wjti tsb fiftysecond year no 9 thursday morning august 26 1926 acton ontario canada thursday morning august 26 1926 single copiesfive cents the acton united church op canada minister rev r e zimmerman b a parsonage willow street 1000 am sabbath school session 1100 um rov n 13 zlmmormnn b a tho minister after his vacation 700 p mi the minister presbyterian v knox church acton minister rev a c stewart m a manser willow street 1000 am sunday school 1100 a m llev juinc3 reldlo of hillsburg ont 700 pm rev james reldlo strangers leaving address with tho ushers will bo called upon by ho pastor august savings that say buy for needs ahead the baptist church acton 1000 a m sunday school dr c aj cook at ljoth sor vices ordinance of lords suffer will be obacrved at morninpr service thursday 745 p en prayer- moot ing md b yp v axx welcome special notices vdieitlsoneflts in thi column a cent per wnrd minimum charire yc pef insertion situation vacant boy or younff man wanted to work in knittlnc mill start at once ap ply nt otlice of 1 jiiason knitting co auction sale john walters will hold a ciearlnb sale of his farmers implements and stock household effects etc at his farm fldjolnlnk acton on saturday september 4 nj kerr auctioneer our august clearance is a sound business proposition you take the goods and make the savings we hake the clearance and take the losses every department in this big store- has its clearance list mens womens and childrens wearables and need- ables for homes this weeks quotations just for examples for 8ale a ford touring car in kood repair one pood driver acmo b ranrjo high oven practically now aovcral plooos of furniture mrs j parker j3 n it- wo 4 rockwood house for sale brick house nvo toota3 and sum mer kitchen all modern conveniences brick frarage in connection corner of asms and elgin sttcbts apply mrs c aixen 2 agnes street acto 3n actojf card of thanks the family of the late oliver iasby wish o express their- thanks and ap preciation to their friends arrd neigh bors for their sympathy kindness and floral tokens on tho occasion of tho passing away of their dea father i c ofthan mrs gertrude poll and daughters wish to express their heartfelt thanks to the storey glovo company for the beautiful floral tribute extended to them in their recent sad boreavemont by the death of a lovlnff husband and father private sale bedroom furniture two rocking chairs ono arm chair dining table half dosen dining chairs sideboard idttchen range and numerous othor useful articles will bo sold vrivatoly purchasers may call from monday to saturday next week terms cash miss perk brown church street acton offices stores and rooms to let commodious welllighted and heat ed quarters suhnblo for stores or of- flees arid rooms or apartments fur nished or unfurnished with modern conveniences 1n tho centre of tho town meals served if desired apply t0 j jacques ryder and mowat building 7tf acton ontario brick store and dwelling for sale the brick block at tho south- went corner of mill and main sts acton has corrrmodloub store and cellar riwctrcb- n rear and abpvo and a residence plj eight rooms there s ilip a garageontho premises thern largo lot also four bulldlnr lots on brock avenue nosli 17 20 21 facing also ijjl victoria avenue for tiarttculars apply to walijacp easpy bkeoutor margarot jllcklln estate jtf mill st acton wanted permanent self- respecting ipoat- tlon for man uhpdto meeting puh- jlo represontlnp toronto house address box a acton free press hamilton milton and acton busline parlor car service leaving acton- 7 a m dally 12 poori dally and 640 p trt satur- days an d holidays leavink hamilton 10 am dally 6 p mv dally 1110 saturdnys and holidays 030 sundays the speedy rout to hamilion rninirfotty fare for round trip 200 bui may be chartered at any time for speclul trips anywhere ex- press and bagsff curried at your service yfa aro now open qr bqslness apd sqllclttno pntrpnnge of tho neunie of acton and surrquh4njr flurtflpt qur njrn l to ulyo thru publp hie best possible valup anfl br vice at he ljarn poflnlbloprlpo our ohup la at ue cornqr of mill street and pwlc avenuo geo cowie son hoiaeshoera blacksmithing and repairing wallpapers at half prices nearhalf and less than half 12 25c 38e and room lot quantities draperies included in the clearance reductions marquisettes eretonnes and pretty nets suit cases and club bags among the luggage d specials at each millinery all sumirier tyles clearing at nexttonothing prices wonderful sav ings to pick up this week all the womens and misses coats ticketed for clear ances at hurryaway prices in many cases figured at less than half fuji and rayon silk flocks in an august clearaway group reduced immense ly when ticket- di oc ed at tt silk iidresses in- another clearance