ikiiaiitnvvba illuurfjav mattcli 11 loac ivr little boys lesson mother tho hbn in cackling- what lo it idiowould hvlt- she aiyt qluelt ciuck r humbly lbep to teipyuu uli vvtnaltl an oftr koilxiittliijpoy toiliiv oh oh is that bo truly now i dirt not lchow put in roturi what ah nil i kvo bo kluauc kind to itll thulive mother tlie cow in lowing what is it she woulti aay milk and cream and button and choose good pooplo i ijavo brought you thoio for llttlo boy today ohj oh in that ao trujy now i thci not know but in return what fihull i give be kind behind to all that llvo the sunday schofh lesson forsunday march 16 spring drives will start sooii resurrection ouit lobjxs johnlorlifl ejuncmaciuiiafsiindayaprila mother tlie sheop la bloating- what la it hho would say she bays til gtvo my fleecy wool jo miiko wormclbthos pr piny anrt ychool for little boytoday ohj oh ih that ho truly now i jdnot knowt xlut in return what shin i i give ho kind- bgknd to all tjiat live twenty years agio from tho josuo of the free press of thursday maroh 16 1005 king edward rink is closed for the season tho- snow banks are rapidly dimin ishing after three months of continuous sleighing- placea exposed on tho roads aro gotting pretty tftin tho prcbs for whoat keep above the two dollar mark- with good pros pects fqr higher figures as thd your advances acton cornet band expects to appear early in tho spring with a flno now uniform so vocal new instruments and a strong organization talkin bout the weather dont you recollect the day when the robin was aainghy its not ho far away an thor night when tho star duet anim dtttrnvas mirrored in the lajce while the whlppoorwlll waa aingin like its heart was going to break its hardly worth complain in bout the wcuth aa that is not so very far away contractor mnckcn has com- n larger- lii3hcea jnent and improvements ofwto qlas gow house for messrs honderson- co -on- saturday march 11 1005 oelaru c clark aged 46 years the silent tfttftolbonea hans bruder was one of the two trombone playors in the apollo or- choatra on the evening of a special concert in tho course of which an overture that contained a trombone solo was to bo played harts received on urgent invitation to attend a small par tyina neigh borintown- mindful of his- responsibleposition ln coir cert ho hesitated a ions time becoro accepting but he was an easygoing ploaaure- loving soul and an idea dawned upon htm ho would send u subatltiite to the concert huhls place for the position of substitute ho picked out a friend ihat could not play a fcromboho but hans assured him that a kill was not nocostiary it would- bo enough if he should puff out his cheeks and move the slide in per fect time with tho other trombone plajrcr thenhahs in charge of- the instrument and hurried for th trai tho substitute iwcnt to- tho hall- tho overture began after a wild burst of raualo and a crash of drums came deadly silence the franco conduc tor stared at the substitute and waved his baton every head in the orchestra turned to boo what was the trouble but not one sound come from tliu puffing pumping trombono players t theother man had also sent a sub btltuto a d 30 place garden about josephs tomi tho text explained tho empty tomb 110 it wuudurlc in more aemleit- thanono an mary hurried towamtliut tomb in which alio fancied heri lord lay bui tho aon wa aoon to rise iind bring io her ttie brightness and rjoy of an end- jeaa day aa uotwi aa- mary saw tno atono rolfod away uhcjumped at tho coiipiuhion that tho tomb had been tiflcdiyhetneniiesnjrthoord7thtis wo often mour ignorance and un belief put jainrk construction upoii facta that are really fi aught wlvhtho luddeat meaning mary waa jookiiii tor a deai lord and alo wh short y j and a risen ono marys faitnwas not illgonoovonyot -fur-kiio-attii-ivakfc- of jeauu aa tho lord john be mi liio youiiger reuciiod jie tomb ursi i byt in gentle revoioiito does hotentoi but htbpped and lobked in peter true j to jta impotuoua cuapoaltioii iuahei right in lie aeea hue- nupitm jihat waa upon his -head- rtot iyliig witn tli- men ciotlis but roiedupin a place by itaelf this is an apparontly in- uign meant detail bat js one in yhlch thero is deep elgniftcance it was hot merely a proof that the tomb had not been rifled