Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 31, 1924, p. 2

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ghg anton 3fog yrgag ti11jihiv juivai in4 paddle your own qanoe 1 fl ii i u vltl 1 mii li ii 1 nil if j lit frit nil y u lnvt i un i lliolilil v trtip hdtmyq i youi nuul you wiy i m llirobti in fulun ilwy a nc lilt i life will r it or mr lifurt with purer hiflu a tuithuna frit n y u wh not ruo when juu nlllo your nwn uinoc im rrruy w i ulurioin the silent nitfnt ami bit uk in kiowiiik w rds f rntst ymi inuy wtrfji ulonjttn lite nl1int nltfht with vnn r grnui of a wanted llfn iln nnvi r too jo sutuoa to yuii wluu yuii iaddl your own taint lordiitin not wisely but too woll you lovt 1 to hn vry bhum if hell wllh tiyos tiinllmmcl unit steady in hold your gr hind utiri don t mirul a luvlnjt uud will dot yon win ii you iadih your own uiliue ho ketip your njurm liolh hirulslit nil i tcue tho capmln of noil in win win tltt r you tli waves of brief imtl dark ilesiialr will slifnti tomorrow with ruiiuiiko fair homo day your drwams will nil om 1 true wliuu you paddle- your own tanos murffurol duncnii w wky miss isiwty an a child jumai ulways auppoecd that uli mlntys uune was the in evitable consequeneenjf her gifts tho big luaclou pink antkjvhlte popper- mlntu tliat scorned to dwell an inex hhuntlllo supply id tho quttnr looklnb bluqk valval bug kha aha always car hod on tho street wo child avor pass- ad hor without roaalvlng one pooplu laughed und said that henry payno tho dfutrglat would have to so out of business if over aliso mjnty topped buying peppermint ah mian mlntys tiny cot tag there wat a ntone sax that always contained currant coo ida or juroblea every rhlld in tho village know that oooxy jar flagged eharpeyvd pallle bren nn from the- corners v to calllda father waa a drunkard and none of tho villain children had any thins t do with her ell op stopping at miss mintya for a call and a cooky ono afternoon nd finding calllo with a wlolo plato of cookie and a cup of cambric tea atood poochleaa callle with a plate of cookie and mia ujnty lookln 00 ahlnlngl i after calllo had ffona ah aprang up- at tho aurht of the other irl and ftllpped away eelilna two oookiea in one awlft mouon a qh left the table ulen aaicad heriamasod question la ahe nlce misa mjnty you look o nappr miav mjnty who abaently atroklnk ellen a hand wu atill vaslna after her dtner anioac looked ijown into the child a eyea at the quetj6n she waa hungry ulicn i amew aho la tiunxrr mgat of the time oh mut mlnty cried av her faded eyas flllod- rith aadden teara if only i cduld feed all tho hungry people in the world i the yeara flaw awlftly after that they changed ajllen qucidy although they did not aeem to change mlaa 1 mjnty at al but diirlngt ellena second winter at college uiai mint went quietly to alefp ana night and did not wake again eljen mlaaed the little figure that aummer hut when you are twenty many things call you nnd make you forget four years latei elln married and went to live in a city jf wu busier sull there eo buay that whan ooe afternoon ebe waa called down to see an agent whom katie le in by mistake her flrat im- pulaea was to refusq aharpty to jeo her goodji at ojl than aomethldg in the thin aharpeyed fac atlrred a memory for- aho realised it aba foa saying impulsively you look tired vwont you let m ivo you somottunat hot tea or choco- iter i the agent waa plainly tired and ingry although aba txled not to it as the door closed behind half an hour later ellen atood thinking a tender look waar in her 7a who had over beard of en- dowfnat a cup of tea t but that was what she waa going to do in memory of ml mlnty who had wanted to feed all the hungry persons bi the world brmmrmimrimi lfp 3tw refis ftljnrt tnrg osgood measures up ilki i hu vkuh i til k hurlt i oluitl lutlur ntlom mi i ik f ii w wl 11 pluyn it ill i mouiur up in