l tczl 3p the home or cthr arum 3t preb member canadian weekly newspaper association member selected town weeklies of ontario the wan with one talent the acton 1 ree press 1a published every j thursdaj morning at the ttree prcs building mill street acton ontario the subscription jirice i l00 per year m advanco postage in ctnrjed additional to ofttccs in the united states the date to which subscriptions arc paid is indicated on the address label v jauvrjisic ratestransient advertise meats to ceats per line asrate measure for first insertion and 5 cents per line or each subic quent insertion contract display advertiae- nrtnts for 50 incites or more per annum 18 cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions wilt be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly ii jp moore president and editor g a dills manager and assistant editor telephones editorial and business office nw residence of president nj residence of manager i iji satisfying the fire underwriters the town of hanover has expended 150000 on a now waterworks system and now finds if the report of the ifire jndecwritqrs inspector is accepted that the protection against tire is yet far from satisfactory it is the old story of persistent demands with the hope that something more may be added the post however in face of the reported deficiencies will notlfaevchwy6teimtearl jwmi iiiva n ttotf thursday morning march 19 1925 editorial shipping to cuba stopped by ottawa govern ment aer mopths of contuuung the subterfuge of the detractions common to more popu shipping hquor cleareoocxlkblsb loshsilfs ed judging by the experience of another town we know it is probably right collingwood bulletin numerous other tpwns are finding to thfjr coat the cxhorbitant and often unreasonable demands of the fire underwriters after the installation of a water works system upon lines believed to be absolutely sufficient and satisfactory in case of fire an inspector comes along and suggests certain improvements and additions before any i reductions in insurance rates are to be allowed these suggestions and additions are made at the cost ofthousands of dollars to the municipality and still the people are requested to wait an interminable period before anything further is dorfe by this precipus underwriters board to implement the tentative hopes for the expected re ductions in rates j the small jfown at a- premium no longer will jhey poke fun at the small ftown for it is coming into its own small towns can rejoice at every increase in population of the big town be cause with such increase comes a pushing out of its population into the smaller communities and es- peciallyjn the lesson jlnven home jthatlhcsmall town is ideal for free breathing and for clean happy and joyous lives the reason is plain congested cities are hot as desirable for homes as suburban localities unless one is able to own a home along millionaire row smokestacks and tall buildings make for ef ficiency but do not necessarily for virtue the day will come is coming has come when the smaller communities can provide for the needs of citizenship as well or better thanthe big cities it has great open spaces while the city has not its schools and its churches are more accessible just as efficient and tho voan muro stopped pantln nervouhly after nor plunpre through the muddy hlouelt at tha ro ululdo and the doctor hitched blmsolf round on the buggysent for a word with the ihon taoy wore substantial farmers of the neighborhood thriftily improving ttluck tlmo by repairing the highway at the towns charge and they turnod bronecd smiling faces toward the bug- new8 from the other aoton itfms tof inurait compiled by the aoton ennund exprete have a better road next time youro through doc said hurley far as border towns in ontario cuba and mexico and other neighboring towns are to be made inac cessible to liquor exporters when o from ports of thehttwrimalihg the shores of lakes ontario and erie instructions have been issued by the departmentof customs and excise at ottawa to customs officials at such places as chippawa on the niagara river and kiifgsviue on lake erie that export from those places is to be stopped it is ex pected that other places including sandwich in southwestern- ontario will receive similar attention canadas constitution and the calls to progress the manchester guardian says not many people inthis country realize how the canadian temper frets tat the fact that alone among the states of the em pire she has angid constitution which she cannot herself mould to suit the calls of progress the guardian goes on to refer to the proposals for an alternation in the constitution of the senate and to the recent decision concerning tho lemieux act clearly when such essentially domestic questions as these have to be taken across the atlantic it is time that canada enjoyed the freedom that australia for instance has to manage her own affairs when quebec ontario and the rest of he provinces agree on a new constitution for the dominion they will certainly find any government here eager to make it law meanwhile the good wishes pi all in this ry country who realize the limits which her constitution l puts on so sturdy a nation