leaving disorder be hind but it shows that jeaus in tho auprcme moment of human histoiy wnen tho life of gpd passed anew trough that cbd and ilfolcaa clay aild leath forevor wus abolished and llle and im mortality was brought to light displayed that same divine serenity and calm that marked his whole car- oer- and inatead of excitedly snatclt- ing tho napkin from his face and hurling it- wherever it might fall quietly laid u down in lis place some would have us believe that this story not fact but action but where la the master artist that was capable of this minute but sublime touch of lit and not merely human but divine life when john entered and saw he bo- trrttnirraa them tfrom be lievingup to that point verso- 9 xknor of scr is responsible railway time tables although underground cables have taken thousandaof poles from city streets tho broad highways between cities aro still enclosed by gleaming coppor wires on mile after mllo ot sturdy polos in conodk tho yearly consumption for telephone telegraph and j6wer us alone is some 110000poles soon the winters cut of telephone poles will come oajelng through thtf flura and plungo into the peace- far waters of tho lake prom hero they will be- col- looted and loaded o to railway flat cars and distributed toau porta of tho country in o a comparatively short time thee somo ffolea will bo etandlng erect once more doing their part in carry ing tho wires ovor which tho waves of communication flow a spinning ghost a wiulind worker even whon you are wide awake it is frequently hard to estimate the pas- i sage of time on one occasion you find it hard to believe that several hours have elapsed and un another the day may drag so fllowiy-thatltho- clock sooma have bljirkcd itavdutywjwnlle you are aslop the calculation of timo is of course almost impossible as this incident told by a farmers son ot tho cornor storo ono rainy morning aptly illustrates father hired a now hand last night a big goodnatured dutchman evi dently the poor- fellow was tired from tramping about the country for he wont to bod immediately after aup- per as usual father went down to tho cellar about half past nine to throw some coal ih the furnace and adjust tno drafts for the nlffhfc evidently this made enough noise to rouse the new hired man for mother who wan sitting beside the table in the dlnln- room saw jsho stair ttatpr suddenly opon and disclosed the form or the dutchman blinking drowsily before tho light ho exclaimed goot morning mlssisi goot morn ing i could chust as well haf comv down von hour ago if youhad only yoke moup v the cool stranger i why do you ask gray horse and a lady inside yos thats right but can she manage him all right said the stranger s i should think so replied qreen aero why my wifes druv that horse eyer since he was a three-year- oldv thats all right then replied the stranger vi merely asked because th gray horao h j gdno down the troet like a mad hull nnd the old ladys hanging on to the back of the trap screaming ilurderf stil if she can manage him theres nothing to get excited about hows the price of potatoes down your way keeper of the gates groat ferltaln is tohuild iin-air- base aswcll as n naval base at qlngapdrt- the two go tpeehqn look tvftie mpp j- ye want to see why great wtft buiuu this base there are four enteu to india all in territory jield by otherpowerg nnd the mother cauntryholds all four gibraltar geo- graphically in spain suetin egypt aden in arabia and singapore at the top of the malay peninsula the first four ape tho weatem gate- singapore ootnftnds the eastern entrance the choice iatv long detour around bor nect ana java whoever holds gates hpldm india twe irish of it the it waa during the- dry spoil and a shower havingcome up dr blank remarked to his gardener this rain will dp a ot ffood patricbr nit win vfhdt soir rettirjnetl pal shuro- ah hour of it now vflll do more g6qd in five minutes than j a mbnth of it would do in a wook at any other time for moat of the unbelief in tho world 2 mary weeping 1115 it was love thin kept mary at th tomb it was unbelief kept mary wcep- in weeping over a dead christ- when she should have been re- joclng lri a risen christ mary looks into tho tombto se if after all thoro is not some mistake about it half