rrrtuln i tin ill lit wlikl 11 jf nil all ii t ir horl in 1 iiliurt 1 kt i tf i iny 01 id nitdn y bi hhlllll 1 1 ahlrt rliim 1 ho hukuouiu i dryly nully wu ir unltltow und liupt rlud ucotii ilutlnir lu lu nu l lnt 1 to 1 iny iln 1 uil illlt ii i11i1u ri in lit 1 11 i il ly li ii i iiuv h n i i tvltl 1 koir luh i rf farming in mexico the canadian farmr and the mexi can fanner have np thing in common the mozloan farmer aaya a writer in s worlds work is a king wmong mil- uonairpa a modern imrtlviijr of tho fejottal lord of tht land ho aaya yon look across 0 joyel plain anil you ee a tnagnlaoent house of atone ceoiedt and timber ooverlng aeme- t timea aa much as bait an aore sur rounding it are other houaaa hun- drejla bfthenir but oil email eon- attuotod ot adobe brush ox even of cprnatalks you are not looking at lown but at ranch settlement in the great house which ooala more than all the little onu put together uvea j and his family in the f lltue houses live the peons the atypical farm in mexico la not ef one hlmdredand alkty acres but of a mlluo kn the state of uoreloa twantvefght haolendalos own all the r gnotmtlral uand twve own nine tents of it tho greamst part of the agricultural and graatng lands o chihuahua is owned by one family the million acre farm is moatly fal low although it la naturally a rich agricultural country mexico does not produce enough corn and peana to feed its own peon population modern machinery la needed but mqdorn ma chinery will never be used extensively as long as tne labor of the poop is so cheap thut his primitive methods ere less costly than machine maihodi ft fa increase in gold exports during january of thla year caaad 1 1 exported gold io thu value of rtl tie n lore indreosa over tho pracudlntf month and over joluary i9tt tin fhrurwrfor those toonilw weru tecnin ber itss 1 8li january irl 130071 these rlgurea luoluita tho value of all gold bullion ubtulned dli ectly front mtntog oparatlutie nug gets dusr and gold hearing quutt the whole quuntlty went lost month to the united state of silver contained in ore and centra to k cunada exported 181 91 6unoea valued at 3ji 1j1 it all went to the united btatea in december urfl wer fl j4b outictm i jgnuury 19 is r 18171 of ill ver bufllon canada exported lost month tp the yniied kingdom sn bit on noes w6rfh 4i38 to tbejjnlted t btatea 881464 ounces worth uumi to xlonkt kung 830 is ouneea worth bjji to chlnu 377 010 puneesv worth zld dso to japan 1 03o ounces worh b7 te tqtal miwot bul exported in jajiuury 10 0 wo 1 olttg ounce wortb 8fll u6 in t6emmr 1hi3 the ngures valued mtmdii and in ii mo ouncea worth j 3 ah 171 jlarb uurotd in ubholutt ly in tturixutt nfl ut uttundlng llfcun of youth with tilui tiyt null u hiiurti thin to whom uolf wua lb beginning n i the oil 1 f till tlllllgu ii hud tnttrid tolle finm tlio ixillwdule hohot1 um of llionu xclti live nuw lnblunit u udoinltju whtiro blua blooded uncimuy wmi onu of tho roiulromuntu of udtnlaalon lie had joined a fraternity of ccursu bud kui l for the football tam without muili hope of auccehji bad been defaaled foe the presidency of the froshman class and sftdr that had confined hut col logo actlvltlea to tho unclont hnd honowablo game of golf ho wanted in hie senior year to bo elected captain to tho great nut of tho student body ho appoavad to bt nonietlilng of mob in the first place ho spoke faultless english which la nut one of the striking charactorlatlca of cotlogp man in the second place he drove his ir a beautifully upholstered itodan the coat of which would havo given five boys their education mor over bo was inclined to be abor minded and to pass oven hi close au qualntances on the campus without so much as- a nod naturuliy u good many of but classmatea considered him upstage tbirtk too much of himself even to speuk to us the grumbled out herb following the peaceful round of his college days