Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 20, 1923, p. 1

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wrwimrtjf r cjihsff jptt ti- jfat tess fortyninth year no 25 thursday morning december 20 1023 acton ontario canada thursday morning december 20 1q23 single copies fivo cents the methodist cuubch acton j rev chas hackett ptiur paronaorwilow bt chhihtmah hcitvkkh 1100 ain tli- minister hubjert will he be ill tin- ivuni- 2 30 i m monday m hool 700 i tu herv of 1rlslma hong bhori uoriimii teekltii itm king jviiviuiuv wulcomic pltesiiytkbian knox church acton minuler rev a c stewart m a manao willow street 11 00 a m thn minister subject ttm huprvine 3ln t 3 00 i m huixluy hrhool t00 i m tho minister hubjert tho imtind if fjvo hirangorn leaving address with tho ushers will i called upon by the pastor ail aiik coiumally invitkd special notices for sale good jersey rw ilut end of muni apply to k hahllop third una it it no 3 acta notice the blacksmith hiiop in jcluh will remain open ilaturduy uftornoon dur ing the winter month wood for sale 160 cord f hnrdwood cut in stove length it 200 per cord delivered order lab on at the hnum it h wllhorj s will hi root a clearing auction sale 1 guelph huad nassugawoyi friday december 28 at j30 p m t j keuit auctioneer 233 phone 36 acton bulbs for sale secure your bulb now for chrhtt- nmc w have a good miipply of hya cinth narcissus anil fyeacla from sk up apply to a ir ihshop kulrview avenue 10000 head of poultry wanted il mllllgn poultry buyer and pur veyor la tn th market for all klnda of good plump poultry alive or dress ed light or aklnny bird not wanted it muxloarl 2k telephone lr3 itox 341 aejon for bale large residential home aolld red brick all convenience hot water heating 3 piece bath wired for elec tric atove fixture good lot a bar- kmln for quick sale ilox 37 234 acton ont farms for sale 46 farmi in the countlo of helton ad wellington varying frpta 40 to jtjo acre lt oji mud you oar list a number of home and buainea pfaso in acton for sale fire and life insurance money to 3 a- smith real batata agent phone 105 acton pnt card of thanks tho undersigned desire to express their sincere thank mid appreciation to the neighbor and friend for their kind though tfu i neu during tho utnaaa and daath of our beloved husband and father we also wish to thank the p 11 bearers and those who asalatod with their cars and express our ap preciation of tho beautiful floral trb- buto miih thomah 8tatham and family raoio new fourlube aet in lark a furniture cabinet ratnplete with oil uoceaaorlaa tjtady to operate when connected to e loud speaker will hit the house with music apeoch etc 1 176 00 alao other aet and patta for aale made by all the leadlns manufacturer u you lntnd purchaaina radio aet or would like to hear one domonatrat- od call any evenlns after aeven i can aave you money and ruarantee aalls- faetlon j e loollib free railroad free to nearest branzh a job for you 420 to 3o per week we want nfiy nin ve will trulti you tor auto truotor larauu meohuti- tca hundred of john vacant oual- ify now wrltn uuick tlil la u apeolal tor kimhi only tor riftnan daya uvnllou ud lumpiiltl unm auto a lua truuior kthool 13 klntf st w turuntu wonderlapfld friday december 21 cnuthin thru btarrlna harry cary a aure fire wewturn romhy drama overflow tilit with thrlllhitf hcoda of vukr coniudy tim luln- mtlltlll saturday december 22 you cant fool your wife with loutrlm joy nlta waldo uwu hoit ami vuiilln 1uhw irtrtutd by tlm huui who mud the mliuk a uoikimium mi- tertalnniil cfuft kick out chr1stmab day sure fin flint hturrintf johnny lllna tho fuattiat horau mu drulnu uvor produned ooniedn kull of lttp uallnee at jp m uvoil- tiiaf ut 730 and d v in wednesday december 2fl the bond boy itlchard ltarhelemaa ttri-ut- nat acting alnoe tolublb uuvld thl le a luaatrrphicn au dont cheat yourmlt by miaul im uno of the flitoat hhotoplaya evtr mad cumwly nhial rul kplaotlu throti of riundcr j a mcclurk son