g arfaw jtrjeitjpgggfl tflunsday xajjualty 28 wsb qot to be fit got to bo fit in body and uoul tor tho great work of tho duy got to bo fultlo and lino- and clean to toll in tho mightier way got to bo captain of nelt and iitronc in tho will of a iniriipao htcli toload in tho labor of ijfon boot hour niih tho fflory of u otalnlbna ouy tho bodys lobon otroneth and tho bloodu high xout aro only a part of kilo uchema jj io and tho dicdrt rauot walk unseamed in tho flood of tho thrilling dream got to bo lit tb foco tho light with ryonr head held up to tho stars and noblo in thoucm and in action ao woll an froo ttoxii the oln that mars got to bo true tb a hleb ideal and to llvo and to taoulon your hfo in a way tlmhuflt for tho trruelllnc tcot of tho tunod and terrible atrlfo got to bo mouaurod by atandard of rluot ao well ao those of skill got to b true to uo lanto bt god and mooter of sou and will a bliura0ro siiij poetry versus common sense virbinla air nrcttyau seventeen may bo had stopped in tho waiunsrooma of a department ntoro tb nlte a note au sho unlabel a richly drcoocd wo- moo olttlmj noof met her lifted elant with a amu- you must forclvo mo lor staring uho aald i cant resist tho picture virginia flushed pardon mo upeak- mbv too stranger went on nwoetly iouro 50 like a mend of mlno in tho eaat that i feel as if i know you j used 10 yo ttiero but ive been do homoslcic and lonely olnco wo camo horo clnia anoworcd this isnt my homo i como hero to otudyurt- they drifted naturally into a chat and whan virginia rooo to bo her self made ucgualxitance followed iter i ctfnt bear to lot you go its iovo at flfut nigt oho declared oa they noorchltbo otroot door why if thoro isnt jny husband im 00 glad wo mot you jack i want you to know this nwoot trirl for rvo loot my hoort torhor and im boeblnklier to como to dinner with us sunday tjljrlit t hopo sholl accept im sure the man responded oil up jxaolnjrojju6sit i just escaped greeting iter as miss 1 hampolead ohba 00 like bar miss hompotoad is one of our famous beauties in now lork bo added to virninlo with an odnilrlmj smile that t broubht tbo color- before they- parted virginia bad 1 taken their- totephono liumber and promised to chll thenrup noxt day if sho should find that she could post pone a previous engagement for sun day night in that case jack was to end a car for her at six oclock thon on tho wayto her boardlnsplaco sho dropped in to tell her mothers old frlond mrn mayfalr about her ad venture but how lo you know that they are not impostors woo tho prompt juee s 06 you could tell easily enoueb theyre lovely people they live on grand boulevard 8ho just tooka truddonfobeynb motthata n- novertholesn said mr mayfalr tlrmly mr mayfalr ahull look up thnt telephonenumber before you say youll so v r ilalf laughing virginia aeroed but thoro was not the shadow of doubt left when oho heard mr moyfalra renorl tho grand boulevard residence of theso people did not exist and th tolephono number elvon indicated a quarter of the city whore it would bo unsafe for a yonhtr girl to bo at tar thby had talked it out vir ginia exclaimed but i dont want to learn to suspect everybody its bettor j totrustiandboileooivisjft whloh doesht moan my child mr mayfalr broke in thiindumbly treoithah r the garfen of thejtead spcalc aaftlyuvuio eardoa quiot gar den of the dead whoro autumn loaveo aro urlfum tinted bronzo and ruby road so calm each ono la aloonjnt pence awcotpcacoporvadea tho air yot xitat jo luoo ffrcat tumqll with ito joy and c ono tan t caro tho rod rjadleavflg gro fallin it hag orao nrtjooioir time but heroa a cenotaph to jicroco men who iwd not teocbod tholr prlmo thoy save thoir tivca for uo tho ercat- cot treasure they could elvo afar on bat tlollold thoy died tliut wo in pcacomitfht live ttiprotfljida an angel whito in marble her creat wines outeprcad a- procioub oyrabol- in tho garden quior earden of tho dead step softly in the ffardch tranquil garden of tho dead whore scarce a sound la heard eavo twittering hlrda- ocrhead- wo almost- feel their soula are- near thoy oeo ua aa wo paaa so tilowfly tfer tholr reating place brown now with dying grass jho ricluxnaniieraia4uat thonamc m any oonoc toll thoy reat together at tho iaot boncath jhq to rocivotouhtcrfu iaionpy at my bank rather than doubt it- wo cant carry on thftbualhcss of ufothat way but must you abaumo that all tho good money la counterfeit toot teat ijcrtrn to teat hbcocaoivo flattery is a pretty good elgn of bogus humanity if a stronger ohould como into tho bank and tell me ho like fl my looks because x wan a counterpart of his frlond prince charming do you tlilnlt jtd tale him to my heart at onoo pf course that wouldnt