Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 5, 1925, p. 4

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w rv14livin ivm hmripmwwssii site arfptt 3te ma thubspat march k an oudtimb favorite i up hotwant a puppylob although i know thoyrb nice for my papa can romp with mo in ways that uulte ttumeu 7 hell bark juat jlko a st bernard ana llkd a maatlft erowl and youwodjd feci liko laughlnb when ho lmltatob its howl 1 lllto to i do hot want a pubaycat i oats protty well but daddy boats thorn- alu and play hotter than i can toll hell purr and also like anything his mlauing you should hear it makes more nolae than any cat and oh i shako with toar i do not want n pony small of courso theyre lots ot tun but whats tho use of ponies whon youre niy floor daddys son ho takes mo oh his shoulders broad 1 or puts rao ohhls unjeos r and sou me oil ucallctplne mnaty asyou pleaso- y- h j in short i dont want anything as lohu as daddys- here hes pretty much of every thing and dont got out ot gear s and- best of all the things boys havo im sure youjinnd its true thoros nothing uko a daddy that will always play with- you bir john konflrlck bangb a magazine evening ster- was a member of the foruter famj lly which was prominent at nor ntty to uovenlyflyo years ago about thirty years ago drr wulsteao settled in acton ami commenced practice- hure ho had a druc btoro in tio bulrdlnff which occupied tbebko whero victor humleys confectionery business nowtatanda- i supposo the in business afl a harness maker here hadb0mplhiib to do with tho drt coming tqaolbh ho was an aged man when ho came hero and retired otter two opythrogyoara tho dr was an apuvo methodists ho hud boen a local preacher in tho old mcth- odisreiftacopal church and was if my memory sorvea mo correctly a mem ber of thtr qdnersl conference- when tho union ot tho methodist churohca was consummated in 1884 s w tiveu juhontheenuiusiasmywoshlph wasted thrift ontvof tho nrat things tlio ameri cano who built thevpnnamn canal did after thoy had comiuerod tho yellow fever was ho organize u basobah team the national jkamo followed the aug tbhe lathfnufj flourished famously- suivivoa and now threatens tovkupplant bullflghtlng with the nu- ost an isthmian league was organ ized and players wore sent f rbmnnany of- the minor professional icamsofthn united states c y- v the season openodiiir december amf lasted about four months so it was a ftfto chance for ambltlbus-jtoung-jbush- leaguo playbrs tomukb a little money cscaiw a bard northern winter and keep in- condltlon the canal com mission did not pay- salaries to ball players just to slipiioet the gnmqhr the canal zone but it gave- good men something to do and the- league paid them extra for their services on the boll new so it happoncd that two promising dr springer a son of one rot the burlington trmdilcb hung out hie shlnglo hero about thirty years ago im hot auro whothor o t springer younbvlayors7mthonewenilanu si- when you aro puszlcd to know what to provide tor entertainment tor tho ricit part church social or dug gatherlng try a mturaslne evening its possibilities tor ontortainment sire limited only by the ingenuity ot those kwho take part in the affair the magazlno consists at contri butions of songs stories bhort one- act plays tableaux charades hiunor- ous anecdotes and vermel supplied by those who toko part la the entertain ment oild advertisements which aro of courso a series of tableaux suggestad by the advertising pages of- the -popu- lar magazines the contributions bhould bo submitted to tho edit who la j usually jhocblninri pfjhe committee who has the affair in ohargoand from tho mntorlal select- cd the commlttoo arrange a ttablo of contents it is better if tho con tributions aro original but not es sentlal that thoy should be one makozlne evenlngwhiob proved a great sucoess had for its flrst num ber or frontploco s table representing a littlelversb canea the dreamy hour it showed 0 amoll boy in bis little rbcklng chair seeing plo turoa in the fire which threw tts red light upon blm wwlo bib toys and books were scattered about the room tho- tire was contrived by means of a reflector and d red biilb from the oloctrlc light while mo tableau was on view n reader read the lines bf the verae other illustrated yereos followed then came a onpract play with simple settings acted