Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 1, 1925, p. 2

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hi arfcm jto wednesday july 1 125 bhall the color of the flag every canadian boy would do well to memorize thin poom by frederick george scott a canadian poet it voices the highest patriotism and tho truest couragc what is tho blue on pur fluffs boys tho waves of tho boundless sea whore our vessels rldo in their tame- le3sirjde j and tho feet of tho wind aro free frorn the sun and the- smiles of tho coral isles to the ico of the south and the north wlth dauntless tread through temp ests droadr- tho guardian ships go forth twhat is tho white or oifr flag boys 1 tho honor of our land whlch burns in our sight uko a beacon light and stands while the hills stand yea dearer than fame in our lands great- name and we fight wherever wqbe for tho mothers and wives that pray for the lives of thobrave hearts over the sea what xs tho red on our flair boys tho blood of our heroes slain on thq burning sands of tho wild wast lands and tho froth of the purple main and it cries to god from tho crimsoned sod and tho crest of tho waves outrolled that he sends ua men to fight again as our fathers fought of old well stand by tho dear old flag boys whatover bo said or done though the shots come fast anmt faco tho blast and tho foo be ten to one though our only reward bo a thrust of a sword and a bullet in heart or brain what matters ono gone if the flag float on and britain bo lord of the main i li i vvat ml it it h vi 1 1 m im u1 vi vi vi vi vi i hr wxt mni hdrt totg 1887 confederation 1925 kittys guest room by biiyd turner iv iv v 11 iv iv iv vi iw iv iv ivivi iv7 iv ivi ivviwiviv jara oems of thought fall down and so to make you hold his hand the faster saint francis do sales life- in troublesome full of care dls- appointment and bltfrnass for thflbfl that carry responsibility and reolhco their shortcomings bujlit has itam- ward as groat as its worries whether a man la talcing a jaunt of a few- miles or a life jourpey if be is a good travel or he will not waste time fretting oyer small- inconveniences the very soul of our religion la mla- stonary progressive worldembracing it would cease to exist if it ceased to be missionary max muller t ho tho well and rightly consldereth his own works will find little cause to judge hardly of another thomas kenipls it- is madness to make fortune the mistress of events because in herself she la nothing taut is ruled b pru denoe drydeta man may follow a thousand delusive meteors but tho only true ught hi tho light of gods countenance f w farrar ono of tho highest of spiritual lux uries is the enjoyment of pure and ex hilarating and sublime thoughts t j i culler and bo among the ruins of qur pride we grow to bo loving children of tho moat high wm mountford selfrespect is necessary for ones own character influence and happi ness henry churchill kins itty bray had a littlo dream that she was trying to mako como true the name of it was my quest room and it re mained in her thoughts from morn ing until night although kitty was only sixteen she kept house for her uncle who was her adopted father and for his four sons shokjnew how to carry her lot and day- in day out she cooked and cleaned and polished and patched as busy as any beta in a guidon hive but kittyi hlvo was not golden and just hero was where the drop of bitter mixed with her honeys sweet uncle william nnd tho boys were thrifty industrious farmers they provided well for the table and saw to it that kitty did not lack for the necessaries of life but more than that they did not bother themselves to provide tho f urnltuco was made for comfort us well as for use ornaments knlck- knacka the little nametess7inexpen- slve luxuries that help to mako a homo were well within their means but entirely out of their calculations t were off to work at sunrise and backcuievfoirnrdrowsysuppeivand a quick turning in they were quite content that the farmhouso furnish ings- should consist of nothing except beds chairs and a table if kitty pla ned a bright picture on the wall or hung pretty curtains hero and there her efforts went entirely ftwotlcod to be sure she kept on pinning and hang ing for her own- sake but sometlmos her little efforts had a discouraging way of bringing- out the ugly bare ness of the house instead of covering it up and often the small beauty- of her calicocovered heart what do you want with a sofy kit uncle william would inquire gruffly when she found courage to put in a plea as sho did now and then and what the good of spindlelegged tables and why clutter the house with trash wee plnin folks lets live plainly if you want a now dress why get itrbut let the old rooms stay the way theyve stayed since my father was born youve too many