m thuksday junt3 q 102g country boy btirbro tho ftrat crow ever crowed aloud then ho wuu up to great tlio early day praunnir wig slow whltv pueslne of a cloud and vulloys landing 1 mat yt hero was the thine to cherish and wdorc tho world hold in a few 4 mull acres there a field to walkthrough and boyonu a door- leading to moonlight by a winding stair o licicli3youriiver for ho knows r how sort tho ifeaas is and how kind the breeze and how tho rabblta truck across the snows and how the march hap hurries through tho trees hero la a lad who knows what sweet fields are tho warmth oc night tho first flash of a star harold vinal taking our temperature in winter and spring when la grippe is rampant many of us make use of clinical thermometers but few give thought especially if tho mercury reads above tho normal point to the nature of the little instrument which la found in practically every household probably tho clinical ther mometer is the moat widely used of any pathological instrument and al though familiarity may breed con tempt the accuracy of these small thermometers does actually compare very favorably with that of tho much more costly and larger instruments uted in scientific laboratories the clinical thermometer in com- mon with its larger brethren is sub ject to errors which may gfcvo rise to flethlous indication sr unless- special glass is used for the thin bulb con- tainlng the mercury orrcrs will ac cumulate for some considerable time after manufacture due to a slow shrinkage whlclj takes place-r-extend- hib sometimes for years often too gas entrapped in the walls of the ther mometer stem passes into the fine capillary hole and results in portions ocanorqury becoming detaciedtfrom the main column these pieces may pass unnoticed and lncorreot temper atures may b indicated then too clinical thermometers have troubles of their own due in the main to the constriction which enables tho mercury column to retain its read lng after removal from tho patients mcuth the making qf this constric tions calls for great skill on the part of the glassblower if the thermom eter is over constxleted the mercury will rlseby lorgejbumps causing er rors andt5ecoiunin will bo difficult to shake back on tho other hand the mercury must ho trapped effectively otherwise a fall will uiko rflac in the index when the thermometer is removed for reading giving tempera- turoture which 1b too low- theso errors are quite iroquen try encountered the national physical laboratory in england reported that in one series of nlno thousand ther mometers twentyeight per cent were found unreliable good makers have a much smaller percentage of failures as a comparison- with the figures just quoted one firm in the same year had only twentyfive instruments rejected out of fifteen thousand and mast of these were for minor defects a ttho national physical labora tory tho number of clinical thermom eters tested has averaged as high as twentylive thousand por weejfe during tho whole year this figure giving some idea of tho number of clinical thermometers in use in canada m t reolx afaw m i mm sklpsbb back porches i- the eh old friends passing it seems to mo that the friends of my younger days are passing away with unusual rapidity two havu sono within tho iast week mrs john jsuuker and my oldtimo friend ifirhroie henderson tlieso twocaino from representative families of tho early days the rosses of ks quo a lng tests to clinical thermometers similar j and thct hendersons of nassagaweya to those made at the national physi- both loyal and regular attendants at cal laboratory are undertaken by the physical vesting laboratory topo- graihical survey department of the interior ottawa this laboratory has special equipment for the work and regularly lssueaoertlflcatea of approv al for thermometers for tho govern ment sorvlcc hospitals sanatoria and the canadian public generally mr edward in 1833 tho then prince of wales waii much interested in the creation and organisation of the college of roas and stalker farms about twenty- aluslc in london he caused it to be intimated to the late sir henry irving that it would show the interest of another and allied branches of art in the undertaking- if the dramatic artists avdu1uivefftefllhftir the nowcol- hge- the prince even suggested that robort macairesvbuid do excellently for the occasion with anallstar cast of course irving was delighted to he and the result was t eplendld tlie house is beautiful my dears front verandas- wide- youll fix it up with hammocks and wicker things beside the kitchen opens on the yard with just a step or two why daughter if youre satisfied of course tife house will do andyet to me across the years llko some homeguiding torch the brightest thing remembered is your mothers kltchon porch back porches in the summer time i see the walnut trees atossing plumcy branches in the buoy ant morning breeze a sliding path a spreading barn and in- tho orchard grass the mellow red june apples strewn to tempt the ones whod pass all warmed to f by the sun with busy bees about and robins dipping gayly down to and their flavor out sour- mother had some srmplo rules the simplest one of these she nlways kept tho kitchen porch a place for