Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 25, 1924, p. 3

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rs-k- tub uohtct qhji arfnn 3firr ir0b utmul rclctrd thiirnur amrnin l ik pr waaa uululag hill jitret anna oeiarta the tmcripticm pruc in xjm pe trail to tdvasvc hun at charwd additional to- oftcw th uttltad stale the data to which anhacvnrtioea are paid i indicated o tha- address ubai rates trasalaal advertise- lta esata wmnrt lar first advertising aacata 10 ctnta p inxrlkk and j cetnta per unt lor each abee- lii innrtioo contract dlapu edvestlae wnla ftx tncbas or taore per asses tl teat per tuh aait l axlvnttaweserata arito wit p ha dlrvcikn will be tsaerted utt fort il timihotl arrordtncly i p mfobf pttdatad editor a wis afaaar ad asatatsst tvutw iflhpiilnrs- inqoasibe of accomplishment no paper can be published without tiomc patron age and overy citizen is more jr less directly inter ested in keeping up a home paper if a railroad or a factory is wanteds the newspapers are expected to wprk for it if a public meeting is wanted for any purpose the newspaper is called upon for a free notice if any of the societies have a supper or re ception of any kind the newspaper is expected to give the necessary report of proceedings the news paper must puff the schools and every thing else to advance the interest of the town and then give each citiren a handsome notice when ho passes away and yet some of ihsuwlo nothing to keep up a home paper brussels post enjoy the public librarys advantages acton has wisoly provided an excellent library tmw bour vinghpnixtm m d of considerable benefit with over 4000 volumes free of access to our citizens thursday morning december 25 1924 editoiual best christmas wishes the library board is aiming to maintain the stand ard of literature available to the readers of the com munity and are adding freely from time to time tho newest works as they arc published now that the long winter evenings are here and tho outofdoors no longer calls with its summer allurement many citizens might develop an excellent habit by calling nt the library once a week or so to make a selection of literature from the wellassorted stocks there most of os do far too little reading of a serious na ture and an hour or two dally spent in rending good literature will prove an agreeable surprise in the amount of pleasure and instruction such an employ ment of time affords wcathkr b10ns in froviflm and rhymc8 it might be said that weather pro- verb have very little fraotloal ase to day since wa have a national weather- bureau whoa fforaoaata are reliably baed upon known eoodltiom report ad hourly from nary put ot nation however in general 1 not corialderedhtvunjoa to forecast or definite houraor particular town or localities and t a urea aslant every on depend upon certain weather signs of which they have learned understand the slgnlocanoe in tbo old uya the obeervailon of weather signs was tba only possible way or forecasting the weethar in lha course of many eenturie thara came o be coined an oroaadlnalj- largo number of proverba and rhymea- about the weather that en turn oe scientifically explained a study of theeb 1 very intereetlhf and snow ledge of how to forecast tba w vi simple but nevertheless sincere is the wiscot the free press to ail our readers advertisers friends and residents of the community generally at this season of christmastide no elaborate expressions could bo more downright in earnest than our good cwiahes herein expressed merry christmas these happy words lose none of their friendliness sod charm through repetition on the contrary they gain in warmth am expressed and rcheratcd it is the sincere wish of the freb press thsthcroifiitlnas season may find all who read this enjoyitog health happiness and the joys peculiar to the fcativebolidays tne u f a would jail at their meeting lasj week the u t fall programme it includes a tax on lieu of an increase in automobile license fees restric tion of the operation of heavy motor trucks impris onment as well as fines for bootleggers all who sell liquor unlawfully no glorification of war in school text books a fiat rate for hydro power throughout ontario government ownership and control of all theuvo stock yards in canada and a surtax on un improved land values such are some of he latest addjaions to be declared platform of the organized i farmers of ontario as cnttociated in resolutions j adopted at the sessions of the annual convenfroh and most of these jilanks in their platform are wetf worthy of sexioos consideration the fergtib newsrecord celebrated its seventieth annhrtabsry the seventieth anniversary of the foundipg of the fergus newsrecord was very fittingly observed by that paper last week with a sixteenpage edition illustrated with the portraits of the founder thomas gibbs greenhaith and his three successors hugh wa esq john c esq and the present ow jtc tempi in esq opon the death of the late john craig in 1002 mr teraphn secured tho paper and for twentytwo years has conducted it with marked success since his graduation from college mr txoiplin has had associated with him his talented son mh hugh