ffist rraii t i uf- the home of rq member canadian weekly newspaper ablodatlon merqbcr selcctodtflara weeklies of ontario trk acton free press is published every 3chursdfttmorniaij st tberfffrcsalluildlrisy slili street acton ontario the sublcripiian price is fxee per tear in advance postage aa coarscd additional to offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions arc paid ia indicatcirbn the address label advertising ratestranslcnt sara-tlie- snents 10 cents per line agate measure for first insertion and 5 cents per line for each atabte enjent insertion goctract display advertise ments for jo inches or more per annum rs cents per inch each insertion advertisements with outspecific directions will be inserted till forbid and charted accordingly ii p moohe president and editor g a phxs manager and assistant- editor telephones- editorial and business office llw residence of president n residence of scanager lit no shortage in electwc power supply it is gratifying to have the assurance that on tario lias in- sight a sufficient supply of hydroelec tric pbwer to meet the legitimate industrial expan sion of the province this statement was made in the legislature by hon j li cooke hydro commission er during his speech in he debate on the nddress he declared that before the session closed there would be placed before the legislature a record of nego tiations for an ample power supply 1 can assure you he said tftat the government and the com mission have taken the necessary steps to ensure that no power shortage will be allowed to develop in this province the crop of the maple tree tho canadian maple continues to yield ltti annual crop of- sweetness newspapers are not controlled mr c r mcintosh m p of north battleford performed a service for every newspaper when he stood up in his place in the house of common and interrupted hon s f tolmie of victoria who stated that mr dunning controlled the newspapers in saskatchewan mr mcintosh who pwns two newspspersirtrsaskstchewanr promptlytold mrtol mie that no government controlled his papers its a habit politicians have both conservative and liberal this talking about controlling news papers we heard a lot about it during union gov ernment days its all a myth the day of the politically controlled organ has gone never to re turn most newspaper men value their indepen dence as much as a member of parliament does his kingston whig a pointed reminder thursday morning march 11 1926 editorial the fateful thirteen not the slightest objection hasbeen heard from l the most superstitious liberal anywhere to the ma- fitjorlty of 13 on fhe closure motion in the house of commons last week the king government last week carried three divisions one on closure the bird motion of the previous question and the main mo- 1 ujhon for adoption of the address at 1230 wednes- day morning tarliament adjourned until march 15th cloture was carried on mr lapointes motion at 315 oclock tuesday afternoon by a majority of thirteen the vote was lot to 95 the government had the support of every progressive every independent and vy every laborite the rseult of the three votes were sv received with tumultous demonstrations from the f liberal and conservatrve members alike after v house leader lapointe had formerly moved the for- ci v yfjjpg o tj atldress and the adjournment of the l house till march 15th the house rose to sing god a munlcipautys liabiutiy the laws on the statute books of the province of ontario seem in many instances to be unjust to municipalities a casein question is that of the village of port elgin a lady resident of port elgin was operated on in owen sound by dr murray the bill was 151001 the council have to settle this bill beside the doctors bill the corporation will be called upon tojpay the hospital expenses it seems an in justice that a- municipality should not have any say in the matter except foot the bill we presume that if the council of port elgin had had its way this lady would haye been sent to the county hospital at wallcertori kincardine had a similar case where it had to meet a large bill that was allowed to run tor months in a toronto hospital and the town was notnotified the bili was paid and the patient was brought to our own hospital and cared for but the municipalities must pay kincardine review the crop last year exceeded a value of nvo million dollars in sugar and syrup which wie slight less than in 1024 but ovor a million more than in the previous soaaon the increase of tho past two aeasona ls credited more to- higher prices for tho crop than to mare extensive tapping and this again in believed to bei direct result of uio rnoro general adoption of modern equipment and methods of manufacture the province of quebec continue to lead an sugar production yielding as it doos about half use total crop ontario nova scotia and new brunswick yielding the remainder thero has boon a large improvement in tho process of sugar making in thai recent years the replacing of the open sap bucket and the old sugar kettle by the modern- covered palls and rapid working