shelling peas or summer mornings when the shade lay cool and dewy there- shed bring them in a shlnjng pan the stops her only ehairj xhe little curls about her forehead used to bob and shine xn that cool shady spotless bower of memories o mine there glinting milk palls stood -arow- to wait the western sun there farm hands doffed their hats and btretched themselves when work was donex until tho welcome dinner- call and there the children played- in nil the languid drifting hours of bird song and of shade nd there at dusk we sat to watch tho stars come twinkling out while all the little silent sounds of nlghtumo chirped about we always figure on tho wear of things wo buy and sell we ought to figure haw theyll last tn momories as well for many roofs may shelter us as life is passing by 3ut only in our memories we live un til we die so choose your house of dreams my dears and choose it as you please but there is ndthlng like a kitchen porch for shelling peas an 1 dont oldtime 1ncidemt think i ever told you oc a conversation i had one day with jim- itilo matthews postmaster some yenrw before his death thin story shows that in some respect tuo most burdoiibome duties of the postmaster arc not always thoso that tho cjovorn- niont regulations proscribe mr 1it- uicwh said that joo thompson htap- eo into tho old post olllco one ini-n- iriff and addressing tho poatmaii or hald mornln mi matthews morning joo has tom word en been in for lis mail yet no will you be here when he com vves well when ho comes will you loll hiiri that on his way from tho sjvve factory i wjbii hed cull and eot uiat shoat of tommy camerons apil tikt- it down to abo stauffers and toll abo i said ho coujd have it for thatsingle harness even up if hell fix up that bridle and tltrow in those russet lines stead of tho old black ones an1 if he wont swap tll tom to brjne the slioat down to my place and pui it in the extra pen- and be -sure- and shut that door to trie hen house or all tlio chlckensll got out sure there aint no mall mornln mtf mnt- hows morning joe our old kirk both families strong reformers 4oth noted for their hos pitable homes both enjoying tho esteem of the community for three or four generation and of course both oitiong the early settlers of this com munity i remember many years ngo learn ing that mrs stalker annie ross hcvlng been born up in bruce county in kinlohh township and being brought by her parents down to the fourth line when sho was a six-months- old baby and of tho noventyone years slncoshe lived on tho adjoining performance at which the prince and princes of wales attended and a sum of- more than one thousand ijounds was turned over to tlie college the wtlre receipts irving himself says mr bram stoker- in his person al- reminiscences of henry irving paid all the expense in the first year of its working when the class for dramatic study was or ganized irving was asked by the dl- rectorate to examine it which he did cheerfully and 4n due time made his report goon afterward he received a letter of thanks for his services although quite formal tt was most genial and kindly letter andto the signature was appended chair man in acknowledging it to sir george grove the director of the col- lege irving sold what a pleasure if find been to him to be aji examiner ancl assured sir george that ho would fifkully hold his services at the disposal of tho college he added to his letter this postscript by the way who la our gonial friend mr edward chairman i do no think i have met him he got a horrified letter sent by messenger from sir george explaining that the signature was that of albert edward then prince of wales culpabke ignorance what the average united stater knows about canada or for that mat- tei any other country outside of tho few states of the union is about n limited as his appreciation of the fact that his is not the only country on eorjuj and a asit may be in oklahoma state there is ono man nnd he is the editor of an important news paper t tulsa tribune who evi dently knows to perfection the dopth of ignorance of his compatriots ami their gullibility from tlrao to time he produces the most outrageous non sen so regarding the british empire tout recently he has taker to giving his people nn authentic account of- the political ffncml and economic condi tions incanada its a wld barbar out country a vast wilderness ho says peopled by a downuodfen kingridden cltlsenry these woor henchmen of aristocratlo monarchy are compolled to pay extortionate taxes to maintain great ens ties and estates in and near london etc etc tlie tribune advises canada to get from under such a rotten tyranny nraethht up for renders but is evidently takanln all nlnoerltyithe article hanln been con led from other american papers what can he thought of the educational atr talhxnentfl o a people who can be talked to in this manner of the pohtl cal wtatus of their hext door neighbor eorrnptncally- beaverton express one years she spent on the home place arid fifty on tlie stalker homestead for be it understood annie ross lived in the stalker household for some time pxlor to her marriage and being a real helpmeet to old airs stalker who had her for her maid there was great rejoicing when annie