c templin the newsrecord is an out standing town weekly in ontario it enjoys a very profitableutronage and is an able and loyal repre- tbey grow more cheery as tfiey are sentative okjhfei community which forms its con- stitnency editorial notes anon theae old aftytfum parbapa tba beat ara thoae racmrdlna tba eolor of thaatty and ibe appaaranoa of tba adn moon and atam beoauea au of ttlaaa depend upon the condition of the atmoephere and any chn in thla muat effoct thetr appearanoa one old familiar proverb la aa touowa a rd aun haa water in bta eye now we have found out that the condition which most favor a red aun in u damp rtmoplitme with a areat luuiilily uf duar in it the blue and he otbrr abort wave lenaib eolora are cat terd and absorbed to a much areater extent by duat and water va por than j red so whan the air la heavuy chartrod with duat pertlclee laden wtth moisture tba aun appear aa a nry red ball so you aea a red sun indicatee tba preaanee of boh of the eaeentlal rain nlenenta duat and moisture and the proverb alven above tm weu round ed aa la alao the one which aayai if red the aun beaina bla race ha euro the rain win fall apace there are anunuauauy larjre number of proverb conoerrilna tba color of the aky at aunrlae and aunset one of the beat lulbwn punt thus sky red inthe mornlcur la a aailora aura warnlna sky red at nbtht xa the aailora delight a here you notloe that an ave re the hrfonwcr calls uflisirway bobbery v halton countys share if the maintenanoo cost of the toronto and hamilton highway to qctober 31 this year s jswliuecoonto and hamiltons share wgetber amounb to 35w5 or only 17321 morethanhaltons if this isnt highway robbery s dont knowwhat is there isnt the least donbt fbnt that the two cities named send a hundred cars ovthe highway for every one sent over it by resi- dentsvbf halton and ye the two of them put to- vtgtrther only pay 17321 more than does halton l thejcounty council should put up a vigorous kick fl agajnst that style l assessing the different munici- ptmiics lor their share of maintenance costs of the clnwy it i grivre injustice to this county to j- say thtrlemst that highway was built more for the convenience for motoritfts of toronto and hamilton than for any onp else in tho world and yet they con- tribute amere bagateue comparatively for its tnain- tenancc milton reformer ldcht ealtw on wheat in canada and in the united the cost of shipping wheat from the great prairie r gvain fields of tbe canadian veer is very often jv spoken or aa beingunduly high and it does seem as if this isa fact when freight rates arc quoted but the- prices of shipping are considerably higher in the aunitod states and by contrast our canadian rates f a uch more favorable to the wheat growers the jpmaha nebraska bee has published the results tyan exhmustlve study with reference to the cott of vodutting and nfafkedag wheat in that country as j w the coat of producing and marketing v- wheat in canada one of the most significant feat- ph nret ofjthis report was the dtffertnce in cost jit transporation to the canadian wheat growers and kj the american grower it showed that tho wheat tvaw n thc v1 of edmonton can reach the chicago market by lake and rail haul for a rate of hnndred weight the same rate prevails to tho fliett grower in the calgary district but the united states wheat grower who ships to chicago v from a in cri can falls idaho must pay a rate of g3 ces per hundred weight to get his grajn delivered chicago of taore than twice wffat it costs his vv- canadian competitor to roach the same amegtvn vvharknt tbo rato from billings montana to woago to 6v cents per hundred weight from cheyenne wyoming 50 cents from grand island nebraska 37 cents from mitchell south dakou ijiij 33 ants for export purpooos the edmonton j wht4wu- can lay bis wheat down in new york njjilakeand ran haul at a rate of 4717 coats per 1 hundred weight the same is true of the wheat 1 j grower jn the calgary district the wheat pro- lji- duccrjrrho ship from american falls idaho for ex- fc pflrt to icw york must pay a rato of 831 cents per gf hundrcjj weight using lak and rail hauls from billings montana- ihe rate is 7217 cents from depvjjr colorado it vja- 7017 cents from grand jstand nebraska it a 6017 cents from mitdnll tbpkot it h 6217 cents from thhrlt wuioo jkwrfjiiat the cost o transportation is much lea in p1c4fttta in tteunlted states a cablegram from london england quotes an article in the- financial news dealing with tbe british empire exhibition it stresses the exceptionally fine exhibit staged by canada and the unquestionable benefit to trade relations it has effected parliament will open on thursday february 5 the date of opening is almost a month earlier than last year when parliament was summoned on the last day of february the coming session will be the third of the present government which is the four teenth parliament since confederation mayor hutz of toronto wlvqse- administration this year has been signally advantageous to toronto is not to be allowed the usual courtesy of reelection by acclamation there art four candidates in the field in all probability toronto willbc