notions in your head 1 fj the boys too scoffed more or lesj kindly at her little ambitions anyone that can make biscuits uko yojirs kit neodnft bo bothering about fandangles big jerry said laughing and id rather eat your apple pud dings than sleep on a carved gold bed under silk quilts i dont want any carved beds kit ty answered blinking to hold back her tears i just want a house that does not look like a barn j was not so goodhumored as jerry and through his nature ran little streak of 7 sti j rest of us are lhankfuffor a rooft i do not doubt that god win hold you with his hand and if- he jets you stumble it will only be to show you thatrifrhcrdl n bo y youwdhpttn sigbedfimthoerydflpthy i nt httr rn1lonrnvnrrl heart wero rough and plain but kitty h eyes shone when ho presented them to nor with a bow put em in thorutafblbli room she whispered and followed blm upstairs to seo that ho went no farther spring came and atltl kitty bray bustled and flitted anyone oxcept a set olt unobservant naca would have wpndorod why she scurried upstairs and down sq of ten- and whyshe laugh ed so much as sho dlcl her work but only jerry had noticed any thins at ojl and ho had forgot ton as soon as the first ploughing day dawned tho third week of may was very warm the uh beat down fiercely us in midsummer and man and boast suf fered with tho unaccustomed heat kitty put green leayes in the labocrs hats when they went to work and twice a day carried cooling drinks to the flelclshelwas malclfte iced lemon ade one stifling hot noon when a hur ried thump of feet mado her look up a group of men were mounting th steps to tho porch bucks got a sunstroke jerry ex plained briefly pushingpast thejothpry who were carrying a inert fo and ctadar neariyiaraoqt too butlieros doc saunders he happened along in tho nick of j time and everythings going to bo nil right where shall wo carry bfck kitty glanced swiftly at bucks very flushed faco and her uncles bowed shoulders beforo bhooould gather her scattered wits the doctor looked ut he uncertainly throubh an open door the room that buck and his father shared could be plainly neon neat but glaringly uncomfortable thpyboth ought to hayesomo cool ho barer to -her- rather sharply why cant you stop grumblings kitty bray that was unjust for kitty never grrosbled it was only her passionate desire lo have somo pretty things round her that stirred her once in s while to gentle rebellion the other two boys nat and thomas laughed at her too thomas was somewhat scornful like buck nats derision was only mischievous whoover goes to town this afternoon he would sayyf musnt forget to order a brussels car pet and a buffet kitty wants to rig up the rooms you know but as tlrty all know well kitty wanted nothing fine or expenstvs all she wanted they could easily afford however aa the months went by it be quiet place doctor saunders safiiras he glanced about with evident dis satisfaction this way kitty comthanded sud- deniy sho beckoned to tho men and they followed her without a word the two farm hands carried buck uncle wll- llam btumblealqngbetijvjoennat amli tom- jerry and- the doctor brought up tho rear it would have been ludicrous at any other tlmo to see the seven big men filing in solemn confidence behind their slim little guide through the hajl and up one flight of stairs down thouppor hall and very slowly up a bocond flight through tho first attic room they tramped and kitty flung open tho door to tho second attic rootnwlt was a room in truth- now in opito of her anxiety she gave a shorttaklp of joy on tho threshold through the wideopen windows north and south a- little breoxe was blowing a tall green treo standing like a giant sentinel bholtercd tho west window on the floor wiih spread a frag rug of restful blue lwoven through tho many long- winter evenings jnimpi ptptinnq ip pl franies hung on the newly whlte- iwashed walls jerrys chest of drawers surmounted by a little bright mirror was dressed in starched -mus- ljn so too was the waah stand which bore a shallow bowl and pitcher nn loss useful for having been artfully mended with somo mysterious concoc tion an nncient clock made to ja again by means of muchi coaxing and a little oil ticked softly on the small shelf- thatserved as amantel a vase of creamy roses delicate and fragrant shared the tiny table with a book or two downstairs tho air had seemed llfolqss but up hero at the top of the house the breero steadily fluttered uie white muellh curtains and stirred tljn roses a cool i green ueht filtered in ah wo approach another anniversary luy of tho confederation of our pro- t vlnces tho mind runs buck over tho spaco of g8 years arid if wo add thcro- to 42 years wo find gurselves back a t cohtury in history does any reader enquire were tho former times better than these or