t l gtrattonfegjlrgfifi thursday july 15 1826 when your tire blows out if you can keep your tern per when a tiro blowa out and it is raining hard anil you aro far evom tolcphpnc ujon an unknown route amgl wlfqq ufusatnv from the-btrand- ed car if you can whistle whllo you rumago 1 after wrenches undine only they are gone if you can- think of atlto thieves with laughter and hurt your- humb and toon break forth in so rip if you can uhawer questions fools about you ask who stand and gape upon you whllo yoii work if you can grin when all la mud about you lie down in slush and donvrqge uko a turk if x can toll and toll and set thinga ready then find ttuuyj put a buna tubo in your tire if you can start again jceep sweet anil btoady and work on nerve and dont cot mad as ore if you con go through this und crawl from under and drive on homo without a trace of grouch this world alnt fit for you youre juat a wonder youve either got religion or youre dumb ill vouch j m ballantyne uhl ftxts ttwcpttffly old iron byj a stephens prohibition has strong hold in united states evidence btjfore senate commission shows this sayau thomas man mr honimoald of alynaer- ont most reliable gentleman who spends several months each year in new york has junt written u letter for the press which ought to have wide circulation at this critical time in ontario he refers to the press in the united states whose matter is given no much proxntnence to too- many of bar canadian papers and very iktlq appears to offset it he informs us of a gentleman whip waa a former member of the xjquor coanxnlsalon of montreal who rave evidence before the commission in wauhingrton dc also the- president of ths moderation leagjue of manitoba who declared the temperance acts in canada were total failure and that now with government control bootlessttng has ceased and we nave the most satis factory temperance law that has been of course they presented no evidence it was merely their say so and that is always satisfactory to those who wish to believe the next day tne phptrst of the unit ed states reported that tie canadian government na given ervldence that canada had abandoned ita prohibitory law and the winnipeg man waa asked what is moderation as advocated by your ioatcuo and he replied one cope a- week some moderation that observe one mad representing the liquor element to montreal tb wet test spot on earth and the other the prrwlflentljtthftmoejapjgijtf6e omb time after addison hal- stead and theodora had jeit the old home farm the old squire sent me off one morn ing to buy a horse wagonand harj nesa that we had heard were for mite at u farm in walerford the farmer was moving away you may h well begin to learn about such things my son the old kentlemau said to me if you are grdlng to jive hero on the old farm you will have to buy a horse once in a while or sell one when it comes to trudlng horses there is nothing like experience experience partlcu larly in horseflesh is something we generally have to pay for as he handed me a hundred dollars he added im not going tttftlve you any advice look the horse over and buy him if you think -beat- we dont need the wagon but since the man is selling out well take it along with the horse if he doesnt ask too much it was a walk of more than eleven miles to waterford but the cool oc tober air was fresh and exhilarating and i walked on at a good pace going over in my mind meanwhile all i had ever heard of the ins and ous of horsesbpavins ringbones heaves cribbing blindness kicking- balking i reached the place about noon and the farmer and his wifo seemed un usually eladtosee me they insisted on my ahting down to dinner with them jdurlns- the meal neither the man nor his wife said anything about the horse after dinner the farmer fc 4 wxioluw took me out to the ham to thejwlinpudonce lanlrnnl i kked his looks at once ho vasa handsome boy roadster with a good eye and so far as i could see be was sound in legs feet and wind seven years old the man said i know his age fob i raised him from a colt- we will hitch up i want you to drive him yourself while we were putting the animal into the shafta the farmer said i warrant him to you as sound and kind l never icnewhlm to kick or bite my wife has driven him for three years i shouldnt think of parting with him if i werent moving away this fait tvb drove out on the road and the man handed me the reins there was no whip in the socket the farmer iy another- name for the whiskeyring in manitoba selfappointed