ut one time vyuu u esltleut of the iuke shore ust bus bomi renewing ucqualntances in town uftur un ubmotuo uf thirty- livo yearn a sorlcil of uucrod conceru will bt r by the oukvllle llund on kunduy nliib during the oomlug season in thn ci ti gory llulre mr gregory bus ll plated bin line imw bulldlmf a illhposul of the luiitd fur thut purptw ti 1 he tlrst cotioort will b id on huiiday dembr 2 con- rtu will coimmoilv ut 3 v tn d thut uuyoiiu utlendlng the local huoiun will ih in time after the liurrli uorvicpa hoooitl turlington on thursday evening tho unnlver- aary bainjuet of tho daughters uod muhlu uf fcnglmid wun held in the odd fellows hull mr und mr ioslle draw und mr nd mr ale mercer left last week for ut ietorsburg klorldu where they will spend the winter directors of tho nelaoli und llurllngtou agricultural kocloty ure making urrutigeinuiith for the nnnuul banguet to be held in the gymnasium methodist church on wlday november 30 the principal speaker will ho hon john h murtln mlnletor of agriculture mr und mrs j v ilyekmun und mm hurry ghent left on thursday last m ti motor trip to vlorlda where they wilt upend the winter honor judge ullott held u court of appeal for tho voters list in the public ubmry lust uim whon about 76 iiuuuh wcru udded to ths list a large congregation turned out to the molhodim chinch on humlay even ing to hutr the cliolr lender mautiderw e pardon und peace und ull thoroughly enjoyed tho presoiitu- tho whole uervlro was in tharge of the choir and they ure to b- oon- giutululed upon the splendid muslo wblih thoy pruvldml a letter wum rotolved ttotn t wuumsley hetrutitry of tlif klrti ibl- gad returning the 600 borrowed fruiulhijr council to rtnanoo the firemens cvtiivoiition here in august the council grunted the kiroinett ijc00 but they only drew on the oounill for jbu0 und now this bus beni relumed rhe klremell uaaurvd the co u 111 ii ut the lime that it would not cost the iiilopuywr one t und thut tho proceeds would tuke iurt of the urfuh und jhulr preduitum huu ptoven true a w llusby iidilloalo the counolt ut lust ninethig regurtllng the eatub llshiug of a hospltul in town id usked thut it be put to the vote of the uloctoru in juuuury mi liushy luimed thul theie hlul been i uses lunt your where thopoldo bud been in duuuei of losing their lives by not reuohlug tho lluinllto hospltul in time for un operutlou h suldtlieie wele lluhingtoii people ll the kuiillllou hosplluls nruolloujiy ull the thud und the dootors were ketil busy going lu und out of the city tik- cotiirll will procure more totnplt iufiiniiutloii regurillng the cost und upkeep of such uii institution be for tuklng uliy definite action gasotte in 8unnv california in nunuy california tblu winter hun dred of canadian will ugulu re vol in the beauty of tticl orange firovaa iho pepper trees and palms in that land of perpetual summer tho itttrnfulonn of california urr manifold it is recognlxod un ono of tho greatest outofdoor puiygrounda in the world with an unsurpassed win- tor climate tho glory of ita mountain sioiiory la indescribable t ioopaea nshlngj motoring golf and every other utdoor recreation may be indulged in canadian national jlallwuyn offer kiwjctal fares and wide variety of route roing und returning nither through canada or united htutos ap ply for particulars tj your- n ureal agent 21- just out listen hoar tho nrunawick a- cord rtral then decldo for yourself vou cortuloly will bo fond of your pur chase if ymi have tiny of thoao latest tlhuppy vox trots full of pep 1 to mom hi r the name llrunswii k ms worth while give us u i rial thank you for weak start i n d- csmber 1 only t record a 7bc j e bruneixe at tony scynuka raa- tsurant nast to baptist church mill btraet acton business directory dr j a mcnlviin physician and surgeon oftlce and llealilouco imor avenue and kltn utreet imionio hs dr k j nlxson kitiijititk hiitiirr acton ontario dr w s laird ok gui i ill to woolwloj kui- kye kar noeo ami thnwi lcqal phone no s3 p o ilox sm harold nash farmer m a barrister solicitor notary pqblle conveyanoar etc perrvman block acton otst money m3nt om moitroagefl lloura bj0 am to 6 p m saturdays 12 hu nvlork h g meih barriatsr solicitor notary public georgetown ont dental prevents dust explosions hclen lists have developed a device called an alonator t is at m ply aaikmmd eloatrla light filament ooverw with