grotip at tremen dous reduc tions 595 printed crepe dresses at less than half regular prices in two groups at 795 and 975 mens- sjtraw hats flannel trousers flannel coats summer suits shirts a host of worthwhile sav- ings in our mens stores pure linen table cloths 2x2 yards at 529 pure lin en serviettes at per dozen 349 gltolpirs leading and largest store d e macdonald brosajltdl daily closing- 30 p m excepting wednesday at 120 noon atnd saturday at 9 jo pm miss addle hurst exceeds maxiinura in middle school ewmlruitions at acton high school get ready for election returns by installing your radio now we have selected two styles of radios that we consider the be8t the market affords the six tube supcrneutrodynehigel tho six tube superneutrodyne thigel ih a viundsnmo two dial control macrilnc with specially designed straightline broadcast single and tandem condensers it is built in a hlghlypollshcd genuine walnut duco finished cjtblnct really a wonderful distancegetter theelectrola the electrola is a flye tube machine with handsomely hand- pollshcd halln finished cabinet has three hcparato tuning dhals this instrument la iiartioularly noted for- its tone and good receiv ing qualities we cant demonstrate these models at your cpnyenierce anyone will be perfectly welcome to cqmo to our store to h the broidcaat of any of the notablespeakers durina tho campajian end also to htmr election return on election night w d talbot phone 76 we deliver main street just around the corner watch our window 5er to t when in acton at the fair on september 31 anp 22 make symons your headquarters symons hardw are mui street v phon 49 get your job printing at the free press following uro the results of the middle school examinations held in attton in june ohamles bell alg c lat au c lal comp c french au- c 3jaiit chalmehs ens comp 2na brhlau 1st alg 1st gcom c pixy cichem 1st iit au c ijil coni 3rd olxve cooper anc hist 2nd ale 1st geom 2nd fr auth 2nd fr coma 2nd illhliel cltosssivn- anc hist 2ml i- aith 2nd fr comp c irkxe ourin bng comp 2nd brhlst 1st alg 2nd geom 1st phy c- chem 2nd lat au c lmt comp 3rd reginald pinrtey en7 comp 2na anc hist 2nd chem 2nd pr auth c eivin gamble eng v 2nd dr hist c alsv 2nd qeom c phy c lat comp c eddie gidhkns eng comp c eras lit c br jllst 2nd physics c aiargaret ofundell eng lit c br hist 2nd alg- 1st geora 3rxi phy c chem 1st ijit auth clotcomr 2nd nevilxe harropxranc hist 1st phy 3rd pr auth 2nd fr comp- c clarence henderson br hint 3rd alice hodgsou br hist- 1st anc hist- 2nd gordon huffman eng comp c br hist 3rd addie htjrst entt camp 2nd ens lit c br hist 2nd anc hist 2nd alg 2nd geom c xat auth c lat comp c st auth c fr comp c archie kerr ana hist 1st ale- 1st fr autli 2nd charles kirknbss alg 1st geom 2nd fr auth c fr comp 0 maiuorie lawson eng comp 2nd ens ui- c br hint 2nd anc hist c chem lat fr auth c george leslie eng comix c ens lit c br hist 2nd anc hist c ale 2nd phy 2nd chem 1st- george mason eng comp c ens lit c br hist 2nd alar 3rd phy c chem 3rd fr auth c fr coznp c clara savaoeanc hist ird doom c fr comp c xennib wiggins br hist 2nd anc hist c geoino c ekwin wilson eng corai- srd brhisl c alg 1st geom c xessie young eng comp c ene ut c tho upper school results in english al3o ovppears below elma s crai the printed acton and district pal of acton high school the pa8t yeavr writes from her home in athens 311ss addle hurst of the acton continuation school who wrote on ten subjects of the middle school ex amination two more than tho xnaou- muxn was successful in all ten sub jects miss hurst merits the heartiest congratulations of all the upper school examinations successful students who wrote at acton hioh school helow is given the standing of the umper school candidate in english in the actqh continuation school all of whom were successful olive cooper comp jrd ut 2nd muauel crossman comp rd lit- 2nd fitevbule harrop conip 1st lui srfl- ajichie kerr corop 2nd ejl 1st charles kirknbss lit 2nd clara savage comp ird liu 0 leslie famlly keunion three hundred member enrolled at 4 plonio at blue qpringi pairk on wednesday auffust 18th 1926 bluo springs park won the pictur esque scene of an intcreatlntr gathcr- iner it was the occasion of the first leslie re- union and over throo- hwn- drod persons assembled to enrol on the clan roster kam fardistant points they caxno boiim from ohio pennsylvania- flori da nd muskoka while toronto haun- htcfn guelph stratford lobersoll and other ontario cities rad their quota ot representatives to add to the large crowd which belonged to acton qeorfiretown rockrwood and adjacent cotxirnunitles thlo kroup comptlsea t6ur ffflrirll- tloos descendants r or john isl1e vrho was born in the county of tyrone ireland and died in ksqucsltie in 1842 aced 7cyearshe