w- jm 2flj iv ibm 3fm ftaraa thirrsdat march 10 1d2c when the hens begin to lay thoro ia laughter in the barnytifij there in cackling lh tho uuy when tho rooator bounds hiu txurfiwhet and the hen a begin to lay there arc holes around tho utraw stuck me u in t theru la watching round tho corner when tho henu pcffln to lay thoro ur smiles within tho farmhouse when tho lttmha are safo at play when tho baby calves are dancing and the hens begin to ny there- uro oralettea superior on the tabic every day and the hired man la happy whon the huhs begin to lay nowb the feathered htfrvcat time then hat to what i aay be sur and leave a nest egg whon the hena begin to lay thoehah n the sunday school lbssn i for sunday march 22 the forty days and the as cj3nhion lukp k4 3g53 go text ye u wun of xuko 34t18 opportunity twenty years ago frcfrr tho- iaus of tho rfreo po- of thursday march 23 10o5 xho pavements are pretty generally jclcar of show and ice again the wheels have supplanted the runners agqin sleighing la done mr adam cook haa commenced the dairying business and whrcll6vllctne homo jcraey dairy sorao very fine ahip timber haa bocri delivered at the g t r yards hero lately t rom neighborlng t arms it la to bo shipped tp uio old country sbip- yards welcome welcome gentlo spring hail no dont hail pleano blow warm on- the little buds 6 they ivill not freeze whisper to- tho violets it ia timo to wake audv0ttt lot a bllszard loose dont foe goodnxisa sake after being disappointed on dates fixed by milton several times acton ladles hockey team vat last necurcdt a date for tuesday evening the- acton team was handicapped by being a player shoit the ico was- very soft these thlngu tlmosunday p m april u and tuesday may18 30 places jerusalem and the mount of olives the text explained 1 the risen joaua jn the mlddt of his dlaclplea 3643 jcaus having appeared to individ uals- now appears to the dlaclplea col lectively it was immediately after therretuuh altholtwo from emmuus vorso 1335 tho dlaclplea were in fear of tho jows- with a word jesus baniali cd their fear pcncb bo unto you aa ho said this he waa stand ing in their midst tho doora were shut to keep thejjowa but- strangely enough tho first result of the appear ance- and words of jesus- was in man shrinks before r supernatural jestis sternly rebukes their unbelief and hardn6a of heart mark 16 14 when he stands in the mldat there ia always peace no matter hpw great tho tumult without his coming is tho great cure for all fear and uprrxiw shut doora aro ho barriers to tho en trapc of tho resurrection body of jeaua his aalutation peace bo unto you was a common form of salu tation hut jeaua put new meaning into it ho not merely says- peaco boj unto you but ho actually impart q jieaco afterliaving- given thoni deuce ho later gave ttem a comnaiaslon first peaco in our own heartsand then a commission to others- it was a searching question what jeaua put to tliem why aro yo troubled but ho puts the same question to every troubled heart today to oercomo their poralatenj unfellcf and to con vince thorn beyond question that it waa indeed his very self in wonder ful condescension jeaua showed unto them his nail- scarred hands und feet and his spearpierced aider the evl dencea of tho literal physical resur recently a mechanic who luid nrade a comfortable living- to hlmacut unci family working steadily ln4ho cmiiloy of a largo cntractor remarked ttrcc friend- f my employer talua hh if i were n failure bocauao i am not in bualnoss for myself and have not grown rich ho anya anyone with my training- ought to make a fortune in thia lantf of opportunity maybe ho la fight cun- trdahatliehundotpportjjualtytbutauj und tho- milton toam considerably w w w- heavier the ocoro waa 86 irj mil- faction of chrtet tons favor l atiu had flesh and bones hlablood tho acon board of trade held us ho p0u forth out on tho croaa of muni mtincr nn tnrtav wltr ca it ae too good p be annual meeting on tuesday veiling john cameron j p waa elected president h p moore vice-presl- dent and a goodeye secretary- treasurer died saukders in acton m monday murcb 20 1905 sidney k saunders in his 4isjlycarr v broad scots gcatiqn of the near presence ot the lovely xrorno and tho great john rldd as- a chanco word on the lilgh- waygave her later arwtmantrtn farmhouse door answering a couiiixy- mans queatfoh satd merely young mr