Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 10, 1925, p. 5

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2kr irtnn 3vzt press tilultkdyv suptljmbek 10 1025 the silver spoon im luppic to ke thy fcpoon tinin nv th oltfo i un ill m ttuie3 to thy iip anil help to mulfty thco grow the erj moment i approach tnoso liet ry uoora will upi xq and i ahull ncbtlo on thy tongue a3 huppy as a king and i shall poor all niuiiri about abovo and then beneath in hopes to bo the flrct to tell when thou doih cut thy teeth i may take time to win thy love for i mubt first begin j feeding thec thtrplninesfc food and sometimes medicine but then will come the happy days when thou shilt learn of me how gdoit baked apple are with cream and pi unes and hominy ah how thoull love me when i come with rudd henies piled and 1 will kc thee orange- juice and jam mj dailing child then let me be thj willing alave and alvaa wait on thee and by and hj 111 let thee alp peal coffee out of me wilfred 12 knollya the sunday school lesson for sunday september 13 twenty years ago from the issue of tho froo press of thursday soptombor 14 190b the ftame work of tho pair of now double houses being erected for messrs beardmoie co ia up the furniiure for tne new g t r station has an ived and was installed yesterday tho open aii concert by tho acton cornet band on bower avenue on tuesday evening was enjoyed by a large concourse of citizens the hlu on brock street has been r considerably cut down and tho brjdge over tho creek made higher and tho approaches raised to it tho work la quite an improvement to tho street arkell and acton played baseball in the park on saturday afternoon acton winning by a acore of 7g mr thomas ferryman jr of tor onto has purchased tho brick store and dwelling of mrs anna morrison corner of mill and frederick streets ho will change tho interior somewhat and expect 3 to remove to acton next month and commence a grocery busi- ness on tho premises contractor john cameron haa sold tho three dwellings qn mala street next his planing mill to mrs archi bald campbell for 1800 mrs camp bell has sold to mr j v husband for 700 her brick cottage on young st mr v h denny has negotiated tho aalo of tho twostory cottage on wil low street in the rear of the merchants bank belonging to mrs james russell to mrs william dredge eden mills for 1250 the house on tslgin street belonging to tho luther lyman ca- tate has been sold to d a blair for 650 dr john m macdonald has disposed of his practice to dr hore of lindsay dr hore will assume tho practice at on dr macdonald will take special course in johns hopkins uni versity at baltimore contractor john cameron met with an accident last thursday the scaf fold on which he was working at the new houso of- mrs t g clark gave way and ho fell to tho ground twenty- flvo feet below a painful fracture of tho foot at the instep was sustained and tho left arm and sldo were very soverely bruised teacher and pupil a wellknown scotch professor was noted for bl3 hot temper and vehement candor us well us for his profound scholarship at tho oponinff of a college term tho boys observed that ho was unusually irritable and harsh tho applicants for admission ranged themselves for examination in a line below his deaic show your papers ho ordered one lad held his paper up awkward ly in his left hand hold it properly sir in your right hand commanded tho master tho new pupil muttered something but kept his left hand raised tho right hand yo loon thunder ed tho professor the boy growing very pale lifted his right arm it was a burned stump tho hand was gone the hoys burst into indignant hissos hut dhe professor had leaped down from tho platfoim and had thrown his arm about tho hoy3 shoulder eh laddie forglvo me ho cried breaking into broad scotch as he al ways did when greatly excited i dldna ken but turning to the class with swimming eyc3 i thank god ho haa given jne gentlemen to teach who can ca mo to account when i go astray after that day writes ono of the boys years afterwards every man there was his firm friend and liege man ho had won us all by that one frank speech very wet there is a certain amount of comfort in living at a place whero you can tell to a nicety just when to expect a shower this is tho case at panama where so says tho churchman a wh m be loo for e about three oclock in tho afternoon this 1h tho rule all through tho rainy season the morning is clear and the evening after six oclock is delightful and excepting from three to six nobody ever thinks of carry ing an umbrella not ao at colon only fortyseven miles away titer it rains all tho time during the rainy season and it never ruins but is poms water comes down by tho bucketful at panama the annual rainfall is in the neighbor hood of nine feet while that of colon la twenyone feet and it all comes in flvo months an average of four feet i month it la hiimoiously said of colon that