sensible and will return mr hiltz the tried man who has mani festly proven his worth premier fergusons preelection promise to ap point a financial controller for ontario has been ful filled f marttq turn bull has been appointed t mo post of assistant treasurer of the province of ontario and will also act as controller of finance the new appointee is an expert accountant he starts his new position on the modest salary of 6qo0 a year a famous educator j a recent address made the following significant remark on the value of sport it was said a century ago that the battle of water loo had been won on the playing fields of eton there are victories otherthan those of war that are won on playing fields in selfrestraint in cooperation with others and in making that rounded character which contributes so much to successful citizenship the number of paupers in institutions in the united states per 100000 population is now 715 as compared with 013 in 1010 although there are millions more peoplo in the country now the actual number of paupers has decreased over 35 per cent tho most probable reason for this gratifying result is that under prohibition the people of the united states are saving millions of dollars now which jn 1010 they spent for liquor r- the dominion government gets on an average 36 per head from taxation from the people of can ada it is spent as follows it costs 6 to collect the revenue 5 for soldiers pensions and reestab- lishment 11 to defray all coats of ordinary govern ment including administration military defence public works and other national expenses tbo re maining 15 per head per year is necessary to pay the interest on our national debt there is very slim probability of the government acceding to tho request of tbo canadian exhibition association of the modifying of the criminal code to perm it of wheelsof fortnne at fall lairs very strong opposition haa developed and is increasing only the big urban exhibitions havo joined in the request it s sincerely hoped that no such concession will be granted the general public docs not wish any opening for gambling devices at the fairs it is difficult enough as the law stands to keep out fkrf who would fain introduce gambling devfeco- colonel currieapeakjng at windsor the other day declared that legislation wjui intended to ulw purchase of liquor by individuals under a permit system and to alfow also the sale of beer andwlnc at tables in hotels by amendments to the q t a colonel carrie premier ferguson subsequently de clared was probably expressing his own views which any one haa a tight to do heis in no sense speaking with the knowledge approval or the in spiration of the government the thirsty colonel is evidently awtioua to create a market for the pro- ducts of his new miljion dsllsr dlstillenr at port indjcatea an oppoalta type ofsraatbar from tbex indicated by a mornlna red however tba orbxtn of the red la not quite tbo ame tn both oaaea and tba full explanation or tba physical dlf- ferenoea wbttanaweu known ia too ion to include in a abort artiola too may notice tboucb that tf the evenlns aky la overcast with xsy it indloataa thnt numerooa water dropef ere preaent and that the duat particle in spite of tba beat of tba sun ara loaded wlttt mois ture on the other band tf tba even- tiujr bortson clown with red yeuow or even creeu tbara bj a cbanca for dry weather for tbeee eolora indicate leas condensation than does the aray ootor ursa number of wellknown varssa like the following ara founded upon this fact if be sunset la gray the next will be a rainy day if the aun ara pale to bed twin rain tomorrow it la said evenlna ary and mornlnat red make the ahepberd ban bis bead evening red and mornma aray two sura elan of one one day evening red and mornlnt gray help the traveler on his way evening gray and moraine red bring down rain upon bla bead there la a lot ot glvlnc that muat make oven devils blush soma old screw that haa raked together a heap of shekels that represent unjust gains of a ufa of squeezing lying and dis honesty that would aand bus to pen itentiary if the indictment could only be proven in a court of law seeks to square bla record by dlajrorglnat a fsw thousand delbtrs to endow cbarltabla institutions to establish public ben faction it has become so popular to give in these day that men etaal the money to distribute socajled ben evolence is it any wonder that the man of naxareth said aa he saw the widow drop- her two mitae into tba box beside the loud jingling oontri buttons or the rich pharisees of i truth i aay untoyou that thla poor widow hath cast more than tbey alt the mathematics of leaven ignore the prlneiplee that govern finite caleulat ion in the equation of sternlty mo tives outweighs all other known or unknown quantities loudmouthed giving wlu and in the end tta true aovl solomon in sboe and leather journal what vou oivcyouo memory to hold a good memory la tbo one which ts of useless information and ms faasonly to that which s worth labile wot long- ago- soma one baaed and ot fortaulng upon solar bad many weather are lunar haloa and coronas which are formed only when there la consider able