does any ono bemoan the present and sigh for tho good ojd times in many regards thq times in 1 ur canadian homes- were indeed good 00 yeara ago but if we take a wider view and glanco at conditions farther back wo may bo glad that the bad old times before tho french rtivolutlonrrwhonblood flowed like watery aro gone so also when tht bible was chained and whon people were flogged and killed for reading a new testament when a few only could obtain an education and the masses could scarcely hopo to get abovp the conditions of their fathers and when there was about only oho professing christian tb every fourteen of tho population instead of one in five as at present let lis hope tho bad old times arogonennd thttt new times aro not oven asgoodjas thosoj that are coming wo may boy that uie past century has been chiefly distinguished from its predecessors in two great particulars vlx in mechanical inventions and missionary extensions of christianity dould an eighteenth century man visit the earth today what a vast collection of surprises would meet hlnv ben jumln franklin said that he would llko to come back in a hundred years and sec how things were getting on and if ho could do so the eyes of the old patriotphilosopher would be daxed by the number and the splendor of tho now changes and inventions in the year 1800 no btcamer ploughed tho waters no lbconio trav an inch or souno photogiphers plaie had ever been kissed by sunlight no telephone had been talked from town to town no radio had oyer sent its fwhlspors over vast stretches of- apace steam had never driven mills and electric currents had never been har nessed into telegraphy and trooy wires as for canada from a fringe of settlements on the banks of a grea river and a few scattered colonies in the midst of the forest we havo ex- tended until we are the possessors o half a continent our cleared lands our rolling prairies are sources of agri cultural wealth that will probably lost as long as the world revolves our forests aro of priceless value our hills and mountains are stores of gold ond silyerigfir o and copper of coal and i james ballard because tho iatters lead it would now seem that we have within our boundaries resources- that wo have only commenced to under stand so far so good but while sclehco svvencarblu soir lost hlsrlctt eye throughth discharge- of an air rifle in ujo hand3 of mccallums 14yearold son according to judgment given by oo iur u yvuu uui wia aw mr justico merclcr in the superior and inventive art have reduced the court ballard sued for j5000 mc- tqruugh the leav there were two bhiplnffmaplo beds a little wobbly but rubfid bright and hung with snowy cover jiujrs on ono of the beds tho men laid buck andoh the other uncle willlara sank with a grateful sigh the men tiptoed out and doctor saunders with kitty for gcssls ta t fell t worko news of local import 35000 fire at guelph the works of the standard whitq limo company guelph wefe destroy- edby flro on wcdnoadny last damaga cstlmatcl ut 35000 was cauood by the fire tho blaze took hold in tho air compressor room and spread to every section of tho bulldlntf in a few minutes ith origin is unknown but is attributed to an ovorhoated air compressor machine of tho hydratlng plant hon hugh guthrie homo from overseas hon hugh guthrie k c mrs guthrlo umi their son charles and laughter hcjen havo returned to guelph after a two months trip in the mediterranean mr guthrlo is much improved in health having completely recovered from- the attacks of bron chial asthma which affected his voice during their stay in london mrs guthrie and miss helen guthrlo wero honored by being presented at court just like hornv the following appears in the issuo for may 21 or tnu acton fnkn pimss tho local newspaper in acton ontario j thero are eleven depressions in tht mjlllatrcet roadway over the tronchos where tho waterworks services were put in to watertasters there are nlno similar ones on churchstreet and other street 3 aro similarly blemished it might be effective to get the mem bers of tho council in a car and drive them oyer theso pluccs at a rate of 20 miles an hour acton england gazette and express t he neede kansas newspapers aro getting a lot of pleasure out of the incident which is said to have actually happen ed in a western kansas county a farmer received a note from a younir man who had been going with his daughter it read deer sur wood llko your dautora hand in marriage she and me are in luvc i think i needs a wife yours troolyj the farmer replied by letter saying friend you dont need a wife you need a spelling book get one and study itfora year thoji wrira mf again j air rifle cost 2000 thomas mccallum of montreal has to pay 2000 and costs of the action to pglobe in dimensions and almost anni hilated distance and enlarged