itoss came into the stalker household as johns bride shewusbeloved by all and what a mother what a wife what u friend she hasbeen no wonder the community mourns because mrs stalker has been taken iter home was always open to hor neighbors to her host of friends in fact the com munity has nlways felt that a wel come awaited them whenover their stps wended their way to the stalker homestead the hospitality meted out there was of tho most generoua kind and whoever passed under tho portal of this prosperous homo was made to feel comfortable and happy in this mrs stalker was tho presiding gen jo us but her efforts were always seconded by her quiet but always friendly hushojad since the family has grown rp and the splendid daughters were at their mothers el bow to assist her the circle of fellow ship has widened and the social gath erings at the stalker homestead have been enlarged in numbers perhaps the very happiest years of her life have been since tho grand children have made their appearance no little ones were ever more cordial ly welcomed to a grandmothers arms than the dearlittle grahams and they were often found there mrs stalker had a great love for her church and its ministers and when last stamping oak bush goes into lumber in tho early duys this countu was noted for its beautiful white pin its elm und basswoou and its oaw the first three long slnco went to the saw mills with the exception of isolated treea hero and there the last erove of white oak in southern ontario has been felled and cut into timbers it was on a bush lot between muton and dmmquin nnd the murray crawford company limited of campbellvllle its just finishing the lumbering off this 50 acre tract that contained what they believe to bo the last stand of white oak trees in the easily accessiblo part of the province timbers ranging from 8 to 14 and 10 by 16 inches have been tho ordinary run nnd there have been many 10 by 20 and 14 by 1g and 22 feet long with the daddy of them all measuring 10 by 22 inches and 22 foot long the timbers are being loaded on cars at hornby and taken away to form part of tho now construction work on the welland canal where they are used for tho ranking of tho lock gates and for the rolghty timbering n to support tbi gales llko the old folks the trees which we knew and admired for years ore passing away it leaves a painful gap where these aged trees which were on tho hal top farm lands before the county was surveyed and which wo have known from boyhood are cut dewn and hauled away real realism when people talk about realism they generally mean a very sordid viow of life a man who writes about thieves and cutthroats is called n realistic writer whlh another who writes of harpy marriages and cheerful homes is assigned to the sentimental school the first writer may be realistic or may not be many of them indulge in flights of imagination which would make jules vorne envious but to the gi cat majority of readers a happy home 4s more real than a thlefs dug out because they have seen the one of ton and know the other only by hearsay to most of us highminded cleanliving upright persons are more real than murderers and highwayrawn for wo come into dally contact with the -first-claaa- and tnow tho butbna only nt secondhand thero arc good and bad people in tho world andono class is as r a a wise german tho sound judgment of kldorlen- waochter the german foreign minister whose untimely death gave tho radi cals their opportunity did much says xi tke jonescu in hla book some personal i m pre salons to prevent un curlier outbreak of tho wir during a conversation that took plree in the fall or 1911 writes m jonescu kid or i en complained that he wiih crowing moro uvnd more unpop ular owing to hla wish to avoid war h told me at some length of an in terview that ho had had with the crown prince in the room that wo were tltn sitting in hce said that the cruwn princowas worse than a ninny and thiut he told him he ought not to meddle with matters that ho could mt understand referring to anclogerman relar tiima kldcrlcn told flo of his wish to rerch an understanding with eng land but if you are anxious to come to tin understanding with england i said why dont you do the ono thing to insure it why do you refuse to compromise on the question of naval armaments you are too intelligent not to understand that until it has been utterly crushed england will not let herself bd outbuilt on v tho sea -you- may build five dreadnaughts it wilt build thirteen where are you going to stop you are heading right strnlght for war with england ad mitting for a moment that you gain the victory how long will it last you will raise against yourself a world coalition so hated will you be that the very rabbits will enroll them selves n grains t you 1 klderlen replied rather bitterly i wanted to have an understanding over tho limitations of aamaments but i could not manflge it i have said everything that you have sdld to me i have said it to tlrpitz who was sitting in thlsvery armchair and i asked i did not succeed in convincing him but what about the emperor i uskeds he sided with tirpitz was the reply canadas only womn legislator miss mcphail m p to attend a con fore nee in dublin