nt gfte frrtott3rrgr greas tlioilhdaynovbmbkn 1m thankftqivinq kpvembor bea com with us festival day tit sweetest home feast of the year when tho hltl mingle in troll nil play ami siiom 4n the thanksgiving cheer and let u remember thst tale of the pt of the pilgrims who gathered their tend and offered up thanks for the corn whan at but it waved or th tarnishing land for hunger had wasted tbose strong patient man who strugsled and laborad tn pain and the blessing of plsaty which glad- dened them then gsve courage end hop one again and the una of their bravery never decaya while year- after year rolla away since the morning that uahered in prayer and tn prats thp birth of our thajrkglvlng day a true lover bba kk we had met srancola inarl one winter when we my college friend fanny richards and i were studying palnung wo boarded tn lb lsttln quarter in a email and very happy private family whoa quarrels war an open aecret all up and down the staircase of the apartmenthouse tn which they lived y madame had a gruvano against monsieur ejad monsieur aaid that u vcasau the fault of madaxna reticent newtyor souls were shooked and dismayed by their volubility and frankness franools was the eon of the boose a blender darkeyed youth of ten years sen tie oldfashioned courteous a tittle link of love binding together the dead hearts oieia father and mother they adored him but- hla ufa wag none the easier for that reason sometimes he would take the part of one sometimes of the other bn more often be would retire wearuy from the war ot word- and setting in our armchair with ah chin lhla hand bis eyes staring into the fire would analyse for as with a tboaght- fumaas and precision far beyond bis years the- fallings and virtues of his sg and be waa curiously just sndcaneras to both of them it la needless to say that we took pains at such times to divert the con versation into more childlike and leas personal channels miss richards was a charming storyteller and she usually out snort francois mournful remarks wth some tan of true lore and lovers be was particularly food of old myths and the story of cupu and psychs or of persephone would make him forget his own troubles tcls manner toward miss mlcbarda was vary touching he was ber little guide and shadow through the streets ot paris the latter part of the winter b almost lived la our rooms when be was not at school out b was oarer in our way i can see franoola- now a a figure u u betted blouse of the french schoolboy s silent at miss rlobaru7s knee gaatnar adorlngty into bar pretty face while she adl discussed in that difficult kag ungn the mystarlss of which franoola wasjust hg to pen- strata the advisability of another but the winter cams to an and and franoobi ws toning us pacsrour trunks was a tsry sad little boy the dsy before our departure when we wars- exchanging parting guw his mother gave miss toebardm a pin- cushion whlobanebadmads i think as an r of grautods cor miss rlchardsiliiitiwsi to the child francois picked up tbs gar snsntsd sv thing and held k against bis cheek a wish x wars 4bteptooubbioa he ld whyt bwighod sflsa sleharas because iben 1 abouid go across the k great water and ilrs with you slwara jf 0ear utile francois bow 1 mlas -youl- sighed miss hlcharda ffiljp xw ttatt fchnri tnry the turkey baked in the brick oven j uenvin una is ct waa nearlng thanksgiving xay but thanktul allbee looking out of the little wln- t dow in old hebron did not feef very thankful instead there wero tears back of her long lashes if aha had but aat them fall t never saw auch a lonesome place in my- lire she said and she had pretty good reason for saying it little tn the distanced church- with windows boarded up looked back at ber and scattered near were empty bouses some with a glass window broken and some with green paper curtains drawn down tight ot4 hebron bad one been a pros perous little village on the hilltop but it was now an abandoned village this came from the railroad going through the valley a few miles farther away and tying the people of old hebron to pick up and follow until only a tsw of the houses remained occupied sot suddenly thankful looking out of the window underwent a reversal of testing she threw back her ataoul ders and gave a nod to her bead say ing 1 wonder if x am tfiankf ut aubee leoody else 1 ought to be thank ful here with yncle james and aunt sophia even if they have stayed m their old borne it not tumbled down by any means and we cab bear the whistle of the train so we are not out in the wilderness and if x can be any cdmfost to uncle james and aunt sophia i ought to be contented little red cap waa showing around the corner of a