hoping to see the body of her cruci- ned saviour lying thero she has wo eyes for angels it is her lord hlm- self she wants half 1 n wonder an i uitggether in protest the angels exf claim wonjan why weepest thou large share of tho tears wo shed arise in our mistakes if wo- knew tho whole trnthwowauldiejdlcep not weciiiorit visits to the garret ron wccp jhat tomb was empty not be- cause it had been rifled but because jesus had broko his bonds let even weeper over friends they cannot find and every other weeper liston to the words of the angels and of jesus to day why weepest thou marys answer is very touching her faith was badly shattered and yet she still speaks of jesus as my lord ha was a dead lord but she will go to him arid right at her back waa tho living lord who had como to her how soon tears may be turned to joy un- apeqkablc j the darkest hour mary over knew will soon ive way to the oddest and what a glad hour is iust a little ways ahead for many who can recognize neither angels nor jesus himself through their blinding tears there tho many tjrofeased christians n our day who vre quito willing that the aotual personal his toric jesus should be talcen away from them and they doryt care where they have laid him now mary turns and beholds jesus she looks qulto stead fastly tit him and yetdoes not recog nize him how clear it is tflat we aro reading an actual description of facia and no skillfully constructed fiction no on manufacturing a taie tf the resurrection would have made it up this way this la life not fancy whyshe did not recognize her lord weiore not told sho was blinded with tearsj i mpreoyox jesus dldnrt jook just tho same of tcr his resurrection fjehn 21 4 aark 16 12 but her utter preoccupation with the grief la enough to account for it all how often jesus comes to us and we know not that it is jesus but jesus will makehimsolf known shortly dnd sor row will give way- to exultation sho was seeking christ dead and was soon to find christ living marys answer to jesus question has in it an ex quisite touch of lifo and love how truotolifo marys words in verse 15 note just what slio off era to do and who it is offers to do it a weak wo man offering to carry the cbrpsoof a on- the postroad xn southern new hampshire stnndf an okl house which woe once famous for its ghosts it had been a tavern owned and man aged by two brothers and twoaisters nnme4 mason tho youngfcat of tho- family hannah had been jilted- in her youth after tier diiurtion she never entered any door bavo that of her own home but gavo all her strength to hard work sjie- would hatchel flax for weeks spin unceasingly and weave on a han-1- loom without apparently a thought of rest sho died after a short lllnosa and still travellers say that their slumbers were disturbed by the whir of the wheel soon it waa whiskered- aboyt that tho mason house- was haunted stranso sounds were heard from- the garret whore hannah hhd always worked- and plainest of all was tho hum of tho great wool wheel t 1 joseph went to the- garrcf and watched after a time the wheel be gan to revolve ho struck a light- on tho rim of tho wheeljvas a great rat running around thecost of living vs others oo every one agrees that it costs more to live than it did twenty years agb but opinions differ as to- the cause there aro many causes but onc of the rnoau important ia that our cxpomtea have grotvji withtjir needs inven tion has supplied all aorta of now facilities for living that have become necessities 16 most of us and they all- coat money moreover in a democratic society where all aro supposed to be equal we do not like to bo outdone by our neighbors and urged by this feeling we all push up our expenditures so as to bo sure that wo have what others have the trouble begins at the bottom tho young man entering business with his living tor earn and his way o mako should save every penny live narrowly and avoid display if he wishes jpbucceetlvft tho fashions of expenditure about him in dreas in amusement in social relationsare such that it takes exceptional btrengtbiof character to refubeto com ply with them good tickers wanted to bo succosafuf in business or ih social llfo ono must sell what is want ed not what duo wishes to sell- ac- sgrdlbe tfl thfl fn p laimanahaniehah