pack up your christmas gift troubles and bring them to guelph t6 guelphs leading and largcs stort ror quick and economical solution bountiful assortments of gift merchandise holiday ser vice at its best enthusiastic helpful obliging values of a kind that will assist in making christmas appropriations spin out every advantage tor making last minute gift shopping entirely satisfactory gifts for men for women for children for homes truly a wonderful court of gifts in this big depart mental store within riding distance of homes in the vicinity of acton every nook and corner s all asmile with christ- masi and we arc sure you will enjoy your holiday visit ex ceedingly a merry christmas wish may christmas bells peal out a merry christmas heaped with holly wreaths sprigs of mistletoe fat plum puddings lovo and merriment may your dull cares flee away and your heart be fliled with a mystic joy d e macdonald bros ltd goelphs leading and largest store christmas candies we have one ot the finest assortment of christmas candles and oranges this year wc have had for a long lime the oranfon am a fine alao and nicely colored price are 2oc 00a and 76c a doaen a freah atock of nuta juat in thla week including- wauiuu almond itraxlla and ktlberta a to mixed ala froah roaated peanut 30o lb beautiful orwpea nicely ripen ed at 2q hi alao fancy table ilalalns at 2o lb extra hpoclal chrlatroas mix ed dandlea including chocouitna jellloa creama uaaortod fruit oavora etc 26o lb cut hock tho old aahloned ch hat man candy 29o jb our famoua aaaqrtod chooo- latea lie 40o and to lb week end special 20c alao u number of other llnea too numoroui to ninntion wo would invito you to tome in und noe them boxko chocolates our hoxttd chocolatea um very attractive thla annuo n with love ly oolorlnsa and fancy ribbon trimmed lrice ranglne from 30c to sjx christmas stockings come in and lot ua ah6w you our chrtatmoa atooklmia they are filled with toyx and unoioa of all deacrtptlonn irlcea ratttf- inff rrom 10c to fljxl w we will have u full line of ice crvam llrlcka in for ovur th holiday wishing you all a very merry christmas and a bright and prosperous new year h wiles mill street acton useful christmas gifts id gezz3jz7e any article listod below will bo appreciated by your frlcndu or relatives men women or children for their comfort wear and tylc htioth hlloljh oxkoumi uvcnlno- hlh1kiij wool hllltklt holkh itliltlllcicb uoloh1ikh ovkhhllokri 1ioc1cuy 1iooth hi lit iiohikhy iyootl3akitu jollhltlno outk1th itulllllllt llooth luuuehuknri huh- ufcjith tltavmllino 11auh huit cahlcij news of local import the free pre wlah ao you may lurnio and joy with you ebldr ihrouitliout a linppy chrlalniaatldi and imalth and wotilth and utvn unlti to uhm yjur future ulwuya ijiieih no santa cleut i uaiila oluuwt oh men r douhl ii ii rumnn uil norry claim would yo of u fab a ndlru du lanint llviii ia for ran laua l evi v w ir wlim hiiirtm are run and klr d ii lid whom 1 linio love of man hi t rn hla prttaioe lo fi w nml chan in btaff at the hiqii boh opt mr iord oould principal of th ontlnuntlon tu bool who came to at tojn to take thupoaltlmi in meptem ixihnh rente hmi it juinci mroon- im i a who hua loeu tfuahlnc i torntitu huhaccpml tho poidtnn and will imi ttm mw prlitluil after the clirl itmuh liolldayn plculn pansiea in mitidooember ioimtwr kurdcit flown re are a rur til hut uny i m moyr la atlll pick lni iunatfm fnwn the lower beda at llilnmntluxllat ilnwnac- the flow- era are rich in color and perfectly formed and quite equal in every way to he aummnr- grown product their growth at an late u time in the year la romarkahle port cuuxirnn chi allwa no old stock latest styles lowest price uest service bargains in suppers for christmas h l harrison the shoe man where quality counts we win deal mare tt will pay you christmas maaaage employees hlr henry thornton ha aent ohrlatmaa meaaaso to all employee the canadian national w 11 way a thanklne them for tho rourteay fne spirit pf