ireland honors lire co nlng to hps mcphuil aplenty fcho is to attend us n dele gate the womens international con ference which meets this year in dub lin irolaml early in july she is on tho programme to represent canada and wo have no doubt will do it very worthily says tho durham review of course she will visit england and scotland among them hor fathers birthplace in argyleshlre boforer she returns will probably meet lady astor nnd the duchebs of at h oil the latter a recent visitor to canada and who nssured miss hcphall that any thing she could do to make her trip more pleasant would be done i in several ways miss- mcphall will tie able to diffuse ulitua- canadian a mosphcre in the old and she sails about june 15th in connection with the recent in cursion of ottawa byi the obhawa 3000 men and 100 women she was greatly pleased to receive a letter from a young lady in oshawa who formed one of the party giving her credit for the way sho perceived thorn and ex plained things even though she yield ed nothinc she met premier king before thoelegation arrived and ho wished her luck with her 100 women remarking ho would rathor fac his 3000 men than 100 women real neighbors the mountain scratcher thf other there are happy homes acii there aro wretched ones and both arv real realism means depicting things as they aro hot dopictljig tho basest side of humanity and the more harrowing phases of life canadian cattle in britain regular in her attendance at knox church and to her home the min ister was always assured of a cordial welcome well shes gone to her re ward and it will be a glorious ono wvh all miss her but none like her sorrowing husband and her beloved children those of us who knew her beat esteemed her most and james henderson has gone to sleop with his fathers t jimmlo grow up in- nassagaweya and was recorded by many as a sort qf oracle of wisdom and knowlcdgs he was a prosperous farmer and an unchangeable liberal he was- amnn of mark in his com munity and for a number of years en joyed the distinction of bolng a justice of the pence mo man oyer valued more this honorable ofilco and no man ever felt more aggrieved at a tory government than jimmy llendarson when they cancelled thin dearly covet ted distinction a decade or so ngo mr hon demon gloried in the fact that he was an irishman nnd that tho good old county antrim was his place of birth over seventy year ago and it wns his good fortune to settle eventually on a farm in nnnsagaweya opptwriro thnrrof jerrys snilth7wh6 afterwards became iuh fathorlnliiw jimmy wns a man of rrlondly disposi tion nnd i rarely mot him that ho did not enqulrorfor the health of mary and the family junmloa gone hell b sadly missed by his sorrowing wid ow whojiao horsorf been in poor far- some tittle vfem all mis him i canadian cattle are rapidly saining popularity in oredt britain and the number shipped have steadily increas ed since tho embargo was lifted in april 123 about 111000 head were shipped in 1025 an increase of 31000 over the previous year the total de clared valqe of the sliipment in 1025 was 11796683 or an average of rog40 per ihcad as compare with 8402377 or 10577 per head in 1924 if the canadian shippers were more caieful in selecting the type of ani mals in demand in great britain his profits would be considerably increas ed according to a bulletin of tho de partment of agriculture atottawa on shipping cattle to britain which contains much valuable information for those engaged in the industry when they cun get really good can adian cattle the british commission men and feeders prefer them to irish cattle as they are healthier and they raako more rapid gains but they de mand animals of tho highest heef type inferior animals nre noh leapt for feeding but aro slaughtered at the port pf entry and consequently brjng smaller returns to the shipper worlds okly five- ring circus coming thero are few uilnsa that rouse the swiss inhabitants of alpine villages to contemptuous anger so much as the spectacle of ignorant tourists anxious to attack the unkown heights of dan gerous mountains these 1 villagers have spent their lives among these huge mountains andeallxo their per ils- when they see some stupid new comer starting out alone on what may ba nothing less than a suicidal ven ture snys tho london express they say to each other axtother mountaln- scratcherl the sensible tourist never by any means purchases an ice ox one day i noticed a man enter one of the shops he looked at tho iceaxes and finally bought one no one but a mountain- scratctier would buy an iceaxe nt a toyshop said my guide- v the next day i started out for an easy excursion to the glacier having tho same guide with me who had pointed out tho mountain scxaicher nvthe shop he at once told me that thu scratcher had also started for the glacier unattended when we began to get on the glac ier the guide fastened the rope round m5 waist not being- a climber i had orly my alpenstock the guides ice- nx was ample for the cutting of the necessary steps in a short time we saw tho mount ain scratcher he was chipping away with his ax on a broad slope ofilco that reached away into illlmltablo dla- tance without wasting words the guide stopped mo and untied