evaporatorb has raised tho quality both of tho syrup and augur produced tho adoption of this bettor equipment has given the industry a worth while place in tho modcrnagrleulturo wherever there is still standing a grove fit sugar maples with these products as wjth other foods uioiwlltyhasmuch to do with the prico of he crop whlclvcan t lino only when processed in the mod- orn way bulletin no 30 of the de partment oi agriculture at ottawai explains very clenrly tho modern pro- ceiiii of auir making and 8hcwb illus- iratious of the equipment tnat is necessary to- work a considerable grovo with comparatively uttlo labor this bulletin which has patched its third edition is available l ihe pub lications branch of the ioiitment of agriculture at ottawa issued by tho director of publicity dominion de partment of agriculture ottawa how tf e broke it to her m savtvthe king in unison tyc french liberals foi- anarla andthree lnstydreersfor hon ernest lapointe who had led the administra tion through the difficult preliminary session most make new contract four or five years experience has proven that the ifc contract made with the canadian national railway jli fr supply of water at the tank and in the station fi has not proveri satisfactory from a financial stand rsk point to the municipality of the village of acton it was estimated that at the reduced rate at which the water is metred to the railway company j a revenue of about 1200 per year would be derived by the town instead of that however it is stated ttaft an average of about 500 per year is being re- ceivecl the first fiveyear contract expires the com- tringaarnnier in view of the discrepancy in revenue vtrom this contract the council has given the required six months notice that the contract will not be re- enitlljntlie basis of the original arrangement the contract has been an exceedingly favorable one for 1 the canadian national railway company it if es timated that the cost of maintenance fuel and en gineers salary when a pumping plant was operated here was upwards of 3000 per year the company jf jwill therefore have made c financial saving of about 12000 in cold cash by their agreement with actons 5rfcs system during the bwsyegr ter it good roads plus good hotels a few years ago the great need of ontario was good roads the roads were then the despair of tourists who came here from across the border but now we have the best of roads and each year sees their mileage added to the need now is an improve ment in hotel accommodation so that motorists can be informed by pamphlets where hotels of a satis factory class may be found the ontario motor u ui mm at least pay tu the luwu yeac a u h riihyiitlal pay w their independent pumping plant which they tmtnrstr- pensted here for over hfty veataf it is reported ff l a has r j e qllt umuoh or more water is used now from actons waterworks system as was usedwben the railways own plint was maintained bob staft for law breakers taat week at walkerton his honor judge suther land sentenced julius kuperschrriidt a farmer of cltoosi to a term of four years imprisonment at kingston penitentiary with twenty lashes for an of- fence committed against a minor the walkerton telescop gives thelte interesting particulars when judgo sutherland inquireol if the prisoner had nny- thing to say before sentence was pronounced his counsel mr campbell grant responded on his be- half after requesting as great a degree of lenienfy j mshia honor could rantstreising the effort which the prisoner had inide to compensate by means of money arid alsp speaking of the position in which rije je was nndergoing pn mr grant presented i petition signed by 300 people of the townships 6t tin jaaiaeakaisjsv p culross and carrick who had known kuperschmidt w it testlhed to his general good character tp to the tiihfjye- eomjricttlrtgjn a jtener- at way flppnljjie one of which the prlaonerhad v hf wiltfcted the stated that he could not p hug th s 1 sui petition in their feeling of deep regret for i kfnwhmidt in his unenviable position and re- firjl lorhls wife arid family they lose sight of the jsuhlic interest his honor intimktedthat there was too much of tlje sohsrulty that the general public do not look behind at tho true facts of the ie after having stated that he had very care f coasidereii all facts conneoted with- the offence of rt i the unfortunate posi- p tloiitl which his family would bb left judge suther jnij prftnouneed sentence he informed the prison- vtfilit he could pu away for life but thought that the four years and twenty lashes would be a j- ril punishment for hiirt and a warning to others judga sutherland took a verysape view of the un- ji fdrittilate matter it is a fact that in every com munhy there are people who allow their feelings of sympathy to blind them to the need for justice to be fc meted out to those who wilfully violate the laws en li acted for public peace and safety league has set about toarouse the towns and vil lages to the importance of chains of clean comfort able and satisfactory hotels stretching in every di rection