birth i afarrugae and deaths are ne charged for at the inllowlof ralca plrthi anc marrlagei sue dealha w memnrtu tarda yc 10 par una nra lor poma married jvrnoiid maui att on hulurdny july 1024 in chicago hi by jurt-tf- hurry w mrlwmi mnrjorlo duugh lir if mr and mm 1 marlutt oakvlllo ohl o jrorgt k arnold lirinln 1 died 1 1 ln in i r 7rih yi hi i unm11iam tlu iluuni inrv wan t lay align at 0 1b24 rachel iron mot r lirtlnvml wife nf robert w c uitiilnuhnrrr in her twenty thirl yrjnr a1niv at tlm family resilience park avenuci acton on wednesday auiiuht 13 1024 mnry robinson widow or tlin into hubert agnow in nor 03rd your in memoriam mavaoi- in loving mnmory idvnnt vali ntlno beloved john m mid joan huvugn who augpnt 17 1933 aged 8 years oft we think of you dar ion whtin wo am nil nlono vor mi mory in tho- only thins thut grief can call it own i athi ii motiikil urotiiilrh 1 diet 0 acton 3trw ls0fl thuiisday auaust 1 1 bona w brief locm items the shorter days are boglnnlng to jujllccftblo the honey crop this year la not us abundant an usual oood morning 1 llnvo you renew ed your fines pusso subscription cut tho noxious weeds and ou thorn now the law says you should rrussols lux rule this your u 42 mllla half it mill lower than last year fall deliveries of coal are coming in freely now doe your name appear correctly on the voter liatt be rutin i ao the date of your f pjursa label and nee if it la correctly ktatod tlt tennis courts and bowling greens aro being kept buay these evening mr w a ruusel hu kindly sent to thla office interesting copies of the jjonz ileach cat press your advertisement in the fxxc pinois gels to the people and is read by those you seek to reach small advb in the classified ad vertising columns of the fan pnu cost little buf brine very satisfactory results there 1smotbuur sacred but tho things into which we carry the spirit of love and reverence and moral beauty the black knights of ontario west had a great celebration of derry day in guelph on tuesday about 8 000 delegate attended l area of exhibition city canadian national exhibition is 4 acre wembly home of the british empire exhibition has 210 acres the showers aro rather frequeit theso days for good harvest weathur no reports have coma in however of grain growing- in the snooks raspberries are rather scarce this season the heavy snowfall last win ter damaged tb bearing cranes and the crop is consequently smaller wo are wo ready to thlpk that to do right la batter than to try to do right but success la better than char acter as shown in faithful effort the dale estate brampton been elected president of the canadian florists and gardeners association a meeting of the directors of the acton fall fair was held hut evening to complete the prise list and transact dther business in the interests of the fair please do not drop paper onvelr opes canav or cigarette wrappers or peanut bogs on the street this carr ies habit gives the town an untidy appearance a il bishop of folrvlaw nuxae les exhibited a cucumber oh tuesday of the covert garden market variety sixteen inches lour and which weighed 214 pounds tho canadian national exhibition costs 1 700 000 each year to stage and produce aside from the tremendous sums spent by exhibitors to prepare their displays reduced rates will be put into ef fect by the railways for the canadian national exhlbltlqn from august jlnd covering the country trom the white river to the atlantic the canadian national exhibition toronto has the largest and most cost ly buildings on any pennsnemu fair grounds the world over the coliseum which cost 1600 000 and has acres under roof the oakyille newspapers man tested commendlble enterprise in se curing for their columns illustrations of leading persons and events in con nection with the reunion celebration oetd in that town lost week thank god for home xou can t hang up your hat without paying six pence to get it back remarked a member of tho canadian editors overseas party when the montlaurter reached quebec a week ago the mother of a home in town lost a considerable sum of money on saturday a note in the fan pass window gave notice of the loss and in a utile while mr alfred soper came in with the lost sum and glad dened tha heart of the loser mr qeorge cordons kindly sent the fan pass the other day rather a novelty tor this looallty in the vege table line a number of malt esq tur nips theso ore excellent for table use and have a flavor which is an im provontent on the kula rabl whloh they resemble fastest harvesters trains will be dv the canadian national railways the special harvesters train of ih canadian national hallways from ull ontario points as advertised will mukav the fastest time to winnipeg operating via tha new longlau cutoff the short est routs between eastern and west f i cmi harvesters travelling by this routo will as a consequence be tint in the field the first train leavm toronto one minute after midnight of