settled on lot 22 10th line baucslng township in 1831 a record compiled shows that from ihls beiirnlng there now beisir over 700 names to the t anally roll- whtto full justice wasbelnrj done to the tables so bountifully spread with delicacies under the leafy trees of the nark and the last kiddle yrua bains fumnluhed his full share of ice cream nndl lemonade the scene was further enlivened toy the appearance of calvin sutherland in scotch costume cal vin played the baffppea in true high land fashion the entertainment for the afterrftion ss a p of intereacwltb w b leslie of jskeland florida as cjisjrnsnhan article replete with ln- forraation glylng th early history of the leslie clani had eeh repaired by james oivnt bclbod anc its read ing was a irqatmrq ot lnierest other nuxxibers on the prpgranime were an follows duec planp and saxavhone lloyl leslie arid wllforl leslie read- lnar markttret cspiiak vocal duot mrs pe thpmpson and la vme thompson soln irfrs kred thomp- non vooal duot calvin suthertand and noluo leslie the different branches of the leslie family wore represented in short speeches made by robert lesllo mor- vul jom w leug acton trios u lealle norval wm lcello stilloh oorfir leslie oeorgrotown and tlisn j leslie fnsersoll mr robert t leslie of norvsi and mrs robert johnston of acton had the distinction of being the oldest per sons pfesent many of tho families will have a nouvenlr of tho event in the possession of a photograph of the entire group wri ich wan made during the ufter- noon in the business session mr joel w leslie acton was elected president jind mr thos l leslie norvnl sec- rotary for the reunion plcnlc to be held next year dangelos trial on friday the trial bt bert dangclo now in milton jnil on a ehargoox man slaughter in connection with thu death of several victims of poison alcohol will open t two oclock friday after noon at oakviue v fall fair prize list in four weeks acton tall fair will be on tho prire hat with tho long list of specials is now in the printers hands the completed list will be is sued as soon u possible the list of specials is unusually attractive tues day and wednesday september 21 and 22 ore the dates i william mason in guelph hospital on sunday afternoon mr wiluam mnson john street was taken seriously ih growing from a hernia ot long standing his son reeve mason hurried him to guelph where an op eration waa promptly performed he rallied froni the shock ttatl sf actor 11 y and when heard from yesterday was resting easily mr masons many friends hope notwithstanding he is well up in years that he will prompt ly recover street improvements at oakville a gang of workmen started opera tions on monday tearing up portions of tho sidewalks in the business sec tion of col borne street and destroy ing the curb at different places thjs was preparatory to widening the side walks on both sides of the street and making them conform to the levels of the highway pavement- the change should add materially to the appear ance of the business section of the town the strip between the sidewalk and pavement is being filled with con crete thereby widening each walk about ave feet star band plcnio on saturday if fine weather favors the band pic nic jilannod tor saturday afternoon it promises to be ono of tho moat popular of the aennon the bands invitation to their friends is broad and generous and invites them all to spend tho afternoon with them at blue springs park tho only stipu lation l to bring your basket a big list of ovents for old and young has been arranged as well as a ball game tutrofwar and a new feature broomball for the ladles the pic nic will go to the park by radial car leaving acton at 155 p m and ample accommodation for all will be provid ed for if you like your- band and can possibly attend you are sure of a cordial welcome smaihup on no 7 highway last sunday afternoon asmr l j keon clothier acton was driving from guplph and was crossing the eden mills lino at the stonu school house mr l parkinson drove direct- lyon the highway without slackening ornollce to avert-a- collision if pos sible mr mckeon swerved to the left and into tho ditch but this did not clear the approaching cur and a smashup occurred the driver from the lino to the south- escaped with little damage but mr ickeon8 se dan sustained damages which entailed an expenditure of about 6000 mr mclceons wife and children were in the car fortunately they escaped with a erencral shaking up mr and mrs parkinson and stanley parkin son who were in the other car re ceived painful bruises new b us line from acton the hamilton milton and acton bus lipe commenced operations this week on the route from aotaa to hamilton busses will leave acton dafly at 7 a m for hamilton calling at all intermediate points and aro timed