bo so likely to docelvo a grizxled old man lilto me but oven lnyourcaso r plcaiibthatii enough mr may- fair aald virginia wincing ttoutfo made your uoffat- tho old tho youth tho babe for whom bo many team were shed 1- i sloop hero within tho garden tran quil gardenof tho dead pray softly in tho garden blcsacd ar- don of tho dead lot mercys kindly beams of light on hearts of ours bo shed jlay kuidneas to tlio living flow bc- fore thoy pass away for when thoyro gone it is too lato u gracious word to say and let ua think of higher things o may wo meditate while walking in the garden gumpao our fragile mortal atate for hero are ones whoaellvon aro aa l story that is told whllo wo havo still somo pages that wa may yot unfold where jeavea iaro drifting drifting gay in colors green and red oproy wuinn tho gardenbeaaod garden of tho dead caroline eleanor wilkinson mv frjend jimmie matthewg o read or oftheso columns of mine will have any feelings of nurpriso tvhen i say tliat tho passing over the river of the late jotnos matthetvs ppstmasfcr of acton nearly over slnco theiaco had a name leayeob dls- unclljenao of loss tojme evor since i came to acton jimralo matthewshaa been ono of my warmest frionds indeed seldom a day lins passod dur ing allthejiojxtylaruandjjiartt in whole dozen of them on iinhclf in tho poat oflioo utoio whero sandy mc j loannaurbcr uhop in now there tlu v i stood llttio hand machine n rcn i novo ly and tjipy boiea enrd jti onch theymmhicdlatoly jumpod iiu favor head a of fnmlucn bought tin nw to- roduce mothqru work in tlu household paving and- thy did- it for a tlmo thcao new machlnir woro r on tho oiainntltch prln elplc not jio loqltatitofi vie have to day they sewed beautifully ilotli j mado ilttlo willies sohool jacket in ai tltlio of tlq tlmo it formerly took b tho handtsowing proccna fbut om day when wjlllo wan iihrnvftflr off hi now jacket fred smith nw a loo i- thread sticlcirigtout and kindly loo hold to pull it off but 16 and beheld tho a earn whichthia held wao dpen 1 up the whoio length of tljc aleoye when tho thread was pulled out for the chain stitch let out from top to bottom an l ilttlo willie- wpnf homo with a wjd open sleeve to hie down jacket namo thing happened little jcgsuia nantniottes shcpuliod a thread while sho waa learning to spell cart col and tho seam of tho legof the pantieh wao- opened hnhvwny- tb the- waist that was a habit s these flrot now sowing machines but jimmied mndeit right with tho mothorsand showed them how to fasten tho threads so- curely at tho end of each searo- another tlmo mr matthowa carao deroaa natohc rlgh for tho -mann- facturo of a combined rocking chair and cradlr xlerovaa another thing to reduce mothers arduous worlc sho could with one of theoo chairs sit and rock and sew or unit to her hearts content and alutho tiriid bo roclcingtho baby in tho nowfanglcd cradle bb- low ho bought tho right and had tt tow manufactured but tho mothers about- hbrof- didnt tako to tho new thinq8 better left on 01 d undiflthe caption 4 art of put ting tblngs an english author has given some very amusing examples of saying things in a queer way ono of the moat unfortunate recorded at tempts to escape from a conversational dimculty was made by an eastend curate who cultivated the friendship of mechanics orip dftya carpenter came to him andaaidt have brought my boy likeness as you ssrtd youd liko to havo how ffdod f you to remember said the c urate what a- capital iike- noos how is her why sir dont you remomberr oeked the carpenter hes dead oh yes of course i know that replied tho curate tawn hows the man who took tho photograph t a story is told of a young laborer who on his way to- his days work called at the office of the registrar to registered his fathers death when the offlctal oakedthe date of thq event tho son replied ho ol nt dead yet but hell bo dead before night aa- i thpught it would save me another jdurney if you would put it down now oht dut that wont do atoli said tho rcgutar perhaps your father will live till tomorrow well i dont know sir but tho doctor says ho wont and ho knows what be has given htotigj aqe of electricitv chalrcradlow and only pno lot was over madty a aimplo uxilfcncp which tho moat boigtqrous windatorm could not sor- louaty interferoawith was one of wa favorlto invcntlpha it- was ah ln- goniouavaftair nieodi h thof wind hh3wlt oyer there it stood jgn anotlier angle just aa high ttnd just us ef fective in turning stock it was wired together and thp turning over did not dnmagtf it aorloualy miles of it were built around here but later tlio wlro fenco lichcmo camo in and of course jlmmleo patontod fonce went out perhaps tho moat prized of ail