ht return sftt tt fiftieth year no 0 thursday morning august 7 1024 acton ontario canada thursday morning august 7 1924 single copies five cents the methodist church acton hv josephub culp pastor parsonage willow 8t 10 no u m sunday school 1 1 oo i m thi minister suhjertr the way ir flood to llftlnr 700 p m the minister subject vltr that fasten oo busj hand a special invitation to young mn presbyterian kndx church acton minister rv a c suwth m a man willow street 10 00 n m illhle 3iuhh 10 00 r m hundny school 1100 as m hev wllllmn kindhiy 11 a medina n v kin liny b transom leaving address with the ushers will bo called upon by the pajitor all ark cordially invited clearance is one big opportunity after another special notices for sale illilk house ii looms por parti eulnrs upply to lf iiox 162 acton wanted several do v- maker stonily w also three outside makers won apply to ba stouey jiovk company for sale iaw brick house eight rooms tl modern convnidences lor particulars apply to stephen cohdineb mill street acton rooms wanted furnished rooms wanlixl with light housekeeping privileges by t cache f and two atugcnl dosiro uo of piano apply to boj to kkek runia office lost in the vicinity of hock wood ladles large brawn bund hag containing small urn of money letters hand ua paper etc fjnder ploaao leave with wit lantz reward telephone orflce acton farms for sale 4fi farms in the counties of halton and weiungton varying from 40 to 200 acres let us send you our ilal x number of home and buslnes places in acton for aale ittre and life insurance money to j a smith naal estate agent phone 105 acton out many men wanted in western canada for tractor posi tions big wafteft kit yourself to earn a larger aalary special tractor course now on at the famous hemphill auto and daa tractor school for full particular and free catalogue apply hemphill trade schools ltd 163 kin st w toronto upholstering and repairing mr w merk linger an experienced furniture upholsterer will be in aoton for two weoki full lines of imported tapestries velours silks and mohairs if you wish your work done in your own home this can t arranged estimate cheer fully furnlahed repair to auto mobile upholstering also promptly executed order may be left at johnstone co furniture store or tltg fkkb puium otnce w merklinoeir voters lists 1924 municipality of the village of acton in the countv of h alton no lien 1 hervhy giv compiled with hut lion i that i in of the voters lists arf nud thut i have mmi1 up at my uinco at acton ontario on in 3th ay f j 14 the list r uii persona entitled to vote lit ih said municipality for tnvnilivrx parlia ment r niumlmtn ut the legislative aaaemlly of the province and for municipal elections und that much flat boraalnm there fjirjaiuiia lou apd i hrrtby lull uimiii ull votorji tq taktt immiilutu iiiovtxkiliikw l lwv anyamrrt lir uutlaalima correrted ao- pordlna l luw the iuh duy fur appeal belna- the lqoi day or auaniat 1114 h n kaumkit h clerk if the vlllugf of acton j wonderland fridav august b tbts mohycoddle htrrlic 1ukih kuh hunk comedy cieathiri dundy lioi iio4ul hllrt life oaturdavt august 0 all fox ktofcrarame ipoludln pn lvatm kuy cornedy v ktlui uloiml rd and k ntwit kilm mr hamilton of tonnlu v up- ear in a tuualcal art tuesday august 12 out of luck mtarrlntf oot lllni chuplui 0 ut the way of u mui cumcdy huth a life c0min0 vyte darling of new yorit with lty pemty k u ckegoky son all the wpmeifs and misses vnmv tubable iwks- one third off modes beloved of summer simple graceful alluringly dainty crepes voiles ratines etc dollars sheared from their regular pricings and a splendid selection from which to choose regular 500 to 2600 clearing at 3js to 1733 news of local import acton flower show tho pvlxe hat for actona third an nual flower fhow will be laaued on kat unlay a aplendld tlat of society and miclol prlsee huvo been provided kniry ftinnli and mela y be a ecu rod mvtfihrr or the committee uat he in thi linnda of th not lutxr than monday auu the armenian fi tla aubncrlptlutin in aid nton lu n kuiul con i time t the followlns la a lint to irevlounly ucknowledved smilor