i y the home of 1f azisin ffltee praia member canadian weekly newspaper association uembcr selected town weaklie of onurio the acton free press is published every thursday morning at the free press building will street acton ontario the subscription price is too per year w advance postage la charged additional to offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions arc paid is indicated on the address label advertising rates transient adrertisc- ments cents per line agate measure for firit insertion and 5 cents per line for each subse quent insertion contract display adrcnise- ments for 50 inches or more per annum 18 cents per inch each insertion advertisements with out specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly h p moorel president and editor g- a d1xxs manager and assistant editor telephonjes- editorial and business office siw residence of president residence of manager a fair and equitable equalization desirable now that the townships of esquesing and nas- sagaweya have entered appeals against the county councils equalization of assessments for county pur poses it is hoped tat everything necessary will he done to prepare and produce at the hearing of the appeals all the evidence necessary to bring about a fair and equitable settlement of this vexed prob lem the judges decision in the matterjwufix the equalization for a period of five yearixand if any of the municipalities through neglect in presenting evidence have cause afterwardsto be dissatisfied with the award they will have only thmeselves to blame iorning july i 1926 editorial iv ie a wholesale admission a leading paper in the united states in com menting upon bank notes says the bank of england note is by all odds the most widelyknown paper currency in the world uncle sams credit is growing better very year in the money markets of the globe and his gold notes are readily accepted all over europe at a fair valuation but oar worthy uncle issues several different kinds of notes which tends to confuse foreigners and destroy their con fidence while the bank of england issues them only in one form which has been maintained virtually without change ever since 1694 when that bank commenced business go where you will in any part of the civilized or halfcivilized globe and you need not want for money if you have in your pocket book one of those plainlooking squares of white paper upon which the promise of the governor and the company of the bank of england to pay bearcfthesumoffivo noundsisengravecb dispensing justice kqimlly the toronto globe in an interview with hon w f nickle attorneygeneral discussed the chances of makingsome move for the equalization of court sentences that is that there should be a nearer approach to giving the same sentence for the same crime in all localities that may not ex actly state the case but it starts- it would not dp to have sentences become automatic because that makes of the bench a mere recording instrument and eliminates circumstances the attorneygeneral admits that there is inequality in sentences but he says frankly that theres nothing to be done about it cant be because each magisterial mind is of a different order mr nickle cites the case of two persons who are guilty of bigamy one man in the belief that his wife is dead and after six and a jmlf years absence remarries only to find later that tns first wife is alive the other knowing that his first wife is living marries the sectfnd time in the ie lav both have- committed bigamyr jnt in the eyes of a commonsense interprepation the first is an innocent law breaker while the second is a deliberate criminal it is mr nickles contention that a magistrate or judge should weigh the cir cumstances of the offense the character of the con vict his previous record and always bear in mind that the idea of a sentence is to restore the ac cused if possible to decent standing in the com munity 8malll dispoimtestea among the numerous definitions of u gentleman that havo been attempt ed that which describes him as one who in never in a hurry has a good deal of suggostlveness oven though it is less comprehensive and less accur- ute titan eome others of course it would be obsurd to take any such gen- erulllutlon lltorully it 1h never sure to take any generalisation literally a gcntlcmun will not cease to bo one because he bus to run for a train and ho cannot always adjust the circum stances of his life sp fl to escape that uncomfortable necessity qn the other hand it lo true that people who ure in a hurry are more normally oc cupied or preoccupied with their own affairs and less ready or likely to be considerate of other people than those who urr not under similar pressure persons who are impatient and ex cited are often discourteous in small ways and perhaps come too late to a mortlfled realliatlon ot their dis courtesy brusque speech irharvcon- tradlctlon ubrupt manners we likely to follow hurried and disturbed men tal process whereas in a calmer mood the same person would hove been bon elderate in his speech and polite in his bearing keeping in mlftil thejm- portance of courtesy to olhefs may help us to gain ajslfcohtrolv a desire ttj save tlmo for yourself is most frequently responsible for hmitl discourtesies to others it im pels people to use the telephone when they might with greater courtesy write a note it causes thet to write a note when they might m o fitting ly write a letter and umlu its mis guiding force they will latmrpss their notes to wnri thoa jno and jos instead of to william thomas john and james