an j death rnlfbr at ihe following ml u joe delli sc ulflb- uarrigr dukicvl thr at the dorn 1ahhv at acion n thormlay no- vomttor 22 1953 to mr anil urn iiiiiiurl ijibiij lmililr mintiii umuliii n dor hunt died m omtilwllvlllr o ivmlmi- 21 1dz3 r upnl gil yiuru turn i trofalcur o iiht 20 m2l osorga vr in ma tulh yar conovkil nii austin 8hab3 at notval on novonitwr id u3s fltu uclan ltlovl wife til john hhurp l 77 yrsrs untl 0 months in memoriam u joim uann in loving memory archibald jack jwrly im1ovimi and only son ut mr und mm k a unnn who llou nfvimlr 37 19u agtml 2 years ami c rnonltw f ho was too lirlehl o flower to luat hot only to ui given to cheer u for a llltlr wow ono to itlonpi in imnvftn pat 1 1 kit motiikh yl j ham wkft jvttmt 3far greas tiiuusday novkmiteit 19 1d2s brief local items toroorrow will ond november neighborhood news- town and country nab8aqaweva mu crawford mvn iturclut i nlxtlt line rir tlio llinltctl 1 from trnttl- mldnrr of cttnuilhtll villi i ivl1 rvntlierstoi irar lila tin imnti hun r 10000 ofm ly jt wnk n kumolino motor lorry on thr i- n it- trsrks on tho cnnlwllvllli rfuit was 1olly smaahsd whin ii ihrtnicl with a trurk in rlmno f ijirliy ltanlw hamilton ut u rnuulnr on the road churchill tim family of wosley wo rornnriy of thl vicinity trying oxiwrlonos juat nuv luht wfmik itoss who wo u krocury after school hours ouolph i huvllik ont day rkhit hi oiiir mr una iii warn tins tonn anil win thrtmilun l with r hy injured mr u wiuk or so arinimtlcllls mr flobart korr fan n tx tho b huampr nt horaoa nt tho royal wlntn kttlr at toronto turlnx tho wmk w have not hoard whether tin hud hh usual nucnui thorv or not obituajry koitni auhtln conovih truiilcnr on tho farm hi trafalgar iownhli whftu pluitrui mlln f ih limehouse dmtmbor comes in on baturday chruuna mhoppink u now on id chrtattmm throe woo lea from noxt tueadsy oualoh winter pair novombor so to deoetnbur s oakyl council ham purchased a new snow plow snpw ahovela wero quito in voati on saturday momlof a town good noubh to hve in apod anoujth to booat for fridays snow storm put a finish to fall plowing tar a uro at laaal in another nianth the year 1933 will be in the viands of the historian subacrlbe for tiia vxxm jhaow a chrlalffuui present for vour friends was thero over a finer sunday in november than was enjoyed this week the skatlnc season will soon be here and the skate sharpeners will be busy there ha been comparatively little room for complaint of bad roads so far this fall read the cbrutmas advertlslne in these columns you will find erttrae- tire features be l6yml to your ijand and attend their concert to the hall next wed nesday evenlnc advertise your christ mjtoods and cnriatmas auxxeatlons so that custoptetb may be informed the walls of the additional jitdrey to acaaons knitting mill are up and the roof will soon be completed a hoc etdln denianatruon will bo held at the c n r stock tarda acton next mry al 2 oclock klcbt candidates ware nominated for the mayoralty at guelph on mon day tho election will be a lively one municipal offloer mcpheraon is settlna the drains watercoursea and manholes wen cleared out for winter put it on your chrlatmu lut turn skas ptamm it will make an appreciated sift all the year rfround the first aaow flakes are faillnjr acroaa the dreary world the ear dry leaves are calling the year la stowlna cold twenty- ove yemra lo thu week john b barber wan reelected a mem ber of the xiecisiature to represent halton if there were ho deoamber in the year what would lb children dpt december brlnsa curtstmaa and makes the children sled v mrs oeorre malholhtnd baa pur chased the residence of mr t x martin corner church aj blin streets and has taken po good moraine have yoo renew ed your fan pxaaa suhaciipiioflt hnni dreda of subscriptions expire within the next thirty days does yours t whether he weather be cold whether the weather be hot we must weather the weather whatever the aoathe tjrhnthor we like it or not a petition has been circulated in mount foresf and forwarded to the ijleutenantgoveriiofi asking for an audit of the town books for ten years past at renfrew hist week the rate payers carried a bylaw utasalat sea man blent co dressed hardwood lum ber manufacturers by a vote of m to it- told winds snow slush and sleet tell with manifest accuracy the close of the autumn and the commencement of winter with its footwear and other problems theres no time like the present vou wil want to send christmas cards to your friends order