Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 19, 1925, p. 2

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t fauu a- juijrartmt whfi thursday february 19 1020 my goals juiclrrto manifest ti a little braver when tlio skies aro gray a llttlo otrongor when the rood seems long v a llttlo moro of patience through tho i doy and not a wrbnff a llttlo kinder both of thought and dood a little gentler with the old and weatc swlftor to oonso anothore pressing noouv and not so fast the hurtful phrase toapcalc tbciio are my goals not flung boyonuj my power not aroams of glory beautiful but vain not the great heights where buda of genius flower but simply splendors which i ought to gain those 1 eon do and ho from day to day along tha humble pathway whore i plod 8o that at last when lam called away i noodnot make apologies to god jeddloi quest m m1mtm1 mt at a1 al at m 1 at mt at at vtvt a1 ml atmt m ijiji 3faw fma nrt 0tonj the ndfef the trail fi by harriet lummis smith armer wayland stopped work i company all tho way l mr tinkers 8tory wow tell y all about what you havo toon doing sinco i saw you last oald mr buou the wool buyer whb vlsliod the neighborhood oncoa year and who always flayed a night at jojluh tirikera well ropllod hla host thb only thing out oftbe common was a vaca tion trip that wiround took but i guess she can toll you about that better than i can no joslah said mrs tinker it woj nil yourdolng andjts jrour placo to roll aiobtory well then i shall have to go back to a llttlo accident that i mot with that wouldnt be worth mentlontnjt f my land lull liiilini i lih i isjilbtl 1 guoss youd have thought it was if you had seen that young mans faco vtpin he drove his machine up to the ijouqo with joslah in it of- courto he was some to blame ho was driving taster than tho law allows whon his machine slued agalnattho cart and it there hadnt been cock of hay for joslah to land on when ho was thrown over tho fence i guesasomo bones would have boen broken to say thb least joslah mode light of it ana wosnt going to take any pay but tho yountr man soemod- to have maftiu and ho was only too delighted to have joslah sign off for- rive hundred dot lars well mr tinker resumed having such a sum thrust an mo unexpected joslah allowed it was just like finding it in the road sold mxavtrln- kor aba he declared from tho start that ho was going tbntakb it a case of easy come easy go 1 f oil right in with that i thought i should like to and looked at the sun guess youd better knock off now ho said to his adopted son robert i want you to toko a pay mont over to hlrum watson as long as youre going to college in tho fall 1 guess 1 dont ifood to tell you that i want a receipt robort wayland turned bis trashed faco toward the older man if any- bodys going to atop work he said why dont you you go and- pay mr watson while i stick to tha job john waylands mouth twisted into a rathor grim smllec the man had plenty of- humor butof a ragged sort that peoplo sometimes had duuculty in recognising i gaoss ill stand by my prat idea be replied you may bo better at those logarithm things you werp trying to explain to me tho othor daybutilm hotter at tho farm work yet awhile undajr his tan robert nusbed again for tonyears hohad called- john wayland father but ho had never reached the point of actually under- standing him ho would havo been oauuhml had he known the amount of pride arid tenderness concealed under his foster- fathers rather gruff exterior vi know my work la worth nothing compared to yours only u jocmr tough to wavoyoujsweatrpg in this heat while i go off on an errand anybody could do tyoull do your share of sweating i cant let tou havo oho of the horses today and cryder said he woulunt have the car fixed before friday tou can take tho trolley of course but youll havo a good two miles to walkc til be ready in ten mlnutos de clared robert as he started on a run for the house mr wayland looked after the boy ob no one was oh hand to observe him hla faco was suddenly tranh- formedhy an expression of affection folks say its- risky taking a boy when you dont know anything about bis forebears his thoughts ran but id like to know how many own sons would be more willing to do their share wo didnt tnako any mistake when we took bob whsn robert came downstairs hand some in bis best suit mr wayland woo bitting at the diningroom table- counting gold coins from a canvas bag and placing them- in little plls before him the boy stood watting with disapproval written on hla -ex- preaslve face ho had often discussed