wednesday july 1 102g suppose m 111 iml a garden were suppdso your 111 iml a garden all ready i the spring ami every thine you planted thoro would ioon bit blossoming siippuao that evil thoughts wero weeds r hut ruukly grew apace and every dream of selfish deeds should blossom in diaeraco while every impulse to ho kind to tiaac aoirto others woes should bud und blobhom in y mind a fair arid fragrant rose suppose lliat every idle whim and cvory thought of scorn should find lta fruitage in a grim andpoisonluden thorn while every purpose to uplift your soul from sordid ways should blossom in a anow-wnito- drift r pf tender lilysprays tis suroly- with no danger fraught supposing things like this and maybo heroa a seed of thought to llowerrorth in bliss by john kondrlck bongs some factors influencing the contamination of milk te the old upper canada pioneers the noblb pioneers who built their log homes among the hills and volleys dear and piled tho rocks and stones they clearpd tho noblo foreste and tilled tho fortllo land thoy did th9ir work moat willingly with ox teams and by hand their good wivoa and their children tending over live montbvason l t ducted at tho control isxporlmental form ottawa in tho teats tho varl oua sources off contamination wero considered under a wldo range of con ditions tho numerous factors being divided tor convenience nto four classes viz of tho stables care of tho animals care taken by the ntllk- of and oaro of tho utensil by ex while tho sources of- contamination ot- milk aro understood in a general way there is perhaps need of a more widespread knowledge of the relative importance of the various factors upon wnlch tho germ content of the milk oa it leaves tho stable depends with tho object of determining more closely the relative effect of the varl- wouhlcomo tho strawberry refresh ments were not nit tlio people got t- tlivlr money thuugh thvro was a- ways a concert of n- highclass miii nsuallya temperance speaker of not- these festivals jiecomo so poiular th- the temperance hall would uo at commodate tho crowds who came t them fifty years ago thoy begs holding them fn the drill shed tvhl then stood at tho corner of how avenue and lillglii streets where ri- and airs harry holmes llnu resldem 14 now and that rominda mo hhat on tl first of july 187b when the crowd of sons of tompornnco was at work at the drill shed in tho afturnoonprepnv- ing for tho festival that njght that th- news from overseas acton tending tho test over a prolonged por ted during which dally bacteriological tests were made of the milk of a largo number of cowaltobt under as nearly- identical conditions as possible results were obtained which indicate different degree to which various rac- v tors contribute to the contamination of the milk found possible by the- care 1 exercise of ordinary sanitary pre cautions to produce- a milk of excellont quality without resorting to claborafo i j- methods one of tho points brought out was that the principal sources of contamination aro represented by- the dirt and manure pdropntag into the poll during milking and by improperly cleaned utensils tho contamination from the air to indicate another source is relatively less important oftefi than when considerable dust is afloat tho importance of tho milk pail was cloarly indicated its statb of cleanh- pess being of moro concern than ts form while an opentop pall was found to result in an increased germ content of 200 per cent oa compared with one with asmall opening if tho animals wore neglected yet when care was taken of tho animals and tho uddor wiped beforemilklnk very little 7cxtra contaxninatlonrreanitdronian uncovered pail of much more import ance was the sanitary state of the pall the tests brought out this- factor- af fected the contamination moro than any other connected with milking under clean milking conditions a change from a careful scouring pre- r fcrably by steam to a neglect in the core of tho polls resulted in a greater in croon o in tho germ content than thnofflcqt of- any other single pro- caution while on the other hand where genorally unsanitary conditions pre- vailed a change to a proper treat ment of tho pails resulted in a bigger improvement than from any other of the single favorable change of opera tion thoy were a happy band their neighbors who wero eheorful helped each other with a will and when their crop was ready their little bams did mi they did not have high losses then nor bosses for to- pay nor lazy unemployed to feed who will riotwork a day tho rulers did not borrow thon nor raise their salaries high nor run tho country on tho rocks poes any one know why p 13 mcrltchio j promising crop conditions crop conditions in june throughout canada have not been so promising for several years aathey are this year in the recent crop report issued by themanioba free press based on in