by three after the playcamo two original songs than to atorywltn one ulustratlonra tableau the hurooroufc page consisted of joftjesdnd jlttle verses roost ot them of local intorbflc list of oil eame- the advertisements a aeries df tob- ibaux in which the characters dressed to rbpresent figures in- wellknown advertising- prizes were offered for the best tableaux the- dotalls were left to tbo individual portormbrs and v the- audience wore- asked to award the prize 1 if a- playlet i not available or de- blrame ttcharaae brcourae may be substituted v woll tried through many a varjrlag year wo seo him to tho grave descehd officious innocent sincere ofeveryf hendlessnamethef rlendi dr iucjus auld was tho bon of n methodist preacher rey david aultl tvjldwobtlto mlrrlstur of the nuclcwaqa 1 they ssvl ifot stlfl uff fills affections eye x obscurely wlseond always kbad nor lottorcd arrogance- deny xhy praise tomorifunroflned when fainting nature called far aid and hbverlng doath preparedtbe blow v lilsvlgorous romody displayed the powep oftskiil without the show in miserys darkest cavern known his useful care was ever nigh whero hopeless anguish ppurcd his groan and lonely wont retired to die no sumtnonsmockedby chill delay no petty gain disdained by pride fhemjodestwantsrfevetyday the toll of every day supplied his vlrtuos walkoct tho narrow road y nor inado a pausohor left a void and sure the hternal master found his many talontswell employed- the iiuily day tho peaeeturtslght ujpf alt uncounted glided by his frame woe thra lspwers were bright though now hlsseventloth ycarwas rdgh than with noftery throbbing path no coldgraduations bf decay death broke at once the vital chain and freed hlssouvthe nearest tfay a leading aplrjt in the curlier days in wellington square arid nolson was his fathor ii not he was cloaoly latod tho drwasa hnnceaanr to tho skilled prodoctospre who ocouplbd dr sbpoka old place- ho was young and popular cfch was hui flrsf obttlcd place for pnjetlclab rncdiclnjj but ho had ah eyo toblggep places dnd within about a year- disppoed of iris praethio to or auld olroult away tuck in 1876 he was a great friona of william homstroot whu spent so many years in anton and rqckwpjjyrtlioyquiitlctorysoll became acquainted nd had qulto a good practice notwiuibtandlnff that at the time two other doctors- woro-nrac- tlclnghere ho too had a liking for city life liko hij predecessor and with- m tho year aibpoaed of his vractfco to dr j f tlren of st marys dt and mrs uren softled in acton an1 inntho dootorb residence- where dr shook dr meoarvin dr i4wry d hpria nnrt anlti had beon be fore them- i must qlosiu right here and leavomy storyiof drtrrena popular yand buc- cessful prdctlco in acton urttll next woek league sailed froli npw york oqe day rn november cn a gevernmerrt ateamshlp fbr they wore bound for theylsthmus to do sbmev thing or other in uncle sams gvoat chain of retail stores and- to- play on the- fumous cpmmlasaryand sub- slstenco- team the twoypungmeh wont on board with two largo market baskets packed full ot sandwiches and othor eimplo supplies whenever the bugle sounded riiealtlnib theyretirod to their staterooms and ate ofythelr store- tho salt watbrbluntiohed their a thfe 6th er acton over the 8ea items of ifitorest showina fheaotivi- tier of- acton enalsnd m threw hj8 money awav when mr imaltp returned to bushby after someyears residence in the- west there was much bpecuhiticm ahlong- bis v old friends and nolghbbrs a tb the extent of his present prosperity tookji mighty wvlltouq some aa if ho vouldnt ride in anything lessn bobtaljed hosacs said one man but you cant jedge by looks not always nobt sold another old neighbor though thoy count looks do and no nilstake but sometbine bo did in the other doy oomotbtne arst hand ltom bjj1 sawiders and i guois theres no doubt about btery be- ing well off in this worlds gooda itwas like this sal9 the old man aiteril sufoclent pause for his nud- idno to cloaswin he took blhovcr there for the day paid all expenses gave him orstclass dluhor bought hlnj o couple of neckties and a throw for bartim- to put on her bead even- jrigbahdlatrf he towod bill into a drugshop to give him some lee- cream ysody weve wt lust tline before we toko the train he soya to -bill- r well sir they duhk that body off with one eye on the clock and