Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 5, 1925, p. 5

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v j tiuhsday maucii d loan cooperate ffiou woultl boost thq- kumo itlong coojerat6 k liven tlloush your ifftuih go wrong ooopcrato hpotlaiiciauijotlio m wnntu 10 work o per lilb plun work hitr way you surely can jooperuto tlieroh juht ono way to ttdvertso cor- opera to dont tiikp tlmotocrltlctzs cooperatol when things go the otttbr way aftor youhavo jiad you any if youro in tho game to btuy- cooperato lots mako success our common aim cooperate lots bo sports arid play tho gamut cooperuto if sonieono gives you a slap laugh t oft doni give p rai boost thegamo 41 over tliomap ccytopovate the sunday school lesson for sunday march 8 thksaviouu on the cross grohren text he hi nrrt- iiisowq son but ilolvored iilm u tor us all how shiuillc not with llhn also freely glvo us all tilings ituiiiuus- 8 32 twenty- years ago 5from tho issue of tho lve prow of thursday march 9 1005 spring la at hand the boys are frtflylng murbiea again jheussembly given by actoncornet band lost friday evening wan tooagrely attended many of ouncitlzeiis arc suffering from la grppo which has become very prevalent in town ej3 k- coolchajpurclmsedthe homestfead on fair view- ave nuo whore ho lias resided for several years j tho german concert- company has v beon appearing rfl tho town hall to crowded houses every night this wcek they are a tnedicino company tho usual snjrlng demand tor houses is being- mafle and with small pros pect of meeting 1l there will by moro doubllnjup of families than ever before- hero miss cing commenced hor duties on the public school staff last wednes day morning sho cumo to acton highly recommended and has excellent prospects for ucc6sa ex- councillor whito haa diapoboj of his hardware bjtock to messrs xjylo ahvtruomter of wlartoh who have picked- up the goods and shipped them to their wiarton store the sale by auction of tho prdpcrtlci belonging to tho estate of tho late janet anderson was hold jorthp do minion jfaptei on atom house on mill street was purchase1 by councillor james wilson for f7pi and the 200 acre farm in eaquoalng by mr thomas coxo ot hilton for 8750 crjaiiba to i luke zj 33- time wednesday 9 um to 6 p m april d a d 30 j place calvary i j- tho ln txpibinod 1 tiie- lord jusus cruclucd anu ridiculed 3338 they crucuod him what a woii dcrfui wealth of meaning in those throe tvprda prophecy f uif hied re aomfptlott secured never onca durin cue awfui ordeal of those long long nours of pain and uhaiue uhd- incon ceivable agony did tnolovo of jesus jjuistfov sinful merifah hd ijriiyou for tnoso- wno crucned uim und hoard of the throe wno nung upon the crosses only tho sinless in of god was tncbutt of rlduune uurlngliia dying agonies tho ivonu uutes a hold man more than it nuttv a bad one puasersby ruieis soidiers and even mulufactors united in ui- iiing xtlm iiub ridicuuhg brpne tiio tieartof jaus becauao tie loved thoae whotn5cited iiim all tills was tho fulliumeprof o t prop 0 7 8 cf matt 2743 pa 6di 20 jesus made no reply to all their revil- ings and therein loft us anexample that wo should follow his steps iiioro waa truth in their taunta he didsavo othefs but ho could not aye himeelf if hq had accopte1 uioir chalenge and saved himself he would not thorofore not have prover tndt ho was tho christ of god his chosen but just tho contrary thj leigidus loaders wore the xnoat prom inent personbin this reviling of christ koligious leaders have of tori since token the lead in ther ridicule of tho truth and opposing and roviiing its eprcsontatlvcs jesus was also ex posed to rldlculo by the inscription on thecross pilot wrote that title partly the hiring and flrtnq lem prob hiring and firing la a common j brutal phraao current xt thoi jnduj- trial world it dcacrlbcn a common an j brutal practice tlforo thoinqdorn scientific jiamo is labor turnover the tiling that tlib tcnflia designsvto la the constant niaftlng sflver x tho working forces of a ulioiv factory or iptmtmont atom how flteadyawj in what numbers men come and go has becomo clear only recently studies pjt the situation have revealed on ap pal ling waste of efllcle it is not tit n u tu ana tnu adhhg uio when exposed to air ten loe its strngtk and flavor 4k as an accusation- partly as a tauai 3 -a- state ab 11 i i i ji- ii j ispn ninnn nut the woman of the village scattered