the rope you stay where you arc he said that fool la right in the tfck- of 1 ava lanches gpm6ofth0vight an easy life is not ukcjy to- bo yery valuable life to itself or to othera strength comes by overcoming olf- staclcsv and it is the strong lire that can best help those about it- there are few dcfecu in our natures so glaring as not to be vetlod tram observation by politeness and good breeding stnnislaus ho is to be pitted indeed who has seen hotter days ahead of him yet bui made no pretaration for living them hotter the most brilliant qualities become useless when they are not sustained by force of character- segur my faith is not your faith but truth ws a jewel with many facets maharajah of pntlatiu our enemies are out outward con- sci en ces sh nkespeare nothing is so infectious as ezumple charles kingsley it isnt what you start that counts ito what you finish as tho touchstone tries gold so gold tries men chllo allurad to brighter worlds and led tho way goldsmith welfl trained wllllann stibbon who farms 160 acres 17 miles south of brandon man says his neighbors are tho best on tho continent ho recently was given pinctlcal evidence- of this just before seeding time he had to go to the hos- pltal to undergo an operation that would keep him from work for sever al weeks samuel latc am stlbbons neighbor rose to tho occasion ho explained to the people of tho district hew things stood on the srlbbons quarter section and tho people of the dtrlct toolcthe job in hand sixteen complete seeding outfits ap peared ono day at stibbons horses ploughs seed drills and harrows all went to work on tho land tho wo men of he district came along and provided the meals the end of the day saw the seeding on stibbons farm nearly all done it was finished the next day- sentence sermons tho quickest way to endanerer a friendship is to bor row money from your friend to get a promotion is to grow too big for your present job to split a town is to start a con troversy on religion to wreck a home is to become se cretive v to ruin a boy la to klve him too much money ho does not earn to start a reform or a degeneration is to make it fashionable to kill business is to start talk about hard times order your spring bedding stock now a h bishop 8on j are now taking orders for all varieties of shrubs perennlalst and annuals vo also havo raspberry canes acuthberts 50c a dozen 250 a hundred 20 a thousand ypu sire vyilcpmsto visit and lnpet our green hpusef uf green hpusef at ay tf a h bishop son fairvlew ave phonp 54 raising qee8e for profit tho farm bplng thq natural habltut of tho goose offers splendid opportun- itea for profit from goose raising tin investment required to nturt this side line is relatively of market birds in tho autumn jftnd the original breed ing stock can be used for from six to ten years tho feeding of gocse is very slmploinnd lncxcnslvc and the houses required to accommodate either mature or young stock muy bo of very simple construction rtio essentials to success in goose raising are rcejrange and an abund ance of green food tho breeding stock and also the goslings will live if there is an abundance of tender grass or clover oven if grains or mashes are not fed the breeding geese should start to lay- about the middle of march and tho eggs should bo set us soon as enough has been laid to make it worth while xhe sooner the eggs aro set after being laid tho better the period of incubation is 31 days eggs may be set in lncubatorsunder hens oc under the mother goose it- is a good practice to sprinkle the osgs with luke warm water dally when set under the mother goose or under hens and twice dally when set in an incubator the moistening of the eggs jkeeps the embryo from becoming too dry and sticking to the shell especially at hitching time goslings require muoh tieat- after they are hatched and it is safe to leave them in the incubator or under the mother goose for about two days after hatching the air in the incuba tor chamber should be maintained at tho same temperature after the birds have batched but the goslings should be let down into the nursery when they have dried off and are ablo to move around freely when the goslings are ready for feeding it is a good practice to place a green sod near the nost or brooder ami let tho young birds pull the ten der shoots themselves this will in duco them to start feeding por the first few days goslings should bo fed on bread crumbs moistened with milk when they are about a week old they imxy be given a mash com- pesed of- equal parts by weight of corameal barley bran and shorts th is should be made molbt but not floppy xhe birds should bo fed three or four times dolly for about two weeks when the weather- is fine give tho birds their liberty out they should be protected from cold roans and con- fined nt night until the weather gets warm give the gosfhxgs a good start and they may then be turned on good pasture and tlie feeding of mnsh dis continued make sure that the gos lings have plenty of shade and a lib era supply of fresh drinking water before them at all times a g tay lor poultry division experimental farm ottawa a thorough chicken dinner india has more than one kind of wizard there is the hindu cook