taken from the hourglaas horizontal 1 to interpose 7 a bread knife 13 a girls name m a tear 16 an oriental weight monetary unit 17 through by 18 in every rie wspap en lf stormy j 20 a place of offerings 21 a preposition 23 to suppose 24 beds 26 placed s 29 to pierce v 30- to trifle chinese i like fe pearanco o dat turkey mightly well said mr johnston after a long and wistful study of tho bird fuugrown man of course she cannot ftho darkey mnrketman seemed business was brisk in the village store says the london answers when the stranger entered any of you drive op in a trapho asked casually z a i ss do it but how true to a womans love that never otopa to reckon with im- jposslblutlqs but offera to do tho thing that necda to bo done no matter how impossible is jhat mado up kover it is reality not action ufa not lm- aslnatlon this record bears tho stamp of unmistakable truth in every line 3 marywofshipplne 16 josiis spoke just one word mary no other ever had pronounced that word just its jesus did and when it came falling upon themornlng alr n the old familiar tone marys blind ness in ffoneforbver thero is a swlt turn nnd a glad ecream rabbonl and she is at his feat seeking- to hold it is reality it is actual unmistakable historic fact jesus- la risen indeed beyond the possibility of intelligent and honebt question dlly ptding for next wek monday s march 16 after forty days luty jtii 3644 tuesday march 17 tho commiss ion nnd tho aflnnton iuko24 kg3 wednesday moch 18 alpha and omoffn rev 1 18 thursday maich 10 the message of tho ascended christ rovl i v- 020 friday march 20 lordovor all col 1 o saturdny march 21 tho everlast ing christ hebrows 7 1426 v sundar march 22 tho triumphant king psalm 24 l10 r 1 p9pfi pn49v it dered this ratso tamo that ho would come out on- tho spinning wheel by daylight arid several others wcro oe casionally seen to take a spin in tho wheel as if it were a pleasant re creation a strange bird tho field of mr- murphys education had been somewhat restricted and tho noble art of reading was not within his grasp but some things lio knew to his own perfect satlsfactibnt ii the animal wid the ion g- nick on him dennis aaked mrs murphy eagerly aa they surveyed tho flaming posters announcing tha advent of a famous circus what ivu thim letters under him likely thats his name thim letters make no odds said mr murphy grandly theres but tho ono living creature that has a nick wid such lingth mary ann and thats tho ostrich sure and i aiwayflthought the ostrich had two legs cried mrs murphy in shrill surprise and whoros his feathers tell me that mr murphy passed his hand across his mouth and felt himself on sinking ground then ho took new courage and boldly faced his wife j and would yioy bo having a conn mon ostrich wid only t logs in a cireuu mary ann dyethrnit7 ife demanded reproachfully and as for tho fdathers dont ve see thoy pictured him whin ho was- molting to mako him look all tho stranger womarf mlrs murphy was staggered she took ono more open mouthed survey of tho glrafco and then quite con vinced meekly followed her husband down the street toward home simple transaction nearly all children aro subject to worms and many are born with them sparc them suffering by using mother graves worm exterminator an ox- cellent remedy strangely deaf how could i what arrangements could a pusaon muko dat wonted to buy dat turkey mr- johnston aflko1 after a pause easy- terms nough said the mai- kctman briskly you can got him by means ob a note o hand a note o hand- repeated mr john son brightening up at once do you moan i writes it out arid pays some time whon but his hopo in hia glorious prospect was rudoly shatter ed by tho jnrtrketriion a note o hand means in die case ho said with disheartening clearness dat you hands me a twodollar note mr johnston and i hands you le turkey in response to dat npte merely perquisites inovery aelfrespccting community the thief is despised and the honcat man respectod but thero aro local differences ih the strictness with which the code of honesty is applied in virginia when a young negro was caught pilfering doar old aunt peggy was allocked and horrified ale x dont believe in stealing sh9 explained with dignity i dont noyor take not hin coppen somohin what i