delegates as far aa the can government is ssr ss- the liquor question and willi utis tot a foundation milhdns of people in this country ore led to bellsve that canadouul prohlbllotar hqudr act bad abandoned lt and liad reported the same to tie goteouhcuit at wash ington both aides- however srssra beard by tola communion and tae desperate efforts of ta wets to modify the volstead atey introducing witt srlneasnd beers h failed and the law remains if anyenauisw it will bavin its more vlsoroiui enforcement the women of amerlcm bad aotno- thing to nay before the members of the enquiry en such as the foli6wlnr wo represent the home the etioreh and the school wo stand for enrarcemeat andnoinosllncatlon j mri fesbody was q t toned by 8enator reed ot sitosotut1 and- her xeply was w stand jsr the atrenctbenldat of the volstead act sather than its modlaeatlon wp stand for tpe atrbnssst tbtnr in enforcement and the weakest thine in uqiibr and the erowded room broke into applause acroc sllveruibrne ottrio board of forelrn mlsnlons onvbenslf of ova million members declared all he world la loosunk- to america oil this qtmstlan- watching and junttfns what america la dolnc tlie salvation l army waa represented bjwlcra homon wno said the conditions mons the lor has unproved under prohibition the children wear better ahoes and stocking than before a further aftotajlon wo no luve ln this na tion a htre croup of- deprayed ana elfish men who would ferine back upon 1u the- saloon with sriftts degra dation and curse to faundavnlty the time was wheh these advocates of the once or twice at- forks in theroad the horse paused ln what seemed- to concerned expressed thetotteotnine- i noticed the man in moylnsr his feet rattled the chain 7 farmer reniarked that his home was accus tomed to take the other fork ot the road which seemed so likely that 1 thought no more of the circumstance theprlce of tho horse and wagon was as we had heard- a hundred dol lars for all i couldbee u was a fair bargain and after dickering as nsnal 1 closed the trade and paid the money ratlrleasedwiih-myelcr- odt fjor horns with my neyv outfit the horsewrotted on at a good chp for four or flvoimlles but when wo came to a woodland where a long ascent ln tho road began he suddenly slowed up stopped glancing at me sat down an old pussy cat washing her face could not have taken a bitting posture mom naturally sty first thought was that tho horse had taken ill and iwas much chsg rtned great scotfl i said to my self its mralysed in band lega 1- hopped out and went tobls head be did not look 111 but eat there immovable and apparently helpless i took him by the bit and tried to get hlmop on bis hind feet but 1 might as well have pulled at one of the tree stumps reside the road tressntiy as 1 fussedabout him a horse and wagon driven rapidly ap proached from- behind and the man shouted whats the matter there turn out cant ye 1 want to get by the rood was narrow and there was a largo stone on one aldo- and a clump of birch trees quite close on the other i replied that my hbrsb was down and that il feared he was 11l well im in a hurry tho man fwkshtrafflesn the whip i jrteadlrura ot women of our country tohlm juake him get up yi w steadings c women of oar country bo- then ihad ho tfower to vote now that they are in possession of the ballottthey are not to he ignored -bo- mojdlwoti 1 qovefttorl joelds said do nolho deceived and fooled on this light wines and deer proposi tion qlv them an inch and they wllltalte a foot if they were legalised every drink eoia would be spiked with wuvskes mr b m bins whom the tj jvrlter haalcnown for more than halt 3k n century and who has been a srom- jfik inent lawyer in denver col for a ki jtbennsny veirs wrltesj front n fall seal knowledge of the situation to his rjome paper the bbwmahviue statesman as fonowii taiutone irho has in nolnd the real iheanloslih tilled in the word intoxl- oaflng oohmdlng cunnot rerp no- tlbiijg ufie hypocrisy and even sllli- nessof tho agitators for a change in the flry laws- they are crying out for intbjrl eating beer and wine fhiit one- drunk subterfuges one ana all physical smdmeratar traps to catch- thuh- wajlegal hair errfltlns wltriout the zj v sllghteiitrmarlt or justification they j are- mocking the constitution l tkey ryi are hloadlnfcwlth congressrvto do an illegal act iw the hope that the hlay btpetsnltted- to bewoinoiaw for the aakeot peace brewer mnd distiller knows well enough ssthat they are after in 1hls nurttr they warit