them al tils pan pass office with your own per owlnjf to the lllnww of mr goorgi i jollcy teactjer of iublln hohool here the parents and scholom hanuurt arranged for kriday evening has nctc cssarlly boon postponed for abort ti it is hophl the energetic and esteemed tea c tier will soon es iuiip recovennd a number of residents here attondna the masonic gathering at georgetown on friday evening and tho oddfellows dedication services lp their hall monday night ballinafad miss williamson the teacher of the inisoocs school intends holding entertainment on december 1 for her scholars mr and mrs d h mccluro with mr t mccluro and his slater miss a j moclure spent sunday with james utllls and her daughter mrs joe hall of grand valley the balllnaad boef ring closed lost week mrs david russell of the 6th line erin is in poor health ospr1n0e a very successful entertainment and fowl supper was held in the presby terian church last wednesday evening an excellent programme was rendered the fifty roast chickens prepared w ail devoured the second line has been much im proved by the use of the road grader the river hill was in a dangerous condition before this work was per formed mr swart santer has purchased from mr fred mccutcheon his fine farm on the town line this will obvi ate the necessity of mr sunter re building his homo harold atkins is making good pro gress toward recovery from bis thanksgiving day ahootlng accident rock wood the annual social evening at the home of mrs cameron was a very in teresting- event for this one evening every year dignity is cast aside and silvery haired grandmothers unite with bobbed tressed maidens and youthful matrons in having an even ing of real fun prises were won by mesdames stuart royce squires and henderson delicious refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by mlssee doufjaes clarxe and san- a little more attention given to depressions where waterworks services have been installed would give our streets a better appearance and make smoother driving chris unas mail for overseas should be mailed as early as possible and at the very latest to connect with steamer montclare sailing from st jobk oa december 7 the 100 acre farm of molapd allan on the second line of erin has been sold to john allan or the third line erin bale was made by it kerr real estate agent tho acton machine co byhvlf weil sponserod hy the council all the members of last years council snd the two new candidates have given their approval to the bylaw our merchants have now an dls play a one assortment of goods suit able for the christmas trade little excuse is left to cltisens to grt out sof town id do christinas shopping mr peter moleaac auueslng de serves commendation for his with hogs last wek he shlpp4 eight hogs with a lot sent to ouuw by the cooperutlve htilpjwrs snd tbsr wars all gradod select mrs russell peart who underwent successful operation at the general hospital last thursday is making fav orable progress toward recovery the recent annual recital of annie jouute was a local event genuine interest- the pupils acquitted themselves with much credit to their teacher the recital was held in the toirn hail j roetrwood baseball players both boys and girls made a name for them serves during the past season their banquet was consequently an occasion of genuine interest it was held the dominion house rev it- m qelger b a- the toe unas tar intro dueed flin yirpjianiiim by a short but spicy address which was followed by a brief account of the work of the team during the season bythe man- colonel mutrie appreciative speeches evere given by several present respecting- the spjendld conduct of the team during the evening a large number of popular song were heartily sunjc led by mr o r martin- at the conclusion of the programme the chairman called on mr martlnv who read an appropriate address to oel mutrie and at the proper time mr a iz squires presented the colonel with a beautiful electric reading tamp the colonel replied with feeling re marks stating that he had not ex pected any tangible remuneration for his services his object being to help the boys play tbegaroo in the highest sense of the word a most enjoyable evening was concluded by all singing ood save the king rurmru of th irovlin illil iwnlrr 20 miu luimniu liuhl farm htndh rniiitliis on v hut lit ihw thri duiuuiu highway in thu ypuiu when trufiilunr township wui otiulirrou nlmout rvmoto from toronto jla first saw llm light of day tltn funii noil ii llm uun on whhhho ild