with hla father the advisability of i gave him a 0- bo wo agreed to break loose for onofi and not sot back into the traces till wed seen the last of that ave hundred goon jostab well we started off one day early n septembor j it was tho middle of soptomber mrs tinker corrected and erven than we didnt really know where wo should bring up joslah was just wild for a sea voyage but couldnt- decide where to finally we concluded to so to boston arst and mako some inqulrufl wall mr tmkerjwentonjwe got thoro otter an all days rlde r 1 was tired enough to drop said mrs tinker and glad to stay in the hotel batjosuch was bound togij out that very night although iwa afi aid ho would get into frbublo toll him abofft that automobllo accident joslah- why was there another onot ask ed mr bueu toh joalah wasnt roally in this obo explained mrs tinker but m got along in time to ee them taking the poor roan- to the hospital he found dut the mans name and where he lived and that be was a workintr- mon tou were all stirred up about it werent you joslaht so- nothing would do but we must start out the next day to hunt the family up wo found the pjaco in bast boston and the name was oilman she was just book from the hospital and sold her husband wasnt dojigerousbut would no lofbt up for a while come to find out thoy were vermont people them selves anii more umiitbat her undo married a tinker they had two chll drsn and bad aid a couple of board ers though they had just left r when jdolan heard- that hb asked her if she wouldnt like to jake usor a while and sho brightened right up and said ohe would wowont and got our ihlngsr and there we stayed until mr oilman wait able io be out- soo how it would seem to spend money rlghtandlafrxnstoaiedoungitoatr opntoaohecknsaccoutnrmt coud have attxacted lils attention f course but i was afraid sonjobody wouidthink t was trylrigo sorapoac- quaintancca with a etrangcr i thought hjid set otr at mayflcld and then i was going to have a good laugh at to the city aroyou -aurc- ltlwasbob oynthta lovetthad already become vaguely awaroot tho tension in the mind of her listener this question stole tho blood from her cheek anr i sure itwo7bobrhewimtca whye i couldnt be mistaken in bob you know that i didnt know whether you got u good look at him or not 6hr yes iv did but why are you asking me all these questions i gave bob five aundred dollars in most daxillng smllo and would yoi bellevo if ho looked into my faco anv cut mo dead i now havo i changed aa much ub that in a month tho girl- looked iip laughingly into thc rugged face that wasstaring down at her then drow back witha start on mr wayland aro you sick with an effort the man rcgolnod control of himself sick no what put that idea lntq your head why i dont know you look so palo and quoor cynjjua seemed tohavo foygttthbu tho thread of her story until tho man recalled it o hor you wcra oaytag about bpbi- 6hi yes h- walkod- rteht by mo without noticing tby existence j brother had been adopted by aifamly tho anecr in tiro young mans faco vanlhhwl youve knawn him stneo ho wan ton yearqoid most fathcin know tholrsonsearller tlinn that robertis an adopted son but wo iovo him nn well as tfiough ho hud been our own epn- tho young mans voicobhqokas the next question waa voiced wlhyou tell mo where you jjot him a family namdd peek adoptod him wjujniitiwabn hnhy thoy lostthlr lives in a fire and the boywaavthb onlyono to escape theyd always been ciosedmoutliod about him and their papers wero burned too wo dldfft know anything about him but wo -took- him and adopted him legally the young man sat down and for a moment put his hand across his eyos llvd been looking for iaf brother ho said brokenly and it looks as f id found him after bob was brought hpmc and bcforotho doctors arrival tho way lumlo and cynthia heard tho story the stranger- had been brought ui by a welltodo chicago family und not until a year ago had ho learned that ho waa an udontoa child when he hadheard that ho was one jf twlnsbe begged for prmleiion tt search for his brother his adoptod parents bad been most reluctant to agrao ihj thliubut at length yielded to his importunities from tha records of thuorphanago to which his parents sent him tbo noojeher found that his too much sense to break jail i named peelc uving in warren juno tlon he had gone thero hopefully only tofindthat nine ycaro before mr and mrs peck had perished- in a arc ho had visitca the ccmetcry and stood besides their graves lookinr him but after i found ho was going sdown with strango tumult of feelings on a smaller