the sunday school lesson for sunday july 4 force publishers to accept mail order advertising it has been the rule in canada and in the united states for publishers especially the town and com- iribnity publishers to refuse to accept nail order advertising no matter whether these publishers are given the support of their merchants generally or not in the united states the federal trade com- jnis3ioniscqnsideiing steps to require newspapers to accept snail order house advertising when offered regardless of the attitude of the publisher on this libject this is another step in an attempt to lay the principle that the advertising columns of publication are a public carder and that discrim- ripn regarding what advertising will be accepted not to be left in the power of the publisher the it order houses are making it hard for the town qrchants but the information is gleaned from news pam pu the united states that in cities towns and com munities where the local papers are liberally used by local merchants the mail order business is not as feaf the advertising experts of mail order louses watch all newspapers closely and are quick jf9 observe when local merchandising is not fully represented in that community efforts are at once to get into the local papers and the direct- bymail advertisiiigss pushed into that sction with full force if headway is made in the united states to force local publishers to accept mail order ad vertising it will follow that canadian mail order houses will advance the same arguments it can be truly said that the local publishers have remained loyal end will continue so to jjo fct in tiese gays r4usiness assetsrwhenmanyti ar falling by tjie wayside otfcers feeing amlgmatetj md absorbed it is necessary tjiat legjfinate fcusj- ness must be secured from whatever ooree avail ablerenfrew jhercury the oifferenoe between afterthought f i and forethought i safety first is a slogan which for several years tits stared the public in the face everywhere per- k aoflal mfety in th main is just the difference be rween afterthought and forethought the phrases i take a chance and try anything once arc especially foolish when human life and limb are the issues at stake the train and the motor car have rrfet too often at crossings the inexperienced boat- rtisivhas found the water too deep and the chance taking industrial worker has found out many times 4 tlft ssrious injury is the penalty for placing false varaeon foolish heroics or grandstands plays the v known accident record of the province of ontario jsthat one out of every ten industrial workers ftripqn injury once during each year to the -work- mfytft compensation board with every reason to believe at least seventyfive per cent of hese so li called accidents are avoidable when care is exercised tfie mutilate lands of machine operators sprain bruises arfd contusions ot other industrial worker the blind and partially blind workers soun4 ample warning to the careless and thoughtless quite true jjschance takers may enjoy immunity for even an ex tendeo time but the law of average 015 trufe anp jo regret jraftertiouit can restore life or ljmtj 1ft pf f n that b lletetj injury joea not enter into the situation is foyiour but there ia no good reason for so many accidents occurring through failure to exercise com- mhfn sense when warned of danger by others it iite t0 rerncmaer the good intention and p- j fiftljpftto hc 8ft possibility of some bitter lesson i dped at great cost safety is of general interest only when we appreciate the vjtal individual in- tfo eai one young or old and bxorcise indi- lcare can we expect to enjoy reasonable im the cuufew needed the unfortunate circumstance of seven lads be ing hailed to the police cdurt last week charged with theft of money candies etc has caused some serious thinking among those who have the interest of the rising generation at heart it is thought by many that inasmuch as public records go to show that most of the evil into which the young fall is learned while they are running the streets at night that a bylaw adopting the cerfew requiring aj children to be home by nine oclock in the evening unless accompanied by parents or guardians should be passed by the municipal council it is most desirabl thatjheyoungjegiven a real chanceto fo- catarrh it is on of the chief recommendations of dr thomav ec- lectrlq oil that it can be uaed intern ally with as much success as it can nu biitferera f c will find that the oil when used ac cording to directions will eyp prompt relief many sufferers from this ali ment have found relief in the oil and have sent testimonials fact and comment ah to stuffing- remember that the turkey could not help it but that you can one moment before you u down in there ony one hungry whom you can ikmbibly reach to grasp enough you and hold it fellow nn opportunity is not muht grasp it quicker harder than the other grow up into useful citizens of sterling character to this end parents teachers sunday schools etc should bend their energies there is much to over come and usually the safest place for children after nightfall is the home unfortunately both girls and boys are allowed too much freedom in running un restrained after nightfall if parental authority fails to ensure presence in the home by a reasonable hour then municipal authority should be brought into action at the trial in court of the lads referred to they volunteered the information that they had been influenced in their misdeeds by what they had learned at the picture show and from books