rtgfcti 1 fcjrr 7 ghg acfam 3wjfrgg thuilsday junk 20 192 home after all ijoineu always hare or homo a always near homo m just u spot in die own homos rut her plain just u loof from tho iain u nook whin the night has mnn ilnwn motrin m out of style and wo joke mill wo uiiillo many th lip tlmt huu curled but wander uwny nml you ii want it siinm iny morn than the nut of tho world homon jut i dim jut u voice just 4 u faro father ami mother und kin hunw whctiv dream ami- wo qtlan inil wo achume homti m whuio our journeys begin homo like am not mn flat on u oot muitnc innt muti but a wull llut wtjon you retire wheri you long far your fire homo lit u lot uftor ilornan always homo though world you may ronm seeking uoiio for tune afar homo la tho pje of the hcurt and tho soul homo tto unouenchsblo star travtd for mlloi to tho furl him l latos nail o tho east or the wont the corthnr youigo then tho more you the wheel in all lanquaqe8 when a new thing i introduced into ccimrfiorco anil ordinary use u now word hiui to bo found for ll or an old one borrowed tho resources of mint i modern languages are kjuo to tho i demand though sotrra of the vory con- wrvativo innruafm which are jealous vof innovations have a hard time in rooming it tho word jtjlcycle wo not con y talned in any knshsh dlsctlonary and i whether it was rightly pronounced t s bynickja or belghkle no ono could be sure tho word 1 now well s osublhbed and authorised by tho loxl k- cugrapher jn tho tvonch language the ward v r uhe aamo jhuut hashad a hard ttftoo ih becoming established it wu variously called a oejerifero a vclo clfere u bicycle and u bicycle ho tho lout word being commonly up- piled to tho machine which- w catt a h mataly bicycle uut tho word vsjo a contraction of ono of the others has come into vory common use and threaten to supplant the o there it la uoed much a english speaking bicycler use the wort wheal or bike tho french al0 havo a word of unknown etym ology bocane which ibey apply to tha bicycle the ocrmann when the bicycle came into ujm net about rooking a name for it which ahould be purely german they called it a fahrrod or travel- ling wheel and lb la word they have alnce abbreviated into had or almply wil kt m tin j in tlij unv such bruullfut i hough hiiirt wnro wenry unit an thooo uillont huiidh knit olllrc thut the hljdroii might bo ulud i alwuyit wnp ua looking biirk to childhood a distant day i think how tliono lmiln ruatad not i rnlno ul thnlr play huch bonutlful houtttlful hnndal they re growing fot bla jiow kor timo and imlii luivi- luft tin ir murk 0iv hnntlu and heart mid hriw a lout alnal thu muring tlmo ami the aud wad day to me when nouth tlio dalaim out of aight theae humlu will foldud liu liut ah buyout thl ahudow lund where nil la bright mid fair i know full wu ihrxt iliutr old hands will paima of vlolory bar where cryatul atreunm through ond- loaa year low over golden nnnili and whoro uio old grow oung again li claep my motlutrb tianila ulten m ii galea rir irljory inun raro of my ii itrtiiif nom urn k u bdttur honn to u thnm mon propurly for lifn hua u atrtiiig hold oi houiufmta of lhi futli unit motli u urrjvo in tiih country utile irdu la in u 1mii the whole year round wrlton a rtallvo or and on thla aide my tony atunilu at tho had of hli liuuu la uimlhir moimuuc hum to the old world homo iii much mm i ii in lu our country held l to old world miotu ww tho rliil- run a puradlnn uni thoitwtiida mlgriint ful horn and mooiorw who toll thu muoctml oilluork thut thtty comi hore to work cam in tmth to work for tho olinglng brooda thut thoy bring with thorn sty wlfo and i uald antonio sa- brolla from itomw to the interpreter will work for tho children and eanl them to achool and innho them jjko your chlldron ilut how nhout yourself and youi wlfpt won t you hwumo cnudianfv toot gtioationod the intorprotor uubrolla aliruggwl hla ahouhiuri wo aro old ho aiiawnrad a bonl ollvo tree fullgrown uinnot be madjj alraight it la enough for ua to won to moko our ohlldron llkq youro to be left ulono at your work an jn your home und not itnvo y property und liberty tukon uvray the poldlora wan u klull a qnawcr conceri for thole children may tj uald to