t iltttnn3vtttb thursday march 10 125 dont quif vthon things go wrong oil thoy oomo- tlmon will whon rondo youre trudging seonia nil up hill r v 4 whon the funilo nrolow nnd tlto douta or high ou wanttomll to blgh whon cares aro iroaalng you down a roat if you must but dont you quit llfo lo tlucer with lta twlata anil turns ao overy one of ua sometlmea loams and many a failure turna nfcout whon ho might havo won had ho stuck ft out dont glvo up though tho pneo aoomb alow l you may succoctt with anothor blow of ton tho goal 1b nearer than it booms to a faint and falterlnb man of ton tho straggler has given up whohtio might havo captured tho-vtc- tors cup n and ho learned too late whon thonlgnt slipped down how clooo he was to tho golden crown suedofls la failure turnod inaldo out tho silver tint of tho oloudo no doubt and you- never can tell how close you ore it may be near whon it seems afar so stick to tho fight when youre hard est wt its when things seem wdrst that you mustnt quit portland herald v- secrtet8 ob h08pitality true hospitality does not uo in groat dlaplny or in lavish expense there are magnificent houses thrown wide at stated hmes toa great array of guests but tho guests arrive uneasily and depart as noon qa oourtesy per- mls- thorezare riyahnnqueti whera every dolicacy is lavished but there is no cordiality in either gtvar or re ceiver and the banqueters are sated before they alt down and the own- era of thoseiiouses and tho framera of those reasts wonder why men and wo- nion go with such eagornoss to quiet homes and simple tables where thero is no luxury whatovor v ono secret lies in entertaining your friends as nsarly s possible after- the- fashion in which yop 11 yourself pie w inviting come not to see occasions some little preparation may bo necessary but even that litu is often too much what every visitor appreciates moat is seeing the family as nearly as possible as it uvea and belngmado a part of it the houses that open in that way as it wero by the touch of a spring ore the hcuses hat ore loved and frequented the suest who is most enjoyed and who moot enjoys himself is tho guestwho comes- unexpectedly and the great hosts of the world are never found unready for one more there was al ways an extra placo in xady hollandss full dining ycom and you could hot disturb the- hostesss contentment al though you 1 might that of her guests luttroll make room sho said on ono occasion it must bo madeljuttreli murmured for it does not exist ttajid robowtoombvrwhen hhr- tabli uiimnm ln mfitfawp- fthrni tnttj the old squires silver mine b c a stephens i vi vi ivy ivv iv in i iv i ivi ivi 5 hundbr was what tlio al manac predicted for that day thundor with a bg ex clamation point rln disdain of tho almanac however addison and i oet off fairly curly in tho morning with augorand axe lnnucat of maine rosowood in strict point of fact no rosewood grows in maine or evor did what- was thehsold for maine rosowood was injrcallty the heartwood of the blackcuorry tree which is fjx ft gralnod wood of a delicate rosocolor in ihilno blackcherry trees rarely grow moire than a fool in diameter arid tho henrtwood of courso7 is con siderably less than that as a result the trees do riot yield much lumber that is wide ohough for commercial uho i but in ono of tho old squlros lota iiot 37 wo had como upon somo fairly largo blackcherry troea and addinoniuid i wont up there that day to determine how much clear heart- wood they would ylold tlio placo waa on a little flat of alluvial soil along tho oast bank of otter brook whero it bonds southward round a hill two years before a forest fire had burned the spruce and plno growth off the hill and had left only a fow lofty troo stubs standing stark rind black against tho sky lhio the fire had not reached tho moist- flat by tho brook and there tho belt of several hundred cherry trees grow wo reached the placo which was four or uvq miles from the house about noon and at once sot to work addison tappod the cherry trunks with the auger and i kept account or what each troo would probably yield in lum ber- z wo wyjro working busily when nud- donly about two- oclock tho almanac- t rtssas sevnrt ss d6wn the ralloy of the broolc right ift- tho miaatof tho first downpour as wo wore trying to and shelter under a thick spruce came n flash of lightn ing and at almost tho samp instant a crashing clap of thunder th lhjlitn inff struck ono of- the pine tuba on the hillside and set it on ore in splto -of- the rain tho stub- coiir tlbued to blaxe ntfully for a whlle after tlto otarm 4iadrpac wewent upto joolc attho tree the llghtnlne had torn up the ground and the blue berry bushes for twenty feet round its base