formation s by corresponde from 325 points in the provinces rf manitoba saskatchewan and alberta wjiich form tho principal wheat coun- try of canada the essencoof their re- ports is conditions generally goofl co excellent and ideal in large areas there is an abundance of moisture everywhere tho season is two weeks in advance of last year and so far there lias been good grqwth it is yet tori early to moke predictions as to what the harvest will be the acreage bown to wheat in canada is 22000000 acres in round-figures- which is about tho samo iis in 1924 a good harvest this year would bo very opportune for canada in the light of the latest report on the worlds crops of 1026 issued by- the interna tional institute of agriculture in rome this shows that there will bo a con- siderablo decrease in the united states harvest this year comparod with 1924 owing to largo areas being winter kill ed tw estimate of tho united states crop for 1025 is 661000000 busholu compared wlth 873000000 buahols a year ad there wlllbe little it any surplus for export- after the large home consumption requirements- are met v tho seasons wheat crop in indiana estimated at 828000000 against 364 000000 last year which means that india maybe- considered negligible as an exporter ljuring the- coraing groin year with ijpdfa off the market and the united states a probably- small exporter it is evjdent that the im porting countries principally in europe xyll depend on canada for the bulk of tlielr requirements for wheat from october until tho new crops of tho south hemisphere come on themar- icecn february 1926 the puist of july- dominion day dominion uaylias ajwaya-appoaled- to mo as a real holiday it seems so to mo bocause4t is our countrys birth day and if canada and our canadian people should celebrate any holiday loyally and enthusiastically i think it should be dominion day why i fancy i hear some of tho young folks enquire well because it is canndah own natal day and marks the confed eration of tho provinces which was consummated on july iab 1867 i re- momber distinctly the first dominion day holiday everybody was glad that canada had been made ono dominion no moro upper canada and lower canada tho dominion of canada was the new name givoh bur country that day and for flftyoight years the namo has stood and each succeeding first of july has found us loyally celebrat ing tho countrys natal day i won if thoypung -folks- of-io- llayttnow how tho wise old statesmen of 1867 decided upon tho name our country sq proudly bears it was this way the wise members of parlia ment who wore tho makers of confed eration aftor tho plan for tho pro vinces had been decided upon puzzled their brains intrying to think of a suitable name finally ono of these parliamentarians who knew his bible with a fair degree of familiarity vbl- unteeredtho suggestion that a scrip- tyralamb bo adopted and that it bo taken from psalm 72 8 ho shall have dominion also from sea to sea what could wo find moro appropri ate said this worthy member can ada will extend from sea to sea what could wo do better than call our newly frnmatl country tho dominio of can- ffrst issue orniv77lcton7fiktipt5s rmido its appeurnnfc mr joseph i hacking walked in with a bundle tho new papers undbf- his arm o cpurso the curiosity of all was nrotisev and the bundle of copies of acton new local paper- was eagerly bough up ata penny- aplcoe i may say thn i was there nt the time and got a copy with tho other folks and that vs my first acquaintance with theiiows- paper which has kept- acton iia th- limelight every week for tho fifty yars whichhave since paused and now we come to- thecclebr ition of dominion day 192g the old culr- edonlan games iind nearly nil of those whoparticipated in them have lon since past the sons of temiicfanco gave up their jheetingb apd conse quently thoir strawberry festivals long ago today the acton boy scouts aro in tho zenith of their ex perience and have coralled dominion day and they have a big programme announced comprising acton cluzons- band afternoon and evening ladies softball match just think of 1c water sports cbildrenja races athletic sports and may polo drill then at night a muslcar programmo and a cami fire nnd booths and tho presbyterian prcaclfet7lscmtiirhtalk verily wo do bo moving on he forgot to mention that husbands ingenuity t his wife being an important member of an an tl gambling association he was careful to avoid turf subjects n which indeed ho took little interest but ho was tempted to buy tickets for tlio dorby- undoakaawmps and had paid over the cash when it occurred to him thatho might bo run over in which event the telutale tickets would bo discovered in hfa pocket- book what was the- solution his hnawer was tio put the tickets in an envelope marked codicil 4o my will not to be opened in my lifotlme ho went homo in high spirits to