his inventions was his patent stool rcln- holder ao adjusted on tho daah of tho buggy -or- cuttcrrthatlt obviated the possibility of niiopse getting tlio reins under its tail an ao manyhoraos wcro wont to doboforo the motor car came to bo a necessity on every farm and at nearly every town home jim- mio wna very proudof this invention of-hlsc- he oold a good many but ho couldnt persuade thp average driver that he wasnt a good enough horse- man to drive without it thoro was therefore no fortune in the clever lit- tio article t but jlmmlo matthews leisure was not alwoyn spent in invootlng articles br distributing patent- rights inven tions he wao a loyer of horses from hlo boyhoods days and till ho had reached his throe score years and ten ho wan never without a fine single driver a fancy team or a stablefull of wolibred horseflesh many a prize did- ho win in tho horso classes aitho fairs hoar at horde and far away hut the climax of hla ambition was reached whon heswdpt the- ring in hla class with his flno team of matched browns at the pahamerican exposition at- buffalo he was offered a big price for tho team at buffalo but jhmmle refuaod all offers ho wanted to drivo his iaplondld team back to acton and show thp folks at homo how j they looked wltli the yankoo ribbons flying on them and this ho did is r but one of his horooa was finally his undoing when through impatiehtly stopping forward jiiat aa ho and mrs matthewflwero stepping into- tho ear hagoat tho canadian national r guelpbfe fjbrst house to herestpf ed 7 sir campbell tuart8 ban quet at versailles at the iiiatance of thprwolilngton hlatoiicul society tho old priory buildings of quelpli erected a century ago by john gait the founder- of- that city ia to ba rctorod tab various unions in gtuelnli havo offered to con tribute to tho rcotoratibn and an ej- orgotic campaicii-iaj-now- boiiig cari tied on among th0 citizens to raluo tho balance of tho monoy required to rebuild hi replica tho building aa it stood on- completion thq building waj removed from xjs original slto many years ago slid uomo of tuo original logo wero reilaccirwhtii neronea but thorouroslmi taauy of tao timbcof ronjahning that were placedin position by the canada companys axemen when tho houao was prooted for uomo years tlio old priory building was utllizedaa the flrat iwnaafingor station by the canadian pacific in guolph but it was abanded aa a sta tion when tho city ofguelph outgrow it tradition baa it tha gait taking aji axe from orfo ot tho axemen struck tho first blow against tho flrot treo to be felled- after which ho arid hiu party drank to the proapcrity st guelph it was during the erection of this first bouse in guolph that ros wetrmatnirflwsi tho foreman of tho liaiigiwho jvao uio grandfather of tho lato tpbatjnaator james matthowa died ho was tho first man to bo burledin guelpho flrat cemetery much of iifoacorflfortuud satisfaction in bolrig associated with the church and its people x aay again as i baye alwathpuihtjbutjun often enough tho church means more to uurflj than wc ore usually thought ful lonougli and honest enough to admit t well- that was a sreat old poqt offlco atore juat go baclcwltirme for fifty- five or sixty yearn- imaging- sandy mcleans barber ahopno iargor and no smaller than tjapow with u store selling groceries and provisions sow ing machined ajnrt sundries candies ovnd fruit in front with actonpont omeand the montrail tolegrauh ofllco in tho reour nnd a deslc where mr matthews wrote nuirrlage licenses hnd mado wllla and wrote mortgages in roar of the postofiqco wollc lp now you old folka in your memory and sec jimmy matthows spic and spanau ways tidy with htto long flowing bjiarjl and tom kennody hla clerk and gen eral factotum in tlio ofilcc handing out letters and doallpg- out groceries or praising the morita of the now sow ing machines flr tho red bananas just in from the southern states pont you see a pictuio true to lifo and the times thatwaa actons coritroflve or six decades ago and my defir old friend jimralo matthews was tho centre of it i dont suppose there ia another man in this conatnunlty who rntnsea him more than i lo for among all the old people now left nono was with him more and nono itnow- him so intimately and continuously i think than i 1ilj well i have tbtidto say id closing among all my friends in acton and i liave many none of them was more constant evoh-tolmpered- pleasant and true than jlmmlo matthews the post master learned women a report mado to the convention of th6 national eloctrtc light aasoclat- lon roods something jilmj pvophooy but inthis day of invention organization and rapid adjustment to new oonji- tio no ft is not osfo to expreao