Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 27, 1923, p. 5

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m ghg jrtott3fag fir jbb tiiunhday hkcismpkii 27 103 new years thought iel iih walk aoftly friend lor klriinun puthn l bfnre uu mitroil tin- new yar umllo im h f u it thine and mine friend 1ionu on with utiuiller iirxiui tir brow v t bntmr ihi1m o nlcitn 4t uh wtiu gladly riumi jlircliknri norm gmutnr ihi than wo ituvn known im wiiltluir for i of homo fulf hope itiiwm him ii yil l fill o rrund iil umwulk hitnillv rrlmxi blight not tin- heult n hltximlug fiittmi o uf rt tim luiirl lilimhonim iir noj half o hwt of lightly uulhrnd friend l uu walk klildlv frlnmi v i mi in i lll how igng i lila life ntiall lit hour noon i iimclouh yarn t it love wilk with ua friend it iim walk iiulrkly frloin work willi oiif might while uhii our lltlli utuy ami help iiomit halting com rutin mi tliti wiiy and may m guldn uu friend lillian oroy twenty years ago from the au of tho fr prtui o thursday dtumbor 31 1603 thn rouda wrn badly i dock oil ufmi hunday hlow uml mmulayu full u hattirduy wim our roldeat ttay hi far thin wlntnf tlm mercury regie terod tan below xro owing to i lie volume or snow which ha fallen inuny roof am carrying mor thun la aafo mr j 1l mohlnr ham boon run nlng tho a nl mi mill about flftee houra dally lately tho urnur apeak highly uf tho quality of the work h la turning out y mauri hoard mom cu and th acton tanning co treated ttialr mm to chrlatmaa turknya on chrlntnuu ve after long and todiouu effort ttia new skating rink between tho clark hoium nd tho dominion hotel lis boan com pleted and put in flnrtctuui condition a platform guarded with wire netting aurroundinjpi the ice and this will b very aatlafactory to all concerned ea- podally during hockey rnatcboa etc th rink wu opened on chrbrtrooa day with a pxd attendance the nomination of candidate for municipal council and board of edu cation for 1004 wu held at noon on monday and reaulted in four candi dates being nominated for reeve even ror councillor and eight for school trustee bloc the nomination three have withdrawn from the con- teat ror tho reevonhlp and alx from that of councillors leaving itoevu swackhamar reelected by acclama tion for the reeveahlp and councillor hynda the only councillor a new nomination will be neceasary and haa been called for monday january 11 at noon by the uunldpaj clerk fw school truateea two have retired leaving alx in the held vour are to be elected- married masalabqajivin at he home of the brides mother peal street acton on tuesday december 29 1901 louisa second daughter of the late robert garvin to norman of hep worth son of jacob acton to sell canadian scenery an african phenomenon crossing victoria kyonxa ueesra p h ueltand and b h choi me uy the authors of through the heart of africa saws phenomenon which al- though common on the lakes of cen tral africa seems extraordinary en- ouch- the chief engineer on comln down late to luncheon told us tbat he had seen a waterspout bear by as we had finished our meal we hurried up on deck to atet a clintpse of it we saw near the southern horizon a gray smoke like column arista from the surface of he lake and expand in into what looked like a cloud above thtnk- ins that it must be the enslnera waterspout we approached captain gray and mr akeley who were also lntonlly obeervlne it and aakad them if we were rhxht in our conjecture waters poiiu said the skipper with aamlie files files we repeated and turned to mr akaley in the hope of rettm from- him a more intel i urt hie explanation quite true he said files have you not seen the lake fly beforet no we retorted we havent and we didnt know that it oew aasurlne us that neither ho nor the skipper had any intention of de- celvlna us mr akeley explained that he referred to the insect known u the lake fly and not to any spasmodic frivolity on the part of the waters of victoria nyunxo the apparent wator- spout was no thine more or leas than a bum cloud composed of mxriada of tiny flies they aomotlmes rise from the surface of