j fal sr uvk itlfflrtsmml muii- rta i 1 11 a8 ye sow when i wuh young 1 gave no thought oh how 1 spent my money no rainy days hart terrorized my iiklew that all wero nunny i couldnt get it in my ricad how clufln would ever como or how traut i might loso niy pep my joints go on tho bum and all thin talk of laying- up a dollar for to-n-orrc-tte- juat netmfcd to mo like spreadlnfl bloom and wiltlnk joy with borrow inurik f the lane wtro in my path 1 naw no mo atones i leaped 1 wane i walked 1 run mo thought t uttermath twiifi tuny cornf und easy go the nourco would have no ending 7h joy j found wvih pent in hpc uut now im drawing near the end h ro frrflfi lj0rttorg pluck by laura e iuciiapds n i kfc fiald the ironmaster nrnt honckty and then pluck thoc are the thins i needful speaking of pluck air he mopped to answer the raid yea and ho by tss wlssls pre n en mumed speaking of pluck an you were of that long lane of t n mut 1u115 lnitfndliig roclta and tangled heaps and ratlny dayn nnd strife im reaping what they said id reap in what i owed bloom along the path or that la what 1 sowed no rone a bloom alone the no grain bchlrie the road iu t uhtirrin on- i limp 1 halt i nhultlrj on there u no shining pool where i have laid my savings up ive been a plain tlarn foolt a u mayheld twenty year aqo from th lsu of trie fr presi of thiirtdsy july 12 1cm tho cclorluun twelfth acton v o l will attend tho dom- onhlratlcn in ouolph today th undo rat oriw havo been frequent lately tho raspberry eroi la rapidly rlpen- amu tour guruonorii aro boasting otaloea tor- tha doing just now reminds me of story the beginning and end of which in that one word we settled ourselves in oar chairs we were sitting in the office of the ironworks and the air was full of the sound of great hammers crashing aiidjtoundlng of the sharp hiss of molten nietal and the clear rlnsr t smitten steel i wow sitting here in this very chair the ironmaster began one day about seven years ago maybe 12 th mr john william has greatly im proved his livery premises on mill st with ufi attract vo now front mr john ritchie lake avenue has 2000 tomato plants in fine condition he expects cdnsulerablo revonue from them this fall eight time goes s6 fast i hardly try to keep count of it in these days at any rate here 1 was sitting read ing tho newspaper when there camtt a knock at the door come in 1 said and in walked a stranger he wan a young man about twentyfive years old dressed like a gentleman though hls clothe had seen a good deal of service tallpwioi his head held up ami grey cyea that mot mine fair and square eyen my boy if he looks you in tho cyc hi pay with the rest and thiin me and went out the next morning i was very bu y and although i thought of my gent e- i man once or twice i clldnt man c j to get down to the wreck till noon soon after the whistle had blown for knocking off work when i got there i saw the itallani lying round on the ground or sqeat- ting on the fences eating their blcte bread and sausages and chattering awav as usual but no sight of rny gentleman friend in the flannel shirt- oho said j to myself one day was enough for it was it and thought it woula kave becn trnougb for me too when you aro not used to the swing of a picky the way it takes you in the back la something beyond belief 1 turned away nd lo there he was sitting off in a corner by himself all crouched up with a great hunch of bread in one hand and a book in the other i strolled up behind bina and looked over his shoulder at the book zt was an italian grammer sir my ahadow falling on the book startled him and he looked up i huppoboi -muat-jiave- looked aston ished as i felt for h urn lied and said i couldnt afford to lose such an opportunity the boss in very friendly and i have learned several phrases buon glorono slgnore are you a schoolmaster i said und working down in that hole no he said quietly nrrt in she om j masters 1 do you renernbr when th class i was ready and the- mjiter was sitting i at hl dfhjc lv ill jiurgo and rlaea in htt ptice th iih at fnc utuiocuitftd th rt of rinsp with th uouiwi and extresuvjn of iirgo ft rijtct thr rnatr thn iitrkuuta it i boy j to rwt nl ild us fifn kfrjgul thou rij and l tlm rt of fj loimln vi u- f htfiatjr atronljjjy fadiion hint hoy and g nwuitr wrnhsc fgrj that th rle nan huettlmttits iw- riktf atrain lhfy nlr down and vri u-tf- motionrd to rlnfr th mnhitr najuk hurkltirf yuu rlntri in ibtt ww th wholn clamm without ntlimf word of knumtuit lirjiifihtrm- ent terw lndlirv mood ulnwttir und plural of th third rorjtjitatloft verb nurgo in such a way that the l- kon will never be rrffttced mwreorw their interest hasben kftimly ftfrujwtd and they have had a good deal of amusement fly pads 4 iimtnefto directory mboic f v j a mcniven kiiert 4 borfan ifrt lata