nearby house with green paper curtains pulled down aad as thankful looked she saw a laughing face under the cap xrawlng a long breath sua felt as though the warmtn of an- jndlu atunmer days breese was blowing over her the tittle red cap was showing more plainly around the corner looking uka a red sun rising through the fog thankful gave a jump well willises about this u- surely is girt x wonder and she grabbed ber coat and opened the door into the outside world the red cap had disappeared but not at ail abashed thankful sauntered slowly along to the bouse with the green curtains then thsrecaxne her a hello in a clear voice hello yo andyood morning to you she amid the girl with the red cap bad turn ed and was ufry her way toward thankful then ss she looked her over she it well its true after all- what la truer asked thankful why jimmy hammond the storo boy from habrondaie told me last night there was a girl about toy agv came on- a- mail train yesterday and asked for a team to carry bar up to old hebron w jsmes hesseltons anot gtrl in old hebron i i could not believe it- i was just eragy find out whether it was trues came peeking around my name phoebe tripp whats yours t thankful allbee then seeing phoebes astouisbed look she added named after an ancestor in the otd days when they gave such names girts thsnkfuv repeated phoebe can you live up to itr why x i try to moat of the time hut this morning when x go to think ing about the folks at home and how 1 wasnt going to bo with them thanksgiving guess sol phoebe nodded her head decisively but vm worse qjf than- youars xv never been to a real thanksgiving anywhere ainoe sa usstag the childs wistful tmtm when j am a mas x atikol marry you co tbvuhlkv gravely miss xucbards smiled but fran oois- she explained wben you ars man t shall be an old woman gray j and wrfttklsd mademoiselle biebgrds whan the j presence of another gives such a fael- v- x 1obt c peace la tba besxt as tout presence gives o ma age matters nothing moment there was silence and tusa x beard miss nicbards say softly v v i- j my francois yon wbo know the meaning of lore so well nsuat tnecb other men- its meanlngj xou must be a pvesenoe of psaoe tn this bouse itoo fnyst be a pesjosmaksr ho you understand t tour plaoe u bexe my place- is here be said tpougot- fully and then i see obve most pot go where ihareu ejraady peaos it must stay in the- unhappy pmoss and w con- 3v an old trlanktwwlhq xinnkft rsvv- how well i remember that om tbanksglvinkmnert fatbar at one and mother- at tba other end the obtmran between wondering if father will ever get don carving tbstcurfray o that proud strutting her tof the barnyard upside down his plumes gone and minus the gobble i stuffed with that which he can never digest i 1 the day before at school wa learned l that qreeoe u south of turkey but xm the table we round that turkay was bounded by grease the brown sur- face waited for the fork to sjuhg 1 astride the breastbone and whb knifs sharpened on the iambs of the fir plaoe lay bare the folds of whits nsat 01reto the bey disposed to be sentimental the heart give to the rone disposed to music th drumsttok atve to the onedlsposed to theological aiscuasibn tba parsons uoss ti the pies i fur tbs most part a lest -v- art what mines piss in wbicb you bad all oonfuenos tasfaoaed from all rich ingredients- lsstaad f mtsoellanj l sous leavings which are enjy aort h of glertnsd bjuih not qilswe pjes wllb profound mysteries of origin but mother made them sweetened them 1 flavored tham laid lb lower crust and the upper crust with bare and there a punotur by the fork tn let you look through the light and flaky gurfao into the substance bensatbv xr tulmaga 5 pivc thousand doltlar cash liv how would you uks tb wake up rw- aome morning and and you were the winner of tbo00t some person is go ing to get it why not youf the family lurald and weekly iwtar of mantreai are ottering ten thousand doltsrs in eash prises t to tboas who uvnaiw tba beat estimates of the total qwmber of votes to be ported at tbs fedral stoaotlon tbsro were islll pellsd ut or a total of fjiwjm lnujujtbe nkt election u iv- aurkway how many yrta rets v oosts nothing- to nuk an eslmats it ci -you- are subawrlbsr to that- great rsaalaf for xmi tfcp family xfsram bag a weadarful this it lg admittadtq be tba beat fjunily and farm paper on tniaoa- ttbat xery bjdaojau art oaten 4m arls alio fivep to each sslbstrlbsr ef ja tb bi t dotlars worth e vfbim w wiada write for a jamplv copy or iras your subscription tbja affloa topwltt sjrr regprat tt how could that bett why you see my father and mother died when i was nothing but a baby and ever since x canremember