lock tho socrot in his desk con- aoienco is the father of iftvontlon riddles a what is jt that travels with every train and yet no onehas ever seen noise why aro aailors bad horsemen boca use they ride on tho main the mftno wmvt country la found in the sea wales whatefc wiionis an plpplolike afl8h whon ifsa crab s what in that which is inside tho wood and outaldjp the wood at tho samo time vthe bark of a tree it is outside tho the fai wood of a- treq bul insido the wood or i gall o is tttrt ctftli tormi ada and tho name was choson and sub sequent evohts hvo shown that no name could have been choson which would bo morp appropriate and tho dominion of canada it has been all through these succeeding yearff j ijiu- as i said dominio day has alwaysbeeh loyally observed l apd colo- brated in -acton- that is since julyis t- 1868 tho year confederation was con summated there wasnt much celebra tion of the important ovent except at ottawa where tho framers of the now constitution wero sitting but oh july 1st 1868 tho people of canada know from sea to sea that wo wero a now dominion in thoso early days all big celebra tions wcreaishered in with as much noise as possible- and the cannonllko reports which commenced about four oclock in tho morning wero produced by packing the holes in blacksmiths anvils with gunpowdor and tamping it in with clay or paper and then touching her oft with a long iron rod made redhot at jho forgo this was usually done- at miko speights blacksmith shop down on main streot or at tommy gibbons shop up town or at both iromorabcr distinctly that flvst celebration on tho first- or july the roaring of tho anvil cannons for half an hour would wake tho country side mlkq speight would be at th9 head of the crowd who englneored this first number of tho days programme of the celebration and he was assisted by such wellknown worthies of those days as jim jcolso tom dunn jimmlo switzer dun shook edward nlcklln bob coatea jim llghthoart ies and our own davo williamson was in it too after the anvil chorus thro would genorally bo a paindo to the village taverns justto advance tho in terest of tho- celebration tho crpw would usually mako for jno wallaces at tho cornor of mill and main streets first and if tho liquid refreshments served there wero not sufficient wash down tho spot nnd smoke of the powder fumes- some would gqupvio wards tho california house ottho creok and others to bolls tavern neat tho railway track this would be ueforo- breakfast you know thoro wasnt rtriieh obflorvanco of closing hours for tho barrooms in thoso days when a man wanted a drink night or day or sunday he could usually ot it without dlfnduify well after breakfast on that flw of july- demonstration the man mot prominently in ovldenca on tho streets was charlie symoii rjimmlos father- completing arrangemonttf- for his muchloved caledonian games no celebration in acton was ever chnj- pleto in charlfo symonn day bo it the twentyfourth or an orange walk and now the new domlnonday without a big programmo of caledonian games arid charlie always auwthat- thoy wpiorun off satisfactorily and no lis of these was completo without contests in tonrflng tho cabor throwing tho hammer catching tha gronsy plganl climbing tho greasy polo my tlio fufi and frolic of those good old days wellfu time went on tlio soin of tumimjranoo boka n to takna hand in tho first of july cclebrtttionp thoy originated tho straw1erry festivals of thoso enrly dayn which became so popular andattroto crowds from long distances attheaq strawberry festival strawberries andorcdm were of course the plocodo- relhtance the quantities of btrawborrlesttita of lemon biscuits consumed wero enqr- moua purl tig tho afternoon the young folks or tho eocioty would gather anl clean orate afjter crato of borrloa and tho ifaifoor momlxjm woul 1 bring in of good old fehlqnfld thlok tho following up of a roport is very often as unprofitable astho search for tho end of tho rainbow or the childish attempt to scoop- tho moon up from tho roadside puddle it is however a very satisfying exorcise of natural instincts on the part of tho born hunter in ralderlarid mr s r crockett glvca an instancoof this readiness to take ojpaclacuajuijtoupwuto thocnd a southcountry laird with his man jjel was riding to market tho laird and john were passing a nolo in tn moor when tho laird turned his thumb over hla- shoulder and said john i saw a tod fox gang in there did yo indeed laird cried john all hie hunting blood instantly on fire ride yo your line to toon- ill howk tho creature oat s bade went john for pick and spado having first ot course stopped tho earth tho laird rode his way and all day was- foregathering with his cronies at the markottown a business in which his henchman would have very willingly seconded him it was tho hour of evening and tho laird rode homo ho came to a mighty