i o d 1c john mudonuld lawrence ilrldsrar 11601 9e 3 ho 25 00 t n oo 16b os 298 for cream flnnnd skirts in novelty pleats re gular 45 onethird off all the sleeveless sweaters sum mers smartest styles models of wool regular 225 to 6 clcaripg it 150 to 400 silk kinds regular 475 to 700 clcaritrg at x17 to 467 all the millinery at frac tions of regular prices boys suits clear ing at 900 values up to 1300 in this clearance sizes 8 to 17 years each suit with an extra pair of bloomers fine tweeds and fancy homespuns all the fashionable tub fabrics at clearance savings 100 for slipover dresses of printed percales and ging hams with colored bindings and organdie trimmings regular 150 and 175 38c for kiddie gingham dresses 6 to 12 years small sizes with bloomers match ing formerlyspecials at re gularly 120 young mens suits at 91500 two and threepiece models in light and dark shades tweeds homespuns and palm beach clothes sizes in the group from 34 to 38 hand some savings wallpaper savings count up immense reductions on all lines left in one and two room lots savings that will count up to good advantage if you are planning to keep down home expenditures d e macdonald bros ltd guetopits leading and largest stoke weekend specials marshmallows we have the finest line of marsh mallow we ever carried we have toasted peanut and plain vanilla they arc nice and mellow always fresh regularly 40c lb weekend special 32c lb assorted chocolates our assorted chocolates are wonderful scllcn there is a large range of flavors in the cream centres and several lovely hard centres the chocolate coating is of tho finest quality regularly 40c lb weekend special 32c lb our ice cream menu 6 these are the days when every oncenjoys something cool ing either an ice cold drink or nice dish of ice cream our menu has a full list of each why not try them and be con vinced we carry a full assortment of brick and bulk ico cream mill street acton h wiles we wilt save you ueney if you will lat u august midsummer clearing sale all lines of footwear for men women and children during the month of august oxfords strap stoppers boot of all kinds canvas shoes tennis shoesv hosiery bags and suit cases big reductions to clear we must have the room foh new fall stocks buy now for the whole family and have money harry harrison the shoe man naw llttee of travelling bag and suit caaaa two feyal brotharw coming i huyul lllchncna tho duk i york wil uccomwny hi hrtxhor tho i prime of vulem on hln vlalt thla fall j to hit alhnrtn ranch thr royal party all from knland onauguai 31 itoaalblo that both tho royal i prtmjcu will attend toronto kxhlbl- thoy will rocolvo u royal wl i rattftf tram canadian everywhere inatltuu cardan party nxt tuaaday nitjci tuoaduy u tho day wot for thd unnuul burden imrty of acton womenu inatltuln tho itoh wllaon kun co havo immi onkuffod ua tho entertulnoni tho ovonln thla company cam- i bom itoh wllaon humoroua entor- incr iiltoy kinney a t c m lertalnor joan halo aaprano nco jtonnlck monoloiuei and niualc- nkotcho tho acton cuiaena 11 nd ii olao uaalat in thla iiroanunme mr coorro itlllmor u- i p for llal- lon wfll ih chalrmun for iho ovonlnff- horn dq furtouoh mlut iluth noloon who went to ilrttlah columbia for mlaalonary work under tho aunplco of the wamonn mlmmlunury society of tho methodist church ovti yoara ago returned home last saturday on furloush mlu nal- non apent the flmt year and a half at ptart slmpwon aa a teacher in the indian glrla school there the achool deatroyed by are and than for u time aha was a member of the mla ionartf alaff at coqualelxa b c for tho pant threo yearn ahe has been th tender of the general munlonary ioard school for indian children at jclttamat 11 c she ftnda rainy chanfm in the old home even in ave year ulaa melaona friends her are plouaud ty aee her in the old home civic holiday in acton afternoon and evening eventa spoiled by the downpour of rain 0mmi weather h evorythlnc to do with maklnif or mnrrlnf any outdoor function and tho weather on monday certainly apollod the days oventa that had been planned the nrat ball samo wu between acton oand lllllnliur the