moisture in the air coronae are tbo etnsjl colored rings that enelrolo tbesun and moon when aeon through a slight mist hales are rings of larger diameter generally almoat oolorlees due to reflection and re fraction of ice spicules they are afloat often seen in the high cirrus elands that have been caught up from tbo topa of storms and carried forward by the awlftly movms air currents thus you see tbey usually indieata a storm approaching- a typical pro verb la one of the znnl ynp- which when the sun ts in bousa a wurraln noon many people believe the moan haa soma mysterious lnfloanoe upon tba weather but science has pretty gen erally disproved this it baa bean well amid the moon and the weather mayxhange together but tba change of the moon does not change tba weather if wed no moon at ad- and that may seem strange we abould stltt have weather thats subject to change the appearanoa of tba moon and stars however depends upon tba con dition of the atmosphere and we have a number of proverbs baaed upon phe nomena of nature which are sound in principle clear moon frost soon moonut night have heaviest frost sharp horns do threaten windy weather when the stars begin o huddle the earthwill soon become a puddle thla often refers to the fact that when a mist la formed over the aky the smaller stars cease to show while the brighter ones shine with a btur often looking like a amall confused cluster of stars there are- many other proverbe baa ed uponthe direction of tba winds and tbr height and condition ot tba fhhtrte there is considerable sclentlflo justl- flcauon in most of these tn tba mid dle latitudea the direction of the-ordln- ary undisturbed winds is from the est so we have the following whan the amok goes west oude weather la past s when the stnqka goes east nelatv one arm auto drlvihq of au ease of incapacitated drivers aside from intoxication from aloobouo beverages the one arm driver ao- cailed la probably tba moat dangerous no man can be expected to keep full control of bis car while he haa one arm around a woman we see a great deal of this kind of driving and un- i it ceases the day may coma whan such drivers wtll have tobe dealt wuh aa severely aa those suffering from intoxication these drivers are not only eodangorina tba uvea of the persons in their own cars but the uvea of pedestrians and the uvea ot peonie riding in other cars a man who drives on our highways with one arm around a girl la a real menace and abould be deprived of but privilege to operate a ear no self- respecung girl should pemlt such a breach of etiquette in public when the winds in the south the rains in its mouth the wind in the west suits everyone bent tb shape the belghu and tba ex tent of the clouds depend upon the humidity and upon the temperature and so thjey often furnish reliable warnings of coming weather the fol lowing proverbs are fairly aomiratet the higher the oloudr-tbe- liner the weaiber whe ha clouds appear ilka rook md tower the earths refreshed by frequent ahpflrera when the clouds are upon the bula theyll come down by the mill wa1 rr youf an old man umped along ufas way hie griefbowed bead was crowned with gray somebody cheered his dreary day x wonder was it- yout a lonely- child devoid at guile looked up and tearv bedltnmed tta somebody stopped a while to play 1 wonder w it you t theres always someone needing aid barrio trembltnat heart alone afraid some load that ooum be uchtarmade can they depend on jroqt plained my memory reminds me of an oldfashioned garret crammed to overflowing bat without a single thing in it really worth keeping there are a great many people who could say the same no memory wul retain everything some one has compared an overfull memory to an overfuu purse stuffed untu its contents are spuled out and loot the people who remember all tba funny stories they hear are i dom the ones that are-well- posted topics of current interest students have been known te stand poorly- in their c wbo could name every player tn tba bbr kagetaja and coma pretty neargtvtiur tba batting average of each give your memory a chance sore that the treasures you gve it to hold are really valuable one best way there la just one best way of doing any- work have you found it for yours to whether you are washing dlahe or digging ditches doing piano practice or raising chickens there la a ibest way ot doing it and finding that beat way eliminates waste and makes for efflctency some gtrla when wiping dishes walk across the kitchen with every dish and then back again for the next that cannot be the best way because it ti a waste of energy and time 10 student study the next days on in the living room atopplna every now and then to join in the con versation that cannot be the beat way because it saps the power of con centration what about your own particular jobt are- you doing it in the beat possible way some of you would hesitate to claim as much yet you should not be satisfied with less tou abould consider not only satisfactory results but economy of time and effort the beet possible way la none too good for your job- ons reason for war the chicago iteoord quotas an ex- governor ostt wisconsin as