ridd haa just gonef by that was a thrill indeed that thoro are- atiu ridds in john rid da country was woftth knowing but at that mo ment she did not reckon yearar and generations young- mr riddwas john hi just by elu her every truvelgr knows that aomo ot the keenest joya of travol spring from trlllea a lover of iorna doone visiting the dooho valley waa pleased and interested by tho romantic pot but she felt no such vivifying aug- emphatic and unmistakable way ho true but it is true he gave them further ttroof by actually eating be fore them and at last thoy were act ually convinced 2 jesus ascends into heaven tho events of the remeanlng verses did not follow immediately after those of tho3rocedlhg versesras one might naturally suppose if luko himself did not give us a fuller account in the acts of the apostles he here summarized what in a later record ho tells in do tail jesus says that all the events that had occurred were simply tho ful fillment of his own words and of tho old testament scriptures in theuioat lookout itj opportunity mcapa morp thup the chance to accumulate m6noy or course money la all right but i have never- felt that- n fortune was worth working myself to a frazxto for as ho doea just look at him ho is almost a physical wreck nnd from my point of view ho is a monuil and spiritual falluro to bo nure be la succeasful in his profession and uq jias accumulated money but he has no time to read 4 good book nnd ho actually doesnt know enough fo en gage in ix lively general discussion re never haa time to jipcnd with his fam ily aa i dq to hia boys and girls he la merely a man who provides thpm with luxuries im dud to muio ho luis no time to cultivate hla apirluial nature ive taught a clans of boys fornt teeh schooh l gone on hkca with them occasionally ive given them many a spare hour- and during that fifteen yeara rve more than oho ot them mftko the decision that will effect ills whole future and as 1vo worked and talked and prayed ahd planhed with thoao bpys i felt my own nature ex pand and grow thats one of the glorious opportunities of this glorioua opportunities of this land of ouratlo chance of getting bigger yourself hy italplng others if i had been in busi ness for myaelf with my heart aot on- got tlngx i 8hould np jloubt have thought that i had no time to work with those lioys no sir is dont ugreo that im a failure- just bocauso i havont grown rich ive brought up a family and given them all a practical education ive taken part in tho community hfo ive enjoyed myself as i went along ive tried to do what good i could and i havoaved a small competence for old cage canadian opportunity means more to mo than tho chance to make a fortuno performing wlu animauo act8 given up nona with rsnajindoarnum circuf next season mr chakea rinp- lino givoa reason fftake one there will be no performing wild animals with the rlngllng brothers and barnum and balloy combined shown next season tho decision ot tho messrs rlhgllng rrothers to sell theflc animals the sale was concluded at t he end of t ho 1 w4aeason hasr no doubt been the cauaeof much won der and comment among circus- folka und for their benefit the- billboard givus the reasons which coma from no irfsh un authority than mr charles rlngllng himself 1 there has bocn enough criticism by tho public of wlldanlmal acts to warrant us in witlidrftwlhir them as a quite common improsafon is njrevclant that tigers llono etc are taught by very trough methods and that it is crujol to force them through their atunuu 2 many parents- object to bringing young children to a show in which mien antj women enter thecages with f6rocloua bcaata 3 tho delay in hauling tho animal into and outvof the circus temt and of tcahsporflrig tlio nhlhaals from theh- shifting dona into the arenas and back la very pbjectipnable and not afto- gether without dapger 4 the public neema to prefer animal diets in which the animals themselves iiuem to take an interested and play ful part as do dogs seals horbes ele- lihanta etc ve believe that the t cruelty so apt tg prevail in the training of these the nubile will some day recagnlrp it is a fine evidence of tho growth f public sohtlment relatlvo to such acta and we heartily congratulate the jungllnj5 brothers nna barium ami salloy company uon the decision to which they have come miss ityddon a capable member of thvboanl of direct or u was