throughout tho country are many attractive villages that have more than their share ofaplnflter3 and widows those women the very bone and fibre of tho village life are often persons of means and leisure -who- f oprosent the most cultivated elo- toont in the community in america tvhoro such woraeh are unharbpered by 1 tho restrictions that make their po- litton in older countries difficult they pjyiypyivpp that 1b unique 1 lta jndepondenco and- power ehey are froo to give their personal efforts and all their influence to wltatever good cauaemay interest them such women are facing a raro and fascinating opportunity in the larger towns womens clubs and kindred or ganlzutlons have had a vast influence in th promoting of better things they have advoqated v courts and tho reorganization of schools they layo fljiahced training classes fo the boys and girts they have established musical clubs andgotbetter libraries justi flb jfcreat an opportunity pomefmes a greater qne exletslii the qiall village to moot it not numbers conalsting- of th women of the nejgh- io the jows who had driven him to do what his own conscience disap proved and upon which ho would now nave revqngo partly as cin expression of the- deeper convections qf his own heart andos a wort of ant atonement for the grievous wrong ho had donp jesus but whatever pilate intendd by it ye hand of god was lnlt- and god by tho hand of this wicked man proclaimed to all j the agoa in hobrew the language of religion and in latn ilia language of law and government and- in greek uio language af litera ture and philosophy that jesus if nazareth was tho king of tho jews many of tho jews rcad the title and it sot them to thinking and led doubt less to tho conversation of some tho chief priegts read it too and it set them- to thinking also their thoughts wero hot pleasant and they sought out to have pilate change tho title but- he like- many another having yielded alljthogreat poin s stubbornly and fast upon the minor points 2 tho dying robber won 3943 at tholboginnlng both robbers cru cified with jesus railed him but- as tho day wore along the words anil wondrous bearing and prayer of jcsut touched tho heart of ono of them and iio changed from ridicule to faith tle iirst evidence of his repentance w the confohbion of his own guilt and the justice of his own punishment aivlew of jesus holiness and love led dlav toaee- his own- sinfulness tnc second stop he took was to confesb tho ulnlesshesa of jesus thon he entered into a full faith in jesus that jborbood cando wrbritoc uritold valufelp reconstructing tho lifb of the com- munity v- this work should be democratic enough to reiith not a favoradv few merely bot thqf whole countryelde th3 small villages are often surrounded by a farming community of whioh the villajjb is the natural centre where- ver that is the case tho village wo- inen snauld include tho farmers wife and her intorests in their thoughts and plans on tho ono hand tho farmers wife can bring much that is 6t vfilue to the wpmans club and on the othor hand sho needs tmb aaaq- ciation vi th others and the resulting sense of social solidarity to add color and stimulus to her life village improvement- public pjay- grounds suitable recreation for all boys clubs and girls clubs increased interost in he efficiency of tiro school the social cooperation 6f tho churchus not only with each dthor bufj alao with outside organizations an ade- quatc library or the use of a travol- irig llbrarythosfi are- all admirable objects for such a womans organl- 1 cation to work for it should- concern itself however hot only to t actl uohdreiftborbqba liforinftisowttn those interests that tiio womn shaiji 1w tommbn by no moans unlmportnnt 7 work f pr such a grpuj- of women la the develpnient of- tholr own minds and j charjictors and tho bringing about in their owjhonios ot a common level of good and wholesome conditional the prpmotiph ofthis work means a new lland a larger vision not only fpr thpewhq undertake the enter- prise bdtfor those who will bo help jdby lvrto broader saner andmpre frr nnrnutl sofllal lifo- taihq with children whai wvlayfdr children is likely rmfljiwbrkfor the rrowriupsj for thatfpason tho chhdren ore often de riyed of the intcrcdurso and the ox- ereiapthy need the mother has do- mestio capes and social obligations ahd iq uer spare mmo may want di- yraipntha is really reiireation tor berscjf rather 1 thanr or