as canada will be with j js the movement for unity und reform the email town provides an opportunity for friendship for knowing and for meeting and greeting the other fellow that always will remain an unchallenged asset over that of the big city it is the eternal struggle of quality over quantity hanover post editorial notes the total yield of wheat in canada for the year 1924 is now finally estimated at 262097000 bushels irom 22055710 acres as compared with 474199000 bushels from 22671864 acres in 1923 the higher prices prevailing for- the 1924 crops- fullycompen sated for the smaller yield antirumbujtnirtg treaty ratified general approval of the dominion governments efforts to cooperate with the united states in curb ing the growing evil of smuggling across the border especially liquor and narcotics was evident last week when the prime minister submitted to the house his resolution providing for the ratification by the canadian parliament of the proposed treaty betwetn the twp which hasalready been ratified by the united states congress the treaty will become effective ten days after it has been rati- lied by the canadian parliament and after the jex- changcof ratifications between the two govern ments by providing for close cooperation between the officials of the two countries it will make much easier the suppression of the smuggling of liquor of narcotics and of merchandise across the international border and will be a long step toward putting a stop to the degradation of ports or towns along the canadian shores of the great lakes that have been made the base of operations for rumrunners 5 and also toward removing the causes for irritation between ihe two countries in this matter desirability of conserving our timber in the monthly commercial letter touching the conditions of canadas trade and commerce the canadian bank of commerce sounds this note of caution respecting the large exportations of news- print pulp vjjood and wood products to the united states the production of newsprint during the brst ten months of 1924 aggregated jl tons as compared with 732653 tons in 1920 thisconstitutes m a heavy dram on our pulpwodd resources but it is not the only one during september for instance canada exported to the united states in addition to newsprint and other paper 90353 cords of pulp- wood valued at 1057410 and 1114433 cwt of wood pulp valued at 2856371 for the fiscal year ended march 31st last out of total exports of 1045 351056 wood products and paper accounted for 273354778 to sustain therefore our trade in forest products great care will have to be exercised in preserving that source of wealth the reader has but to look at the history of lumber in michigan to realize the danger to which our forest industries aro exposed between 1850 and 1910 michigan exported l60p00000000 board feet of lumber in 192 for its own consumption it jmported 1000000000 board fegt at a- freight expensed approximately 15000- 060 villages am towns of that state which form erly thrived have passed out of existence railways jwvebceji torn up and th few remaining inhabi- tants of many lumbering districts are taxed exces- l -fsiycly- to pay for municipal and other obligations incurred durihgthe prosperous period constituting 2 as it does at the present timcy25 per cent of our ex ports the source from which our forest products are derived should be carefully conserved and part of the commercial wealth derived therefrom applied to reforestation in the house of commons last week w beuler m p for north waterloo advpeated the amalga mation of the canadian pacific railway with the canadian national railways under the public owner ship plan as a step which would solve the dominion transportation problem both on land and sea amos that old culverts been a nulaaico for yeais it wasnt built right and it lot all tho water nettle on the icrt sldo hero weve got an expert on the con crete writ andrew fowler put in with a wink at the doctor and a nod toward n man who was bent over tho mining- trough joo known all about that i tell you wove been telling him p ought to tuko a big contract sonaowhorc pick out a goad wife and settle down a man ought to mulco use of ouch talonta as tho lords given him joo murch drawled lifting a sweating un- shavan race that thcttll bear detl more gravel boys the boya chuckled the sountof their- guffaws followed tho doctor to tho first turn in the road no doubt it was some frsh joke on joe murcb tho doctor mused ns he recalled the limp mvlnr uf tho ma b long arms and hlfl ituic ox like eyes joe had not an intellect oc tho flrst ordor and every ono was inclined to make spott of him an hour later in the poorest cot tage on oak hill a faded woman met tho doctor ho was took bad a little after mid night she said as she quieted her soba with an efforl of course rfcnew what you told me but i didnt think it would come so soon mrjrmurch down hero has been awful good seems as if ho happened in tho very nights i couldnt keep an eyo open any long er i dont know what i shoum have done if ho hadnt there wasnt any body else who was willing to take tho trouble i heard him praying with john two or three times after id lay down john asked hlm to last