to reach hamilton at 840 am leaving alsq at 12 oclock noon a bus will make same time to tho am bitious city returning- busses will leave hnjouton nt 10atn and 5 pm on jiturdaya and holidays a bus for hamilton will leave t acton at 60 pm and at hamilton at 1110 pm on sundays will leave at 030 tho fore for the round trip is 200 this should be a popular route from acton to hamilton inasmuch as tho present time table of the railway makes no connection at georgetown for travel lers from this section going to ham ilton the operating of a ibus lino down the second lino will be another element in tho proposal to make this line a provincial highway from bronte to acton returned from trip to england mr h w hlnton and hl daughter miss edna arrived home from their trip to england on monday evening about two months were spent in tho home of his tooyhood and they had many pleasant experiences and ert- joyablo meetings with relatives and old friends a most interesting visit was made to acton where mr john taylor secretory of the chamber of thehydro staff to operate waterworks council to submit bylaw for a joint commission of utilities lifes social side a special meeting of tho council was held on tuesday evening which was in part a joint meeting with tho hydro electric commission to arrive at- a definite understanding regarding the question pf the operation of tho pumps and superintendence of thu waterworks system under tho now arrangement tho hydro commission now has charge of the metre reading and tdlung and bookkeeping the superintendence and inspection of installation and tho op eration of the pumps the payment to the commission by the council for the services thus rendered will be made on an hourly basis of the tlmo occupied to do tho work by tho com missioners officers until the end of the municipal yenr when a public utilities commission will be voted upon to combine the affairs of both departments represents lives of the neptuna metre co were present to discuss with the council tho condition of tho metres on the waterworks system and decide what action would be taken in making further repairs to metres they stated that the present bad con dition of tho metres was duo to their neglect some of the metres they had repaired they estimated had not been running in two years they said it the metres wee promptly taken out when damaged the repairs would be trivial the council decided to go nhead with repairing the metres and gradually getting the system back into a satisfactorily workable condl tlon sixteen applications were received for the position advertised for by tho council at wages from 60 to 80 per month i moved by e thotford seconded by c e parker that the application of james mills bo accepted and that he bo appointed to tho position as ad vertised for duties to start septem ber 1 at a salary of 300 per day of ten hours carried tho reeve also reported an inter view he had with engineer smith of oakvlhe and the c fr r engineer regardlng tho draining of the streets on both sides of the c n r tracks he reported that fche c n r would not be responsible for the cost of any work but would probably grant per- misajoir to run the open drain sug gested along the side of their tracks were hosls- who set out to give their guest from tho canadian acton a good tlpne mrjhlnton especially m- joyed nlfl trip on thames to windsor castle and other points as the guest of the chamber of com merce he also called on sir harry and lady brit tain in london but un fortunately they had just left on their holidays afr hinton- spent as much time as possible with his aged moth er- who is in her eightieth year tho trip both erolng and corning was en- joyed as neither mr hinton nor his daughter had a qualm of seasickness elthcrfwny mr hinton remarked i enjoyed every minute off my trip and my visit out i am most happy to be at home in canada again cartms nsa i n drlvina battle ono of ttfettieatr nhdnn6sl carefully cultivate lawns in town was ruth lessly damaged and flowers broken down on saturday after tho big rain by a small drovo of cattle inaum clently herder being driven paht- it cost quite a feb- dollars to put- this lawn in fairly preventable condition again by aoddlng the holes made by sowing seeds and rollings and replant lng flowers and after all this it will not look ns well again this season the jaw says those driving cattle must ha ve sufficient herders to kcp the nnivnals in control no that no property is damaged and if damages occur the owner of tho animals must pay all damages in the case related above the ownc of the jeuuinnls which caused the damage hns rnaole no over tures up to this dnlo toward meeting the damages incurred in some cases in the past it has reiittlred oourt costs to he nflded to secure tho amount nccobsary to