the lake in such dense columns as to obscure the llaht of the aun ilk a pillar of smoka it from place to place the toiiitiir for u chance which u very charncteruulu tif many younf people is tho explanation of tnusy failures the feeliutf that some other jilove is hur to be better thun the tuco where you ure mid tlml somi uther work bj bo uml to im preferable to thn work you are dolus 1 pretty urptoset you intotrouhhi j declare said ml murthu in rfrnce to her little pet do ite no wonder itooc wmk is only skill ainl bones hholl lie down for a imp oil the ru anil then wholl suddenly decide that the urrachulr will lie prafarahlw and whes hardly in the ttrmchnlr before she thinks of i he comer at jhs couch with its pillows and sbo pops over there after she ima apat u feood deal of time anil effort arm 11111 the plllowm to hr llkln she detildos that tho couch l uittucetliar too wvnt and eho etrelch itviself oh ths jil floor of tho imthnhimto oool on hut iroitin off io soma tiuoo wliloli seem to imiinu her um prvfefublov 10 anythln she iium trhl klos wtsr4 herself out muklti jiiuios as ruli the pooplt who hall ull up and down tlio bank pf the stream carry home tuwei flsh thun those who stick to one hot and tit berry i pickers whit wuiulof ull ovr the tus lure loo kin for the buhe with tbo huffest berries ur not the ones v 0 home with full pulla if is true of course that somotii it lsdeslrshle to make u chine t often udvuntugeoum to chano your location if you et into tho wroti r oocupatltui it is better to oltanae than keep on and 1m a mufu for your life hut if you mid that th llkln for chns is krowlnir upon you so that wherever you are you want to somewhere else and whatever you n doln you want to be dolti somethtn- else then it la time to be on your kuard kuo all we attunipltsh in urn is duo in the here uud now which i thaaplrlt of chano aaltilua ktorenc a woodbury liuon thn lift d chrlwl tho n tlix world ure inuny cnniijfii rnouffb suitlrlkllt l llftiil kuvioiif of tlm worlil tint pittlu of thlu mf nn u lalyiinlli mid with out tin- fihuriililtiinir ukx of oiik uu prrmo involution without llif- one loin inutin idoul of tho iiiu w uhouli vvundof ioitj ulid ufiuld- tliof would itn no- inlnhlonsry outlook in luii for iiiunutmr rodmnptloii f th iton of man hat irt enotiich that wo nhiiiid uku lllm wo muni ihiiiivu iii illm and wn mhull have ntnrnit difii to ifellevo in in 1141 tlllt muutfcmllt til stnnith ii f inyo mci of hrolhorly lov rrnt inutth the til i chrltttian tallli in tlmt it fan inuln- tttln ltmlf in dm r tnrrlhhi divuhtatloti f hie last fw youik wu hllnvn that tho tumult of wur la biit ull incident in the cornlnii of thn over- in tin kniloni of good will thuti wu look ittmoutli thn terrible ttwim of hlnlory ntid trust ruthor the evolving truth which tlm mind or fulth pet- celvm anil thn plulu s1k a imltcf ruturn nr not now lucking for th prophetic the outlook tho mission of tho chrlatlan uhurchua aro flourihhlng nverywhvru and this in eplln of tho sdvoreat tost avnr encountered by thoiii th trials uml hardships uiitallud by the world war tho year 1031 ehowod the largest uchle varna ns in any year in the history of mciliodlat misaluns in the twenty months ending july 1031 377 new missionaries urrivud on tho vsrloua foreign tlotdu htatiatics for that yrjir show an increase of 38163 member und of 23889 baptliod chll- vtren which ts an increase in tho christian community of over elxty thousand tho value of church p prty in foreign holds wus increased during the year hy more than three and one half millions of dollars con tribution of church member in for eign fields were more titan four million dollar which was more than double that of the preceding- year there are now over seven hundred thousand native christians under tho care of our own church in foreign misklon lands the hoard of foreign missions has 1113 missionaries at work on the field ijid tho women society has 676 this indicate a gain of ie9 worker above all tosses by death and retire ment there are 2769 ordained native preacher and 28s unordalned native worker illble