thinks miss ellon dont yrnnt ndmofo or soniepln poro olo miss lucy has done got too blind to nilss a temperate mind thero la no doubt that most of da object by instinct to what is for our goodi h ridfer haggard says in his winter pilgrimage that ho hnd early in lifo an opportunity tov imbibing a knowledge for which he did not care he continues when i was a soaring human boy my father tbok mo up tho rhine bvi boat with the expectation that uriy mlhd would bo improved by contem plating its lovely and historic bonks very noon however i wearied of the feast and slipped down to tho cabir to onjoy robinson crusoe but some family traitor betrayed mo and protesting even with tears that i hated views- i was dragged on deck again ijjyvo paid six thalers bhoudj liiy juslly indignant parent as he hauled me up the steamer stairs toe you to study the rhlnn sconery and whether you like it or not young man study it you shall 1 a storey is told of a freshman of tho university who was united by ono of his professors whether ho had proved a certain proposition in- euclid well sir ho replied proved is a strong word but i will say that 1 hava rendered it hghfy probable tho difficulty is oven greater when a man marries and has a family it is not always easy to deny yourself but to dony those dear to you is al most impossible a man docs hot like to see his wife less handsomely dress ed than the wiveaof his associates ho oven tells himself that her good appearance whelps his business repu tation still harder is it to refuse things that seem to bo necessary for the welfare of your children real ly says mother uvinjr tho way wo live i cannot see why jane should not have all the opportunities that the smith chlldron hav th jnnc ots them and father wonders how he ia to pay tho pity qf it la that usually riot ono of them father or mother or child really cares tbcy simply must do as others do and so the dance goea on- what remedy there is no general remedy you must apply reason and common sense to each individual case at least keep a little behind the rust instead of a little in front of it then when a bad day comes others will wish they had dono as you did if your neighbor gets an auto mobile and your children clamor for the like- get a runabout instead of a touringcar if youtsiaugjitera have fewer frocks and cheaper music les sons than- their friends aroundtlho corner that is i better fban ending withnofroaka and no lessons t olt letais keep our heads in this mat ter the map who does not is infall ibly driven sooner or later to tho ter rible question that men aro asking all oyer the country today with my income how can i llvo as i am living to this question thero can bo only two final answers llvo dif ferently or steal which bhahltbe his majesty8 fault in the reign of francis 1 of franco quickness of wit was often- more promptly awarded than actual merit the monk regnelr malnus did not lack merit but ho owed his first ad van cement novortholoas- to a clever retort francis who was very fond of tho game of tennis waa playing a match one riay with malnus tho monk finally ended tho hardfought gamo with a brilliant stroke tho king was somewhat out of humor on account of tils defeat re markable he exclaimed -sarcastlca- ly to think that such a stroke should be madpby a mere monk i but aire replied tho monk who was as quick with hla wit as lie was with his racket it is your majestys own fault that- the stroke was not made by an abbot a week later jmalnoa received hii jxppofntmont as abbot of bcaulleu on ad of athm mojkes count less thousands miserable llght after night flie attacks return and ven when brief respite is jrlyc the ml is htill in tormfcnf from continual- ticlpatton dr j p kblloggs asttujja remedy changes all this reilof cornea and at once anil future at tacks aro wardeq off ipaynff tho ot- filcted one in a state of peace apd happiness he onco believed ho couid hover enjoy inexppnaivd and sold al most anywhere out of his proper place while travel ling on a steamboat notorious card shark who wished to got into the good graces of a clorgyi man who was on board said to the roverend gentleman i should like very much to hear ono of your sermons sir well replied the ctergyman yoii could have heard moaat sunday if you had boon where