4 ffmi sssp li j 4ftg a 3fogirg8fl tjxuiu3pay dkckmtflcn 4 1b14 mr and mrs ww i ural hail a car i would loofr with dimlaln at mun who wodld shift on n hill i would lrtvn with a dah that wu fooluih nni rush ituu the risk of a smash or a aplll i would juttw evary cat- i could o tin road t my rntvlng fox speed wm intenae am matter or factrto te truthful oxnct tho thljjg that i lucked vu bixft aennc lo a i did whh rnturteil td ilnvn havoi galnedwmu i lanked i mtmt do i bo without clialn through tlm know and the mlns llnve ittnymoro hmlna in my heed do t rush at the hill never shirting itwf tn fny tringlnj for nneed quite a looat therssthe wlr- nt my stile when 1 for a rldo and- i nay it vflth pride shes tho hoaaf hrolu oborn the sohday school lesson foj1 sunday deoemper 7 chinese war spoils royal am ancient qame i twenty years ago from the luu of tha free pre of thursday december 8 1b04 the machinery for noble newele- vator at the o t r la peine placed thla weak comprint are current from many poru of the country of the scarcity of water owing to the dry fall the annual at home hald 11 thuraday evening by wii btorey jr son employees in the town llall wu a very enjoyable affair tjiai vtaat itutss la now settled in ita fine now premise come in and eo hor cosy and comfortable w ore in the new office on the old alto quelph city council tendered the exhibitor at the winter fair and a number of invited guests a vary en- joyobla ivnebeon at noon on tuesday e w oraoa has aold the store and dwelling he- recently purchased on main streets to thomas boston and baa purchased the rolston property on uu1 street for which he paid m- air oram haa taken possession and opened his meat hualneaa in thla mrtdl- known aland messrs beattle and hurst have un dertaken the management of the king sxlward rink the coming season a rood bottom haa been secured and toe will bo in condition at the earliest possible date the concert a by the victoria glee club under the auspices of the epworth league of the methodist church on monday evening was much enjoyed toy a full house the pro- y gramme was varied and delighted the audience eapeclatly the jollier num bers such as mamie doan re cry mo hooey and the ught or the moon an appeal- to honor treat a man as if be were gentlr- tnan ad he wfll rarely disappoint yon in uluatratlon or this truth mr crosse author of round about the carpathians tells a good story of a robber chief la hungary afew years ago the carpathian mountains were v infested with organised bands of rob- bers and nejther lifer nor property was safe- about- this time a lady of great wealth the countess who lived not for from ibs main highway between budapest opdvlenna received a pollts- note one morning informing her that twelve gentlemen would dine with bar at midnight she understood what it meant i jt was imposslblsto aumtnons help and well she knew that every approach to the castle wonld be guarded to pre- veat commanuaitlou in this dilemma aha tnade ready -for- her uninvited a0tsv ju midnight up rode an armed band twelre men h alt immediately the ygat of tho ootanoourt and the en- tranee were thrown aside the count ess stood at the entrance to receive them richly jbysaed she bid mho cltef and his wten a gracious welcome cwre ordets thatxheh horse be cared tor and than taking the arm of nr gvestt led the way xv the dlnlngbou bea a goodly feast was spread and all the gold ahd sflvej- pute ot the casti 15a laiflswy idlapfgyed the teoder of the robber band start ed back lh surprise but recoverlfis hlg eetfpoeseealon seated himself be- aide file ehormingv hostess who en- gaged him tnsynerry talk of the gay world at vienna with which they were r both romluav at length when the feast was neejrly ended the chief took put his watch and said- countee the happiest moments of my itfe have always been the shortest i pave another engagement this night bal as i am apoewver appealed td my honor in- valn you have noticed me as a gentleman nnd i shall- take my departure as one ai for yon ray men he said looking sternly round with hand on his revolver i charge you to take nothing from this house pe who disobeys di aies that tn- 7etaiil j ttv obtef then asked for pen and paper and wrote some words upon a tbeet which he handed to bis host- ess this m will serve to pro tect you in roture tou have but to show it and uwlll save you from any molestation or loss the name of the robber chief wae afterwards known ife was an im- pbyerlohed cadet in one of the noblest families in hungary hla fata was aad v enough he was captured shortly after the incident which has been related hare and ended bja ufe at the hands i of the odmmoa hangman no trouble to marry an amualng story la told of the way liuwhlo a ooupls ware married orer flfiy years agp in a small new