readers colporteur teachers phyalclana and- nurse to tho number of it 436 native leader we have almost ten thousand sunday hchools numbering nearly una half a million acholara in missionary landa lue uf our missionary churches is over ten mllljon dollar and of parsonages nearly three and a half million dollars of schools hos pitals and other institutions over aeyen million dollars our owerchurch has invested in property for the spnwd lnt of the gospel message in the mis sionary lands of the world more than twontytlve million dollar a similar showing might dopbtless be made by the other christian churches the held la while to the harvest and mora are anterinjf th field than ever before there can be no turning back thero not the shadow of doubt of the ful flit men t of the prophecy that alt the kingdoms of the world ahall be come the kingdoms of our lord and t ills christ ir ye break smlth during the world war as in all war th poetry written under its influence was of a deeper nfln and carried far more heart felt feeling than- any written in tho carefree joy living age just preced ing it one of the most beautiful of hem all was lieutenantcolonel john afccrue in blander fields after many atruggle in klanders seeing thousands of men dead and wounded on the field of battle the feat thinning rank and with a sense of hi own early transfer to the silent legion the poet flings hi challenge stands for a moment then gathering hi can- py of popple about him he down to rest with hi comrade ill chal lenge and beard and grasping tho torch as it fell they lifted it tb the sky and hold it there until the coming the dawn tf peace i dispelled uu night of war can it be that we have some when tr flanders field have we re ceived a torch to hold 4 there a chal lenge for us to hear llstenirur we may hear the farflung challenge of ho fell bravely a fell any hero of kbuiders and falun passed on to u through generations between their torch or faith from the earliest days of the church through the fiery per ilous of the pagan and the horrors of th inquisition it was passed it hoe com to us may we hear the ctlbllejige and remembering that to torch uf faith has been given may we hold it high uu we too ahall iiave to pass it to those thai follow may it never be said that wo hayo broken faith with lllm or with those that sleept james t miller for study and doulon what made abraham a pioneer how wore the children of israel called become missionaries 7 how did the laruellte gain possession of tho lrum- lsed land what pro phot haa inspir ed you most in missionary work uow the sunday uchool aid in the filth t against lawlsios why is it a good thing to memorize thn psalm wjiot tho great feature of ch rials missionary work wtiat uro tho char acteristic of so effective wltllps for chrlatr llow ware the eleven disciples glvmi apeclsl preparation for mission ary work what will lie the character uud extent of chrut reign u coord lug to prophecy how caijwt help uti- our dully prayer thy kingdom t we wish you one and mx a happy andpkosperous new year w d talbot mcin struct ihant 7g aelmi ortsr when the hoh3e was sixteen inches high llow would you like to own a horse ultmn inuhea high it would unruly mke u nice ut one might hlttih u pair to u child dolj wuguii 1rof henry vulrtteifl oaliern who known inoru almut uu xuhjuct than unylnxty ei saya that the fourloud horawi that roanitul thla ooiitineiit aoodooo years ago wore of about that ise they grsswl in herda whluli duiihtlnss often numuruu thtiuandw slid knliml ulhxt thilr linetllusm of foot to elude their eiiemles thy wre dlhtny built rrwatures thiilr llmlis uu ulimtnf ua penrllu tlpoaklng within definite uoourury tluy had four toea on oath forvfoot und three toa on each hind foot etutih of these fourteen too term i it a tod hi u llttld hoof it istmibslbto to ieak thua damiltely slxiut the early racn uf praliiatorli horse becausn their akuletonu imva noon plentifully found tu the luul luniu und other hxalltles where they are an distributed through rocky strati of micoesslva ghj login formutlona it tu tejl their