rocoived at tho old ladles home aftor a six vhontha absence in california with nn excited flu t tor of welcome thatnboiiail failed tp understand till ah o- found she wasexpected to nolvo a mystery its my ox eagerly explained mlas sophy osborne my box from california the card doosnt aay wip sent it but wo thoug perhaps youd ihibwt rhemobt deuthifiii oranges ana corns ure painful growths hotlo- ways corn remover will remove them expensive smiles gems of thought eager vision by nomorp than a turn of tho road recently ji waa nearly as excited on her arrival in tho land of barrie and steyenaoh at her first encounter with broad scots sha had forcotten to expect it and tho dialect aholcnew so well in print fell upon her cars n3 most as surprisingly as if in tho cauntry of tho lake poets her land lady addressed her in verse arriving th the edinburgh railwaystation she rlaptu7anieaiportertathelufe gagevan with her belongings her attention was dietracted for a raomont and when she looked again he was gone another porter- volunteered ah explanation he said hmonsaweefrabr-f-r-r- rr sho did not understand and he re- peatod thp remark thmonsaweefrabrrrrrr it dawned upon hor then that this was the braid scots patiently and condescendingly observing that she was stfll nn enlightened the porterald lt again thm onsaweefrabrr rrjrr husterlng uli herilterary wits tin made a gallant guc and solrcd the son te nee- thank you oho mold graciously and waited in proud com- posuretni themanwhowas -away- for a brrrr returned and took her trunk upon his barrow strange blunders of artists in the dome of the capitol at w ington there aro elght great nalnt rrcarefully designed anavnxocuteta the artists for the adornment of nations greatest building yet five of them are either defective in tcohnfquo or in error asto natural or historical facts- one of tho bestknown pictures la that in which washington is shownro i signing his commlsaton to tho con tlnental congress there aro two young girls almost lifesize standing in the foreground they aro vory pretty jrirls but ono of them haa tlireo hands ono loft hand rests upon thq shoulder of her companion another idf t hand la rouyid her dompanloaa waist doubtless tho artist trumbolli painted both hands to see which poso he preferred and then forgot to plnt 1 out tho superfiuous hand diagonally xcross the- rotunda la ho painting of the baptism of pocahontas sitting- in tho foreground is opcncan- ennough tho uncje of pocahontas re js barefooted ahd the artist has given him el toes on hialefl fopl r iri the painting of tho landing- of columbus- which uaed to ba repro duced on the five dollar banknote th artist has painted three flngb thoy or very well drawn but one lo blow ing east ono west ahd the other south whloh indicates a very variable con dition of the wind on that famous day in tho picture of the surrender of cornwnlhs cjenernl washington is too conspiclous seated upon a white horse but oeneralwashington was not prcif- nt at tho surrender cornwallla did not aurreodcr his army in person but sent a subordinate officer to do sp accordingly washington despatiied anofllcor of corresponding rank to ro- celyo th- surrender it would have jeen a breach of military etlauotto- for wjfflrtrgttntobtt present the fifth picture signing of tho declaration of indepcndenco at phjia- deiphu pn july fourth 1776 is wrong only ip tltlq tho zmjolrnxtion was adoptcd on july 4th but it wai not signed by the members of tho con groa until auguut 2 1776 sots the stomp of his authority upon tho whole old testament jesus- took each of tho three recognized divisions rthfr01dteatament6cripturbthe iaw tho phophots and the 130118 ahdsottho stamp of hia authority upon each and au if wo accept the authority of jesus christ we aro driven to accept the entire old testament as the inerrant word of god we cannot give up the authority of any book xjf theold testament and- retai an intelligent frf in joaua i fhrlai iknqgith m tho whoie old testament and cfarlac jesus christ and a whole blbleor no bible and no jeauu chribt ho opened their understanding to understand tho scriptures no amount of mere verbal atudywlll enable us to understand the scriptqrea- unless joaua opens our znlnde it was especially the testi mony of the old testament to his death and resurrection that jesus brought out versa 46 ontho ground of tho sure facts of his death