august hat 12 01 am august und the fare is a flat rata of fit to win nipeg and a half a oant a mile beyond returning- the fare la bolt a oant par mile into winnipeg and mo bsfak to starting point comfortable roomy uonvertib berth colonist oara of jatattt dlp 1 and lunch counter cars aervlns food and refreshments at reasonable prtoafl will be attached to trsjnav ppmlal cars will be provided for woman jxur ojtc chaao your ticket to wlnnlpagv via jk xjoiqauin national railways no nutfe tar whether your final dortitauontatfa a point op tha canadunngtionja orf not o004ult with your nsartwt anm ft jrajn avrvloa ato a lrv v news of local import chsmplonahlr oaaebsll play off outil h ifupln idiots vtf oult nt uunlph wednnndiiy aukuat soth at 111 11 m if you want to nin u rml buint vlifit cluollih mist wmln mluy an attar show auguat 27 in dm uprlnk lli hot li liluirut h duty illatrlbutt i mlir liiutu i hi iil ma 1 f tin i h la hu 11 linn imve thi ly mild 1111 oxlilblll 11 n th mwr hltow on tin tw ml h hut as fho scnaoii 1h lutt it linn lit on 1 id oil to hold a apctlul nut or xh w foi tin schtxil puplpi on thu iwtnty unventl inst thu will mtikti lliolr nxhibltlt n dlatlnctlva mid hiuhii i t routo mil intercut salvation army band concert tho silver bund ut uuol h hulvutli armv guvo nn inlorohtlng pr urnroi of instrumental and voi ul muiti on mill htroi t ut tlm 0 v rumen t uuldlnk lust thurmtay uvntilng thm tini or of tho guelph corps uwomi miln 1 tin band uml u churnctt rll hulvutlt 1 army eerviro wuh hold at the in vltatlon f the o ii com th tum crowd joined in nlnnlng nomo f tin fumllliu hymns used nt thn norvlcr the mirtlo of the band wuh piropllon ally good in hsrmuny uml tunc a quartette of newapspar men meat plousunt re union of at moorocroft on hi mayorf i orator f tho flkovo uocomiiatilict thoro wuii nawapuper moi day afternoon oakvlllo hiur by mr itioiiurd white ofthe milton iteformor to pay a social cull t5t mi and mrs ii p mooro following thulr return last wonk from their trip ureal liritaln and the continent tliey were in only a few minutes when mr c h moore of the dundas star join ed the company s mooro of dun dua had also been ovorseas ajid a very interesting tlmo was sient by tl group 1 death of actons oldsat resident mrs robert agnow who cam to acton from scotland nearly seventy years ago peacefully ulopt uway yesterday morning she was in her ninetythird year she spent chrlat mas in the home of her son george a block away from her own home that was the but time she was away from her own home her son joseph and his wife have had tho old lady in their care during her declining years and havo ministered to hor with loving solicitude the time uf the funoral will be arranged when word comics from john the elder son from wlnnl peg it will probably be on ualurday afternoon an obituary will appear in next issue joe boyd back from australia mr j h doyd who has had busi ness connection with australia for a number of years and who has made twentyfour trips to and from the an tlpodea returned by the steamship niagara arriving at victoria b c on july 26 mr jloyd has sent the fan fossa a copy of the souvenir issue of the wireless news which was published on shipboard during the voy age the reports of the tennis tourna ment on deck during the voyngo show that joe is otlll quite a successful athlete he took first in gentleman s singles first in gentleman s doubles with mr marler jr first in deck quoits and first in epor fighting mr boyd will be cordially welcomed to tho old home when honnda time to visit here neweleotric cars in commission i number of citizens witnessed the arrival in acton of a new car of the canadian national electric railway which glistened in a now coat of paint and gold letters on monday afternoon this car the first of two that are to added to the toronto suburban service through acton from toronto o guelph it was built in the shops of t cnadlan national railways ut ht r- catharines it is the latest in heavy interurban design and in oqulpment it seats seventy people and la forty tons in weight it has an end entrance and is equipped with the latest in motor control with all tho newest safety devices the trial spin was in charge of bupt n 8 cummlng master mechanlo c broadhurst of toronto and mr f b jones gunera shop foreman elaetho railway irnpnovsmarits the manaarement xtt the toronto suburban electric road has already greatly improved the service this year announcement is now made that com mencing next monday lbth inst- threw additional trains will leave acton going west at 7 41 a ra t 43 a m ii 43 a m lai pm 3 43pm 5 43 p m 7 43 p m and ix 33 a m going cost trains will leave acton at 7 43 a m 0 43am 11 43 a m 141 p in 3 43 p in 5 43 p m t 43 p m 0 43 p m and 11 40 p m the 7 43 a tn going west and tha 9 43 p m going east will not run on sundays it will be noticed that eight trains cross at acton dally tho above schedule means a twohourly service both east and