doubts no to what tho engineers promise the convention was told that developments in transmission power over long dis tances- have made if practicable to link the whole country into one gigan tic- high-tension- plant- urllhtlng- nl available water power and much of the coal output and in time the only thing by which the city and country can be distinguished will be toe dis tances between the houae oanqerous 8vmptomb tho story is lold of a scotch preach- or who gave ms people long strong sermons and delivered thorn in a re markably deliberate manner one -sqn- day ho asked a friend who was visiting him to occupy his pulpit in the mom- imr j an were you hatlaficd wl my preaohlnr naked hs friends as thoy walked home from the kirk wee nala w ho lowly it was a fair disco orso willm a fair dlbcoorae but it pained mo at the inst to seo the folk looking so fresh and wide awake i mistrust iwnana eae long nor aae sound an it should hae boon that i hffvonot aoon this good friend of mine and rarely a day has parsed thati havonothada him- his cheery gobdmornlhg how aro tho foika was a daily salute and many and many a hoar ttoheart talk wo havo had together when- jimmle- waont buoy handing out letters or ucking atamps for the foliar too thoughtless to do i for themaelvea or makings up tho niailxi orrcceivlng or taking telegrams for tho pooplo mr matthews always had an in- terestlng story his eighty yeara rosldenco right hero in acton jpntur- ally gavo hun a fund of loal folk lore and flrcsldo stories such as of my other acquaintances and long time friends posaeaaed ho was al ways proud that his peoplo were pion eer settlers oftnio and the adjoining county of wellington many and mapyaiimo ho tajkodajmut hta father lalkornlttottlibws ond hio grandfather roswell malicws who cut thojflrst trees on the site of elorn and wero engaged j ft building tho flrat houhoin gqelph ho also gttvo me over andover again tho story of the family moving from pllklngton noar elora to acton when ho was a ltd of ten years ho remembered tho cattlo he had helped to drive on this long trip of twentyfive miles through a new countryand how glad thoy wore when they j got to their new home acroaotho road from mr asa halls place just abbvo the village her often spoke of how the hall boys arid tho laaby boys- woro lads with hlra and came to acton to school together and had many a day together in tho woods and along tho trout streams and again ho would taljc withihtcrest about the klckiln boyo and the moore boys whom ho knew up in wellington county and who came to acton tho samtoyear hla fathers family moved here vouu not wondor then tliat when i began- to write my weekly column of remlmlscenecs of the early day o half a doxon years ago that ifty thoughts wero much along tho lines of what mr matthows told rao in- our conver sations about tho old times and the early eoitlers and incidents relating to thom and liri sure youm not won der now that whcnt was looking around for a name over which to- writ o xhy memorloa i selected the big tower if the poot offlco whcromy good frlond presided fromtho day tho gov crnmont honored hin with its erect ion and his installation there as itn offloex in command- aidi now con fees to you that that is the reason adopted the pen name the old man of the ulg clock tower i have novor been sorry of this choice and i luwo always feltu to bo n sort or a- friendly compliment to my good frlond the continents oldest postmaster jlmmlo matthewa was a friend to everybody hcdldrtt soom to havo it- in him to iunrrol with anyone even- tempbred edurteoua always ready to answer foolish questttjns over ready to do a kind deed for any peraon how could anyone help liking him ali ways at hla post over careful to avoid mistakes in tho handling of tho malljt is not surprising that under his administration acton pos oflldo has always enjoyed a flrio reputation for accuracy and dispatch but mr matthows was not a busi ness renluse in his leisuro hours ho kept his brain buay a woll as when ho was engaged intho exacting claims of post oflleo routine wltlj ith num erous malls and tho toloffrnphln mes sages andnlls ho had quite an in ventive turn i of mind and a iovo for the newinventlona of othef folks it is told that ho wos tho flrat cltlxori of acton to supplant tho old tallow candlos in his ojticti and his homo way station hero after a visit to tholr son in denver col ho was thrown hcavllytotlio groundp and had hiu rlghtshbu war apd hip badly injured hewao never able again to write that beautiful penmanship for- which ho waajru3tedwith his right hand but with oh ear gritand dotormiriatlon ho learned to- write with his left hand after attaining tho ago of