campbellville team did not show up until after two oclock and thla made a rhanin of schedule nocoasury in th first nuno acton tried out three pitchers and by thn tlmn thnlr laat one cot hla curves breaking rlghl itlllnhuric was so far ulnnil that acton wns hopeless tit calhuft up matthew on thn mound for illllsburir was protty safe at holding any hitters acfon wis ahlo tit put up however and it was a comparutlvnly easy win for iiiiis- hunf the score was 73 in tholr tavor when tho first downpour of rail camp on in the soventbdnnltibm thn crowd rood nuturedly wultotl fo tho ruin to rnumi and sawdust wai uaod to dry up tho uround uhout jhi liases thn second same betwoen campbellville und itockwool hud just ot nicely under way when tho second rain came on- llonkwuixl was lead hut only about two inning had bein played this rain left tho ground in such condition that further play w impossible and tho tournament had to h called off the band mualcal trout in the evoit- irig- nad also to tte postponed al though it did not rain aguln th evening thn uroutxls witro in wtfcl condition thut i l thought lest to ikmitponc the unulr nw nrrungo- ments have boon made and the music al tret will lm hold on frtduy evening august lth tin- programme planned for monday evening will bo given on that evening when it is to bo ho pel mure fuvorsblo weather will be en joyable for this annual event which is looked forward to by acton llund fana the dunce in the evening was not largely uttended either visited the old home after 30 vsars mr and mrs walton puree i ol uloveravtlle n y made a very en joyable visit to acton during the week mrs iuroell was miss masgto ilrtuy whoso birthplace was here and tfho apent her early schooldays under the late principal thomas t moore tomatlng incidents of the visit wi call at tho old home at the corner of church and lyederiek streets und visit to the old school and tho rooms were mrs purcoll was u pupil in her childhood mr and mra isaac ilajter of wuterdown and miss doris uawi of johns hopkins hospital of balti more mil accompanied them and a plcnlc was held on the school rounds cliulrman moore of the board of edu cation and mrs moore ware guests at ihi happy party rev w l pindloy and family hare hev w u klndlay u a mr kind lay und children of medina n y moturod to aoton lust week to spend their holidays here this es teemed former pastor of knox church was given u very cordial welcome by our cltlxens both mr and mrs- find- luy uro enjoying their visit very much on sunday riev mr flndlay occupied his former pulpit with great accept ance both morning and evening ker- t uonpr messages were delivered both services mr flndlay was persuaded to sing at each service and his solos were enjoyed as of yore a mosaage cum on friday evening alat- ing thut one or his parishioners nt medina hud suddenly passed away he immediately took tho train for tor- by crossing iake ontario hy bout wus enabled to reach medina kl unlay afternoon he returned acton on sunday morning be v mr kindluy will occupy the pulpit uf ix church again next sunduy phil forbes still defying law t reiono to a up from a neighbor inspector heevely and chief mao- phorson r went to nassagsweyu lajtt tvlneaday to investigate the reported locution qf un illicit still on the old chuso farm they found ji well- o4tulpe4l pjiuit ahd four full burrvls of liewlymade mush with a view to intercept lug- the luoonshluer who wua nor of the plant they proceed oil ward a retired spot to await de- loptnents aa they were proceed ing to their place of rendezvous phil rites fhe suspected owner of thn ittll came nlon he spiod the of- fliflrninj becacne vrlse ut onee as to reason fur their presence he was psnlod by hla father george kurbus und ourdaa oallagher and thy drove tit u direction away from tho still iteallslnf that u would then lw dimeult to detect porbea ut the still so that ownership oould be prov en the ulnueni returned and destroyed plant completely it was only a pie of weeks previously thut for boo wum uouvloted before p m shields for oiteratuia a stilt inquiries about robert swan information with regard to the wti- wtors