chm lcoac thelcon wmtlnaed ir ha in worth trying if hla eyes ehltt about here und there us if they did not know where to look or were afraid pf noelng ftomethltig they didnt like no- no pwu have nothing to do with hlrri thats bookkeeper it is a great advantage my experience for a bookkeeper to be able to read trt and answer foreign letters and ul this young man camo up to oletys diploma will be presontca iuiui w maater molvln williams for his heroic if or me yet it was no want idfo saving exploit last winter by i ia at th0 coujlcll ilcovo hwacklmmcr mooting next monduy evonlng mibb daisy nlcklln has received tho information that she is the win nor of tho gold modal prcsontod to tho drat atudent at normal bchool each yoar acton cornet band fulflllod an cn- gagenserftnt rock wood n tuesday evening at a gardon party at the old acadernry by tho young people of tho presbyterian church tho baptist suniluy school had do- ughtful weather for their annual ptc nlc on tuesday afternoon in warrens drove mesiars klnnard bros havo sold their farm on tho second line to mr donald waldlo mr waldle taken po- sesalon november 1 when the tktessrs klnnard will remove to the reeldonce thoy recently purchased in acton born jones at sorrcll quebec on morr dy june 2g to mr and lira d l w jonosi a daughter husband at manor man on bat- unlay july 7 to dr and mr a p htuband a son i have xtoyalcanadlan h xmsz s ft ha never come in my tvii dlnloma will be presontcd to my u want of miin r it so now la ners for his manners were good good morning air ha said and his volco hud a clear ring to it that i liked i want work can you givo me ttnyt i shook my head wo never took strangers in thut way and i dont recommend the practice at any time no lr i said wo have no work hero sorry 1 cant accommo date you i took up my paper again and looked to see him go out without more words but ho stood still i must havo work he said i would some knowledge of ver cor to hear italian spoken my chance 1 got thin grammar for fifteen cents he added turning it ovor with a smiled tho book was pretty ragged and one cover was gone and i think i am setting on pretty why in the name of everything foolish didnt you apply for a position as a bookkeeper i asked instead of this kind of thing y nobody will take a bookkeeper without references i shouldnt think much of a firm that did i suppose he said flushing a little my references the return after long following of stranger by untried hills and over fretful foam after lone wanderlne in alien places tonleht i sleep at home tonight the old house oiwns tender to draw me in aweary to its breast while slow a throng of scarcere membered charms weaves me a spell of rest ah nowhere else in all tho world can lark s cotno down bo velvetfooted through the air j and spread its quiet tent too dim to mark in all the world nowhere with slow reluctant colore in the west anol spires outlined against the light ufar crownlike upon a lonely cedars crest thei jewelled evening star v ambttli l walk nays the rnawtfrr taking a fw steps slowly forward revenlrv o come back sedo fl nit dwn in a short tlm the yn nrid girl havft learrnfl the prrisn indicative of all the four conjugations and in much try to give you satisfaction sir and htuu pio i toll you i must have work were in my wallet that was etolen he spoke as if i had the work in w e a week and more before i i ri got ney ones an my native town la xny coatpocket and as if ho was de termined to get it from me at any cost yet perfectly respectful you un derstand with nothing i could take hold and get angry about my good sir t said putting tho paper down there is no vacancy in this plac if you will give mo your married 8mithlynn at the rosidoneo of tho brides parents main street acton on wednesday july 4 by rftv j o wjllson b a william h smith to margaret daughter of wowaralynn carjiollwi8e at toronto on wednesday juno 27 by rev john bushell ma walter w carroll son of mrs william carroll acton to miss louisa grace wise of tor onto i died i blljott at his home willow st acton on friday july 6 john t elliott in his 77th year news of local import burlington minister csllad to edmonton v i rev ruhflm mcgllllvray ba b d of chrlbtb united church burling- 1 tnha accepted a call extended to him unanimously by the central united church at edmonton being an amalgamation of westminister pres byterian and grace methodist church- os tho call in for august 15 but it la probable tho time will be extended to soptombor 1st when mr mcgllll vray will leave for pie west hogs ars bringing high pricss fancy prices arro being received on toronto markot for hogs these days fact thoy havo about reached the time prices a farmer last week home with tho best returns ob- name ana roicfunces i will make a note of them and some day when wo do