night and ho wan just as quiet as could be after that i couldnt help thlnkln of a baby goln to sleep im sure i dont know when theres beeh a prayer said inour house before as the roan- mare jogged slowly down the- stony hill tho doctor was thought ful andrew fowler might lead in prayer at the next midweek meeting but there had not beeh a prayer in that neglected home on oak hill for years until joe mureha illiterate sentences had borne john folsoms dying wlshea fo the fathers listening ear and in the belief that they did so john fol- bora had fallen asleep like a tired child in its mothers arms tho following items of intoiest flom tho last issue of the acton uuxotto and express acton mlddlosux istigland have a remarkablo similarity to tho newq which comes to tho column of tho fiuaa pjtcflfl in 6 in own acton in many respects lartttbiri vnrtt 1owoli aiui co acton and hummoramlth for early the riddle 0ox who 18 the home merchant the home merchant who is he he la the chap who gives you credit when you are financially broke and carries your account until you are able to pay he is t yh hack spring millinery another sorloa of midday muslo re citalswan commenced by mr 8 gib- bins a r c o at st thomas church acton vale on wednesday mr r burrell of acton baths lias been elected honorary ubslutunt sec retary of tho aflhuclutlon of baths superintendents sir george a crlchott bt burgeon ocullstordlnnry to tho kipfif whoso death was announced lust wcok wuh a brother of mr r c carton tho play wright o the red house acton there is genuine sorrow amongst all associated with tho aoton hospital at the untimely death of thomas cocll jupp the flrst pago boy of tho insti tution who would huvo boon sixteen injuly james waldon g7 a doaloi- of st margarets terrace acton was fined 7s qd at aoton police qoqrt ycstoi- day for being incapably drunk ut avenuo road acton john paine 40 a painter of straf ford roadacfon was at acton pollco court oavednesday sent to prison for two months on a charge or stealing on october o the series of highclass dancos in aid of tho acton catholic church debt fund culminated on friday night in a fancy-dress- danco of an extremely bright and tasteful character slrharry and lady brlttaln camo to the grand hall of tho acton baths on the ovenlng of thursday week to participate in the pleasures of ono of the series of well organised con servative dances east acton wan visited by a burglar on tuesday night in last week a chemists shop decupled by mr wil liams opposite sast acton g w r station was entered from tho rear for having an inoojtoct weighing instrument in use at their premises af horn lane acton messrs john j tims limited of station road wll- lesden green were flnedl 5 at acton on wednesday having been sllont since the flrst sunday in january tho organ at st duns tans east acton has been clean ed renovated and completed by tho addition of a choir organ and it is now a three manual instrument at the young peoples service held at the acton congrogauonal church on sunday evening an address on cross words was given by the rov r g davies the annual goneral meeting of the south eaat word members of thu acton womens branch of the national unionist association took place at south field school on friday princess mary viscount laacclles will open the now building at acton on may 5 thd mayoress of acton aid miss smee and tho mayoress of ealing mrs r r klmmltt will participate why illd flm toiil shuttlo doeuumfc it aw tho itlttlicn nlnk what ih loimtlioih i hy hoi tig nit both ends a dltili when is a window llho a stnr when it ih a oliyhnm whon in a bar of iron a had note whon it in forged wiiy is ij ono ox the inoflt unfortun ate of lottoro because it js hover in taeh alwnyn in debt uiid novor out of riurlger why ih it hurder to spell violet than green 7 because green is apollod 1th more eatio os when is a sailor very wooden when hos aboard when is a clock on tho stulrn very dangerous when it tuns down and strikes ono why does a sailor hhow that there hrno man in thcmobnt because ho has boon to hpo fftm what in tha most awkward tlmo foi a train to start 12c0 an it in ten to one if you catch it babys own soap business ihrectory medical dr j a mcniven phyalolun nd buroon avnus and iiln street spring is coming what four a burglar o r c u letters would frighten why is a dog with a broken lea llko a hoy at arithmetic because ho puts down tbrdo and carrion otto what trco gr near tho tho beech what ship nowr fcoca noar the sea hardships why aro dogs llko trees because they produce a bark a manysided problem canada now has 4068 pensioners on her payroll of this number 44069 were pensioned for disabilities as members of the canadian expeditionary forces in the late war dependants receiving pensions num ber 1999 of the total number of pensioners at the encf of last year 50746 reside in canada 5431 in the united states 7292 in the british isles and 599 else where this information was given in the house of commons speaking on the 44 beer proposition hon mr biggs said the other day it was not wanted and he deprecated any return of the bars he was not op posed to the beverage tax because it was only a chemical proposition and cold water was better 