her children fijlptbo irlih father no comes home tjiiljr trantaai b m oncevtotdkehis comfort in the easy- flchalr wltbu netvipnpor or a book tho claims tf tbechlldren nib ignqrod ihesftliey becomo too clamorous and i tficn they are rebuked tho children reuoldrfo be qutec or to go qff arjd mnusejuieffitelvies -ii- they are very younironlwren they are potted and kissed andtoasod for a ew moments thflif appstitr for furt is stimulated ahdthey aeeiipeoted not to demand 1 any more attention when as is usually the ease they do demand lt 0ey arouse irritation nhd either ro- oelvo a grudfflng indulgence or n scold ing parental duolpllne is often ex prted on the child when the real sub- joctfor it should bo parent ii thbpar- are always willing to sacrifice their momentary inolln- l ution for rest or entertainment or oven for study to the demands of the young child who wants to bo played with they would reap a considerable reward not- immediately perhaps but in the growth ofjthe child of a dls- position sunny and sweet instead of smitten o petulant as the years w passed the need of daoipunory mm- ores would of all ilm parehtprbyr earnjnbthir belfcon trol fthd practicing the uhselflahneea iuttat -eomoft-froro- mmtlns the chllda demands wduld galni a capacity for ymcnthythntwould make fhem bettor men and women w- y protect the child frpm the ravages gf worms by lining mother grayes worm exterminator it in a htanjtlrd remedy- wnd years ot use have en banoed its reputation norixontal 1 medicino 5 small doer 10 rabble xi toj prohibit- m poasesalve prpnoun 16 pronoun cperaonol t8an island in aegean sea 20 prefix meaningngain 1 a moaauro 45 inches 23 made an error 25 to places ic musical instruments 28 a photo on metal 30allpwa 32 reclined 33 ages 34 a anakq 3g book of tho bible ab key to cross word puzzle vertical j8tatzlbojioujwhen johua omsclplea were giving up hjb kjwvho dyipi robber accepted it of all persons ai the- cross the dying robber had th- thoat triumphant faith the mcayei ho had heard jesus offer for his enemies him to think that jesus might liavo mercy upon him also his prayer was brief earnest right to the poinii believing hegot more than he asked the best part of jobub promise was not that helahould be takon in para dise but with me and he was to bo therei after no long interval of trial or purging or sleep but uoday the 8on god and tha penitent rob ber went sldo by sidle into paradise this robber did not work for salvation iie nov6r purtook of the lords suppoiu howasnot even baptised he wiu aaveclby simple faith apart from all works the paradise to which the lom jesus and the penitent thief wont together that day was part of hades o which the righteous dead went dp to the tlmo of the ascension of christ whon ho emptied that part of hades and look it up to heaven with him it was n tho heart of the earth then paradise is up ribw the word to day in verse 43 biiowh that thersplrli of thftbavedonoadooa not sleep after death but goes at onco into conscious blessedness 3 satap brought to nought 4440 god testified to hia dlsnjeasure b sending a supernatural darkness over the whole land it could hot have been an eclipse for it was at the wrong time of tho moon tjila dark- ne6s and the accompanying phenom ena filled the observers with awe and feat and lod some to faith verse 47 40 mat 27 64 a fearfuii terror must haveovertakenthe priests and somowhore between the- evenings between jhree and six p in jesus died just at the time that the typical pas chal lamb was slain in the temple jesus last words wore father unto thy hands i commend thy spirit another prophecy was thus fulfilloi the veil of tho temple was rent as jesus diedi tho way no the holiest of all being opened by the shedding of- his atoning blood the death of jesus goemed like the hour of satans complete triumph it ws really the hour of is utter defeat n the cross nfrjosub is the impromo manifestation of gods love of ip jtnans hatred pf god there is deep significance in the words tie gave ap tho ghost it in- all one word in the greek a verb meaning he breathed out his life jesus voluntarily gave up his life for us no one took it from him john 10 1718 t dly rdin for next wk monday march 8 our lords re surrection jphn 20i 1i tuesday march 10 the empty sepulchre luke 24 lo wednesday march iitho bison lord matthew 28 110 thursday march 12 jesus appears to his disciples john 20 1920 friday march lurrtho