was utterly unconscious of any lack of friendjincau those of us who knew him best wore quick to recognise his sterling qua ti tles lie waa utterly without conceit loyal to the core generous and a hard worker in everything that ho under took to do and always in every ctr cumsulnce he wa a gentleman now with the annual fall cham plonshlp golf tournament under way herb gave his attention to making it a big success as chairman of the com inlttee he labored unceasingly tor 1 large list of en trie and on the second monday of tb term made an eloqueiit speech in chapel explaining the rules of play anc appealing for undergradu ato support orle of the results of that appeal was the appearance of jim os good at the alpha uelu houee later in tho day osgood was a member of the junior class but herb xxivelnnd know him only by sight their paths during the last two years had crossed only rare y and they had no interests in com mon for osgood waa 0 member of that bourageoua group at boys who wore working their way through col lege and had littlo timo for golf or fraternities or for liny thing except pure unadulerated work but herb greeted him pleasantly enough want to see roer ho asked when they were aeated an the porch of tbe chapter house osgood told hub rd like to enter the golf tournament herbs eyes opened a bit at that for the boybealde him looked anything but a golf player but he expressed no surprise thafa flno he said aulety play ed very much 7 soma osgood answered grimly tvhat olqbr the other boy smiled whimsically tbe greenwood country club ho announced herbjooked up quickly momentari ly surprised into silence the green- wood club he knew was one of the most exclusive organisations in tho state it didnt seem possible that osgood coud have been a member but be accepted the other boy a word without queatlon ive played thoae links a good deal myself be aald queer that i haven t seen you osgood smiled probably woujdn t havo known ma jt you had he declared i was one at the caddies obi neither boy spoke for a moment then the visitor arose qifeas iii be trotting along he sug gested i m wultltur table in tho commons you know und doing odd jobs on tle side this afternoon i ve got a floor to scrub kerb smiled uncertainly im glad you re coming in the tour nunent tie said and good luck to you they shook hands formally and attar osgood had gone doug bert who had been a silent but litter- jested onlooker turned quaslcul eyes to his chum what do you know about thutr asked herb apparently did not know very much about it fellows lke jim os good were rathef outside his ken ile dotn t look exactly like a golf er he said and i don t think that he own even u pair of knickers umbert add ed s t herb pondered the words seriously wejijt won 1 matter much lie said after a moment only hop he plays according to the rules of th game i a man doean t have to be u million aire to b u gentleman ijumbnrt hub gesied i euppasa not 11 orb admitted but his eyee were pustled ho had iid been cotiimuird with u gof tournament in- whtth miljluii played caddlea his experience pud batii sjnillj buys wbo urrled tlubs and ratriuvud lout bulla however be pi unaptly forgot about jim coim in the pressure of hi dullo 143 chairman of thu touriuinum oommlttuv and tleyotiiit all of itie pr 4ilni at hu dlapoaul to prucllslng 01 tbw link his own propots tor vio tury wttro bright a your uiu in buii bfen piinci up to noel jotinson now with ndil graluated he wu ths logical lhoke or tltu uhumplonshlp thai it herbs illimitlon would 1o uis biggest honor which could como to him id uksto win all right iumbert aaaured him unleas of ooure aum unknown frealimun should happen to boat you but herb who had thoroughly can- lutr iiiinds jlut yuii yen lit aimroapf 1 tygr 1 ywx twinkle 1 in of hih nfrcctlnn fot herb jxivu his chum uniusol tllia brcatly m and limn jim onfctnl aliu strung 1 ibluk 111 a brim