the entering wedge proposition aware tm the rest win- follow they and their counsel know from the material and mentali pohits so view ther can be rjosucll thing as ifght wines and beers that aro vionintexlcatlng ir they are weilaware too ofjiu- man frallltlm and that once a- break is elftetod in the dry armor the rest ii s sureio followas a matter of eurse siviirfr i vthesthlrst has teennnetateoi the ban returned- the wood la given sfeiwrlts- y thetpoison again homptnl o w iailirstjhsxfablt wllmave to bbvallo- ijfe riathlc quantities i- eumerfate4 which thoy- -havfrkug- iuwea at washington are tn direct wjjrj qomstliutlonal amsndineht was wted to take alwhollc pphkin out iiaf o ths-bloodl- of awrlca and keep lt i ilfcllterfnfe to lei in the horroraof r rw-oltrwiinii-la- -ssifpjcti- irk hut two days afterwords vhlle the old squiro was out alono on tho road with him ho sat ujgaln for wo or threa hours he lad hcon warranl sound and kind and the question arose whether sitting vlolateol tmfl warrant the old etiuire thought that we might and it hard to compel the man whom i hought the horso from to take him back none tho la a i wrote him a letter charging- thnt he had grossly deceived me and hinting at legal proceedings a wpek or aq later we received a reply sent from an adjoining state to- which the farm er had moved i am sorry that you aro having trouble with that horse ho wrote warranted him soiind and kind and he is both tour didnt ask mo uny- thrlnk about his sitting in the ad but as you seem to be havlrhi tiuublo with your horse ril tell you lw 1 managed him when ho oat ftiero was a trace chain in the wagon and it- you havent -taken- itaut- its thore now i thought like as nct you might want it now if that horse stops und goes to sit dpwn you ju3t rattle that trace chain with your foot and hold on to your reins the horso will go on and go fast too thats about the heat 1 can do for you the letter ended you will take notice that i vaade no charge fqr the chain i thought perhaps that ought to co with the horse the old squire laughed heartily when i read the letter aloud to him but i considered the missive as a piece we found the trace chain under the seat of the wagon and the next time that the horse started to alt down we rattled it he changed his mind at once and started on at a good pace we inferred that the former owner of the- horse had atnaome time thrashed him with the trace chain until tho animal got up and went on and that the beast was in deadly foar of it as- time passed we found that any pieces of old iron that would jingled sharply served as well asthef gnaih and so we came to calt the horao old irod whether the antidote for alttng would have iaaswered ln definitely is uncertain we used old iron as a driving horse for oniy about year then we set him to draw- the olp home i passed last night through tho did home town whon tho shadows aeemod- to croerj when the little place was in darkness and everyone fast asleep when our home by the misty moon- bodms stood silent ghostlike and pale and no sound was heard as i watched there but only tho shriek of tho gale i stayed ulone as tho night yaro on wlth no haven from tho storm- ivne at hand to admit me to the house where i was born though ive lots of cash in my pocket k there was ho room in tho building to stay- v when tho folks who made it homo to me had all of them passed away i slowly went from vheold home why should i llngerso its not last night that i cherish but tho duys of longr ago not the value of brick or wood r fashioned by hands at will but the jcrys and sorrows within- its walls aro the memories that linger still r florence l haines never tried to sit when working with other horses remarked that ho had got out of thol jamber in a fourhorso team he habit of carrying one because the horse never needed h in the bottom of- wagon body on the side where the man was setting there was a small chain such as teamsters call a trace chain which i supposed had been accldently left in the wagoiu i drove for as much i as two miles first slowly then atttr round trot corns cannot exist when uolloways corn bemover is applied to them be cause it goes to- the root and kills tho growth twenty years ago from th issue of the free pre thursday july j 1906 for eight sundays in succession rain has fallen at some time during the day the epworth 3league oftha metho dist church held a very enjoyablo social on the lawn at tfio home of 24rs a h brown onthurs day eyon- liig the young then1royldea a