Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 12, 1925, p. 3

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member canadian- wpekly newspaper association member selected town weeklies of ontario the acton free press is published every thursday morning at the free frcas building mill street acton ontario tjie subscription price is oopcr yctir in advance postage is charged additional to offices in the united slates the date to which sub script lois arc- paid is indicated otr the- address label r advertising rates transient advertise- merits to cents per line agate measure for first insertion and s cents per lirfe for each subse quent insertion contract display advertise ments for 50 inches or more per annum 1 8 cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions will be inserted tilt forbid and charged accord ingly- il p moore president and editor cm k dills manager and assistant editor telephones editorial and business office uw residence of president nj residence of manager iji this is wlutihe statute says w any person who takes a paper regularly from the post oifico jflthethcr addressed in his name or an others or whether he has subscribed or riot is re sponsible for payment if a person orders his paper discontinued he must pay all arrears or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is mude then collect the whole amount whether the paper is taken or no t theouftssave aectded thatfef using to take newspapeprs or periodipalsfrprnthe post office or removing and leaving them unpaid is prima facia evidence of intention of fraud the tariff appears to bp all right the annual report of the magseyharris co must be disappointing to those who are clamoring for a change in we tariff it shows the prosperity of this j u f i iaoi iio rnm nut it was not until tnroe nunarec greatcflnti unde t n 1 t 3avinq westnjinaten3 roof the roof of westminster hall lone a roniurkablo example of what the genius of a master bijicir can accom plish in bridging apace wae almost ruined by a tiny bbollo whoso drat cousins havo destroyed many millions of foot of itimpor in westorn panada the mischief was discovered in time howovcr and the bulldors nro putting in new wandto replace the hugo beams that nrd from dry rot v the roofis two hundred and ninety foot long andtts npox la nlnotytivo foot above tho floor tho remarkable thine about it is its width alxty- elght foet whrch is covered with n slnfflo span by stout english oak with tho exception of niodern jron- glrdcil rodfh there is only ono roof in tho world with a groatcr span and that is the hall of justice in padua italy william rufus built the hall in 1037 but it was not until throekundred puny hftdi deficit of one and a half million dollars in 192 therewas a deficit tf 642000 mi 923 the deficit was ra57jj in the year just closed the companys earnings showed an improvement of no less than half a miilioh dollars and instead of a heavy deficit there were profits of 87771- the masseyjtf arris co in view of its experience will np doubf be quick to testify tc the constructive effort of the tariff of the- government thursday morning march 12 1925 editorial zzzzzz z the profits on the new beer the government evidently expects the new 44 beer will be popular and be partaken of in whole- sale quantities the provincial treasurer in his bud- get speech estimated that- 2200000 would be- reaw ized by the province from thetax oh this new drink that will mean the people must spend about 10000- 000 in the new beer to work out the anticipated revenue and the 10000000 must come largely from reduced purchases of clothing provision and other necessaries of life financing the municipality in whitby 5retown council is clearing up what the gazettechronicle terms acivic mess by asking the provincial legislature to pass a special act pro viding for the coflsolidation of ar floating debt amounting to35000 the accumulation process has been going onsince 1918 now it is to je passed on to the years to cdme thereby permitting posterity to participate in the process of paying this is- the ex perience of most progressive townsi fortunately for acton a halt in floating indebtedness was made ten- years ago expert book keeping revealed some 3000 unprovided for this was wiped off and each year sjfitce thcwityesrs expendifuresthave been covered by the current years levy of taxes trying to please all parties ihetownof elmira has badttvery vexedproblem for some time and the council hope it has how been settled satisfactory two years ago there was consid erable outcry that the police department was too lax it being declared that elmira was a bootleggers resort a new chief was appointed and since then protests have been numerous against what was term ed too severe enforcement of the laws as a result w a forth of toronto hasbeen chosen from 29 applicants to please all parties the new chief of police will assume his duties next week t observance of the sabbath in engjand i sometimes we pride ourselves on a betterobser