ftluikn of hln liu i uirni il to wiislri w t v taltiili lhr iv ntrokei 1 i rlllll 1 link i ilipl i mr r it no onn naw you i m hurt uttgi it loen t mitkt in anyone saw me we ii iiunl it thut tnhkrni tlm u was untortu 111i1 h wi rt rults furlhtr 1 1 11 1 1 f ki omui i i nit 1 c i in rodulouslf lo 1 nnnwil ami ly dlfturnnrm wbetjui r not tlm ii or or dt eld 1 o utruki h iviirh imll f c mill tmit jim ouui ol wlthumi bent nti ills bull fh hob his own i wttlkt il out bin hi vassed the studept body waa certain ohes town p tim miiy whp- eemed to hay a eharico against that triere was no second bobby fid sh fraahbyji hlg tlm only man fc i6o7 onooek worth tifi 1a janilary jt luitkiq ounoesv fl worth- jtio qjc it is jmerestlng ta vat aljy rata note thht the exports of gold from canada inoreasedifrom 4a41 dur ulg the twelve moqu ended janiia ii lt a 14eirmr in ule twa nwratm eaiiuary 1 llli him war doukf jlarabir and h haxf bealaii 90 wlut morfoitopoua regulari tj dorinr the past pint years ousd htmaeli vasfut- u tat retched and then hi bo vturlng tl o illm lotbes too herb lot ked tii wimploloiily wi ho eald hut what intrroalu no mostly if whether or not till ftd low oaiiuod will moiihuro up to t siaiidurds of hie game whut atanlurdn humph ijimf ert gruntel liut it was the ftitmo itelf and nut is jttiuidmtta which irttoresto vhon hi rnportrd at the ouhtry rhw flrtxt ufternooii for tlie flrt roun 1 of tlm tournament after be bad dresaod he strolled out to tho tee 10 hnd jim oag0 altlng him und at the sight f tin other boy h 1 grinned oagood wort u liriwn flannel khlrt openld ut tin nock durk jrny trtws tennis shoes llvsldu him gaiiit die boncli was a dll upldated oanvaa bug contulnlng nvc alubs jambort regarding them auil ousiy noiert a biaterd hrasslo 11 heavy putter which bad etn better days a comparatively mw ml i iron i arpud mashl and a niblick bouiii irefully with blaon tape gome outfit hi thougltl osgood as if run ling his mind not ded easily 1 m not much on the ciube be aald but it takes more than an inlaid drlv or to make a golfer you know it euro dta imhert o greed tho succeeding two hours proved tho truth jot the statement osgood playing carefully and with grim con contrutlon made the drat nln holes in fortyone and wr throe up at the turji whutevor might be aald about his clubs he at least knew how to use them ad on tho fifteenth sreen he sunk a twenty foot putt which gave his man unquestioned victory xoug lambert who had expectod tc survive the early rqunds of the to merit without difficulty watched tbe ball trickle into he cup nnd thoi lald deserved tribute to tho winner you ro wlxgrd he said quietly and its an honor to be beaten by n player like you osgood accepting his hand nodded gravely thank you he anowored i wish that wo lioth could hay won iimburt remembering what hoib lvolnnd bad said about the rules of 1 game smiled whimsical if things go according to sohodulp he announced you ii most iovelan 1 tn tho third round and the man who comes out ahead in that match is cor lain to win j bo tournament it ln t tho wjnnlng that count osgood told him gruvow so much as the ploying of tho gump they walked together to the jocki raome and on the nxt afternoon when osgood played his second round doug ljunbert accompanied him aod ho was also present on tbe following friday when the two best players in touroattiont began the match which would surely decide the ultl mate winner harb lovelnnd immaculate in tweed knickers and imported hoe met hia opponent on the loo nnd offered hl hand tho contrast between tbe twi boys was striking tbo one the typical golfer with tho best clubs that money could buy tbo other poorly dressed with a bag which would haye shamed novice they tossed u coin and herb won the honor driving squarely down the fairway hitiamed to the wafting o good and bowed formally his oppon ent swung easily and matched his own drlvo