you should have boon where was that thentl in the county jail was the answer a standing threat akcfid said jilsmqtherinalo tense voice if you dlsoboy me i will spank you right here on tho street the llttlo fellow looked up moth er ho inquired with interest where would you nltf jjven 41 ejpek mny possess deslrablo functions undreamed of by theordlnary pur chaser f a birmingham clockmaker dis covered that a rival was sending out largo stocks of cheap clocks to the heartiof africa and doing good busi ness with then he spent a largo sum in making bettor clocks and shipping them to tho samo- market strange to say his sales wero small although ills rival turning out a cheap and in accurate timoplece was selling all ho could make finally he found the key to th mystery savages like no lac the clacks made by the first exporter- had a particularly loud and agg tick hjs competitor had made a better clock but it was almost nolsless and the savageb would have none t it the next cargo of clocks which tho birmingham maker shipped to the guineacoojs trucked louderthanaiiyi thing ever heard there and they sold like pink lemonade at a circus the oil of the jjjoph many oils have come and gone but dr tbbmas eclectrlo oil continues to maintain its position and increase its sphere each year its sterling qualities have brought it to the front and kopt it- there and it can truly bo called the oil of the people thousands havo benefited by it and would use no other preparation ht8nervewas80und a certain eminent london doctor rarely makes jan error in diagnosis in the case recorded irt the jphiladch phlnjlodgor howevor he had to ad- m it that ho had not read all thp symp toms correctly a man hnd comb to consult him after the conversation the doctor wrote out a prescription you had better havo this made up at a chemists he bald it will coat you about half a crown half a crown the patient ex claimed all right ill get it made up then ns ho turned to go ho added i bay will you oendme half acrown to pay for it the doctor gasped ho recovered in a second however and asked for the proscription ho scratched out one item arid returned it with a six pence now- you can havo it made up for a sixpence ho remarked dryly what t scratched out was fbr your nerve i when a mother detects from tho wri things and fretting of a child that worms are troubling it she can pro- euro a reliable remedy in millers worm powders which will expel all worms from the system they may cause vomiting but this need cause no anxiety because u isbut a mani festation of their thorough work no worms can long erffat whero these powders are used williss impromptu ver8e any one who is familiar with the sprightly style ofkathanlolp williss writings will notbe surprised to iearn that t popular writer of the iqat century was also a master of repartee on ono occasion he was a guest at a dinner party given by mrs dates in washington t while in tho midst of n vivacious conversation wlth a mr campbell mrs gates noticed that her nleco aria nathan iol wuhs were talking earnest ly at tho other end of the table ac cordingly aho wrote on a card dont flirt with nat willis and had tho message delivered to her nelce in a moment tho nieces reply dic tated by willis was handed to mrs gates it read dear aunt dont attempt my young feelings to trampol nor btraln at a ftt vhio yoju swahovr a oampbpll thy suffer frpnt pornii e they cnj bo painassly rooted out py h4ng hqlloays cori rejnoyer 1 fairly won ono of the cherished heirlooms of dn john brown of edinburgh was a greek teatamehlt that his groat- grandfather the rev james brown obtained under interesting circum stances tbit kcv john began his life as hrjjaddleon tho braoe ofabornethyv and while he was still teaching him self greek he tramped ono night to st andrews twentyfoiir mllos away to buy a greek testament the book seller to whom ho con fided his ambition was inclined to laugh at hltn but a professor who chanced to be in the shop took tho coyoted vqlutpc in his hand opened it and turned to the young herdsman boy snttv he rea4thls arid you shall bavo tho book for hothing tho boyacquitted himself to tho featibfactioh of his now friontl and carried off the prlso sores flee bsfor it thero are many who havo bceri afflicted with sores