aervtce ahown to tho putiilo and predict in that ayatom will bo a aourco of pride and profit to cunada christmas servlcee in the churches tho chrlatma aervlcea in ch churrhtim next hunday will bo occaatona of apecial lntereat and inapli tim chrlalrmih aplrtt will charucterlxe the sermon and the aervlce of pralan chratrtiaa sunday la tho day of all the year when every peraon who cai attend ahould do ao and in he spirit of worship- a well ft of the fellow ship which then obtain ao generally the new motor vehlelee act the now act regulating travel on highway which cornea into force tho laat day of thla month provide heav ier penaltloa for exceeding the speed limit tfttd classes exceeding 40 mile an hour a reoklea driving a penalty la inflicted for notorial poaalng or attempting to pas another car unlea the travelled portion of the highway tu the left and in front la free from approaching t raffle this 1 renewal time the prompt reaponae of uje acorom of our nubacribora to our hint that re- nnwal time ivaa comu in laat laaue is very greatly oppreclated at thl office every mall from ovary direction bring number of letter containing renewal and many kind word at the rate subscription are being receiv ed it look a if all subscription would bn renewed before january first our friend the aubacrlber are evidently regarding thl a ileneval time golden wedding in esqualn0 the home of afr and mre itobt leslie of rjwjuoalng near norvel wu the acene on monday of a very happy event h wu the celebration of their golden wedding at which were preaent all their family many of the grand children unci number of other friend und relatives among the gueata were u x campbell of georgetown who had been one of the bridesmaid and lr henry heed of georgetown and mr john ilealle of erin who had been tho bridegroom the klnfj va austin corner austin corner of ksquealng- wo charged with theft at the fall oasis at milton up to a short time ago he work ml a farm on the alxth line owned by leal to denlaon with whom it was alleged ho owned some cattle in part- erahlp aold them and failed to pay ver to ilenlaon any of the money re ceived ror them according to th vldence the prisoner bought the cattle nd guvu a promissory note for them which wuh endorsed by benlaon after being out ubout an hour the jury brought in a verdict of not guilty last wednesday counsel for defence il 0 melr georgetown a community christ ma tree llualnea mon and cltlxsn of klor have united to provide a community christ ma tree utrong committee havn been appointed to carry the pro posal into aucceaaful effect caah donation are nqueeted to enable the commit toe to satisfactorily decorate the christmas tree and furnish sup plies anything ovei tho necessary expense of the christ ma entertain ont goes for the relief of case of distress and need in the community and the fund la carefully administered this chris nut tree and entertainment will be held on vrlday art or noon and wunlng of thl wek helton inaurane co wins suit at the general aeasluna at ouelph last woek the case of fr brunk vs the itultoti mutual insurance co wa hoard this wa an action brought to obtain the payment of inaurmnoe on n team of home insured with the above company tt uppear that at the time the insurance was issued on the team lite plaintiff lived at culodon but later disposed of hi farm there ami movod to tcrln where the horeem were di troyed in 0- tire the counsel for the dofons contended that a clause in the policy covered the horse in ontario the judge held that when plaintiff aold hi farm and moved the horse it can tolled the oluuaa in the contract lie dismissed the jury and tionauttml the plaintiff mr it l uckinuon wu counsel for the plaintiff and mr nlouf jeffrey acted for tho defendant puny manlleat honesty bhewrl tho vk 1hbs business orflo ha u ttiio opportunity for studying the in nate houosty of the children and young people it town r some reason it is inhoruntly understood almut town that this uinoe is the natural