and descendanta of hobert bwun yho named acluu ontario would be welcomed by mr h v mtioro editor of tub aon vut pkkss of that town mrmoorv has boyhood tikvinurles uf mr swuli who died 111 1870 und wu burled in the oll churohyaid of his udoptod town but very 11 it in is known of his untneedenu there are families in acton middlesex bearing he honored dame swan but there has been no upmrtunlty to us- certuhi whether they are relatlve or descendant- of the worthy hobert kr know anything- about him any in formation on the aubject should be eiot m mr j taylor secretary of the acton chamber of commerce who will forward it to mr moor by whom it will o gratefully received by the way mr w t dafenimirt president of tho aoton chamber of commerce is a native of aylmer ontario and h knows the neighboring town or aoton very well anion gut he canadian ntwaimprr men visit hi england with mr moore is mr o ii hate ml i tor of tin- packet orlllla onturlo who is a lluoul dosaendent or sir matthew halt- the old acton worthy ajid famiiuu urd chle juatloe of the restoration mr and mrs moore will probably be itokuit of tho chumbrr or cnm- iiirh ii tholr outing to trtnti park next w k ami ujijoy tlio exparlence of seeing soma typical rural mother land sosnary acton kuju oauwtte advance acton uear sir in the issue of tiih actum vuwm puds of july 11 there was un articlo in tho editorial column under the heading a place for real service it appeared to me that the place for real service at present would be the council chamber the council saem to have lost interest is the beautiful town they i nn ligihjpvi nj achemo iut forth hy the commuiilty for the benefit of the cltlxens una for the at traction f others oipaldo receives scant com take for instance the motor camp a suitable place would bring many people and many dollars to act other towns smaller than acton ore reaping a benefit hy having u tourists camp then again tho swimming pool for boys and girls a place where they could play in safety and thus elimln ate the possibility of drowning fatau ties which occur in some places during the summer in unguarded spots and still again a suitable placo for our band to play on not that rickety old stand in tho park these are th little things that want looking into attention to such as these woulj make acton th ideal place for manu facturers to locate prospective manufacturers always take notice of the advantages the towri offers for all concerned it can be said without fear of contradiction that every organisation und institution in town is solid for u irogrusalve acton your correspondent is strongly in favor of a chamber of commerce an organisation of this kind would be u great help to the town from every innilpolnl of course one cannot ex pect tho council to do everything- at once but the least they might do is to make a start it is not very pleasant to road tho articles relative to tho council it must give others the impression that they have not sufficient c dignity or pride the council must remember that the articles which we read in the columns or our local paper are read quebec vancouver england and australia so wake up gentlemen of the council und lot your slogan bo advance acton and you will have every clttxen behind you your for a progressive town h oshea acton august g 1034 on the wlin greens aoton wins mercury cup in mixed tournament in and win milton the mixed bowling tournament at milton on wodnesduy of last week i acton rink composed of mlu m nelson mrs 1- cloavo and messrs w j aouldajid p u harrison skip was successful in winning the prlxo for this tournament them worn 3 rinks competing the prlaus for tho ladles were drtixod silver tuuidlo- stloks und ror the men wulnut candle sticks on thursday evening a huchaitau sweeny it i harrison and w j uould skip went to ouelph to finish the game ror the mercyry cup the score of the unfinished game was 811 with ends played acton was success ful by winning by one shot and brought the mercury cup to acton i cup has been on exhibition in the show window of mr harrison on saturday four rinks from ouelph ime down for a friendly gameaolon was again