havo a job to dispose of i will re member you that in the best i can do for you todar the young man shook hla head that wont do he said think again sir surely fn this great place there must bo something a strong willing rnan can do it is useless to tulk of waiting till a vacancy occurs i must have work now today it la jibftolutely necessary it vasonthetipef mytongue to tell hrtm that h was absolutely neces sary for him to leave that- offlce und shut the door after him but 1 looked at him again and didnt say it x saw that he was telling the truth and that he must have work it was not that he looked shabby or that there was any suspicion of whining off the main lines and letters take a good while to get there ive always been fond of openair exercise lie added with a quizzical took at the hole where he had beendlgglng and now i am getting lots of it back stiff 1 suggested so so ill manage though often been worse after n days rowing and this is just us good bread as any other and he took a bite out of hta hunch und looked at his book as much as to say he had talked enough and wanted to be back at ills gram mar o i walked off and didnt 41ee him again till ho came for his pay in the evening shaky again but smiling us if ho had had an excursion down to the harbor so it went on till the fourth day every day i looked to htmglvc bu distant a truant cow bell lost and late with soft reiterated silver word faint in the enestlngtrco beside the gate croon of a drowsy bird i shall- he down in an old brooding room on restful pillows fashioned for my neau and watch with drooping eyes arpld the gloom dear shadows by my bed and breathe a while the faint fu- miliar breath of dewwet garden rosea halfa ware of murmuring voices in the hall be neath and soft ntcpa on the stair dear god of sleep make me forget tonight the way i came the world i learned to roam let me be dreamless till tomorrows light wakes me again at home the name way ihy learned hfmuf- taneously instead of in nucceiddon thr flvfe declensions of nouns the class would dflte on the black board all the word lhat they learned but the eitrly lesson do not consist of sentences of one woroonly each boy and girl has a ltln name and in that vfny the vocative case is intror duced naturally and easily o carole surge charles rise says the mast er introducing xhe imperative quid faclst what art thou doing he antes and his tone und expression in dicate hla mean ins the pupils al most immediately experienced the joy of being able to speak and understand the strange new language i it was obviously the natural ndethod j in learning our mother tongue as chil dren we master the names of familiar objects by hearing people repeat them many times words are really sounds not collections of letters and this is why so many latin words and phrases taught mi littles way still cling- wrth tenacity to many of us who never had the opportunity of studying latin outside our classes under his guidance in the old acton frocks adept tu vvhtlkkv only vxru cftefjnififs frsu vt srtlrtflypum yet ehfe s it frttt pieturel the tectet h ut eferer dotted silk t p4 tfce 4c f ment nl the mod wwcfihai an mv wrtedvpjarud ttctkrft io front of the ikirt shhrmg at the ihstsifcf puirj collar and cuff and the adc mmsfit forward tn yace eftrjct ire uliilhuihre style usturet mekmn size requires tf yzrd 26toch ualc4 and i yard 36odt pfcun oufcrtat a twill or taxmtx eottfcf be modoa developed after the tecoad model so could a unea or a fsoretty enctosx the side are pitted wrth- patch pockets sutehed ahove the puhs cot tar yrnun wdoeis awl coft stre of cfntrastrnc fabriev piad beifiy 6rst in favor medium size rerjoi res j rards 36inch plain and yarl 36 inch plaid material gained 10 mum in 22 days ib- ait hrfwf a tav7 rcr fva p o bra wapfotx mash parmer m k fta hiar netay pmw mtcft tvock acton mit avxt psa ojt jroktoaom hmtt j j t pm ovwic in sa j ocmtau t tha ftxt rvl xs irtit ir x h arji vjttr frt lht tax ai tit t rn witaaa gaial in ijrurfs r i twenty- twro dys shxz faheetsu stxry tirazxz ylctui ca uit kxzxzrx tafcrieu- fclffetsfttw ostitis hnoor oradrxata of toronto usdrmst xi t- i3 ratithetje oswd k fesfre ocvtje at residence corner of ld aad frirjek streets sjsisis t- dr f g gollop djs ujs school neighborhood news- town and country limehoose uco ullii d up and its my belief ho would have worked in that hole and got stronger and stronger if something hadnt ih war came numu ttilried in several years the prices paid hy the packern that day was t nnd thfl premium for select wa s 294 there was a six pound shrink age and in a lot of 51 hogs there were 10 selects the average figure for tho whole load wuh 1485 net se lect brought in the neighborhood of 35 each- th childrens sumrntr holidays with tho coming of the long sum mer holidays the