vance of the sabbathin canada than prevails in the old country many cities in the old land are as scrupulous in preserving the sabbath as the people are anywhere permission for sunday games in the parks was requested of the city of leeds this has been decisively refused by the corporation of the city despite the intentions ofjhe petitioners to hedge such permission with severe restrictions several pubhtwdies petitioned agiunsrtbe gfttntihgor pir- mission for sunday games a plebiscite taken by the newspapers resulted in a jote of approximately seven to one against the prpposa1 this is surely creditable to the people of this fine old english city seccession talk nonsense premier king has some sharp things to say and quite properly too about the hints of secession that had been spoken by delegates from the maritime provinces the other day isnt it true he said that this nonsense of talking about secession was stopped no canadian who is really a canadian can foi qne moment think of such a thing and any other citizen of this country who talks such nonsense xannot have any appreciation of the true feeling pf the overwhelming majority of canadians and he have added and no loyalty or respect for the principles of confederation who so effectively united the provinces of canada more than half a century- ago a general election when- whether or not we are to have a general election thisyear nobody knows riot even the prime minister because while the possibility is being discussed more or less so long as the house is in session ho govern ment can make up its mind when it is going to the country but there will be a general election before a great while this is the fourth session and natur ally it is all important that candidates should have an opportunity of meeting the people the liberal party will go into the next fight whenever it comes ytwithrmuch hope tor success and with equal pleasure and satisfaction because in the years in which prem ier mackenzie king has bpnrime minister he has hot made any serious mistakes on the contrary be has added lustre to his own record and has reflected such credit on the liberal party that his followers ifre enthusiastically confident of the outcome encouragement for the old man of the big clock tower l the collingwood bulletin makes- this very kindly estimate of the value of the old mans weekly contribution to local history the old man of the big clock tower who has been writing rcminiscently in the acton free press for several years is giving that town a history such as has been the good for tune of few places to have had written to acton- ians the weekly chapter cannot but be of intense in terest while for the general reader it possesses much value from the historical point of view in the last weeks contribution the writer entered upon re counting the story of the medical profession as it re lated to his town this included brief sketches of half a dozefi of the twentytwo doctors who have practiced there it is a good work and deserves the encour agement it is given by editor moore the responsibility of a municipality every municipality is concerned with the recent decision of the appellate division of the supreme court of ontario holding the city of belleville liable for damages for injuries sustained by a fall on an icocovered sidewalk the trial judge ruled that th plaintiff had failed to show that the icy condition of the sidewalk could have been relieved at an expense proportionate to the citys financial resources and accordingly dismissed the case the appellate di vision however held that the municipality is re sponsible for t jelieytngojf such conditiflnsboint canadian weekly newspapers the annual meeting of the canadian weekly newspapers association wiehejield in winnipeg jn june it is expected that upwards of five hun dred ladies and gentlemen will be in attendanct these meetings are always attractive and though the programmes are more or less technical there is always something that come3 from them of value to the public the making of good weekly news papers better nnd the placing of them in a position to render greater hence better service to their re spective communities and the public as a whole is tie keynote of these annual conventions- so iarthey have proven their places in the 1 regular order of things and especially in the held of canadian journ- alistn collingwobabulletin editorial notes ard ii undertook tho stupendous tank qf replacirijtrwtha slnclospan a root that was orlffnaiiy built wiwi a nave und aide spana theao f orgot ton build r did tholrwork well they iindet- atood and provided so well tor nil possible lines of strain and thrush pressure nnd resistance that tho great timber soomod to soar from corbel to corbe t it was tho irony of destiny that in j spa tho roof tmit richard had con- mtructetmopkod down on the ceremony of his- fiolomn- deposition two and a half- centuries later there was an other ntrlklnff acerio in the hajl for in 1c67 cromwell robed in purple and ermine waa