victorious by three shots the afternoons playing tenth anniversary of the war bl observe th date when th germany army invad that country on moiuluy tho tenth umilverwury uf the invasion of belgium in the world war tat 3i ouluck in the morning the hour at which mi august 4 1v14 iho rlrst german troops crosapd th belgian frontier the sirens oil tho belgian fa o lories uml tho whistles of locomotives und strtumnhlps guv tht migiml for u minutes silence many of the inhabitants wi li tears when after his brief lntervj1 th bells rang out from avry brry recalling belgiums llberuttou after her uffarlng no pernor who ha visited the scene of the oennan invasion of un innocent and nonoffending country could view the scenes of tho huvoc and desola tion and loss inflicted without provo cation without feeling thut lerdmny wum un liufiniliug und unjust mid hrutul nation nud absolutely without reguiit fol tlui rlghlh an i foldings of others the finest sum pie of tlow potatoes of lha seuson were brought in tho othr day hy mi juhn jt koninyly these ueie grown on the huinfpv propei ty uur the cnuadluu notional i lull way at the culvirt mi k uuinit v has transforuiod this barren plot to n vary productive gaxdau in englands attractive country places at ktratfordonavon iteantiful devon and in wales the canadian editors party visit charming places make new friends after spending nearly two weoku in lxindun it wonderful metropolis of urn british empire und indeed of the world hu momlxir of tho canadian weekly newupaiwfv auaorlutiou om- menced tholr tour of he rural districts and adjacent eltlrs and towns of eng land and scultutid the first stop wum ut iamlngt warwickshire hero thu mliitrul baths were vial tod und th bouutlful jepli gurdehs said to b tlio tlnost niiiulclpal gnrdoiui in england a drive of half ati hour in charohucs from leu ml tig t brought us to wurwlck castle t home of henry vii and rendered very familiar in english history timj castle is well preserved it has many features of keen interest numerous beautiful pictures by tho early masters und relics of many ruro kinds wo in spected st muiys church beuu- champ chupol und then drove through wurwlck to mtrutfortlonavon there we vinluxl the blrthplai o of wllltrfyi hhauoupean- holy trinity church where he is buried tho memorial theatre und anno huthuwuys cot tage where hhokwummro court el his wife siuikcsjmiaros homo und tho huthuwuy cottugo are in an excellent stale of preservation considering thut they are between four und qvu hun dred years of age tfordjtnavun is tho meccu jf thousunds of literary folk who love shakespearean writings or pretend they do und through thoso visitors the community lu largely maintained charges arc tnodo ut ull tho hhaka- ifeaeo points for permission to ent the kodak is also taboo as the bj of picture post cards and portfolios of photograps is a largo sou roe one of our party who is an expert with the camera succeeded in getting a snapshot before he observed the sign a fine of one guinea for making photographs it turned out when developed to be a very superior view of anne hat ha ways cottage another interesting historical pol visited when we made leamington u centre was uio ruins of kenltworth castleploco immortalised hy sir walter scott in one of his most popular novels kenltworth was one of tho largest and most famous castlos of tho early days in british times it was a magoltl cent piece uf architectural design an skilfut construction its banqueting hall was the largest england in th days when charles 11 und hb satelltea flourished while in ruins today many of the wull stand in mute teat y of past grouiness and social social andpcrsonal uiyl mr h noble if tor- is holidaying in i mis friend marjory held is i in toronto mltuww jmn and am run to were home dr and mrs lollop motor trip t ottawa lr j c matthew in toruulo his week neighborhood news- town and country churchill sited friitiidj mr will uuhortsounf toronto wu- me over the holiday mr twn morton of toronto wuj hnmii over tho holiday miss myrtle mill tt toronto wm homo over the holiday miss frances hurst if toronto wis hum ivrr the wiokcml