gravo marked harry aged fivo years ho would have bono back io chicago convinced that hla brother waa dead had not shorlit holtman intervened roberts atory was briefer on the dayhe left home with themoneyle had decided that instead of taking tho atfeet car and walkinff two nllcs in the sun he wduld walk four miles through the wood ho had covered iwothirds of- tho distance -when- the storm came up a lightning bolt striking a toll tree near him throw htm to the- ground stunning him cash yesterday to make a jpaymont on no naacomo to himself ho waa wayland had llttlo confidence banks gold- coin in a canvas bag concealed in some hidlhg placo he himself bad selected- was his idea of security five hundred dollars na announced and replacing tho bag ne put it in roberts hands then na laughed at the yefuths wry face youre ao keen on bankaa ho said i wait tluyoumake tfome money- then you can put it all in one robert smiled yes sir rdmuoh rdthor carry a check for live hundrcl made outro hiram watson than aii this gold hiram will take one as qulctt na the other remember the receipt as the young man left tha house sflpbja mr weylonda aunt looked after- him and shook her head lugu- drloualy the warping of her nature bad begun many years ago in bar youtharhen she bad dbluged in suspi cion until now her habit was to think the- worst of everyone t wouldnt do that if ft were my money ohj stated now mournfully her nenhows face became darkly red d trust bob with every penny ivogot- you dont know anything about the bipod in his velnov weu nover know where the packs got him since all their papers wore destroyed 4ittheiri death flrea ore awful things maffce i didnt know anything about aim when i took him but i that land i bought from watson and he basntiiomo back n the- man and girl looked into each others eyes cynthias voice was hardly above a whisper when at last these words djpe theres a mis take bob couldnt that tho way i felt but after all we dont know what kind of blood is in him what makeo you thlnkho was going to the cltyr wy he woo talking to young flan across the- aisle whoaskod bun ifhe knew a good hotel jn the city that wasnt expensive hi hear bob say tm going to stay at tuv hatha way houbo j mr wayland wiped the beads at perspiration from his forehead til drlyq on to thewntsons to see if t cattiret any news there it was noon before mr wayland walked into hla own home a the sight of him bjs wife threw up heir hands hea dead aho cried mr wayland f down heavily in the nearest chalrt 3 wtab that woo all mattlo ob john what do you mean- ihos stolen from us mattlo ho never went near the watsons and yesterday cynthia ijevett saw him on the way to tht city the brokenhearted man and wo man stared at each other in a daxer the -woman- did not cry out- but ih pinned fast by a huso limb and hla log was- broken to free himself had taken him aomo time to drag hut lifeless limb oyer the mile that lay between him and tho watson home was a suh moro painful task at ten oclock the night of bis injury ho ad crawled to the stops of thq farmhouse and called loudly enough to attract attention before ho had fainted the stranger whose name waa graham kennedy stayed at the farm until his brother had quite recovcredr then tho two went to chicago for a short visit before the opening of col lege in late t ssptember robert entered n freshman in the dgrloul tural collego of the university in which his brothorvas already a junior robort won ijonora from the start and even auht- sophia- was proud of him qfon k afternoon arkeathe girl had come out to see mrs wayland wo hoard that roberts grandfather was a minister and a great scholar andfvo always said that blood will toll i remember yearo dgp talking with tho ahorllt in a little town in a western desert ho won talkiitg about hlu jail it wus illmsy nrfnlr and anyone wno wanted to could get6ut why dont thoy do it i askod tthey havo tod much sanapfj he answered just look at that hla hand pointed to the v ox- pihya6oi whtcrujys deaort that was about tho ittlo town ho had only to tolegraph to- tho fewplacea where tho nino times out of ton ill hoalth in young peoplo la somothtng of which to le aahdmod they are out of con dition bccauao thoy sacrifice sleep to ploaauro and aro disinclined to take oxorclbo also thoy oat that which they want whon thoy want it regardr loss of the- effect on tiiolr digootlono in other wors thoy aro not woll on- fatirtn they fire lny-graodyiid-laolc- lhg in common sonse and aocontrol it is your buslnosa to kcop lit if you noed a doctors aid rjot it ut pnee