owit story us oiia might read it in w book above la a reproduction from an old print depleting an exoltlna trial of speed between mr coopera locomo tive tom thumb and one of steckton ev stokes horse csrs in august 1830 cenlrej exterior of isteat model of obssrvatlon cr sa used by the can adian psoifio railway be low a re interior viewe of the same luxurloua car n the contlnvnt of morn than a enntury and lu indeed u far i the old horsedrawil no railroad america lamucli old yet it aeoma cry to tho doya t railway vehicle and tho open cars drawn by tho first locomotive which superseded them iorhspa in ni country in the world has railroad engineering made sileh progreaalvo strides an lu canada during tho lust hulf century aa late ni u7073 th quebec iovernmnnt enoouraged de velopment by building railways en tirely of wood the mms worb of atrulght groined lianl tnuplu 13 fit jn length but tlm knots worn weak spot which oftuticuuud thn rull to break and an occasion n delay of pec- hupa hour in wt wealller m pro- tirvuh could bo inutin at ull and thore are hot u fw living today who re member having- to holp tho ilrcmau anil engineer load up with wood in tirdnf to apeed their travel what a far cry it from the id earn oxpoaed to the elements at all tlrnon or boxed in o thut froah ulr wok ut u premium to the luxurious parlor slooplpg compartment and observation curm of today canada bad just as much mcnniify in the olden daya as it haa now thn oumn glorlona expanse mid wooded hlluldos the wmn won- dirful peiki und splendid river yol canmllnn scenery could not be sold then becuuae it wu almout impossible to wnjoy whut was going on around ur that through which the voyager wan panning ua im wmm cunritind to u hard narrow seat for hours with no thought that of thn journey would of rullwnya ut and it wu rnnllxnd that tho fiitum ir the country iltipemlcd upon thvlr development thn rallwuy conipaifles mauscd that llm tourlat tlnfllo was rnvmiikt to he illtlvutixl und tlm first ohmitviitlou rouchnx wtro introduced thut worn littlo morn thutf glorinod day roachnti with uu omn platform ut tlm rear hoiui liowtvur tlpi dmand hy couroitu for umulul ticcommiwlatlon imkuiiih ho liitnumu that mkciii1 eijulp- inniit had o b rouatruitod for them during tlm past tvw yarn the tnag- ntneont oltsni vatioil cairu stluh as are uod tin the ciiliudlan iucltlc huvo bvuii eytilvud and thoeo together with the modern ull sleet cumpurtment arid othur cur etiaure the traveller buol torn fort that to truvul is u delight theni is no codvuiiitoipo ttoaslblo wlijch ho traveller does not enjoy while traversing thu hoc kins he may uao tho regular conches or during the summer the open observation car th observation cars used else- whern ruablkh him to uno the country ho pusaes through troin u cotnfortabln uhutr upxclal amokhig rooms ure provldml in ull thing partuinlng to railway tmvul utid tdiivoiilmicti the tullwaya of cannuu ituvn lint tho par tr those of othf purtu of tlm coiitluoiit payinq debts promptly would help business iny yourilehtu it is all right to he economlcul to bo conservator about expansion id u time of buslnoss de pression but l 1 not ull right to dolsy payment of bllta that cap bu iiald uo as to keep more moimy on hand if everybody wore to laiy bills jojit a little more promptly tliati in normal times the result would lit a stiffening up of bualness all along tho lluti makohho money wn hittf- us autiw us it u posatble tp make it if a pays i the 100 be owes him i will pay c fldo and c will buy 0o more good from d who will replaco it by buying rora k- and bo on tlui supposing a delays payment thrgn months just to keep blu funda liquid bualnias tlrugs to that exjent nil round tho lino mul tiply a by 1000 und theje l0a0 a would moke u tllfference of many millions in the total uf cunnoiun busi ness done hiin prompt ly 1 one of the biggest recommendation busi ness men desire concerning any inali we appeal to a tu hurry up in the interest of ull the restoin and lit his own interest too tht b100 him to bepafd eventually why not now borae where uluo the chain