across theprovince kincardine stands oat as a strong link in such a chain it is doubtful if another town of its size in this province can boast of as fine hotel accommodation as this town can the local hotels are uptothctminute in every respect if every town comes up inthis matter it will be a great advertisement for the province and will mean mil lions of dollars to the country kincardine re porter a bataalng- to the country the burlington vermont free press had a very sine and logical article last week from the pen of albertelaing formerly of acton now superinten dent of the antisaloon league of the state of ver mont in which he asserts why all this beer and wine agitation the word intoxication spells the reason why the demand for beer and wine is a de mand for intoxicating liquors and this demand comes largely from the old alcoholic appetites that were left high and dry in the great american sa hara which was created when prohibition came six years ago literally tens of thousands of american citizens still have the old craving for a g of beer or something stronger and they are the folks who on some of our trains carriages for xadles only have been placed on one occasion these- corrdages were all occupied y the fair sex consequently a number of lacuw were obliged to prooure seats in com portment in which a hnufhty- young fellow was hie stole occupant ho quickly saw that tee carriage would soon be filled and he be in- grat- donger of losing his seat a length when an elderly woman hove in sight he thought it time to interfere my good woman ho remarked somewhat testily this is a carriage tor firentlbmevn- z i but ho was- quite taken back when art making the most noise we submit that national blessing to the american people therefore the writer suggests we will do well to go the rest of the way without either beer or wine editorial notes the improved method of marketing hogs during the last three years is having good results in that during the past season canadian bacon has risen from seventh to third place on the british market ari amendment to the manitoba law exempts all amateur sports from amusement tax ontario might well follow the example jand include all entertain ments given by amateur talent tillsonburg news statistics show that nearly one hundred thousand women in great britain who were made widows by the war hiye remarried that many less pensions the w anrl hit t rhilrt woul r l whi tooayiurjiibtilceh the british treasury he serves his party best wno serves his country best hayes we commend this to our parliamen tary representatiyes each member at ottawa and toronto should keep it lua prominent place on his desk markham economist there is altogether too much red tape at- the customs inquiry in ottawa what the people want is the facts even if it be necessary to depart from this strict rules of evidence in getting them barrie examiner and the examiner might reasonably have added irrespective of who may be found to be the parties guilty of evasion or connivance of the customs regulations in the retirement of w l smith fromhis posi tion on the editorial staff and the board of directors the farmers- sun loses its oldest editorial writer and one of the effective arid dlaciruiminating editors for thirty years mr smith has been associated with the farmers sun this connection dating back to the tijie when the late qoldwin smith was its direct ing aenius mr smith earned a respite from the vexattlotis demands of in edrtbrisl position and the fblrateexpf lyienjoy it i the hope that he will abundant- -r- danny wiltharth was a brakeman one day wbllo his traln onji sldotrack at a town in ohlcdnother train that was uolng some awltohing on the same track suddenly bumped into tho caboose on the rear plat form of which danny was standing and ho was severely bruised he was taken to a local hospital where it was found that his injuries were so serlqus as to -necessitate- his remaining sever al weeks in the hospital for treatment at the end of a month he surprised his mother at her homo in flttsburg by walking ixito the houso on crutches why danny he exclaimed what is tho matter what bos hap pened to yoat why i wrote and told you mother dear he answered with a grin noaoa you didnt all you wrote was that yoi were going to quit rail roading for a while that you hod found sometlilns- cibb to do and that it was anlnftoor job you didnt say word about getting hurt or any thing of that kind i surely did mother j told you what happened to me you surely didnt how did i aay i came to be staying in that town 7 you said you happened to he caught thero between trains well i m thero is an old etory of tho man who knew every rock in the ohanhel and whon a fearful jar came said theres one of then now hln system was notunwhoily unllko that pursued by miss abigail spears for tho purpose of strengthening her brothers memory whon yravo kept house for the minister aa lonlr us i have for brother james my dear youll know all mn hovvo to be romtndod of cer tain things day after day said miss abigail to the ministers bride y now thero was tho