llamp- ahlre town the minister had u sawmill which occupied many of hi week day hours and be way standing in the door of this- sawmill one bright beptember hwrolng waeh a horae come along the rpad which wound- down to the mill lonthe horse was a young man member of the ministers cangregauou and a very pretty young woman from on 0 the neighboring vlllagea the minister lookml ot them for a moment and then raid cheerfully want to gat married i reckon yes replied theoumg man with an ingenuous blush pa- you take thla woman to bo your wedded wife you neednt get off- the horse aald th- mlniater i do replied the man aa4 do you take thla man tobe your wedded husband r continued the minister c do said the pretty bride jvery well then you cat drive on said the minister and forthwith he reumdhls work in the mill i t obojwnrno right a- urovldgnt man la literally n man jfho looks ahead suoh man for ln- unoe as ogurea in thts utile anpedote a yqkehtre vlcor received the fol lowing note tram ona of his parish loners 1 this is to give you notl that 1 and mtss jemima arabella iirsorly u oos- ing to your church on saturday after noon nex to undergo fhavperatlon of matrimony at your hands- pleas be uromp sj the oab la hired byjha hour forewarned is forearmed the vicar wi iompend the operation qulccly performed wmlf the cab ws jjlkiiotlutlkfl and hkwahdb oi cqntrtltthlniji ch1ukt john 1317 3j fildn text one thing i knt whtdm i was blind now i mm jo tke text flxplalnad vvraea 13 jt the pharlaaea tlio oficct or tho miracle waa u lncreui thoir onvy oud hatred of joauo whona influence among tho common peopl was nt thla time ut ita height huno they aought to use the fact that it wn the sabbath on the day when jeaus made the clay and opened hla eyes a basis for on accuaaolon against jesi before lb local tribunal of justice on the charge that be had disregarded the sobbau jlaw verse if keepetb no the sabbath jeeus treated with alight consider ollon the traditional interpretation and application of rthe sabbath law which th elder and religious teachoraj attempted- to regulate the minutest do tall of conduct on that day often indulging in long dissertations and hairsplitting controversies wboth the tight artd wrong of certain almost neces actions verse 17 he is a prophet a cour ageous statement of sincere conviction after a trying ordeal before pfejudlcni inquisitors verse st would ye also bocomo ills dlsclplest a bold thrust which could not fail to do one of two things either it must silence his questioners or arouse their anger and resentment as irony end sarcasm always do- veres ii and they reviled him the earnestness of the subsequent de fense of their own faith in moses was the strongest proof of the effect which the mans testimony had had on these men of rank and standing among the people verse si if this man were not from ood he could do nothing a conclu sive answer to the distorted argu ment of the pharisees in verse 16 how eon a man that is a sinner do such signs verse thou wast altogether born tn sins and dost thou teach ust tbe last resort of pride and conceit often a belated attempt to stand on ones dignity 357the son tf qodwords used by jesus in referring to himself and therefore of the moat importance in our estimation of hla person and char actor verse sb worshipped him unfor bidden note again th consclousni of which jesus must have had of bis own divinity the meaning of miracles 1 the mlracjea or signs of jesus are evi dences of- hi divine nature and power auch john regarded them and as such they afford convincing proof of christs claim that he s was sent from ood 3 they are spiritual symbols tbytila we mean that the miracles or jesus were illustrations of spiritual truths of facts thus the miracle of feeding five thousand lllus tratas the spiritual fact that ood pro vides for the needs of all bis creatures and thusalso th healing of the blind paints to the aplrltaal illumination which christs coming into the world has brought to men the miracle of this lesson shows 1 that- jesu brings light to those living in spiritual or out darkness of ignorance and sin x the case of spiritual blindness is within the man mmself and not superr imposed upon him from without odds truth and love abound la the world flooding- it with light and beauty and joy and peace for all those who are able to comprehend 1 spiritual 11 lamination comes to men not by a change of external conditions so much as by a transformation wrought- with in- the sabbath of man this miracle u the seventh of sarles wrought upon the jsabbath day the- others are 1 healing the withered hand 2 res toration of the demoniac at capern aum healing of bimona wifes mother woman bowed down aight- rura k propalca man para lytic at sethseda 7 the man bqra blind all these are miracles