installed iis lord pro lector in tho hall only four years later his hen soverod from tho ox humed trunk at tyburn waa corriod on a pole and set up jn westminster as samuel pepya so unctuously re cords in hia diary parliaments sat in westminster hall although not exclusively- from qulto early times justice waa administered there the kings name and some of the most important ajtid tragic- staco trials wore held beneath its roof sir william wallace king charles i sir thomas more anne boloyn the pro jector somerset and lord stafford are qny a few of those who faced their fato beneath th old oak tiimbom oladstohct and edward vn dead both lay in state benolih tho roof whilo being showed through tho britifth parliament bulldinsn- and westminster hall jast nummer by str harry britain if p kepointed out to mrs moore and i the groni oak raftcra arid beams which had betn removed ten yoara beforo they were honeycombed by the beetles and in many placesonly a shell was left the timbers removed ntlvl lie at ono hide of tho great hall evidently to prtfve to visitors the destruction occasioned by tho enterprising inseok borer ed ltor beal manflt country winnipeg ivnnk- day of glen- wbrth saakritchewan who came to canada from england ovor 10 years ugo bellovea that the dominion lo the land of opportunity for the man will ing to worlt hard in a letter from him published recently in the mani toba free press ho say a in part there may be among tljo ranks of the unemplo som men who are sincerely looking for work- and per- hapa somewhat discouraged with the prospocts for tho future to theoe men 1 would say be of good cheor and keep away from the rtnka of those who oro blaming everyone but themselves for- their present pdoitlo i am auro therolaii place in this great empjre for all who are truly worthy of a- position x i have been over twenty years jn the west and never yet had to apony on tho cities for a meal i havo worked at pearly all the bocaued lowdown jobii pick f4 hhoyel wiping in rjqund houses mining cnow gangs etc jn fact anything in the line of work- the result from a weakling i dovolopod into a real heman i gloried in the fact that i could hold down my erii with thef other fellow i trulysought to give satisfaction tolmy employers today 1 farm three quarters sections of land i still have times of dlacourogement we had ifouv dry years and two years toio crop was hailed out thla is t some game a crop final iiuh nothing on thla when you are call- od upon to act tho centre forward and watch the goal at the same time for fourteen- hours a day minus tho ap- plause it keeps one fit the eighthour day almply dont work on tho farm i will admitthere nro aomo not fltted for farm worr but they will b few if a man takes an in tereat- in his job the champion wheat growers of tho west cam out of ahop and factory thoso poor greon men had the pluck and dogged determination to make good tfila opportunity is atlu open thic is a real mans country but it takes a real man to play tho game my hardest job was to get ntbut i am proud to have scored a goal forour side the visitor aide dreadinqthe di8he8- where parents come in jnacertalnontarl6 high school it is apparently the old story 6f the traffic in liquors the lust of appetite and the lust of gain with the 44 beewhichr isto he legalized those optimistic spirits who thought saturday nights earthquake shock was owing to the conser vative member of a temperance constituency refus ing to swallow the double strength beer proposal guessed wrong tho principal waa greatly annoyed by tho porsibtncy or complaints coming from the home of a few pf the atudenti in hia school the principal la a wlae teacher and instead -of- losing hi tem per and taking out hia grudge against tho parents on the students ho pro- pared a printed questionnaire which he sent to the parents of all those who were attending hia school noed- iess to bay the future complaints wore very few here la what he asked them 1 do you visit the school to inquire about your childs progress and de partment and to see if you can help the teacher to help the child 2 do you encourage your child in respect for teachers and others in authority 3 do you send your child to bed in time so that he will be rested and fit for atudy 4 do you provide plain nourishing foods and see that your child la up in time to eat a good breakfast 5 do you cach you vchlld to read tho papcra and find out tho best in them and do you encourage an inter- oat in public aftafrs 6 do you avoid gossip and telling of incidents which may be misinter preted by your children 7 do you interest yourself in your childs sports and amusements and friendships 8 do you encourage helpful con versation at the table 9 do you comply with the rules on public health in your hohfo and do ypu keep in mind the fact that while the school may dp much to instil tho rightprfnclplea your children are handicapped if you do not support it instilling obedience and high ideals of patriotism and personal life merchants in the