x have b passed around from one relative to another and where x happened to be at thsnkagrrlng they didnt cele brate that year this year i though i was going to have it sure but that all va now and the snapping blackeyes winked put afew tears what bappenear wen for most a year ihre been uvlng rlth deacon holdens folksy- david and imreaa theyre called tbey are awful good old folks tbey have a rich son john down country he want them to- come apd live with him but they cling to old hebron when x cant cook for davldp says gra ahe lets me call her grand- then ih go down country but hers h other day they got a leucf from john saying that owing to this that an tother bo and his folks would not be home to thanksgiving and grandma lsse disappointed ahe says she dont know as she ahaltmake much of thanksgiving this year so there i oat again but as phoebes dark eyes began to grow misty thankfurs blue ayes began to sparkle isnt that splendid splendldr beoauss x cant have any thasgjvinet oh npno7 laughed thankful 1 didnt mean that at alt 1 meant splendid because maybe you sap have tnanksgrving llow am i going to et utt xhat is whawlsf bussing around in my head now where is the holdeti house t bight up yonder the one that is painted white and overlooks tho vauey all right phoebe you skip homi and x will come and call on yon in lees than an hour phoebe looked at thankful with parted itpe for a moment and then made record time sprinting up the hiti oraudma hodden ahcrlod there aigfri over o james hesseltons her namets tbankf at allbee and oh orandms aba says maybe 1 cat have a thnkaglvlng and shes coming over soon to telf me about it oh x remember said grandma oophla la aunt to this thankful mother i poe she has come to stay till jamas daughter can come to look after them but 1 dont nee what a girl like that can do to glvo you or any ot the rest of us a thanks- giving and the lonesome old lady turned aside so that her husband wouldnt see her wipe the tears from her eyas phoebe jumped up at least a dosen times to look out of the window and at last aha cried here she comes t and threw open the door and hurried thankful in its thankful aubee she said aril now bow am 1 golngho have a thank giving tnpnkfuls face was beaming- this as ha kind of excitement that ahu uorugb4y enjoyed w are all going to have thanks- wag together aha said aunt sophia wants ma tn invite you all over and if you win help me a utile phoebe about getting ready til work ray fingers off i dried phoebe clapping bar bands way how good that is to invite us- and qrandma holdens fan brightened ton tell your aunt sophia aba said cheerfully that we will vboonwu she wulul r farlsg th oniokw pe wheu j years old my grandtnothr 4akgbt ma make uw ebica i37 tnsnksglvlng and j have never fall to make it a single year since bur somehow this year johns folks not coming and so on 1 hadnt the cour se to try it but you tell sophl that til bake it in my big yellow dlshand well bo on hand ill just look over my thinks now and she stepped away toward tho pantry thankful phoebe whispered tense ly id uks to turn a hnndsprlns would your laughed thankful you mght break some of the furniture instesd come home with m and help get the big room ready were going to have thanksgiving dinner in the big old room thgthur fireplace at each end goody goody cried phoebe as she grabbed her cap and jacket think of phoebe tripp eating her thankj giving dlnper in a place like thai she cried ss she wss skipping along beside thankful she stopped with sudden jerk and ttirned to thankful with a looknt constornatiotv scr i for rou gol turkey r she gabpedrt folks always have a turkey for a real thanksgiving dinner dont thoyf well sold thankful shaking her bead slowly we could eeod down to the market at llebrondajcv phoebe shook her head 9ot turkey there jlmmst rbunmotid toul ma so last night most pf thffxarmar arouqd here send their turkeys down country to market and wtiut were left soon got snapped up gobblegobble gobble suddenly rang out- a mosfunmlstakable clarion from some near plaoe unseen xloodnesal cried thnnkful i was not brought up on azarm but if eyer heard a turkey gobble thats one phoebe laughed s tes its a tur keys cobble all right its bll drays come on around here she crept slowly around the corner of the yesolats- rooking house with the green paptx curtains drawn down and motioning tbankf u to follow look here she sgidlsnt he a big one parading in front of the bouse till eli qray comes out to teed him look at the big fellow spreading bis tall out and swinging his red wattles just here a tall man with a basin in him band stepped out of the kitchen door and began to scatter