cover tho damages latior kurthcr information has reached this office that animals frani the same herd of cattle wont over several other lawns and through a vegetable garden on the some street it is quito evident the animals were not legsclly herded an inspiring days services rev pr cook of seattle wash preaches able and helpful 8ermons rev charles a cook d ot seattle wash kvas the preacher of the day in the united church acton last sunday that he enjoyed the day with the homo folks was very manifest and it wah also very ap parent thai the large congregation en joyed his mlnlatratlonr it a difficult to control ue emo tions surging through ray soul this morning he said as he addressed thi congregation fiftyfour years ago i began my christian life in acton and it was in the old methodist church on church street where i first took my stand for christ i have always enjoyed the privilege of preachlng in this church tudi have rarely visited the od home when i have not had that privilege dr cook also referred to tho enlarged opportunities and privileges which were opened up to the great united church of canada andhe hoped for this acton church a large share in tho activities pro posed for the evangelistic campaign outlined for the coming fall and winter the themo of dr cooks nnorfftng sermon was the intake and out flow of life it was an earnest and practical exhortation to christian people the measure of a mans life is his intake and outflow of truth and knowledge god intended that our lives should have an outflow of the stored truth and knowledge for the blessing of others no christians life should be like a sponge all in take and no outflow freely ye have received freely give tho happiest christians are those whoso spontan eous outflow arc channels of blessing we receive largely let us give large ly only as that which is divine flows into our souls shall that which is godly flow out this helpful sermon with its wide amplification was based on the passages of scripture z john 73839 matl 10 8 and james 1 22 the discourse at the evening- ser vice was based on isaiah 48 18 o that thou tiadst hearkened to my c i then had thy pe commerce and mx davenport ex- been as a river the tone ot tiodrb president of that lively- organisation voice is of great pltyr his infinite heart yearns for trio people it is ours to enjoy a life of abounding pefeoe the source- of the believers pence is god himself the oeace of god pasaeth all understanding the peace the world offers is very unre liable and evanescent this theme was enlarged and empmoflised a a most lmpresse wy and v pre sented in a fanner- calpuiatedj ta in stil a determination to camq4rrta pos session of- iso great a gift from clod t dr cook wis greeted with large congregations at both services and many of those- present embraced the opportunity of meeting him wlthwerds or fellowship and appreciation some addressed him as tr cook but by many ho was greeted as charlie therpresenee of revwv lvfndlayj or medina yf y a former esteemed wistor of thp jtown at ihff yenlpg aor vice was also enjoyed bis soul- stirring solo had a flne effect iti iniu mrs dr cook was a- worshipper during the day in the church home of her girlhood and mot many friends t- courdy council grants to fairs the cattle in the rainerf toned turf j tho august session of the halton miss lorna kcnncdjfhs visiting he brother in detroit mrs r it elliott visited relatives in milton last week ariss lcnzlna sutcliutc chesley is visiting at mr g h lantzs itevand mrs c w barker of tor onto were in town last thursday 3jrs n py moore went to boams- villo last week to visitf friends there iilss jesale anderson is enjoying her holidays with friends in detroit r 2kllaa grace armstrong brampton vialteid acton friends over the week end mrs h s holmes who met with a painful accident ia able to bo about again alias fern brown has been visiting relatlyesat colllngwood during the week airs j v barberee spent a couple of days taat week with friends in guelph alias ruth longstrcet of erin spent her holidays with friends at dolly varden mr john clarke sr john and miss adah of toronto were in town on sunday mr- and mrs b v kenyon of kitchener wero in town a day or so last weok miss lily mckeown of toronto visited at her home hero over the weekend mr and mrs knight of lindsay visited mr and mrs malcolm mclean this week i mrs w a stewart brock avenue is spending a couple of weeks with toronto friends mr aria mrs n p gollop of chicago have been visiting dr and mrs p g gollop mltjscs marion and- marjory millar are spending holidays with thoir cousin oracle lantr mr and mrs n p mclam have been enjoying a motor trip to mus koka during the week mr and mrs malcolm mcleajtwent to blenheim on mondaytopcnd a few days with friends there miss ojga