o butler at the bunpalowh scattered nlcng tho ronda for the convenience of travellers you might well call him a wizard with food it is astonishing writes n contributor to forest and stream what he will do for jin un expected guest at a mmenus notice often ho will proudly produce a pclu table dish that he calls mutton cctlota which means that a- villngo goal has met ah untimely end and incidentally that the sahibs rupees for the meal will more than pay for tho whole nnlmau when all else falls there is always the moorgl or country chicken tho ubiquitous moorgl i remember a bungalow banquet at which i was once present several of us arrived hungry and tired and went to see the butler tho inter view was something as follows wo want timn lunch butler very good sar i how long will ypube hair an hour sir what can youvfelve us s today no mutton sot it snr all right then what t give chicken soup bar yes and then sar very well and then chicken carry sar anything else roast chicken sar all right cut along and hurry up in a few minutes there was pan demonium as tho whole family of ser vants chased a couple of miserable longlegged chickens round the com pound in a incredibly short time the banquet was spread before ub just try to get him back an orange in law rumor now confirmed biggest cir cus ringllng bros and barnum bailey heftded this way yoohdjo sklujiay lookit looklt worlds first and only five rlrxg cir cus coming this way a- hundred doublelength railroad cars loaded with the ton thousand wonders of the ringllng brothers and barnum and bnlley combined shows that will glvd performnncs at hamilton juno 26 ijever has thero been more than three rings in thov past now tho famous brother showmen havo fixed it ho folks at the ends of the tent caii see just as much as those who sit near the middle imagine five big cir cus rings in n row with stages set in between- that means that five com panies of performing horses twenty- four in a group are presented at one time the same is true with tho ele phant actors dye herds all perform ing stunts at ono tlnic 13 ig acts are tho rule in the great new circun of 1926 aside from the five troupes of liberty horses two hun dred othoth each ridden by an ex pert in costume execute drills and splendid maneouyrcs on the mammoth hi odromo track thirty additional ones aro of- the highschool tytfe while a scoro of superb thoroughbreds leap hurdles and barriers at record height the number of t mined horses alone ojrreil for tla seasons programme otreti hawaiian servants are among the most faithful in the world says a woman of experience whose stqry ap pears in harpers magazine hut tloy are strangely unsophisticated they have an overwhelming desire tb call you by your first name our man sorvant was nlways staying to my hue- band yes frank or all right frank and to m to be pure mab el or im going out mabel fin ally it got on my nerves to such an extent that i discharged him and wlien tho new cook appeared i told my husband not to mention my first name in his presence then perhaps he would call me mrs so frank was always very careful and always- ad dressed mo as deoury or sweet- heartj but- n cook aprudftnt ice i havo a good stock of ice on hand and can supply customers tegulonly during tho summer months mako arrangements for your needs now refrigerators i have secured the agency for acton aor tho wellknown renfrew and barnqt refrigera tors and will bo pleased to show you models and quote you prices m evans main street a lawyer thus illustrates the lan guage of his craft if a man were to give another an oraruje ho would simply- say have nn orange but says tfie argonaut when the trans action is intrusted to a lawyer to be put into writing the lawyer adopts this form i hereby give and convey to you all and singular mis estate and in- trests rleht title clafin and advant ages of and in said orange together with all its rind juice and pips and all rights and advantages therein with full power to bite cut suck and other wise eat the some or give tho some away with or without rind skin juice pulp or pips anything thereinbefore or horolnafferorlnnny-otherdeed-or- deeds instrument or instruments of whatever nature or kind whatsoever to the contrary in any wise notwith standing j and then the chances are that an other lawyer will come along and take th orangro away from you jnprfe- of revvtons this story is told tjan irish lawyer nam oil keller who wall famous fop his natiye wu bu vho partly from in- dpjenco and part from a frivolous dis position did not succeed particularly well in hj8 pro fp salon another lawyer panted if ay me as sober and ponderous as keller was llphtmlnded and clever was mado judge much to kellers vexation on one occasion tho impecunious lawyer vat sitting the the court room where judge may mo was solenmly presiding suddenly he plucked a brother attor ney by tho sleeve look at that he whispered theres maymo risen by hl3 gravity and here am i sunk by my levity what would5ir isaac newton mako of that i wonder v the little tailor was industriously pressing a suit of clothes when the nativeborn bolshevik walked in and began to talk of the rotten govern ment and social institutions this here injustice to the lahorln man