which pictured the daring and successfulefforts of other boys in questionable exploits this being the case children should only be allowed 1 to go to picture shows in company with their parents and then only when the parents have assured themselves of the property- character- ofthefilmsto berexhibited it isrrepotted there iscomtivlmce or evasion of tne sec- tions of the statues requiring children of sixteen years and under to be admitted only when accom panied by their parents or some other adult respon sible for their oversight it is a rnoral obligation upon parents to scrutinize the character of the books their children are reading bad books often poison the life of the reader and render their futuremoral and material failure early impressions are as in delible and enduring as life the home influence is either a blessing or a curse is either for good or evil it should always be for good n the com munity should be ready to give its assistance in seconding the efforts of the parents in respect to the hcaltfrful environments of the children editorial notes 1 a student referendum on various phases of the wet and dry controversy in which votes were cast by 7800 students representing thirtyseven ameri can universities presents as its most significant re sult the fact that one in eight students favored repeal of the eighteenth or prohibition amendment the general council of ffifc united church of canada in its recent session in montreal gave its disapproval to sunday football and passed a resolu tion commending the attitude in this matter of john easton of winnipeg president and thos mitchell montreal vicepresident of the dominion football association these two officials resigned their of fices as a protest against the playing of an interna tional soccer feature in montreal on a sunday 4 the decision of the government not to renew the act suspending gold payments which act ex pires today does not practically alter the situation in respect of the foreign value of the cnaian lar since for many months past canacrj echangc hasbeen at par 6r thereabouts in new yorjc anij there is rcaaon to believe that this parity of excang will be maintained by favorable trve larjces for an indefinite time e imprdveneqt in 4omesric trage is evidenced in manwiy at the very interesting session of the canadian weekly newspapers association at quebec mr j a maclaren of the barrle examiner was unani mously chosen president mr maclarenis well quali fied for the position having taken a keen interest in the welfare ot the association since h- organtra tion having filled various offices during that- time the barrie examiner of which mr madaren js the editor is one of canadas very best weeklies and enjoys a wide prestige our congratulations ars extended jvlr maclarca and the ptss aasociat- tion some people are such confirmed op timists that they will cmlle even when they have the rheumatism and reflect that they are saving the price of a barometer there are thlnge to be repented of in all lives tout saying too little is seldom one of them persons who think that money will buy anything are partly rlght it will buy anything they havo any use for whether the corn be of bid or new growth it must yield to hollowayi corn remover work and sleep it is no new principle that doctor fere or the bicetre hospital in paris has mode in a recent article on work and repose but it is not the less worth repeating fie has made many special experiments and announces as their general result that the sup posed jwerof various alcohol i cand other stimulants to increase physical and mental energy and postpone fati gue or avoid the effects of fatlgrtie is illusory there is only one form of effective recreative repose sleep and sleep in order to exercise its proper power must be natural the sleep produced by narcotics is a toxic som nolence having the appearance only of real reparative sleep but sleep it self is a mystery concerning whoso nature we possess merely a hypothe tical knowledge mjuerrt worm powders are com plete in themselves they not only drive worms from the system but re- lutlr the damage that worms cause and so invigorate the constitution that it speedily recovers from the disorders of the digestion that are the result of the work of these parasitic intrud ers they do their work thoroughly and strength bind soundness follow their use biq gold production tjiumliih ont by the end of june the output front the gold mines of northern ontario will cross the two hundred million dollar mark accord ing to press reports all but 190000 of thlk haa been turned out since 1909 rroductlon in u wan only 942037 anil it was not until 191b that im- ihirtant headway was made in 1917 k hd t nvwr fnmmmin nurt had- rlwiii to over 914000000 in 1k1 the ladder of growth sln6e that time has been hpectnoular the records for 1928 ahpwlnb an output of over 920000000 witivlttput reaching over s25- 0000001 the production reaching over 930000100 in 1926 y grtai as are these records of the past the outlook ih favorable for even grofiternirogress fn thi future dividend disbursements from the gold miles of northern ontario are now ut a rate of about 9760000 a with reasonable assurance of 1000000 a month will during the coming year dividual fortunes are piling up on thk strength of dividends from the gold lines there 14 reason for being more op timistic tlday about the new areas which nrejhpw belna prospected than there watjnfteen years ago for the are wh ure now so highly pro ductlve r month thnt a be attain reat yourlflind is a garden your