and resuxrcupnrepentaiice nfl ircdoio- oion of sins should be preach edvin ufa name to all tho nations tho draclplau were next toldnfcftt thoy were jtheni- aelves to be tho firv witnesses of theao glorious truths doubtleaa they were eager to begin at once but jeaua said no don t degin yet you are hot ready thero is another preparation that is so allessential that jr must not go ono otop without it tarry ye hterully alt ye down in the city until ye be t clouicd with power- from on high how solemn how full of import to us thoy were simply to tell tho world what their own there ia an obliqire way of rcproor which takpa off the sharp neas ot it and an address in flattery which makeslt agreeable though nover so gross but of- all flatterers tho most- skillful in ho who can do what you like without saying anything which argues ho does it for your sake- true loyalty cons late not in bowing the knee to earthly greatneaa or in heroic deeds to gild the kingly knave or garniah out the fool hut in noblo generous ivcts of honeat purpps where truth honer and virtue and a nations welfare are dearer than life james ellis spill hot the morning the quintes sence of tho day in recreation ior sleep itself la a recreation add not therefore sauce to sauco and ho can norptoiterly haveany7fltletobo e freahpd whowaa not flrat faint thomas puller there are certain duties and loyal ties toward our native land common to every cltlzon and education must have such a dirpctloji jitonable overy citizen to fulfil hla duty toward hiu eyea had scengpowbat thfllr nwn onrs you p in ipynnrniiit had heard from the lips of the son of god but they must not move a step until the- power of the holy ghost had coma- uponlthcm what presumption then for us to preach or teach or wit ness without that power in pofnt of fact they had to wait ton days it was hot a waste of time they ac complished moro in ono day as tho out come of tho waiting than they would have otherwise dono in a lifetime thoy alone knew the qoapclwhlch tho world was perishing in ignordnco of yet they iubt wait thoy were to recolve a baptism not many days honco ovl- dontry they had not yot rocoived but they wore generation men kvldnt- ly then regeneration is ono thing and tho baptism withth spirit something additional immediately after speak ing theao words while thejr woro look ing xils fqet began to leave tho earth this was his parting message to us how wo ought to ponder it he bad lifted his hands to bless them as ho finished the message ho went up with his hands stretched put in benedic tion and he has been blessing us ever since he ascpndodlo appear in tho presence of god in our behalf to pro- pare a place fcrtls his presence thero makes us ctentally secure ans his prescnoe thero now guarantees our presence thero thereafter marketing cleverly pife hayo you anlce tmcumhert nnlfcj sandy as ho entered uio market- gw- den i heroes one ropucd jtho sxar- denor that will bo nlnoponco too much havo yo no ane for about tuppence the gardener hliowed him abmnll fibjbea thovincayou can havo this one for- tnppontw h said all rlcht heres tho tuppencor tilt uoftt out it off ill he calling for it in a fortnwht daily readings for nxt week monday march 23chriats lntor- cesbry prayer john x7 113 tuesday mnreh 24 jeaua in goth- aemanc mark 14 3242 wednesday march 25 christ be fore pilate matthow 27 1120 thursday march 26 the saviour oh the cross luke 23 8346 fviday march 27 our lords res urrection john 20 116 saturday march asrtho comrau- alon and the asconaton ldke 24 45- 53 v stindny march 29 tho moaaago of the reigning chrjsl itov i 918 clearing the line a young lady took down the re ceiver one day and found thut the line of tho telephone was in use i jdst put on a pah of boons for dinner she heard on woman com ptacently inform another the yourig woman hung up thare- celvcr and waited for the conversa tion to end when aha wentbjiok to the telephone the women were still talking that happened throe times says bvorybodya magaxlno und then the young woman bocamd cxanper atod and broke into tho conversation tuadam i smell your beans hurn- ing sho annoupcod crisply a horrltfdscream greeted the tc- raark and tho young lady waa ubje to put in hor call noah 4ndent4fieo why do you sign ypur numo krfr- nh awaked a teacher of ono of tlio oblneae boys in her cloas dobtfyou know that korah la a girls namo oh no was