excavation on th6 hillside tho trench was- bothlonganddoep very tired and somewhat ahort- ni selected fromtho eng- land giotto o juno 12 i imemberu of jjie acton scloiltlfic aal literary society paid a yysit to itillsllp in sunday i mr j mcnish who- 1ms recently rossed tha atlantic on tho steaipshlp tuscan la bmids an account of liin oyauu to the acton gazette xheiilkhtysocndniilvtiraary scr vices of the acton wesleyan church were hold on sunday and monday gooii congregations attending in spite of tlio warm summer weather sir harry and lwdy biittaln wero live7teliiartirnyfr bf the club room of the society of wo men in journalists at tho wembley exhibition v the late rev j dv flew formei- hiipekntcndent minister of thoactfly yid ealirig circuit of the wcaloyan church left estato of the gross valuo of 1917 irtt personally i 2746 ilanh for new roads anil sowers oi the hanger jllll eutatc north acton and for ulxtuen houses in canadaroad hangerhill prepared by the mond a nicklo co clyuach estates hove boon approved of by tho actbnitown cou-i- j- vivian cousins wells farmroad of north acton was fined innd jartioa bryan savllle- road acton 3 at tha ajptdriollcb court on exceeding the speed limit with motor vehicles ailk on radio and invention was broadcasted on behalf of tho radio as sociation by mr rayhersmlth a m r e e of acton from 2 l o and simultaneously from all stations of tho b b c on saturday tonders are being obtained for tha provision of six additional seats each in acton park and twyfordcrescent gara m th e o t acton playing fields and acton green george clarldgo 70 churchpath of acton green met a serious accident while employed at the fulham gad works on saturday tho large congregation gathered in st georgps church hnnovcrsauaro on- tuesday week to wh f t weekly fashion hint 1 reconstructed at last tlio late senator bacon of georklv utiod to toll thofollowingtovy -of- a fiery southerner who went out of thu union with iiih atate and rofusoft to be reconstructed after tho war onco a confederate always a con federate ho wuswont to say and al though he rccjuvoreil froni- tlo hittcr- nerts engendered in the four years of strife ho refused to vote to exercise hn duties an ar citizens when tho war wth spain broke out however the old lire burned in his eye and ho offered no objoctlon when his moii a stalwart specimen ot young manhood joined tho national army aiid went- to cuba to fight ono day after the battle of suti juan tho young man received a let tor from him well ho said thoughtfuljy afttcr reading it father is back in the twito i at inst jies ho say so ho wsm asked not exactly bpt he mllit as welt he writes united plates now without putting tho word united in quotation murks they do trtm and sportswqlkanlike a flannd frock trimmed with a deep auedebclt always suggests the activities of the bportswomun though it fre quently ia affected by the inactively unaportswomanly cult in green rose color azores bfue red or rray tiiia frock would be charming the skirt la plaited cither aide of a plaited front panel and the waist is tucked at the shoulders medium size require- ai varda 36inch material grained in temper john was seated oh a mound of earth vast as the founda tions of dfortrefib theres nao fox here laird said john wiping tho real honest sweat of ondeavor from his brow tho laird was not put out ho was indeed exceedingly pleased with him self deed john ho said i wad hao boon muckle surprised glh thoro had been a fox in tho hole its ten year since i saw jhe tod gang in thero britains thriftiest city birmingham is rapidly qualifying for tho reputation of being the moat thrifty oity4n tho old country tli6bpenlngbf tsfaiicties in most ot tho suburbs has been necessitated since the opening the bank has handled no leaa than 14000000 and tho number of transactions has been roughly estimated at 30o0 tho total number of depositors u now approximately 170000 and tho amount outstanding to them 5000 000 recently the number of new accounts has been increased at an average of 500 every week riage of misa freda woodhama to mr arthur norman hlcka included local rosidents old actonlans will be sorry to learn that squlro baddingtons tho jorge building on tho north sloe of gunnors- bylane just past acton town sta tion is in tho hands of the- house breakers a chicken belonging to mrs johnson avoauortqod acton which was one of a brood hatched a few days uiffot has four wings and four loga the other birds in the brood ore normal the i mayor of acton- aid miss smeo has been asked by the council of tho allengland womens hockey association torepreacnt it at tho moot ing organlzod by tho national playing fields association to bo hold at- the albert hall on july 8 another open space of less size and importance thai- gunncrsby park but aulto lyorth having is to bo pre served in perpetuity for tho people of acton this is