44 beer is not intoxicating treat it exactly as you do other soft beverages but dont open up thej bars or things will go farther than we or the government want them to go your money oc makes exchanges whon you uro not satis lied with what you have bougfat he is the chap who meets you at tho door with a handshake and lets you out with a message to the kids and a real camo again good- by 0 he is the chap whose clerks live in tho home own and spend their money with you and other local people ho is the chap wha helps support our churches and other charitable or ganisations and talks for the homo town and boosts for it ttvery day in the year he is the chap who visits you when you are sick sends flowers to your family when you die and fouows your body- out among the trees and tombs as far as human feet may travel with the dead j be is the home merchant your neighbor your friend your helper in time of need dont you think you ought to trade with him and be his friend and his helper in tixno of need dont you kjpow that ovory dollar you send out of town for merchandise is sent to strangers to men who never spend a dollar hero tou dont savo much usually nothing when you send your money out of town dont you know that the growth- and pros perity of this town and community de pends much upon the success and pros i perity of the home merchant out of town people judge our town by the op- pcarance of cur stores and the degree of enterprise shown by our merchants and your home merchants cannot suc ceed unless homo folks give them loyal support st marys journal the benefactions distributed through the mothers allowance board of the province now bring relief to 4155 homes in ontario monthly under the pro visions of the mothers allowance act of ontario the dependency of the mothers is accounted for by the death or total incapacitation of the father of the children the death of both parents or the deser tion of the father where the period of desertion is five years or more the annual report of the superintendent of the canadian penitentiaries shows a decrease in the num ber of inmates of 201 which is over ten per cent less than the previous year the superintendent recommends xry strongly that more work b pro vided prisoners at a fair rate of wages during the yeir about one half ok the prisoners were released on parole of these less than fiye per cent failed to report to the police toronto board of trade through its president mr s b gundy has decided that one of the main activi ties during the year will be to endeavor to establish a closer cooperation and understanding between the boards of trade and the chairibers of commerce of canada and through these bodies a better relation ship between the provinces of the dominion this should foster a gettogether spirit ofvalueto ttie best interests of canadian people generally under the heading the motorist to be further soaked the orillia newsletter says thfc motorists in ontario are surely getting it handed to them in the way of taxes first they are gouged about 40 per cent over thevalue of a cox when they make a pur chase owing to- the tariff and business tax next they attribute some millions in the way of license fees anctfiow they are to be the victims of a gasoline tax soak the motorists but increase the salaries and indemnities of the law breakers f j hon mptfpiggs has different idea respecting the proposed gasoline fax from thafrof ttje provincial treasurer he sjl8 he supported the tax and if ha hadcoptinuetf tminister would have imposed it last year but ut increasing the gasoline tax he would have reduced the motor license fee to a stan dard sum of 500 or 600 fhis he claimed would be more equable and would put the tax so that the man who used the roads most should contribute most to their maintenance bred to the bone that tho irishmans tendency tp make bulla is inborn la well illustrated by thofoltowlng anecdote fiveyearold pats mother was tell ing her small son the story of herself and her twin bister one morning when we were a week old the nurse was bathing us and she took the blue ribbon off delias jwrlat and tho pink one of stellas wrist when she was ready to put them on again she could not remember which one of ua was bella and which one was stella so she took us in to our mother hut mother could not tell el t ner and no one ever knew whether or not we had our right names after that then when we were seven years old one or usjled and nobody new whether it was delia or stella little pat burst into an agony of tears and sobbed out i just know it was my own mother that died when she wan seven years old i how unreasonable many business men actually believe that spelling ought to be an accom- pltbhmosit of the average college grad uate a yourig roan bachelor of arts was recently put to work running a small printing press in the back room of a bankers orlce he was to set up and print i number of circulars to be sent out to the customers of the house when tho work was finished it was found to differ decidedly from the stan dards of spelling set hy tho late messrs webster and worchestor tho young man was summoned to an aud ience with ttio chief the interview was not pleasant and the young man showed as