aeverity- fiyc many a poat ofllco report filed in hp orpwwmpx thopostmabtor general at ottawa bears hls-slgnn- turo ao postmaster- written with his left hand and many a documont re poses in the county registry ofllco at milton which was attested- by james matthews a commissioner for taking affadavits similarly signed hla helper for many years with hla horses was robert gibbons who him self la now botweon eighty and ninety yearn ho aluo had real iovo for horaofl and tho oucccsa of jlmmien carriage horses was as much enjoyed by bob as by tho owner but with him as witlimany others tho horses went but and tho motors c5mo in ho thoroughly enjoyedtlio motor trips with his son cheater about the famllar land marks hare and with his grand son charlie of toronto about toronto exhibition or around tho city- and up to his splendid home at lawronco park of up- to orange vllle and around tho caledon mountains with his nephow and namesalco james a ttfatthcwn orangevjilo for- many years this old friend of mine was a successful hop grower in tho earlier years and ho made money at this avocation his hop yard was on the rear of tho farm now owned- by r j ramahaw the hop kiln was first built in the yard there but after a few yeara was romoved to acton and stood at mho cornbr of church and willow streets where mr and mrs august andersons fine homo is now sjtuated when john lawuon bought this property from mr matthews ho moved the qld kiln to- tho roar of tho lot and convorted it into a carpenters shop it is now j b mdckeiirlys pinning mill well heroa mary looking aver my shoulder again sho says i think youre stretching out tho story protty well and its about time you quit but before you do so you ought to toll the folks that although mr and mrs mat thews lived in acton together forsix- tyrsix years they werent gadabouts moving from house to house about town1eveitf few years weill thats ao slxtyalx years and thoy only lived in throe houses when first married thoy lived in part of mr hyia houflo hla brpthorlnlaw whoro john c hill now uvea thon thoy lived for a timo above tho first post offlco which was tho building now occupied by a t brown as a drug- store they lived upstairs then mrv matthews built his now brick across the stroct tho third brick house in acton apd later the shop adjoining for a post ofllco and store and for over sixty years thby lived in this brick house and thoro both his boldvcd wlfo and himsolf ended tholr useful lives say do you know i aint much on church funerals but i confess it touched mo toriderly when isaw that thoy were uiklngthb bpdy of nay lifoiong friend to tho methodist church for- the memorial service it seemed to me very fitting and when mary and i iwit there- in the methody church at tho memorial ser- ico i couldnt hoip thinking f the yoais or faithful attendanco there of mr arid mrs mattliowa always present when hoy could attend al ways to bo relied ripon for vncroufl financial support redy- to mako it pleasant for otlicra by sharing tholr pew and oxtendingthe hand of fellow ship and welcome say these bw tn his own merits a young man who spont his summer vacation ona maine farm nays a now instances of tho tlirift and ahrowd neaa of his landlhdi are constantly thrusting themoetva upon hip atten- tiqn one day a wogonload of unexpqctcd relatives descended on tho farni and ho mlatress waa as aho aftcrwarda put it put to it to provide enough food for dinner sho brought for ward among other things an apple pie which had ocemedto the boarder far inferior to thto ptcsahe usually made but when ahe served it sho spoke of her roputatlon aa it pie- maker fltbey do say at the sociables tlat nobody apples quite como up to mine oho remarked with a beaming smllo ajid applo pica arc what you might call my specialty- ive oftert boon asked for tho receipt but i tell them its knack and judgment docs it not rule tho pio disappeared and then when her guests were not aa hungry as they hadbeenohe jbrotiglit forth- a second pie flnky of crust and l to taste why aunt mary said the young est qf the partyr a boy of twelve i think this pips pvr flp nnh bettor than tho other anlyou havent said a word about ill his aunt lpokcd at bim without ao much aa a twinkle in her eyes thla one will bo jlown wltfiout praislnffirockoniolie sajdgiravelyi jttcwop5urtae3irea to bo learned aho mrhecouieaaltho xime jiao-paosod- whoh any suggeatloriof a scholarship for a feminine head was flouted as against nature tho number of mon who give- themselves for- research is olwaya relatively small and that of woman ia likely to bo still smaller but for the exceptional woman opportuni ties for tho highest studies aro now open tho association of collegiate alum- pao