its acti vities christianity has employed these agencies for spreading the gospel of redemption when tho last century was in its dawn flyo godly students li williams college were praying beside that historic vhnystatk that god would show them how to reach the heathen shrouded hi darkness today utmost every tribe on the globe is open to the gospel and there are over two million- of living converts from tho different false religion a scores of benevolent societies and charitable in stitutions have sprung into existence bfarrqetirirewilliamb of london wh iut frn founded uio first young mens chris tian- association in 1844 was spared to see over 5000 associations scattered over every civilized land on the globe father f e clark makes a tour of visitation around the earth and is wel comed by millions of christian en- dcavorcrs american churches have planted a school in pauls native city of tarsus nnd reared a noblejcollege on the bevrout holghts in full view of mount herman the christian- re ilglons has originated the sentiment which underlies all theso movements for tho betterment of the world and makes brighter the outlook for the future the world of men individually and in groups is getting better kinder moro generous war is becoming so galium pleaded that the affair was ac cidental and that his son was not at fault his lordship held that mc callum was liable at law for the loss of tho boys eye and that he must bavo known the rifle was a source of danger to bis sons playmates some acton- lads are using catapults which are equally dangerous the use of theso toys is illegal death of georgo cottrell sr there passed away on monday at the homo of his sonjaiaw b stoven- hoh in nelson township george cot trell a well- known and highly esteem- not a gong bird something went wrong t with the mochanlsm of tho elevator in an old- fashioned southern hofbl and the passengers si men wero imprisoned between two floors for threo hourb they made themselves ascomfdriablo as they could whllo thoy waited each one told his choicest story and finally somo ono suggested thut theyslnga song to help pass the time uwny you can sing cant you sam said a salesman to tho negro elovator boy just lead off with dixie nnd wo wll all join in butsnmdld7not lead ontna expect ed ah cant sing boss ho explain ed deed ah cant i kn m mpnofmy color can sing but i cant carry a tune no fndecdy i couldnt carry a tune if some ono should glvo mo one all tied up in a bag unless worms be expelled from tho system no child can be healthy tho mflther graves worm exterminator la on excellent medicine to destroy tho worms alwihiniimmnnsun bbcmosbrunut dcimflourifta m1u5 acton ont eplnformed to tteally be informed a8 to pood act1 you must try excelsior flour acton flour and feed mills d htincs8ay propfiotor mill street actctn ont no 5 tiswers carefree service preposterous and sonsclcsathatitmust ceaso- in the matter of the better use of wealth in the proper treatment of wageearners the drink traffic cor ruption ittofuce bad housing and the like we may expect the crusade against what is unjust jin these will be more jxctlye and gonefaland in the religious phetttgtfeeponlrig of spiruuatj life a profounder sense of responsibil ity a clearer perception of duty and privilege and a great forward move ment under the inspiring watchword the evangelization of the world in this generation great god i thank thee for this j home this bounteous blrthrland of tho trem v where wanderers from afar may come and breathe the air of- liberty stm may her flowers un tram pel spring her harvests wave her cities rise and yet till tlmo shall fold his wing remain earths loveliest paradise of a paralytic stroke deceased who was in his eightysecond year was a liberal in politics and in religion a methodist mrs cottrell died 10 years ago ho kb survived by his daughter mrs r stevenson georgo b cottrell of toronto who last week retired as supremo treasurer of tho l o of to join tho head office staff of the can adian bank of commence is a nephew the funeral took place from the resl- denco ofhls sontnlaw yesterday afternoon to milton cemetery tho cottrell homestead was on the second line esqucslng oh but ho was mod in ancient days the young bloods uestiott why does mclaughlin buick use a onepiece front axles for safety and strength and the mclaughlinbuick type- is a meteitlb tiete are no brazed or welded parts to break off in case of accident it can be easily straightened without the necessity of replacement you can depend on a mclaugnlinbuick axle 1 s s v a fool always wanta to shorten pace and tlmo ya ltlko man wanu to length on boh john ruakln wo ore tost loamlnbthat it to a dl 1raco to tie rich and not- to bo a or- vant lyman abbot v 8haiv and scripture at a dinner recently the talk turned on agnosticism and one