corn front of the big turkey ha lives all alone in one side of that house said phoebe lnl whisper he has the best luck raising turkeys of anybody around here and every yearbe saves the biggest one of and cooks it for his thanksgiving dinner just as if he hod a big family haa sort of queer folks- say a you suppose he vouldseo that turkey r asked thankful thoughtfully givlugjphoebe a steady look sell that turkey the one he has saved he would sell it about quickly as be would sell himself cried phoebe well said thankful as though weighing something in her- mind tell the truth her brain was bussing with an idea a half dosen ideas in fact as soon as she entered the kitchen with phoebe close to her heels she said wistfully urnlng to her aunt aunt sophia cant we invite old bll gray to thanksgiving dinner with ust her aunt sophias hands want up and ahe looked at hankful in wide- eyed astonishment why he would not oome but whatever did put that into your headr t i thought perhaps he would coma said thankful fjustiet me try him wont yout v weil said aunt sophia i dont see wyjuna in trying it come to think of it it would be sort of neigh borly wbsn uncle james came to know ot thankfuls wish he laughed softly let her try it saphl- she seems pretty good at ma the rest of us and perhaps she will oome home leading eu qray by the hand no one knows thankful hurrlod back to the house with the green paper curtains by the side of the house stood old bll looking down solemnly at tbo big tur key thatbe was feeding thankful jumped into the midst of things with out hesitation mroray she sold j am thankful aubee mrs h easel ton la my tho thers aunt and she wonts to know if yon wont come to thaok halving dinner with us and deacon holdens folks ton will oome say that you will this last was brought out as she saw the pursing of the lips into a sharp no but at tbs last words the gtrl spoke the man tone softened spfl he turned bis eyes- from tho turkey and looked down into tbsnkfuls smiling upturned face and as he did so smile came into the corners of bis ayes x well be said slowly this may be the last thanksgiving hui gray may ever see hers he is getting along pretty fast ycd know he stopped then said in a more neighborly tone it surely would seem less lonesome to spend it with you folks than he draw a long breathy and the smile spread clear across bis face and look ing at him thsnkfuls eyes opened in surprtse jfs seemed a different man i wonder but she got further for ku gray was asking have you ot a turkey at your bouse 81s r why no mr gray said thankful with a alow shake of her head thought we could send to hflbrondale tor una at first but jimmy hammond told phoebe last night that there unt one to be bad at uebrondale the hebrondsj folks have all thats left as the most of them are sold farther down in the valley sot said lint with a soft ehuckle as he looked whimsical l into thank fuls face when she got there the cupboard was barer ybst jaughed thankful well said xci1 slowly would this one do do you think r and he pointed to the sohblar now strutting around leaving- tho remainder pf the corn thankfurs eyes lighted th mr gray jf only you would said thanks il than stopped step here a minute said ej1 bid ding the girl to follow him he went around lotie other side of ths house there you sea that did brick avadt it is uno mygrandfuuier built veu tell your aunt soph that ell oray will coms to hmthinmj itr with il turkey that alrit going to be cooked la her oven this oven u go ing to be hat up and x will see to the turkey roasting i will bring it over ssuttsd roasted steaming and juicy taint as tbugb i hadnt roasted more than ona turkey in that oven thankful wnthome- with her heart beating ao that aba bad to drop into a chair and put her hand up to press back th beats before sua apoka if levari said hr aunt when the new whs told her bs ban done thai every yarroasted a turkay in that oven but none of hht neighbors has got any v wall hey will get it this yeerv aaid thankful v l bar aunt did not say apy more to her mind as om reason for in viting- k1it lht sho would get tlit turkoyt i theone addressed threw baak lils head and laughod how hophi i wouldnt go in too deep as to that childs reason for tilings she has a good sound heart and a very level bead has thankful she u a girl to trusted but when thankfuls uncle james was by himself he again threw back his head and laughed and laughed then he said well she meant it for the good of us all the next morning there came an other idea to he front in thankfuls busy brain for awhile she tossed it to knd fro then she said ill just add another leaf to thn table and say nothing but 111 