erry ho handed out a quarter to the clerk tq poyjtor it- ho put thb quarter lit the changing machine and then he jabbed and jabbed to got the change out and there was something wrong so it wouldnt opon v you waif a minute sir and ill get tho ave icents nojet door says tho clerk but exry took his bag up and jest waved at the clerk careless as if theyd been talking about a pea ofa boan keep it for good luck he soy weve got to catch a trolr bill saunders soys that ho didnt any moro head hlrbr saying- that there was another train in two hours than if he hadnt spoken i guess thores ho manner o doubt but what eirye finan cially prosperous a fool and his wi3d0m a story which ia credited to major pond by the newtorlc tlmos tells of ji weakminded lad wher went to tlio millers to have pome grain groupd tlie miller sold to wbti tfo you are a t v i gunu i ainrepllcdthiyouth a fool eh a hntural fool i mused theihervehaventroanynatitrati thb poctoss op acton last- week i gave you brief pictures ot half a dpsen of the doctors- who served this community so well in tho earlier days this weok i nave- pleas- tire in continuing the story and i find ob i proceed the wbrk grows upon me for these sixty years and mprp ikhewtheso five men- kneut well every onobf them showea an the- instincts of- real country doctors in so far as the needs went every eneof oqual- to ianmac- lorons defctor- mcclure they went whore mpjt hoeded in alu woathers overfall kinds ot roads tired hungry nature clamouring for rest on thoy went if by any means they could subdue pain or briber solace and com fort to allying neighbor since i began- thinking up tho work and surroundings of those faithful doctors men who have lived and work ed among us in the years of the past mary and i have had many a good talk over incidents in which they were tho principal actors- as -theryearsbuoceed- ed each other and- the- doctors passed put from among iujaaumber of them wore our family doctors but thank goodness- ourhonie- has boenfreb flrbm much iritho way of soribua 111- noss wo have aovertholass always less anxiety ajidm6ro conttdonce wliej we have had a family doctor whom wo could rely upon -ahdywejiavenl- ways enjoyed and valued their fellowr ship y mr lincolns answer 1 think i left off last weik ot the time when drmckeague went to win nipeg and dr ault came fo ac ton to succeed him and ho andhls family tok possession of tho bomo aid sur gery dr ault was a skilful physician and took a keen interest in his patients but ho wab somotvhat dif- flculfto get into warm social fellow ship- with he wasa very tdevote jrtomberof knox church andwaafax some time a member of the board ot sducatlbn mrs ault wab a flne lady but tho affliction- of deafness hindered her from engaging as freely as desired- in social relationships percy their only child was a bright boy and will ino doubt inoke a name for hlmoclf upin the death of a near relative ip tho old- homo town in east ern ontario dn- ault gave up bis practice here i understand ho was the executorof a large estate rbquirlng personal attention when dr ault left the residence which bad boon f well nigh half a century k doctors piece it ceascd to be such and bas since wen tire comfortable homo of quiet home-loving- citizens ndt the loajit ot prosidont linoblns vexations was hearlngyand answering and withsupdlns thethrongs bf of- fcoseokerti who presaed upon him miss helen nlcolay tho daughtor of lincolns prtvato secretary gives from her fathers notes this examplo of mr ijncouaaways of doallng with some of them- although mr xjncolns manner jvub ohrfcst unfaluibgoodhumbred and quietly tolerant of discourtesy toward himaclf there were times when ije showed that there was a limit to his tpatlobco in iheestrly days of his first terra wlion the rysh of officer seekers wajatta hblghta dela- gatlon camo to urge some appoint ments that were earnestly opposed by col bti bakor then united states senator from oregon tho delo- kotloh had for its ajiokcsmnn onex- callfornlan who was a violent enemy ot baker both ih the interview with the jpresldcht ondln the papers lib presented ho made coarse and oven criminal accusations against colonel bilkers integrity and honor now thb president and baker had been personal friends- and political as sociates in their early days at spring flold and uncoih knowtho accuea- tipng to