boforo your case bocomoa un fugitives must of necessity go for food or water- and they would havo thojr kiocosaorlly soilous most young poople nurxion rlit rtt tlin frtrtt lime ttctit tlni ii ii ii i a il cticapo qui off tha fact was tfiut thti desert wan tho true prison wall such wall of neccaaity is around aluour community lifo what la jt that koops peoplo to their tasks t not tho laws upon tho statutobooica hnt any fnftliion or theory it is ho storn neceeslty which presses oh ua all tho necessity of working together if wo lire to preserve our hvct wo aro so hciplcsb when loft to ourselves rurtil weknow it tho moat terrible punish ment is to bo an outlaw the man without a country tho man without friends is in a desperate pllehtr our very axlsttincedopondo on t6-ojor- atlohl ourwisijom- la in 1 earninff what are tlio essentials in thlu cooporatlon it la only when- wo aio in the prca- onco of trrm unescdpablo facts tbdtt we knoivwhat morality really means wo are- in a trap and wittora ami 0en aharp anrtbjltor crybut ch- cumotnhcob helnar what thoy aro do not yield -the- change if there is tp be anvjput take place in ourselves only n moraj force is adcauato to re- lea u th way put- is hptthe easy way the vblcer of rttweoustipss is one that palls to repentantie to a chanffp of mind it is storn austcro rolcntlcfls in its demands you linvo tried oho wayland now yju sco wheie it has lqd you you must try an other way and try it mightily if you would escape armanwho ba lived abho pleased flnahlmsek in 1h health ho calls a physician the phyalclaw doos nioi flatter him of ask him what ho would llko do o jtalls mm combtruthi you havo followed tho devices of your own heart and here you or it you kbej oh as you havq beendoihff you will dio thoro is no magic modlcino that can save you but hf you aro willing to live differ ently your case is not without hope tho- deoleioh io in your hands northwestorn adypcatp keepin6 fit could bo- well if they card to taltri tho trouble and thoso dosorvo ton demnatlon rather than commifloratlon for thole 111 hoalth just as good i wonder whats provoked fathor now said mrs smith ustonlng from tho foot of tho stairs oh its nothing much mokhcr answered llttlo william i just put a tube of sisters oil paints jn piuco of fathors toothpauto thats- all tltbits buy ii green tea the little leaves and tips from high mountain tea garden that are usecf in jsalrada are much finer in flavor than any- gunpowder or japan try it free press job printing is always jsfeaily done over 10000 from one crop and gave up your sea trlpf ask5 uf buitir v7ell tinker not altogether began- mr sri jp fir w sr tou know there is a ferry piles between east boston and the city said mrs tinker and joslah cot his sea trip riding back and forth all day on that it wnj what he had been yhankorlng for for years and it did hlni a worm 01 good i didnt co quite so much for i didnt feel just eaw an tho wator 1 enjoyed myself just boardlac jvlth mrs ollroah ft was a obanre from cettlnc three meals a day myself arid olthoufh her oooiana wasn t anything great x relished if better than i did the note fare somewfot tees expenslvej sur ceated mr bueu no joslah paid lust the same as thoy charged at tho hotel and i iruess it tided them over a hard place they sot nbthlng from the man who knocked him down with hla machine dldn etfen and out who it was they tiatej to tako so much but joslah wouli haf it so what was it you said joslah t- well ivsd- ob yea r you said mr oilman had been injured without getting damages and you had got damages withttut be ing injured and you wanted to even it up a llttie go onrjoirab well by that time bur money at about used tipi- t and i suppose aome would say that we haflnt got much out of lt mrs tinker j but wo chme honla rested with something pleosttnt totroi member and nothing t5 regret what moro could you expect- from a vyaca- tlon anywnyidloot mean to in terrupt you joslah v woll i goes thats about all of it v said mr tpinlcer some joung people are under the impression that thoyvwork very hard whon as a matter ot fact they do riot kpow real work the -other- day a that moment of silence sho tasted the4amall boy with a whlak broom was doljiowland thoro maa-novor-a- bo tuu the- boy than hob matue andi did the best job of our uvea when wo took him aunt sophia shook her bead llko a aplnlster old raven blood will tell she announced and hot nephew went but seowlmc- a llttlo later tho heat of the af tor- noon was broken by a violent thunder storm ml work was interrupted for good hour and tho men