all tilt life h huil llvid in tmfuli it township and hla llgure wuti famllmr ovrn lorce iieftloit of tin rounti jslilo in hill ourllnr iluye ho twenmo u jjonoral fixrm rontruntor ajid u minilxtr of tho farm buildings in tin- neighborhood of trutalgar township jir tho- tull of hiu building uklll homo thirty years jigo ho retired troni prtlul hulldliii to tlm rurni nxt to tho otu on which ilo wltm itoi ullll mihmvimii tlmo in tmt itutcfmhfully furmiwl tho liij is aurvlvttl hy two iltiutikvrw mm 11- win wulkor or ktretavl1i- mid mlw alborthiu at bnmr unit oni aon iri- lutd now u uolghlxirlnif lurimr illu wlfo iimdofriiwd iilni hy about u yor i dannockburn s llunnockhurti women n instltuto- held their monthly moitliig ut the lioni or the president mrs wiley acton crossroad on winlileaduy uftornoon novumbor 21 klftimin mombers wro proihint after tho buaineaa was com pleted tho mooting hud given over to th sewing or garments for liexly children the next mooting will bo hold at the home of mrs lowrlo fifth ti wdn nft ary is 1s24 miss ldns hussell attpndod th womens instltuto convention in tor onto lust woolc crewsonb corners miss kathleen dennis who was tta painfully injured on saturday 17th inst- while rence building was in pro gress on the farm is making good progress toward recovery prior to their leaving for their new home in jacton sr company at the friends and neighbors or mr and mrs e cripps met nt their home to bid them rarawell ere they left the old home during the coarse or the even ing they wore presented with an oasy chulr knd a set of ilver knlvea and forks a pleasant social evening was spent and a dainty ranch was served at the close mr and mrs jos gowdy or guolph and mrs klngsley of uradford visit ed at tho home of mix and mrs jas james moore last flu nosy 3640 for childrens aid society interesting meeting at milton uat week with address by rev pater bryeer- the annual meeting of tho childrens aid society was held in knox church with inspector denyes president in the chair the superintendent of the gordon home mr w h btewurl gave an exhaustive report of his ac tivities during the year and mrs gor- haffl chairman of the hoard of house management gave an interesting re sume of the work done during the year by that body the receipts and expenditures for the year were as follows receipts balance on hand november 1192i grants county of ifalton donations and membership fees victory loan interest 826 57 jaoo ou 187 3t bt 00 exp kndit u res tronferred lo gordon- home account furnishing hymen wing honorarium to mrs butter- way printing sundry j balance on hand 100 00 10 2 is 70 446 03 you never had a better opportunity to buy a farm thaw now when you can secure one at rock bottom price excellent choice our large list will enable you to select what you re quire we have some iteal bargains for the next two weeks and would be pleased to show you any of them j a smith real estate agent telephone 105 office at residence corner mill street and wallace avenue masonic grand master at georgetown 8 kirk w m presided st a memor- able gathering of credit lodge a number of tho mom bom of walker lodco a v aa m acton wore fav ored with invitations from credit lodge georgntown to attend u ban quel and ract thn moat worshipful grand master w j drop or grtras by who hud kindly agreed to visit credit lodge hist friday evening in spite of the unfavorable weather conditions there was u uood attend ance of members and visitors and vary onjoyubla time was spent a fonturo of the evonlng was the presentation to the grand master of u gold evershurp pencil and to very wor uro unrrncjough of credit lodgu who was rocntly appointed to the iottlton of grand pursuivant of tho grand iodge with the regsjui of oineo following iho nenalon in the lodgo room tho uaual ounquat was held when various toasts wore honored and a good programme rendered wor ilro b kirk prculdod at the lodge meeting and also at the banquet which was held in the fine new quarters of the oddfellows in the 1360 1 these were followed by a splendid address by revtpeter brycv of tor onto who for a number of years has been very intimately and prominently identified with child welfare work in the city it was an address that should have been heard hy ten times the number that bad tho great pleasure of hearing it the speaker paid great compliment to the gordon home when te said that it was ope of the best appointed institutions of the kind that he bad ever visited and he had seen quite s number erin reeks