scripturea fplfllled 1 cor 16 111 saturday march 4 christs rosur- roctlon our hope a cor 15 1220 sunday march 16 the certain vic tory psalm 16 511 the guidwife8 mistake a- tourist who- had been caught in n sovere storm in the highlands of scotland flnnhycnmortonbolttary cot tage says the tologrnm and eagerly accepted nn invitation to stay over night t ajfter supper while he was wearing iv spit- of the guldmnns clothes till his own were dry he met therrilstretm on the stairs she bore a broom lo her hand from which he got a sharp thump on the head followed by tha exelanratlpn thatw for asking ho man to stay apicitiii 38 to scoop out 10 a- preposition 11 a continent- 13 very small 14 drinks slowly iombves to and fro 18 run away go a coarse vegetable plural 52 kitchen utensil 53 angor 54 an accent 6 mans name 7 tellurium ab 9 to pinch and twist sharply 01 behold- 02 total 04 mans name 65 to strike with the foot repeatedly 07 a kind of tree 68 heads 2 morning 3 softly l 4 a disease ab g fcxclamation of disjgust 7 disease of hens b 8 something added 9 a greek letter 11 a fish r 12 tfto total ab 13 part of a ptaht- 15 measured out 17 to escape- 18 title plural- 19 to atalnf to dbrty 20 to resist 22 akind of vehicle 23 floor coverings 2 part ot thelegr w 25 to draw together to pohtract 27 shading coloring 29 methods of procedure 31 a city of france 34 a curved object 35 a long- time j 41 apprised 42ojd 44 chair 45 scent 46 a metal worker 47 a long cut 48 a place for ships 19 before previous 51 cut apart as wood 53 what books are for 55 sheltered side b8a container 00 a kind of fancy work 02 steamship gb u3 a personal pronoun fl 5 father j 66 another pronoun courso of a vear tho nainos of twlco aii many persons appear on tho rolls of a largo- establishment as- tap be employed at one time in otlutr words the labor turnover of that place la ono hundred per cent in aome fac tories it ifleven greater ono cause of a largo annual turn over of labor may bo the seasonal character of the industry- it twice a ycari or of tenet iimvinlllrurason part time it must dismiss maffy men of its forces and a few wcoltsi later again hire now hands another cause is that the business of- engasrlng and dls- mlaslrig thd work is- dono by potty oxecutlve ofllclaia foremen and aim managers for jwhom work- incl- dental they act upon t caprice and mistaken notions of mainutaininb dia- cipllp and are not in a- position td comprehend the loss that they bring to the company by their waatefuland dehoraliming methods ot dealing witn the question moreover in perform ing the work they are roroly subject tp supervision labor- oxpegtarliaye yeoenrtly eperitj railway time at acton es m vj 3i for that reason is never sold in btilk your gfrooier sells this delicious blend trysalada canadian nationawailways no 29 no 31 no38 no 30 no 39 np25 snindgy 809 am at pm 500 pan 830 pm 1020 njn his seufcontrol mr brown waa excitable by nature but he often prided himself upon his tef control ono night while the family was gathered at the teatable tho chimney began tojroor the fur nace draft hdet been opened and for gotten straightway a panic ensued jlionlt lose your hcadskoop cool cried mr brovn its- nothing serious ho dashed up the stairs dlscovcted that tho metal capbver the only un used stovepipe hole was already red hot and dashed down again faster than he went up kkeep eooj ne gasped ub he passed through- the room where- the family had gathered in nervous ap- tpythcnsion ill- bo- back in a xnln- ute ho was back n less than that time having- observed that the flames were spouting- several xcet high from the chimney and that a shower of sparks was falknflf upon the roof whoroa thietejjladder ho pant- answer to last weeks puzzle effldia a aaaa hhq iqq man ii dasaaas en opa l b oi mph o f a nil olsu r o t ml rarg ssrannsh gsej p a r afj e l 1 te ed he wan gone beforeany ne coiim answer tho question and presently was heard bellowing from the roof of tho woodshed he presented a heroic figure in the glare of tho blazing chimney ive- got one end of the hose ho called some one attach tho other on1 arid turn on thi watetv lulcklv two ml nut oa pasded why dpeant some ono do as i ordoredv ho thundered do you want tho place tb burn down wo cant honryl cailed mrs brown trembling you havent got the hose youve rof tho cowrope it was hanging next the hose in tlto shed anlanyway the roof is covered with ice tmd r dont think theres