und have driven them away with dr- thomas fcteftctricr oih all slim larly troubled should lose no time in ap plying this splendid remedy as there is nothing like it to be had it is cheap but its power is in no way expressed by its low price 33 brilliant effect 36 a god 36 a preposition 37 a song 38 rarely 40 breaks out 41 a scheme 42 aromatic plants 43 a conveyance 48 a sea nymph 54 modern invention pl- 57 a kind of vegetable 69 mingled with 0 go one of tho v s on 11 ono hupdred- cab 03 a musical instrument 64 christian name of movfb actress qs help 65 possesses 68 a garden 6 a plan 70 prbflx meaning jolly 1 behold 74 to rent 76 76 a pronoun 77 to jlnidh f 79 above nn 80 a girls name 81 a title 82 calmer 83 pertains vertical 1 a contagious diseased 2 the last- 3 babys first word a parched d a doctrlne 6 to mako dear 7 a barroom 8 small 9 exclamation 10 a direction 11 a meadow 12 skllledpeoplo 15- part of a- printing proas 16 method of procedure 22 unwise 25 form 27 warherop 28 fathers 31 a comrade 32 insects 34 a small child 37 to call 9 a pronoun 40 exclamation 43 crippled 44 sundried brick 45 a number 46 an animal 47 like 49 printers term go to knock 51 a lake g2 a decree of tho sultan e3 completed 54 mobs z g5ta whcefbn furniture 56 a place of instruction 58 marvels go not so tight 62 not so short d5 a bondman 67 a flshtngtiot 09 a day laborer 71 eggsjiaped 73 a number 76 to hasten 78 a degree ab 81 a thoroughfare ab freight dellvored by special express freight freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto united states wants real prohibition michigan adopted prohibition byo majority of 8000 and threeyeanr later defeated a beer and wine amend ment by 207000 colorado adopted prohibition by a jnajorlty of 11000 and two yenxs lator defeated n beer amendment by 85000 oregon adopted prohibition by3flj 000 and two years later defeated a beer amendment by 54000 washington adopted prohibition bv 18000 and two years later defeated a beer amendment by 147000 v u this shows how far this light winca and beer proposition gets with tho american people answer to last weeks puzzle data bain ciaa 3 ga n aaaaa a us aaa naarasan mm maaamaaauma 1 laaaa naaa maa aaaa snamiaa cj efihaas aaaaaoa saaonah ago latiriiiiibo aoa a aenra caaa bqcj r trees and shrubs projfrooalvo parmoro and home gardonera will do well tojmrelnnnr from polham nursery company special inducements given for new orchiirdo wood lots and wind breaks apply pelham nursery co representative at onco j buhiinghasf r r no 4 rockwood iveibfcpiisi expert shoe sepairinq prompt attention to orders left t e gibbons main stree actom i m i5csd 7 money take notice that we will handle your troublesome notes and accounts on a strictly commission basis no collection no charge we place 34 years experience at your dlepobal and assume all yourcolloetjon troubles send ub your list wo will do the rest a no noto or account is considered too small too large too old or too far away we will tackle any honest debt kelly aiken collectors oranqeville owen sound j m ajken manager u jos j kbh1y maringoir reforencestcrllng bank qf canada mother fletchers castoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of i constipation flatulency diarrhea wind colic to sweeten stomach regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates to avoid imitations always ipolt for the siwlute of cajy7aia mcovcn ilirectiona on rnrh pndn i icians everywhere reconrmend jl ferrys seeds send for seed annfjal good gardeners aro thoao who raise qood vegetablbs arid plowers good yegetabloa and good flowerscome from- good seeds wo produco qood seeds the- mferenqe is obvious for solo evorywher d m ferry co windsob ont advertisers the free press anxious to sarvs you and rv you wll w ctvav your advrtla- mnt bitter attaptlon and thre- f maka it i a i tha eepy is auppllad to iv on monday or tuatday if copy falls to raaoh us until wadnasday forenoon thra- ia a rush to att it up bafora the forms eloa and tha result is likely to ba lasasatlsfaotory send in your ads early get your job printing at the free press does your watch keep time a witch is a machine its work to keep time any good watch will keep time if properly adjusted try our repair service savage co jeweuers goelph ontario m m l fa