very creditable programme and the young ladles refreshments the members of the presbytorlan 1ahould hot have lashed him even if had had a whlpt but tho man lumped but fuming and came along whip jn hand thtoraekeah said and before i could remonstrate he gave the horse three or four hard cuts my new purchase never much as moved an eyelash im in great hasto j man re peated angrily too must get your team out of the road tm not here for the fun of it retorted the man laid hold of the horses tall and i pulled- sidewise nt the off wheels of my wagon and at last we got the wagon a little to one aide of i the iojad the man sot into his rig- and managed to scraps past us he then drove on without so much as a backward glance it was a little- travelled road and no one else came r along j did not like to leave my horse and wagon alone there while 1 went in search of a veterinarian so i stayed with my pjaralyaedtv horse for tjro hours or more durjmv which he moved only when i pulled hlnv by thetall toward stinset i set off in despenv tipn to go td a farmhouse that i had daarfed a mile or two iwick but when i had gone fifty yards perhaps i heard a sudden rattling of the wagon and turning sar that the horse had got to his feet and was walking on i made hste to overtake him and then drove home by starlight at a fair pace the horsegowe no further signs of his itaralyslsk at the sgppexv table i rather shahie- faced ly gave the old sauire an ac- count of nay trading andof what had happened on the road ty been badly taken ini sir i aid m horse looked all right but theres no doubt he is subject to par alysis of his hind legs he went down like stone and was perfectly help ifts there in the road for more than iofcrv k- i the oldsnueinanldnothlag ax oeptto remark that he had never jagyjii coortngand going mvthat ft copper he striterh aifd wwntlpt with lkthshotse orara j 3tok and feet wxmdt fif matttr sunday school wllhqiehrrohdscnr to waterloo on tuesday- whero their annual ptenjc was held in that towns beautiful park t everyone from the tiniest tot to the- grownups reported a good time one thing at a time some workers accomplish little be cause when they work ibey are nx- ways thinking of some pleasure plan ned for tho evening or the saturday halfholiday when tey aro trying to havohtgoodtlrne they are no haunt ed hy tho thought of neglected duties that they make o flle of enjoyment too the thing to do is to devote yourself to the business in hand as if there wcre nothing else in life exealuiit for croupy children when a child is aufteririb with croup it is a good plan to use dri thomas eclectrlc oil it reduces- the indam- raatlon and loosens the phlegm giv ing speedy relief to tho little suf ferer it is equally roliablo for sore throat and chest earache rheumatic pains cuts bruises und sprains dr thomas kclectric ollle regarded by many thousands as an indispensable ornheamlly-tnetricin-chest- 11d1d0uest0p to think by edbort r walte secretary shawnee okhi board of comrnorce h b burgoyn msrtaina editor of tht standard st ctharne onttaysi j that the iwopleof this continent are definitely launched tn this second quarter off the twentlotf- century on an infinitely higher standard of living than tho world ever before witneflsed that ther ib now annihilation of space a destruction of frontiers all by radio not the rjchmans preserve but the schoolboys plaything j that in the last 25 years tho der yelopment of electricity has given an impetus to scores and scores bf new industries the house wife now presses a button for dinner cooking the family gath ers at the toaster mother swltch- ja on tho washing machine and father goes to the electric re- v frlgerator that tne new ufioa ot oil make us klinover the waters at 60 miles an hour through the air at 125 and undct the waters in compar ative safety thattmo automobile has wldonod the liorlbon of millions and is how a universality that the camera the mloroacppo the stethoscope and scores of the other wonderful devices are in that atatv of perfeotton which makes the world a better plince in which- to live that hundreds of good things ard now n the hands of the people and one of the blg instumentall- tles has been the genius for ad- vertlslng whether it bo of the fruits ot tho sanny sooth of pf uie oorhnnoh elactrtc percolator fnruta gfroduption wldr rnge iwpriiontifowe- jobs highr inn slliund hiah-rvfund- fmying snd w eontlht4 useer toasther as nivirbf muvlrio plyda par- jn h this u h wp neighborhood news towri and