hov to tell phoebe a little or i cant get her to uks ths letter down to habrondaie but wont tell harwhafa in it so she put htr angers on her lips when ehe handed the letter to phoebe to- be mailed and said you wl know day phoebe whats in that letter and phoebe was lady enough notto press into the matter when ehe eswnrtumkful was really indent upon someuhng- uit a klrl she isl she said to f as she started off to mall the letter always planning yjr some qne she doesnt seem to think of herself tbe big room with its two flreptacos and its table decorated by the girls made a beautiful picture on thanks giving morning with the fire leaping from the fireplaces phoebe standing in the centre of ths room looking at the table laden with good things said throwing ber arms around thankful it41snt just the eating its the goodness and kindness and folknau of it sit and here is poor htue phoebe trlpp right in the middle of it ob thankful allbee you axe so good then she drew ber arms away from thankfuls shoulders and cried just see there thankful looking through the window the girls saw ell qrav bringing a copper kettle burnish ed like gold he wore a tight fitting cost of vivid blue and on tils head wss a tall bell crown white felt bat rellfts of his grandfathers muster dgyiult f in- his rear was deacon hoiden and his wife with tbe chicken entering the kitchen- ell set the kettle down on tbe top of the stove ramovlns tbe shining cover of the kettle be lifted the turkey carefully from off a grate under which were slumbering coots you see ha said turning to aunt sophia who was holding tbe blbe puttcr ready for the turkey this kettle is my invention and those coals keep the turkey hot you surely are a master hand at cooking a turkey said uncle james comlgg up and you want to sec that you are a master hand at eating it said ell happily it was just here when everybody else was busy that thankful looking out saw reason for opening the door quickly a big car was at the door into tbe room came john hoiden and his wife and his young son looking around with content well thanksgiving day toyou all john said going to his mother- and living her a smacking kiss and shak ing hands with bis father i v rwall well said his father ho expected thlsl then bo on knew who was com ingt said ell took em a little by surprise hey yes folks do change their minds sometimes you know said john look big around the lltfie croup but the one i want to see la thankful allbee i want to tell her oh please dont said thankful stepping forward please dont john laugbed as be laid his hands on the girls shoulders and gave her a ht tie shak welt i can rather guess sali ber uncle james that she has had a hand in your coming she is a master hand at helping folks yes that is what she ts sold john then they sat down jo the table and all wa quiet david you please return thanks said james heseelton deacon hoiden arose and in a voloo tender wltb dep feeling said our father we uutnk tbee for this bounty for this precious reunion of loved ones and especially for- thy young band maiden whose kind heart and willing hands have brought us ail together hare amen i said pnoebe tripp fervent ly pattenino poultry por thank8qivino there is no bird for the family table thst efiushr th turkey willi the can adian thanksgiving so early however few turkoy nrt ready for that feeil- val and yet soma of the early birds might better bo prepared for this market limn hold until chrlitmse and new year picking out the largest ones and giving hum a week or two special feed confine utn birds for fattening in yards not in crates and sive a maeti or ground grain mixed with milk twloo a day peod just mm much as will ueoleaned up if it is not convenient tp confine ths urgeat birds it will do no harm to feed the whole flock the srfwe feed and take out those that are fit for the thanksgiv ing trade leaving tha others for later marketing goes and 4ucka also will be used to a certain extent for thanksgiving but in au probability wellgrown cockerels will he used more than any thing else and there are not many delicacies more appreciated than a well finished cockerel nut it must 1 flushed it also cost less to have a plump juloy and tender bird than it does to liave a thin dry and tough one crate feeding puts on ths flesh and now is the tuna to as about it two dr three weeks- feeding make a big dlfferenco though a longer time is better coets much more per pound to grow tho frame than it does to pot the flesh on the framo after it ts there to grow the frame costs anywhere from 10 to 20 cent per pound de pending upon the birds and the way they are fed but by crate feed ing the bird for a few weeks