several broken quartt crystals were scattered about it the earth had been torn from a ledge of gray rock which now sparkled at several points addison who was interested in mln erals examined the ledge curiously hat lookb lik silve no bald waa overcrowded remarked l do not object to havinu more friends than room- it la usually the other way in thts world- butanothor secret h8 ovw- deeper it consists in alwaya wonting to see your friends moat of us have- our hours for being social but when we are busy or weary or dull vn aak to bejiet alone and no dlggulflbof coiirl- esy however creditable will alto- etior conceal our reluctanoe ttour truly hospitable heart desires always to boo those it loves la ready oven to go out in kindness and sympathy to those it does not love you may uoy that that is a gift inborn but liko many other apparently inborn gifts some degree of lt can bo obtained there waa 4 lady once who said x believe i ehbuld uue to talkto evory- ohe in the world and the same lady said again do not think x aver saw anyone coming into my houab whom 1 was not glad to see no doubt this lady exaggerated but nono the less she presented the hospitable spirit in its moat genuine form and with the polo of the axe he broke ott a piece of the rock to take home the rock layrotind thohoube for soveral weeks addison was con vinced that it contained silverand the btd flauiren6o thubghrthere might ber sllverlnit on one of his trips to portland he took it to professor honry bortlettjehtrthon made asaayaof ore after making sorne teats the pr ot ttotaheotdsuttbitttiobpeci- men did indeed contain silver claim ia loarul and that it will hold under mining law the old squlco- remarked that tho courtwquld havo to decide thut sure rand replied good mi a tu redly thats what courtb aro for wo bear no v about it you thineyour right and wo think woro right wo rather think you maine- folka ought to thank us for coming- hero and opening the mining crothora tialfl jhres some rich oro up thero nrjtl this- will soon bo a tyv mining country wovo juat sqnlngoff eight barrolfl more of orobamplea fog nssay that ledge isnt the ttntyono up thero romarlccd rand casually weve found just as- good ore on the other side of that hill weve ataketf claims over there tocf tho old luiro made no comiriunl except to say that the other side of tiy iilll was pot hlfl land iwe dont want any law trouble sangstersald there is plonty of or up there for us all if youll glyo us enough to pay us for our trouble so far woh pull outof that first lead on your land and go to work on our other claims we dont want to crowd any one ho addedl we want tcstart square that sounded so fair that tho old rfquiro asked them how mucfiv thoy wibhed weir sjrto pay for tho work weve put into the place and for our expenses this summer wo ought o get four thousand dollara but wo- wouldnt take a dollar ot your money rand interposed j these last amples fronr the deep- rock go to the k asseyor and you neft his report business is business wo dont asliyffu to take any risks on thobret the old aquiro told them that he would consider the matter and thoy from- the bank with the money and sat on one nldo of tho offlco tablo with a ac it age of bllla under h in hand mr holt had fintuhed drawing up tlio hgroemont and was reading it nloud tho three mlnem nut on tho otrier uldb of tho table ad u in on wait ahead of mc bnahing into the ropm iio clutched tho old aqulreh arm dont pay ovr that money slrl ho cried wnlt theres iiomothlng wrong about thlbl r holt stopped short nnd stored at us lit amazemo but tho minora ayod annuals 1j a tulip bed by misa aiina moyla for the ontario horticultural society when ahe ground hai trowon up- for tho winter i have four inchea portly r rotted manure iiut on tho tulip bed formulclr in the aping a little of this is re moved the tulips grow up through the rest v when the bloom is past- a layer of fresh earth about three inches la put over tho mulch and seeds of phlox drummpndl scattered broadcast cover ed with a light layer of earth armed well and watered i whion tho leaves of the tulips turn yellow and dry up they can bo cut off tho flower stocks will pull out core must be exercised not to do this too soon or- the bulbs will not ripen for next years bloom as soon as the plants are twoncnoa high a little nitrate of soda 1 sprinkled in between car being taken not to allow any on the leiwes or near the stems this utwell forked in and as soon as tho buds appear an application of fine bono meal is given and- culti vation fcept up in june they beajn to bloom the -bed- deipgaplaoeot beau ty and of joy to the gardener till frost cornea when the plants are taken out curd put on the compost