poroalaln the glowing pbroeuln hoatod by the d lament burnt up the gaaeg aod inflammable duat ao fast tlfat they cannot acoumulte to ouuae ezploaluna in mlne sour mtlut und ttutarumlus4eaalant 8knd the canadian apples whon chrlstnius oines the question ulways ui lss what i un we send our friends over home that will be too expetiivo that will in uppfw- nlulnd and will savor of novalty the uiiswur this season is send them u sample of cuoudas surlklssod ap ples it will not only be patriotic but they wllfbe u treat the luxpros i- itarttuuitt of the cunadun nutuniul ituilwuys ties ulude effective a rate of f 3 00 tpr u bog f bo lbs und itmuauilng not more thuii one fool und eht inches to be shipped in cold atumgw from uunudluu ports tu any station on the railways of oreumfrltuin undirobtnd guelph winter fair nov 30thdec 6th x december 3 4 5 judging live stock december 6 four big auction sales w j vt lennox president it w wade secretary dr j m bell d d s l d 3- dantlat honor oradusta of toronto univer sity the latest anesthetic used f deaired i offloa at reside no corner mill and frederick btreel quality counts thats tho only reason wo can account for tho demand for excelsior brand flour and- wo will always maintain that quality there are all kinds of pastry flours on the market today but just ask any housewife with good baking what brand she uses and you will usually find it is excelsior brand excelsior brand flour is the choice of all good cooks z h lindsay mux stheet acton ontario entire stock reduced prom now until christmas we afc ortcrine everything in the store at substantial reduced prices both in seasonable fall and winter goods and in suitable christmas gifts you will fipd our prices much below the price at which similar merchandise can be duplicated anywhere else reductions havo been made regardless of our own cost an examination of our prices will convince you that you can save considerably by purchasing at our store fc have a splendid assortment of christmas gifts for every member of tho family come in and bo convinced a dollar saved is a dollar earned l starkman miu sict acton ontario through the mails the service of the bank of montreal is as wide and comprehensive as thfe postal system itscjtf f this service enables customers living in remote districts to transact their banking by mail mm satisfactorily as if they could make personal vuits writf for our folder banking by mail acton branch i h shorey manager bank of montoeatr established over ioo years i j i v dr f g gollop dds ld3 denial surgeon offloe over hank of nova scotia iiouitb 10 to 650 ecvenlnx y appointment miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account book- of all kind made to oider perlodlcaja of every description carafully bound rullnc neatly anj promptly done wyndham street ouelph ont over william store lodge directory sons of england lodge woodqreen no 302 m tine nratantl third thursday la each month at v tn in i o o v hall ucmbera and vultllut tnotnbera- cordlally invited to attend j precious j little w p secretary acton l o u no 487 tim mmlmrs if l o tu a 4r7 will hold u social htciiliijf in thn lods room i kriday ootolxir 3 evury muinlwm invited to ha present k t thktfouu k a kknneay w m i- r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent 17 years elapcrlonce acton ontario baloa entrusted to it j kerr ret ool v ettentlon from date bf llatina to date of sale list your aalesl with me koeldonoe ilower avenue acton phone 38 acton call at my guelph business college ofton uptodato clerical itualneas fctenoirrulhy k- cretarlal coursoa ly export ux- torlunooil tachra tuuiluts tnay enter liiiy tuy wllltu frolt inkoruation v d hlllott irlnclpal ejgravlhg 2 dlllkiiuohobrvanr tfokowlu caklaqft j e cheevers book binder qubm sl e1 oulph ont hook j1 wjlno bound la liawai uid bubtlitll oov ntio- utlorl 111 j uyrott uooka nd othor book all work promolly ekmuud the old nd ftelublo gnmlto nd mble works wo ra taanuftuiturejw od dliot bomlr ot m kind- r uonulj to our oimiomai whollo brio jl kr rnirindml 40 pot ooul- w only ju- oluuotnbn lfnorow i mkvllux our atutomart 40 dor thoiboot nolutnom md t mootuuuu in domlnloo ho m in m uomwoo w oiutj- ro- to f ol oiriloiir in toronto nd ou jlirtour tor u taw w i2ir7lntt wt w nr tojltl- essasjssk mkonjjm0 s6 sag- c aelaito i tmwwlhf iv

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