worked longer than usual to make up for their rest although supper was jus hour ohdnmurtafe roberl hid not re turned xtadnt you better call hiram watson up7 asked aunt sophia as tho family sat down to the table what for demanded hor nepheyr gruffly i to see if robert reollyld take him flie money its big tmnptatlori fop a boy who- jievor had anything had anyone but aunt sophia made anguish of death at last she forced her white lips to ask what are you going to dor tvo done it already tho aherllt hasgono to the- city to bring him back john how could you our boyl hes not oiir- boy after this if the- lad weve loved and trusted would do this hea not going to got away with it cynthia heard hlnltelllriba yoiins follow the name of tho hotel he vtib goinc to maybe tbat waa juat a blind woh see aid cynthia apeak to him shevbowed hut he didnt seom to notice her he got on the train at warren junction at warren junction why how did he get ther i dont know somebody might have given him- a lift in a machine and of course he wouldnt buy a ticket at this station work brushing a few dead leaves from the lawn to thevdriveway and pulling very loudly what are vyou doing jack neighbor asked i the little fellow replied rather ln- dutndntly cahtyou hear im work though be thought ho would simply be sharing her doubts ijobert will iomd home whon ho gets ready he replied crutriy theres no use -tele- phoning v when at ten oclock robert hod not appoared however and aunt sophia hod gone to bed ho attempted to tele phono to watson 6nly to and that tha storm had put the wires oat of com wlsslpjilv oh well the watsons have roberts nonappearance was neces sarily explained to aunt sophia she was gloomily triumphant over the fulfillment of her prophecy during the afternoon cynthia ap peared her oyea swollom with long wooping there must boxome ex planation aho said oa sho sat ajtli roberts foster parctits in the living room pont peoploaemontes some times give way t mr wayland smiled grimly yea they dobnt it would bobbnslderabla of a coincidence if a young fellows memory caved in just when he hap pened to have five hundred dollars in his pocket perhaps hes sick and delirious there must bo something robert couldnt havd done such nothing to have cynthia about waa acom fort for she shared the grief of the others profounoflyv perceiving this the girl accepted mrs waylandsfn a special correspondent of the lothbrldgo horald writing recently fromvcaraaton houthorn alberta said parkor kills of the ttnlted irrigation district at cardston rcconoy deposltr edthe doedaio i- his 160 acres of land in tho tl ib inhls safetydeposit box at the bank and walked out with s1c0o to his credit after paying in full for his landfrom tho proceeds of onocrop bff ibc land which ho -pur- xhased in 1922 pronarcd for crop in 1833 and harvested in the fall of 1924 arid this is how hedid it in 1022 htrca here fr sweet grass bought alarm in tho u i d for 34 per acre ho prepared it for crpp tn 1d23 breaking 100 acres and summer- fallowrlng s3 aoresi in- 1d24 he liar vested something bettor than bm0 bushels of wheat selling it at 9103 net at cardston thjo gavb him an average ox 46 busjiois to the acre or 69 in hard cash making a total to turn of 10336 with this ho paid for his land paid the taxes for three years paid his water rates and caino but with 1600 cash surplnav tills is eyldbnco- of what can bo done for it has beep rtpno atd is also one reason why the tj i jj land lias been in such demand this year- exactuy the suggestion mr wayland might vltatlori to spend the night she hnvoocted on it 11 he called up nowtpwanted to bben hand to hear tbo ilrat word of any pew developments lnobliieryolnig peoplo too have an idea that ereat pufflngnnd grutlt- lng hi on indication of hard work but tho contrary la true the great work ers toll without a fuss whatover ones work the bend should dp a generous- aharo of it if the bratir loafs oft tho joball tho straining of muscles in the world will nor produce effectlvo results orio cf the great triumphs of modern civili zation la- lightening the load of the physical by giving the mind a harder task by pressing at button or turning alever one man does that whlchtho united jdrancthfa4iundrodvcanhard ly accomplish if your task is washing the breakfast dlahes- or sweeping out the toreput intelllgsnca into 11- make your brain an ally instead of istting it bo an onlooker cheerfulness la on element in effec tive work if ybugo to your daily task reluctantly land apprehensively looking forward even before you havo begun to the tuna trhen