west good pro greas is being made on the new lino into the city the men of acton sea tion have been working there for some urns the management gives assur ance that by christmas the electric cars wilt be running into parkdale womens institute qsrden party the acton women s institute had an experience similar to that of a number of others as far am weather is con cerned in connection with their gar den party 6n tuesday evening there was a fair attendance but when the programme was about hali through tha weather became showery and sadly interfered with the carrying out of tho splendid programme arranted thn bob wilson fun company uf toronto rendered sufficient numbers to provo thai their repertoire was admirably adapted to garden party expectations this quartette of artists included uol wilson humorist entertainer leroy kenny at c m entertainer jean halg soprano and uraoo uonnlcu monologlst and musical specialist the selections given were entirely new and quite captivating when tho ruin came on the acton cltlaens hand took u position in tho grand hyirul und pre sentea an appreciated proarummo mr george umimwr m p p oakvlllo made a capital chuirmun he was given a cordial welcome hewstson shoe co defeat terra gotta the hewstson boys put over thulr nrst win of tho oeaaon on haturduy last by the soore of 6 4 gibbons for the locals pitched a good game having eleven strike outs to his red it uml ullawlng only three hits mcnully for terra cotu hud nine strike uuts unl allowed seven hits thu visitors put over their nrst run in the second inn ings and acton came right buck in their half and evaiikd up the count airtight baseball was then played uy both teams until the seventh fratm when kentner started a rally with two down ha hoisted the nrst pitahod ball for a two bagger and whun the terr cotta boys vome down to warth lour ran hod crossed tha plate in the with things looked blue for the locals whan tonmpotu shoved over three ihmg tout gibbon tightened up and odnpac on and to tha rally ih thu flmu jframe both pitchers retired their alfa thahawateop shoe co la plan- fbajf tournampnt in which ft taoina wll play uramp- fw co tstf catta i mitotan hawatsonl harvesters excursions via canadian national railways ho id trains rurl through t wlnhlpij without huiirf new dnvortllilt horth colonist curs nvill mid lo tho comfort to tha journey mi 1 luii h lountor curs will tin uttnt im tn tho trnliis survlui food an i ri fri nhtn ntii ut rmsonalim prl tin k oclnl jirli will la prodded for wi mi hit niuotul iliirvlra truhi 11 ih i hi ill hi niitliuuil ktluvtoi rihtpi nil ontuili l ol it tii us uilvi rllh 1 ulll ttwilto tin fuhil ut thllo twhllmlll i t itllllc vl tin mw i uiul h fin ff 1 ihort t routti botwi i ti i iiult in uid wtutorn cunuila ilurvt hlorm ti vullliig y this routo lvlll tli id tin nrl tniln luiv roronto inn fnliiuti uftor ml hilght t 1 auuiiht 21ut 101 1 m aiiuunt 2nd 1 thu fur la u flu ruin f 1ti u win nlpeg mil a ivt ul nj 11 nilh i oyoii 1 ueturiilnic tin furtf 1 llulf u cent 1 o in ho into wlniilithc up i 20 luck i sturtlng p int lor full irif ulurs rt fur u truh uervict tc upi ly lu ncarvat cun udliin nutuuiul a nt osuvlll fair prise list is ou a oy of tin prhv un f r on vlll nlr hltomlar 11 1iinl 13 h 11 hem roci ivo 1 llhoinl prlziui n off an in ull uuhiich aw umiiul tin hor 1 huw will hu 11 it ad i nit fturt it wll 1 omo tiff on tho 13 tli rthcro will be a baby show on tho 11th kurnwrn day then will tu a procosalon of puiills f public n itl separutrt aciiooih ot- ttuvn 1 nd tui i try lori by tho hunt power off- several dsys at milton lost wodncn lay evoiilrikk utorm wis heavy ut milton i ut inn wits not much wind thoro was a unlo not fur away twenty one hydro i loctrh polos wt ro blown down on thi firm lino about two mllvs out of tha town am the ay atom put out of business at milton lights went restored on thursday evening but there was no power for in tun tries tho first of the week t celebrated 00th birthday on tuesday svonlng thorn was u large gathering of tho uonttey cunnoo tlon ut tho resldonoo of henry ltontley nevonth tine trafalgar tho occasion was tho nineuath blrthduy of mr rentloy s father godfrey liantloy who is alert and active athut ripe axe the members of the various families congratulated mr uontloy and oxprosn ed the wish that ha might bo uparo1 for many mom years mr bentley was born in england but coming to can ada locatod in trufalgar whero ho has lived for seventy six years ho has a wldo circle of friends who also extend congratulations mrs rentloy possod away nlnetaan yeari ago oakvlllo star acton qlrls win again at brampton the acton girls softball team do footed the hiwetson team brampton zft10 on saturday the acton girls played a much botor game than tho locals maud vanwyck played a good game for the losers while none uf thn acton girls starred over their team mates l mason and j clarrldge both knocked homers tho teams we brampton m vanwyck p z allan