anygreat danger from the outside youd hotter go and watch the chimney from tho inside y a half hour later the family woj again at the teatable if this hnd happened- in soma homes remarked mr brown the family would havo lost their heads completely and sent in an alarm self- control is an excellent thinbaiidfr from common indeed it is agreed mrs brown emphatically figuratively speaking why rebecca enid mother that dog isnt yours- you have no right tp take him homo w wpll ipdjnnuv pleaded keboc- he was jest not belonging to any body like- the flowers i can pick the flowers andkpep em wild ones- the doggy was jest like like tho flowers- and j camo along and and sort of picked him hero tho do turninground dlsv played a noticeably lack of tail- bobbed off stump whereupon -reb- occas ojulfct brother paur spoke up unexpectantty you ybu didnt pick a vcr long stem her sold persistent atthmsa most distres- sing character of this dellbltatlng dis ease is the persistence with which re curring attacks ppmeto sap away tho strength and leave the aiiffcror in t state of almost continual exhaustion no wiser precaution can be taken than tlmt of keeping at hand a supply uf dr j- ii kelloggs asthma remedy famous as thoimost potent remedy for eradicating the disease from the ten der air passages failed in an emergency one- of theremlnlscenceg tbat for mer president tat f d cliff h ted in re lates to one of his- roaldon npeecnes in which he come off anything but the hero the speaker wcu on that easiest of- easy tasks attacking the government t the heckler criod out 1- youre wrong- sbr r a little nettled mr tait contin ued without heedlhff prcaently- in answer to another string of etron assertions came oain youye wrong airl mr toft soowled but continued his speech youre wrong eir rpg out the voice- again angrily addresaslng the fperalatent interrupted mr toft cried look here i could tsll this man flomethlnk about the gpvprnment that wquld make hlshalr stand oh endl in air earner from the critic as amjd the rpar of the crowd tie stood up and remdvod his hat his head was as tald as a billiard ball v a profitable partnership when oie echppl divorces itself from the ritotner or whenthe1nptherceases to work with the school a dark day dawns for the child two complalnta havo been heard in late years in re gard to education mothers have been protesting that lessons should not bo brought home to be learned t aro schools for- they- havb lmpatlcntly asked teachers have de clared for their part that they can not take the placepf tho mothers and toach manners and morals aa well as reading and arithmetic both complaints are wellfounded the motlicrand the teacher are part ners not competitors in tho great enterprise of making boys and glris into men arid women whatever sbr- vlde can be rendered by one to the other should bo done not grudgingly but eagerly for the ood 0 the wholo business of each of tho partners ybu teach too bdueh ariuunetle said a japanese visitor to a public schools in japan we teach our chil dren mariners then we teach them morals after that we teach them arithmetic for arithmetic v without manners and morals make men arid women sordid whether we have too much arltnme tic may bo matter for discussion but thero can bo no doubt that our chil dren will pro lit by more and better manners and morale to that end the schools and the homes need more tb be molheredbayb eastern proverb speaking with the oriental familiarity which ia riot irreverence when god found he crould not he everywhere ho made mothers internally and externally it is good the- crowning property of dr thomas eclectrlc oil la that 1b can bo used internally for many complaints as well am externally for bpro throat croup whooping cough pains in the chest colic and many kindred all- jnents 1c has qualities that are un surpassed a bottle of it costs little and there is no loss in always having t at hand a power of its ownpr thomas eclectrlc oil has a subtle power of its own all who have used know this and keep it by them as the roost valu able liniment available its uses are innumerable and for many years it has been prized as the leading lini ment for man arid beaat sacrifices you have a right to make the man who said ho did not see what his lifeinsurance would do him until he was dead must have been a hopeless object fpr tho suave attack of the agent like him s the farmer o a fifeshire village of whpni v c