it shall bo over you cannot possibly mako mere than a par tial success of it iern if ppmlblo to eniar your wof k do not lndtlsj in self pity because you havo to be up early and on your way to work do you know how to work really work with tho head and hands bothlr doing their full share do you know how to work so as to get the fun out of it tho world is full of those who toll without pndorstandlhg or joy of those whedo aa utile as they can and make as much fuss as possible and f thoso whose idea of happiness is idle ness in striking contrast to all of those standout the joyous effecuve workers sam what am ysa doin now baitso an cxpof tcr vv soman exportojjj c bo yepthe eulunari company just flred me sit in this coach note the comfort the quiet eleg- isuice tfae roominess and con- venleneeonly then can you fully reafize tnat mciyaughhn- buick has built perfection ixito hiiecoachir r eherice islso low astoebna pare favorably with what you 7 would expect to pay for an open car of equal quality the gma c deferred payment plan makes buying easy rgpregepitatiyes porhiisectjol etown oiitbrip asked him to atajr all night thats be if t open to conviction hip rock wis ever more firmly oxad han were mrs mansers opinions bat she cdnsldefed herself o- an ex tremely pliable aiipositlonwlth a mlhd open to conviction on all aides its the atrangest fhingto m h way tho rest of the family talk as if i wero set in my views v sho aaid one day to her nephew williams bride with whom sho had been lab rw i iinmn nr g b earattotmbre rf than on hour s 3t seems to me youre- sort of tak- tn- samaton6 oo tjqr- looklng sharply at tha young woman and i dont wttt you to there un t anybody in uua world tbararaadfar to be convinced she in the wrong than 1 mby people who know moro than x all theyve got before- em over is to prove to ne that they dp knpw moro than i and i toll you my deari there hasnt one of em ever bsen ablo to in this famuyr ui 3tr wayland consoled himself crimes of violence were unknown in the oommunlty and the possibility of danger to robert in carrying out his ebmmlsalon did not occur to either him -or- his wife thoy went to bed and slept peacefully when morning came and tho boy had hot appeared mrs wayland made ho secret of her alarm its not like robertto ieavoyba to do the chorea maybe he got wet yesterday an 1 caught cold and in slclc at the wat sons vyoud better drlyoover and see mr wayland would- not admit that hoihared her anxiety ha only said ive got on erraridln the village this morning ill drive oot and ase what oil bob v several uttio matters delayed hlni and- 1 was past ten oclock when he drove through tho village from tho porch of doctor xavcus home a voice balled him and a girl of eighteen or thereabouts cams- racing down the path to thb wagon good morning mr waanfl jho crtod running 7 th farmer drovo his horse up tol tea the curb and alighted good morning cynthia ho crtod vm coming out to sufipor in a day or two so tell auntie wayland to please havo short caka but if bob a -him- im- ao angry that j ddnt know as ml ever speak to him again ou are angry ajlbnbl too about six oclock tho telephone rana and a telegram was- read over tho wire starting for home with pris oner insists that he- lives in chicago and that hla namo la kennedy will bring him out tonight for toiir idontlflcation hoffman mr wayland repeatedthe telegraiu to his breathless listeners ha may crasy- cynthia cried pbr all we res am t saw him on th train yesterday and he wouldnt speak to ma 1 mr waylona fnoveoraficlitiy hb stood with hla oat apart ns if on a deck of a rooking snip xou saw bob on the tratnj kwhera why rye hm at helens for v month and i earns down on the after noon trout bob cotton at warrro know there is sanity in hla family for stealing croaked aunt sophia blood will tell at- tenoclbok a motor lrove tb tho door of the farmhouse mr way- land flung tho door wide while the women huddlod together in the back- ropnd a hondsomb young fellow topped lightly from the car thb burly figure of the sheriff- following at the sight ot them mr wayland uttered a gasping sob he stood back to let thempaas tho young mah was looking opoa him with an air of curiosity that to mr wayland waa the refinement of crublty hefprb anyono fc say a word the- telephone bail began to ring and to tho tense people listening the- sound was intolerably loud cynthia movsd to answer tho sum- mhna but mr waylantf strode past her and snatched up thb receiver hellor he boomed the voice that answered waa breath less like that of one who has been that