there it takes the people tho rest of the year after the rainy season to get dry spectacled cows and shod geese in bohemia when geese are to be orlven distances to market they ie shod for the journey the method of shoeing is as simple as it is effective the gcoae at e made to walk repeat edly over patches of tar mixed with sand this forms a hard c imt on their feet which enables them to travel gicat distances without becoming sore footed even morn useful than shoes for th kcose are the spectacles worn by the cows that feed on the huhsiuii steppes ktn ty thousand hpectaclcd cattle no way the family herald ore now to bo found in that region where tho snow lies while for six months in tho yoai the cattle pjck up a living from tho tufts of grass which crop through the snow the sun shines ho dazzllngly upon the white mirfuce thnt many of tho animals formerly suffered from snowblindness then it occur cd to some humane person to manufacture hinoltocolorcd spectacles for tho cat tle ho tried tho experiment and it was successful the animals arc thus saved much suffering j pau in t ani i1i2rcea r acta 17 112 golden toxt pioe all things hold fast that which is good 1 thcss 5 21 time a d 52 places thcssalonlca and bcrcoa the tpxt explained 1 paul in theabalonlcu 13 paul had at this time a quit uni- foim modo of procedure first ho be gan with tho jews at thoir regular place of meeting tho synagogue second he made uq of thotfjabbathj day the regular jewish day of as sembly thoso already christians met on the first day of the week for their own distinctive service ac 29 7 in order to reach the jews paul wlsoly made us of their day us missionaries among tho jews still do third ho reasoned with them from tho scrip- res nothing elfae bun iiod tin power to convince conyict and con vert and regenerate men that the word orgdd has in his preaching paul emphasized three points 1 tho christ must suffer why tho christ must suffer we tec in ia 53 6 ma- 26 28 2 the christ must rlso from tho dead this too he proved from tho 0d testament us peter did on pentecost 3 that this jesus whom i pioclafm unto you ii christ there nro many in these days who wish to substitute some other jesus of their own conception or fancy and not tho actual historic jesus but this jesus being christ it is of tho high est importance that wo accept him and no other jesus and no other christ the christ of whom christian science talks so much is not at all tho hlsltvlc jesus christ tf wo do not accept this jesus whom paul preached as tho christ an awful weight of guilt rests upon us ac 2 3437 3 2223 paul sets an example in what he preached worthy of all imitation by modern mlsbtonuiics and preacner- politics in thcssalonlca were in a bad enough way but paul did not pretend politics nor reform ho went at tho oot of things god blessed this kind of preaching some of their beller this la usually tho result whon tho puiv gospei i3 preached in tno pover oi the holy spirit in tho epistle which paul wrote to them later wo g- i very charming picture of ihom 1 thess 1 6l0 those who bolleved threw in thoir lotwlth paul and silas true converts always seek tho society of other christians but the gospol caused division as well as union in thessalonica union of believers di vision between believers and tho world pauls success aroused the envy ot tho jews every successful preacher must expect to be envied by smaller mon there was much truth in the charge brought against paul and silas verae- 6 for no other man ever did as much to turn tho world upside down u3 this man paul there is great need today of preachers who turn thlnga upsldo down and thus get them rignt aldo up they accused him too of saying that there is another king ono jesus ho did say that and it needs to bo said again and again to those who see no king but some king on this earth some day all must owh hla kingship psalm 2 812 but while paul said there was aiiqther king ho sought to turn no man from his duty to caesar acts 25 8 ro 13 17 tho persecution was not allowed to go very far yet verso d tho converts were young and god did not suffer any of his children to be tempted above that which they are able to bear i cor 10 13 b v but the convorts there were genuine and while perse cuted of men they rojolced in tho holy spirit 1 thess 1 c railway time tables at acton marian n 809 am j0 la ajuu golno wt- no 29 nol no 33 220 pm no 3g 509 pm no 39 8 39pm no 35 sunday 10 11 am going eait he who runs may read gather ye rose buds while ye may the above piotutcs weie taken near lake louise by a member of the trail rldeiabf the canadian rockies dur ing the recent ride and powwow accoiding to tho photographers ver sion of the htorj tho deer walked de liberately up to the signboard read the notice and after snorting con temptuously proceeded to feast him self upon the forbidden flowers with all the gust of a lumberjack attack ing u pluto of hnm and eggs it was he said