tolls ho had beon advised from time t time- to insure his house against flri the agent sapdy mclcry could never ffet theoidihari tosigninnbwnir forced to listen to tho familiar arg m ment that hl hoone would riovw fifang tsjhvijn to up in flames the unexpected happened however and the neighbors wero astonished when tho old iifan instead of trying to save lilsgoods ran wildly up and down the village crying j whaurs that mpn sandy riootj whaurs that insurance chisl ye can never get a body mtn yero ntfodln him while some sacrifices aro to be ap proved for the vood of the cause others are unjustifiable it is ill very well to deny yourself candy in order to give morei tp charity but it hi all wrong to go without your luncheon for the samo purpose qfve up sonie luxury for a month if you need money but do not put off buying something necessary to your health tho knowledgo that you have de nied yourself in order to give your fciondfl certain- jrlfta may heighten their appreciation but they would he horrified if they knew that the sacri fice had an lnjuriousoffect upon you as ja matter of fact a are some micriricca you have a perfoct rlgbt to make and others that aro wrong much time ln studying tho problem arid various persons who havo hitherto wrestling with these baffling- difficul ties it is coming clear that a more enlightened treatment of the subject requires at least three tilings first tho business of hiring and firing must bo put in the charjge of men of first- rate ability who make it their chief care and who aroresponalbllo dtrect- ly to tho heads of their companies second employees must receive train inff if a company exponcla no effort upon a man to make ihim- ekfufut he naturally turns out poor work more over his empjoyer docs nothing to adapt him to his- job he la likely to grow dissatisfied and ao becomo rover third the company must do its best to make its prootuctlon uni form throughout the year it can di minish the evils of 1pnrt lirrieland time off it can reduce the labor turjovep with consequent fralria- to bothltself and 4o jhe employee 1 hijgng men- as ono wzltsr char acterises it is tto piimp lifeblopd through nn establishment if that is not properly pert ormel the whole body will inevitably suffer lleiselfiiie winter bays are the days whert the appetite is keen and now is the time to feed up with good wholesome foods breadis truly the staff of ljfe j and there is nothing more satisfying gat more- of it for better health its bound o- be good becarfse nqthihg but the best goes into it fob atopper0pf of the meae ourpastry is appealing fairbarik bakeryv phone 116 mm st acton going east no 26 705 am ko 30 his am no 34 335 pm no 30 617pnl no as 813 pm nq 24 sunday 708 pjn- if one be troubledr with corns he will find in holloways corn remover an application that wflr entirely relieve suftexinff wrong again ideas do change when it is realized that tho human race has been developing for prob ably half a million years the changes in ideas during even ono or two cen turies seem revolutionary it may be rejnemberod thtnt a king- of spain once refused to saiictlon the proposition to cut a canal across tho isthmus of panama on the ground that the almighty made the neck of land connecting north and south a erica and that it would be- sinful to divide the continents by a canal coming closer to our own times it is recorded that as late as 1832 when a group of men asked permission for use of the school house in which to hold a meeting to promote the build ing of a railroad the school board re plied by alette as follows- you are- at liberty tp ubo the school house to hold meeting for all proper purposes but railroads and- tele graphs are impossible and rank in fidelity if god had intended his in telligerit creatures should trstvev at the the frightful speed of 16 miles an hour he would have properly tolct it in tho holy prophets it is a device of satan to lead immortal souls down to hell these ideas eeem ridiculous to up today but wp still cling to many superstitions which the intelligent per son of 302g will think equally amusing one of the most effective verml fuges on the market is millers worm powders they will not only clear the stomach and dowels of worms but will prove a very serviceable medicine for children in regulatlris th infantile system krid maintaining- it in a healthy condition there h npthlns in tholr composition that wiu injure the most detfeate