the creacentahaped piece of land in the main road at the entrance tp bromyard avonue the annual report ofthe acton con trol boys f c states that tho old boys have once again enjoyed an ex ceedingly successful season itjayey gresa made by the football section during a veryahort oxlstonco the booner tha town council and tho rector come to an aggreemonttho sooner the parish church clock will be electrically illuminated up to mid night and the cinderellas of acton who fndp out of thifttr jrlad raga at tho witching hour will mso their excuse for not noticing tho time tho rov h schofieldi curate of the west hackney was ordalfied priest at st pauls cathedral on sunday mr sahofield who is an old boy of acton county- school was a prominent lay man at st barnabas ealing until his ordination as deacon a year ago the only breath of controversy which stirred an unusually brief and placid meeting of tho acton council on as the twig 18 bent a boy oloyon years old stood at an auctionroom door and gazed with in terest at the crowd of men- gathered round tho ncut wih pnhffliy led him to enter tho room his at tention was attracted to several boxes of toilet soup the kind ho noticed that his mother used at home he had often been sent to the drug storo to buy it for her ah ho said to himself perhaps i can buy this soap cheap i will soil it and make somo money as fast as his feet would carry him he rah to tho drug store where his mother traded and sought out tho pro prietor how much would you give me for box of that soap such as my ittothqf buys no aflken thu drug- glst ready to pleaso the boy named a certain price when tho youngster oakod if ho could uso several boxes tho druggist thought it was o goojl joke and replied that ho could usonll that tlio lad would soil hlro tho boy hastonad home ho emptied his little savings bank and ran back id the auction rooms with tho money carefully wrapped in a nandkerchlof tho soap was still unsold and the boy edged his way through tho crowd to tho platform when the soap came under tho auctioneers hammer tho little boys pipping volco made tho first bid tho other buyers wero so amused at this youth and his serious manner that they jet him carry off his transaction pleasing tonotetherenurkablanro without a contest and the boy got a man seeing tho notice iron sinks in it hardware storo window went in side and said that he was perfectly aware of tho fact that iron sinks alvo to tho occasion the dealer re taliated yes i know and time flics sulphur springs jam rolls grana slopes music stands moonlight wrfflcs rubbof tires and the organ atopa havent you forgotten ono thing asked tho visitor what ih that lnquiredttio shop- koepcr cautiously marblo busts was tho reply she had him acer tain farmer was observed by his wife to bo unusually pensive a penny for your thoughts she remark ed i was thinking my dear ho said what epitaph i should put on your tombstone aa his spouso was in perfect health naturallybherjiflejitedlthiaunduo ro- marlc l oh thats very simple sho res ponded just put wife of tho above wembley exhibitiom1925 canadian displayi9 made bigger and better this veari the limplro luxhlbjtluii at wombuw was formally reopened for tho season of liri 1y their majesties on hth of may tu the imxscikc of a great nsinmh hlage l5chiffnenrtkair ldlil wembley jiroved ho vast und so instructive iui to empire conditions thutwas wus decided to continue jffor another seiitfon tfous made io tho ncniperialiablo ex- hlbilm nri niiy fni- tho sake of variety lmt ahii to mako the dlsplny more epnipleti- uixl rirprhiitatlve numei- uijm hiipnrtaiit chaiiktm have been made inhrshibithinirilnrtuhtvlnlb6c tlon tilt srflwiht wlijeh vlnitcd the canadian pavilion in at year were s great that eongeslln of tnilllc oc curred at certain polntii to avoid this wembley exhibition roopono rvjp ofl canadian pavilion looking from the northoast across tho beautiful miniature lake tho great plant housing tho dis play has not in the main been changed very much only where experience huh shown increased facilities to bo neces sary to accommodate the crowds tho- buildings have all been- redecoratei outside and inside and wembley us a whole is more fajryllke than when firsi opened the canadian pavilion li the other p same ex terior but tho interior is considerably changed perishable exhibits have all been renewed and changes and addl- wldened and extra- outlets prpvldcdv so that crowds may kepi constantly mov ing in one direction vith comfort fb all concerned it is cxjece1 there will bo a largo attendance not only of those wno were unable to pet to the exhibition lost year but also of those who attended there is so much io see and tho ex- hiblthliwcbcoiujwc tb that wembley will be woll worth a second series pf visits tho passages at tlicse points havo been bree press jo pr always neatly dene you can save money let us show