home town have an advantage no catalogue has so far been able to overcome they can take the customer by the hand and ask him about the new baby or the crops or the hundred and one little intimate interests that bind a community to gether premier ferguson did a commendible thing on friday when from the floor of the house lie pro claimed an immediate ban on all public officials and employees playing handbooks as some of them have been reported to be doing freely instant dis missal will be the price of indulging in this form of gambling canada in comparison with nine of the worlds industrial nations is first in extent second in the aggregate of the hydraulic power third in the master of railways sixth inthe total production of iron in its natural state and eighth in the- business of ex port and eighth in population bankers trust co new york l h martell m p of hants has given notice of a billwiiich if adopted by the house of com mons will cut out church lotteries altogcjther under the criminal code as it stands church and chartable institutes may hold totterics with the permission of the municipal authorities when the prize does not exceed 50 irv value the chicago water steal has at last been cir cumvented by the rijited states government it will take ten years to get conditions down to nor mal chicago must inaugurate a sewerage disposal system as other interior cities are obliged to do this action will ensure normal water levels jor can- adas jake ports y ing out that it has the power to commandeer the services and financial resources of occupants and owners of property adjacent tp snow or feecovered walks municipal councils in view of this verdict are faced with a situation that places the responsi bility for accidents caused by slippery pavements squarely upon them orillia packet study and observation lhas shown that water is notthconly cause of typhoid apart from the watev source are in ilk contaminated raw foods and oysters iiacjrerjin pollutfrd streamsjtr a reduchonr in typhoid mortality has been brought about in can ada the last few years it is by the controlling of the factors of development of his disease viz puni fi cation of water pasteurzatlon of milk protection of raw food supplies by the destruction of the fly gr its breeding place and by the care of raw foods where exposed for sale a master op memory sunburn and tan one who comes from a summer va cation without what is commonly call ed a good healthy tan is regarded as not having taken full advantago of his opportunluea most peopl feci that in gettliut themselves wolltnnnoj they have done something meritortua something that in on obscure way is beneflojal to tholr health and well- being so strong is the supegstltlon that peoplo will sometimes voluntarily submit their arms and faces to pain ful sunburn and rojolco in tho sub sequent mohoganhung of their skin as a matter of fact there la no special virtue in a coat of tan it is a protection unaided nature attempts to supply to ithe skin whon j is at tacked by the damaging ultra- violet rays it niters sunllaht and in that way weakens or eliminates tho force o thr rya thftr no reason for it was whistlers habit to memorize anottectin nature and mr th way in his recent momories glvoa ttn example of his cleverness at it i shall nover forgot a lesbbn he gave mo ono evening we had let the studio when it vaa quite dusk and were walking alongithe road- by- tho xlszsy 5 ntwo meaure a n hat of light tho ulstanco an old public house at the corner of the road with windows and ahops showing golden lights through the gathering mist of twilight jlook ho said ao he did not seem to havo anything to sketch or make notes on i took out my pocket notebook and offered it to him- lo no i do quiet and after a long pause ho turned and walked book a few yards then with his bck to tbo soene he said now sea jm havo loarnod it and then ho gave a description of tho scene perfect in every detail of arrangement and color an ho might have repeated a poem ho had learned by hoau then we h on and soon thero came another picture that appealed to me even more than tho former i tried to call his attention to tf but he would not look at it no no he said one ihiny at a time in a few days i was at tho studio again and tbore on tho casot was th- picture hi6 mistresss voice aa the following story shows the use of the telephone is i conflnod to human beings a lady took her little brown odeker- spanlel with her to call on a friend who lived a mllo or so away when sho left she quite forgot the dog and as soon as her frleifo discovered him bho did all sho c9uld to make him leave withoiit success some hours passed and he was still there so she telephoned to his mis tress to let her know hts whereabouts bring him to tho telephone said she ono of the boys held him while an other put the rocoivdr to tho dogs car then hia mistress whistled and called como homo at onoe paddy i immediately ho wriggled out of the boya arms rushed to the doorrlmrk- ifut to got out and shortly