mr lonlon hugaert ingersoll was u noltday visitor 1 town mr will i trial or of toronto wum home over the weekend mr willie elliott spent tho week end with friends in milton mr kenneth mckinnon is holidaying it his homti in brurehridge miss elvu uron of toronto is holl- laying with acton relatives mr and mrs b llnwaon und me ma npent jiuliduys at inrt iiver eldu alia holidays in i la spending itracehridge mr charles lllndenbrand lindsay nllel on rrtends in lowifon ltlday miss jelo morton is apendlng few holidays with relatives in oshawa mr krod smith installing u radio homnsteud rho hay rop in harvested und iho being cut owltig to tho abi his vuia vice l tho f the rourth lino uet nt ho family now pretty well iiile nfltov mr ion uutru was no hero la ut sunday crewsontp corners mr nld mrs th nl4s rcn und daughter und mra wunliut l of tor- onjo hiit kumluy ut th n honta of mr vllllam icniilh the farmers hi u re all humy liuy- inc tho iwy in ti u vu inity u h heavy crop this yuur th tralnc on tho highv y la in- rrcui ng each wejk to jruls with tholr liuggatiu iawa il rough hero horn all parts it- the jirov lice rockwood car driven by joseph lienluim of erumoaa toarnahlp figured in un u cldent un sunday evening lour tho knur corners with u utruiigo car tho wo autowooounjtlmfijtlier wlh grfttt force hnud on doing conslderahli ilumugn to both eiirn mr honlinm was accomiminlod in his cur by miss iunham and mr 1 rudd uf erucnoba ihlp none of tho occupants of mrs thomas mack ol tsltvd her daughter mrs bert evert on hn lam the bay a hundred yean ago oi i resent venurutlon fur uncle nl castles und pauces evidently did nut exist tho owners of the nulla property at tliat time took from tho ruins suf ficient of tho stnno and other material to erect a very commodious mansion a few yards to thu oust of tit original kenll worth castle und this is now occupied by his descendants it la said to be a magnificent place und ban 1- aumely furnished the old castle evi dently uvea in tho hearts of tho people of two hemlanhurva u thee is a con stant stream of visitors to inspect it quito tt town bus sprung up in iti vicinity and the people thoro mak tholr living wholly out of the tourists warm hospliulity wuu extended to thu visiting journalist hy thu mayor iteration ut both tea tiling ton and wurwlck who tundered splondld banquets ut imjui towns thu staf fordshire and warwickshire news paper society also extended favors which were greatly appreciated from loumlugtun wo went down to toryuuy in teautlful devon in the south u england torijuuy is una uf tho most beuutirul seaside resorts it england it is not like most of tho placo wo visited in respect to its place in history until ulxmt on hundred yours ago it was tuorvly a llxhlng village about that time its in oral springs were discovered to ivo desirable healthgiving tjuutltlex and it bocamo u hpulur sejuililt resort today it is ono of the prettiest places in emitanil it is situated on tor whoso bern i- circular inlet from m forms u safe und comtnodloisj harlkji tier unui tier tho home hotels und shops rise from thn receding coast line tu un eminence of sovenil hundred feet there uro pretty villas splendid hotels ann store und hum hurdles und publlfl buildings up pour ovorywhereroses huurlsh ull riowur do well and such opkal und womltroplcul tres us the jcca uhd other varieties gnw to iter ation unlike most rvmorls us ud- rulilo tetulhiruturo gives it un all- thoyeurrouud popularity geraniums and fusihlu bloom outdoois ull winter among th rood or n buildings aro a now caruogla library and a 9116000 town hall mlutujtl baths ule found every hotel und tn ull parts of the town tho population is 40000 a dinner wu tendered our party by the mayor sod ouiporutlon which tiuil leal ievonshlre flavor und wus tuot rijoyublo spooche wvm mud by t p moore j p of anton und w fry of dunnville a vmy unjoyuhiu feu lure of our visit to torquay was a irlve hrttugh iovonshlr to dart mouth und u sail up tho blvr durt o u pretty point in tho famous county hd tlnyi a drive batk to tornuay it was interesting to us to u bsrtmouth harbour tlvo uvritutn aub- mailues which