bqgtoundloss yheaald as much to the accuser but the latter grow still imbrt vehement mriln coin heard hn through in supneeand whim he had finlshad bonofocr him back tlie- papers but tho jpah re fused them lwibh you jo keep them mr pres ident ho salft they oro yours flhne toio with aslpleaserf riald- iilnooln r yes was thd reply tho president stepjied to tholnro- place and tarubt- the papers betwoen the biasing- brands and as the name lighted the room he dismissed the delegation with a stern look and simple oood morning gcntlembn swallpwcd thou- last crumb if was throe days to colon thqy tasted one day the next mornlhff thoy wore so jfavenouahungrythattliheyasked i fellow prissonger it thoy could buy a llttle something to eaton thoshlp no i dont think bo ho rbpliod but when ho saw their looks of die fappotntmrnt he asked3nt you gor enough to eat irilthodtnfng saloon bt ntcaltlnio we havent been down yyjat sald one of them you see-r- havent boon down yet- tho pass enger repeated inaurprlse and this ia the sixth day but wiy you iniiat bo heat starved obnblreturned the spokesman you see we brought a lot of sand wiches from now york you did questioned the passbit gor but what did you do thatfpr why dontjou eat in thodlning sa- lobn- 4 thought itwbuldbe tbo ex penslve the talkhjig one explained howjhuch dpthey charge torameal down there charge said the man laiqthlhsr nothing whatever its all in the passagemoneyl they were ytlll two days left and the bally llayers made the- most iif them y tho acton public parks committee iiuvo- ullocated tho twontyfour lawn tennis cpurtsot tlie north acton play ing fleida to the various clubu uatvt- uiiidaibion una irotjor ough silrvey6t luwe beon appointed ropreaehtativqs of acton xtn the safety fjcac council anu the town council has mado a donation of 5 to tbo funds ri there was a good ftttcriuancb-ul-th- actpn brotherhood mootlnff on sun day when an address was given- by mr jya burbour james on wise and foolish bulldoti r as a great many people wanted to take part in the dobato arranged by tho actbn vomon citliena associa tion on tho propdbed ralalng of the logo for leaving school to fifteen it was continued with much keen intlpr- oat onfriday lion chancey has gained for hlmsblf a reputation for realistic acting eapic- iallyfromljis recent maatorplecb the hpnohbuck of notro damo which visited actoti lately sir- harry and tady brittain wore among the guests at the third annual dinnerof tho kinomatograph renter society of great britain and ireland hold qn wodnebday at tho piccadilly hotel ll qettinq a good istart miss sophie beloved bonefactrcsi of half tlio poor of new orloans init at her dook wilting whon ap oldorly womanwho had made muny picciouu domanda upon lier waa ushered in oh mlsa sophie ki10 saldbreath- loasly i want to borrow a dollaiv please right away what do you want the money for isrtnagaido well- now you see im going to got mnrriod and i hoed it for tho licenao but if tlie man you ure going tn marry cannot pay for the license- how is ho going to bupport you thats just what hwant tcfisiplain to you miss sophie you see to-mor- rpw is thanksgiving and wo nro com ing to your free dinnor then you always give us something to take home nnd in the evening the kings daughters aro going to have n baokkt distribution snndwo shall each got one that will koop usfora weok easily fc andby thaftlmb fell bton ouvyeot palnkillor bottlcsar- j ranged upon a sort of ultar tlio 0000 medicine a mlhhloumy rocontly tturnod from burma with an nmuflink story of tlie oxaltfitlon of a lozcn lttentmlmllcln bottica to thu rank of idols forvontly werablpped by a wliolu vllinke pn oho of tile ialys toura mho pan- sod throorrii a email settlement whor cholera waa raging hho had wltirher sovoraj bottloa of a famous ready relief for ilain no alic went from house to hollac dosing mlmcrou suf ferers and left tho bottles for tlio natives to uao after silo had one roturning to tho village aomo months later the lady was met by4hti hoad man of tlie community who ofiborod her ploua aoui by aaylng mom sahib wo have come bver to your side thb magic did ua ao much good that wo now accopt oodworahlp your gods delighted with thta nowa the mis sionary accompanied the man and nla followers tnhmowh dwelling whero he opened the door of a room and pull together much ploasuro wnb afforded