thomas of guelph was the guest or her friend miss mar garet- brown inst week mr and mrs w sunloy of guelph visited their cousins mr and mrs henry awrey last week little marjorle and jcsslo cross of dolly varden spent holidays at acton with marjorle and laura hall mrs thomas statham returned last week to milwaukee wis with mr- and mrs burling on their return home mr and mrs john q moore of dunuaa und mibfl ross of montreal visited nt mrs james moores on sun day no bail granted for dangelo the ahteuvelidor of poison alcohol fails in appeal for bail declaring that evidence purported to bo held by tho crown would make tho charge of manslaughter faced by bert dangelo in connection with a series i of deaths fijphi poisoned boot leg liquor almost one of murder mag istrate h ileldb of oakville last wednesday remanded bert dangelo until august 25 xtall was refused and he remains in milton jail counsel hugh john macdonald of toronto- representlngdangelo press ed for tho granting of bail that is in your worships juris diction but i- am here to oppose bail in any sum whatover retorted act ing crown attorney thomas hutch inson j cuso in serious tho ac cused has been named responsible for four deaths by u coroners jury two x understand in oakville and two lir toronto thero la a prima facie right for ball mr macdonald insisted there have been several cases in connection with this liquor tragedy where balls have been granted the cases differ from dangelos inasmuch as tho coroners jury found him responsible for tho deaths in addition tho crown has evidence which would make tho charge of man slaughter almost equal to one of mur der ruled his worship he agreed however if tho cases against dan- gelo were not proceeded with by tho crown at next sitting to grant bail police court jfews mr- and mrs ch moore miss ruth and mrs rcv austin patter of dundas visited acton friends on sun day mr and mrs l b shorey left the first of the week for muskoka to spend a fortnight or so of holidays there rev and mrs atkinson wero guests of mr and mrs clnrridge over sun day mrs atkinson and mrs clar- rldge are sisters misses delaine gibbons and mary glbbens of st mlohaels hospital toronto wore weekend visitors at their homes here little miss connie holland who has been spending a few holidays at tho home of her grandparents in preston returned home on sunday rev and mrs w i findlay of medina k y and miss betty de lighted a number of friends in town by visiting them- during the week mr and mrs robert mcgsw and margaret of gait and misses shirley and dorothy moore of detroit were visitors at mrs c c speights on sunduy mr george dlhs announces the en gagement of his youngest daughter myrtle may to mr frank j brown ing toronto the marriage to tako place this month mr and mrs george osburn and miss evelyn of rensselear n x- have een visiting with mr and mrs william williams and- other friends during the week mr and mrs k w reed george town announce the engagement of their daughter mabel beatrice to mr george wlngfleld georgetown the wedding to tako place quietly septem ber 1 mr and mrs fred funk arrived on saturday evening by motor from th h in d nt which journey of 306 miles they cover ed during tho day they will spend a coutplo of weeks with mrs james moore and miss clara mr and mrs h j brennon gode- rlch ont announce the engagement of thetr elder daughter sydeua may to mr chas j ghbbohs detroit son of mr and mrs james gibbons of acton ont the marriage to take place early in september mr and mrs w b leslie and mrs mclcod of lakeland florida mr and mrs john- leslie of thamestord and air and mrs j l stowart and miss anne stewart of utter son muakoka visited at tho- leslie pearen home lost week and attended the leslie re union plcnlc held at blue springs vn rk j mr and mrs r j kerr and mrs adah ostrandcr and helen spent tho week with friends at forest and sarnla returning dn monday even ing while alighting from the car at kitchener mrs- kerr had the mis fortune te itilshtep and spralp ono of her ankles painfully relatives- and friends who attended thefuneral of the late oliver lasby w mr oliver lasby jr glen- kvoou minn mr william lasby itownsend montana messrs john and allan lasby lowell mich mr and mrs sjdney oram miss edna and mr a burtch of sl catharines mr and mrs t linden toronto mr sylvester lasby guolph- miv mr samuel ii town mcglbbon george- county council last week grants were made to the fait fairs as follows halton county society 300 barllng- tori and nelson township society 50 esqueslng society 950 georgetown society 50 arwl tho acton society iso the grants are made annually a to assist the societies in currying out mcgbbbon exwarden esquosing arid the autumn fairs wreokad fergus 8top sign a young lady apparently learning to drive made a bud