the iroply norah waa the namo of the famous canadian who built the ark thoro is hardly any piece of infor matlon which will not come in use ful hardly anything which is not worth seeing at least once there are in real ity no little things only little minds r 3lr john lubbock tho moment we cross the primitive border of equity all things seem tq fall ub on falsehood gives rlao to a hundred and treachery returns to un through a thousand channels mae- terllnk temperanco givea nature hor full play and enables her to exort her self lnall her force arid vigor ad dison t temperance indeed is a bridle of gold and h who uses it rightly is moro like a god than- a man- burton temperance is tho moderating of ones desire in obedience to reasoni clcorp worth gods making ahjjyoupossibly can the nauon-har-hows-htsf-acienee- to kill its religion is in mortal danger botemperate and you will bo happy el franklin temperanco docs not run a man in debt how a queen proposes h it ia always leapyear for reigning queens they must mako the first ad vances for their position is such that no man of inferior rank may venture to propose marrlago to thorn accord ingly queen victoria proposed tp pririeo albert how she didit sho herself tells in her published memoirs at about half past twelve oclock i sent for albert ho came to tire closot where i was alone and nftcra few mlriats i said toim that i thought he must be aware that i wished iiim tocomp hero and that it would mako me happy too if he would consent to what i wanted to marry mo wo em braced each other and he was so kind nnd affectionate i told him that i was quite unworthy of him he- said he would be very happy and was so klhd and soemed so happy that i really felt it was tho happiest brightest moment in my llfo x told him u would bb a great sacri fice which ho would not allow i than told him of the necessity of keeping it a secret cxcoptt his fatftor and uncle leopold and to whom he said he would send a courtier the rihxt day and also that it wti to be as early are th beginning of feb ruary i- told him then t fetch ernest tho duke of cumberland which he did arid he congratulated us both and sqembd very happy i felt the happiest of human beings says ponrbonb weekly and tho clerk wanted the soldier to endorse it what fortv demanded the soldier well its the rule and i cant pay you themonoy until you do endorse it he was told r oh all rlghtl grumbled themes- aeiiger so he took back the check and bit tho end of a pen in dftep modi- tatlou for a snlnutoor two then he wrote this t beg to say that i have know lord roberta for several years and he has proved himself times without number to be na brave as a hon but always kindly considerate to those who serve under- him and i have therefore grjdut pleasure in respectfully lndurs- fns his check snobbery tho womnn frlond who had just gone tho larjjb stores as d saleslady sho had a keen sense of hutnor and when the woman saw a merry twinkle in her eye and a slight curve ut the cor ner of hor mouth she asked what now so many funny things happen at tho shpp answered the friend to day i was called to wait upon a woman who lived in a utile town whero i lived when i was first married sho had no social poaltton hut i was al ways kind to her and she seamed de lighted with niy attentions site had married fairly well and has been taken up by a somlspclal bftt and uko all upstarts thinks tho way to be a lady is to look down on working girls i said cordially how do you do bo and so she looked round in a frightened man ner to see if anyone had heard such familiarity with a shopgirl then with the etirfesttrid or ii bow ruahod off to a afer pavt of the store and this shopgirl i cojnnctod with one of the finest famlllos in am rlca laugh and the world laughs with you exqopt autocratic rulers who cannot soe themselves in a ludicrous light several anecdotes taken from nn engllbh paper ahow how a sense of humor usually a wholesome posses sion has brought trouble to the man with a ready laugh the cxar returning onco from lonff journey was weary and in no mood to be trifled with as ho was passing through his apartments on ciny he slipped ona wolfskin mat that hay on tho polished floor clutching at ono of his attendants he yearly brought himself and his support to the floor baron enldnffi hla eonfldentlai adviser could hotcncck afftflh which tils monarch turned- around