of rmeroy in tho roller of human suffering with such an array of pod deeds upon the sabbath it incomprehensible that objection could be made such on ob session however is the natural re sult of a ceremonial- religion by acts and words jesus placed men before institutions and declared that the sab bath was made for man not man for the sabbath passion foe saot another fine quality in this blind man was bis pas sion for fact when the pharisees pressed htm with dubious confusing questions be told simply what had happened and answered whereas i was blind now i see he does not at tempt to tell bow it was done hut he hugged close to the fact that it was done giving christian testimony is alxnpiy telling- what has occurred in the realm of religious experience it was by their psealonata devotion to facts that the early christians won thelr way and founded the christian church a faith that worships at the start the blind beggar knows very little about jesus he knows only bis name but aa the cure la wrought and real ised hu knowledge grows from more to more note its advance as shown in the notation of the verses a man that is colled jesus 11 a prophet 17 of ood- tt the son of ood 39 the final confession of the blind man was more than ah intellectual acceptance of jesus his faith rises to worship and he said lord i believe and he worshipped htm the word for worshipped john- uses only in th sense of divine worship a faith thai worships is a fair triumphant pier study and dlsousen who were the pharisees what were their views in regard to the 0ab- balht how jnftny miraola of mercy did bua perform on the sabbath dsyt what la jeaua teaching in re gard to the sabbath day what la the moat affective form of christian testimony t show the progress or tho mind mans faith what wo hla anal confession t dally rasdlnga for next week monday dfwmbw 8 john 11 114 tuesday december john 1 3144 wednesday pecembcr 10 1 kings 17 1t24 thursday december nj kings m7 krlday toerember 11 acts t a- 41 saturday iecmber is 1 cos ib 20ia sunday december j4 psalms lt 1t hygiene humor successful physician in bringing about thecureoxs patient whu had suffered u nervous breakdown djrtiol- ed him to tell a funny story every time the two met the man did this t drat without th glimmer of a smile and then wtlhgrowlngnppralatlaaand enjoyment the funnj ufy wm on important element n hi complete cure a sens of humor- waa given you for a reason- a if ugh gives your life the nam benefit that oil give machine a meal during wblob there la plenty of laughter is sure to ba well digested run is g shock absorber j it enables you to tk ome pretty bard e opinion- of canadian- pttculv stationed in china the cesoalj hostilities in that country will in all probability be followed by a remarkable development of canadas trad with the orient from utters received at the mjontreal faeadquartern of the great transportation company canadians europeans and other for eigners did not take the chinese war quite as seriously us did the chinese themselves business was affected tittle as travel to and from the in terior was lomowbat restricted but at no time did the foreigner feel ap prehension as to their own aofqty even though at tjme the actual seen uf the fighting was npt known but was quite cios the main thing worrying the europeans in shanghai were the poaaiblllty of a food shortage and the fact that the cltysjejei golf links was in the fighting sonajtnd ti4 therefor more than- the usual hasarda but trafficking and travtmay now he aald t hare returned to prewar baste to the chinese however tfte war was ft flrstiolau war a will be seen jteeredfor thu workwere fearful of from the nooompaoying reproduction of a new bulletin published at shang hai end forwarded from that city by one of the oflloefs of the canadian pacific steamships to montreal the whole of the bulletin is taken up by war new pictured in the centre ar qonersi chi and su at the top left one see bqw oenentl kay finding no cbeklang troop nfter the defeat of the su soldiery at lew hoa was fore- to jump into the river where he finally captured below that he who understands chinese hieroglyphics reads tbht recruttlhg v workmen for elation work and th transportation of munitions at jsrbark we com paratlvety easy as man who volnn being forcibly recruited for aervlce nt the front if theywere found to be without employment underneath the portrait of the contending generals the arit has endeavored to show how mlt gee pong of the su army fired an the chsktang- troop at wong deo forcing them to retreat and at trje right how the chsklang trooney en- time tq which to escape from thefftfenchlngltbemsetves round iew iioo and by remaining quiet tricked the army into thinking that the tosm hnd been ovaoua ted being thereby en abled to