two 4egs sntl nevr move a foot unless you lift it up and push it along 40 ouid business you have to pick tt up and push it along advertising is the great business pusher i guelph ratepayers will vote on s by law next munduy to raise 115000 for the erection f a soldiers monu ment plans nave been udopted and the tnonumont is in be ereoted in trafalgar park at the head of wynd ham street dr ii a ctixs was one of the fortunate deer hunters in the iarry sound dlstlct he brought home a fine deer wbic4i be generously tor- ioed out arming his friends the editor camv in fur a generous alia re 1 rsl it was much enjoyed who said novembers fall was grltnt who said her voice was harsh and sadt i heard her sing in woafj- paths dim i met her on the shore se guad so smiling i could kiss net feet there never was a month go watitmy laroom and the fishpond eplaodeof a fow ago has brought about itbo p- for which it was intended to a certain extent at least last weejc workmen finished cleaning the ditches and cul verts and gravel whs spread over the crown or ttie road to fju up tho num- erous holes besides loads of gravel placed in the larger holes the existence of which were the real cause or the advocate commenting on the condition of the road the erin hunters returned last week with their full quota of deer if c austin added a black bear to his allot ment s mrs george ilodgers uldgewsy lias been visiting with her mother laxp john davis during the week miss amanda modeiey of ruthjcy ford n- j snd mr w mrjlean or- mond miss irs holtrell and mr w crouch motored frum toronto and spent a day or so with the hitters parents mr and mrs w crounh vmr mcmurray or welluud occupud tb pulpit in the dlimilnle churofa tvr f llth lust and gave a try interesting address to uiraje cj oompanled by a choir from the dis ciple church ut wellutid which added greatly jo the service mr fred mclciiery lias returned from a business trljt to rludworth hsak master jack llortun is making s vtry rspld rxvr fnun the nhock reoelved on thanksgiving day when he was accldnutuhy shot in the left shoulder the bullet from s bi calibre rifle passing through the wound is healing rapidly and in ashort tint he will be quite recover- from unfortunate accident is w a of all saints thurh hhin intend hobllng m bssaar thu first week of dsoerobsr v john ho linger better known us major holltngetv pssstfl to his eternal rest on november at the home of hip son ml grand bas4dsmlsrk in his list year tbe 1st mr holtts4rerwas a major in the sjsoy in therenlan raid 1 a wheelbarrow will stand or jts ffsstmtlons mr mcmurrwy wus io 4egs snt lift it i and bbott jtftyave yeaniago- was reaideot at smd havimt uvd on the forra hoir awoed bsvr tbos novsmbwr of t will be ntswsdetest joojt lofr up ssr rod and gum in canada dealing with hunting tho wild moun tain jroat in the hodden raymond thomson in his story introducing mr william goat gives a line ac count of this sport and tells it in a manner which will interest till sports men in tho december issue of rod and gun in canada an account or wild duck hunting nt penuimotang by lewis denison our hull mooasfor 1823 a good moose hunting story and the silver salmon fresh from tho sea by canadas foremost writer of nova sootlan ftshlng and hunting bonnyicastle dale are only a few of jhe good articles und storios oontslned this issue seven good hunting and fishing storios in addition lo fifteen articles dealing with every phase of sportsmansblii makos the docombe issue of rod and gun in canada a particularly interesting one somo men said uncle iben goos ilshin not ap much for de sake ob da tlstvas foh do chance lo loaf without being noticed shop early a word to the wise u you havnt ujrwtdy larlwl your cliruttnui buylnff you bra lntt dont fut ll off nnothr weak btuk now nd dont all to vial tha ru1 sant claw iloudqunrtn tor abton toys galore faiury china jewellery of all kiwis rogers silverware everything for christmas vou can buv gifts for the wwle family here george hynds hill btrt aeton ontario m iwm eswiisj like a flash the one ojvrft sure remedy bucklekl bronchitis mixture fc v m j ftvitults guaranteed at all druggists noramhwx of xm wlil bs remsilmest p vku xtiarjroftm oy in acton by a t br0n keep heat up and cost down ny using pochantas coal in furnaces snd quebec heaters more heat units than hard coal no more sootor smoke ask the people who are using it- price delivered per ton f13j50 nut size anthracite t7j00 pes sixa anlhraoite r 12j0 these prices uro for delivery direct