just in time- t see the next day enldoff was dlsmlssedfrom his position and lost the sixty thousand dollars a year vahlch waa attached to it tho kaiser was an equally j danger ous potentiate to laugh at- mr ooug milbankc n clover but bluff scotama jvho was anexpert in colonial admin istration was taken up jjy the kaiser vhvwanted his advicon eastern nffnlrw ntid hnd decided to gjgflhim aj important position to guard ger man- interestsin -china- at onoof their conferences the kaiser made an absurd suggestion us to eastern diplo macy mllbanke- lauched the kaiser wlahed him a frigid good night and never received him again another scottish ndministratorrm duncan mcvea waa advising the plea- yart bu t pu had planned to put the shaky govern ment of the cape verde isiandain tho hands of this skilful roamagbr tbo king became very much excited a lid made an- absurd botch of jhl eiiffllnn which is usually excellent mccvea smiled audibly- and waa promptly ordered away he waa never appointed to the governorship which carried tx salary of twentyfive thou sand dollars grapefruit dozens of them most as big as mellons i havont tasted any thing so good since tho burry danjo peara in the old garden at home miss ly dons face lighted sud denly pears dourre danjou pears she exclaimed miss sophy did you ever put a basket of penrs on the sidewalk by your gate with n card on i ti saying take prie7 jtears when thero was a good yield i always did admitted miss sopiy wondering theredbe plonty to put up and give away ahd a good many over so id put out a basketful each day while they lasted poopleaoomed tor appreciate them the workmen going by would tuck one in their pock- etu and nod and smile up at the -wln- pwndjmy bpyslirzsho hroke off ilhd smiled reminlspontly- i niet a imlitcrtohboy in cali fornia said miss lydden v who told me about that basket hejoften hadnt any breakfast in those days he told me how mean hed feel because ho used to- ou his pockets instead of taklrig k but he was so huhgrjir ho could ni help it he owns a ranch now and feel pretty- sure the poor poorchlld broke in miss sophy pitifully to think of his only having pears to btiy his poor llttlo stomach for school oh why didnt i know and feed him iip oh i nover felt so meanliow could i ever have said take one tell me hfs name my dear and ill write today tcr tank him and tell him that i hope bra pock ets were extra big and plenty of them and that he filled them full every one to think that i cast a few peursi didnt want upon the waters and they return to m nfter many days u whoe crateof grapefruit so much for so little much may seem little ahd little may seem much murmured miss lyddon miss sophy did not hear its so lovely to have something pf my own to share ngnln she said happily youll stay tp supper and trjta grape fruit wpntypu 1 it will prevent ulceraud throat at the first symptom of aor throat which presageja ulceration and inflam mation take aspoonful of dr thomas eo lee trie oil add a little sugar to it to make it palatable r it will allay the irritation and prevent the ulceration and swelling that are so painful these who were periodically subject to quinsy have thus made themselves immune to attack out on the farm the freshman was spending satur day afterneonqn the farm owned by his sweeties papa and tho scenery fill ed hiro with romance thoy were walking through the pasture when he noted a cow and a calf rubbing noses he atoppwnnd smiled such a loving sight lie said to the girl makes me want to do the samo thing jo ahead said the glrl its pah cow and ho wont mind tho trail asthma victims the man or wo man subject to uathma is indeed a victim what can be more terrifying than to be suddenly seised with par- oxcygma of choking which fairly threat en the oxlstonco of life itself from such a condition df j d kelloggs asthma kcmely haa brought inany to colnplotely restored health and bappi- neaa it ia known and prised in every section of this brood land his endorsemenf the- late lord roberta onco sent- hi otdorlyto the hank a check t lnthlsieamdfg he atralgh rub it in for lame back a bclak rubblngwltb dr thomaa eoloctrlc oil will relieve inimv back the skin will lmmodlately absorb the oil and it will penetrate the tissues andbrlng speedy relief try it and be convinced as the tlnlment sinks in the pain caraes put and there are ample grounds for bay- inff that it is