country milton when i was a boy since i began to be a bay seventy years ago more or leas more now things have come to this qld world than came to pass in tho six hundred and eighty years befpre that unim portant event occurred when you think of the telephone and the trolley tho electric light and tho wireless tele graph the automobile the flying rria- chlno and the submarine not to speak of a multitude of other inventions such as tho gramophohehe moving pictures and tko radio you will ad- mit thut i have not stretched tho truth it is interesting to think how those inventions have elm need our lives whoniwasa boy if we wanted to get word to ti neighbor we had to walk or else hitch up old billy tho family horae and drive six miles 7thtnblirwasyab at which a mebhago travelled ln the country now wo speak into into a little box on tho wall and our words go to bjlr neighbor at tho speed of a thousand miles a seconu if i had been on a wrecked vessel sixty years ago or evon forty years ago no one would probably have known of tho catastrophe for weeks tetlifo was not by any means dull ln thoso old duys how can ufo be ldujl totllleal boy who has a rc sonable time for play ana all outdoors to play in tho jtelophone and tho trolley cor and the plectrlc light and all modern improvements arc mere trifles compared with tho real things that make x boys life worth living i had each day some mapual work to do a small eurdon to weed and o- horse to take care of and so on hut there wub tlme6mugh left for tramp ing dnd fishing pad swimming and the usual boyish games v my first speckled ciout vaa ever nucha flah caught before i you re member yours do you not if you were like me you could not stop to taker it oft the hook but bore it home in triumph dangling from the end of the lino after all it was not such a mighty fish as to break either pole or line v my b6yhood wub spent in this very locality and v is no botterspll on which to rulso boys than that of tho old county of halton during thoso boyhood days tho joy of my heart was to climb to tho top of cob ble hill then havo a- tramp through the hazel copses of mbnumont hill thence over to the tannery crock and home from tho q t b tracks which always gave an appetite for supper respecting -the- daysof mybarly boyhood let mo speak of the puritan sunduy which was always strictly observed in our home some persons are inclined to deride the sunday of their boyhoqd and to- attclbutothelt neglect of religion in later years and their dlsllko for churchg6lng to the fact that too much ofboth wus forced upon them in their youth i am always skeptical of such ex- xsuees wlton icnrujiuber how many in- flupncea of later ufa can account for the decunp of religion and church- going at ny rate i hayo no such excuse a pffoi qf if always seemed toriio n a boy the nftrmi regular order of things tp go to church mfirn lng and pyeping and sunday school in the afternoon jjfprpftver i yas ox- peotcd tp tahp nnh of each sopmon and to give the family nravara ip r evening tho tpx and fm ffltallpc an account pf them osshjiq f re gard od that duty ftp- pleasant nel lectual exeroleo it relieved apy sense bf monotony during the hervlcdh nnd i was always much pleased when my father commended mo for a good ru- porl v the ordering of our housohold would bo considered us strict today no chores could he done on sunday that could possibly be done on saturday even bootblacking and shaving word done vho night before sunday letter writing was also tabooed on the sab bath however 1 ana suro hat tho family blue laws did not emblttor my life i never droadod sunday tho household wan not gloomy or long- ihced but- as full of tho joy of living us on other dayh only we made a difference in uijo days and our duties and joys weo otii dlfforont sort in thoso days there were a multitude of such families ns aura mid 1 bellove few boys were muured or made rebel lious by the family restrict inns that are now so oftjen derided t may be oldfashioned uril old- fogylsh but 1 would bo glatf if home condltlohsc in theso rohpeoih veto now as they were half a century ago hov und mih 8 w ilann and fam ily of llndrtuy uro visiting mrs hanns imontn mrr- and mrs r j hare johoph oroonwbod of trafalgar towiihiiip hustalned hovoral broken libs when a horso which howtut lead ing out of the burn jimpcd hldowtsp and crushed htm tlgnlnttt tho cement wall tho milton horticultural sooloty s holding its third display of do worn in syors ntb remind ow on saturday july 10th members