at a recent meeting listened to atl- dreoses from alx wqmonijwho hilhjitrt feuowships from tho association iour of tho six may write ph p tittt i after thebr namos tholr researches have been in diverse fields rqhmn archoology old jsngliah com parative phychology cathotlcs thoh stories of their worlc ahow their vigor and ingenuity in the pursuit of know ledge arid- humor in facing the dif acuities of thoir taak for example ono of tliem wished to study a trianuacript in tho monastery of monto casslno sho found the- rules of tho order forbade any woman to work in the llbrars or any manuscript to bo taken out but a gentle appoal io tho abbot resulted in his oondlng the desired- treasure to- the portor3 room ut the gate by a froo con struction of the regulations the book avao there said to- bo in and tho raaidon waasald to bo outandt all requirements woro mt the student of esthetics tostiflea o tho trials and doiighta of her prob- lcni hrljbrlylqucbtioniwaa why do i enjoy poetry or mualc there was no ono who could answer her qtory but sho isolowly answering it for heraelf and fpr the world mean time sho has a students excuse for doing a thouaand delightful tblngb sho can experiment with her own pleasure whether alio looks at a plc- ture hears a concert reads a novel or makes a- voyage to japan tho study of beauty arid that of so ciology seems to offer special attract ions far- women out of their re searches iu these lines may como not jy- to tno worl scholar aljlp bjut alno theailovlatloa and en richment of ordinary human lfe in tlu gulleritim deu datuiinu in vel- ihiiuxs palace wau founded rocently a aoclety for thj otudy of the canadian history h jkiance a complomontary organization to a noclcty formed last year in england tho occaaion wan curiouu and unique in tho old ipat- aco where so many world ovontii havo happened luncheon wuii nerved to nearly two hundred people ovor fifty yearn havopadued nlnco thcro wan huch a banciuet within tho palace walls the hput was sir camiiboll stimrt ircnldent of tho london so- cloty and munagltig director of tlij tnaontimcflra carindittb by liirbi whon it wuu proposed to hold the luncheon in tho famoiia calicry the walla of which are covered with point ings of the groatcat battlen in french hiotory the guadlana of tho chateau wero almost horrified nt tho idea but ho quickly overcame their objcctlono the i french government t oupported him and at tho luncheon- president herriot and president of tho chamber palnlcye- were present the duke of connaught formerly governor-goncr- al of canada and tho undo ofxing george presided ho was sitting oy sk curloun accident just below tho-pic- turq of the battle of fontonoy in which- his grcatjrcktr grand father goorgo u fought and lost th grouping- his gucata ut aomo 30 tables each nnmdd after nornphrcat fronchmnn who bore- a ijlstorlc part in thn dlacovcry and formation of canatlaiit9ir campboll stuart had tlie happy idea toplaco aide by aide tho marqufo do montcalm arid mr wolfo aylward both diroqt- deacendarits of thoao two- gallant nieri who fought tho battle of their country on the tti o abialmm b mea wcro many likom jacquea car- tier who aro descended frorii men who founded canada the party thus formed ono 6t tho moat unique ropresontatloris ever gather odojreihor in thqhjbtorlc place of two people who foughtso long for auprcmflpylrf tho ond to dis cover thoy had croatcd a now world canada premier herriot said in his speech is tho creation of the com plementary genluaoa-of- eilgland arid france in that great country thero is neither victor or vanqulahcd franco and england fought for its poaocaaion only to find in tho end that their peoplo could far best live together in poace each hejplng the othorto do- vetdp tho great rlclioa of that country cach helping to dovolop and produco a now force and a now cururo which is atoadfastly set for right and peace tho duke of connayght marquio do montcalm m palrtlevo senator dan- durand of canada duo do lovismiro- poire who is prealdent of thoopcioty in france the canadian cbmmloalon- er dr bcland and sir campbell stu art all spoke in liko fashion in praiao of tho genluo of tho two peoples whouo close collaboration havo made a great commonwealth iand whouo fealty to the countries of their origin was so great d feature of the recent world war the society which haa bofla foirmd will devote its effbrtatotho collec tion of all documents relating to tho dioebvory and htatory of canada which abound in franca and havo hitherto never been assembled beauttful bind axd in tway bar qopagebml6ook dlffmnt eate limited tanowto stop whining there uxoa lot ofpooplo about who aro continually whining about thqlr lot