that nini ble 9100 will help others to pay a or buy from him tho sluggish dollar needs a touch of tho whip the hlmblo dollar is tho chief pmsent jeed what kotjpa the wnnt in do- p cession uniiald dobts tiothlu ola they ure in prooes of blng paid und a that procnss julckuns so will tht st that will muko for prosperity and prosperity will attrnct immigrants the immigrant will bring motiuy th nay will spur up trade and so on ad infinitum or it might be ud infinitum if prices would remain sluhlit i prosperity not betome u boom whentliat tlmo ooimi the proper ml i will be keep your luud level utul your foet on the ground just now u pay up the sooner dtthtu aro liquidated thom soouvi busliinsti will jump aheail the money value of a wood pecker 1rof w t horuaday director of the nnw york zoological lrk say that if birds wnro us numerpua tnduy as tlmy wvrn sixty years ago it would mean u saving of many million dollars tu american furmur tho slaughter of migratory bird l surly followed by the increase of dustruotivo inhtois among the best of tho furmnro bird friend kru tho wooilpeukers uapeclally the road headed minbnr uf tu sjiucjcs in priktf oiia tureful obnorvr sayu a pair of them host oil in u dud cot tonwood trvo near my uutilns orchard ono ytutr oiid day i tvutohod tlm in ttuuugli a pslr of liijora gluswe the young birds wuro it 1 tout hullgrown tim purvnts mudn nltuiiyulx trlm in huh hour timh tiniu with u worm it is sufu to say ihut thjy aivml nltin- tyou upplva lit tlmt hour ti box worth any ono dollar if tho birds wnrkuil ton hours u dity thny wun wortli ivii ilollurstti my unolu m lu the thrnti wmik thn lilrdu vru pi tlm uisl 110 can u farniur afford to kill a wooilpakiry worms liowevor gmiuratud i found lu tin- dlgusllvn ttuclu win they sot up dlmturbumos dotiliunntul the hxiiltli of hut old lil tiirec he no comfort for tho llttlu tin- uu llu hlittful lutiudors huvo buoii ikillud- all tuinlleiit piepuiutlon for tliis imrpoiw can bo hud lu mill worm iowiurs thoy will immt utuly dustroy the worm und torruct the ootldlttoim that were fsvotahli thulr wxlstencu oratl eful to the cow ds- a nsw iqngluiit family hud acquit nd a now gmullylo hi niunt and joy of the tlilltlnti tho following bumlny us aert whlrh xaiiihistud of ice crvain wua plactd on thu ublu tho thmo-ytnr- lld of th fumlly unuouiutiitwltli gmitt pride to the omaellibleil guiats our oow mads thutl scholarship and success hou it pay to work for high grades at school or doo th atudont who slips along with an uvoragh or barely passing mark succeed just us well when schooltlay are over this 1 a question v hi ell atudants have always asked tliemsulvns and one for which mum hard to find a convincing ai- r 1urdue tljiivorelty has recently made uti luvuatlgatlon which enubloti them to give a satlafactory reply it ought to convince- tho moat doubtful for it is busutl on uatuul facts and not uu theories l graduateswere sol- eatnd ubout whose succass rliero could not uutiiitloii these wore porstina who hud uchlavod their ideals and held positions of authority in the com- munltlps an invnstlgullon of tho grudos hoy itad mud0 at collcgu re vealed tho fact that one hundrl per cont of tliciti liud an average standing of uboulolghty boyontyllvoper cent littalnud on uvorago through their four yoarm course of from ninety to mo hundrud per cent nineteen per mit hud grades of from olghtynve to ihmty per cent- ujid the reaiulnlng ix hud avufage only slightly below huch u tuconl would aeein tu show cluarly that high scholastic record made ut uchool do have an important bearing on success after graduation it i uuy uiiough to belittle scliolar- hip but pmtty dlitioult to prove by uctuul uxutdplo that saliolurshlp d0 pay even from u stand point of tvrlut muccusb drsooad down by aslhrrtstliw mull or woman who in continually subjnut to usthiua is unrtttod for his or her ft los work htrngth depart utul miorgy is t iik on uwy until ufo ue- cokuis u dreary exlstonco and yet this is handles dr j d kuoggm asthmu koniedy has brought a great change to un army of surferer it rotlovim thu restricted