of the sileati aid ajvarnostlc once asked ale if i diant find in theblble a good many things i could not understand to be sure i do said i well he said what do yon do about it j why friend i said 1 do just about as i dp with a plonked shod when i come to a bone i calmly lay it aside r and keepj on eating the dellcloiy- shad moat let- ting any idiot who wishes to- choke himself on the bones thoko away five ring circus reauizeo at last rinolino bros and bsmum 4 ballsy enlarged to aeoomnlodat nsw big aou come plainer and plainer that the biff old house was to renfaln as forlorn 06 it had been through the generation be- hind it and at last her ionring took the form ofa speclaldesire sho want ed she would have a guest chamber since her undo and cousins wore con1 tentwlth bore floors and stark walla she would try to beitoobuiat least one single spot in the house should be cosy and fair a ispare room a guest chamber set apart it did not daunt her- to remember that guests at the bray farm were as rare as robins in january- at- long intervals they did drop in sometimes a wayfarer aeklng for shelter for the night sometimes a cattle dealer who was stopping over on business or the country doctor storm bound in winter once a boyhood friend of uncle wil liams had come unexpectedly and he had to sleep in nats ramshackle single bed in tho dingy room oyer tho hall again mrsherndon the pretty littlo lady from the adjoining farm had been caught overnight in a ncrce thun derstonhi and an kittys pleasure in preparing the- dainty supper bad been shadowed by the thought of tho little shabby room in whlchher guest would have to spend tho night but most she minded tfro minister d gentle old man who came down four times tt jrear for services at hebrpn chiiroli and who at last the fivering circus i for years reporters have used this 1 always stayed at the bray farm ho w- figure to describe the- bigness of ths oreatest show on earth now for the first time in history pa tronswlllact ually find flve rings when the greater it ing i ing brothers and barnum batl- comes to torontdon julys with the addition lost winter of enough performing horses to bring the big shows total to three hundred and fifty- the problem presented to the bingling brothers wojt to handlo five troupes of ihem in a single dis play the limits of the show grounds in many cities forbade lengthening tho ihalntent none of the stages could be snared all were needed for the big collection of human actors then bondtbody suggested that thpugh tbo blg tdp ftaraphonalla could not be cut down or spread out there was no reason why it should not be built higher that suggestion ws worked but and now in addition to the three dirtfloored rings two additional ring havs been constructed to fit ovr he tops of the steel striictured stages this is the krostest i novation slnco the blngning brothers started their supercircus policy by combining their own with the barnum bajley cr- cus it has opened the way not only for trained horses in sets of fives but for other big new duplaysf though there are tnore than eight hundred men and women arenlo starts on the mammoth pragramme of lft2s only a few of the- most brilliant are presented singly instead they areprer r se ted i n imposing onflemblo jjlbge groups extend over the entire iengtn j of tho huso main- tent seven nine as many as eleven troupes in aetlpn at one time in keeping with this plan of giving the spectator at the ends of thq tent just as muob of the show tuiis oydby jloiosb nearer tjie center ave hprds of elephant renow presented instead of jhree a hundred clowns distribute their cnperliigs in alt parts cit the blgtop the hippodrome traek is utilised now more- than ever before at on tfm it is completely ciroled by one hundred and fifty horjses each ruiden by an ex- port in an dmoxlng ballet anditto or ths onrunds again it is filled with glittering pageants wlthsplendldhigh- school horses or remarkable thorough breds that give thrilling exhibluons of lofty hurdling and hosardous hlgh- jumps v seemed older and feebler each time he came and over and over again kitty caught herself thinking of the shun- ommlte woman in the bible who kfept ttheprdphets chamber ready for tho weary pilgrim just one singiefdomrhlb8ai6rto herself again one day in october as she churned busily to look pretty and sweet and restyl that very night an idea civme ino her drowsy brain and set her- to toss ing wakeful ly until dawn with the first glimmer of day she robe and crept up the dusty stairs that led to the dustier- attic at the top she stood still and looked about her for a long time tho attic which occupied the whole third floor of the big old house was divided into two jorge rooms ho roof was high and there were several small windows that let a current of air through and kept