responsibility of par ents toward their children increases many dangers beset them while they eivjoythelr freedom during trie sum- mer vacation and only constant watchfulness and strict discipline which heed not necessarily restrict or hamper them in tho pursuit of le- gitlmate pleasures can guard them asalnst the many pitfalls which beset the wayq of youth if unrestrained and neglected they are allowed to follow 7 a ajitlmes-therr-own- inclinations battar saryica at tht home office a certain pretty june brldo of the community wtis persuaded to order her wedding invitations from a united states house instead of placing the order with the home office the order was eventually filled reached acton post office was handed ever to the customs official and officer mcdonald sent out the usual notice that the par cel was in bond there wore several days delay before the parcel was claimed when the ferleiobe called ffor her wedding invitations the neces sary examination was made by tho customs aincer he discovered that the imprint made in u b a did siot appear and therefore he could not pass the parcel but said the win some young lady what ana i to do the wedding day is only four days oft now and the invitations must be sent uv- wlth his usual kind-hearted- ness when d damsel is in trouble customs officer mcdonald offered this suggestion come with me to the vnxa pnssfl office and if we can get the manager there to have the neces sary imprint put on at once i will nccejit that pass tho parcel and de- liver it to you upon payment ot the v duty scheduled of course the fwbj pxtssa was ready to oblige the dls- ing lay luid promptly printed the nocoasury made 1 that ne mum m that- he looked shabby or that re was any suspicion of whining or snivelling about him j if there had been out he would- have gone in real quick time but there was a look in his foyen well i hardly know how to describe it but tho man was desper ate and had some reason for being what kind of work do you want i asked putting down tho paper again any kind you mean thut i do anything thut will put bread in the mouths of he choked a little and stopped then 1 came from the states two days ago wltti my wife and three children and was robbed on tho train of my wallet i have not a penny come with ne i said and ho followed me out of the works his story might bo true or it might not but i had thought of a way to test the metal of which he was made the stark mill in which i had some lnteresftmid been partly burned a few days before and i had a gang at work clearing away the rubbish a dirty job if was the man were up to their wastes half the time in mud and wateiv- and iha p was hmmvtibv- turned up the fourth day i was sitting in the office when the door opened and in came green from the boilerworks over the way morning he said do you know bf a bookkeeper our poor fellow whos been tdck for so long died yesterday i have to think about getting another i shook my head but an idea came trial 7 to me will you take urnun on what kind of a man asked mr green well i hardly know said i 1 think hes a pretty gqpd kind but ive only known him four days i can an swer for his working power and i told the mans story green wont out with me saw the 1 dont often do much moralizing in thl column ily forte is ancient lo cal history but i gave myself the pleasure of a visit to acton public library the other evening and as i ruminated while the librarians were uuny with the insistent younger fry and their wants my old eyes caught the title at the top of one of the wcll- ftltord stacks biography there i observed a magnificent asortment ot wellbound books even those ofthe earll erdny s looked a 1 1 ractlve and wellpreserved this was in striking contrast with tho shelves labelled fiction and travels and adven tures a few feet away xaturally i began to soliloquize about this why were biography books so much better preserved in a moment of leisure i ventured to put the question 1 had asked of myselft one of the obliging librarians oh aho replied we ore nkkcd for ten books of fiction or ad venture to one of biography and so the books in these classes wear out while the others aro well preserved then my meditations began and as i thought over the matter i con cluded to give my friends the young er readers just a little sermonettc on profitable reading and biography is mrs charles fccirk pat rick of lime- house celebrated her 93rd birthday on june 25th during the afternoon d number ot her friends went irt a body to her home and presented her with their congratulatlons a birthday cake a short programme was ar ranged which included some of mrs klrkpatricks favorite hymns mrs scjtatpajhmr iwtjl some f handmade iuirts which she mads erin i the new united church at hills- burg is now on its way the founda tion being started