vanquish clcperal kay who eousht to occupy it out the war la over nuwand on this aide of tho paclfta we are just left to ask what did jt all mean the canadian pacific has included shanghai inthe itinerary of- the em- prow of frftnce round the world cruise which is to commence at new york on january 14 1926 and to the parti ct pants in this crulae the late chinese war may mean a few battle field to visit or a few more souvenirs to buy but that is about all amid all the charm and beauty mystery arid intrigue of th orient a little thing ufce a war i soon forgotten by the average visitor to the country at least cool setli bamppqn of maine common ly tpokon of an uncle 80th who died recently at nn advunaad ago was well known in iiia iintlva sutt aa a foarlesi advocala of temperance iio proaoopt ed rumsellrra without mercy and in ttirnwas cordially hatud by the whole i fraternity at one time while uttondlng court i in a liquor trial ha wna trpendlng tho evrnlns in the public room of the tav- i ern when auullot hatqrd ihe win dow und paaaed near bis huad there wna rrent excitement oft ouurne but uncln htthrumalnid un moved he lioil bofii in danger of his life before ho suld nothing till tlio uproar subelded then he remarked quietly tol what would you- dof asked a byblander id make him fix tht glaso railway time tables at jspton sjwnchito mixture hrsrsonr k if i cough bronchitis colds m provoking to joe the young roan who receives and question applicants for cards at the public ubrsry in a certain eastern city relates some experience quite as amusing as those which ar so often recorded by the muchtried tloket agents in railway stations some of his customers tell him too much and yet leave him too milch in tbe dark have you ever had a oordfihe asked a pretty but bewildered young woman whd presented herself at bis desk one day and from whom jjc had elicited tier name and address after some little parley why i cant remember whether x have or not sold she in a dubious voice- we had one in th family- but im sure i dont know whether it belonged to ai or my sister euen you see that was before i was mar ried i nuppoae i could write and ask ellen shos living out in idaho but than she mjght not remember either it wont- be necessary to write her sold the clerk how long ago wa this- oh dear ma said the young woman now i pish i could think let me soe 1 used to come here to get books when i was engaged joe my husband is very literary and i id to try to keep up with htm i remember that first winter i read all dickens books or was it thack eray i wonder which it could havn been weir no matter how long agolt as remarked the amused listener 1 the young woman rested her faoe on bar band apparently lost in pleas antjreeolleotlons will ypu give me tm one as a reference please why how runny aald the young wife i really forgot where i was it iftiinm queer for you to want n reference but joe address is 140 bbmk street he has a splendid posi tion there i think ahe added sink ing her voice to p confidential wh leper theyll ask him to become one of the firm nest aprlng but joe told me id better not ten neoplo that- su of course you wont say anything about j l- j i wont mention it the young man assured her controlling his face with 1 difficulty but please rflve me m other reference than your hus band what for asked the young woman indlgnsntly simply because its the rule re plied the clerk- well its a very poor rule replied the woman in a tone uf contempt- hut ill refer you to my rather hes nt 34 walter street or yotfcaji go to my brother at 76 morse place or cousin will at the stock ex change bt joe will be very much provoked to think you werent satis fled with him wltb that etttf took her bandbag and- four paper parcels gave the clerk a frqaty good morning and walked away from the desk leavliurcthe poor man without any idea as tohhe name other than christian of her father brother ar cousin and with only a confused jumble of addresses in his hand she never came back again and tho clerk- is loft to euppoae that either joe was provoked or she has for the second time lost htr desire to he iteraty changing te0 orain a common question asked by former is toes it pay to change seed the inference here 1 that where the aame sod has bean used on the same farm for a few years tt may deteriorate jn its ability to produce a profllable cropv it is olso a common belief that one operating a farm characterised by relatively light soil should obttnrtils seed frequently from a crop which is produced on soil of a htintnr char acter sjidtlce versa some authorities have scoffed at the ideaut a change of seed is eyrneoessary they argue that eod grown year after year la a district must of necessity bscom ac climatised and better adgptsd to the soil condition of that