to mern- bers and frlondfl of the acton adult bchoolsbyacohcertvhlohthayoung city and village life ah mra hudge- onehalf bf the world is ignorantyhbw- the other half yes y-v- y not in thlbylllajo miss the pa8sion to win s fools hereabouts do you mind it 1 1 nsfeirou a few qucbtlone ohwho sir of course hot tho la3 answered rjolitoly y rwell myrioy slnco you are a fool nogan the nilller 1 want you tb bill mb what you know and- of forwards what you dont knop now to be- gin what do you ltrinwt i know sold the boy that the millers hog are fat oobdl very good i said the muer y that is what youkqov now tell us what you aont rowi7 i dontt know whose grain fatten uvtspueeiai youth but i must retrace my atops for aomo years the following of tho successive doctors who resided on the captain burns property of which he was pleased sixty or sevontyovoyeareagq to always refer to as hopo hill hoe taken mb a long way past the time of some of tho former doctors of acton by the way i could nover understand why captain burns called the hoad of frederick stroothbpo hill he was an bid bachelor yes quite up in years if his hppb waa to settle down there with a wife of his own tbo hope was eternally deferred for hp died as he lived an old bacbolor desire to vin to succeed is one things posalon tojvn is another and quite dlffcront thlngop intense emo tional desire a man ruled by his emotions in ilia offorte to win is sub jectto strange lnfluencesyovbr whlcn reason has little sway milton had it right in the warning of thoangb adam r take heed lest passion spay yhy judgtiiorit to ao augbt whleh clsoffeowlll would not permit the wool orwoo in thee la placed bewhro -ambition- tb- aucceed supplemented ith energyindtrstry and thrift and controlled by sound principles of busl- noas is an altogether laudftble thing but once it becomes passionate thnt latp say wholly emotional look out- wood judgment does pot dwell with passion it is the passion to gain business nd- vnntag and profit that leads so many snen ontb thin loo destroys their in tegrity leads them to misrepresent their affairs to thblr bankersjiets them out of aafe channels into atormv and treacheroub waters and finally lm tiaira their credit and ruins their pfos- pectb aiiyman lnwhbm desire te get rich conies v passion iatin vciy great danger of losing things more do slrabhi than those he sooks honor reputation even liberty in the city man or even a woman may ieada double lifctand nonebe the wiser for a lgbg tunc a family mayllve for many yoarsln a certain block and have no- acquaintance with other dwellers in it evontn the pop ularapartment houses families dwell in close proximity to other famiiles and no soclal intimaeles aro formed people in cities cannot affordto mingle with pooplo of whom they know noth wg and if they aro wise willbo very slow to tdke up casual acquaintances whero nobody cares for anybody in his noishborhbbd there is no nolgh borly sehtunept in existence r in the village everybody knows everybody andgoneratly allobput tho nftalrti of their neighbors thero can be neither privacy jior- tlio seclusion so genbrnln city life whilo the vil lager has a lbolrsee privilege into the affairs of thoae about hlnc they have the same ipqkln pn hirru- this is bo trup ojtlio village life that many detest it- jhd flap from t hut a good reputcrtton u a small ttown is always eniiied we may be sure of that for tho small town is a vorv active detoctivo cgohcy there is warmth sympathy and hepfulness in tho city but it js pot so- universal as in the village where helpfulness is not eo large andeoh- demnatlbh is more certain when it is desorvetl but ft hjyflptlcpoble lhat country menlfke to jret into ho vil lage and the villagers are ambltlbuu for city life as u rule the human trend in canada is for peoplo to get clpsor hnd closer- togother physically but farther and farther apart spirit ualiy tho general rebults of this trend ona great people cannot be definitely known in one generation popplbs socloty of the movement gave at hqodquarters in avonuo4road on friday evening jpredk fox c2 a musician of no fixed abode was- charged at acton police court oh monday with beihg found in a dwelling houbo id avenue crescent acton for an unlawful pur pose- preparations are already well ad vanced for tbo celebration- of tho diamond jublloe of the acton baptist