in both direction and distance they found when thoy started from the toe thut osgood had no ca i- dle i can t afford one ho uiplalnej bluntly and my bug isn t so heavy that i cant carry it myself i herbs lips opened in quick protest oh i say htf began but doug lambert out him otf i m csddyjng for osgood myself he unnounced 3d tho game continued with a small gallery following furiously and watch ing eagerly ouch suctoedlng shot at llrst turn the two playoni were all oven herb xiovnland playing qulutly and with only occasional commant found it hard to adjust himself to the sltua ion he hud never played before wt an opponent who used such imitated club or who was uttlred in sucn evident contradiction to his own idea of the right things to wear oolf lu had always considered a gentlemau a same and gentleraen aid not waar brown flannel shirts und frayed trous era and yet as thi match progsesaeo his taspoct for his opponent grew in- lnaalnkly stronker osgood playetl cleanly fairly understood the rules of the links and udhured to thorn but sooiiar or luttr herb lo vela nil told himself hull full to mousure up lu thu utandurd but when n 1 the ifteenth hale os good lioukoil into rough gruuml and look three strokus t utrlcute him ssjf ha gave no hint of angry pror 1 ped it nil iri ly uik sont it in u llim iio tup hut ho to wan elitu t tnmw to a jliu ring hull 1w inrlieji fit m i a moment lu laud corapletd ongood krinnm green nnd he i gongmtulutlonn bo huld harb took tlm ulmli ni in i ban i oallouned by hard work null grii pi it cruahlngty whatt ver hi n mulch he di clai goos to you to tht vlrltii it it tin it oqttnod answered and to tho vun iiuh l jltrl tho hntlufactlon that un only mm playlnc hn aurne llkt u mun und a gontlufiiun joug ijimbert watrhjiig ptnnlnrl himself a smile but ho kntw t veil as he stepped forward to off of hie own ngratulatlonn thil herb iovtrlun1 the winning of bs golfsnutoli ha learned a lesnqp that wim litllnltnl oro valuable than any vh lory h ultl posulbly have won in thh lluhkju ul the novices mistake in tnles of tho 1 lying bervlceh mr o tlrtiy loll about a strangu antry in tlw ohlclal roport pf an 1 itlcer who irad recontly joined the set vice and win sent to 1uhs n unaplanu through lb test for the icngllah navy ho bad go up as ti t luhonanr with tho constructors pilot and to keop a log of what occurred during the test this is what he put down idc a m left slip 0 10 a m altimeter shows 300 feet ubovo sea 0 12am curious phenomenon met a sea gull flying backward thai mount that the machine flying at the rate of about eighty miles nn hour overtook n sea gull whloh is not a fast flyer going at about forty miles an hour and that up in tiro air without any batfkground to give a proper sense of direction the bird looked aa u it were flying towuil them tall first probably hi uljlcor knows better now the oricf of a child y i in j be huvti yen t n no noon irrt mo ur brili rilm7 ttiir ly t hi 1 i ivo m id llioni nil 11 h i 11 i unki t ptli i tlltt if i11trt- i hu ll ul up 111 1 1 hi in n hi in uytm ulliy worn pi tilled in nt horn wnti t 1 y b longing t 1 i nfto iooh nut 11 vr in nil i llu m i tilt 1 1 nmy 1 bin nmy be r 11 i utt nu iu5ily ii n mlnilulm lnb niur wllrrn ii i ilt ol in th mul it 11 story v it ptmb tbor is iminothlng tragb ub ut tin writ f mi mcl it nt f r which nl tin ol lr irni l iwii by a brukt n 1iui1 hut b b ty r limit t mliifr tunn asa 1 artlul one othtt blesilnut r main in lift iiulntwrli uiln tm in lost njit 0 f r tho thllcl tho hoiiv tins turn bin k tht rmn ifulox ujo a muro primp d tho 1 oi uvid tllvi r isuin bi mrt u nuiijiery duncribch pay l rnctmt 1 iikllflh wrllvi his om mntrr with a ultl hut bttji nnnt with ttlxpem i lt mul hud loot tin inrnay hu in 1 wiih hi ldi n lii bin urms njfahiitt a m tiunk nnd ik was tryltu hit lorly llu mum bive i von tht ro u long timof fot hi wu ul in 1 in 1 t