uld tube and guuriui ugalnat future trouble try it close at wand a wulttksa lu a curtain roatuurunt 1 well know to tho patrons of the ustubliuhment for her reudy wit an occasional oustonior woiu lu tho otlmr day for d inner after receiving hi order thu wolt- insm handed him u newspaper tu wlilli uwuy thu few minute thut would elapse ore dimmr wu served ho lookod ut it uud then ut tho wult- res und said j uy mia have you nothing comic 1 like to huvo soiiuthliig fui to look ut while im oat in wh sir rnitllod tho wultr leutlliy und without tho vestige of u smile tluirnu u looking glua alrslght in fiont of you sir many luuthnr huvo rvasmi to bli mother oruvtt worm icxturmhiutor bucuuuu it has rallovod tlm little uuvu of hurffiliis thd luude thton healthy sure to return on iiinmln u urn r whuui goods did not vary strong uubsluiitluln his utlvurtlmlug clalmn put nut n iuw ulgll iit wuu pleased to hue that ii uuat many ptioplo htopiitl to luad it hut tllrutitly ho was iuxutl uml uu- gertl to notice thut they nil wont on luuuhllig tlnio was nnthlitt ubout th sign ii merely mat if yol lilfy uuio oiirti yu will conut agitin tim tiihrchaiit wunt ouisltl uasuttl wort of wuy und gla his sign hi what was tin mattor konni uiui no doubt a roimur rnitlnnir luul udtlid umitlur lln it how ruad if you lluy hero thtrti you will count aguifi to ilrlng h hack fmi id at what in tlm most dlnlcult thing to hold in tho world your tonguo why u u watch llkn n rlvor lkiratisn u doesnt run lonir without vl lull nt what hired lutlcili turn u kitten into a cat jlc fej wliut king wears tho lurgwit hat tho one with the luigest houtll wliut goes most oguluut tho furmoru graiiit thy reaping niucllno a knight of old linil u pain when timl where did hu huvo it in tho mlddlo of tho knight night whutlu die dlfftunco between thu jrlmi- uf wulas uud u rubber bull ono ih holr to tho tlironn the other thrown to tho ulr when ure the utreu of u town very grouity whan tho ruin u dripping for frost rltss and chilblain chilblains ciituo from undue imnuru to hluuh und cold uml rrostvblt0 from the icy sliuls of winter fn the treat ment uf nlther an excellent prepara tion lu dr thomas ucloclrlo oil a it countoractki the inflammation and re- move the pain tho action of tbo oil is prompt and lt application 1 ex- uomely ulmple winter care of hands jingf nulls ure upt to buconin dry und brittle during tho cold weather oily lotions should be well rubbed into tho anger tip each night und the humlw should bo protected front cold whou out of floor llrokon and rldgetl nails ii rn thu utsiill of un ovorury con dition a sharp instrument must not iwi used fur uuiioving soil boileuth the udgi of tho null a stick of uuy kind 1 bnut und though thosn mudo especially for nulls are to hn- tuiught ut ulmost unv mhop other whluli uro home titutlo will answer tho purposo a butchers uknwor may h whittled tlowu not to u uhurp point but to ono having a llttlu width when tho nulls ur solle1 tlio stick may bo illppnd into lemon julco or rubbed into the woap together with u little water forming a paste in tills way thn ulitltr part of the nail will nut be roughoild by the treat lllelit washing und drying thaliuud tlmy wliould b nilihod with a mixture uf glyiirjnn und riuewutr in propof hon of onnithlttl or thn furmni to two thirds of tho lit hit llulii water ma ho hiiltetltuttid for rutin uud tlvu dropi of ail bu j in uuld to two kills of tin mlxtum will udtl to hu lueiit i mho u id be wiped off uftor using a culinamv experiment tho friends td u rorlulii illslliigulsli- oil piofeuhiir finiliiiiitly ill tipped lnt hlu luhoiutory for n flint lit urn uveii lug iniyii tho lloiiloii hoiuld qeuer- ally tluy found him huully ongrtissetl in umuu kxpiniiiiuiit ou nviillng when two friend cull- il tlmy found tho profesntir be toll tig nuklniihly ovin- n iiplrlt iuiup on which a uiniill pot wuu bubbling wll nahl one of tho fuller what is ii loulghlt ud ihti piofnssor the acton radio electric v mo v wa nro demon t rathii our receivers ut the rnijeiicc af j precious john street wo pro opening iiemoii5trntitik