heap and the usual mulch applied 1 the second year i planted panales third year seedling asters fourth year tjtocks and back to phlox brummondt i bid tho iullpa suffer not in tho least they were admired by all who passed by as well as by the gardener who hoa solved tho problem of the tulip bed at least to her own satis faction tf you have much rock like that he said you can open up a mine and get rich this lt should be remembered was in the 70s- since then bllvermlning in maine has had a hlatpry with marly dubious episodes in it as count less investors have found to their cost but our discovery which probably whs one of the first of its kind in the state had all the freshness of novelty the old squire came home in a very hopefulmood and thonextday he and addison went pp to lot 37 and with pick and shovel uncovered some more of the ledger thero appeared to bo plonty ofhatleftdcngray ore visions of wealth began to loom on thefamlly horixon but ajthquffb wq kept very quiet about our discovery news of it get abroad hpw i do not know perhaps professor bartlett had spoken of the matter to his acquaint ances in portland within a week everyone in town know of our find and an account of it appeared in tho newspapers a lew days later whha murch who had been fishing along otter brook came running- over to the old aqulrefl while we were at dinner to toll us that men were camping on itot 37 and wore blasungur rock there outsiders in possession of our silver mlno in less than half an hour ad dison and i were on our way to the- place surely enough wo found three men hard at work drilling nnd blaut- iiigthoedge a tent stood mlar by and a camp kit and tools lay about- on the ground on pegs in the old stub that the lightnings had struck- hung three revolvers v addison and i watdned thomen for awhile from cover of the cherry trees then mfe went up to them hello addison said what are you- doing here on our lot the men looked us over mining if you want to know young fellows ono of thorn said wcy locat a claim hrcv outcrothors asked whether they could jhirp ono of our teams to draw the bar rels of samples to the railway station the old squire felt reluctant to con nect hlrasolf with tho men ih any way but he could not without seeming churlish refuse their reaucsi tho next day therefore addison drove up to the new mine by a trail that ha recently been opened and drew th eight barrels doyn to tho railway sta tion the assay report camo back in i few days it was ao good five hun dred dollars in silver to tho ton of oretthat a wave of mining excitement swept through the county the old squlro began seriously to think that perhaps ho would bo wise to buy out the throe miners court sat that jkeoje jjujmajipeul of the thtoo minors who asked for time to employ- counsel and to collect precedents our crbo was put over since that meant delay and tedious waiting mr holt dyiseiutho old squire to buy the fellows out and thu to secure full andundisputetltltlo to tho property but in tho meantime a chance word hadot addison thinking tho railway station agent waa a youni llir a- useful invention atr the sportsmans show in new york one of tho ttoveltles shown was a portable wireless telegraph appara lus whlohoouldiba carried in a hunt ers pack says the new york mall it attracted much attention from the visi tors w that thar lashorelya great thing said one of the maine guides sup poso theres a- dude hunter sot lost what does dof he climbs a tall tree fixes the majlgger and lets go click olackety clack click im lost in tho woods clacjcttttshoty dash dot click were be ye cladkety clash dash click i dunno if i did i wouldnt belost hijiiall they got to do is to send out a searchparty and find him it shore be a great imention- mv a wipe acquaintance tho washington post tells ihls story ot a dowager whose wealth and edu- cation were of exceedingly recent ac- qutsltlpn according to her accounts 4pt tha trlp round he wrdrldhntttbhelttta completed have been socially most suc cessful j some of her friends wre questioning her about the places of interest that she had visited did you seettie dnrdanellos asked one- and tho t inquired an other why certainly replied tho down er ii dlncd with them both in paris r butthis isnt your land addison exclaimed this la private property its unimproved land tho fellow replied we have located a mlno hero under the united states mining law seo our stakes there but i tell yourthisis private pro perty addison insisted thbs isnt a wild land- a reckon you dont know the mining law very well were colorado minors and wo know what wcroabout- j well youll have to get oft this land addison said firmly the men laughed and went on drill ing one of them