you the amazing tire values we have to offer partridge quality tires tough aiid longlasting cheaper than you have ever bought tires before and cheaper than tires can be bought from any mail order house tho habit of saving la growing on lta citizens in thla romarkablo way becauseof tho activities of thebirm- ingham municipal bank the only banfc of lta kind in tho country since ltfl inception in 1910- tho- manager in an interview with pragresn made and explained how rllmfth tnrtntk i ftf u t tuesday evening was prbvideotpby a letter from the association of munici pal corporations asking councils to urge their local members of parlia ment support tho rating and assess ment bill when it comes before the houijo of common a members of the 12th acton acton sentence sermons it paya to remember that no ono else can feol your aches and paina i that your children aro moro inter- esting to you than to anyono elao tljat frankness is easily overdone that nothing la true because it is printed in abook that ood has a rorrtarkabfy good memory that you have ha control over a scandal after you havo told it that men can differ with you in re- llgionand still bo sincere world8 brightest light a short timo ago the most powerful lighthouse in tlio world was lighted for the first time it ia intended to light tho airway from algiers to paris and is built li47 feet above sea level oh the plateau known us mont afrlque a few miles from dijon flashing at intervals of five seconds the rays of the 8 84000 co 00 candle powor will be visible within a radius of 300 miles in clear weather- and from ithttb i2g mlloa in foggy weather guides formed a- guard of honor u the wedding of thoir captain miss frances may james eldest daughter of mr and mrs m james chats- worthgardens acton hill to mrjpean h brown director of music at the leysian mission oldstreet 13 c and son of tho pastor of hounslow baptist church which took place at acton hill wosleyan church on saturday at its meeting on tneaday the acton town council decided to hgrec to the request of the imperial war graves commission that it should undertake the future maintenance of the sixty- two soldiers graves in the acton ceni- etery on payment by the commission of 5s per annum for each gravo an elderly woman told tho acton magistrates on tuesday that sho was frightened and threatened by a lodger- he broke things belonging to thehouuu and told her that ho would not pay any rentownig to hia threats she was afraid to atay in the house and had that morning crept out leaving thn twentytwo boxes of- toilet soap at small fractlorrf their value when tho auctioneer asked hia name ho an swered charles yerkes tho lad took the boxes of soap to his purphnser tho druggist who open- eyed with surprise inquired where ho had- got them vi bought- them at ho auction he said proudly i could havo dono that myself complained tho druggist but as ho had promised to buy tlio soap he had to keopto hiaword that was tho beginning of an un usual buslnosfl career in later years charlea yerkes became famous in both englantj and america as ii financier and a conductor of great bualneaa en terprises not such a bargain after all in his early years mr edison the great lnvontor was a telegraph opera torand an unusually good ono too ho lived in many cities- and in each placeho came to bo known us tho fast- ast andrmost accuratemanin thoofflce ertherat lending- or- at receiving mr edison tells a story of hia boston days which mr francis a jones ro- latos jn his book about tho inventor tho story is told at the oxpenae of edisons friend mil ton adams wbp inni some pereona luxvo friends others- tell their troubles to anyono wtm will listen no wonder ordam thon ju night tho crowd twb traveller a wfiife dlncuaalng the careless wdyln which trunks and suit- caaea are handled by some railway companies ortfco 1 thought i had found a way of preventing that ahld ono of them i labelled each of my bags with cnrc china j and did that have any offeet the othor asked well whs the reply not much you see they shipped tho- whom lot of stuff oil to hongkong cl08e 6uying commondl mo to the nvcrago woman shopper for real nhrowdnean sayis a manager of a wellknown cstabllshr meat wo revived a visit from one the other day that taught mis some thing she wax conshlcring tho purchase of a yard of silk nt eighty cents tho womahs purchase left a remnant of a yard unduv half which the salesgirl suggohtoirthat sho nhouldtnkn m it coat naked tho shopper fifty cents vlutake it r wfta the prompt re- apvonap and yoa may keep tho yat 1 you vo tprn off front door open an officer went investigate t y youhavb donoyour bit with aven- geance said the chairman at actqn police court on monday to nathan- smith a flower soller of brlndley- street paddlngton who pleaded he had done his bit in the wan in mitigation of a charge of being drunk anft disorderly- and