an excellent article why indeed a certain captain had been lecturing hist pew recruits at some- length on the duties of a soldier at jnsthe thought the time had come to find out juat what ho had accmiphdied casting his eye over the room he fixed on private murphy as his first victim private murphy he asked why should a soldier be ready to die tor his country the private scratched his head for while then an ingratiating smile flitted across his face sure captain he mild pleasantly youre quite right why should hot the joy of struggle the joy of struggle la something are cannot afford to ipso as we alue things t cunnoi hiluru io juhc txu wouiuo wu y- iih mccording to the amount they cest lz i onsrgyoraacrlflce the spoiled ch just gone intp pne pf m ld rt tr child whose nursery is full pf expensive toys does not get half the fun put pf the array that another will from an ox- prea icart madefrom a seap box the luurdeat life brings pleoanre to the one who ranks high in his hat of joya that of the struggle tor them for coughs colds s and bronchitis 2 mother graves worm exterminator willdrive wormsr frotnrthe system without injury to the child -becauae- ita action while fully effective la mild r horizontal 1 a visual defect 10 beforet llseet cspanlsh 12 diris name v 14 unit of measujji ajb 16 railway oflico ab 18 mans name ah 19 pearly white -21- cackloberry 23 valuable rock 25 railroad ab 26 beverage 20 anger 32 hourab v 33 repeated introduction of serqm 34 tim east of fort wjillnnttab 36 boys name ab 36 and sp on ub- 37naniebf a continent ac 38 oriental monetary unit 41 a wager t 42 to figure 47 mans nam ab 40 to open poetic go military decoration backwards ab 51 observe j 63 full of pep 55 charge 56 constituents 1- skill 2 point pf compass j 3 imperial potentate ab a watch dogs welcome 5 battlo of lato war in franco 6 uproar archaic 7 towards 8 therefore 9 member provincial parliament ab i0 bubbles up 13 the other thlfq 15 common sailor ab 17 chinese- general lnpor eiqmptirab 20 tbjiiu 22 fireplace 24 european river 26 vaudeville turn 22prevaricau- 28 tocomplote 2d verbal sufllx 30 a rodent 31 and other thlnga ah 3d jpnet of the us ab 40 god of love 41 exist 43 designates time 44mythical royalty 45maiib nam jewish 46 white plague ab 48 gpd latin 60 christian endeavor society ab 52 point of the cojmpasg backwards 63an academy of art cab- back- warda 54 two vowels the same i 55 measurement ab 743 am 043 turn 1143 om 148 pm 343 pm 543 pm 743 pjcb dr43pjn 114fltia freight delivered by apoeial express freight freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto trees and shrubs prozmsatob eazmcrnl indhomo gordenera will do well to purchase from pelham nuraery- company special lnducementa siven for liew orchards- wood iota and wind- brooks apply pelham nursery co representative at once j burungham r r no 4 rockwood r unfairly treated an early reflected light the following account of the dis covery of tho advantages of the re flected light now ao widely uaed jp lighthouses construction la given b titbita in the latter part of tho eighteenth century one of the members of the lltuescientlflc society- in llver- pbol aid a curious wager hedecuired that he would read a newspaper by the light of a farthing dip at a distance of thirty feet his companion itnowlng that the feat was difficult at even a sixth of the d la tan ce challenged his statement the scientist merely coated the in side of a wooden box with sloping pieces oi lookingglass so as to form a concave lens put his farthing dip into the box- and readily deciphered the small print at the stipulated distance the experiment waa witnessed oy a liverpool dock master he was a thinking man and saw m poaalblh- way adopted tho principle to light house requirements and forthwith the m refl light with its miles oft j range and greatly multiplied life- saving powers sprang into being better homes womens clubs everywhere under taking to push anew their better homes activities give as tho reason for them 1 to demonstrate tha advantages of thrift for home ownership 2 to overcome the present short age f homes 3- to make a aweet and wholesomo home life available to all 4 to assist and oncourago home- makers nnd home builders s to improve the- hpme environ ment thereby helping to build phar- acter 1 to increase the efficiency of tho wageearner of tnp house 7 to stimulate sensible