had bouu captured and lyed ut dartmouth during the lying on tho shore rusting uway from tho e laments during our stay ut tohiuuy tho british ilsot uf some ulghty v uine hto tho harbor tlmre frum way- mouth our party wus invited by th admlial tu visit iii lluet und u mui interesting experluiico was fanjoyed in boarding the itovetigti and getting a first liutnl umiualutuiioo with unwa nuinstr pructois of ho sea no bolter oncupunu could hotl uuy- wiieni uf tho might toili uf tho british nuvy und its vuluu lu pre serving puuco for h utii pire a ilellghtful motor rip ufler saying goolhye o thu liow 1 1 lauds niudn ut toiuuay took us o lhirtit ono of knglundv undent und most highly lrlxd cltlus heie thn uiul mayor and oipuiutlou o lib i a l manlfosutl u try eatnest dmlre o inipioss 1 1 1 uualiaiis wtlh loo1 opiiiiomi d tb- ity a rvoepdou wum bold hj ihe clerk k ters lil dr iuthdrul ouililluill und the to brief address relatlse tory showing thai i he mt tuutuiy tlx a wonderful srui lui fulth of hist orlo loiinwti auli lbmf of u ghd deal of lute m lehilcd dmlik tun jlf ut the itwii hall the lold lnoi- ixdntod a unaiuau hug dralwd from u beam couuludd uu pag six h b burling and sons of mll- o wis are visiting with friends wauk misses klorcnce and ada mills arc attending u week with friends in tor onto misses marin lanti and jessie mor ton are holidaying with friends at oshawu miss minnie nelson is spending week with toronto and brampto rrlendu mr uiki mrs melvln sopor of ires- ton spent the weekend at thn parent al home mr und mrs e q black and mary of toronto visited with acton friend this week miss edith armstrong nf ton visited with acton frleit the holiday miss elvu fjraff fow days lust week jchkvi karrn of erin spent i it hr homo ecli mr jumes livingstone of mt kor- est tnl sunday wlih ur and mr j loorge kopor mrs john colo and children or toronto are visiting ut mr and mrs n p mouims miss muikiirut tern pic ton of detroit mich is boll laying at the home at mr basil johnston mr und mrs vandusen of tara vlstitl 1 1 1- t- unit mra j culp at the jaronugu lubt week mr und mrs harold budtick and family of bronte tcnt the weekend mm i bristol- liases joan llarlter nntl vera htinit i spending a few holiday sjth friends lu kitchener ir and mrs d c iluasell spent wkiul in oikville with mr und mm h h itussell miss mubel h howie of st cath- ine wus n guest this week of mr aid mrs a t brown mrs y i in th i funk or bingham ton n tuesday to siond a row dd home xlrs onttuim martin and kenneth if toronto wero guests of miss helen lynds nvor tho holiday mr john mcclurv who ho been imillduvhig with relatives lu westqn returncil tioma last saturday- edwin maddock of toronto spent u few days with tela- lu own during the week i a m korkyth and chlldrtn motorihl from erie pntiu und visit- hi her sister mrs e l james mr und mr e solman and master torrle of toronto are spending tho iok with mrs william bayers miss kubru nebton i homo from onusby lu haslings county whero sho has imvii toachlng tho tost your mr und mm coll brown of tir- ito tulletl ut tha lakeiuul liomu on friday on their way to kitchener r wm m unger b a ul ill utter of ottuwu has been visiting dr und mm collop ror a hw days messrs boy jtrown of hamilton nd ernest brown of toronto siteiit thu uookmtd ut tho lw rental home rs colin j macnio of itrolt is ding u month at tho homo of hui father mr john harvwy luke avenue now khuf of nasjlagi weeks holidays at tb lottmir mrs e l james of her und a mr und mm w fc- masaws und lilbln u toiouto simiit u wek ut tho inula of mm e b burt dully vardon mus wllnm hunter of terra cotta as boon visiting mr und mrs chas mckoowu wncoud line during the oik mis mihlrod mucdiinuld of bunila nt u few duiu ihu wk ut tho of mr a mulduuuld churtn boiuo hlluot wis john liud und ur und im biiliatd it nil of hamilton visit 1 ihelr aunt mm julia a mcaiihur n sunday mi i mt morris tl- and id mm c ii hurrlsou over th- holiday ma si i giumliu ltllsle tn buddlck iftlldays f br hi ami mm leorg w j hlulhuiu i and miss horn vlltom ut hu b nid lyk y nf child tf ihtronlu mm tho the mieke vinlte1 ut th id und iirls ii