district t h s aafe to afty lhat many farmer have followed thla advice to their financial doss inrestigntlon and observation have revealed the fact that it i not possible to lay down any definite rule as to when aeed ahould be changed it is obvloua that certain circum stances may arise to make the change of aeed appear imperative even to the casual observert tor instance a crop may be so badly damaged through look of moisture or by aome condition which has forced premature ripening as to cause the resulting grain to be very light and poor under auohdrj- eumstances it would of course be folly to think of ualng thla grain for seed this however is an extreme case th problem to determine is whether under norronj drcumsuincee one rosy expect a larger crop from the- use of seed grown elsewhere than on tbe farm on whlchit is intended to be used without going into dsfsjj one may safely follow the rule tp change seed only when seed may be obtained which pos a higher degree of development and vigor then the homegrown this is assuming that the homegrown seed belongs to a suitable variety for the district and is free from noxious impurities if those i latter provisions are not com piled with tho seed of course ahould not be used under any oircurastanooe farmers who contemplate changing their aeed and whose seed is reason ably good at present would be well advised to procure aome ftrstola registered seed through the canadian seed growers association at ottawa and teat this in comparison with their own this is a relatively inexpensive practice which might well be adopted periodically by every farmer and with all classes of crop i ii newman dominion cereallat ftwhen hollo ways corn iumover is pplled to a corn it kills the roots w the callosity cornea out without injury to the flesh for sprains and bruises there is nothing better for sprains and con tusions than dr thomas bdeclrlc oil it will reduce tbe swelling that follows a sprain will cool the inflamed flesh and draw the pain ifwhutoke the ache out of a bruise by counter acting the inflammation a trial will oonrtnbe any who doubt lis power the best op care ay physician tall in the nowavlt star story of u philanthropic dootor in a pennsylvania rulutng town who gave u new thermometer to each family with the urgent advice to keep their bouses at a proper temperature when ho was making lilit runds on day ha uw tils tltermoniater bunglntt in the room ha akod tho woman of rbe house if she rcmuinlmtod his in structions indeed nlr i do was tho response i hong the thing rlsht up thuro and i watch it carefully to sec it pow not get too high ooodj exclaimed the doctor and what do you do when tho arakraturo rises abovo seviiity degree why slrt answered the woman with the air of one faithful to a trust whftn it gets tqu high 1 tskajtdowp and pu it qutsfde unllc cou ut v to kjtep busy a retired colonel advertised for uahservaut and an irishman came after th job what i want explained the colonel is 0 useful mun one who caiicpok drive a motor took after a pair of hursee dean boots nlnl windows feed poultry milk the cow and do w little paint lug and paprbanglng kxouse me sorauiduip tupllcautj libut what kind of solllmve yehersr sout aruuiped uicjaloael what lhmthatto do with itr welt 1 ihoughtr it r was clay 1 tilgtj aaju hfftat ill as sjpwe faj9a efficiency moles- good dqnt explain 1 do the thing you ore expected to dot dont waste time in giving reasons why you didnt or couldnt or wouldnt or shouldnt f i hire you to 000k for me i expect my chops and baked potatoes on time dono to thfl turn and appetising i am nol interested in the defect nor in the misery in your left arm i want food not explanation if i hire you to taka care of my automobile or factory or ahlrtwolat counter i do not want to hear why things are half done i want- results 1 bo also if you come to me and hire me to do a job of writing by the fifteenth of tha month you do not wont me to show up on that day with 0 moving picture story describing how 1 couldnt do what- i was paid for you want the writing and you want it first class all wool and yard wld mr tust the rochester librarian in his report jom time ago spoke of the parable- of the talents in which we ore told of the thre servants who had received takntflv two and one respectively on the mastera return they all xtfndered n account of their lewardahlji the first two had doubled their capital eacb of tbem sold eo in fourteen words and thsir worlc wits pronounced well done good and faithful servant servant number throe had accomplished absolutely nothing but ho made full report in fortytwo words throe times as lone on the other report tltsro you liuvo it tlio lens you do ths more you exnjaln uticienoy inrn int word by hearl to to bed saying it n your sleep of all tho