a wilful piece of lawbreak ing committed in cold blood and wlih malice of forethoughtsolely intended to show a disgraceful disrespect tor con stituted authority and in tho decree of the lord of creation another onlooker howover is will ing to take a solemn oath r that the deer was a doo and that she was biowslng guilelessly amongflho boul ders when the pretty flowers attracted w attention and ah started to collect a few to tak home to her dear old grandmother who was sick in bed after she had innocently gathered a mouthful of the tempting blossoms declares this witness the doo sudden ly came aci oas the notice board studied it for a minute and immediately returned the flowers to whero hho had picked them although it is understood that tho local police arc investigating it is doubtful if the truth of tho matter wl ever fullybe known in tho meantime however we hope that all right think ing christian people will glvo tho dear little dee or doe op whatever it is the benefit of tho doubt- there 1b in cidentally no truth in that rumor that a collection la being taken up at banff to covei the coita of her his or its defence squire granbys weak nesses 2 paul in borea 101g the departure of paul and silas from thessalonica was no mark of coward ice but simply prudenco and in accord ance with tho specific directions of christ mat 10 23 tho church did not go to pieces upon his departure- 1 thess 1 36 nor did paul loso his interest in tho converts ho left behind him assoon as paul and silas had reached berea they utpnco began to preach gain and to the- jews at that no matter how paul and silas might be treated in ono place the next town they struck thoy went at preaching again no one ever had a better pat ent to nobility than theso bereans their nobility is seen in two things t tney received tho word with all readiness of mind they had a hunger for tno woi itf of god they openou their mouths wldo to receive it some people receive the truth when you vomjiel jihem to real lovers of tho truth are hungry for it thus received it brings salvation and blessing woe to tho one who does not receive it 2 they searched or txamned me scriptures dally whethc these things were so they wanted i n sure that they had tho mind of god about it and the scriptures wero tho final authority they were model bible stu dents 1 they studied the scripture as the word of god 2 thoy ex amined them no superficial scurry ing over them 3 they wero system atic and regular in thoir study thoy examined the scripture dally 4 thoy studied with a definite purpose and that tho highest to find out tho truth about christ and to find if tho thlnga paul and silas taught about him were so thoy did not waste their time in tho examination of any curious theories about tho human authorship of tho various books of the old testament no they studied what tho scriptures had to teach about tho christno lit is recorded thereforerj many of them believed pauls con verts in berea wero of all classes with many society women and men in cluded 1n the number paul was not allowed to preached unhindered the devil always raises difficulties when anything real la doing bur tho- perse cution only served to spread the gos pel and to take paul to athens daily readings for next weak monday september 14 paul in thensnlonica and bercea acts 17 1- 12 tuesday septenibcr 15 the scrip tures make wise gcut 4 18 wednesday september 1g tho scilptufe makd clean ps 119 916 thursday september 17 the scrip tures make happy pa 119 105112 friday september 18 the scrips tui ei make hopeful rom 15 16 saturday september 19 tho scrlp- tuica make complete 2 tim 3 1417 sunday september 20 constiuctlve living 1 thess 5 1224 a girl blacksmith up in st paul minnesota u gill eighteen ears old miss ella fnrns- wortlt by njtme is running an up-to- date blacksmith shop and doing ahy and all kinds of work any other hlncksmlth would do since tho death of her father who ran tho shop for twentlive yearq miss parns worth has become owner and operatot and employs two men to assist her in doliir the woik ever since a small child she had been woi king with ior father when not in school and during these yeara she not only learned to like tho work but actuully mastered tho trade she liecamu an expert in welding ami tempering iron and shoe ing horses in fact in everything pcr- ta tiling to hlackamlthing today nhn is one of the best blacksmiths in st paul and ways alio expects to contlnuo her woi it ut the forge ua long as bual neaa lusts squire grunby waa dead the vil lage people had gatheied in tho church to hear his funeral sermon the old doctor with hiancphew john who wits down from the city fortho dayrj sat in the back seat the minister told what every one know to be true of the dead man a man of high integrity in whoso jus tice and honesty the whole community trusted flberal to tho poor walking blameless under every mial law was that all true said john as he