repository uf all lost urtlulss ty after day chit dreii and other oone iere with all con colvable lust artlolo thoy have found on the street during the paat few witok those have included inltta and gloves post uftlce keys ladles buck combe key ring with koya ear rings motor oar number plates horse whlbi hundkerhlr and sundry other thlng iist week u fair haired little daughtsr found a dollar bill and promptly brought it to this uffloe it i waa ad vertised last week but the loser has not ver turned up if nut claimed to day the little girl will luvo a dollar axtru tu spend for christmas presents cup ttxhas tara gai cful eind carcircg sunday school christmas tree m tried 1st sunday school had first function of the season ttm first of ui lone llu of chrlxt mu xnlortiiliintuntm und chilnlmum trem of this community for th rtlvo aeuhttn wuh hold on monduy ovonlna ill th mnthlmlul kill wu a crowded houao a vory enjoyable prusrummn was rendered hy mtxnbttu of the sunday school und the young iropln league it wu vnrloi and liitorimlng and in many respect nmrllorliiuu thorn worn choruhm by th girlx und choruu os by the young num pluno nolo l marjorle kwltxt rxrltutlons by union iloralne oatrandir nolo by itudolph hlniilvogel with rhoru hy loii yttunji ladles character utctu4 hy uolen j korr wild u flntt mori- of uoloctlon by tlie hujulny hihool oichitr mr a la ohtruitdnr hud churgo of tho progrumnm hhu wud ably oaalst- rxi in the propuratlon hy mrs thnmaa kilty uv xi r hitrkott hud u vry huppy timo during th nvenituf und the miergutlc uuitorlntinhhiiit mr a t hmwri und hi mirpii f hulpors kept uvnrythlug moving that mat- iors run himoihly und with auttufuc- tlon to ull a feature which unvi unlkitindml joy to tho fhlhlruii wuu the urrivul ut half fust nine of hmju claus ho down un lmprovuit chimney iu introduced to thn uudlnro welcomed hy hilimirlnt undent 1 trow tho children wnit wild with glee ut the udvunt of huppy old ht nicholas aflor u brief apokch he pritceedwl i unload tho beautlrul chrlittmas tree uird kept ovurybody in bi humor there were cjind and ntungos tcuh i ut tho mothodlt n muppiuml tho ftcr the itcholo school hud alt b scholar of ull olhn and thero were aeon a of them wri invlth to como up and receive pr- nt from gonvrou old huntu the wtirthy impituoimtor of hour old kuntu cluum wtia tiomt other than mr churle wlunn tho futhorly aup rinteiuleiit of thi hydrokloctrlt plant here ho udmlruhly filled tht roll tho dioorutloiiu were urlltli und omplltlwi tint chrlstmum spirit a splendid oh i m no y with utocklugs ull grouped from the niullthtp- lnlt u flno chrlstmus uv uapct to the sur rounding tho fivunt was full ot inturest und it 1 safe to aay thu imrnt und elderly pexplu proavnt onjoyud it ulnmst uj rutty us theinultlludof klddia who wore there nd nov- gacy of nl mr be careful abeut christmas decorations the tlm pruventlou nuthorltle have again issued warnlutf to buslnea men churches lodgi und house keeper to be careful of tire in christmas decor- ationa at this souemi liiuny flimsy and inflammable docorutlon ure put up and it only require laii apset lamp r some other rximsureto uturt a ru hluse the griutoht euro uhould im exorxised hy ull partlue tu ruduoe flrn loss girl under 1fl dsrred rerrt public dances at tho re4uht of u lurgi ddegutloii 1 women reprehuiitlng tlm bratiohof the kitchener council of women thu city council f thut pluiti docldrd lusl week to revise tho plimout byulvf ulutlng public hulls wherd ure held 40 excluile nil girls under tl ago of 14 and tuuulrlng ttiut ull wu- ii over thut age ho not udmlttud to dance imll uuloa a ceo in pull led by u male escort tip the free press if you an mi ulent or any un usual hup pi i ilng phono u if vu have hunui on vultlug you or know f aiiino one ihiiiih in town or going away phono uu if you know uiiy fuot tliat will muke un liiluroslltig ituui ptione us itqiitlmi or oidlnuiy hup- penlng ure nut wuntd hut if you will kuep your ys uml cum upon fin the liow and unuuliul