be one o thoohlef reaaoij that loada many pufontaa jomo thla country and heroin mayvie fbu tho reauoti why tho aooond goioratl- lly abobed jn thovanadl body politic whilouc4urfl cling t cloualy to old world- cuatoma itoth had gone into ho and ua wan quite natural hud or city notion with her mul ueap an awful lot of on out hero grandpa oho alrf oral rtny after her arrival au hot i t aald her grand xcu i lot iiraaa to never thought op that handling natural owarm fc v- tho italutna and spanutrda followed much the aame path that tho french did and divide their loyalty between volociforo and biclcjetta or cieta elven tbe chinese muat have a name for the wbeel thoy employ tholr usual figurative atyle of apeech i call it a augraa or foreign borse tol chal flyingmachine gho plemlpga or belgian people of p apeech who aro aealoualy p ti0lr language of foreign lmwv had the- utmost difficulty ln m a w or tn machlnonomo called it a anolwlel soma a voo aoiso k trapwlw but tho reajl cxors among tajutiln- auued that it hou bo oojied by a word or pureyinbrign which really dgacrlbefl ir tjila-wd-ta- 1 follows aewleisnelruroettrappeudne tiabrek erreatal in aplte or their loyalty to their na tive speech it 1 noticed ttut even the most conservative plemiah wheelmen novex uss this word when riding over a rough road llv advice to mothers it was the era of the nrst qulncy bby end tho atteotlon of the entire qulncy unlly conalsung aolety of mother and father was directed to the proper upbringing- of the lutoni uooks on babyhood were bought and digest ed suitable magaslnes were subscrib ed for friends and mothers wore con- snlted on every point but to the wonder of the solicitous mrs qulncy declared that tbe advice that did the i most good was that which appeared in the nrorntng paper signed with he fetching narna peggy but the time came when oven that was discarded arent you going- to read mo the uttio lesson from tho journal loduyt asked mr qulncy a w i shall never vffetrztvii to un one any more aythe mother rtrm ly why nott only day before y eater day you ware saying what excellent recommendations poggy mado about crying children why do you desaert hert ill tell you tom ahe said had meant not to say a word ulnu it because it la so humiliating uut iuw youve spoken well x might as well confess the psjwr yea tarda y said aometbing j didnt idtte understand and as i was down town i thought id jusfrun into the oflloe and ask pegry what ahe meant bo i did the office hoy smiled whan i asked for peggy but be took me up a lot of dirty talm and then polntedto u door knockoa and a voice answered coma in wont queried her husband well there isn t peggy not a woman at all a verfeotly horrid grinning man smoking a cigar he wrltos tliat advfco a man i what da i you think of that tojnr wrg qulncy paused in her iiidlgoa- iloq i thought you round the udyl goodt as a rule he objected tom qulncyl how could a mn in ii newspaper office write owl ail- vloe to nythcret i um u you pioii think you know evarythmg the kettle on the iioh i havu no old fuahlonuu huhlt 1 ggesa i u nuvor tnt over i ilka u cup of tea about ua w i us any old chap in thla old town mury is con tinually saying that i um a ngular old tea grannie well iii nilmll my weakness and i guuua 1 11 go joying tny cup o tea ua long aa i m apsrod to bo around- i go to tho grocery onco hi a while for u pound or good old mixed green and black when ary la no i out marketing und doclaro to you lio prlco meruit to got higher every tlmo i no if it keeps on it it bo up whuru it wim whon i used to not u pound of guuiowder tea overy week or uo rrom my friend charllo hill buck a uty yeuru uo tho good old gunpowder wus a dollar a pound then and the white luunr to sweeten it was ol tounda fur u dollar then times wont on und soma tlmo uftor christie henderson come from milton ufty yours asro and jhey begun to mako u apociulty o t to meet sooorfl tirooiora called uielr atoro tho qroat tea houae and brought the price down to toc chrlatlo henderaon woro good advertisers in tlm now fttas pusas in thoao days und nt tho booumi iwi of tholr two column a4v avtury week in there appeared tho taking slogan try chrlatlo a hendersons boo tua no