has got to stop he cried were head- in right straight to a revolution and fm- glad to say to the same kind o rule by the peoplo as they have in russia after a while ho went but the little tailor hud said nothing nor had another man a customer who was sit ing in he back of tho store waiting for his suit to be pressed at inst the tailor looked up with eyes that were bright and moist youhoard what he said he asked the man nodded me continued tho little- tailor tapping his chest and speaking in a tone of fierce finality me i come from russia r man sleeps like log eats anything after taking adlerika tcan eat anything and sleep like a log i had gas on the stomach and couldnt keep food down nor sleop signed r c miller one spoonful of adlerika re moves oas and often brings surpris ing relief to the stomach stops that full bloating feeling often brings out old wastematter you never thought was in your system exoel- lent for chronic constipation a t brown invictus rex model cleancut shoes reflect the personality of the wearer there 8 character in every line of invictus they are built specially to please men of sound ideas sound judg ment and sound buyiiig principles step into an invictus agency and try on an invictus shoe the best good shoe jeeps daapc j 8i exclusive lrivictu8 aent h l harrison farmers implement- shop complata list of all nteuary farm- qood kop sharp lookout for thl tpao somo use machinery wanted secondhand goods for sale pre pare for corn potatoes and root crops by ueins ontario fertlluer protect your potatoes from blight and bugs ono application neces sary cither dry or with water farm garden and poultry tpeor- les fences and gatos protect your cattlo from chewing bones wood or harnoss steel roofing customers nlways welcome re member your- ropnlr llbt- j w bar5crree lawn mowers garden hose sprinklers and nozzles furnaces have your orders placed now for furnaxes and repairs come in ajjd see samples pp roophng plumbing and bath supplies estimates on sath outfltsi roofing eavetrbuffhlnff etc cheerfully furnished tlts3mthncs and repairing of all kinds done flood lino of tubs bqllors palls qranite and aluminum wares ttfid kftliroom fixture t reasonablo prices puritan coal oh stovo pight prices w r e blair phone 144 p o box 807 acton ont m jsi sjstj tft beauty attracts us wit chnrmn us bul klhulnosb of hwfrt holds us tch h uatouriijilng- total of three hundred nnd fifty tho equlnee liut aharo fonqri in flic twenty two illgplayk in adrjttjoi tp tho in aro the sight hundred aoralisr bii rebnek champianh of ymnwstw nd hlkhwiro artists ihcho ombraoe tho vorldh fovemoat nncn and women atra inclimilnrr x hont or recently impnrted foreign fcturfib florto of thtio number families ox nlno- eloven and fifteen in un net a hundred of th worlds funnfobt clowns enliven tho niiore tluih two hourif of circus pro- gr mnio the tnunuimont in tho most dncxltnb yet devlsod the monufterle how boon incrcied to moro trian n all men are worthy f observation tbunnntl raro nnlrnala tho tent not all are worthy of imitation which holfaes them is ajmost as lnri hi the hfetop of other aoasonn the take jtlonty of tlmo ti consider what 152 main- tent aeats over j5o0q jiojitoupht jl whonyou have elow gftve mo no tltlo at all ono nhbhiwe gave a dinner to a large party of friends x was telling thorn how 1 had successfully overcome in- my new cooks cose tho natlvo ser vants abuse of their employers christian names i could depend nx- loabt on this servants not addressing ne as ilabol at that nwrmont the new colk entered the room hawfcr to me resectfuuyrtuid said sweetheart dinner is served what i jitanvmer dinner is served a deary ho an swered with another how fact and comment wjhro n may ace tho dew as brightly gustens the hirti flings just u well where no ons listens if a nian frequently says i dont know therp la at leutat a reasonable prrhiimptlun that he in wm ipfrmcd a wlsoson ma a ftlad fapiff i111i how ortch a foolish son is hii mothers special iet people decided act promptly 1 wliy shouldnt they buv pom yoii make up your mind to seenfe the trad of jjie summer c6p tages near town this year think of all the tilings they will be buy ing why shouldnt they buy them from you 7 in the city they are used to ordering goods by tele phone call them even using long distance where necessary and tell them what you can do for them remind them that for weekencj par ties- you can give wiem prompt delivery when they see how easy it is to order from you by telephone they will likely prove good cuqr tomers all summer go into caucus with yourself and ask yourself frankly if you are using advertising space in hne vith tjie volume of business that you vould like to dp what aboutit are do you know that the big depart ment stores set aside from three to five per tent of their gross sales for newspaper advertising are you utilizing from three to five per cent of your gross annual business to put the great force of adver tising to work for you and your busi ness if- not you are overlooking an4m- pprtanrf actor that makes fox success advertising in the acton free press is tlie cheapest and most efficient way to reach the residents of this com munity it is at your service every week use it r a