wreck of ono of tho new stop signs at the american hotel corner on sunday although it was well out nt the wny the cat- jumped the curb knocked over the stern and finally halted at the door step tne young man accompanying hei should pay better attention in furturo oy give his lessons- in a 1ni public pcc news- record no comparison descrlhu the man you saw talking to the prisoner sahl tho judge to the witness n vi dont know haw to air did he look like any of these law yers- nltett the judge did ho look llko met oh no slrp sold the withes hu looked like an intelligent genueujan nine or ton cases of infraction of tne highway traffic act including sever al charges for driving pust tho stop signs camo beforo police magistrate moore for hearing yesterday afternoon at tho town hall edmund connolly originally of orangevllle was sentenced oh satur day morning to sixty days by magis trate ji h shields connelly was arrested on friday night and charg ed with drunken and disorderly con duct canned heat was the cauro of his downfall edward goetz was sentenced to seven days in the county jail by mag istrate watt in the polico court at guelph friday morning when ho pleaded guilty to a charge of driving a motor car while intoxicated an other charge which was laid against him was adjourned until september 10th cecil early of tho village inn campbellville came beforo police magistrate moore at the town hall last wednesday charged by robert reevely license- inspector with viola tion of the ontario temperance act by selling drinks cigarettes and cigars over the bar without a standard li cense he was fined 91000 and costs the first woman to appear- in co- bourg police court on a charge of be- lng drunk since the ontario temper ance act came into force appeared yesterdjoy when a young mill brook girl was fined 10 r arid costs which hor father wai ordered to pay- the 0ung girl came homo intoxicated rom a dance and tho father in a desire to follow it up informed the authorities cobourg star police muelstrntu moore was called to georgetown on friday morning to hear and determine charges against james clark of illegally having liquor and for being intoxicated whilo in con trol of a motor cnr against charles mcginn and against james march- ment for driving a motor car reckless ly clark and mcginn wero arrested by inspector reevely und provincial constable owens and were in the cells thursday night the cases were re manded until today and clark and mcginn are out on bail on thcicomplnint of mrs wm corry last wednesday before polico magls- irate moore t close was charged with breaking andienterlng the corry home at six oclock in the morning on the fifth inst with intent to com mit an indictable offence close in extenuation of his conduct said he had been to guelph with a bunch of fellows tho night before and came home with corry about five oclock intoxicated ho did not rom ember anything about committing the of fence three witnesses confirmed it however a conviction was register ed and in view of the fact that he has a wife and three small children ho was remanded for sentonco and has signed an undertaking to total- ly abstain from tho uso of liquor and to be circumspect in his behaviour hereafter highway on secoinu umu is under consideration and seems to bo a possibility- warden j w bjnln and messrs nicholson and foster the doputatlon appplntcd by the county council waited on the minister of highways at toronto recently with the doputa- tlon from trafalgar council with a view to bringing about tho settlement of the suit brought by tho county against tho township of trafalgar for 55674- the unpaid portion of trafal gars county ratu for 1925 trafalgar had refused to pay the money owing principally to the cut- tfng out of tho middle road from the county system by tho department the trou was fully discussed and hie attitude or encouraged the hope that tho middle road- ww -be- restored -to- tho county system the second tine bo made a provincial highway and tho suit set- tled by payment of tho countys claim oakville record it will bo quite a satisfactory out come if trafalgar township council pays it 5567400 indebtedness and it will be equally satisfactory to all if the socond lino is made a provin cial highway ftne barn burned at norval robert cunntnnham barn destroyed entailing a loss of 912000 i last thursday forenoon while a threshing machine was nt work at mr robert cunhlnghumti place a ut ile east of norvnl tho straw mow was stt on fire and tho splendid barn and its contents wore destroyed two vn luablo colts were burned with the ybullding part of tlu- crap and some machinery tluvahfeshlng ma chine was set outside und it is dif ficult to understand how tho fire got started tho ions inoatimatod at 12000 and is partly covered by insurance