r b browning lb a itlchardsoi 3b a mured on 3b k little us x clarrldge rf e bailey cf n mari den i f acton i4 lambo c i mason p ii mason lb b elsley 2b e johnston 3b j anduraon s n j clarrldge rf m anderson o f e rumloy lf c burrows brampton umpire very fine early gladioli mr georse munn llrock avunuo has for some yearn boon u hullrssful grow er of gladioli lust spring mr oil chrlst of toronto tho noted florut who is an undo of mrs munn supplied them with a largo collection of the bulbs of the varieties for which he has become famous both in canada nd the united suites theso imlud ed many valued bulbs which he hus propagated and collectid through years of skill and raaearch tho nrst cutting was mudo last week and a number uf attractive specimens iro among thorn a generous bouquet reached tho i ash prssk containing some of these rare vurlotlos mr mann hopes to mako a commercial succetfn of growing gladioli nnd expects to ship orders us well as to supply local tie mands for these attractive flowers night watchman needed et milton earjy sunday morning john conway called up chief constable chapman reporting the misconduct of five or six young men who got out of a cox ut the corner of martin and mqln streets the constablo got thcrt us soon ait possible saw two cars want to one of them but it happonod to be tho wrong one while he was questioning its occupants the offend ors frot away without the number their car being ascertained they headed towards brampton mr conway says they pounded on the door of the honm lunch restaurant routed thu china man out at bed made a groat deal of noise and shouted profanity and ob scenlty he says too that conduct such as theirs is common on main street between midnight und mornlni particularly on saturday und sunday mornings this town needs a night watchman reformer celebrated their fathers 00th birthday the home of mr kenneth mcleod nasaagaweyo was the scene of a very happy event when his grand chlldrun and great grand children assembled to conxratulato hum on reuchlng his 00th birthday last month his sons and daughters presented him with un arm chair upholstored in leather dr h a cuxe of acton his grandson read the address and norman his youngest son made the presentation his brand children presented rim with u hcuutl ful tapestry couch mr watson of tho 01st highlanders of hamilton supplied the music with his bagpipes his daughter entertained with her high innd dances the highland fling thu tjuilorv hornpipe und sword dance miss watson is a gold nudujlst in nwrwi playing mrmoleod in his soth year is still able to dance the highland fling and he did it on a table at his birthday party there wero 71 present a this memorable gathering mr meleod has ten children twenty three grand children und twonty eight treat grand ohlldrei ull living und well departure of trains on august m ut 13 01 a in- mid night august 3d tha first apeclat trulv will leave toronto followed by one at 1000 a m and others avyaquired a of the pron tho punt un m one of the the canadian paoific the harvesters shortest route to the cana dian west due to tha faot that the canudlun iaclrto s tha shortest route tu tho wttst thu ureal 01 majority of harvest em inst year ru vailed via canudlun pacific the company will mulntuin tho uauul high standard of unionist cur equipment this your with curs for tho exclusive use p ladles thlldran unl their esuorts while lumli counter curs in which hot inouls refreshments otu muy be obtained ut must reasonable rates will also bu uttadml lo ull trulim lloauuse the canadian iuclrtu is the shortest routo to western cunudu an i due to the efforts of the company o huve the hurvi stem spread over as much territory us possible lu a mini mum space of time it is expected from o numerous luqulrli s received tint number of extra trains will beuece ry this year to transport tho bar veal ws to the west cutiadluti pncltlo agents throughout onlurlo huvu been fully instructed in tha vurl us matters pertaining to harvesters mid will gludw jexllv lu france in 1745 holyryod was furnish full inforuihtioii regurdiiuf tuvyugnln tha scene of royal revelry when more cathedrals and his- toric tfuins in old england continued from pago ono imnumaiil 011 i hn s htn4it all of thnau points wo vliltod with ospocliil inti rent and plonsura i or i to plntiiroilquenn jut and its pujjciint n h tllsh 1 upltnl renin i nu lit iplorrntlnp cltle win hit r 1 r rnl lt name t t thi mul i it 1 wn took origin from tho iradi tl 1 il faot thut this was the strung hill where in tha early centuries thn mul it tin of royal plcttsh blood wore km t the known ntory of fdlnburgh u on buck fur thirteen hundred years itefora hu diet in 033 a fortress was built on tha cnntlo rock by edwin tho angllun king of northumhrla thn first to dream of u united kingdom within three isles and it is thn name t f his stronghold that thn rlty sitlt lit nrs our tour of thin flncold city wan trammed with plunsurntilo