tabid up in brother jamess room he was al- wuya knoetcln8t it ovor when he went into tho room in the- dark till i de vised a means to remind him of it how did- you do it oisked the bride with gratifying eagerness miss ablarall beamed wjth the prldo of a successful inventor why it was simple enough she slid lused to keep it parallel with tho shape of the room the wall i mean till one day i bothought me how i could est it cornerwlbb and the corners are- remorkably sharp and do you know my dear jiunes has grown so careful that thore isnt more than one night in four now that ho has to call on mo to help him to help him echoed tno bride how mies spears to jnins iilm the- unlraent iny dear safct miss abigail impatiently dont you understand he not only tipped it ovor but he the contact was really qulto painful theres al ways some such easy way to help a man remember but it requires a little thought no place por th e cow a young woman of great perhaps too great sensibility begged to be ex cused from visiting nn aunt who lived in an oldfashioned iioubo where pic tures of a certain period were in evi- donco thero is an engraving of a blacksmiths shop in tho dining room sold she hysterically you cant ex- peotmo to eat my dinner ttiere i smell the hoofs a similar criticism coma from ono who suftered not from overrennemont but from something qulto different sho was a woman of recently acquir ed t wealth who went into an art gallery and asked for a painting of n certain size 1 have just what you want bald the dealer he showed her a beautiful animal painting but she looked at it for a few minutes and then shook nor head it wont do she said i want tnls picture tor my drawlnf but its a beautiful thlnaj ventured the dealer not for a drawing room an nounced tho woman conclusively you -couldnt- have a cow in a draw ing room mccoys codliver extract tablets fine for thin underdeveloped kids children lowev than booms they art sugar coatad arid aa easy to take aa candy business directoiy medical as oood a8 her word tack this in your oarage safety last william but had lies slumbering here one lake he heard tho bell no brake at nrty miles drove ollle pldd h thought he would not skid but did alnjnety miles drove eddie shawn the motor stopped but ed kept on here he sleens one johnnie fonker ho rounded a turn without a bonk- er down in tho creek sleeps jorry sana the bridge was narrow ho tried to pass beneath this stone sleeps william raines ice on the hill he had no ohalrjs here lies the body of william jay who died maintaining the right of way here rests the remains of perclvai bapp jhe drove his car with aglrl- in his lap- leaning on nature riddles what is it that eats while it but dies when it drinks lttrac r lives why should turtles ie pitied more than other creatures becauso theirs is such a hard case what word of three syllables reads the some backwardsond forwards hovlver when was it that tho rose rose when it saw the rain drop what is it that has three feet but notoes a yard measure why shourd there bo more frogs in kent than in any other county because icent is the best place for hops what indeed the old lady rttadb the unutpebted id ply tthmwnbatetradoltfittiere by elimination jokes about twins are more num erous than twins themselves for all that there need be no hesitation in repeating a joke which passes cur rent in at least onaaeotlqn of the country there used to live over on painters farm sold the humorist who told the story a couple o twins naraod dan an abo they moved away since at the time i remember em uiey were grown men but they were as near alike as them two gallon juts the only difference was that xtar had a good sound set of teeth and abe he had lost most 6 his out o the front part of his face the only way to know which was which was to stick your finger in abes mouth it no bit y dan trouble8 ahead for her when the daughter of the house re turns- from college she is sometimes inclined to forgot that thore ore very acroutduueiawoiurherjusthen says tho chicago journal that the wise mot brings her t a different been v c is- polnt of vlew the girl bud her studies and had been at home only a few dayb when she said to her mother yes ive graduated hutidont- want to lose myinteresi in my work and i shall try to keep up my psychology philology blbll just a minute said her mother ttivoarnnntetrsrcouribfmryouirr roostolory bollolcgy stttcnology darnology patchology and general do- mestloology you might as well be gin right now gat your apron on and pluck that chicken one often follows the other flee here said the angry visitor to tho reporter what do- you mean by inserting the derisive expression ap plesauce in parenthesis in my -speech- r applesauce great scott man i wrote applause boston trans cript the value op a vill whether the estate be large or small every person with any property should make a will and see that the will is ep drawn ats to make clear the inten tions or tbe testator if this is done it wul prevent tbe estate from being eaten up ty litigation should cir cumstances render a change necessary in