and tho doctor walked hone every word of it and yet said tho young man i got tho impression tho other day at tho funeral that neither his neighbors nor his family felt his death very deeply indeed i fancied i saw a look of relief on thoir faces tho doctor way silent for a moment you are too shrewd an observer jack lie said tho squire loved to manage he waa a busy energetic man and ho thought it his duty to last every man mid woman who was not as busy and energetic as himsell his tongue was like a goad ho was a man too who never praised or en couraged anybody hla wife and chil dren probably novor heard a word of commendation fiomhlm in their lives strive as they might then ho complained incessantly of the weather of his food of the state of the church and the country of all thnt his family did or did not do when he came into the room you felt that a chilly fog had closed in upon you and yet in npltc of those faults the squire was faithful in heart to his friends and to god he piobably noverl was conscious of these disagreeable traits but thoy were so noticeable that his nelghboia unci even his chil dren and his wife could not help a certain feeling of relief when ho was gone i wonder said jack if he know when ho wulcencd in that other life how depressing a chilstlnn ho had been in this and i wondei said the doctor if theie is no way for you and mo to find out our lhjtty faults our disagree able traits in time to mend them here in this llfo a pirates gift in the little graveyard at henniker new hampshiic there is a stono to mark the testingplace ofmary wllo of thomas wallace who tiled in 1811 at the age of ninetyfour there is nothing about the simple monument to cause the stranur to glance at it a second time and lie is sure to pass quickly on unless lite old bcxton or some kindly native tells him tho stoty of mary wallace in july 1720 an irishman james wilson and his young wlfo sailed from londonderry to join i colony of the same name in new hampshire but the vessel was slow and ono day it was overhauled by a pirate ship re sistance would have been madness and tho iiirato crow swarmed over the side tied up every man thoy could find and seized want little of value tho ship contained the captain of the buccaneers led the way to tho cabin in a small ad joining stateroom sirs wilson lay in her berth i why jireyuhjejldemandcdth captain kor answer the woman uncovered the faco of a tiny babe the captains maimer changed is it a boy or a birl ho asked in a low voice a girl have you christened her no then said ho very gently let m name her and i w ill unbind your men nnd leave your nhlp unharmed and unrobbed it hlmll be a good name may 1 name tho kill yes there were tears in tho rough cap tains eyes as lie to6k the babys tiny fiand nnd whispered mary adding some other woida which mrs wilson did not heat then he and his men returned tci their own ship soon however tho captain returned alone bringing a roll of beautiful silk which he lay on tho berth at little marys side let her wear this on her wedding day ho said and was gone bofoi e mrs wilson could thank him ocean mary as oho was called waa married in 1740 to thomas wallace she woie tho plruteh silk at tho wed ding as her granddaughter nnd her great grunddaugbtci did after her at theirs keatings fc kills- wxmxtitfft kill moths a lost exclamationpoint what a difference a punctuation mark can mako in a sentence here for example la an incident related by tho montreal herald jim vas broke for all tha hemanaged to reach vancouver- and walking into tho office of the can adian pacific railway said to tho manager in charge i am jim warflner and i am an old ft lend of tom shaughnessey wlil you pleas wire him and tell him that i am here broke and want transpor tlion to montreal t back from montreal came tho reply dontlet jim walk jim got tho transportation and ar riving at montreal called at oqco on his friend hello tom ho said so glad to sco you and thank you woll well jim is this really you then with a twinkle of the eye how under sun did you gel here bo soon if you were broke why tom thanks to your tele gram dont let jim walk or course i wns ih once furnished with trans portation and here i am confoiind those operators said tom with apparent severity it la strang thoy cannot get my messages through correctly didnt you joegrarh tqnt lot jitr walk certainly not my answer was doiolt let jim walk nearly all children aro subject lo wormb and many aro born with them spare them suffering by using mothe- gravea worm exterminator an ex cellent remedy his best ideas that the american man with the hoe does not find the life of tho farm btultlfying must surely be in ferred from the words of an old tiller of the soil who cam across a classi cal volume and found in plota or kin dred spirit the good american farmer called upon a doctor und was v into the libi ary at once the wellfilled bookshclvea drew his attention aro you