remarkod that- wo had better not bother them we wojit home and reported to the old sqiflre considerably disturbed he drove to the village the next morning to consult his lawyer mr holt was puzzled malne isnt a mlnjng state ho said i dont bollovo there arc any precedents to guide us i couldnt say how such a case would be decided you can warn them to act off and then begin action for trespabs accordingly the old squire and ad dison went up the next day to warn the intruaersoff formally the men took it pleasantly enough but stool on- their rights- under mining law they hadfoundoclalmstaseii there they said and therefore- had a perfect right to mine the land for gold and silver however we began suit against them for trepasslng nndtho case was entered for tho september county court meanwhile the men went op with tholr blasting we heard rumors that they had sent bome sampfetfof the ore to professor bartle for as- ffayrnttt that he hltl retltrhed a ftrtod man named curtis knapp whom we know very well on tho day that ad dison had drawn tho eight barrels to the station knapp had remarked us he was weighing the shipment those same pight barrels came here last wook for these same parties whatwin them silver ore for assay from tho now mine addison replied that so said knapp turning back to last weeks bills in his entry book yes eight barrels ey had kegb of blatlngpowderlh7them then so they said packed in sawdust all the way from denver hello he added thistle odd they weighed the aamo then as they do now twontyflvo hundred and sixty pounds thats three hundred and twonty pounds each those chaps niuatje doing a lot of blasting to use that much powder well x guess they aro by the noise addison said 1 that afternoon ho took tho shipping receipts up to the miners camp ho felt curious enough about what knapp had said to ask them whether they got tholr powder from colorado they bdld that they did because the powder out there wna so much bettor for mining purposes sangster showed him a keg of powder addison re membered afterwards thntthe keg- was marked 26 poundb- j stratton milh new jersey for a week or more theblcj- squlro pondered over the question of buylnft out tho miners four thousand dol lars was a largo sum of money to pay but largo value seemed at stake- tie went up to the lot and bad another talk with the miners they finally of- fored to take 3fib0 after somo fur ther discussion he struck some bar gain with thorn and agreed to meet them at mr holts ofilco in the village at- ten oclock the following morning to draw up the papers and to pay the money the next morning- wo had breakfast at six oclock tho whole family felt a llttlfl atocrpusabout thoappwachtng business transaction the throe us tho trouble of explaining our inter ruption for at tho word avrong sangstor niudo a grab ucrolsa tho table for the money aa tho qld uriulrq dull ed tho package of blllh away from him crothora jumped to- his feet knocking over his chnhv and mado a motion ns if to draw a gun rand seized hla part ners by the bhoulders and boi no no in a low v64co evoryoho n tho room- had- jumped to his foot tightly gripping at the package of money the old squire loblc- ed hard at sangater and crothora wcll young man what la it you think is wrong hand askqd klarinff at addison n thosef pro samples that powder tho whole thing replied aadlsoh still panting frorn our hard rltto flvo powder kch in a barrbl don wcl jh three hundred and twontytiounlh rand glaniiod ak hie two- partners and muttered something about tlio deal being off and then afteran angry silence tho three ni en left th ofucoto- gethor s addisop now attempted to cxplain our susiujqna but tho old hquirenad already eet enough to convince hinti that ho had been dealing with rogues and that he- had- bconalmoat swlndlod tho three sharpers dld not return to the mine oven- for their iclt and tools but left town during the day as nearly ns wo could find out they happonedto bo in portland whion- tho nbwa of our find first got abroad on the chance of finding a profitable miner they- had gono up to the ptoco and staked a claim they had quickly found however that the rock was not rloh enough in silver to pay for-yorlt- ing tho mine a schomo to swindle ua hail ttaon oc curred to them a confederate in the wcat shipped thorn those eight harrola of ore but instead of containing blaat powder thebarrelo contained ricbjdro from a western silver miho- tno three rogues had sent thatoro tctlhet state asaayer and so had got tlio very luring report that had so nearly be guiled tho old squire into buying a worthless mine on his pwn land comprehensive ignorance two iilyhmbn wcro iiliilonophlzlng said pat to mike did yez ivor- shtop