it will lulp uh niulut u utli pupu- fni j on und urn ut hut rtidiii wo uiii know overy- thlng und wo iml uveiywhiiin tliw uio uppiiu lutid 1hoiu llj 01 llw the juryman played santa clsus iuwt wtk tho ahhuiw wtru hold in milton and ho grund jmy wuh c tnlsulimed to vlait lonlon homo hutuuuituiu of i ho riilldrnh aid tktcloty for llulton ulut rl whiu the shelter uio jurymen wro jjrimtl pleusod with tho ahxltor und thn 01111- fitrtuldu hoiint uffurdtd tli klildli thu christmuu spirit pivulld und unu juryman hiigutd thut it would he u nlca thing foi out h iinnthir to glvo o dollar uml lmvo it ut tho uhollor to buy thilsliuiis glftu or thu doseii or so khhliu thniu ure tw iumh n on the jury uml in 11 minute twutvc dollar wwii plut h in the hutdh of tin mutruit to provide soum chrltmuu cheer thla wm luriulnly u mudl exhlhltlon of niuudliitf thn chriatniua spirit und tho git 1 will hi lug joy tu both thu give und thu ihlldtun a twoact iramn well presented members of the younq peoples guild of st georges church george town the actors tho young tnpluii fjulld f ht lnirgpm church fltltrgetowii have re- poutitlly proven itiflr uhlllty a ama teur urior their twoui t omody drutnu iitu ull tt murrled wu lirepared solnu week ugo for u local nlcrtalumeiit hoj well rccelvml was il when presented in tleorgetown that iboae in tu rented doclded to preaent it ut u numltcr of nlhr places in the knot ion on tuewiluy evening of last week the drunm wum pluyvl ut oloh- wllllamu ami tit the performor were accordpt u rowdml houae on monduy evening this uttructlve drumu wua prehutid in tho town hall here tho visitor were gristed with a capunliy house they dia4rved thl compliment und fulfilled tho expecta tion of the lurgt audience by their uptimdld perforyiance tho nust of uhuiiicter wa us fol iowa mnx carrlugtoii profetui elliit iii dutignr of losing 2thtlu0 lrt thompson xiimu imum hi dnvotet orr ithl carrhikton hlu alnter who 1 crtly eiigugc to jlickloslcr iron 1 thonipaoii goldlo mroruth miixh htenographer u flapper iluth orr mnrjorlc miller the cwue of ull the ouhlo joan aunundnh jucu poster it literary critic who in lit tie thut he cuu handle any situa tion hob corke mr 1uyini fumlly lawyer and old f 1 lendtom noll hov lien mnrrlu u iiliuple soul the rofesuoru heid frleudicrnt llurkor illck llttvnii a tullnw youth olck ho lllgcu tb hutler a wouldtke hher- ck ilohuea chv colo uvery member of thla huppy com- my ucted his or her part like a pro hulonut their llnit wore well rend- d their hurmimy of action wa uimuudlhle their imperuomitlons and iunni were trim to tho part taken lie cole the hutlei wum every inch u fumily jtitnus uvohiluvois und all mr jutk thoinpaiin violinist and iv lurclvul mnyti rector of ht fleorga church tleoruetown usalated die programing xi i u uuth orr a churmlng uttlo lady of nftihin with superior talent in tuuulc pluyed th pluno before and fter the pluy min ionwon wa the ery capable dlrettrvh to iwuli these ladle buuuuiuh of ilowvch were pro- miitilxl hy meiulxth of thu cuat ilov mr muy tho hector of ht oorgeu autig u nolo with fine effect which tho lurgo audience appreciated there wuu no hick of appreciation of the drama untbepurt of the audl- for the uudltorlunt rung with up- plauso from alurt tu itnlah hev il o i ituugh wu the rhulrmaii for thi ililngs procehllng atr the play tho member of the cuat und their musician were enter- ulucd in ht aumn larlsh hall with lioajiltullty which wum much appro luted tho hector itev mr luugh ml mr lutugh were host ulid hoato ami for the purl tuktm by thorn and niter of the congregution warnr iiiiluni of pruto wore spoknn by vlullnr tho llniiticlul succvis of the ewutwus grutlfyllig hut the social uhumltto of the occasion outweighed uny mmiutuiy couuldurotloii caring for the children at i gordon home inlcrealinp itvports of the activi ties of the year by the childrens aid society officers of the halton and pbfet societies and thc d0ard of management tlie annual report of tho hultxi mid