the whole placo cool in the warm est weather the room t at the head of the stairs was full of rirbblsh and of broken furniture among which were two dilapidated maple beds the room beyond was empty and in the doorway of that room kitty stood dreaming tor ajduarter of an hjur maybe i could she said aloud at last then presently j she added of course 1 tan i all through the fall and the winter she was busier tf posshsle than ever to be cook ondiousemaid for a f am ity of ave and at tho same time to engineer a big undertaking of your own is no light- matter hut kitty seemed to thrlvo on it she grew rosier it not nearly so bad as it tfilgnt be the doctorsaid as ohe took a bowl of cream from a ready hand at his elbow he looked approvingly about the room uncle william raised his eyes where did you get thin room from kitr ho asked his voice gentler than usual where in the name of sense did you get it from his- niece laughed joyfully oh lto rather a long story she replied looks like to me uncle william continued all tho way in from the field i was sort of dreading that hot noisy room down stairs tou see when a mans head aches this way his voice trailed off into si- lencerhe was nearly asieop a littlo after sunset 3uck opened his eyes the room wodqdlet in the cool twilight rose potalst had fallen lin the floor come here kit ho said after a moment vwheroam i7 why buck bray laughed his coushm in- the house wliore you wero born and raised where olso shucks said buck in derisive un belief andjay down again with a con tented slghi well wherever tis you have got me feeling mlffhty easy sis i guess m take a nap ovgaln now jorry and tom had come up to seo howthen patientswere getting on tom hero said jerry dont understand about this attic tt vows you didnt dolt this is my guest chamber kitty answered proudly uncle william and buck are my first guests the minister will be the next i well its a room tom declared looking about him with open admira tion whered you get tho money it cost just four doxen eggs from my two leghqnb kitty smld an 1 thats all it wasnt a very extrava gant undertaking uncle william spoke unexpectedly from his corner how t many egga would it take he asked to do my room if the hens dont lay enough to pay for it ho added chuckling so cool he was and so content why i reckon i ennofford to make up the rest the price cutter rands kept- her flying here and there about the house sho was never idle a minute what do you call yourself up to jerry demanded one sunny morning in november jttpure acting like a mud dauber ten times inthetast hour youve bussed into the house with wings net for dear lifef it was jut like jerry to get a faitit inkling of her secret it was also llko hlfntotabnut helping her in his own clumsy way when ho found her in the old woodshed trying to knock together a little table from tt few rough boards he took the ham mer from her hands a heavy rauv came opportunely th- next dqy and jerry not only mads a table but put together a small wash- stand sfnd a chest of drawers thsy toll me not in smiling numbers sellings costs are whut they seem and the man who cuts for orders gets the lions share of cream if you strive to build a business do not bo a human slevo letting leak your noortcd profit trusting luck will let you live li de o nil i w whitt itmeans to sell on guess trielr departure makes us keener to sell right and not for jess for no trade can long be loynl to a man whos all rvgroto cant deliver whos jdst living on the tntreht at hwidebts xyoy prlntingi co tonsils and adenoids june 25 1925 d rogers st thomas afterwards dark clouds will come as they have always done but they dbon wilt pass out of sight then when the worst of the ralpetorm is run hh the blackness will turn into light gloom settles down when a storms drawing nigh like a shadow it blots out the cheer tltui we forget when the darkness drifts by and the light of the suns rays is here x4ving itself seems the very same way for theres darkness and bright ness in turn all of your troubles aro storm clouds out say theres- a lesson wo ought to learn tlie clear silver lining that follows the storm makes your fighting it out worth while who copes with ills own troubles till better things form takosj the good nnd the bad with a smile you wouldnt appreciate good things at allif there were not regrets in your cup sirs satisfaction that spurs af ter all your fight till the gloom is nil cleared up bodies with perfumed oils before call ing on their beat girls tuesday night about seven oclock aycung man from hamilton tried to rovivo the fashion he left the ambitious city on a bicycle for a trip to the dundas park and up- to tlmo ho got to cross street ills -was- ontafootbaiii gamethatl ho was to play in when opposite- tho wado manufacturing co plant his wheel skidded