church next month with dignity and solemnity and interludes -of- social re- joloing the first pyramid tea hold in acton in fild of tho funds pf tho peoples dlspensartos for sick animals jvos given by mlsswaymah atls- maiden road acton oh saturday thb mayor aid miss s m smco is unablo to accept tho presidency of tho actoh hospital ladles linen leagiie owing to the pce8aureofothcr work y on wednesday ovor o hundred whist players supported the efforts of missoa gpodson ahdchapmah at a- whist drive- on bbhalf of tho actdh hospital the acton sootjon of the motropbll- tan- special constabularywao present at tho parade of the x division held at poundlano drill hall wlllosden on sunday when commander w s hanklns assisted by commandant j forrester- distributed lorignsorvioo medals much interest was shown by miss gertrude elliotts friends and the gon- eral public in her boconewfahoy dross dance of tho season which took placo dlascwiion in u town rqakeu the grass grow la tho streets- tinltjr makes the trndo grow in tho btpres y y othor things being equal a town 1b usually as big as the falttvof ita pepplo if they believe iiiy it oneugh to blnk ill differences and pull- together y b dblieys to douehnuti that town is on tho upgrade when all the merchants unite for the- good of thoir burglt is a safe gamble that home trade will unlto itself to them y- r- it is better te have tlio long green in tho tills than the grass green on the streets 1- unity makes the leng green grow the town that does not pull together will he pulled to pieces how about it men7 7punch hn- tne grand hall of tho acton baths peing with your chiildren tommy wa8 from missouri a pardonablk mistake an irish laborer boarded astreetcar and handed the conductor a rather dll- jipliiatodlooklnb coin in payment of his fare the conductor looked at it critically arid handed it back 1 t tin he sola- bars ijhbughtlt wbb fbtve an- wered the irtahnla tymy piece ruaek in uls-pdcket- ahd produced another nickel injonotionaqatnat imitator uk 8a labl yheisialaitiirea cpmpahyhas jest been sustained in a judgment renderou fbbruary it joss by the exetieqiioi coott of canada in its suit kgninat a arm which placed on the market jt blond-of- tea with a label ao closely dr m forstbr bottled in acton about 1878 ho camo here from thorndole near st marys whero ho had on cstcnsivo practice he lived lot the house on church street whleh is now the statham homo and hod a drug store in tho old xi- mcqnrvini building pp mill street dr fqrster was a man pf wldo lind successful professional experience the story is told that hla aervlces were sp much in demand on bis hold in tharndalo that he was often going day and night and that frequently mrs forater would drivo bim about the country when he was making his calls and give him an opportunity to sloop in the buggy as she drove between- the places at which calls were to he made dur ing his stay in acton dr forator reoiiyedthe important npnointmont of surgeon for the canadian pacific rail way when tho line was lri courso of cpnatruetlon on the north shore ho continued this position for a fear or two but found it very strenuous and that it practically forced him away fro t h li ire su aire cherished and he resigned the engage ment tfl dr then settled in palm- erston whorb ho had a aucceaaful prnctlco f years- plf tefh nr nsfec copied from the dlatlnbtlve and well- and throat spullst reorr ffrw known rbojoda label that atmo twen v ago tho dr retired and settled in toronto- and thero he still enjoys life niid the frequent vlalt of the mmbarof hisl fairony ke 14 belleye- now eonsldernbly over ninety mre rev dr f albert fmoow la daughter and dr p jsivoniir at stratford te liknovn ey eair nme end throat bdiclaliiit ii nny pr the tiuo oimiblltuo dialogue might be why papa bollevoa in corporal punlshmont papa well is thoro ttchrlbtlan fob why hat on earth ever put that idea into your head the- prpnehor rend it today from the bible tho wicked floe when no man pursueth m why tommy that means that tho wicked men flee then pass 1 thero a wicked wo man flea r oh no k nheans that the wlpkod floes runsi away why do thoy run who tlio wicked fleaa -k- no nbl dont you see tho wicked man rinrf away when no than is ofterhim fls therpa wohian after him tommy go to bedl their text rntewtbtiriorytiharibrbb otdarbpf aolosgow kirk once