stomach whon directions arp followed ond they can be glvon- to children in the full assurance that they will utterly destroy all wbms rae diti notion sss3uqs robert xtf syrup the american politician who en deavors to make a speech from the rear platform of a car at each station of a railroad has nften to cudgfll his bralnji for inspiration the chicago tribune tells how one of tjietn left a fine impression s what town is this he obfted his secretary as the trftfn stopped m- ionlat was tnetrfcbiy my countfymon sdld the politician impressively a moment ater v beautiful and thriving city has a rare distinction besides its copiraerce nnd manufactures besfdes its charming location besides i may add the stal wart men and the fair worn en who in habit it so many of whont- i see be fore me besides the bright and win some chlldrsn whotirclitbonereum hopp and mainstay df the ropubllea- besldcs all tneso i say your lovely city 3 ho ktcw truly oloauont hia eyss la shod his tones rang clarion clear and ho shdok clenched fists at tho xenlui has the- rare distinction bf boar- ing a name that has only hvo letters and yet has four syllables the applause as the train moved away vflffi thakcvntnvt t- look money take nqtlc thaf we will handle your troublesome notes iind accounts on a strictly comriiissiontiasrsno cotlcecyrron no charge r ctuplttco 3 yearxpcrlenca at your disposal and assume all your collection troubles send ua your list wo will do tle rest no npto raccpunt la considered oo small too largo too old or toofarnway we wtljtapltle any honest debt kelly aiken collectors oranqevirle owen sound j m aucbn manager jos j iceuy manager roferenco sterling bonk ot canada canvpian national railways westbound dolly except sunday dally iili dally daily efalfy w dally dally dally i dally electric 743 ajn 043 am rr-y-y- i1143 am 113 pm 343 p m 543 pfin i 7t4cpm itli 943- p m 1232 am eaatbound dally dally rront himdav 743 ilttv dally dally daily dally dally tjolly dolly freight delivered by special exprea freight freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto 1143 otn 1743 pjm 1- 343 p m g43 pm jl 743 pm 043 pm 1140pm tree and shrubs rogreislvo iparmors and home gardeners wilt do well jo purchase from pelham nuraery- company special lnqucementit glvon for now orchards lota and wind breaks apply pelham nursery co representative at once j buklingham r r no 4 rockwood mother fletchers castoria is a hannless sobstitate f or castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing svrnpsi- prepaferf io- relieve infants in arms and children all ages of constipation windoolic flatulenq to sweeteii stomadi drarrh4ia regulate bowds aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates j to avoid imitations always look for the signature of ca4rf7ezciu pmven hirirtion each package physicians everywmere recommend u vxreh in nd of chevrolet sanrlc look for the big blue trado umi 81fn one rfeasqn chevrolet owners have sroffictent confidence in their car to travel anvwhere is that wherever they go they find chevrolet service available fact is there are over 2000 ser vice stations in canada showing a sign similar to the one above-r- in practjically every city town or village one can obtain efficient chevrolet service 7 which of course is one more reason why you should consider chevrolet s viking a rlraerotattvijis fo this ffccfrom georgetown rr ontario oa chevrolet for economical transportation t e gibbons expert shoe repairino prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons main street acton a ferrys 3eeds send for seed- annual good- gardeners nrj those who nalae good votdboa ond flowers good vegeiableii- and good fiowwa come from good seeds we produce good seeds tha inference is obvious for sale everywhere- 7 bt ferry co rwindsor onti advertisers the free pre8s i anxious to sepve you and serve you well we can give your aoverttse- tneht better attention and there fore make it mora attractive if the copy is supplied to us on monday or tuesday if copy alt to resell uuiftll wednesday forenoon there iea rush to set it up before the forma olose and the result is likely to be less satisfactory send in your ad8 early does your wjbitch keep time a watcci is a machinesits work to keep time any good watch will keep time if properly adjusted jby our repair service savage co jewellers guelph ontario i- jwr fiv sjy

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