afterwards arrived panting at home most people put off doing disagree able things wont tomorrow dor is a familiar question in the house hold tho easy promise m ril do it it a little while has- often tided us oyor until the merciless eleventh hour that find so many things un- dono or done hclterakelter in ordor that we may bo ready when the clock strikes twelve it- la disagreeable to wash dishes even mothers wlll sometimes pass the dishes on to youthful and unwill ing hands the schoolgirl invariably has bther things to do and the dishes are so- insistent even when stacked in tho slnjic they look reproachful left in order on the table they glare at you every time you pass and when you are playingtennis orflnlahing a bookthey loom over your head like a thundercloud u just dread to get at them you say arid the dread grows greatcreverytlmeyouthlnlcnf thnmr but la doing tho dishes as bad aa dreading them to scrape off ths left over food to pile spoons with plates to have a- sparkling lather of soap- suda and hot water to attack the dishes in order of their cleanllnenn instead of inversely or haphazard to hang up the towels and see aclear sky spanning agoldoai afternoon surely there ore worse things than that washing dishes like many other disagreeable jobs requires no concentration the mind is free ta dwell on pleasanter thlngs- the sense of freedom arid tho feel ing of rightoouanesa that follow thd prdmpt waahlngof the dlahea are enough to ralao the humble drudgery into a fine art and insure that it bo done only quickly but well there siud one valiant girl hanging up the dishcloths with a flourish if i plunge headlong intpthenvi dont really come to my senses until i am halt through r lit is only dreadlnff to do them that gets on my nerves that as we all know was hitting tho nail square on tho head business directory medicxl dr j a mcnlven phyaidlan 4nd 8uraopit- ofllco and roaldonco cornor is6wfl a vonu ttndblkln 8tret phone 88 dr e j nelson frederick strmdjt acton ontario legal phono no 22 v o box u harold nash farmerm a m housecleaning at wembley the british empire exhibition will reopen at wembley in april bigger and better than joyer aa lastyear tho canadian natlbnnl railways will bo ono of the biggest exhibitors and mr h r charlton manager of tho- ad vertising bureau of tho company ta at present in england arranging the places of tho exhibits improvements havo been made to many of tho feat- urea shown last year and muchy work has been done on an especially fine exhibit to attract settlers to canadi english fogb and rains havo not been kind to tho exrerior of tho pavilion of tho canadian national railways and a squad of men have been employed to scrub tho- trttu ding insldo and out tho photograph shows men at work wash ing the qutaldo of tho pavilion pre- ratory to tho opening of tho fan barjiuh solicitor notary pudllo conveyancer etc perryman block acton ont money- lefjt on mortoaqes hours 3p nm to 6 pm saturdays 1200 oclock h g meir- bsrrlatr solicitor notary publlo gorotown ont dental dr j m bell d d s l d a -dentist- honor graduate of toronto ttnlver pity the latest ancathotifrxihed if desired ofllco at rbsldence corner of mul and frederick streets brown or green will perform the earao service more efficiently the ultraviolet rays havo the merit of destroylnff germs but fow persons it mayje beltevfd feci it necessary to acquire a coat of tan for the purpose in hot weather as is well known the color of clothes is important cer tain colors heighten dlsoomfprt others greatly redncer it anyone freery ex posed in very hot weather to tho red rays la suffer from over excitednerves in fact to thoso rays most cases of sunstroke may be at- tributed red clothing offers them free passage and therefore not do- blrablo blue la also undesirable for it offers no protccuon from the ultra violet rays green la ot all colors tho rrioat rcatful the most comfortable room in very hot weather la the ono decorated in greon they have the further advantago of being for some reason especially unattractive to the houso fly the disappointed bishop tho banbury bun celobratod in song and story lias sustained its rep utation for more than a hundred years since kings have esteemed it a dainty it is not surprising to learn from the baptist union that the bishop of wor cester when pussfng through banbury was deslrious of trying it for himself when the train stopped at the station tho bishop saw a small boy htandlng near and beckoning to him inquired tho price of the celebrated buns threepence each said the boy tho bishop thereupon handed tlva boy alxpence and desired him to bring one to the car adding and with tho other threepenoo you many buy one for yourself tho boy shortly returned conv placently munching bbj banbury and handing threepenceo the bjshop- said thero waa only one loft guvnor a mistake a doctor and a lawyer lived in the same street although they were not rotated thoylwero bbth named smith it happened that in juno dr smith died and in july lawyer