met and foil to discussing tho merits of the sermons of their minister l u a t se t mind him preachlh three- salrmons froaen texr lt7f but ihitts vtthin ueeauid tbohu saiil- atiibth ft rrrlnft hun h4vim a shrewd saying of a yory wise man it snnt fjiubh that j can do- for thy children but ineypr want to lose sight of myself atthplrjiges then tho little i do canbe itprie more intelligently that eeema a simple rulo to- follow but it is riot wo aro too apt to view our childrens actions and motives apd feelings from the standpolnt ef our advanced experience- to graying mlddlo- age tho eso and audacity of hopeful youth seems foolish it not termfylng wo feel as we bhould if wo were toseea man walking- gayly amid snares and pitfalls pf wblch ho is uttorly unaware our habit is to liruak out in sharp warning and re buke which often startle careless steps into tho very trap that n hifpny in stinct mlglnvhave avoldad- not that our experience bhould not be used to benefit bur children of cpurae it should a wise and well- timed sugbestton not top personal either to giver or recelvor always holpsv- but after all the experience of one is never quite the experience of another alao it la a strange- truth of hurnan naturoythat wo- ioaintorr tmos more by a little experience of purbwn than by any great experience of admb one elae v dono ose elghrof yourtieif at your childrens age remember that you too had the largo hope the wayward instinct of independence the rcstiess desire for a change the yearning for things forbidden the vast curiosity tlio pesenfmentbf cohtrbl when your 6hild does aomethlng foolish pr wanton- or even harmful before you rebuke him make a qilck thrusfpf mompry into r tho dark baokwarfl and alyamof time and catch yoursolf there doing pmp- thlng exactly almilar then robtlke if needed at all will be tempered with a gentleness that will deprive ltbf- ts needless sting and that win make it far more offobttveln the ond had hm there on friday evening jonthiirbday evening in last week a very successfulsocial was hold in tho steyno hall in ald5f tho acton young womens christian association- which is superintended by mrs turner m g b at the cton town council meeting on tuesday night clr spencer chal lenged the accuracy of the town coun cil ralnutoswith regard to tho vote uf appreciation to aid kent as it was therein stated that the vote was unan imously carried the building lleonso of the huts of the acton united services club crown street- has again boon extended this time untiljune 30 it is prappscd tpcall a conference between acton butchers andthe actbn tewn councils public health cpm- mltteepn the bostmoans ef complying with the now reguiationa for prevent ing the contamination of meat william gilmpro a labourer of paimprston rqad actgn was fined 10s and ppats at acton ppilco cflurt oh monday for being drunk and dis orderly and using obaccno language at bpllo bridge road acton pn sot- tirdayv nicbt at ieast part of the deau becrot of the actnn- council staff roarrangb mentlaout and lt lsurbposcd to op pointed a borough englnocr at 1000 a year in spite of the fact that thero is already a borough survoyor at a private meeting of tlie acton town council pn tuesday nlght 1 a jiroppsal to jpln with the baling town cpuncll in a joint purchaso of the re- malnlng portion of ounnorsbury es tate was approved 1 the mayor of acton and the mayor ess of bahng- mrs r r klmmltt wero amongst the company at the west lpndon hospital hammoc- smith on wednesday during the visit of princoss mary viscountess liscel- ips tq openthe now extensions the hoy dr a e qarvlc presi- dppipf fho r rational prep church council sppke at a meptlng prganised by the aptop prop church council and holfl pn tuesday plghfc in the bhufph- flelfl halt op tho now mpvoment of promoting peaoo amongst tho ohurqhoo the- annual meeting ofytho actbn chamber pf commerce will bo held hi the council- chamber wlnchester- stijoet at 730 pm on monday night march 2 if will be followed by a lantern lecture entitled the making pf- a- hiptpf car and mbtor vehicles frbm the raw material to the finished article 1 it is no small testimony to tho modi- cal skillcareful nursing attebtlon and camfpittable conditions to bo found at thg actnn hospital that members of he r sbunoll spveroi of whom ate members of omnipu hove reccurae to it as paying