fond of reading asked the doctor noting the wandering gaze well yes returned tho farmcr modestly i should bo pleased to lend you a book to take homo with you said tho othei just take any one that you think youd like to read oh im no good at selcctln re plied the old man you pick me out one doctor so the doctot in a spirit of fun gave the farmer a look written by plato tlte old man went his way and at the end of a week rouppcarcd with tho hook under his arm well queried tho doctor did you read the book yes i did was the emphatic an swer and what did you think of it it was fustrate responded tho farmer ive read it from klver to klvcr i never heard tell of this fel low plato before but all the same im glad to find that the old chap has been writing up bomo of my very beat ideas ih a power of its own dr thomas icliicrlc011has asubtljpqverof ils own all who have used this keep it by them ua the most valuable liniment available its usues arc innumerable and for many years it has been prized as tho leading liniment for man and beast no reason for two trips patricks wife waa ailing and put- rick put on his sunday beat and walked four miles to tho doctors houso to tell him about her now said tho doctor when ho had heuid all patrick had to say and had prepared some medicine here is something for your wife ive written tho directions on th botue and i want her to try it fulthfully for a fort night then if it doesnt relieve her come to me again und i wilt glvo you another prescription now docther see hero said pac standing straight and ipqking grimly at the physician if you have your dpubts p this cui tng mary as its ivldent you have bytho way you spake why dont you glvo mo first what you aro going to give mo lust wilsons flykpads kill them all and the germs too 10c apacket at druggists grocers and general stores the king of beggars while we huo heard of th klnga of many lands and have com to recog nise men who havo acquired superior power and influence in any particular calling ua king of trade nndlho liko tho kjng of beggars will be to most readers a new dignitary such a personage however exists and is recognised by th stated in china in transformation sit 18 bald that organizations havo acquired such a hold on the social llfo of china that even tho beggars have formed into a sort of society they are organized into companies regiments and natat ions and even havo a king his titlo is tho king of beggars and he is responsible for tho conduct of his tat tered subjects on him the btamo is laid when disorders more serious titan usual occur among them tho king of th beggars at peking is a real power while th beggars swarm hko troublesome insects around some chosen village and seek tho in solence to intimidate every on they meet their king calls a meeting of tho principal inhabitants and proposes for a certain sum to tld tho place of its invaders after a long dispute tho contracting parties come to an agree ment the ransom la paid and tho beg gars departed internally and externally it is good tho crowning property of dr thomas eclectrlc oil is that it can bo used internally for many complaints as well as oxtcrnally foi soro throat croup whooping cough pains in the chest colic nnd many kindred ail ments it haa qualities that are unsur passed a bottle of it costa hhlo and there is no loss in having it at hand fatal clifford harrison tho english read- r ua his otvn ideas of the total depravity of inanimate things he says it is aurcly fatal to introduce n effective pauc in a recuctlon fc something is sure to mar it ho adds pain lively if i am reciting in a hall where there is a striking clock or past which a train runs with shriek and roar i know that striking clock or ahrleklnf train will mako themselves heard at a moment when it la important for me to have unbroken silence i once wrote some verses for rcclta- tlon into which i was so injudicious to put a sudden exclamation listen what is that i might havo known what szould happen clocks chimed doors slam med special trains screamed old gentleman coughed sone ome was con vulsed with an irrepressible sneexe dogs came from distant parts on pur pose to bark candleshades fell off n waiter dropped a tray und a tea cup a baby cried und a deaf old lady waa heard to say to her neighbor would half a cucumber bo of any use to you i learned bitter wisdom and cut the passage out nights of agony come in tho train of asthma the victim cannot ho down and sleep in driven from his brain what grateful relief is tho im- medlato effect of dr j d kelloggs asthma remedy it banishes the frightf con clears the pa ages and enables fho afflicted onotib again sleep aa soundly and restfully ua a child insist on tho genuine at your nearby druggist good old times every advantagecema tb havo for somebody a doleful side there is al ways ono discontented soul to lament over improvements like the scotch woman who complained of- tho fresh water that