telling a little joke upon himself he was in the onion army during the civil war it appears apa leaves us to understand that ha u plain in bla personal ap pearanoa one summer i met an exrebel down bast one of tho lank southerners with a faoe so long that ha could eat oat out of a churn he looked me over up and down two or three times each way and then he said is that the govnor of wisconsin t tee y fit in the war ahr tea warel tf au the yenka bad been as homely aa he la wed be aflghtfng em yltf plavinq out your hand y say to yourself hera am j a human being just a little different from any who has ever uved before or will over live again i dont have 1m per cent equipment by any menas there are some notable lack in my makeup and no otleable points of teup and no notlcabl points of baa been dealt me in he game and s must play it and i shall be judged not by wbat i accomplish in contrast wuh other men but what i make of myself in comparison with what 1 might have made be able io say truthfully i i have done the best that could be done with the tools and the chance i hud that is something endured and real w 4r um ftolnted paragraphs there ia no vacation in the school of experience bachelors miss a lot of happiness and scape lot of misery the woman who marries for money seta au she deserve monkey would b ashamed to claim some men as their ancestors the harder the job tba easier it hi tor a laay man to dodge tc home women who ships in society fall to exhibit thelrpousb at horned flannel oakas are properly so osji- vd as they elotba the inner man only fools and breve eout aacrlflca the oertelntua of today tor the unoer- ranulsa of toajonv i hemttm tlint cardinbxrrbar igopwbmcbook ntmf tvmmrra phon wo 11 j 0 harold nash farmer m a qmtbtor soltoitor ntry publt cnwynow eto perrvman block acton ont wonbt lskt on uurtqades brntnrday liao oolock h a meir buri oolhmlv niwy puhlla uorwtoin out againthe gd message that always rings true that never wears out nor ever wears through a merry christmas drummond leatham phone 16 main street t jack frost has arrived we have coal on hand tomake him keep his distance t2j0o out ot hod iisjio our of ioo- itojoo out of md 12a0 ouc oflod 911js0 out of bb iut mo tjo fuloo pat sla por ton off car j not blw bw ton off cmr funuto slxe ptr ton off ur boolttfnnliftfnr comi oft oar selected bcs six pooonjuitua this u tb- xonuln article hipped dlraci to ua from raelb weat vlrainla and wo know it will live aatlafacuon acton j b mackenzie georgetown nmelsoo manaoer acton phone 4s terms cash dental dr j m bell d dj s l d s deotlet booor orachiat of toronto unjw- the latest aoetntle uee u 1 oboe at nalaenoe corner 1011 ana wraderlek street or f a gollop djis ld omoe orer bank- of nora hodbfl ei toaja by miscellaneous franos nunan oeoaut booka of all klada mad rwocueala ot nerr deacrtpuo cararanr boond bnunc neatlr an pratapttr doata me total fun all a fmrrg hirnj eiribtmafi w d talbot we deliver ytttnafjvix one reason chevrolet owners have sufficient confidence in their car to travel anywhere is that wherever they they find chevrolet service available fact is there are over 2000 ser vice stations in canada showing a sign similar to the one abpve in practically every city town or village one can obtain efficient chevrolet service which of- course is one more reason why you should consider chevrolet s vking ekpheskntattve fob this section call on him at or write and he will call on vou georgetown chevrolet for economical transportation free press jab printing is always neatly done ooaldhont ovecwlllla4bm store r j kerr aocisoraect dd real estate afettt 17 tears xxxterience acton ontario sale entrusted to r j kerr re slva attention from date of list in to data et ml um yoor ale with mer r dower avenue acton phone aa acton call at my you are on ufes check- erboard watch your next movei the surest route from your pre sent position to success la via a thorough training at aumiah business collsos 1 special course complete kquipment 3 bualnesa experienced instruc tors 4- special facllttiea for locauog oradaates students ara now enrolling for january term register today by mail phone or office call phone imsw qubuph busxress coujdob oummar bide qualph a l bouck principal and proprlator j ciohes rnitioiutits ati tiohonio iail grateful appreciation of your goodwill anel patronage we cordially extend our very hearty thanks with all good wishes for christmas and the new ybar a u savage optomatrlbt and mfg optleln savage building riant at th poi dnloo guelph ontario th old sod reliable granha and marble works we are aiiannfartwrere and dlreot unportere ot all undo of aconananlal and heedaton work we eell dnmi to our oaetomere at whokmale prloea tkoa aatec oar uu 0 ent we baa the beat appua nee and tn ontr manhawina ta tbedneolnlon whr oaa oparaia mniainetlii teole propyl we oaa gl la from hundru of oor olaltfloaara tn toronto and other aiaariaa wbera outare haee to hav law atttta tn eeder to oo we he th laigeet and beet atoefc of oranlt la tba domlnloa ornore then any tbrw w ar lealtl i aaenta hamilton sons quelph ont mm -tr- figlh-

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