to uilnlt that wan half of tho world dont know how the other half getsulong youro right aaya mike and neither does tho qttfep half mortgage sale the personal 8tandard under and by virtiio or the powers of salo contained- in a certain mortgage which will be produced at tho timo of anle thero will bo oftorcd for sale by public auction on saturday the 2flth day of march 1925 at tho liour of two oclock in tho af tor- moon at lanbys station hotel acton ontario by r j kerr auctioneer tio following property lately occupied by charles laven all and singular that cor tain parcel or tract f landjind prenjsos situate lying and being in tho township of esquoalng in tho county 7 of halton containing by admeasurement onc hundred x100 dcrcs ho the samomore or lii3b and belng composed ot 4hot portion of lot twentyfour 24 in tbo fourth 4th concession 6f tho baid twnalprlynfforthrthe qraml trunin railway bxcoptlrig7tbat parcet of tand containing thrdoolghthbofan aero or less which waa convoyed by instrument numbed 18201 on tho bald farm thero aro said to bo erected a gopd dwelllnff house with sultabhv farm bulldlnga thl3 farm is also said to bo located on tho tor onto and guolph radial jlno tho lands will bo sold subject to a reaerve bid terms of sale ten per cent of tho purchaso- money to bo paid down at the time of saltf and tho balance within thirty days for furjthei particulars arid condi tions of sale apply to harry w page 15 queens park toronto solicitor for tho mortgagoo dated at toronto this twenty- sovonth day offebruary 1025 864 political genealogy tho iriahmtm of wliom senator hour uiicd to tell may not hnvo hnd tho beyl of reasons for liifi political faith but ho tfortalnly hnd enough quickness of wit to compenaato for thut deficiency somo rcpublicun political workcrn wore trying to gt him tovoto their tlckot hut ho persistently rofuscd on tho grounda thut ho wan a deniocrnt but why aro you h democrat v thoy asked i i well mo father vh a dimocrar and mo grandfather was a dlmocrat nut what difference does that muko to yoy suixjioao your father waa a thief and your grandfather was n thief what would you be thenv the irlahman eyes twinkled f do ho thinkings id be a raypoohlican the delicious flavor 1 ii ii v i i u i tlntit drawn from the leaves of green tea has won it tnillions of users finer than any japan gunpowder or young hyson ask for salada clearing auction sale in using yourself as ji standard for judging other people- boar in mliid tho charcoal burnbra children a lady and her husband while sail ing their boat on one of the small lakes jthat theqult of mexico furnish es to the southern coast of missis sippi wero driven by asuddem rain storm toaoejc shelter on one of tho many dlminutlvo islands that seem to float on tho surface of tho water tho island offered a dilapidated hut to their view gladly thoy rnn out of the peltine- rain through the open dodr into tho dark interior whore to their surprise xhcyounnaoiunibcrjfohildnxnnlflo soekinff- refuge from the rain thoy were- tho children of a nolghhorins- settleraont of charcoal burners it the faces boretlie livery of heir parorits call lnp- they- wcro black with tlsc6tu br of charred wood their clothes were ragged tholr feet werobaro and they wereos shy na the qulrrola thoy had chased in th6 forest while tholr fathers hinnf c 1 tho lady a lover of childron begun at once to make friends with them and with a charm that children could hover realat soon hntltheny clustered round her listening to her stories and oven plying her with questions grow ing moro and more familiar with her thrusting tholr llttlo blackened faces ciqbo to her face and fingering her dress and ornaments with be grimed little fingers all went well and pleasantly and tho cordiality was at its height when the lady laughingly said- now you must tell mo nil about the charcoal burning for i dont know a single thing about it l instantly they drew- off frotnhor lii disgust and looked at her with the gtoatestqpntempt you dont know nothing about char coal burning thoy exclaimed in dis gust never apparently in their uvea had thoy mot with auori dense ignor ance she a tried to explain to gain their confidence again in vain they would havo- nothing- todo with any one bo ignorant as not to know about charcoal burning ah her stories passed from their minds thoy looked at her almost with hatred and tho lady con fessed afterwards never had she- felt so much liko n pariah ns when the charcoal- burners childron turnod tholr backs upon hor nnd only s polio to jlh you dont know anything nbduthir- coal burning when tho sun camo out and she arid her husband went bnck to tholr boat thochlldren followed then and cried after them hoy -you- dont know any thing about charcoal burning and tho last ah o saw of them thoy wore standing on tho shore pointing in dec ision hoy you dont know anything about charcoal burning farm stock implements fur niture grain roots etc too undeislgnetf has received in structions from harold smart to sell by publfcisauction at lot 0 w con a erin township situated op tho fourth lino on tue8day march 24 tho following jhorses clyde mare rifling 7 years hay porcheion gelding rising 7 yeava cattle roan cow 7 years old with calf at foot rod cow 7 years oldv with calf at foot black cow 6 years old with calf at foot black cow g years old duo juno fi blaolr cow 6 years old duo june 14 black cow 6 years old due september 20 roan cow 7 years old due iseptembcr 18holatein cow 10 years old due july 18 registered red roan bull 23 months old bred by b a mcklnnon 2 roan holfers 1 year old 1 roan heifer 5 months old pigs york sow duo april 10 poultry 44 paired rock hens ihiorzniotoral2nbeeaoanlbundopf 2 guinea fowl harness1 aet of heavy team- harness ypt jz breephlngsnew 1 pair of scottth collars odd collara grainani 30 hush o a c no 2cbartoy100-bush7-mixod- grain 2 bush buckwheat 500 buah or turnlpa if not previously sold implements 1 deerlng new ideal binder g ft cut 1 frost woodmowerp 5ftcut ldeering13 disc drill 1 doertng steel roller 1 doering boy rake 1 sot deerlng har rows 1 bain waggon and box 1 masscyharrls cultivator 1 acuffler 1 hay rack 1 stock rack 3 chicken coops 1 paris no 21 walking- plaw 1 wilkinson no 3 walking plow 1 aot of renfrew scales l stewart machlno horso clipper v tolton pul- por 1 chatham fanning mlir flfcono- boat wheelbarrow harrol cedar posts- chains crowbars forks hocs etc furniture l imperial oxford range largo box stovo largo jcltphen cupboard with glass doors twoburn er coal oil stpvo sola to commeneo at 1 oclock no rebsrvfl as the farm od terms veal calves fowl prain roots furniture and all aum under 10 cash over that amount 11 months credit will bo given on furnishing ap proved joint notea g straight dis count for caah roy hjndley auctioneer phone 15r6 erin rr- no 3 acton c o plank clerk i ii 1 j i r tr v the success of the coj ich m m mglai6iijribuii h fijbsbhhhhhflh r s ttveryone who has seen out disturbing people in front jo x coach as aehasghlfn seats duco finish dlfferent baick builds it knowawhy this colors for jeach of two coach coach has received such sweep- models r ing public approval the- mclaughlin- buick coach every detail ormclaughlin- ia a real closed car built to buick power comfort depend- mclaughlinbuicks high closed- ability and economyis present car standards fisher body n both master six and special graceful lines two wide doors six coach models yet the prices enable rear seat passengers to are lower than youd expect to cnterorayeither door with- pay for open cars of such quality ft i i j i i j cv7 irittic hi o v iviinvj representatives for thi8 section v georgetown ontario l r ask about the gmac plan of deferred payments dom report on evening about tho tenth ot fiop- t em ber the three minor made ua a call they did iiot seem at nil rough in fact they impressed nft as rather courteous pleasant spoken fellows they gave thplr namen as sangster hand andvcothsrs we hoard that you are bringing suit against us for trespnsbing rand giwrt- thats all right wo dont miners walked down to our place from their camp and the old eaujro offered to givo them a lift to the village addison and i watched them drive down the lane and then turnedto our morning chores addison seemed pre occupied as x was leading our- two perch er on work horses out to the wttter jub i heurd him mutteiing to hlmselfl thats queer whats giicer what do you moan how many kegs of powder do you suppose wpuld go into a barred and would a barrel of powder kegs weigh over three hundred pounds i dpnr know said l why i dont bljovo that more than five of thdse kegs pueko4 in ajvduat would go into a barrel ho went on musingly and the whole thing barrel and all would not weigh ovor a hun dred and fifty pounds but when those barrels came from colorado to tbo no follows they weighed three hundred and twenty pounds apiece just as much as when they wero packed full of ore how could that bo i could not account for it and that powdor was mado lnew utemy tool addison continued i tell you ho cried suddenly those fellows ore playing some kind of game on ualn svhether or not it was the forofe of addlsonfl convlotlon that persuaded me i do not kfiow but instantly j too felt that tho minora were cheating us what can we do i said go after them and stop their game somehow till wo know hore about this wo must hurry too or theyll got that money how strange