last saturday air and mrs john milloy and their daughter ruth of buffalo n tt are visiting with mr and mrs w hall erin mr and mrs d s leitch and mr and mrs james balrd motored and spent a few days with mr and mrs kenneth leitch at detroit mich mr john bingham jr and his daughter miss lillian and sister mrs mary bennett of ottawa are wasitins with relatives hexe the second garden party of the sea son will be held in the local park on friday jury 9th when the junler wo mens institute will have a fine ar ray of garden party talent members and adherents of the local united church have subscribed 1700 for improvements to be made on the church property the subscription exceeded the amount called tor by i 100 about fifty members of the welling ton lodge apam no 271 at tended divine service at burns pres byterian church on sunday evening last when bro rev edward lasc con ducted the service mr joe mccleuan met with a pala tal accident last week in the dods hen he had the prior to her marriage the rev mr caldwell by her request read a let ter written some thirty years ago by mr w h storey of acton express ing his aympathyto mrs kirkpatrlck vn in rrnlv knittlne mill alton wl httle flnser of hla right h torn off wh adj 1 drive mr mcclellan will be off work tor some time advocate implements garage at youitf street gar9 and imelamest shop we have a few secosdttand implements in good shape one single row cons comvaror maaeyharris no 12 de l- val cream separator with ex- change bowl one deerisg 3cy- er one 5 h- p gasoline en gine fairbanks morse we aso have some rem cants of rope 4 4 and best mnrftf wer have a fus lias cf intematloaal harvester co im plements peter hazniltoc j pleurier sons ontario wind engine pumps and selfoiilcg windmills and hiproof sites dodge motor cars we shall specialize in auntite lubrication in our garage work british american gasoline veen dol oils frost fence- chas el parker ypung st gange and in- pleatent shop phonn shop m residency gordon hall 149 omtal cxbea orvr bui t ko hotjes tl to im i w miscellaneous francis nunan aceotznt books of all kinds i rerders periodicals of every da earefxxlrr bound baling neatly su- pronrptij done wyadhsun street oaaps oet otw wmtauxbaf store burlington my text what better reading is there than thettc and understand nff of biography when it la tho syma noble life at the death of her husband in reply to the toast mrs kirkpatrlck made a unique remark that no king on his throne could feel more honored than she did her heart felt rejuvenated by the klpd thought fulness of her friends- the following is tjie mldsurnnier school report for s s no o esaues- ing jr iv catherine hamilton hon pass jim oavs jean qlvep jr iii william dcyereux hon miuy torswell billy cwten jessie marlow fred brpokt violet scott lorene mitchell pass jr h olive tyres hon paris gowdy hon qladys marlow hon elsio davis hon ivan hamilton hon pass edith tyres harold johnson lloyd qiven sr i dennis hill hon pass evelyn johnson bobby lane sr primary lily tars well eva tyres eurl scott ella mcdonald and hurry smctwurst jr primary myrtle parnell mar garet brown wilfred j6hnson harry- devercux jean parnell x l sulleur teacher mr c- p coleman has disposed of hla green house business to vernon r j stevens of the stevens flower shop hamilton miss muriel ghent left on saturday last on a trip to the pacific coast and will visit many of the important rxkekh anetionecr and seal mate 20 tears bspctisna usi yottr profsktt with he acton ontario voutltfcliow lined 11 lo ani well done and when it deals with a young iciiow un nnlhhed 1 worthy bub is a great humanlz- ink innuence it hi a power for muddlo of ruaty iron and burnt tw engaged him on tho opou he finished the days work come out of his mud hole shook hands with me and the next day found a home for the rest of his life that is seven or eight years ago and he has been at the boilerworks ever elnco if hes not to be made a partner soon ive been misinformed today and that is what put him into my head when you were talking about pluck just now that manblrj had tho real article and when a man has thorea article and ih honest to boot dont talk to mo uhouxtllirtroti milton ot udni urn iw micceedlng in life going well good morning good luck t you in your new adventure nnd let your watch- ward bc pluck esquesing assessment confirmed dr h a beattya atsatsment re duced 14500 and fred ruddollt 100 at that the gang i had- on were mostly italians it wan too dirty work for u canadian to touch arid evon the irish were shy ot it they were little darlt monkoylooktng follows working away and chattering in their unearth ly gibberish i glanced from them to my scntleman with his clear white skin and hands which showed that whatever trade he had worked at clearlng- away wreckage hadnt boon part of 