and ho took a header into a pool of books blackstrap that had just been sprayed on tho road his nice new blue suit new tan shoes new straw hat and even his new necsf- ue were literally covered with tho nasty sticky black tarry oil and were iii a hopeless condition and ho was a mournful sight rather than a dashing dandy ho looked up chief lumsdon and threatened to suo tho town be cause it did not have the road barri caded or warning signs that tho road was slippery to tho ordinary person oil on tho- street is a moro emphatic warning than any sign doubtless the next time he will not need any sign tr tell him that road oil is very very ollppery and very very sticky and dirty to fall into particularly when one is dressed up in his beat summer outfit dun das star representative forh is section georgetown ontario to be rid of ants montreal mo mbors of the american acadattiy of opthalmoloby oto laryngology in dlscubmin 1 recently after the reading of several papers on the subject were of ths unanimous opfplon that tonsils and adenoids ants may lend romance to aplcnlc but in the refrigerator on kitchen cab inet they aro a nuisance there are many ways of getting rid of tbena but probably the best is to purchase ant feet these are simple little glass dishes in wjilch the legs of the tabl cablnotor loebox slt the dish u then filled with water and ft film or kerosene oil poured on- top when it evaporates it can be renewed anta are shortlived pepts and probably by the time the water has evaporated the season of tho pest will be oyer the n fee a in for- se of four and can be used many years ousting the men should only be taken out when abso lutely necessary and that the opera tion should be conflldcrod of fttcrlous ly well fitted to deul with the tradp naturs requiring hospital attention matters if uftulrn go on shaping as they nro at prcsdrit in a few vear fmo wo shall flnct that nearly every govern ment mntho world will be in tho hands of the women this observation is prompted by- the fact thnt according to a corrennondont in denmnrk a womnn mno mlnnn liaug has been hpjiolntod minister af commerce ji the new danish cablset not only is she the leader of the womens move ment in denmark but she has made commerce and political economy her life study and therefore particular- a redlrtor dy for canada under the above caption the north western christian advocate of chicago has the following to say about tho united church of canada the tenth of june 1925 was a redletter day in the religious history of canada on that day three great historical church- j cs the presbyterian tlie methodist antfj tho congregational 1st churches of j canada came to an end as separate en titles and merged into n new body tho united church of canada thla now organization entered upon us career with a new name a new bosu of union nnd a new mode of govern ment it marks the consummation of long undertaking which has been beset with many difficulties existing oyer a quarter of a century the ubibn is unquestionably ono of l tho most significant and prophetic religious movements of our- time and is destined to have a salutary effect in the united states and tho other parts of the world as well as in canada the entire meth odist nnd congregational churches united in the new church tho pres byterian church has split ris a result of it with about half tho former pres byterian church refusing to go into the union this separatist wing of the presbyterians will form un independ ent church by itself but despite these presbyterian irreconcllablcs the now united church of canada will be what its name implies a great union enter prise comprising tho overwhelming majority of the protestant population the launching or fhia now church will bo followed with interest and prayer of christian people ovcrywhoro white sfuu divsnin if the business of any retailer in this com munity is to grow bigger in the years to come it will not be a matter of accident or due to an increase of population only- it will be the result ofdntelkgence added to energy plus advertising wherever you find a big flourishing bnsi- ness you will find behind it a strong push ing man of indomitable spirit driven by the power of these 5 words i can and i will this man advertises he must deliver his message to those with ears to hear multiplied customers and larger turnovers are absolutely essential to ms progress a word to the help on the business of those who show fhejnselvcis eager fo have your custom who invite and prize it enough to ask for it shop where you receive the best service values and goods reward with your favor those who solicit your favor by mes sages addressed o you each week in our advertising columns shop where you are invited to shop j t i 2j crtsffb

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