the disposal of the estate it is a simple matter to- angle another x emoroon says hitch your wagon to a star in other words go wlththe universe and not against it an old man wus sitting on a stump in the far south when a tourist came upon him- how are the times asked the stranger pretty tolable was the answer i had some trees to cut down tout a cyclone leveled em and saved me the trouble that was good yes then the lightning sot fire to the brusnplle and saved me the trouble of burning it remarkarjle but what ore you doing now wftlcjngforanearthauake toeome- nlong and- ahalce the potatoes out of the ground old mr makepeace- was in a- re miniscent mood did i ever tell yo what mother said to me when i got op spunk enough to oak hor in words vlf shed have me ho began to tie delight orbls grandson fred ji no but something bright ill war rant chuckled fred with a klnrteo at tho old lady who calmly regarded thorn from her rockingchair by the fireplace i cant recall tho preliminary re marks mr makopeaco continued and anyway f think they were a trine mixed but anally after i had said something about my proflpeots to mavke it businesslike x began to think it strange she didnt aay any- thing and i was afraid i was getting it all wrong ill make ye a good huefband bet ty x said hoping that was the right thing if i should marry you john sho said and it was the first time she had oponedlvher lips 1 will attend to mak ing a good husband of you anil she has laughed old 3r makepeace the corner of his eye on his wife its your duty mother to see that tho frail peaked- sickly youngster- grows up to bo strong in body koen in mind and robust in health extract from the livers of the lowly codfish are the health weight and the strength producing vltamlnes that are found in mccoys cod liver extract tablets which are sold by pharmacists all ovor north and south amerelcn doctors know about them and so doos tbe druggist and if your children need building up ask for these tablets today if youwant to glvoyour loved onqs a good appetite and put grounds of good healthy flesh on their bones but toe sure to get mccoys they are not expensive so tablets 60 cents and if you aro not pleased with the improvement- after 80 days your money back a very sickly child aged o gained 12 pounds in sevon months and is strong nnd healthy one skinny woman gained t pounds in 24 days dr j a mcniven phyalolarr and burgeon ofllce and residence corner bon avenue and elgin street phone 88 dr e j nelson frbd brick stbeiit aoton ontario legal phone no 22 p o box mb harold nash farmer aol barrlatsr solicitor notary public conveyancer etat perryman block- acton ont mouey lent on mortgages aqours 930 aan to 5 p-m- baturdays 1200 oclock ab others sees u8 why didnt he jimmy jricrgled whe the teacher read the btbry of the man who ewanr across the tiber three times before breakfast you do not doubt that a trained swimmer could do that do you no ilr answered jimmy but i wonder why he did not make it four and got back to the side where his clothes were- a travellers forethought little thlngi illustrate certain eng lishmens knowledge of canadian geography very picturesquely an englishman who had taken the inter national limited at ottawa called out on going to 3d before the train start ed portah portahl the porter came what is it sir he said please wake me up when we sret to vancouver you know sold the eng lishman a bad fall one evening little bobby fell down and cut his knee his mamma quick ly bathed the wound but as it was rather dark and she could not see properly eho happened to nioce the bandagetoo low 1 oh munuule said bobby youve put the ognd iii uib wiung plac i fell down hlgrher up the right bear no said the editor regretfully as ho handed ui typewritten msuiusorlpt back to the young man bear stories aro out of date we want more sploy matter the authfors face brightened at onco oh them that is just what you want he declared it describes an adventure with a cinnamon hoar 0h1 ye8 you- cam yflucan always tell a barber by the wayhe parts his hair you can always tell a dentist when youre in a dentists chair and even a musician you can tell him by his touch you can always tell a printer but you cannot tell him much tho paper book notice to creditors the creditors of djatujwaters smith late of tho village ocaofbh widowjwho died on the th day of february wjb are required tob to the un atllcltor their full names addresses and descriptions full particulars of their claims and tho naturo of the securities if any held by thorn and this notice being given in pur suance of section 68 of tho trustees act k 8 0 chapter 121 and amend ing acts notice is hereby further giv en that on ami after the 20tt jtayof march lt2 the executors wlu pro ceed to distribute the asset of the said deceased among the patljt ally entitled thereto and they will not be responsible for any otolms of which theyi have not then received notice dated at acton this ibth day of february a e l2 h p mtoore and william oowdy executors by h n farmer acton ont thelj solicitor the absurdities of a at of anger are