pool childrens aid hocintlett wmdi ure unliod for the administration of their titiinatlii imiwrtuill fuli tlonti will im read with much interest tho uniuul mealing or the llnltnn childrens aid hooloty waa held in lie hcliool itimitn of the ireshytiiran church mlltoii 911 the eyenlni of tuosdny novemlier 20 the oincers ftir the year 102334 are honorary irealdcnt ills honor judge nillol honorary hollcltor frown at torney w i dick ireejdent j m ijenyes it a tmasurer c ii stuurt hecrntary mrs t j iirown tlm hev ieter jlryce gave an ad- drens on modern development in child welfare ho said that he had visited many shelter and the tel und i in ton hhelter the gordon homo wutl tine or the best after discussing the various acts passed and organi sations formed recently to help moth ers and children he said that during tho lust ten years much sirens had been laid upon infant mortality new zen lui id haatbe lowest rate the rea son given ae the climate no large cities comfortable home for the lab oring classes and the employment of nurse clinic donttata very satisfactory report were given by tho treasurer c ii btuart con venor of house committee mrs gor- 1mm und inspector w h btewart th peel childrens aid bociaty hold their annual meeting in sheriff ilen- ilorson office on thursday afternoon november 20 orncer for tho year 1d2124 honorary president hi honor judge justin honorary solici tor crown attomoy w 8 morphy i resident- mr t w duggan treas urer mr hewntson secretary mr or vanderllp the hoard of management of the cordon home consist of represents from peel and llalton counties o fleer for the year 192524 presid ent t w duggan treaeurer c il hluurti becretary mr t j drown the nummary of receipt and ex penditure of tho cordon home and tho peel and llalton socio tie from november t 1b22 to october 21 123 la as follows receipts hutu nee november 1 12 f 40 74 grant county of llalton bocjety 200 00 ore lit county peel hoctoty 2800 maintenance account elfe 00 hundry herelpi 61 70 overdraft 1 5 tto vshot with hi own revolver l v vfburlgan druggist fermsrly of georgetown found with bullet in his heatt u v llourluun imldont of the 1 v hourlgun llrug company now tor onto hll of tlenrgetowii wus fiitiid kuil lii the l ear of hi drug store lust thursday ut noon with a bullet wound hi the heud just behind the eur on thettoor heldi him lay uutoiuutlo iuvouui ieter willott u iieurhy rstauraiu keeper 011 heuilukrlho ruiwirl of uhot luiihud into tin utoio uud dii iviimi tho detid man hr jin on wuu culled und uftur emnflnliiu the body declud thut uu tmiuiht wu uniiicemnury it iuhluted thut mr hourlgwii hud heell wllffeilug ffolu llllllmllh recently und hud boon fur a pet lod in the hos pital oltaui vlng hi peculiar uutlon thuimiluy inorphig u un k in tho store went to liifmni h police uiirlng the clerk uhheiho tho tmgedy hicuri mr llourlgitn wuu tuuitled und hud moved fiom leoiuelowii to new torj onlo a little ovur a year ugu illft hiislitc tliure wuu puichusihl hy hay watson son of itohuit watuou icsd acton ie1b48 os expenditures inspector w h htewnrt salary 11120 00 inspector v h btowart oximnae 260 4 wages staff and other help 1741 bo milk 245 80 rirocnrle dry goods etc 12 12 kuel 878 26 meat and klah lot 0 mellcal kee 42 00 water hates 30 00 insurance lremlum 93 46 hundry account inoludlng hardware drug etc 474 41 1bs4i 08 tho boclotio are always pleased to receive donation the membership for the year 1 j 100 and will be thankfully received by any of the fol lowing officer and representatives mr f r vaudoi ii p llrauipton mrwr j itrown milton dr watson irgetown mrs io uurllngton mrs george havlit acton mr en- glehart oakvilu w il stewart milton the summary of the activities of ie inspector mr w if btewart showed the following applications for children 61 children involvted 182 number of complaints 81 num ber of investigation 58 mall received 891 mall sent 740 mileage approxi mately 4876 office interviews 171 phono interview 40 court attend- hce 28 