mlfc is not at all like a ma chine ulrcky- made and automatic ask any dulor and he will make this plain to yoji no your and jju more like a garden it is the uuou nmke of it that real ly counts you can low thee fine plants in your mndjdeu courage initiative imogipatlolmpowr kindness and knowledge- 1 v u garden of ideas and encifh what a garden nayft hfl qr darwin iverhulpne or pasteur vou can- nklllg an n l- pr huxley or carnegie i yu go to weeds namral efpp garden akma will i grhss thftt in the young to f e afraid sit anything modern forms of oppressfott general leison title inruel j3n- hlavcri in kgypt scripture leason j2xol 1 ill reference material gon 1g 121g nnd acts 7 0-19- golden tlext jehovah will not cast oft ha people psa 04 14 devotional reading deut 28 13 6 0 10a the text explained 8 a hew king who knew not joseph tho old tcshwnejii writers prior to the author of klnia never give the iersonal name of arr3gyptlan monarch they uso hlmplytlio tltle pharaoh which was borne by all the egyptian kingu for thousands of years on this account wc can only surmise the identity of particular pharaoh a referred to in tho sacred text it la probable that tho pharaoh who pro moted joseph and received israel in to egypt was ono of tlp hykaoa kins these hykaoa rulers were foreign con querors who had entered egypt from tho north likely of semitic race as were alao tho hebrews they were finally driven out by native princes ofter many years of desperato warfare these native pharaohs of tho xviiith and xlxth dynasties naturally feared the possible return of tho hyksoi and were suspicious of ill tho foreign clement that tho hykaos had brought into the country theie aro various reasons that point to riimeaea ii of the xixth dynasty ns the probable oppresssor of tho israelites 11 pithom and rameses store- cltlcs in goshen whose ruins petrie claims to have lden tinea 12 tho moro they multiplied per secution is generally futile bentm t th great oppressor it is most likely that tho pharaoh who sought the destruction of the israelites was rameses ii 12921225 j3c his personality is well known to historical students his great inscriptions tell us much concerning the events of ji3 extremely long reign 67 years nd his features aro more famhiarto us than those of any other pharaoh thanks to his conceit for setting up innumerable imnges of himself he even caused countless statues of the earlier kings to ho recut into his own likeness erasing the former inscrip tions and placing upon them his own name and titles he carried on ex tensive wars with the various peoples in syria notably the hittltes and therefore was afrnid of having a large element of syrian origin in tho heart of egypt the ruthlessness of ills methods naturally fills us with hor ror but the story is not at all ln- credltable within the last few years we have seen the turks deliberately undertake the absolute extermination of the armenians because they re garded them exactly as rameacs re garded the israolltes it is astonish ing to what extremes of evil a man may go when selfishness unchecked is united with vast power distrust of human nature pharaoh had no confidence in human nature he entertained no thought that kindness would beget loyalty that the best way to make these foreigners into egyp tians would bo to treat them as if they were egyptians this is tho er ror which has been committed by all tyrants both ancient and modern it is an error which hasbeen committed also by some hocallcd captains of industry a christianized civiliza tion and a christianized industrial systom recognize a better way thnt a strong nation is best unified by equality and justice and that tho berft results in business ancnchloyod by- means of the square deal the folly of injustice evil meth ods in the long run aro futile rameses the great trampling brutally on some tribes of ignorant hcebrew serfs little imagined that from those poor serfs would some day come a glory indef initely beyond tho double crown of egypt even so in the world of busi ness or politics we hear from time to time the names of men whose downfall was duo to their belief that the cod justifies the means might is not right 1n the course of time jus- tlceprevalls for study and discussion what was tho title or the egyptian kings what was the historical situ ation that chunged tho kings of egypt front friends of israel to enemies 1 who- was the pharaoh of tho op pression what modern imitators luxs he what mistakes did ho make should he trust human nature poos might over make right what is the best rule to follow in dealing with our fellow men especially if wo are stronger thun thoy daily readings for next week monday exod 2 110 tuesday acts 7 2028 wednchday hcl 11 2328 thursday exod 2 1522 friday deut 6 415 saturday 2 tim 1 314 sunday prov 3 112 wuv a td huff htre anbed burfwr here a bug thci hvff here arvtcrc a bedbug i the momino after it wr discovered bed bugs the most disgustingjcrf all insects get rid of them with flit flit spray destroys led bugs roaches and ants it searches out the cracks and crevices where they hide and breed and destroys insects and their eggs kills all household insects flit spray also clean your home in a f ev minutes of disease- bearing hies and mosquitoes it is clean safe and easy to use spray flit on your eaxments flit kills moths and their larvae which eat holes extensive tests showed that flit spray did not stain the most delicate fabrics i flit is the result ot exhaustive research by expert entomol ogists and chemists it is harmless to mankind flit