pff car- 60 cents extra when dullverod from shod terms cosh with order or on delivery phone 48 n mcleod manager j r mackenzie acton and georgetown for making christmas giib the fascinating pictures of homemade christmas gifts in tbe magnxluos warn the clover needlewoman that its high lime for her to begin making gifts for her friends the materials aba will need are all to bo found in our store stamped pieces embroidery floes crochet cotton knitting yarns silks and ribbons an assortment or trimmed and readytowear hatbj always on hand miss j galbraith mill street acton ont saturday treat a favorite with everybody ncilsons oub package a neat ope pound box of high grade assorted chocolates for only 60c do not tail to get a package while they jast chocolatk fudge gfe lb everyone knows tho quality of our fudge f rcjl velvety fondant chocolate flavor ma do by ttn expert candy maker jufit to suit that owect tooth- hcgutarlyl f9c t saturday tfeat 29c lb weeikbn0 chocolat1bs 32c chocolatesl chocolates wo arc belling more aqd nare of them each saturday because they arc always strictly fresh and a largo assortment including nougats creams caramels and peanut clusters etc take a pound or two with you- regular 50c and 60c lb salorday speda 32c tt sharis ciuamy t0ffee a superior confection ujono up in packages and tins from sc up and also bulk ask at ow candy counter for a package or a tin uriclc and bulk ice cream in stock v rumley phone no 5 4ptoij ontagip mclean co special for the weekend yil- -a- t- menb ovetrrjoats in brown and grays special price 2200 stanfields pure wool un derwear the underwear that keeps you warm and paves everlasting wear ah sizes in stock today menh hannelcue gowns in white and stripe flan nelette special at sl50 menh x50 jamfin a special at z95 iwnbuirtf i jne 1 6 the best underwear made for the money a big shipment of all sizes err io liund today stanrtelurs tlmttximtnftc utffierweafi sands straaaoa wear 3 gopd patterns of 4yardwide unoletnn in slock and the price is right on january i a government sales tax of 6 per cent goes on these goods we advizs our customers to buy now mclean co mili street acton ont special sale on every article mens caps in all the latest shades mens fine shirts mens 2piece fleccciincd underwear per garment mens black smocks rr mens black and blue striped overalls mens allwool socks 3 pair for mens soft and hard collars arrow make 2 for boys allwool pullovers boys strong allwool bloomers boys ribbed stockings ladies allwool pullovers ladies allwool vests girls auwool drawers girls vests jl50 125 jloo sl85 l85 l10 45c jl50 jlso 29e l50 90c 50e 85c royal clothing and gents furnishing store m brown open evenings mill 8treet acton specials for friday and saturday m beef guts round steak- per tb 18c sirloin steak per lb 20e porterhouse roast per lb 20e to 22c wing roasts per lb i 18c round roastoft steak leg per lb 18c choice rib roast not rolled per lb 16c thick rib roast per tb lse shoulder roasr pcf lb 14c and 15c rib boil per lb 19 stewing beef per lb locio 12e hamburg steak 2 lbs for 25e ppkkcuts frcsjh ham whole or balf per b 20c side pork in piece per it 8c shoulicr roast pork per lb 38c pork chop loiq per lb- j 3 shpuldcr chops per jb homemade sausage p tb 15a bhobtenino 3 tb palls shortening 6se s tb pails shortening 90c i tb bricks shortening 20 lb pails lard 3m open wednesday afternoons w j patterson corner mtt and main streets acton ont the biggest of all gifts a crosley model vi powerful and sentiltivo long distance receiver is the christinas prcwrnt tho whole family wants grandpa warits it jatliar wants it mary wants the dance music from the big glliev johu wants tho sport nows as it comes from tho held evcfyfredy it m n pays hue classical music oporaa rflmfs v ajj bcdjlfljo stories everything from jsfciytd evorywhero th cfojlcy yj lfet if yropjjiundreds some times thousailllsrof uilca vjy th miles it is known to thouvincj of j best two tube set ever manufacture wl nvvik b fsfswy broadcasting stations clearly and loudly croslcy model vi complete 6500 fg7tprcosts less we whi 1w puhird y dfllnalfi tuj sec afaiiylijuo ml a t brown ll street acton ontario for sale at bargain prcs one ford truclc i ne overlfinij jjip oni licvioet car one used top buggr one heavy lumber wagon 1 gear in good shape one good road carl we are now in a cood iostion to do aix kinds ok carriage wagon and sleigh re- iairino carriage r1jui1er tires put on m j n cwll 5qn iabage anfl carriage works cliougptown r gwfarq