mutter what other udvortiolng wa above thut lino ho coo tou was al ways there unchungod uury and i got so we looked for chrlatlo jic hen dersons udv overy wowk to wo if tho tea una was attll there speaking of tou that loads my thought buck to tho old rashlon in every oldfashioned homo of the kettle tr tho hob facilitate tho handling of tural swnrms clip the wings off laying queens eurly in the season i ftjrnbly during tho urot honoy clipping the juoon s wlntra docs stop the uolouy from mwurmlnu prevents the ouoon louvlng with swarm which will return ua aooj the beoh realise thut the iiuon with them when the swurm the queen will usually l found ground in front of the hive her in a small box or cage und the iworm is in the air movo th hive from its atund replacing itj a new hlvo fjtiod with ompty comb or foundation over tt hive place a ijueen uxcludcr i top of thla all tho aupera froj old hlvo the awurm will tho now hlvo und ua tho boot tho queen can be released them nt tho entrance to prevent uftorswarma t in the old or parent colony ah examined ut once all qi stroyvd and a young laying qi pr if nniiujflrulari who leave ono capled cell the parent colony is lefj lng by tho side of he now j with its entrance facing angles to that of the now hujo boy and girl had lest by their pot parrot polly whon and funeral they had fori it wiw the uttlo girl said supfmmie polly la in heaven now i an angel 7 don t think so said the hay ly human bolnga become angels well then what im polly nowr ed tho slrl he hoy thought for a minute and n kald i aupposo ho ta a ijird of radios winnipeg trlbuno n rial of urterlitln lurft in t vnem york city ii fruit and voatuhlo i ih it hit ii im fjn t thu an lillfl lot iidow annh xlghta nnd imiiiuhi hvry bt the fnun itin muchlnlat the luijfi iron grullng lnol whloh tor ihlih in rim llf with tim oil t i tin iuim la ljrl und inlln the moi with li fulu through be grating ollvtid wiihhil ami nielli limt lo liiui tn uixl hold to he uhed aguli hitnu of tin ana which u olinply iiplod anil rtoidrvd joints molt apui i untiluuly thine uio sorted out ni tho ul ta hrulhlinel nmt bound inli iiuimiich to b hoiii to irunkmnknrh for protecting ornrra they nro nlao honulit y button iniinufurturers who stump from thmi thf dlska used in oth tovor htloiia tho mat lilno muiln iana do not comn uiuit and they un londnd into large cfirlu takjai on mi idovator o ho ihurgluif lloor uml dumped into tlm upolu widi h lu fvl alternately with jina noil cokq the rnia ur so ugh that iiumu of tlmm urn carried out at tlljl tp f t stack by tho force of tho bliilit iillrti largo wtroon has boon nrrtuiitod to prevrnt the plocea from fiuling on tho rclof win take tie a tor in akysiraper muy find umuao lu woiuldrttig ufn r romtlng thoao how inuny inppty cam it look ko he weight a thut balance tho which tiny ride a wonder ml hinod houlile mum ma as aha i ii urniill whltn egg from tho nest iiil held it to hla ear why mammal hn cried somo- ihlng ih iii it is it u rhleulot tai tai tup and the hell wan in hi pieces wlillo a little chick with black beady uyes lay in mamma a hand 0hbl should ho what a won little fijlloy ho la how soon con ho i mamma in ut hour i gtinsa she answered wbyoe and- it takes children o ir to learn to run aro the chickens urtnr than ohlldron mamma are theyt i ned unnecessary disturbance during the hearing of a law case a nnn begun to move about in the back if tho court room pushing itnrk chairs ami dlatiirhliig things generally voting mnn the judge said at length looking at jilm sternly you lire making u greoi deal of noise youi honor was the reply tho fact is thut i havo loat my overcoat nd i um looking ubout to find it well sir suld the judgo paopln fdttt louo whole hukb hare without making half au much disturbance colony a litllo each da about six days its i in of one smith thi a young lady against motuiii ore unother the letters of hydney hnr he aptuka of giving two und twenty receipts holy one was a bright member all tho t doctor or milkman it is supposed that a person wi consult u physician will follow his udvlqc and one of the hardest blows to ho professional pride of physicians und surgeons is tho exuess of wladum m medlcal