you- wayland is hiram watson bobs 5koohl 9mmr j csiigm mifcviv utm td dgdmlal 12 koom45iw aiaddiiv 4j mclaughlinbulctoddg all these improvement to coach design 1 puherlmllt boay bodr pnl tutinpd u vhapo vfiotr daen mt tfn to rear et 4deeper npholtty b wider deeper vfy vunv of room tot three la rear cat fine boc line i aohosllfca t fier vv lneptocf vfl tlutlna wil4llell 8 pijco nnlah rkeat foottttt joaitimtiyo lawrtor irtwii lldnftilslit 43 silk roll hade rar wl dmr i j rtr vision mirror 14 antoimtlo wlndihleld wlbtr 15 bandiome initrament paaftl 16 tool pocket in ahroiul 17cowl llahu 18snn visor with side wlnsa- isnickelled rmditor 20hclnshllnbaick valve-la- hesd ensine 21plssare naina lubvleatum blab pressure chs la- brlestion sjutommtlc hjbrl- r- cation of drlvlnffprnrb 22 mcijwihip ssjlslj jhlbsjirti i lfivmciisiiaiibnaicletii steeiinairear j5 ilithyexrerprinn l6ifloiiui rear eje gt automstlo ciiireuir dpt cqfitfpfled idquu stninvnu startlar llehtlnv and urnhlon mulupla iadoi lichtiti so melaugblinbn also clotcb 80foiu vrheelbralces 31 low pressure urns 3 tuctittiflinabiwrncfc lliitod this tufm what bobs here dragged hlmaolf to our floor just now with a broken leg and- -the- uiujibi safu wordgbthgtb put a spring cot in our truck uiitl bring him home tou d bettor tele tttons ttr ft- igjfr iuhotlcui sad isjupposad rd hy years ow iis hand when tha boy gets there- tes cried mr wayland and rank offt jj jnma later hsmd thdttoclof on the wire when again he hung up the ro- oolver jbhn wayland faced tho stranger under his jroot my son hnu been found ho said ao youre not he id have sworn you were though and ive known him since he was ten ending at 8unoown the saying xt not the sun go down upon year wrath is a wise on while human nature is as it is tem- pors are likely to get out of hand every how and then quarrels that end automatlcaliy at bundownaro not serious however there 1 no more dlsagraaablo bed fellow than a grouch nor a more un- pleaaont table oompanlon if you ore in a bad temper- it is impossible to sleep soundly tnr to cat with enjovt mont la commonly supposed- that dyspbpsla has- an uncomfortable affect on the disposition but the truth is that a bad temper i a frequent cause of dyspopsht- probably all of you have discovered thb impossibility of doliuc good work when you are angry in spite of your effort to concentrate on that which you ore doing your thoughts are constantly turning to your -grievance- and soyou- arb con tinually hf iroyed into the most rtdlcp ulous b1tinlir of course ths i4mi iotyard which we should always b working g w have our temper under suoh obsglis control that a quarrel will not b tho natural outgrowth of a misunderstand- fog if wo cannot do away with quar- rols altogether lot us make them shprt-llved- therb is llttlo to far from a quarrel that ends at sundown dont run 0nflat tirb0 a flat the means hard going the air you pump into your tires doss not scorn to amount to much but it is attf sandal o a pleasaut trip at the gasoline in tho tank comtcay is like tbq air i tlio tir iisvntt qnd hnvs him in it-does- ne su power bui it makes the journoy mora comfortable it dases tho jolt lour education oomolripl with your natural ability may carry you forward in life at wonderfully rapid rate without plenty of gns you are bound to come to a standstill on tho other hand you may have all the gus you need and yet feel every bum in tho road it la courtesy that inflates the tire i and makes ths going sasy slam the door in thte3s every business has tvyo doors wje streetr jioor and the telephone door iosepcpplo who artjiwe vented from vraitink your store ore you making it easy for tpm to buy from you by telephone cheerful voice answer their ring vvfuld the axper- tionce be such a plcasaht ond that thoy would- wish to repeat it wpllayp hriadd many jtores tomuecbsfully organfgtiefp telephone dopartraontfl for inibrndtrhrtvmrlrjrfa plonsuro to help ydii -vvl- jr bach ntw subtorom- adlu ta hs value oyour teujaort4 x people prefer to hxxy knowii goods from merchants whom they know ad vertising makes you acquainted with the buying pflbhe i j hiig w in print b e greatest guilder of confidence tljierel ia it teacheg the whole comnnunity to believe ih you and your- goods to think they have a need for your good8 vvv v v- and to buy at your store moreover people expect to be asked to shop at yqw store a mesgeirr acton free press carries conviction right into the home let us show you what happens when an advertisement is an invitation mat

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