much by his face when he rejoined the rst of tho jfflce force whats the matter john some one asked of him matter enough replied john tho boss exjfects stn educated man to spelt just like a blooming stenographer f bor 1 1 an awful possibility ireathlesnly he rushed into the bar ber shop his hat collar and neck- tlo wero oft in a thrice and ho sprang nto the chair over which old frits presided i want n a have and a hair cut and i have onlyflxteen minutes he said old frit i stopped to consider after a few neconds he asked vltch do you vant the most a shave tho shnvo took about eleven minutes t as frlta removed tho towel from his customers neck he said mine friend dont neter again ask a barber to cut your hairs and share you in flftoen minues pocause some time you might find a barber vat would do 1l thermuyorof actorflviubo at homo in tho council chamber at 3 pm on thursday march 6 to moot sir sidney skinner president of the acton hos pital and xjeutcoi d c d sword secretary acton fanciers society hold its an nual show of poultry eggs and rab bits at tluusteyne hall last week the show iwb well supported by momborff and poultrykeepers resident in acton quiet progress the membership hav ing increased from j12 to 382 was re ported at the annual meeting of the acton branch of the league of nations union which was held in tho council chamber on tuesday night an all children party ages 12 years and upwards will be held in st duns tans hall acton under the auspices of tho childrens union wen dy branch tomorrow from 7 to 10 30 pm no adults will be admitted be- modern education with all its suc cesses sometimes breeds a condltwi of mental uncertainty tho old maxim bo euro you aro right then go ahead is complicated by the dlfflcully of be in it quite sure whether ony is absolutely right or not jane called a young mother yes sum when tho baby has finished nln bottle lay jitm in tho cradle on his right side after eating a child should always lay on the- right side that relieves the pressure on tho heart still she added reflectively the liver is on the right side perhaps after alk you had better lay him on his left side no im suo the books said right sldo on the whole jane you may lay tho baby on his back till i have looked tho matter up more thoroughly tftit mo uuotn you ffivoruhlo prices on all ho mlndn at firnt grade nursery ntmk fruit or hntl fref ormihkntnl or flowering hhruli n vnon perennial plifttn etc from the wellknown wollanfl nurnerles on tho oolcbrited national brands of ffrtii7cr fflrfvm or garden spraying material tock and poultry ftcln mad in cin- ada for national fertilizers lt wont toronto frank scr1ven agent box 150 acton phone 88 jif j nelson pugdcrick street acton ontario r legal phone- no t p o vox 111 harold nash farmer m a bfcrristftr solicitor notary pub lis convftyanesr eta pgrflvman block actoal out money lent on mortgages hours x30 sm to 5 pm saturdays 1200 ooloek h g mefr britr solicitor notary publlo- georgetown ont dental dr j m bell d d l ti w dentist honor gradual of toronto rnlvar- fllty the latent innsthtic u if desired office it residence cimer of mill and frederick street dr f g gollop dds los dsntsl durgson offles over bsnk of nov scott hours 9aoto iao evening by appointment lifes process of elimination forewp p m thvls thvist acton company of the boys life brigade attached to the acton congregational church has mado ar rangements to go to camp during whit week may 3d to june 6 this year in stead of the first week in august as has been the usual custom r social gatherings arranged by tho acton police oh behalf of their athletic club are generally successful and that at the acton baths on wednesday night was peculiarly so thomas w grace a metal worker of curdross street hammersmith was charged at acton police court on fri day with being found on enclosed premises the institute old oak road acton for unlawful purposes under the compulsory windingup order made agalnstmorgana tailors ltd who carried on business at the broadway high street acton the of ficial receiver for the brentford dis trict has issued his report on the liqui dations to tho creditors much sorrow is felt in south acton where he was extremely popular by the untimely death of mr robert glgg proprietor of the albany laundry 3tj pal mere ton road who was only 39 years of age mrs mary anne healy wife of mr j healy 16 nelson place the steyno acton who died last wcok lived to celebrate her diamond wedding in ac ton and left eight children 48 grand children and 47 greatgrandchildren fredlc fox 20 a musician of no fixed abode was charged on remand at acton pollco court on wednesday with being found in a dwelling bouse at 13 avenue crescent acton for an unlawful purpose the purchase of gunnersbury faik for public purpose an object whlcn after some misgivings- there is renewed hope of attaining will be an extremely important development for acton herb halton 30 a carpenter who gave an address in norfolk wn charged at acton police court on monday with falling to pay arrears under an affiliation order acton has many organisations fo juveniles and for those who aro a little older and might feel hurt to be designated as juveniles there are to mention only a