wh i- kindly send peonies and roses by nlno oclock friday opening thcflrtof theunlon horvlces be- twoon knox und st xnnln churolich will bo hold noxt sunduy lri st pauls united church miss etholma t craig b a who was principal of acton continuation sqhool last- year has been enffnged to succocd miss v m worthlnston in milton high school for tho coming year miss wojthlngton whose homo is in toronto has rosigned to join tho teaching staff of tho lrondon collog lutorre former beorqbtown on a recent sunday one of oiir citi zens countctl 42b autoh puss over tho white brhuic on tho iilkliway in an hour- mra leurge watt und tlaughtcr jomi loft last wtdnomilay for cuangow scotland jwlioro tfioy will hpciht a fow months mi inwrnnuo hlinlulr who under- wont an opfiatlon fcr appniullcuin at uuelph otntral hoftpllnl last wcelc h progrchmitik nlcoly j mr and mrs j t coo aro vhiltlng with frlonilh at hltenn island luitp liiucentlan mountains quebec chief of detootlvcv oeorge fluthrto dotootlvo ts outhrlo nndmf0tuuthr1b of toronto spent dominion day in town herald the iratendeo compliment oaxvtlle mr w j a stewart of tlio oakvlllo high school stuff and mrs stewart are spending the vacation with mr stewarts parenth in halifax n s an afternoon tpa and sale of home- ma do cooking will ho held in tho masonic hall on saturday aftornooh july 17 from 3 to fl under tho auspices of qoldon rule chapter or der of eastern star mrs c w cooto and mibs marian cooto loft oakvlllo on saturday for lio due alberta where they will a pond tho summer months they were accompanied by mr g g cooto m p and mrs coote who were returning to their home in manitoba following tho closing of the parliamentary sesssion at otttawa- according to a provision of the fruit act of- tho dominion boxes containing berries or currants picked in canada for sale rnust contain when lovel full us nearly as practicable 386 or s72 cubic inches which la tho equivalent of one full pint or ono fuuquatt tho first chargefor violation ofthlslaw was laid before magistrate shields at oakvlllo on june 23rd tho defendant was accused for offering american strawberries for sale in the 45 quart berry boxes formerly usedf ho was found guilty anfl a minimum fine of on dollars wus imp baed record in an old fa hii toned homo of now orleans there was comimoy at dinner und die ladlch wore dlncusslng the woman question j a gentleman present attor hearing ull tho proa and cons facetiously re marked that two preachers were dlh- cushliiclthe same problem recently in hia hcnrtitg and they both tigrncd tliat it portended evil and thut women- in fact that women were worse than mon u v ono of tho ladies indignantly re torted indued thoj oro not women uro tho salt of tho enrth dats mo honoy put in old aunt susan from tho kitchen wafo do bible truf for slioro women in do salt of do earth just think ob lroffrj wife and everybody laughed at tho wud- den and unexpected application of tho old bible story wiso and experienced mothers know when their children aro troubled with worms and lose no time ln applying millers worm powders a most cf- fccltlvo vermifuge it is absolute in clearing tho system of wprms and restoring those healthy conditions without which there can be no comfort for tho child or hope of robust growth it is a most trustworthy worm ex- terminator mother had forgotten mother wasnt that a funny dream i had last night said a little boy who was busily engaged- with his breakfast cereal why im sure i dont knowl re plied his mother i havent the slightest idea what your dream was about why mother of course you know oaid tho boy reproachfully you were in it erin municipal haymaking made quite art improvement to the appearance of tho street whero cttlzons neglected to mow the grass mr and mrs nathan duman anct family of toronto have motored to therhomehere to spend the bummer mr and- mrs e benner andhttlo daughter of buffalo n y aro visit ing with the latters parents mr and mrs george rogers 9th lino miss jollle boddy is tonvaleacing at the homo of mrs salmon after an operation in toronto general hospit al recently workmen commenced on tuosday to remodel and enlarge tho united church of canada when completed it will be a great improvement the town count ordered that tho following bo paid for sheep destroyed by dogs w lambent i lamb 500 bruce mckinnon two registered ox ford ewes 57000 morgan graham 3 lambs 2600 george mcphall 1 liunb killed 1 worried lg0o mimosa debators were successful in winning- the- flhaldcbateinlutho