joyq on thjlu tocr trial pbere there i none unlte- q squl utlsfylog and so oni hundred centlah as maklpg rood dq yqur nork u utth better han aome one utae culd dp it thhi is the origin bf auopes making good needs po rott-nota- fnilura recjulxcsfortytwo word dr frank crane slightly ambiguous how wu yodr spwecu reoalved ulj the olubr naked tna qt cliumloy friends why they congratuuted no very heartily in fact one of tbe members came 9 me and told inejhot when i out down he hud said tor htmneu wus the best thing i nad ever done wise mother who knew the virtues of mother oravea worm kitermlnn- tpr sjlwaya have it af hand becans uprovtsb lt vmitfs naval definitions pnthom a measure of six feet turret a tower for theprotectioi of the gunner crows nest a perch- for the look out at the masthead armament l term expressing col leotirely ail tha guns of a ship jaoabs bladder a short ladder with wood- rungs and rope aides capstan a machine used on board ahlp for lifting heavy weights bow chaser a- gun mounted in the bow to ore on retreating vessels bulkhead a partition separating compartment on the same deck cahlea long heavy chain used to ship in place at anchor binnacle the compass box ofu ship with a light to show it at night gangway the aperture in a snipn side where persons enter ond depart pisplacementthe weight in tons of th volume of- waterdisplaced by ahlp hull barbette a fixed circular belt of armor for protecting the suns in revolving terret- knot a nautical mile of 1016 yards equal to about one and oneeighth statute mllea monitor a low nearly flat bottom ed armored vessel with one or two turrets eech carrying two guns bridge- a platform above the roil extending across the deck for the con venience of the ahlpe officers conning towerrpan armored tower where the wheel engine telegraphs etc are located and from which ths captain is supposed to direct his men during a battle bores fteal quickly have you 0 per sistent sore that refuses to heal t then try dr thomas kclectrlc oa in the dressing it will stop slough ing carry away the proud flesh draw out tbe pus and prepare a clean way for tbe new akin it la a recognised healer among qlia- and numbers of people can certify that it healed whora property applied she knew sheep arter- the city brad young woman was put in charge of a country school to the obun in anlt she aald now children if there are jen aheep on one aide of a fence and one jump over how many aheep will be left no sheep teacher answered a towheaded little loss of ten summers oh nol cried the city young woman reproachfully tou are not so stupid as that i think again if there were ten aheep on one aide of the fence ajid one sheep jumped over nine sheep would be left dont you see that nol nol no persisted the child if one aheep jumped over all the others would jump after it my father keepo aheep then seeing the pusxied look on the teachers race the little towhead ex plained apologetically you know vlthmetle miss but x know shmp certain morbid conditions moat exist in the atomach and inieaun to en courage worms and they will exist as long as these morbid conditions permit them to to be rid of them and spare the child suffering use mluera worm powders they will correct the diges tive irregularities by deatroylns the worms conditions favorable to worms will disappear and tha child will hove no more suffering from that cause the pevilsowtr you can cur a drunkard or reform a crook but lasinesa i practically beyond help the old saw satan find soma mischief still for idls hands u do hi a libel od the devil who has no time to wast on those who ore hog tied with a fatal mars disease better be up to your neck in mischief than doing nothing which la rmlritual aulotda idle handa beget a mean toogus end feet swift in paths tret arii dark and devious tho atuggard la wiaer in h own ooncelt than aeven met who cnn render a reason and the oamn writer saya seeot thou man wis in hla own conceit there m mora hope of a fool thou off hni if thoubroy a laxy fool with a pestle in a mortar with wheat yet hla fool- lahp ww not deport from him the example of industry and thrift 1 ion in tha alucgord tjh ludhams dog h is so weary tluit he ha to lean against th fence to bark advice mil off blm like water off a ducks back reproof goes in on ear and out at th other if physical qt moral sluggishness begins to take hold upon you eacape for your life look nol be hind tarry not in oil the plain for there la no hope for laslnass holomoti in shoe and xther journal the lit aethms attack may really ixi the toat olio if prompt measure ore takon dr j kellogg a- thma hamedy will safeguard you iwlll imtnetrote to the email est bronchial passage and bring about a hoalfhy condition it always relieves und it continued use often has a permanent effect