and ap propriate purchasing of heme im provements ft to mobilise community pride for a common objective tprlde of homo- internal paras 1 tea in the ehapo of worms in jtho stomach and bowels of children sap their vitality arid retard physical development they keep the cbld in a- constant state of unrest an j lfht attended to endanger life the child can b spared mvioh suffering and the mother much anxiety by using it reliable worm remedy audi as millers worm powders which aro sure death toaorms the roarov the pre88 there are men who are only happy in the rush of the citys streetsand who love their toll in the fierce tur moil where the life tide ever heata therl are jaded adventurers searching the earth for its solitudes for the lonely lands and tho trackless atranda that will match their hungry moods but for me there is up music sweater than he roar of the preaa as it sings while jta magle art bares tho wide worlds heart with its mossago rif clowns and kings oh it may ve a sorld story or it may bo a rare ro mance that a man will find upborne on the wind from the whirl of lifes dervish dance bat whether its tale is of terror or nn idyl of tenderness i know of nopuss that can match with this that i reap from the roar of tio press i rby auno mlchaells a mighty good reason the benevolent cltuen while walking along park place spied a llttlo tot weeping v so ho walked up to tho child and said now be a good boy and stop cry ing the child replied i cant but why cant you i cant well here a cent toll me why you cant be a good boy and stop ryini cauvo vm a girl inlhetebeutontimes in the can- ndaa feeling- ran high between the frenchcanadians jnd the loyaiistk and the outcome of the suspicion and jealousy on both aides was a crep pf amusing stnriea ono of whjeh la hero quoted from a book by mcsdaraes llrara ejuuedlhumors of 37 a country member of parliament at the chateau on ultryvjcnlng- seeing the rest all buay at icecream asked for some he took a huge spoonful his first tnste of such a delicacy with a feeling of rage at- what lie thought an insult or at the very least neglect he instantly cried out to the waiter tpu abomlnahlo rascal had this been for nn englishman you woulu have taken tho chill off answer to last weeks puzzle ianimn bo rraranihh a ia rj ranan rl own htiur am hftiynn raratatnaio hfil hujuih aaoa atiy aaauayy more eggs from each hen the use of bensis to lay egg juid hens will positively lay niore eggs guaranteed if you pill a dose of pratts poultry regulator in thejecd every day your dealer is authocbed togivo back your money illt fails poults beolator phatt poop co qf camada tdtoronto writ tor fbkb boo dr jgadesfov of toronto eyesight specialjsir wiilbb at a f browns tfruq store acton monday april 6 anyono bqftcrlns froui- kye- btraln defective vision or etoadacho- should not nilss uie opportunity of consultiner this eyesight specialist appoint ments may bo mado with mr- a t brown prugblst- consultation free office hours 9 a hi till 4 p m fletchers oastoriajs a hannless subshtufe for castor ocaregoric teething drops and soothing syrups prepared to relieve infants in arm and aiildren all ages of constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomachy diarrheal regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep wiaput opiates j to avplrl imitations always took for the signature of caalwcfcucsim proven directions on each padntte physiciatu evkrywuere recomwend it t e gibbons expert shoe repairing prompt attentiqn to orders left -j- t e gibbons main street ir il ferrys seeds send for seed annual good garden cm ore thoao who raise good verotablea and flowers good vegetables and good flowera come from good floods we produco good seoda- thelnferencerw dtjvloua for sale everywherp ix jsl ferry co obobtosivf advertisers the free press is anxious to serve you and serve you well vy can aiva your advsrtiss- tnen better attention and there fore make it mors attractive if the copy is suppjieovto us on monday or tuesday- if cony falls to reach us until wednssday forenoon there is a ruth to set it up before the forms close and the result is likely to be less satisfactory sen dt in your ad8 early i does your watch keep time a wattji is a machine its work to keep time any good watch will keep time if properly adjusted try our repair service savage co jeweoera gublph ontario yj- t- sjwswiissliibalimsl m t