wel lington county pebatlng league when tloy defeated the four corners club on wednesday evening juno- 30th the subject of the debate was re solved that tho governments present polloy of limiting immigration to farmers farm labqrots andi domestic servants is detrimental to the best interests of canada the turner reunion held nt stanley park on july 1st waa the largest and most enthusiastic gathering yot held tho day was ideal and before ton oclock tho time sot for the treasure hunt for the children to begin autos by tho score had arrived and continu ed until nearly 400 parsons were pres ent during tho day the dinner and supper tables were loaded with al kinds of good things and about 300 sat down at tho noon tables many others arriving in tho afternoon the turners two of the oldest families of east oarafraxu originated ln cum berland county engrland and emi grated to canadai advocate a pleasant medicine for children is mother g raves worm exterminator and it 1b excellent for driving worms from tho system collections iwo jiftndlo collections only 35 years oxpcrlonco speaks for ithclf iissurlng ofneloncy and ro- llabiiity kblly aiken collkctorb orsnoevills snd qwen sound ltof standard banlc of canada mccoys cod liver extract tablets fine for thin underdeveloped kids children love them because thsy are sugar coated and as easy o tska as candy its your duty mother to sco that tho frail peaked sickly youngster grows up to bo strong in body keen ln mind and robust in health extract from the livers of the lowly codfish are the health weight and tho strength producing vltamlnes that are found in mccoys cod liver extract tabieth which arc sold by pharmacists all over north and south am ere lea doctors know about them and so does the druggist and if your children need building up ask for these tablets today if ypuwant to give your loved ones a good appetite and put pounds of good healthy flesh on their bones but be sure to get mccoys they are not expenslve 60 tablets 60 cents and if you soro not pleased with tho improvement after 30 days your money back a very sickly child aged 9 gained 12 pounds in seven months and is strong and healthy one skinny woman gained 9 pounds in 24 days f business directory medical dr- j a mcniven physician and surgeon office und residence corner bo avroue snd elgin street phone 88 dr e jnelson frederick sthftkt aoton ohtaho i leqal pbons no ti p c box ml harold nash farmer m a bsrristtr solicitor notary publls convsysnesr eto perrvman block acton out money lent on mobtoaor hours 930 sjn to t sua saturdays 1200 oatoek dcntak dr j m bell d d s l d s dsntist honor crsdusts of toronto uulvss ulty th wert tirnthstle asset 1t desired ofllce at residence corner of mltl and frclerlck streets dr f g gollop dx lum dentsl sisrgson oses orer bank of nova ssaftsk hours tjo to u brsnliics by appotettasal burlington miss b j ferguson r n has ar rived from now york to spond a couple of monhis vacation at her tibms lieric mr iviiitljiitsiliiiiiii and daughter ituthof sovelstoke kc visited mr and mre b a harris lastwcelc the lions club committees oro buay vorhlnje on- their -biff- hold dux celebration to be hold on wednesday august 25th the ladles aid society of zlm- mormart united church will hold their nnnlvprary florvlco oh sunday even ing july irth at 730 oclock the luules of tho congregatioh of tho united church kelson will hold a garden party at tho homo of mr thompson sherwood on wednesday evening july 31sf a lawn feto ulll bp held on the lawn of mr 12 holthy water street on thurjdn y oyenfpg july 22nd pro- cejdfl jylll bo in aii pf st lukes mcpiprlai flqijl- bullotlnsfun mf c f gprlnser returnil home on tuesday latvfrjotn anj xtencd trip to tie paclfiil cpast on this rp- turp- iriv bfiespsn three monthb in calory with hpr daughter early jaupfty pnprrilng last theij wheelsjnas on a arffez mta- toou lights on the phopo opposite the proctor farm for lights at the canal on tho beach nnd rnn aground near the siidco mns annie hull loft on friday on frulny on tho kerrbryabh toachors tour to alabka over uio tinnndfiui na tional railways stops will be made at winnipeg edmonton jasp6r pnrk vancouver and- victoria and u boat trip to alaska at a congregational niootlng of tho unionists nd continuing prosbytor- inna hold in christs churoh on mon- duy evelng lnat nrrnngopiontft were cdmpleted to take unothorvoto oh tho church union quostlon from july 6th to july 21st inclusive the mooting was very orderly and tho best of feel ing