why not get this longfamous remedy today and eommejic it use inhaled as amok or vepor it is equally mzefttlvf mother 1 pieteher cristbria i harmleaa sukatitate for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing- syrpps prepared to relieve infants in arjnsjmj children all ages of constipation- wind colic flatulency to sweeten stonjacn diarrhea regulate bowels aida in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates to avoid imltalipm always look for tlic signature of cftrism dlrccttona on rarh paclatrr riiysicuns everywhere recommend il did he leave any insurance the first question asjcod by geo r go castles friends when they heard of his tragic death in an automobile accident was quite a natural a griefstricken young widow two wideeyed wondering children a little home partly paid for here wero proper enough reasons for tho solicitous query of true friends and george castle had no insurance if your death came shortly would your widow be left in this position would she after tho first paroxysm of grief had rjassed face long years of want with dull despair crowding lov- lag memory from her heart protect her future with a north american life policy tho attached coupon will bring you complete information on bow best to do it north american life assurance company solid 1 head office 1 the continent toronto f c waus district msnagcr 04 dink of hamilton bldg hamilton ontario 8nd m your ilookhtt the whnle life pouoy 7s rav 0o am 1143 am 143 pjn 343 pm 643 pm 743 pm 943 pm 1140 pm sveight delivered by ansclal expresai frejgfat freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto no 31 ho st ko ii mo ib no ib nb 16 sunday going cast sdo om 10 so om a 21 pm cob pm h20 pm lojoa-m- no 26 no so no 34 i no 16 no ii no 34 sunday totajn- hlbom a86 pni fl00 pjn 829 pjn 708 pjn m canadian national electric railwavs weatbeund daily ffxoept sunday 743 am dally b43 om 1143 am 143 343 643- 743 b43 daily pally pally doily daily pally pally pm p m pm dn pim 1353 ajn eastbouid vl dally dally except bunday daily dally dauy dolly daily doily p4ir village oft acton notice of regfatrauon of bylaw notice is hereby given that a by- law was passed by the municipal council of the village of acton on tho fourth day of november a p 1934 aa number 669 providing for tho lssu- ing of debenture- to tho amount of 361000 for ihe purpose of defraying the coat of the installation of a gxtso- lino driven waterworks pump and en gine and that such by-law- was regis tered it the registry ofpce for tho registry division of the county of holton on tho 17th day ofnovembr liii as number lis any motion to aoash or- set aside the some or any part thereof must be mode within three months after the first publico- uoa of this notice and cannot bo mado therofter poled at acton ontario this twen- tlath day of november ad lqu u ni kanmhk clerk ill m j ea gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attention to orders left t- e gibbons uain 8treist acton diamonds of quality u like most otherthings dia monds may be either good bad or indifferent v a fine diamond is distin guished by purity of color freedom from flaws and quality xf cutting tf these characteristics com bine towoduc the flre and rare brilliancy that is the outstanding quality of evefy true gem ii we handle diamonds of qne quality only these we buy direct in large quanti ties always for spotcash savage co ouelph ontario yu ba homo soon mother wrih svmmy fummr look niaa jrbonjrr ikuv uj h niy t a get your job printing at the free press ix aaof h 0 much mora wia- dom than is usual t his se bor two years he worked in a foundry doing a mgn work ilia father worked beside blm oud halpvd luoi muu ths art of pouring molten tnetsi one day sammy complained or a sor- eld but his pmpla didnt worry much itll be all right in tho mornlog mother aaldi go and take a rt7 itut it wasnt all right lit the morning nor the taomlng after no nor a week after it was then time tor 0 doctor to examine uaouay- tho doctor looked him vr aovarol tuoaa then took hint to a aelallat doth medico man ogreeev tbat bommy was ooosumptlre and bith held autaiae hop if he took theurat one hutmy la qulx o favorite up in tha muekoko ilospltal for comuup- tlves he keep th other patients tn sthl bumgr with hi plkosont emlu ondjiie quaint etc lies of yvanch que bec where ha apent hi boyhood day tell the folks 111 be home oon ha wrote in hla last letur and hw probably wfll b for he is making nil land id prooreaa th muknka uoopltal for can- aucnllvu the llavan of the pour of- nintad with tubreulos in large measure reliant upon iubll rmifiroauy for us fund t carry oil u work codtrlbutlona tnay b tit t hull w aoharltiin 1realdant 3 colus tjtrl toruiitu untorto 4 the free press qhristvlas cards areready order now i ssk ii