has replaced the old methods because it tills all tho insects and does it quickly get a flit can nd sprayer today standard oil co new jersey distributed in canada by fred j wtiitlow co toronto destroys files mosquitoes moths ants bed buds roaches railway time tables at acton nadian nationawailways poina wast no 25 sunday only 10h aim no 31 745am no 33 j 220 pm no 3b u bosp m goino east no 24 sunday only nc 26 no 30 no 34 a no 36 no 38 708 p m 705 a m 1148 am 335 p m 6 17 p m 813 p m canadian national electric dally dafly daly dally dally dally dally dally dally dally dally dally dally dally dally dally dally dally railways westbound eastbound 75s 955 1155 155 355 555 765 955 1224 g5s 937 1137 137 337 537 737 937 1135 am am pm pjn vxa pan pan pan pan pan pan pan pan pan torobto tarminal kee 8trot and st clair avenut freight delivered by special express freuxxit freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto ritofaoaiw mtihtlm black bmitdtr 1 wai afraldk eat anything be cause i always la stomach trouble afterwards blnl taking adlerlka x can eat and teelle- signed mrs a howard on spoonful adlerlkn removes cias un often brings smr- prislngly retfef to is stomach stops toot full wotrw reeling removes old fcasm jnattsr am intestines mod makes you feel pp tnnry bxoellent for i qb 9a eonsllsuien illjnfflfrfl here a shoe thats chummy to your feet the moment you put it on and ofte which stt pv a price that doesnt hurt v diotpugribrecl ihoera sjioe vritl paronutyha its appearance and endurance in its constitution thats best good shoe exclusive ihvictu8 agent h l harrisoia lawn mowers garden hose sprinklers and nozzles fuhntaces have your orders placed now for furnaces and repairs comb in and see sampibs ok roofpng plumbing and bath supplies estimates on bath outfits roofing lvetroughins etc cheerfully furnished tin3mithing and repairing of all kinds done good llne of tubsboilers paigranlto and aluminum wares and3athroom rmxturcs at rcosonablo prices puritan coal oil stove right prices w r e blair phone 144 p o box 607 acton ont all kinds of trucking we are nov prepared to do any kind of trucking that a oneton truck can do at any time of day or night n our c marges are always reasonable aompetepttartoobhgwfranwilx attend to your orders fred coles church street phone 136 t- vficernal and external pains aro promptly relieved by db thomas eclectric ol l that it has ken 80u fo ktjuuv fifty ytaut ano u tooar areateh seixeii than iweb mforc is a testimonial that speaks for its numcflous curative ouautus j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist whj ie at a tbhowira drtjg store acton monday july 5th anyone auftrinff from elye- tralq defective vision or headaclie should not miss the opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist appoint ments may bo made with mr a t brown drug8rlst consultation free office hours 9 a m till 4 p fn- jfp lkildren cry few -fzu- castoria uffyrwer casaffrm is espedally prepared to relieve tnfantt in arms and children all ages of jcimatiparion vnd colic to sweeten stomach flatulency diarrhea regulate bowels aihin-tssirauikmo- oefrfulmrttkadr natural sleepwitfaout opiates jhnhalkj5r look for the signature of proreq lirectiom on each packag firjnkiuu c to avoid imkatswjuwf look for the sjanatureof cci 7kr fth real ebtateaii asurance gt onr list or fai h and town property before buyiufc we may have just what you want and are looking for at prices and terms to suit you ajrent for confederation i4fe assoolatlon london tjancaahlro fire insurance london t-anca- ehire guarantee and accident company of canada prompt and courteoua attention given your business solicited retaidencejuiu and wallace sts telephone 105 acton collections we handle collections only 35 years experience speaks for itself assuring efficiency and r- liability f kelly aiken coijcjectors orsngevtlle and owen 8ound iter standard bank of canada high school students start on july 5th at guelph business college summer school special short courses register now special rat good only to july 10 guelph business colxege gummar bldg guelph ont a l bouck principal and proprietor scalc4l tenders addressed to tho un der slsmed and endorsed tender for south pier reconstruction burling ton channel ont will be received until 12 oclock noon daylight saving wednesday july 14 1926 for tho re construction of one hundred and fif teen feet of tlio south pier at bur lington channel went worth county ont plans and forms of contract can be aeen and specification a and forms of tenders obtained at this department at tho offices of the district engineers equity building toronto ont- and at the post offices burlington ontu and hamilton ont tenders will not be considered un less made on printed forms supplied by the d and in f ac with conditions contained therein bach tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank payable to tho order of the minister of public works equal to 10 per cent of tho amount of the tender bonds of tho dominion of canada w bonds of tho canadiannational hall way company will also be accepted as security or bonds and a checiue if required to make ux an odd amount note blue prints can bo obtained at this department by depositing an accepted cheque for the sum of 2000 payable to tho order of the minister of public works which will be re turned if the intending bidder sub mit a rcgulur hid by order s e obrien secretary department of public works ottawa june 22 1926 savage company jewellers china silverware lower wyndham st phone 571 guelph v1 ssttbub-