1t though ho lookcdvukc one who might have taken a good deal ot esauealng council as court of he- exerclsa in athletic sports vision deposed of tho appeals against here is a job i said the only assessment lor 1926 as follows on- i know of how do you like it j n kuddell- dismissed fred rud- well cnbugli ho said as cool as del1 reduced j10000 dr h a bcat- tyreduccd 45pooo town of gcorge- tresied younjr lady qid promptly im printed the necossory mad in u 8 a- ttto roasohable prloe and with characteristic promptitude toe iy maniger was wlckod friough to imr sv ply in a little fatherly advice to the effect that if tho orde had boon jilaced at home the work would nave ean eiecuwd promptly and aatiafac- posslhte v youll get a dollar and a half a day i told htnv youll probably get your death too- when will you go to work in an hour he said well off ho went und i hardly expected to hco him ugaln but before tho hour wns out he was back again in a flannel undershirt and a pair of old trousers flc tdok his pickaxe and down he went ltto that hole as if it was an evonlng party sir wpell i went back to tho office i couldnt bo hanging round watching tho men or tho boss would havo been making trouble but my now hand stayed on my mind somehow and 1 strolled round by tho wreck two or three timos in the afternoon maklnir some errand you understand in that direction that- man was working- air like a ilko a house afire the italians are good fellows none better as a rule but his plok went in and out three time to their twice nnd there was no chattering in m corner ot the hole he had little breath to talk h he wanted to or though hotjfjos a muscular fellow you could aoe with half an eye that- he had never done audi work before the aweat poureddown w tooo tike rnln but he never stopped never looked up or jtrtew that i or any one else was neeuyjuet ploddpd away winging that plok ns if there woce j 1 78 nothing else in the world that phew lfl i- to inyieu if kedoaiht oi hell dol aiv4uts ky i iml4 prttr psw town waterworks dismissed wyndham dog struck off the court then adjourned resuming in regular council hchbioii tho following accounts wero paaocd is y i3arraclough re moody for june quolph general hospital ro ruby tenant hospital at woston re oyilngham or may dr marcellus services ro indigents john h smith placarding and fumigating boll telephone ii account mrs tracy vault rent mrs hard ley care of coun cil chamber a o brown postage w a wlllhon lamb killed by dpgn otut henderson valuator hurno currv balance of salary hume curry nestage pm campbell balanee of salary m campbell postage alex mckay salary alex mckay pastngo road srpsrintendonf pay sheets the reeve was authorised to enter into aobrrtract with tho hydro iqlec- trlo commlfislori for supplying electric light in the munlolpal building council will hext mijet on july 19th atlao p m get out of doors tie thfcre youll enlightenment that does not ho in uny other branch of writing real good fiction besides providing uh with en tertainment stimulates and arouses our beta impulses poetry awiikcns cultivates and satisfies our sense or the beautiful history enlarges our understanding nnd ucquainttt us with tho greuter movements and readjust- ments in the life of nutlonh we must read widely in fiction poetry and in history if we aro to be cultivated men and women xot h o wide y w read in those fields of lltprature we hhall miss something of the utmost importance if wc neglect biography the qualities thut make llctlon und history valuable nro to be found in biography of tho bent sort and through some bloghphy there runs oven the vein of poetry the life of tx great man if it la vividly recorded is interesting as a novel it ih the story of struggle and conflict of dramatic situntionh that teit tho char acter of disappointments and tri umphs furthermore it shcus light on history the movements in tho life of n nation are initiated and led by men and the detailed study of the character of leaders ih often eshentinl to a complete understanding of tho chnracior of historical movements isutlhe most valuable significance of a good- biography to a reader who i interested deeply in the subject by making- known to tho influences- in tho tho receipts of tho home and school club for the year aggregated 40573 tho expenditures were 141521 4 83 candidates wrote here at tho re cent hlgh school entrance examina tions this is quite a number less than unuul forsomo reason or other it may be that the supply of material is running out mr t icar who underwent such jl serious operation in the hamilton general hosndtal about the first of maylast has rcovcrclsufuclcntlyjo be able lo resume his duties miss evelyn h vorthngton qfl toronto who has been on tje jrtaff of milton high school fur tho past year has resigned and is