par lours in tho studio next to j c j ill wntch for the ilatc spnrka phantom -liver- concert receiver s25do tlil hot has heinlved tluicirlii over 1010 mile awoy sparfes soell supersensitive receiver irlcn on apillatlon acton one tube receiver complete 4250 radloltiy one tube receiver complete 1800 acton two tube receiver complete 62j0 aqton three tube receiver complete 8500 rndiolux superfwlcctive complete 11500 canadian independent telephone sd10 5500 special for interested young men build your own set complete parts for one tube receiver 3500 complete parts for two tube receiver 5zi0 complete parts for three tube receiver 68j0 browns loud spoakcr 1875 free aovice on a8semblinq ad wiring above parts g precious manager coles sulfa mimnfftr box no 313 p ho a i23r3 railway time tables at acton nadwn natjfmlnaywvs doing weat tit llniiilay ni 21 hunday 111am 103csrn 22u pm f ott pm k3u pm 107qarn fotiant lllloro 33l pm 017 p no 813 pm y0s pm toronto suduroan electric railway westbound r40 pi hia p i m 73 kin ffl iii4juin t- 14a pm 0- 443 pm cii 743 pm 70 lu4spiu sunday timetable wetbound 1 140 aru o0 i40 pm us 64ii pm 67 040 pm esatbound 6 1043 am 00 42 pm d42 pm flu h42 pti quality counts thats the only reason wccan accounl for the demand for excelsior brand flour and we will always maintain that quality there arc all kinds of pastry flours on the market today but just ask any housewife with good baking what brand she uses and you will usually find it is excelsior brand excelsior brand flour is the choice of all good cooks d hlindsay mux street acton ontario acton creamery pays highest market price for churning cream fresh milk daily s cents per quart at the creamery sundays from 8 to 0 a m no cream received after 12 oclock noon on saturdays acton creamery co quality our moitp t 3 oneil prop phone 53 miiroyimtl nl for puma amd boalds dr tlioimta ijeleotrlo fill will lukm thn urn out of u bum oi blultl- h should bu ut hand in uvnry kltthfii no that it inuy b bviiliuhht at uny time thure la no piopuratltin ieiulitl jutt upply ihti ull to tlif burn or aoahl unit tlul pain will ubuto and lu u ahoi t thile caac ultugothor ruoumotofiu ttnlttiil tho ot bur mo hpllo4llu0ue7 nil hill kluln of tlllck it they ullnw it the tlm tallnr olgullilllll uu oi f itikiu until well wn glvn it upl what la it tim piofiounil unltliid blandly tliluungnti whether file folll ho of old uf llw giowth huiul yild to lloimwayn castoria mother fletchers castoria is a harmless substitute ioi castor oil paregoric teething drops und soothing synips prepared to relieve infants hi anmaiid children all uged of cohfitipatron wind oolic flatulency to sweeten stomach diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates p to gvold imlutloiii nlway look for the hignuturc of crfffiilm l proven dlfrtlon nd pcltag pliyclcuiu overywhere tfcomniatd it weight delivered by apaolal nxpraaa freight itralght picked up at an ad- droa in toronto tt t tjimroro ajranw aotot see avage and ee better writ or phona for appointment for when you wlh to coma a d savage optometrut 4 mfg optlolcn savaae dptloal building right at the poet office v quelph t e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons ma1n street acton earn money at home earn upward uf vrrekly grow ing muaiiroomu for mm all winter rioaaunt work for either hx part of frontproof cellar or outbuilding neceaaary iltuutrutud tiooklot and particulars for ntumii addresa plainly canada muahroom co oept 4 260 garden ave toronto acton elevator near o t r station follwlng brands on hand flour manitoba flour pastry rolled oats oat chop oats oilcake hay and grain grain bought and retailed alex l noble henry awrev manager free press job ptinting is always neatly done this stores policy- to represent goods ex actly as to their quality to sell to thoe who know and to thoue who dont know at a uniform rair piico to fulfill all guarantees and cheer fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by always giving y aatisfactlon savage co jeweller guelph 0ntau1o x m

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