wards married 1 children made wards 8 police court ncwh fred king alias harold whits oent- end to two years and bin months in ruftgston psnitsntlsry kred klntc who plud1 isullty tho week before to tlm ihefl tif lliouny ulid gooda from churle a i ishy mer chant cumpbolvllle lo 1 oiihlilerablo iimount tame up lefore ioll mugls- trute moore for mnlim n i the court house milton hist thmiliiy in the meantime further infoi iiatlon had bom secured uu to his previous history and it wu iuerolnd thut he hud bean in trouble ut niiwmut let and 111 trafulgur chlnf kerr of oukvlho wu ill milton to lay a ihiugo of the theft of ico 00 an uoon nil the pi imdier wan sentenced for mile ciuiiphellvllln theft it wiiu iilwo iiikoi ttlued that el lug hiitl heen itohu utiill 1 xut inline ilurotd white in otlul plate the maglslrute addressed the pris on r us follows votl have pleaded guilty lo 11 aerloii rime it in with creut regiel thut i ii ml u young man of your iimiily uppeuriuice uhllliy uml uttulnmont in the iu loun pilttii in which you now ulund von ingiatlat- ed yourself into the conlldnice of your omployor to nuch un extent tliut ha entrusted you wllh tho freedom his store and cash till and in order tn on- aure you tho comfort und plnni rn of home life he in the kind no of his heart took you into hi homo mid al lowed you intercourse with hhi family how did you repay thl confidence and kindness you betrayed the man who had befriended you in the most unworthy and criminal manner by systematically robbing hi tilt and stealing ht good your crime la much worse than that of an employee who la overcome by nudden tempta tion and commits ono theft be it over so serious you betraynd tho confid ence reposed in you by systematically and deliberately and continuously dur ing all the weeks you were employed by mr euloy pilfering from his safo and till and stock judging from the report secured by tin oituer of this court respecting your previous history you have a record for dishonesty which la most reprehensible kor tl com mitting of the crimo to which you hnvo pleaded guilty you must now l pun ished in order thut you muy have ample opportunity foe reflection upon your past misconduct and conns to the determination to amond your ways and hereafter load nn upright and honest life ondln order throug your puniahmenrtiiut other may be uter- red from committing similar crime i adjudge that you bo imprisoned in the provincial penitentiary ut kingston for tho term of two yours and six month percy tllackburn of georgetown cans before police magistrate moore on thursday afternoon churged by provincial constable atkins with a breach of the motor vehicle act by driving his car with his muffler open making unnecessary nolso he plead ed guilty and was fined 2 00 and cost tlje charges against juntos clark of tielng intoxicated and committing an aasault op novum bor 1 were dla- tnlaaod after several remand on friday at ilrampton inspector haevely charged george iloweru of the cookavlllo inn with having luuor il legally a number of witnesses were heard tor both tho prosecution and defense police magistrate moore re gistered a conviction und imposed a fine of 400 and costs crown attor ney murphy und it h lent urarapton oopductod tho prosecution and it- il greer k c toronto and gordon h jackson toronto appeared for tha accused when kred king alius harold white itno before inillco maglstruto hhlolda at oakvliln on monduy he was charg ed with stealing jllti and a club bag from v 1 masten of trafalgar he again pleaded guilty and wuu sentonc- ed to two year in kingston peniten tiary the aantenco to run concurrently with that imposed uu the previous thursday social and personal tlleie is ulwity uolneono suine- whuio who ih unxlnua to buy what you have in well home one who ha just ihu article you wmit lo buy to complete a deal ouch mut know of the others want und there no better orinore oct tulnj wuy to make lhse wihth known thuu through the uilvot using oluiitu of tho 1luoj