lintiontb when they have tp undergo operations a man celled on ah acton lady who had advertised for unfurnished rbbms andtold hcv that ho had a small flat tobe let in a certain read andythftt he frould resorvo it far hor on pay- thenr ofn amallfbo she pafittilm 10b but when sho went to see tho lppmbsho found that there was no such number in the road sho thinks that others ought to be warned against this trick at tho monthly meeting of tho acfbn hospital council held last weok mr b f hunt chairman drew attention tp a btipplomentary report by the houso committee which had had a cbnfcroncb with tho new matron miss batty who recommended that there should be p rearrangomont af tlie nursliig staff 7 it wna announced at tho acton tnwn council hteetlhg on tuesday night that cirrairs burncbwhn had undergone an pperatlpn in tho acton hospital the ppevibub day jvae making pon a sort of ultar tho wllolo company lmmodlatoly prostrat ed themsolvcabcforo thorn in solemn worsltlp the value of littles ho lung in a little sooner than the follows in the shop and ho stayed a little longer when the whistle ordered stop ho worked uifttlo harder and ho talked a little less j10 seemed but a llftle hurried nndf ho showed llttlo thatatrees foreve little moment hl pllroiency express thus hia envelope grow juat a little thicker than tho root ho saved a little money in a hundred tittle ways he banked niltu extra whon ho got a little raise a llttlo working model took jila little leisure time ho wreught each llttlo part of it with patience most sublime now its a very little wonder that ho murmurs with a smile as ho clips hla llttlo coupons arent tho little thingsworth whilo- h r stuckey house painting and paper hangino for ia nnl ttrmn apply at the clyde restaurant opposite wonderland theatre p o box 307 spring is coming tjot mo quotfr you jfavprabler prices ort all tho idhda of flrat jpradc nurasryatock fruit or shade trees orriiumitai or flawerinff shrubs and vines perennial planta elcj from tlio well known welland nutberlea alsoon thecoiobrated national brands of fertilizers for farm or ffaimeri spraying materials ntop and poultry foeda made 1b can ada for niion fcrtlllxera ltd weat toronto frank scriven agent box 150 acton you need not ask for long distance in calling guelph pirst obtain from your directorythe number you iant if it js not listed ask information just say guelph 678 or whatever the number may be and r hold tle line while connection is being established this new direct service is available only on stationtostatton calls for rpersontopers6rieais useldng distance the rate is 15 cents for threemjnute talk please make sure of the number consult the directory first g h lantz manager one of the ablest business men in the wpridl lord leyrijulmc neyer nithces matters wheh tendering ad- vloeon business ejlalrflr no man he lsreportoa to hayo said could run a successful busi ha ahowed-lile- ess intents to sniblce in tho ahqp tobacco has its right nlnbc but ribtih bualnes hours the tonn who smokoa at business re- duaos his offlclency to which a watt rotortod that ho t always smoked nt bl business dnd rh yaiw the third mtnpibo proil b f i wijwr1wwlmcvi ihdaj aannthded iord eyer- ttbinfvt- njb wu if bhes hnjmo tvhat do yoji smoke clg favorably progress the townclerk mr w hoilaoit said it was the flrst meetlhgtof tho counqll from which mrs barnes had been absent since her election acton enjoyed tho unusual prlvllojco last april of oxtortdjnar an oijlcial wol- cbmo to a member of the royal fam ily in tlio person of the princp of yalea who cilmevlttllnlta borders and stay ed- within tlicm a- full houionnnor raild of charity nnd it has now the prosiioot in tho event of tho hoccssoi gracious ennaeht bein obtained onioyinbu lilip prlvllegof on may s when prlricbss maiy vlbcbuntesb luasceltes will como to tho same spot toynnrktlio oomplbtlon of the work inaugurated by her brothcraotbn gasotto february 18 tehem pays handsomely fcv it isan old saiymgibut a true one that th quality vbfi remembered long after the mcetis rgbtteu printing is readable wellbalanced correctly displayed ancl has a pleasing touch of individuality that will reflect credit upon your businessi make us prove it -the- acton free press attractive rteun proiijawe adveirtlbing n atlv mms rrmfmm

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