oxporldncun pirhups tha mout satisfactory of them lifl was thn visit to edinburgh castle jtu wealth t f historic renown was t vi ry whom rccalltd it wus a grcut nutlonul titronghold lu thu tluys uf llrtico and that klna h nt phew llun dolih captured it from thn kngllsh ly cllinhlng u porlloun luvor n pith after thn hsussinatloii of jornts i at porth in 1437 it hacamn tho scottish cupltul and for throe centuries afto ward its story wan tht story of scot lund tito iklstory of ldlnburgli cuntln is fumlllur to tho average 1 ubllcrfjchoo pupil but thn privilege of u personal vialt la cnnlnd to comparatively few canadians tha events of history am vividly impressed by porst nal contact the scottish crown jewels which have been constantly under military guard for mora than two hundred years aro examined with keenest lntoroat by the visitor the quoen u chapel tho smallest church in bcatlanav is a placu of much note tho banqueting hajt which has the finest 00 lection of ol 1 tlmo armor fire arms und fighting implements in the empire is an it- tructlve place for tha student of his tory the woe cemetery whoro tha dogs of officers of tho garrison huve from time to lime been burled is uni que a nat marble headstone marks each of tha scoros of graves thorn momorlea crowd thickly bora un overy land abovu the grim entrance urchway in tho old state prison tho two argylls marquis and earl sua cesalvely slept their last sleep before execution in another chumbor queen mary gavo birth to james vi and in u third may be soon tho regalia of scotland including the crown of rob ert the bruob on tho ramparts too may be seen mons mog the huge old cannon sahl to have been made for james ii by a blacksmith at cos jo douglas as well as tho tlmogun on the half moon battery which is fired every day at ono o clock from green wich within these grim old walls ono may picture many a dramatic scene from the sllont scaling of tho rampart and the surprise of tho strong hold by randolph in tho fourteenth century to the failure of a similar at tempt by tha jacobites owing to villa delay of the scaling ladders in 174a glancing back through the canturir one may see viscount dundee after defying the lords of convention in thn city clumber up the castle rock lo confer wllh the governor before ho rode away to raise the forces of tho fugitive james vii und full in tho mojjjcm of victory at klllltkrank- oirfl may son tha bravo klrkaldy of grange when ut lust tha ufoalrw uf queuti mary no longer afforded even u gleam of hope nurrondor tho strong hold und bo led away by hit ruthless enemies to be hangod from edinburgh castle nr magnll cent vlaw of the beautiful city is to he hud the outstanding features are the university buildings tho numerous churches sir walter scott a monu ment on princes street the nutlankl monument on calton hill holyrood palaoa in th distance with arthur seal and the pentland hills forming u magnlflcenl background the street loading from edinburgh castle to holyrood palace just about a mile is known as tho royul mile midway between is st giles cathe dral and tha old parliament buildings now occupied by the surremo court of scotland lc was hero that in 1707 the nnclont legislature of scot bind made us one gvacelcns historian put it an end of an autd sang tho cathedral of fit giles has its voutne of memories all students of scottish history remember that in this uucrixt ahrlna jennie ooddas threw hor three legged stoo ut the dean of edln burgh s head whon he essayed to run 1 tho english liturgy ut a aervlua there it was with rather curloum feelings that i stood on tho brass plate inscrlb i n a the truglc historic evonl which marks the spot where jennie stood that tluy und by her during act in protesting against the inroads of 11 tur gicul worship immortalised herself it was in this church that john knox who was for some time its mln later thundered his onathemiui nfutlust queen mary and the rltea uf rome and ii was hare more recently that tho sweet wild music of the pipes float ed forth while the body of the grout professor blackfe was borna along thn aisles behind the cathedral in whut wus once st giles klrkyard the initials j k on u murble slab in the puvo ment murk the burial pjuce uf tha groat john knox beyond the parliament house is the anclsnt- kirk of the orey friars in its burying ground george buchanun thn hlstorlun of queen marys time unl allan ramsay the restorer of bcottisn poo try lie burled but the pluuu s chiefly famous for the fact thut thoro the solemn league and covenant wan signed and a htle later the covenant ere wore imprisoned herlots hospital behind commemorates the fumous goldsmith of jumes vi 0 time the jingling oeordle of scott s lortuni of nlgol and by the cundlu maker r11w the descent is easy to the grass- market in whoso open space many n witch and heretic hajve been burned and the port 00 us mob hanged the cap lain of the city guard edinburgh is rloh indeed in history