a youthful barrister lbokcjlrnthor contemptuously at- a slmplolootlng agricultu jajiorer in t wjt box evldontly regarding the rustic h too amnllfry for his crobsoxnmlnlng skill however ho began havo you ever been rnarrieil thfyitnens who stammered ald that ho hart oppe and whom did you mjirpy a w w woman sir tho barrister turned to one of hia confrere and murmured village idiot come come my good man he said to the witness of course it wns woman did you ever hear of anyone mnityhura man yea sir p pleaso my sister did was the roply and the village idiot whs troubled no further clearing credit auction saim of farm stock implements grain andhav a chance to retauate wo bridled the two percherops jumped on tholr bora ba tt like mad for theylllagor thoy wero large broad backed animals and our legs stuck out from their sldoa my horso nearly bumped the breath but of me mr holts otlco was up ono flight of stairs over- a drygood store wjth- bdf stpplnr to hitch tho horses we slide off hpr baoks ndrubd p tho minister was young and enallv cmbnrfnnsed the flrat time ho per formed thn miirrlage ceremony it wai for a couple who wero both younger and still moro easily embarrassed than ho when he hnd finished the service anl murmured a few kindly meant but halting words to tho young couplo whom ho fiart jifst united the hrlflio lookod nt him blushing but confident thnnkyou sho said clearly itn real kind of you to congratulate usv and aa long as you havent evorlxsorr married yet maybe well have fi chanco some day p rotallnte sthma rtnontttifla mm am pknownt nuusiyuf ths xntfub u rilt isn vncita limitkd btono you biiv wb fciw thai ouriaii th ej4 ijblrlfoj jurtocjm potters asthmal rellelfl tho undersigned hna received in structions frorp e m smellie to- sell by public auction- on lot 8 bth con west chlnguacousy at stop g8 radial on thursday marghmo at i p ni bharp thtortowlrig horsebrbay mare aged oliest- nlif gelding ipged cattlt5 1 cow vpftrt durham in full flow of milk holptehi cow in full flow of milk hoi stein cow brlndle cow bred nov 1 pigs 3 fat hoga hens 8 hona implements 1 peter hamilton- binder 6u ft cut deerlng mower 6 f cu peering mower g ft cut superior liscdrlll 12 discs frost wood cultivator 16 teeth planet jr twohorso corn cultlvator maaaey- harris disc harrow 14 discs massey harris hay rako 31 tooth massey harrla hay tedder wide cockshutt roller cockshutt twofurrow sulky maasoyharrls single sulky no 21 jpeteir hamluon walkipg plow no 21 jointer plow with whoel no 6 wil kinson plow no 11 patteraoa plow grieve nod plow doiiblo mouldboard pfow- set seed harrows 4 sections 12 foot sot heavy harrows 6 sections 12 feet scuff ler cyclone seeder corn planter lumbor wagon and bo truok wagon with steel wheels jackson truck wagon now hay rack oorn rack low truck wagon set of bteol wheols heavy sprhiff wagon with polo and shafts light sprlngwagon with polo and shafta road cart 2 act licavy bobslclgha set light sleighs cutter 2 buggy poles sot buewy ahafta covered wagon box light wagon box and scat gravel box 3 pig crates calf crate sot welgh scales 2ou0 lbs root pulper fanning milt bag truck barleyanner louden hay fork car mltte cream separator 720 lbs capacity new 2 meal cheats atoel barrel 40 gallons gasoline engine 3 hp 24 ft ladder 20 ft ladder apple ladder 2 cedar poles suitable for litter carrier numbor cedar posts stump machlno irons whiffletrocs and other articles including forks shovels iron bars belting otc these implements hav boon kept inside and are all 1n al shape harness 2beta heavy harness 1 aet single harness furnlturlprromo hounehold fur niture including coal beater and wood box stovo hay and grain about 200 bus oata quantity hay and straw about 10 bags green mountain potatoes terms hogs hay hnd brain anil all sums of 91500 and under cash erver- thrtt-nmomnv-s- months credit on approved joint notes gpor annum off for cnnli positively all will be sold as ttitt farm hrtbbecn sold also nt ho same time and plaoe the following reglstorod shorthorns the prpporty of r s murray will bo sold red cow 7 years duo tiro a of salo roan cow 5 ycarq duo time fit salji roanhcjfer 2 yoara calf nt foot red heifer 2 years calf at foot roan hoi for 2 years dro april 1 terms on theao calves cash ben petch auctioneer w a wilson clorlc 382 fcmi actomrotrr qtmlltypays handsomely x- it is an old saying but a true one that the quality will be remembered long after the price is forgotten our printing is readable wellbalanced correctly displayed and has a pleasing toucli of inqtividualitythat will reflect credit upon your business make us prove it -the- acton free press akractive printing profitable advertising acton u- wlmilmmusm mmim mmmmmmmimmgm