before killing pound of flesh can be added for from toll cents in experiments conducted at the ex perimental farm at ottawa it look but 3h pounds of dry mash mixed with buttermilk to make a pound of meat and tho cheapest combination of feed was equal parts oats corn snd buckwheat all finely ground this was fed twice a day just enough for tho birds to quickly clean up good strong healthy birds weighing 4 to o potnds ore suitable and beat returns come from tbe american breeds core must b taken that the btrugaro healthy and free from lice a sood dustrnf df rnseot powder- should be applied before putting into crates they also should have a ti- hour fast before tho first feed this is essential if tho birds ore to be kept in condition throughout the feeding period anqjber necessary precaution i to restrict the feed for the first two or three days until the birds become accustomed to tho confinement after which thny may have au they will eat twloo a day a- dose of epsom ealts-4- irst feed pound to 100 birds helps to keep them in good con dition durlfig the feeding period a slatted crufe u best but a pack- ins box may be made over to do even on empty stall ln the stable is better than nothing hat keep lbs birds clean and live them plenty of fresh air without draughts it never pays to market birds with out the finishing but it docs pay get any blrda that aro ready off your nsnda oary usually there is a better price- for a limited nurnbeti thanksgiving than at christmas and to put some on tho market than helps to keepup the price later in tho season f c elf ord dornnmon poul try husbandman a new degree for women reports have it that a certain school of tscbnolosry confers on women who complete the coarse in household sciences tbe degree of bachelor of science in domestic engineering althaus some american institutions have been oharged of conferring degrees too boufiuful nd cong- academlo distinctions to hagtjr gx trames no one will object to this nosy variety of degre variety of the sort that give epics to ufa iii human values the bachelor of sciegcg is dojnestlo engineering holds th- moat fcmpgetdflt position in ths world what lg bg mgrg bridge- bulktaf or the naval architect tp h engineer of tba kllohan solving the chemical problems of hot bread and making geomatiia onkest food is the fundamental thlng in ufa and the ham is the basis of the state consider too bow dignified it would be for u tnan to ask a woman to be bis domestic engineer with tha bin plication thkt she be a civil engineer ss well the toil of the household takes on a new aspect the wife is no longer cook but chemist with u kitchen laboratory her- education napecjsjly her original research goes on aftgr hp leaves school just the continuity thg pducator recommend if ths young wlfg of twentytwo is paohslor of solane hgr mother should be a candidate for tha bpftsfpry decree of master of science in do mestic engineering she is uks the selfmsde bridgebuilder who hssnot had a cofteg education and for arandinother nothing will do but th highest honorary degree just as unl- venitles honor men who have made thehmsrk even if they are not col lege graduates sd grandmother ahould be summoned to tbs university on oom- menoement day drsaaad p academic gown and laoe caj and be dtddo a i d kl doctor of domeatlo knginper- his mothers son my niece mary was always a well meaning girl but ehe would say the wrong thing almost evory time i one old gentleman to another and shes got a boy thats going to be her very counterpart the old sentlemuns ayes twinkled and his ugly ffoodnntured face was puckered with enjoyment as be drew from his pocketbook a small sheet of notepaper sent hal a toy msakay that plays all klpds of pranks whan its wound up he chuckling 8nt to him for a birthday present now- you listen to thbj letter of thanks i got from him today hei just lgbt years old deer uncle ned i am delltod with the munkey thank you he makes me think of you very often and whenever mamma winds him up and he begins to jump mamma and i feel as if we were back at yourihouse where all those toy ore and mamma will look at the munkey- and say thnte your uncle ned all over qoodbye from yourgreatfull hal canadian pur farmt tba raising of foxes is- the chief branch of the canadian- tut industry according to the dominion hureaq of statistics tho number of fax farms in ltxs was 1 17 with foxes at the and of the year- valued at 9ls40fioo compared with 17- farms with foxea valued at lfft77708 in 1sxx alt pro- vlnocs shuw increases but tha largest proportionate increases are shown jn opjarf9 sni alberts where the num ber of xarfaa hayp almost doubled of the total number of fog