xhuuot il nltliuugh hi still ml stmikth io ittiftor mich mbu ry an i tin bur illy la described him lmronts wrt vldtntly very poor but ulcuetomt i to acl juntly und the llttlu fellow wim ovcrwhulmotl not so much with fear of tolling them nl fault uo with tluspalr at the actual injury bo hud don thorn it was piti ful to iu lb sonjia of niflporuilblllty dnmlnutlnb tin nature at so curly an iibo tho fruquuni 1 11 hor it unto of hon est j ovurty tn b uhln to heal to rrun u wound by u slnglo slxponro was nothing hhort 1 f a mlruclo but thorp i no miracle which onti wipe out the pain of the mem rj of suvh pain thw compoiihauon tor childhood a oilier woes 1 found jh childhood cay joya a dandfllon in gold a rug doll js a parisian wonder lind a barrel hoop la tho gift of a ftitryurinco wban we are flvo yenni ol 1 tho market of the nursery paya w high priro for even the smollaut boncflt ijlussed and thrice blesaed is ho who moke the uilldren happy pigs first the following brief and pointed dja loguo appvarod in 1umh visitor- my good man you keep your pigs much too noar tbo house cottager that s just what the doc tor said mum but t don t see how its aguin to hurt m fur fittest silks or coarjast woottnf laundry that makes clothing money go farther your sheer lovely things crepe fine silks lire will bo found to wear much longer laundered this wjy icrlmpa as much as 0 and your r loth jug money buys jum that mucl more i thcie snowy white ennkjy lake til piirrat sop do not harm the moat fragila abnea if anything miry brighten and renew dchotc colors the foamy amis mn tains nothing injurious but it gently ditiotvcs and removes all dirt and anil palmouvr irinccss soap ilakis art used by thouaani of women for all waahinu ami hoirrh d purposes they really coat no more than the mod ordinary soaps for they are nothing hut pure aoap and so jjo ninth fatlhef use tlicm in the waahing machine for t lie- null hand wash wherever you need soap in handy one pound packages ask your dealer for them today the palm olive company of canada liraluj toroou pt molivc jess s flakes thc game of initials n amusing way of ontortulnlng a groyp of friends is to teach tbiim tho game of initial provide each player with paper and pencil and rtm i ulnud the following questions what is your favorite aooupatlont what is your jtfijeccjanjcaccriallcl jjar uojarou most admiro7 what la your pet avor- 1 what is your favorito book what la your principal artlolw of dll7 the only condition of thu game i thaf each play or shall answer every question with words that begin with her own initials thus a girl named mary anne smith might jjfvo a the unawer to the flrat question making artistic stories nnd she might fur ther state that her chlof characteristic most amusing severity and so on the answers of course will vary but reading them aloud la sura to create merriment other questions to add to those given hore will auggast them selves success leads to satisfaction j w kennedy son plumbingrheatlng tinsmnbing tho success of work in scores of homes and business places in acton 1 if guarantee that we arc in a fjoition to assure you satis faction we will appreciate your order and will execute it with promptitude main street acton thai uo bad herb told him its ui in the game tht other toy answered und on the ifex driv he eluinuied the ball more uin twp ftuh tired yurds down the fahway win tilng lit iu im made the score sll oven uguti und when they loth pby ud the ti sunoetdlng holes jp pur liu wailed qulutly on the unui tm while lovultnl ulteptml tho honor aiitl drove pn riist may tlu bast mun win i herb said rim othur i oy noddod driving o lotto ly und far hlju by side they wulked uurum the glsamltig fulrwuy to where the bitllii were wuilng 4 a liuudie i yards away tbti gmttti gllltcihi in tbv sutishiiis httb stduvt lug a luuvy niashls pllclitf elveil to within hteen feel of t aup loot mhot