prevailed mr j- h hlohurdson lias keen dp- iolnlod bubcolloctor tho customs olllco to xucuodd tho late ooorgo w alfun the now apiiolntee has boon a resident of llio town for the nunt two yearn und h an imporlal resor lmvlng fopbiit for his country ih the oroat war anaotto ifcii asthma no longer drsadod the lrojul of vdnowcdnttackh from osthtna jsusjnpholduponvkhouevhq learned to rely upon dr jad kol- iotttia asthma nepiedy so safe do they feel that complete reliance is placed on this true hpuoihc with the certainty that it jjll always do nil thamtn mnkors elalm if you have not yet mourned how liofo ydu nta with uils preparation at jand get- it todoi and know for ydurself si- v- the oldtime tavern the imuhomn of the city of new yurk has an oldtlnje tavern jjltfo in which is printed tho fqllowlng four- iinnoo a night foriiecl six pence with supper wb miie thnn five to bleep ip- ono bod no boots to ha worn in bed- organ grinders td sleep inttiu wash house nodfhfs allowed upstairs no boor allowed in the kitchen no rasor orlndora dr tlpksrstuksn n i prjitvesuiiisl miscellaneous francisjnjnan boekolmlsr account books of all kinds msuls order periodicals of erery carefully bound ruling neatly promptly done wrndbsun street auslpa m orsr wlulsms- btcn r j kerr auctioneer and beat estate 20 years experience list tour fhopkrtt with 1e acton ontario j ofl eyesigi wrll be drug desky oronto v specialist 1 a t browns lore acton mondayuugust 9th anyone sumrins trom e-ye- blraiii dafciive vision or headache ahq opportunity 1 eyesight mezits may a t brown consult offic hours id not miaa the onsultlng this llstl appolnt- noado with 2b druggist 1qn free m till 4 p m moved to a new stand inorder to better serve thspublic and to get a larger stand we havs moved our bakery store to more commodlus premises across the street to the standlormerly oc- cupied jby mr stuckey asthelclyde rest aurant wc are now comformbly settled in the new quarters and ready m scrv you our stock of bakinglis always f rti and com- plqte m edwards bakery buy home town baking- phone 7 there is none bel mill 8tre acton ae nickun insurance agent life the mutual late co of canada fir waterloo mutual company eagle star and brlttth 1 j dominion iniiranfi tjawtf auto accident health i rsumnc etc jenployeo 14- abihty assurance corporation the jdomlnlonof canada omr- antee and accidents conspjuiy money to xoan on farm proper ty government and municipal bonds trustee for k dates col lections- see me for all kinds of insurance box 444 bower ave acton k mtbamtsmstmw nronto csmaa radio canadas pioneer publication devpi subacrlptlof price year in advance radio is edited by allen b oxley r c i an ouutandlng authority on radio operation subscribe now said learn how to jrt the beat out of your radio set- radio also tells you whore to buy penton pubucations 6062 adelaide east toronto y when using wilsons fly pads there onlyol ray to kill fall the flics this lilfc dmtkttt ihtroom u much as posablt cam th windows rails ona otttt blinds where the sun sftin stoat tight inch pises ssmmny wilsons fly paisssposs is on pistes prof tty wstttd with water bat not flooded a the window ledf whtnfhe light h strong leave itejmm joxed ior two or tbres boars then sweep up the biessathmr them s lllustraan mow i nu jpirt th plsfesuwsy oat ot th rstch of childrsn upa ts quired ia another room v the right if-r- 811 bfe- jfei- notice to patrori of this eb lishnieni duk1no julk and auh examinations for glass wn thursday friday and satlirojij only of each weokv grinding and quick rdtwlf q- imrtmcnt oporfttins as asi write in or phone lolf le appointmi5nt a d savage opometrlst and 4f optician savaie optic a3 bvnuma- rlsht at the iost ofllce tnielp at the old and relubje granite and marble wotka wo aro manufacturers anordlreqtv importers of all kinds of mdhumfm and hendstono work- ws sell tasiqt to our cuhtomoraat wholesatft iflssjif thub sovitir oiir customers 40 nfjt 9sb wo iidvo tho beat applappss- m4 ht only mechanics in the 9thmltu1l wlto car operate pnoumatlo tooul bpilfli we can give retdrenocs from hunrtusts ot our customers in toronto n utft plnoes wkore others have to hto lw nultn ln order to collect ty hsrsi ths larsest and best itook of drsnits to tho dbmnlpn of more thn njr thrsjio- denlera in the vcst ws r yessrltt- ninlo ilinlrin nml umplov nn sjtslils and do not annoy or pest ouiksqms bysending hut ignorsuat scoati iso1elt- tiw ortjorsiwe emplsy only mtobsurloa and defy oompetltlont v t i i ttlsi g-fslife-