farms ii are situated in prince edward island us in nova sootla 89 in new brunswick 198 in quebec tol in ontario is in manitoba 4 in saskatchewan 44 ajberta and 29 in british oolumbla t hi n jru t whan an and beg hug dbod wer 6 themselves she saidt v doypu ihinkj james she bad thai the qreat danger ire co tlous young map tv ptttf souls and when tie found how niucw absorb ed hepad becssnetwlth th msr ideu of playing in the town band he pon- sluedbjamlale tjo you reckon i could give up all that time to music without falling fromgraost he asked eiutouoy the aood old mlalster had a saving sense of humor lie saw that his paruhianer was muoh distressed be j twsen his wtsheaj and his conscience but the minister anllpd- on him never theless ite the horp your asked to play x hes hg said ever had miiob ax- perisnog with u bbenr hevef tried h ftu onoe but i uked the uun4 euflratraj aaid he young man h immi rsafq th minister wh i think you neednt be afraid of falling from grac otaooount of it but l do hopyouumnaaw things your family and neighbors wtm hays to pass through tha fiery temptation of hearing you pmoug too often bn ibimply have to us long jdistance i hvo gold u many afi 83 cuatomore hi one- m bylxmgdistnnoo then la littla jfllercnde ta the ooot of personal lottos and long dktbnoo raue and tht advantage ia all on tlie side of long diotanoo compe- iluon in our line is too keen talw any enanoos yh0 good cusiomora aro notwo riontlfu y run dumcoi by taldpg- oia tune to write a letter that may have to be followed by another to btrnlghten out aosno vnoxpected difficulty t bemmctothsrtuakm call of your proipacri bylotig dituna and wttb diinft nv tmtldy whin 1cotlano won an knallli hvuimwlf wnt into butaher- ahbp und kl for a diup hd ol th lady a auld hp hul sandy mid th cadunan pro- prlator to th rdhadd aaallanu it must b an enallh ono ad th automr armlvly bandy jut taa wt tho hraln wa th patlnt rply hi apbcialitv young niay iooki mo downcat that th markatman aakmt why h oarrtml auoh a lony fac vlfa returnad fol conciaaly p1dt txttilm4 th markotmkn olv you any raaaon for doln itr yp roly aatd with th air of a martyr th boa aaid b waa loalna monoy on th thine i waa maklir la that m7 what war you roak lnr- minium delicious 9s v-jteat- pure fresh arid satisfying sold in aluminum ptackets try it get your job printing at the free press asup extwotunmy tha barer otvaocmls ijk a great private yscfac she has croiser linos aad isolds many speed rec ords her apposskmesao sugmk th nnt bowls locdjkntmw fprhsce of ifale chose be rarice voyag t cl i osw sara osc onw ussbs wvishew isesr w ave fass m tw drs bhsboce wosaloss ttsb is sssie sestktbb by dks speed of the gin i loflui twsuflii j reps vds wmu n r xsaskeitiipiav awaitochinging xnheartscre urts that dream trip of sometime wiem yom ttthentmrw forth m the romgmoe tras t wide wide worht egypt feaotfatg fu toto myrtic india spend witcb- jng moonlight nights in ceylonsnmafrajatg roam over colorful fw lovely japan sbppplngp explor ing learning rjigylflg ex panding into citben of the world and everywhere the canadian parjncgdegyon trsupoxttouproylaibr yon the entire crnise afloat and farc i onder the game p manage ment krtalrafi riredn im niimliii winter but that wodd is changing go this winter ncxtjan- nary let the m of frano float yon off to pleasure seas she will poke into the gateway potts of the world leading you to all that is worth while round the globe xrjniantic you will meecalgtera naples madeira explore the holy land from jerusalem into 7vary uth from sew vr t fr worsr dueg hgf ihe time to mh mrramfemextthmow n ri rilr t rstfhn rr tss trsodinarv covets every other dcoil write call carphone tor it rvriuswf strvicm service rqpreseatatrre oa erases dla oiiwm cell f desired address j e parker gefseral aent pawenger dept 1 kjnq atbeet ea8t toronto ic rfuise round the world canadian tactfc a pipy saveo is nqt alvyays a penny nient -v- the merchant who spends nothing oh ad- v3ruipiig loses much more than he save the money spent for plate glass windows n is hot looked on as lost not is the money spent on better interior lighting anything that increases favor that very properly regarded agbxd invest- adds to sales that multiplies customers is garnec sometimes it is two pennies lost advertising is a good investment just as plate glass windows arc advertis ing sells more goods to more persons than the shop windows do a word to the public do yqu resent havings a tnerttant ad dress his message to you in the form of an advertisement in our columns on the contrary is not your impulse to respond to hi friendly overtures shop where you are invited to shop i i zttmi sss nab