ncceptlng a position on the atnff of tho central collegiate london v the orangemen havo issued large posters for the big demonstration to bo held here on the 12th tho pro gramme will consist of apeechca by prominent members of the order and sports onojtlto a large scale a big day is looked for and confidently ex pected by the members thero is not much if any unemploy ment in milton all the industries in town and vicinity apparently being ik in t a ehroatey thc dominion government is asking for tenders for the purchase of the brant military hospital m s3 jean green left last friday evening tor washington d c where she will visit friends all taxes arc due and must be paid by saturday evening or penalty will be addod on monday july 5th eighty six candidates aro writing on the entrance examinations at the central schopl here mr r jajjen returned honae from florida last week where he ancnt the winter rev w tebbs left laet week for england where he will spend couple of months he salldd from montreal on friday morninc the roguish lions club luncheon was held at the village inn hist night when tho club commenced its activi ties of arranging for their big field day to be held on august 2th- the customs department has leased tho property of mr w f w fisher on brunt street and the furniture and fixtures are being removed from the office in the masonic building to the new office i s d jarvia grand worthy pat riarch of the order of the sons of temperance attended the 70th anni versary of the dedication of the temp erance hall at kcttleby and delivered an address oh the order past and future an automobllo hmashupoccurrcd at ram bo h 111 on satuf daylorstaboul sale of land scaled tenders addressed to undersigned and endorsed ten for ipurchase of government ftopei burlirrgtori ont will- be refcelved lt this office until 12 oclock noim d- light saving tuesday juty27 l for the purchase of part off pre known as brant house btrli ont- in accordance with lion description exhibited in thef the district resident arc public works 59 victoria onto ont and the chief office department of publli ottixwa the purchase to umude all structures erected on this pven the party whose tender isbcceirted must make payment as fot in per ima cent cash down on notlbiuon of acceptance of tender the l tn two etual installments thl the end of six months and thbother at tho end of one year from tap f notification of acceptance o- der with interest in both per cent isach tender must bo acj cceptcd cheque on a by bank eaual tu 10 per ceil amount of the tender paja hs jo date of he ten- es at 6 e nicklin insurance agent life the mutual life co of canada fir waterloo mutual company eagle star and british dominion insurance co uxnltsd auto a hsslth ttmglsiy- insurance etc- employeeal 11- ablity assurance corrporaticuis the dominion of canada qotmr- antee and accidents juronuie company money to loan oa farm roper- ty government and municipal bonds trustee for estates col lections see me for all kinds ot iruburance- box 444 dower av1l actqn n pan led hajtered of the u4iuui u to the order of the minister of pubb works which will be furfelted if tl person tendering decline to complettfce pur chuae in accordance wltll tender bonds of the domlnlpn of ciftda and bonds of tho canadian natlcmi rail way company will also be keep ted as security or bonds andkheques if required to make up an oddfcnount if the tender is accepted th cent security deposit will be as the first 10 pcr cent cd met on tho purcbaseas rcq the department doej not bl to accept the highest or any any further particulars rofiy lo obtained at tho abo tloncd oflices liy order s e 0b1 ono pclock when a truck owned by the ohtarlp tranhpqrt company tor onto and an automobile driven by dr lybergcr of clpvolund ohio collided on tho curve the auto worn com pletely wreckod vvblle the occupants ohcnpcd with sovernl cuh and bruises and a bad shaking up qaetto 0 per tained pay- ted itself iner quired men- j department of public works tit june 26 1926 quite busy at present tho brick pi 50 4s go 62 00 25 00 3 33 1g 00 3 co 1 30 8 00 2 00 10 00 i oo id 00 1 3g 00 4 53 106 87 lien in this ordinary people lives of extraordinary people and by showing ordinary people with ordin ary problems how extraordinary people dealt with extraordinary prob lems it makes tho ordinary person a little more competent himself n lit- tlo more capable to decide quehtlons right a little moro determined to lo in ils sphere what the grout man did in lilit and to ppply tq tho affairs of life tho experiences of thene great men thohp arn my ohhervntluns its to tho roftl value of god reading and especially of biography 1 hope the rising generation who are borrowing bookrt from acton froe library will take my opinions kindly and try out for n few weeks the bolter