home uf ytrool ver li i hlxmttb u ull hill- mlro lolhj i etuaiod to toioltto uftui npeudliig u wuek ut mrs e h liurti dolly vardeu either car won i itenham an urgu blame lay ensued refused to give his i mr ilonhams car wo about the front thn work of surfacing tho highway with tarvia and fine stone is progress ing between ouelpti and this village according to nt as tnjhero in the stranger tn or ad dross liudly dwmngod worifts leading wheat exporter canada exportd nearly a million bushels of wheat par day since butt years grain crop began to muvu out of tho country canada has beun exporting wheat ut the rate of nearly 1040000 bushels u day ow ing to tho lateness with which the 193 j crop came in there twos very little if any of it exportod before october i but rrom that date to june w thla year ho uxporte wero approximately zg0 000000 bushels which made the dally oxmrt ship ments roughly 953000 bushels it la believed that this is u worlds record canada i now lie leading grain e i port lug country in tho world and the second turgt at wheal producing country lu tho world iteing exceeded only by ho united states mr and mrs- corgo llwunls and miss iucy and mr leoru anderson oshawu oni tho vo kvnd with rela tives lu beuvortou mr and mm j e itntx clarcncn und catherine and mr stanley hyland wost toronto vlsltinl ut mr j ii la nixs over civic holiday mrs w a stewart and her grand son muster stewart kuddlck left on tuoeduy to spend a monrti with iho formers sons lu bxheser n y mr and mrw 1 tooth of newmarket und mr and mr j p mcpherson nf toronto wero gucslx ut the home of mr william johnstotio ust week little misses agnes and may chu holm am visiting- with heir crnnd- ber mrs john chlsholm uretn- field farm milton for u week or so mr und mm n p molam mis stella und mm john cole of toronto xrvd to aylmer for ho holiday and enjoyed a visit with friends there mlu heaelo wood hall accompanied by misses marguerite and elsie wurt of milton urn spondlug u two wouks vucathui at ilako kulvsho mus- koka mrs j u word on und ilaughter nan of eirgus returnutl homo on tuesduy after aihndlng a couplo of tks with friends in acton and ooorgotowu mr und mm john a moffat and mlssou llxaiu und jean und messrs daunt and i cttaimioy of bich- ioud hilt visited ut tho homo or mr i t muun on uutidy mr und mrs earlo brown of kit- honor spout a fow days this wuekt at thu purvntu home ultd left thuiaduy ul nil to stond u few iluys with friend ut toronto udd niagara kails mr and mm 0 ii jhowii accomp anied by mr und mr bojiuy or hnorgotowu tnolonxl und hhhi thho week end with friends ut lislowo brussels heritor th und emondvniu mr und mrs wdiluu dh la accom- itunled by ml und mm hoy bagloy and mis joan or alton motored and nt sunday with ml und mrs john urutf und family ut echo loigi kuim r und mm wubsti i und family mr und mrs vlshor und mr und mm harold uthuy with if tor- mr a murguu uhd to hpolk th mills mr uml mrs alma oranl of st murys and mrs august u hler and miss kloroiuo und mi and mm j h kmllh of erin upe sunday with mr a n mr w h wulkr mill st acton mbi luchel hetord of ouol ii wis the guust itf her until mt it a holmes this wook mlu kjiotd claims auoit u her lilithplai sili is b uloiittkt young lad a i radualo of cjuooiim ttulversity kiugsloi mr und mrs w h obuhulm und hair two daughters und two sons tilled on acton ft uuls on tuusday while on u motor tour rrom htajnor t haiitfor1 mr chuhohu lu iaiuiger f the hunk of mondial ut hlayuur ii oiillmlilo1 by wiitklux miss id mi j wuihiu lluy on ii inolor lri n y miss emma mr john wutki hi aunt mrs j muud wutktn un nurval left oal tlaranat luk wntklns who has tweti on an over- neu trip will return houio with the in mr und mrs ii 1 mutro uril homo fnt i u tholr trip to jral brtluiti the continent utter two month travel lkth hi oxoellenl health tjtey uru oxoeotliiigly glad o get home uglllll und iiwui wile mora lcumd with canada and lis splendid udvuut- t and opportunities mi an rhruron with mr i mm evigu uuih ma holiday ml llttl nu w tlirin after spendd ook with hi gran thron mm w t burt and he e il butt lkolly vuideit j ho iti i lei ulmodier mo i ij