had been introduced into the city ah but ub nthiko tho auld it neither smells nor tastes a tiuveuer in southern france stop ped at the little town of klgcac whei the wine supply haa every year grown less nnd less a resident told him that fact and added that alnce the vlnb had failed the deathiato had dimin ished remarkably why was tho question wij ho 1 mealitt ng ha d itecause in the hippy times every one drunk at all hout s of tho day but now in those mlsetubto times eveiy one tli inks water they might indeed live longer bir onl to drink water the outlook was foiloin j ate them a young new yorker had made his first ascent in his new alrshlp under instruction from a piofesalonal aero nuut aftct an hours gyratlpns his cur cum tumbling to the ground when he was picked up nnd found no much hurt the prof6aslonal demanded to know what was w ong why did you not throw ovor the sand and save yourself ho asked i did the whole ten pounds of it well then why did you not sacri fice the sandwiches you wore carry ing i did mr smith sobbed tho jar red young balloonist 1 know thoy wci extra weight so as soon as tho car htartcd down i at very ono of them happy thojzht quttec htotct abo tetlk orm bums any jutl tires etcal heat happy tkouikt turnot laws labor and futl this ia due to two principal causes i because the flue is so constructed that it carries the heat all around the oven p thereby keeping all its parts at a steady and uniform temperature and 2 because the pyramidal 3sided oven plates radiate more heat with theusuul amount of fuel or usunl heat with less fuel a distinct voonomvj with a grnufyinir readiness for every household emergency other noteworthy features are the scxes- tifically constructed firebox duplex crates perfect draft control broiling nnd toasting front ample reservoir if required ventilated oven and even distribution of heat under cooking surface come ia today and let us show you why more than 300000 wpmen arc using happy thought ranges happy thought pipe pipclcsa and com bination warm air and hot water fur naces serve every type of home no ic no 30 no 31 no 3c no 38 y no 24 sunday f 705 am 1127 turn 335 pan g17 pm 813 pan 708 pan canadian national electric railways woatbound daily except sunday 743am dally 943 am dally dally w d talbot acton 36 at brantporitcamatbfgv happythoughtl foundry company- umiteia rangesfurnaces h g meir barrister solicitor etc acton and georgetown 7 acton office now open every tuesday thursday and saturday af ternooa anyone pesiring to make payments on account may do so at the bank of nova scotia canadian national exhibition toronto 47th anniversary the annual worlds fair eclipsing anything previously presented unique monumen tal among exposition aug 29 sept 12 inclusive s zf 1145 am 143 pm dariy 3 13 p ro dally 4 5 43 pm dally 7 13 pm dally 3 43 pm dally 1233 ajn ui eomtbdund dolly 743 am daily except sunday 943 om dally 1143 atn dally 143 pm- dally 343 pm dally 543 pjn dally 743 pm dally m 043 pm dally 1140 pm freight dolivered by epocial express freight freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto j a smith insurance and real estate agent for confederation llfo as sociation london lancashire fire insurance london lancashire guaranteo and accident dominion of canada guaranteo and accident insuranco company farm and town iiroperty for wilo prompt careful and courteous at tention given your business solicited jtcaldoncem hi and wallace sts telephone 105 r 2 costs you less than 2 a year though it accomplishes in a few minutes what would otherwise take you hours the cost of the telephone is one of the smallest items in the familys yearly outlay a study of expenditures by hundreds of families shows that food costs 43 miscellaneous 25 rent 17 clothes 13 and the telephone less than 2 each new subscriber adds to oib value of your telephone castoria vnnvnnvnnvnv5 mother fletchers cpatoria is a harmless substitute tor castor oil paregoric teething drops and soothing syrups i prepared to relieve infants in arms and children all ages of s constipation wind colic flatulency to sweeten stomacb diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates 1 to avoid imitations always look for the signature of ctiafyy icezia proven clinvtions on ench pickaffc physicians everywhere recommend it get your job printing at the free press advertisers tha free press i anxious to tenft you and aerv you wall wo can gtvo your advortiao- moht bettor attention and thora- foro make it mora attractivo if tho copy ia supplied to us on monday or tuesday if copy faila to roach us until wodriasday forenoon thoroho a rush to set it up before the forms closo and the result is likely to bo less satisfactory send in your ad8 early does your watch keep time try our repair de partment we are getting wonder ful results and we know we can please you savage co jewellers guelph ontario

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