ciiihh of literature and lot mo know the result mind oat out eneat aome btreicn ot y oria watch the whiteclouas htkkinq in latitj i wonder how many of tho pupllm or tlio revered old schoolmaster of acton kohert llttkt remember li method of improving tho old laln words nnd phrnseq verbs and nouns in the gittmmarelnsses away back in tho sixties andv the early soventlcs how hu made tho old ijatlii root in morellh grammar live in our memor- lesl low they come hack to ga old chnph even yet when tho derivation of sorne new word or phrase is under reflection his method of teaching classics was really his own for no student of cl assies ln later years over heard any ystem more effeotive jn college leoture rooms than were ex pounded by robert xjtu in thmjuiry quilt uua works are working full force with mnurlce mlchnlcks trucks taking the men dally to and from their work it must he njulto a pleasure now for the men to work at the plant seeing the tiresome duty of walking to and from tht works has been eliminated through the kind consideration of tho com- uii ny reformer jmi p ijococq has been awarded tho contract for painting papering and other necessary work in tho court house and jailors residence homegrown strawberries are in tho markot plenty of thorn nd of splen did quality owing to copious rains but it is reported lhat tho cannors have bought ip the hulk of the crop and prlcps jvlll bo higher than usual tho cplebratlpn hero or the anni versary of tho battle of tho boy he on july 12th will be u huge one besides tho hultoiv lodgeh will be fourteen lodges from the coonty of waterloo with two brass handy and ono of fifes nnd drums tho friends of joseph moat of tor onto a milton old boy will be sorry hear that he has been in the wwt- hosptaifnr ifonic tijne and u if timhas tested it dr thomas eclectrlc oil has been on the market upwards of fifty- years and in that time it has proved a blessing for thousands it is in high favor through out canada and its excellency has carried its fame beyond the sens if it were double the price h would be a cheap liniment too many young people think that all thitt ih worth while in life conhlsts of being dreased up in fln clothes eating ice cream and going to picture shows and parties fear ill that his illness has reached its inst stag lieut- col and mrs w h ptolemy of mhlon announce tho engagement of their daughter elsie alexandra to mr clarence o naih of newmarket of mr w a nosh stoney crook nmrrlas to take place quietly in nyi at last weeks meeting of tho county council police magistrate shields asked that he should be- pro vided with ft aufeablo oflmn acoqwk anwjrtthn the warden and ujivv reeve ot bto- queilng wore authartied to makt the son the july wardch tvnd ujiv ilng were autharln wiry vuigiont actions we kindle oollootlons only 15 yeara xprl0iicb apaka for itself assuring bfllcleney and re- jlablhty icwnavul 9nb irti itasdaarflsbanav o canade sales 12 cost 27 the difference betva successful year arn unsuccessful bne isuy about 15 thirilw easily y can viw your sales 5 15 this year byb ning to go ttfterbuss systematically by distance every day we 1 new evidence frorrba chants in mediurned towns who have tu it for the first time njie surprised at theii cess kere is a recent number of sal number who subs y bought 27 amount of bales tptal cost of 4 2715 perceni selling cost 22 fry long dipi geljintr and vlnco yourself radio canadas pioneer raontluy publication devoted to radio sub5cir price 30o per car in advance radio u edited by auan b otloy r c i an outstanding authority on radio operation subscribe nov and learn now to- set the best out ot your radio set radio also tella you- where to buy penton tobucation 6062 adelaide east toronto notice to patrons of thfe estab lishment dvjpino july and auow8t examinations for- qlaaaea on thursday friday and saturday only ot each week lena grinding and quick repair de partment operating as uauat writo in or phone llw for appointment i a d savage onomctrlbt and mfg optician savage optica buildinq nlght at the post office al of guelph f- b v iix h the old and reliable granite and marble works wo nro manufacturers and direct importers of all kinds ot monumental and headstone work we sell direct toiour customers at wholesale prloea thus saving our customers 40 per cent vo havo tho best appliances qnd the only mechanics tri the dominm car operuto pnoumatlo toola properly we can give references from hundred of our customers in toronto and qtha places whoro others haye to tiye yg hults in onlcr to collect we iw1 te lursest and best stock ot qriinje tlio dominion or wro- inapt mlf iitit clcalorh in tho wcbt- we art it1u iimto doalors and employ ovaipmm iiifardo not annoy or pert onj w sending out ignorant aabbr- irtff orders we employ only jn and defy oonptmonsa