renown during our tours of the ely wo saw at 9 castle street thu houto in which sir walter scutt lived from 1800 till 1mb and received liiuuy fam ous gutstn naur the famou munu ment to this classical author is thtt of duvid livingstone thu afrli un a plorur und missionary along the centre of george strswt are statue of uuorge iv william pitt dr chalmers un i tha greolun monument to tliut least grecian of ull poets hubert burns holyrood palace as it stun w in tluy wus completed for the recaption of thu imku of york ufterwurds junius ii un i his family whun in 1879 hu oumo nurtntn tho border to await the kugllsei parlluiuent s decision on thu lvx lualnn bui after ho hud become king jamus munlfentedhls umuohmeni to tho pluoo by converting he old nuvu of tho abbey thuroh into a chapel loyul with thrbne und stalls organ and marblo flour but the populace hoard thut muss was performed there und break lug in thy wreaked theiuimoe drug ged from thsir tombs the bodies of david ii jumes il james v und lord rurnley and left the place nothing but four bare wulla that was in lotr a your later james vii hlmi prinue oliurus edward the grnndsoi of james in tha flush of his nrst sua cess nt ireslonpanx led tha bulls hero i with the fairest of the jaaabue dameaj later still holyrood repaid the freoob klndnesn to jamas vii by affording nn anylum to thn exiled churl on x- lut thn most thrilling mamaroit 1 tha place belong t un earlier tlm james v began the building of the inlurn nu u mynl raslilnnca tho north urn tur rot od wing wun his work and tho building was nlllpin its first nplan it r whnn there occurred within it those scenes which havo glvon it a agio lntorsut for nil tlmo in thn pol at hand whore threa of ho ul uncoutors hud been married qetin mury guvo her hand to tho tils und f ilt hi ens duruiny on tin first floor uf hwj i ulitco urn to be bo 1 durnloy s rooms overhead aro thn queen s own apartments still contain lng her bod ajid other furniture anl in tha adjoining turret chamber mar nut listening to rlxslo s lute whon tho arras opaned durnloy und his fallow uasannlns burst in from tha turret stair unci tho musician was stubbed cllngli ftr ufa tu her gown tha wholo rt glim lu stooped in lurid hut strungoly fusclnutlng romance this sir walter scott jia added weuvlng certain tradition of tha royal park bohlnd holyrood into his heart uf midlothian edinburgh in nun of tha fluent cities from ms situation and im architectural nuporlorlty in tho old land its i rlnc street gardens running through hi centre of tha city form u beauty upot which few cltloh enjoy in tho centre uf these gurdonn a magnificent floral clock occupies u commanding pnnltlon un a gentle docllno and attracts pll visitors on u sunny afternoon during our visit u tiplundid concert wan given in thnnn gurdeun by tho famous bcoln guurds iluiid of london it bcln1 trudns holiday week in edinburgh thn concert wus attended by tans of thousands of people i j ere un in near ly all purkn in thn old country tho comfort uf thn public is studied com fortubln chairs uro supplied ut three pence for thu afternoon and u pn gramme of tho concurt cost tu pence fotunatcly for the poorer children of the city und there are tha poorer classes there an elsowhoro edinburgh has u newspaper which with objects similar to those of tho toronto slur raises a fund from year to your to pro vide a ploasurablo outing for those little folk on tha nrst morning of our visit u parade of about 3 000 children from tha city to one of the suburban parks passed along- princes street they woro a happy lot carried flags waro headed by a highland band and nccompunled also by another band and also by grownups who were in charge our visit to this good city was rond ered very pleasant by courtestios ex tended by members of the city jour nallsts association und a luncheon n tho music hali presided over by sir johq findluy a clvlo raceptlun was also given by the lord provost an 1 town council during our visit in edinburgh it was again proven that the world is rather a small placo after all mrs mooro and i wero at a picture theatre princes scree t ono evening enjoying tho splendid film of robin hood bright young lady wulkod over to us during intermission and aalq good evening mr und mrs moore i dldn t expect to meet you in edinburgh was miss nina leslie lute teacher at lorno school who was enjoying tho bummer with friends in scotland after our delightful visit at scot lands capital city wn proceeded through tho country to glasgow the grout commercial und shipping metro polls pnd from that centre toured in succession the burns country and ths beautiful lake country of the tros- suchs the story of those excursions will be given in my next urtlcio ii p moore stiumshlp monlaurler mid ocuun july 30th 1034 neighborhood newfi- town and country osprinqe tho prcsbyturluit church here closed for a few weeks and is belmf it really improved by pulntlng and doc orating r wheat cutting