nothing ever goes right with tliem and nothing that is done for thorn pleases them according to their story they are hqpdoed arid finally overy- hqodoed body gets toollovo they are and thy are left severely alone there drbnot many people as grateful for small mercies as tho irishman who on tho way homo the other night ventured to aak- a pedestrian the time tho latter taking him for a footpal promptly ltftodhis stick and knocked him down remarking its one oclock and thats how i strike ono after tlio stranger passed the son pferln roac to hlafeot and rubbing ha pate safd- bedad alnt i in lucla that t didnt meet him an hour agq there la always plenty to bo graioful for no matter what tho surround i ngalt wt will only atop nnd think tho whinor slam a tho dbqr in hla own face for most men would go a mile out of their way to escape a pest au for rollgibn tho best ifgont tho doyll haa is tlio jnanlho profaaaps piety and gooa about with jf clqud qri rifs ficp and a whine in his voiao make youp motto for tho jow tear choorio soloman in shoe andt a dangerous innovation deacon cartor could romombor tho days when the njlaiatcr lined out tho hymn and tho congregation oong it although ho had long been too foobte to go4o church his opinions still found their way to tho jieoplo wo shaujhave somo good organ- playing thla sumirier an unwary visi tor remorkod to thodcacona daughter inltho old mans hearing that teach er from boston io going to play every sunday while annie trufnboll is off taking a vacation the do aeon rained his stick and hla guolcoattbe aamooimo- sale of homemade baking every week ond every day we hold asalebf fresh home made baking its boujid to be frfcsh because ye are always sold out and most pi the best home cooks in acton and vicinrty have given up to our baking in preference to their own product few lines now obtainable arelemon apple raisin mincemeat and pumpkin piescream puffs cream buns cream drops lemon cream tarts fruit cakes etc v many consider our bread the 3est havthehv agon call fairbanks fiakery pliorie 116 mill st acton you aond tor tho minister to como horo and sflo juo daughter mnrx i9 bttl nooloarlyiaahocouial i wont havo buch elnga on amuolclnn piiiylnk on- that organl let cm ffo withouttll annie trumbull gota homo again with tno nowinvented coitlotl lampa of my own knowicdkoi can npaort i chrtiho of fiurh atiind for much in our that ho brought the tlrbt oirlhs -ma- community luo and whon peoplo chines to adton i can aae thwn yet uko mr aad mre motthow found ao let isiir banker gollect it jf you wish t collect a debt from a party in another section you can have your banjccfjirsw a draft on him gt sight or fir a given time this will be presented through his local banker as request for payment from you when your draft is paid it is turned over to the payer it is his reoeipt for an account paid this is only one of the numerous ways in which the bank of montreal can beofservioetoits customecs a tta vit small jeimmii are lflcortu- bankof montreal establuked over loo years hhhlautt in excess of 4foooooooo finesfe1isney d special charm fipcii orgnnie writing pnpor did me leave any insurance 99 y first question asked ly george castles friends when they heard of his tragic death in an automobhe accident wasjquite a natural one- a griefstrioken yqiingwidow twowideeyed wondering children a little home partly paid for here were proper enough reasons forthe solicitous query of true friends ahdgeorge gastle had no insurance if your death came shortly would your widow be left in this position would s a the first paroxysm of grielj had passed face long years of want with dull despair crowding ioy- ing memory from her heart protect her futurerwith a north american lifts pol icy the attached coupon will bring bu complete information on how best to do it norlthamricati life assurance company solid as the continent head opflije toronto canada f c walls district manager 504 bank of hamilton bldg hamilton ontario a send mo your booklet r v tho whole lllfo policy rncht t nncjniff solid j ccntilf- m aro occupation in4 j of this community are the buyers of most of the goods redniired for the home them selves and the children and measure f orthe men as well m large y these women are the closest readers of the local newspaper a message in the acton free press is certain to be read by the very people the home merchant must reach with his store news advertising is the bond of confidence that ties your store to the homes of thp community the homemakers expect to be invited to your store are you will ing to be shown tliat j an advertisement is an invitation laud by canadian weakly newspapers association hoad oftico toronto canada