matters whloh la poseead by the vorld at large- a writer thus tolls of a surgeon who set u brokn arm tj operation was successful and the splints hud been removed the surgeon advised his patient to leave qlt the bandages and manipulate tho injured member st intervals sunt as th doctor was issrvlng the house the mllkpiun arrived on ii- rauods uitd pibulns the apllnta to the patlont youll take cpld in your arm aught to keep- if bandaged a fow dgya later tho surgedn culled again und found thai the who i hint followed the nltkman wsjiilng complained of soreness in tho arm and saw tjootor i think you w biotdhod it- mvw ttlsdscinr obsorvmg the twnduges mv tillon fbe arm roroaxjed and whose l advice are yqu talns now mine or the i mmuiir pleasant things said to her another to keep u box of augarplums on tlo mantelpiece or a kettle simmering oil the hob the kettle on tho bob there could be surely fow bottt r remedies for melancholy it was for a largo part of tli nineteenth century the symbol of the spirit of homo who of g who grew up in tho dickens ugo cun over forget tho joy of bis toa- mjetlles on the hobst it wiis the tea- kettlo tbut bugati it for us again und again in the old shabby volumes wo read to tatters uiii out lime have chaneod hub are no longer in our vocabulary uni iho teukutllos wo know bust liv upon klujion rubgus ur oil atovos or olucirlo grllbi or adorn mflenioou tvu table so many things uro gout we sadly think plscea und dyiryurda wtmidsheds and ttlcs ahd tlm wweet country life ww know in tho golden ago of long ugu there are othoi tlilngh of uuurso ulephonas uijil ruiul mull alivery mid ujtomoblle und iuiiiimi and tutt but whore is the kettlu on ho hobt where la itt in- u million homo to day us happily us u oonlury ugo the symbol limy ohunau but tho tiuth it symbolises is vtoiunl an oil stove does uqt spund plotulvsque but thous ands or hsppy thlldron the ruuntry ovtr will tell their children of ipolhui s biscuit and chlsusan and cherry pud dings and looking bulk sno in auine tiny kitchen the kettle on tie hob tlmro muy be no pluc n tuoilcru liuuaas an one woman complilnut to keep tin mending basket but biuthi rs will mud a way 11000 he loss to kup be hom light burning koi wlurivei tluiie vi k rue homemother hoi alifuitmaiit dwoll no tiurr stunoa can thwuit tho inligu nf liur ouch although hni imiumu bi but tho jour walls of u tiny room here ulwuys tho kuttluilmiuillur uu tho bob i facing in the sumo dlrecion iow hlvo on hq tenth day whon hn bees freelylmove the parent col j new llcatlon this will cauaj worker to unite with the if bylaccldont a awurm b flying fcieen u will usually i some smarby tree or buah bees aim all aettled the hmbj they clter cun swarm rrlcd and taken dov of a n prepurvd for it be retuavt to tho hlvo fror j lasuod b destroying all the oldflpen nloo ahoulid and thotny roqueenedl later wlthaung laying qui aoodorhamlnlon aplil canadla a special f cedar ahinglajl ttntlsh colunv states vanoouvenj iiuffalo n i tho consll several tralnlaj ped eaat durlnj fore virtually duels from the district by w of the enough or nfty veurs uverage ajxe wlich vufu peiipln are contained in j which ruqulred 4 us 000 j every little scratch has a meanness of its own our beat worker nowadays wo uin l do much wit one mo nny unit it is cheering n read what ijin ho done with one unit of eleclrlclty equal to tho woilf i f one horsopqwur fir 4b mluutw it will suvo a tfnlliin of petrol n h 11 two fcttllona of water or mnk if itm of let- or ntorlliss h000 riftlonii if drinking walor pr aril i fifteen cilt lets or plough 17 square yiiru t land to a depth jt u foot or thranh 140 siieuvks of corif or makt 4 iwi of butter or eepnru l the roam fnini 300 sullona of milk t r tie up it him dred sacks of corn it will llht up a hall 30 foot whin and go foil lnm for 2c hours or pump i ooo tulliii of wutvr into a tank 00 fet nhovt lln ground i little jacks revengc inralxlpntly ad to kivc llklnd iii uttln jack had boon an naughty hat mother juat him a rood apnnkln nnd u noon a desire for rovrngc his litllo breust at length bedtime cjime und knoel- ng down he said his evening prayer asking a blnsalng upon all tho mom bers or the family