is now well ud vftncod it is a spliinaid crop with prospects uf a sutlsfuclory yield ul threahlng time tho root crops ure looking fairly good ut presnnl but are in yiood of more sunny weather to mnktt more rapid progress aspectully tha corn tho misses htelnhousn und jlalloy nf toronto uro holidaying with mr and mrs tum mccutchuon at present limehou8e miah nellie lane tu visiting her frlond miss jessie norton glonwll llums miss beatrice luna spent u couple of weeks with frlond in toronto mr and mm wwnlt y lane und fam lly are tend lug their vacatfbn ut the parental home a numb r of thu gnrdon parties this summer suffered from unpropious weather und the function for the pros byterlun church here wus umong tho number it wus nrst announced to bo held attho homo of mr william guwdv on wednesday evening fith inst that night there was u downpour about tha time for the assembling of tho people it was therefore necessary to postpone thn event und saturday uventng was ahosen the weather thut evening wus rutlier unpromising but thu crow la loyally uttendtd and tha gutu receipts ware very gratifying teforo the pro gramma wus completed ruin fall in tor rents und this made it vt ry uncom- fortutdo for rauny however thu warm hospitality of thu gowdy homo 1ms al ways been wall known und the mem bers of tha household exerted them selves lo give us luritn u degree of comfort us ikbihlw to tha nuusts of thu evening the programme wus vry worthy und enjoyable the brunswick trio ut tha rulmorul ludlus kilties rovldod irogrutnniu pnl uu und interesting h was indeed something different und thj audience guvn ample evidence thut it wus highly upprociutid the receipts tif the evening were quite gratifying under the circumstances nas8aqaweya gu me ury of lust ot cunlonully uu uutumobflu put ty will encounter u mlnchlovuuu umull boy on thu iouj who consilium li fun tu throw ttomit mlasllo ut thein thoro muy bo women ur children in the cui who inuy be lulurvtl but thu imumlblllty is never thought nf by thu young of- fttudnr wortto tho driver muy be hit in such a way us to cuuio him niu monturlly to los control nf tho cur with very serious consnnuenci s a lud neat luulwy h stnit nussuguwuyn lust ovitiilnsindilgud in the uraotloa und while tho mono tht ho throw missed thu 000 u pants it left an im pression tin uu expansive cur a pru per old fuahltmutl spanking in this case und ull such woqld h lu order cumpbellvllla s fifth annual clviu holiday which promises to tyiuul or surpuss any of the forrnor events will bo held on but unlay aug ust 10th thorn will bu a bus 0 bull tnuruumuut cumpbellvlllu j lock wood acton and burlington beginning at 3 pin winners to got vuluuble truphios lu he evening them will bu u gurd 111 party ut which a splmidld programme wu be given by thu wilson kenny entertainer uf forohtn thn voters list of this township is being sunt out by mr john murshull township clciik it bus tha three purtu uompletu und is thu la r goat iut evor uetl by thu township it hua fifty eiht pages dannockburn tho women s institute will hot i their regular meeting un wednesday august 30 nt ilia homo of miss a cron lh lino oakville tha two proudest mo 11 in oakvlllo thn punt weak huve liean mayor 1 orti and w a ferruh pronldont of the ito union committee their i forts w rn crowned with ninconn and thn ro unloi was uu nv ut in local unnusln whit i will go down in history an un out standing featuro in town functions chief kerr st auks very highly of th good tirder maintained din lng the bin re unlon kreedonr from accident was also u pleasing feature over flvo hundred former rosl leuti uttondod the great rn union last weak rev t dougull and fumllytwt lust week for their cottugo ut mun koka assembly they will return in thu hist week in sap tarn bar dr mo r ley will occupy tho mothodlst church put pit during their uhseuco many men wanted in western canada for tractor posl tlons big wuges ut yourself to eqri a turgor salary speclul tractor course now on at the famous hemphill aut and gas tractor schools for ful particulars and free catalogue apply xlhmphlll tiiapk schools ltd 103 king st w toronto upholstering and repairing mr w merkllnger an experienced furniture upholsterer will be in acton for two weeks full linos of imported tapestries velours silks and mohairs if you wish your work- done in your own homo this can bo arranged estimates cheer fully furnished repairs to auto mobile upholstering also promptly executed orders may be left at johnstone co furniture storo or ti fta irkss office j w merklingllt every graduate located two colls lust week that wo could not nil had no ono ready to sand get your thorough training at guelph business college fall term from august 2s individual instruction register now a l bouck prlnolpal and proprietor hwhinton watchmaker and jeweller antique and modern clocks of ull kinds repaired and cleaned all work jpiarantoed contracts taken lata repairer of clocks nt konsligton palace