using obacene language a pretty wedding took place at the acton parish church on monday when mrs hilda ji8ic pearson the cldcit daughter of mr and mra a jpear- boii 40 highstreet acton wus mar ried to mr edwin richard belcher eon of the kite- mr 13 r- belcher of sun- nlnghlll berks that tho oporatimx manager of the diatrict rallwfty had intimated that a now platform was proposed for acton town station on tho north side to nnd from which a frequent ehuttlo service would run to south acton wib stated in tho report of the deputation from the northnelda traders ah ho ela tion r all right blrtho gameii up wns rjio remark alleged to havo boon mado by henry newton a ahowinans labor er of no ijxod abodo to inspector mnco who ptated at acton fdjltio court on monday that tlio found him jmdbr a cheat of drawers nt 16 the valo racton in the early houm of monday morning the seventeenth annual sports of ihe thames valley buttallon of the boys brigade wore held at perlvale on whit monday when about 220 boys competed in a long nnd r varied pro- rtammer- tho 2nd actoncanvpany were jiuccbnatul l retaining tho pr- guson challbnge shield awarded for tho highest nggrcgate number of points gained in shield events muchto his disgust was the prlnclpa ln tho incident one- day soya the inventor mil tan and i were passing along trcmont bow when we noticed a crowd in front of two drygoods stores and stopped to soo what was the matter it hapnon ed that thoy were rival establishments and that eiich had received a consign ment of stockings which thoy were eager to dlappse of their methods were entertaining onowould put out a sign saying that the vast commercial- em porium had fivo thousand pairs of a lockings to dispose of at tho para lyzing price of twelve ccnta a pair an announcement that wound up with no connection with tho firm nest door in u moment the rival firm would follow suit underbidding the other by ono cont until the prico was finally reduced to ono cent for jlyo fiialrs of stockings tho crowd had been steadily in creasing all tho time contenting itself with jeering and making merry but allowing no ovlllty to tnlte advantage of thotompting bargains milton and i had been agog however tor softie time and now milton broke out witb say edison i can stand thla no longer glvo mo a cent on being nuppllod with that lavish sum ho boldly entered tho store which was filled with lady clerks throwing down tho cont he demanded five pairs of stock ings and thecrowd excitedly awaltod tho result the young lady attendant nuryoyed tho customer with magnifi cent disdain and handedblmfivo pairs of baby stockings oh said my friend in much dla- comfort i cant use these cant help it young man wan tho curl reply vo dont permit selections at that prloo tho crowd roared aid the coni- moioral btruggloflqon afterwards tend- j he oot a 400 every partridge tireis guaranteed money in yourjowntowii keep your liresfiop h a coxes garage why the acton free press this communitys best advertising medium always because it reaches the highest class of the buying public inthalton and south wellington and territory because- charms of the artic fioff corfla itvo olftlcult t eradicate imt polloway corn hemoyer will draw them out palnlosly visitor aro you ffohir to bo ni irroat man when you erow up-whuo- wllllo you liel im fcolnif to bo mi arllc explorer v- an altlc oxulororn ufa l full ot luirtluhlnii willie yoam ilut i can stand em i reclcon i like your epli it niy bny thei-o- i a kienl itoal of glory to be kafhnj in a cirerr of that kind ydq m und youidun t never have to waah- your faco a snot applied for il pohitlpn an a patrolman on thu tondon pnlioo force kpre in a iuohtlon thoy put- to him m flcotlund yard and hlh anhwer suppojio moijirlauu you miv a crowd conrroffated at a certain polit tin your beut how would you dlapere it imleltly und with the lbaat trouble i fwduldpaiibithorhai because its advertisers are always of fering values which make a special appeal to the public gf because it is the only local paper in this locality giving the home news and is read mote completely than any other paper j a mith insuftance and beal e8tate agent for contodefatlon jate as hoclatlon ijqndon fc lnnoashlro firc insurance london lancashire quaranteo and accident dominion of canada- guarantee nnd accldoht inauranoo company twin and town property foi silo prompt carofui and com tcoun ut toiitlon given your bu8ine88 solicited roildonce mill and wallaca tits tolephono joj r 2 because- because it carries the weeks news in concise form it carries news which has not been printed before it is constantly increasing its circulation so thatit ranks first hi this section of the province these are only a few of the many reasons why the cion five press is the leading weekly of thie community and theiefore stands in the foreground from an adrtisina standpoint kd6cs