few tho boy scouts the girl guides boys brigade cadets schools football and swimming as sociations and old scholars asso ciations i at act9n pollco court on wednes day cornelius w t sullivan 11 of providence place shepherds bush pleaded guilty to a charge of unlaw fully wounding george t green 14 of gloucester road acton by stabbing him in tho back with a pocketknife at high street acton on the 7th inst at tho sessions for acton at acton police court on wednesday an ap plication was made by mr wallace v bull for a license for tho sale of wlno at 246 actonlano acton upon the protest ot a neighboring saloon man the license was refused during the period of the civu war wheirfood won most scarce a con federate officer was riding through a field one day when he discovered one of his men up a persimmon tree plucking the green bitter fruit what are you doing ho asked dont you know that green persim mons are not at to eat yes sir i know it was tho re ply im only trying to draw up my stomach to fit my rations fatal frankness one day a neodylooklng indlvlduil in a railway carriage got into conver sat on with a fellow travelor ha hsfd a good tale to tell ah sir he said sadly ive seen changes j was onco a doctor with a large practice but owing to 000 little nllp my patients began to leavo mo and npw im just living from hand tp mouth what was the slip was the natural question well sir repwed the other in filling out a death certificate for n natlent that hnd jmou i absently- raindedly signed my home in the space hoaatfo cause of death i did you otvor see oranges rolled along jbhutbiulod withbolosthrough which the smaller fruit and tho in ferior la constantly dropping till only the largest and finest is left life is similar to the device for getting rid of the inferior sort qome people give up as soon as they encounter anything a little hard or discouraging and aro seen no raoro criticism mokes an end of others they work bravely as lopg as someone is patting them on the back but have no courage to go on when they discover that their asso ciates do not believe in them failure downs a great many who never think of trying again in tho end therefore only the big souls are left those who th6 undaunted by discouragement un deterred by criticism and unbeaten by failure the only remedy v a topnotch sales man at officeboy wages this salesman who reaches the ear of the public quickest and adds the largest num ber of new business prospects costs you muchless than the cheapest officeboy add him to your sales force as an investment that can bring large returns your best salesmen to use long distance freely each year more than 30000 new telephones are added in ontario and quebec to the list of those they can do busi ness with mi8cellanb0u3 pfcancis nvnan bookbiiuhr account book3 at all kltuta made r order periodicals of every description carefully bound rullnff neatly an prompt done wyashtm street gaoln oat onr wmiam stan r j kerr coat a family ua ihai ofiu annuazoutzay the name red rose has been a guarantee joi quality for 30 years red rose tehis good tea the orange pekoe is extra good try it t plough s3l a financial furrow sst- i f very time a pen marks an entry in your bank book it is ploughing a financial furrow for you that will yield a money crop in die form of interest r open a savings account at our nearest branch you can bank with us by mail on any matter of rarm v finance consult with our manager as you would with a friend- r a bank where small acquis are welcome bank of montreal established over ioo years tbtal asset in excess of 47booooao j i auctioneer and bteal estate years earner nee list toce property with 1te acton ontario start on monday at gcelph business college gummsr bidg guefph ont for thorough training j5y individual instruction from business experienced in structors courses secretarial bookkeepers stenographers gndph business college graduates are in demand a l bouck principal and proprietor dont neglect eyes your toko advantaso of speciali3t scrcpg oftered by this estab lishment and know our glasses uro right cxperience is a good teacher 1903 1925 wo havo had over twenty yoars at it and hero patrons aro assured of the nest in op- ticaz service a d savage optometrist and mfg optician savage building right at tho post ofllco guelph ontario jesnpravljo q3rioiuondst vifesr tforonto c4ad4 the old and reliable granite and marble works wo aro manufacturers and direct import of a of all kinds of monumental and hoiidatono work wo soil direct to our customers at wholosalo price thue savins our customer 40 por cent vvo have tho best- applfairices and tho only mochanlca in the dominion who can operate pneumatic tool properly jsto can give references front hundreds of our cuatomora in toronto and other places whoro others havo to havo law suits in order to colloctt wo havo the largest and best slock of granite in the dominion or more than any three dealers in tiro west wo aco legiti mate dealers and employ no agents and donot -annoy- or post customer by sending out ignorant agonta solicit ing orders wb employ only mechanics and defy competition hamilton sons ouelph ont r- subbcaiptlons for all maqa zinb9 takenxt thefree vhk6s owfk 1rl i 2mj5