smith wont abrodd from paris tho lawyer sent a wire to his wife which was dellvdred to the widow of the doctor it aid arrived duly heat terrible yukon won balto trophy struck with tho fine qualities of de termination courage and endurance displayed by the veteran balto who battled his way in record time at tho head of twelve other dogs driven by gunner reason against most adverse conditions into nome alaska with dypthorla an tl toxin mrs frank clarke of sheopsncad bay n y of fered arvnntlquo silver plato aa a tro phy to be awarded to the best husky in the twinning team in the eastern international dog sled derby tho trophy was won by yukon tho leading dog in the manitoba team striven to victory at quebec by st gotward un der pranquelin paper company colors and will be hold perpetuity by its owner mrs clarke intends to offer a similar trophy euch year v extravagance tho circus had como for its annual visit to tho little country town and tho children for miles round were wild ly excited tho young son of a no toriously closoflstcd fftrpner rushed up to his father and clamored to bo al lowed to go r d dad ho exclrilmedi gimme thrippence to go and see tho circus what gasped tho farmer thrip- penco why only last month i let you go up to farmer hjggs fffild to seo the eclipse of tho moon my boy do you want your life to be d perpetual round of pleasure explained a man unaccustomed to p raisin hlsrcwtfo went out of his way to cal heran angel wifo ho sold ono morning you are an angel and sho folt charmed all day in the evening sho ventured to ask why she had been so honored well said the wily ono in tho first placo you are always flitting about secondly you nro always burn ing on things and thirdly by yon- own account you havo nothing to wear springs is coming lot mo quote you favorable prices on all tho kinds of first grade nursery stock frnit or shade trees ornamental or flowerings shrubs arid vines perennial plants etc from tho wellknown welland nurseries also on tho celebrated national brands of fertilizers for farm or garden spray lntf materials stock and poultry feeds made in can- nda for national fertilisers ltd west toronto frank scr1ven agent box 150 acton more eggs prgtt poultry regulator plenty of cgea winter nnd summer don t your hena loaf or jit be boarders we guar antee your hcn will lay more eggs or your money back from your denier we will eend you a cony or pratts poultry book free write for it today pratt voon co of canada ltd toronto 1 a kinft word for all anold 8cotxkwoman nbout whpm tltblta toll wi famousfor spenc ine kindly no aheop wna so dark thnt nho pould not dlacover aomo while biot to point out to thoa who could aoe only the one day n goaalplncr neighbor loat patloneo with hbr nnd bald angrily wumman yell hao asuld word to aay for the deevll himself instantly camo the reply well ho a vorra lnduatreeous bo4yl i youd like a little better too than you arte using please try red rose xeais good tea so the same good tea for 30 years try it tjr f g gollop dds lda dantal 8urgson omoe ovor bank of not bootla hotfftsjp to 880 bronlnn appointment miscellaneous francis nunan booubindbr account books of nil kinds made to orderl periodicals or every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly clone wyndham 8treet over wiiluna queldtt ont store r jkerr auctioneer- and itml estate 20 if ears experience hst your prorerty with mb acton ontario start on monday at cuelph business college gummar bldg quelph ont vor thorough trainino by individual instruction from business experienced in- struotors couraoo secreltarta bookkeepkrs stenographers n fc guelph business college graduate are n demand- a- li bouck principal and proprietor m dont neglect tour byes take advantago of specialist services offered by this estab lishment and know your glaabos are right- v experience is a good teacher 1901925 we havo had over twenty years at it and hero patrons are assured of the best in op tical service a d savagk optometrist and mfg optician savage building right at tho post ofllco quelph ontario o ej3ravlnp g3 richmond srfex trronto ganad4 the old and rellnhle granite and marble work wo nro manufacturorh ojod dlrept importora of all kinds of monumontal nnd hoftdatono work wo aell direct to our cuntojmers nt wholoiihlo prices thus saving our cuatomor 40 per cent wo hnve tho best appliances and tho only mechanics in tho dominion who can operate pnoumntlc tools proporly wo can glvo referoncoa from hundroda of our ouatomers in toronto and othar placoa whoro othera havo to havo law aiits in order to collect wo havo tho largest and beat stock of granite in the dominion ormoro tbn any throe dealers in tho west woaro learltl- mate dealers and employ no nffenm lirl do not annoy or pout customers hy son dl nff out itrnornnt agents solicit ing orders we employ only mochanlca and defy competition hamtttfvv 9 cions ouelph ont 8ub3cription8 for all maoa- zine8 taken at the free press office ii m

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