osgotwl taking ills siutice swung dullbtiiatily his wurpod niashle mot tho bull rjuurely and oarrled it in jllgh uruvtralghl for thu pin htrlklug th a round it back 1 un ahurply an cume to a hilt within ton rust of tli hole iaveuuu1 tutthui uwuy hat tiltnaolf for ttn pull whhh miifht uiuaii vlotory or defeat with nuripwt l oy ho measured tho dlhlunci hcsliatud for th bttresvf niomoiit and tap od rbn had it rrtliej slowly but urely for that ottp wavered and mmu to a hull lx inoheg abort zjtrb his fees lrapivt ujnsd lo o bad been efouativil on tht jrrean measuring his qwn dletamo tjirs strokes for hpvebmd and two fba fllaiai aoorrr an this is your chance to win a 450 piano or a 150 phonograph free first prize one 450 piano second prize one 150 phonograph third prize one 150 credit voucher for the best neatest and most original correct answers to this puzzle also additional credit vouchers these prizes wilt be awarded absolutely free first prize 450 piano second prize 150 phonograph third prize 150 pppchaswo vouches addltlontl purchasing vouchers worth 125 thb above prizes will be given absolutely free tf you do not own a piano you should send a i solution to this puzzle we have already awarded six 450 pianos and six 150 phonographs to lucky winners as well as many other prizes absolutely free this is purely a piano phonograph and radio advertising campaign for a manufacturer and the instruments will be displayed and sold by one of the local dealers the contest closes aug 6 and all answers post marked later than that date will not he accepted do not wait until the last day simply get busy today and solve the puzzle then send your reply and remember that the prizes go to the best neat est most original correct answers 35j of w can you solve this puzzle it cau be done directions tho dots in the lllustmtioji in this nclvcr tiuintnr when properly cdniteoted form an outline of tho head of a very prominent person tho puizle is to proporly connect these dots so ihii you citn recognize una name the person thus represented tho nmne should bo wrlttm ut the bottom of the hnlshed drawing contest extended to august 6ui lvil instructions writs your name carefully and plajnly to the best neatest moat original correct answer witf tw given one 450 piano absolutely free to tho next beat neatest most original correct answer will be given a 150 phonograph absolutely free tothenext best will bo given a 150 pur- chiutlng voucher acceptable on any piano or playerpiano shown additional purchasing vouchers worth 125 will be given to the nixx best fifty wibwers things to remember answer may be submitted on this or on separate sheet of piper or other material there is no llniifr to the else of the solution only one member of each family should lend a solution employees of tjie newspapers carrying this announcement should not enter this contest persona engaged in selling pianos should not enter this is a plana advertising campaign and the first prise will go to some family which does not rwn a piano tor this reason families which are supplied with pianos should not enter all solutions entered are and hall remain the property of canadian selling agents etch and every con- tealarit entering a reply hereby agrees to abide by the decision of the judges from which there shall be no appeal gather the family avound and let them all take a part in the solution of this puzzle someone will gets flat jmano foroaly a few moments wor this may be the lucky day for you or your family take th time now so prk this problem bnd your solution cjtsfulljr addressed nd carrying tne pjqflt amhrny of postage tq the canadian sallinkajantb 409 barton street bast hamilton ont ct- x address all answers o canadian selling agents 409 barton street east hamilton ontario r i i i i certify cqttfon i sbmp vonafoiyfttb today t tr amnp cer a

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