individually except one thhn rising he turned to la muhor with a triumphant look saying dm he climbed into bod i nj0f you noticed you wasn in it a terrible tet een tea in great i twenty five years age wim innm popular than lilac in i ho heavy impirtnllon off ity japan and chlnu oioen tnuiuni full off ceylon riiiiiiit prodiirlng flrcon fed lii uiln only lu rocoiiryvgal w r of such lino quality nnd 11a v or t tin i ureen tea ilr inttllutoly rgcognliml heir uni demaiidnd them inever in iiiunlliinh huluda tea cm jinn thully he solo importer t and india ureen tens irr 1 wool wanti highest market prices paid upon delivd georgetown creamery georgetown 0nta hrliey compare all canals pith panarna ascxhey coifipxe all automobiles xvitn awlauqlilin t3uick fisher king representatives for this district georgetown j cuttino his how much do 1 owe tulng thu screunt goln oil- 7a economical music pun hiu wnl be thargirritl oh whlohovnr you pi i war lf hi uud sixty cents fir youre going to uhuigi dollars why ubed thai s llfl leas when its lusj vop but y o s folk go way an forgf bill i lo more wheif itu so id lather koil accounts us small as i i j flint of be ablp 1 herelo- llts pro west to vu gone mt forty ding of giso 4 000 plument pood or asked lollars tn if t ii be twv pay their s charged irp ohurga why pay the big price when you can buy tha gcnufne goods pt the following irloej wo ht0 er of western ooib coming 49c bushel our present stock in mill fc per punhol cr of slt on irtnd yom on got ny kind you wsnt from 60e to 90c per owl fivs rosea flour os tbs for j370 flvo crown flour 09 lbs for 1370 excelsior flour 24 tbe 89c d hjndsay miixstkekt acton ontario a challenge touqilawce al i you in pld youth curohiju ixl o ulk ultout tlmus to uny onu who would g bo imv norr was ilarky who lo befo de wall listen talk imiik i onoiny an uavlu suld one day i ruck on houf lng nruigli cb it nowituy but it is plntedly uhwitt oh ft in tlosu ya as sah wy iur u i lc man- rich aw mud at a i nn dowu from do nurx ah built a houw hwru fn tu lib in part ob do yai uu he a uu two bisutfill iluuuhlf is old looking ya as ah but luuul fui an wat you lumii bi urujimsuliti r hully uat washes for do folk lolo in hhe swy lut llui iryf fat dutches seen doss lwusuutfu young lutljem prsji- using on one pianurr ut do unnio tibe ya ash data a ting usher jiap- pnd lo ttouf ca una bsfo do wah a slory is told of a tii humorist which is gocuf without mentioning tw tuuii of whom tho nof lella it whan the humorli iiawapaper luati hu tu yoqngewuman whose oursslng 1 i nail courrtsil fu siiaa father uud with terud tho old gentl bh have you- n between bolweon yj and ins not shouted th shin ply u round well said he ded iouranl the j a sharp look american lough lu itself fname of the ork tribune baa ii young ii low with u ems were not he gutherod the lady s knees en- offloe fed unyihlng daugbtsj- and i rout wheeling ng man ua hu if youkeop um uefrahcat wmaimurtm oxc une levfes i eyes i the georgetown lumber co phone 120acton now on hnd full lino of high quullty lunibor ulh shinglos hydmtcd llmo hsrdwsll plnstcr ccmciit assh frames doprs and interior trim wo now have truck for dollvery and aro prepared o glvo prompt service quality and service our mottcr got our prices before buying elsewhere eitmmtes fur nished on all classes of buildings free of charge do you know that business doesnt happen in now- aduyg it lias to be brought in tlmt advertising draws the people that have the ealh and come often that advertising truthfully builds tip prestige and good will that advertising gains new business for those who deserve it that the right kind of advertising in- mirth the present and future success of a hiibinthri that advertising satisfies old custom ers as well as new ones advertising georgetown lumber co a mccaiuv acton raptwenuure mut su acon that nothing can take the place of its service means every- thing to every business that some heads of business concerns hpend pioro time killing time than thy 8pend hustling for business most of he timekillers are waiting for business happen their way they should not wait foritj happen but they should get busy and ad yertise and make it happen ul zie v f w v i