jnjooi tho cost is nominal thirty lent up mrs w il ournoy of wing ham was in town laat week mr jot- 11 kent nr of kltchunor wa here for tho weekend mr hobert campbell of kincardine spent a day or so in town lust week mr wlllium plunk ha returned from his business trip to quebec province mr ulid air w d krlck of toron to spent hunday with mr william buyur capt t d hendorson of gait spenl 10 wtknd with hi brother mr c c undersoil llowar avenus mr oeorge hynds who ha been co tin lied 10 hla room for several weeks wus feeling some better yesterday mr and mr albert hluake and dorothy of lmttoii spent hunday at the home of mr and mr 11 v ken- you mrs il m henderson uf george town unnounce the engagement of hr duughtel helen mcleod to mr j il mc arthur sou of mr and mr a mcarlhur of owen hound mr william walker haw so far re- covbih from hi recnt accident that ho was utile to spend lust week on hi routruit uf iiulntlug lr lleattleu new iuahlenco on vornon park vaim hour hpeylde itr v a uauleab and uuatur jmull urriveil in town 011 vrlduy u mute for thulr now homo in cliealoy where mr mauleali has been trans ferred uu manager of tho hank of montreal he spent vlght year in thu watford itrakich mlas uregory bus removed from her hmii 011 church hlreet to the clurke residence on maria htreet where she will be housekeeper for alio member of the messrs heardmore firm and taff when they are in town from toronto and montreal mlaa jean mcdonald who wa oper ated oil for upihindlultl ut puter- borougtr hospital several weak ago hu mads splendid pcogrea toward re covery and was tskeii home last sun day the many friends here will hope for speedy couvslinc and complete tecovory an information wu laid by inland hevenue ofllcor ihooly ugalnst phil kor be in connection with tho nuaaa- guweya still secured last week he wa arrested by irovlnctal constable atkins but wa udmlttod to bull of 11000 covering his huuso mid lot and motor cur hi trial wilt take place on baturduy huasel deforest of nasaaguwayo who ha been chatgod with u hmach of the ontario tomiiorulico act by liaving liquor unlawfully und 1 sum moned fur trial on ualurday complaint cainu tu tho our of the luthorltle recently that at certain danoe being hold at kilhrldo liquor wa usually in evidence a dunce was hold there last tbursduy night in- ipector hoe vol y and provincial con- tablo atkins dropped in during the evening they caught a young man ill the uct of supplying whiskey ho will answer to the ohurgo of unlaw fully disposing of liquor ut thu court louse milton this morning hydro at cttlppewaihowii 1 sllfpltuj 9s6260124 earned above all charge for the year official figure covering the complete your operation of tho queetiaton- chlppawa tiowur development jduut as given out this weok by hir aduin heck show a eurilus of 1 381801 j 4 uvallable fur upplicutlou lo depreciation renew al and uontliigeiioy fund on tho tlvu unit now oporatinif there ha ikesii a capital exiieudlturo of 8ul- 170444 28 heveiiuo from thu uulo of powor totalled l4ri47s2ll3a tho tolul current xthndlture of 119t71uus waa made up of iloitloiudn for interest oluirgw und 1b2c30 id fur operating und iiiullituiiuuco ahurgiiu hjr adiun uiick is uiltuilpating u inll- uon dollar surpju uoxt yuur thu ulxth unit wilt wi brought lit within a fuw week time und hy lshu there will lie eight unit in full opur- utlon a duaslrxiuri lhro ut norval j l clarks fin darn and content totally destroyed uotweeii two and tliruu oclock luut weilueaday morning thn tine burn uf mr j l clark ut nurvul htatlou wa totally dostriiyud by nro together with b0 head uf cutttu h hur 10 pig imploinonts ami the untlro ueusuus crop thu but is u heavy unu uml u iily part lull y covered by lusurunco mr clark bud a utook aule uilvir tlaed for thuisday thu 13th but prac tically all hi stock wu destroyed tho sympathy or tho ludghlmirhood hi extended to mr clark in hi heavy luas the origin of thw tiro 1 unknown

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