army und navy olub naval and military club carlton clutnr ate wallpapers stat ionery china etl j this wessons wallpapers are now roudy stationery and toys a oncy singer sewing machine noodles and oils parker dye works china und gloss und crockery h w hinton successor to lots geo hynds acton toronto 5c to 1 store now open our stock now includes thu following urtlulun thread tape mending yarns crumb trays eloctrlo light bulbs toys orunltowuro coat and suit hungers jewellery lamp burners curling tongs hair nets thermos bottles clothes pins scrubbing brushes belts men bruces arm bunds brushes und combs tooth brushes un 1 tooth pustw dlshe new linhs always bullng added call and inspeot our stock ws solicit veur patronurje e w masters mill street acton mortgage sale in township of namsagawlaya under the nwors of sale contulnud in u certain mortgage mude by samuel und albert sharpe to thu mortgagee which will in induced at thu sulu there will bo sold by public jluutlou by robert j ken uuctliinour on the pnmles in nsassgawsys on tuesday august m ut 3 u clock p in the following do si ruble farm vis tho north dust naif nr 1 it no i ii the fourth concession of the lowmthlp of nussasuwuyu containing by ud lueusuiemeut 110 ucres tnuiu ttt d on tha ubuva farm thurt ut uruutott u nine rootnud one un 1 a half atory frunio house with wtiudshu 1 uttuchod u large bank tmfii osssti a nmalur bain 40x37 und u fiwl houau scilh 1 ighty acres nf the ulmvo luu i is in u mood state nf cultlvuth 11 unl the lemuhiiiu thirty ucres cnnslwt if hutdwntid bush und pant urn luiul tlmre is u good well in thu front uml u nn spiliig tmv inllu iui of tin farm und thorn is uluu u small orchard of upplu and pcur truan tl iimh oh hall te per ttnt of the purt huse money lit tu bu aid lu the vendors sollt itor on the duy uf sale baitnoiant to nuiko up una thlr i liisraof l 10 duyu thereafter und the bulunun muy remain un mortgage on the premise ut 4 per cent r bo pitd in cnah ut tha purchusurli optlo x thost tnrms muy tm vurled tu suit u suttsrut ttuy pun hliaejullid full piaps ulun subject trt tho right ur rsmovul uf this m ah in s crop by tho purchusorj thurenf will bu glvon tt iho purohusor mi cumphtltm thn sulu llm pro pint will bu sold subject tu u resorvo bid further purtlculurs utut condition uf sals muy tie tibtulhed froih h n farmer vtlidurs solicitor aulun out r j kerr auctioneer aotoo out klii malis fine wool knit coats a coat for every day in the year colors arc i awn lovat and oxford sizes 34 1q 38 40 42 call and try on one of these coats you will like it the price only 300 theov rugs warm and durable auto mobile and driving rugs a good aizf and rll pure woo extra good value at 5 00 eack mclean mill street cp acton saturday treat a real good assortment of packages of chocolates in stock ranging in size from jj to 3 fbs drop in and let us show them to you all are strictly fresh and the prices are very reasonable salted peanuts 25c lb everyone knows tho quality of our salted peanuts because they are well roasted and always strictly fresh take a pound with you and treat all of the family reg 30c and 35c tb sattirday treat 25c ib weekend chocolates 32c lb just a real good assortment of real good chocolates 50c and 60c lb saturday special 32c lb reg 6 baks fob 25c a real good lino of regular 5c chocolate bars in assorted fruit and nut and also plain milk regular 5c saturday 6 for 25c icecream noiisors ice cream in r brick or bulk phone us your order and we will gladly deliver to all parts of the town- drop in and try a snowball sundae you will like it v rumley phone 66 acton ontario bargains in hardware ve aru offering again hint muninnhle specials in farmers needs und iliirvostlng tools tho lilm upntk for themselves ttou can save money ly purchasing your hardware supplies from us harvesting tools lurulp uoou regular fl 15 tor 9100 hay i or km strut po i gunnut reg ji 85 for fl 88 hay forks plain regular 1 g for 160 hay lurk iu 1 1 pun manlll i n 2hu lb for per lb 26c lluy lurk pulleys rg si 6 mill tot 1 15 climax rug killer i u of 5 lbs reg 1 ib for 9100 see our windows for specials on graniteware w d talbot we deliver summer meats if there is one particular time of year that meats require extra good atteption it ib the summer time we have thu facilities in our shop for caring for all meats properly and overy pieoe of meat we servo you is right our large refngcr ator at the ubbattbir and our excellent cold storage plant tit tho shop uro it guarantee of meats served right all summer i cold meats during tho summer months many people do not want to cook mcatb and havo hot dinners wo always carry an excel lent stock of tho qncst of cold cooked meats ready to serve cooked ham i jlll1lu meatb cold koabt cork bologna jellied tongue meat lqa watch our windows friday and saturday for specials w j patterson corner hill and main streets acton ont free press job print infr is irtai iafettffa laukssan tr rjryflbi p