npparent to everybody except to the one most ooncerned if the young people who are always giving way to a fit of temper could see themselves aa others see them they ould soon cure tliemaelves a girl who had been noted for her violent temper till she was eighteen suddenly turned over a new leaf she told a friend that her cure was due to a email sister with an imitative turn one day she said 1 was havlngr one of my tantrizms when over in the corner i saw annie dupli cating my performace like a little monkey her face was all eoowls and she was rocking herself from side to side brandishing her arms without maklns a sound tbe slgrht was so ludicrous that i terrified my mother by bursting out- laughing 3cy recovery 4jatesxam thnf hour there la a funny side to such imi- tatlonand there ds a serious alde if it helps some people to see the absurd ity or their conduct and reform it la jnore likely to fasten itself on the imi tator and become a fixed habit the demand b greater than the supply since january 4 we have bad twr calls for help we were un able to supply all graduates are located talk to the man or womftts on the- street in your town who knows about our work thin aotl student may start any day at cuelph business college theres a good position for you get the training come along on monday a l botjck principal and proprietor dental dr j m bell d d s l d a dentist honor graduate of toronto onlwi slty tho latest anesthetic used if desired ofllce at residence corner of mid and frederick streets dr fg gollop dds lds dental 8urgeon ofoes over bank- of nova beoum ho0bs 10 to 80 evenings by appointment farmers and home gardeners who appreciate best quality beasonable prices and fair dealing wvul do wel1 to pctr- chase from pelhara nursery co appijy j burltngham r no 4- roekwood ont miscellaneous c franas nunan booldilndsr account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndham street oyer wullauns uuelpn ont store r tkerr auctioneer and real estate 20 years experience list your property acton ontario save the baby chicks males therm strong sturdy productive egglaying puiwwtuipratabyciidfcfood itcostsatrifisrnora but is cheapest in the end judged by malts tin extra dicks you save and raise more than pay for all the prstts baby chickfood you use ask your dealer theres one near yov pkatt food co of canada ltd chick rmmi szs cariaw ave totraato sold in acton by wd talbot simple mtxtws makes stomach feel- linej simple- jbiichthorn bark glycerine etc as mixed in adlerlku often helps stomach ironblo in tbn minutes by removing oas brings out a surpris ing amount of old waste matter you never- jjiought was in yoirr system stops that full bloated feeling and makes you happy and cheerful blx- oeuent for ohronlo ooostipatlon adlerlks worvs quick and deturht- fullf easy at brown drusttlpt the ohio electric floor polisher will positively polish your floors j ohio electric floor polisher attachments free demonstration in your home on rbqxie8tto the hydro shop tin mi l i a a e nickun in8urance agent life tho mutual life assurance co of canada fire waterloo mutual insurance company eagle star and british uorninion insurance co jllmleodt auto acoidant health burglary insurance etc employees li- abliity assurance corporatipns the somlniori of canada guar- antee and accidents insurortce company money to loan on farm proper ty government and municipal bonds trustoe for estates col lections see me for till kinds of insurance box 144 bowbr ave acton ffirwojorrosrfcrr tfsrokfto eanauo radio cntiadaa plonoor monthly puabllcatlon dovotcd to radio subacriptlon price year in advance 1200 por hajjio is edum by allan b oxley r c l an outstanding authorliyon radloaiieratlpn subscribe now and loam how- to set the heat out of your radio not- radio also tella you where to buy penton publications 8082 adelaide east toronto i- the symptoms of eye strain- are often so indefinite that they aro charged up to many dlftcrent causes before tnoeyes are suspected bye strain is far more common than the publla believe and the results mora serious for that reason it should be suspected more fre quently than it is our exaraiti- atloa will gleyou the facts re- r gmminrr v y- a d savace optometrist and mfo- optician right at the post office savao bulldlna oofelph the old and reliable granite and blurloe worta v7 are manufacturers and direct importers of all kinds of monumentsl and eeauuteme work vto sell direct to outr ssubtomars at wholesale prices thus saving our customar 40 per cent we turn the best appliances and the only mechanics in the dominion who oan operate pneumatlo tools properly uiamgiverelerance from ljjndreds of our customers in toronto anathsr places whore others have to have law ultalnorder to collect we have the largest and best stock of oranlte lia the dominion or more than any three dealers in the west we are legiti mate dealers- and employ no agents and do not annoy or pest cmsrumiedni by sanding out ignorant agents solicit- leg orders we employ only mecliardcs and defy competition limilton sons oublph oni blisv- ot imm alife ss hbf