Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 23, 1926, p. 2

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lijessssljswsa wnq wffvj v iy thursday sep 23 1926 it can be done somobody said it couldnt be done but he with a chuckle refilled that maybe it couldnt but ha would be one who wouldnt say so till ho had tried so ho buckled right in with the traco of n erin on his face if ho worried he hid ho startedto slni aa he tackled the thine j that couldnt bo done qa he did it somebody scoffed oh youll novor do that x ax least no ono has done it but ho took off his hat and ho took off hie coat r and the first thins wo knew hoyi begun it h j with the lift of hi chin and a bit of a grin without any doubtinr or qulddtt ho started to alng as he tackled the thin that couldnt be done and- he did it thero ape thousands to tell- you it cannotf be done thero are thousands to prophesy failures thero aro thousands to point out to you ono by one j the dangers that wait to assail you but just buckle in with a bit of grin then take off your coat and ko to it just start in to sing as yon tackle the thin that cannot be done and youll do it in mortal peril in an ocean disaster several yearn ago it became- necessary to order out tho llfoboats and to abandon the alnkuik trana atlantic liner there was a group of women oni deck crowd- ins around the officer in charge of tho boats some of then were ahrelk- inr others were on their knees all wcr excited the officers implored them to re main quiet but their clamors only in creased take me ftrst dont leave me behind put ae in the boat this instant and many other outcries wore heard at a little distance behind this group of women beside themselves with ex- nltpvn thprv wmy solitary- nftfre a tall handsome woman had come up on deck with her lifepreserver and was standing without an outward trace of nervousness waiting quietly for her turn tho officer when the first boat was ready oternly ordered the ahreiklng women to stand aside and striding up to the silent woman in the background took her to the boat she had not spoken a word on heck but she was the first passenger to leave the sinking ship and to be put in the way of smfe- thls brave woman undoubtedly dis closed her true character in this emer- eency sho did not take any part in a selfish scramble for the first place which madeit difficult forthe officers and crew to do their work she kept her wits about her and patiently wait ed for life or death as circumstances i mught determine there are no photographs of char- j acter more sharply defined than those in frww inrt fctmij sass in white ivelopes bx edna tuckek muth he censor of the po ttawat torn ios as yet unap61nted was still in bed at eight oclock ho held the covers about his forehead while his brother tuggod at them from the foot of the bed now friar gayley cried the cen sor without opening his eyes you atop you atop waking roe up at that point the censors mother opened the door and came in her eyes were veryred j now frederick she said let charley alone- charley boy jump up now and run down to the store for grandmas samples skes written again i meant to have aeon about it lost week but papa being homo for two days ami all the boys noticed for the first time that their mother held a letter 4n her hand she almost always cried when ahe heard from j her folks waa grandma mad charley asjfc- ed- sympathetically oh no dear not mother answer ed loyally just a little put out that is au- onarley began io sort out an in dlan uniform that was laid over the footboard of hts bed oh i forgot to mend that for you staid his mother but dont atop for it now yoa and frederick can get the mall she added uncle jims letterought to bo along today it was on the way back from the store with grandmas samples and uncle jims letter that the bureau of censorship was organised til bet theres something in this to make hercry frig declared she most always cries dyer his letter too jqeeause they saas her in letterb- said his older brother vkveryone in her family saasea everyone else in let ters talking theyre nice nough butthelr writing i fierce they dont come around enough to do much- talking acoffet frig papa says five hundred miles to a qunther is like an ocean- to an ant but they write often enough sure they do and when they- write they get sourer and sourer even aunt meg she has the blues on paper aw ful- frig nodded he had gone to the- handkerchief box for mother many times after the ounther mail arrived he did not hfco it mother was very pretty when she was not crying- charley stopped abruptly and fero ciously wagged his war bonnet at frig even if he could not wear his uniform he had refused to go without his war feathers wed ought to get up a censor or something every family ought to get up a censor to pass on letters we got 50 appoint a censor to protect meg and like tho others it found itn way to tho box stall it did not aom very offensive there was considerable love in it after duo thought the consor only suggested that tho writer omit the ref erence to the days that ore no more and reconsider the receipt forvmoking children obey for as the censor justly pointed out that is harriets own afare the mail the second week became inflamed and charley and frig trem bled but before long charley re gained hla confidence thull all die down after while he said speaking as bravely- as hoj could 3tou fix aunt megs and ill do the others how much of this must we leave in isnta word we can leave in frig even the first isnt decent the way they call her just plain harriet say frig it would just kill mamma if she read these letters j we had ought to have- let her cry tu bet uncle jim mistrusts jlook how hes put it about a sound trounc ing cross it out cross it out whis pered frig thereupon the censor of the po ttawat torn ies deluged the long trouncing paragraph with the stain j of hts office bundling the letters into their envelopes once more set them adrift it appeared n the following daye fourteen in fact that the censor was out of work shoe catalogues and mil unery advertisements and christines home paper filled the mall- box at in tervals but- no letter came from the gunthers mather could not under stand whyshe had hot heard from her hard times why wo havent had any hard times since wo were mar ried really well the cowa dying that timo and all the cow why ive got forty cqwa harriet in good condition that was only a pot kind of i didnt mean to i felt so bad about it said moth er aoftly the guilty reunlonistu exchunged flushes ive felt awfully borry about megs not having a good time too sho said tenderly ihtvrriot aunt meg admitted there isnt a happier person any where than arori jubi i just en- joy life more all tho time kxcopt she added impressively looking hard at mother after 1 read ono of your letters i what t gasped mother i worry bo about what u say of the childrens disobedience said grandma wm a shame dick js always so hard up uncle jhn put in why whyryou hutmiv cried moth er i never said anything bad about my husband and children in my whole life i just i guess none of us gunthers look wei on paper grandma said gener ously x have always understood you children felt slighted so ive tried to trump in a fevesllghts myself good gracious mother was that it t tho reunion cried th chorus and then dived into deep analyses hat threatened the peace of mind of ffloso who sat upon the window slll the censor rose stealthily and be san to skirt the council fire bis as sistant followed but uncle jlgireach- ed out and drawing charfty to jilm whispered so that no one could hear except of course father and mother and grandnta and aunt meg 1 suggest that a rubber stamp be appointed for the censor of the pot tawattoroies old country news items local doings in acton england lir early september senators sumners mistakes ernest one of the poets children ernest wadsworth longfellow gives us ih his reminiscences some interest- 0 of the distinguished the poet longfellow was a particu lar friend of senator charles sumner an outstanding figure- during the per iod afthe civil war ln the united states sumner j frequently called at longfellows house in cambridge where naturally pe became known to rig glowed yes and charley wwcitmay be token when menanj wjjp jhti 1 1 women are exposedl to sudden danger a flashlight of tremendous power seerrm to be thrown upon them as they havo been in lifer year after year so are they in most cases in the supreme moment when confronted by unexpected peril when the french steamer xabour gogne was suddenly swallowed up a few years ago in the atlantic men acted in a tenminute drama tha parts which undoubtedly most of thomx had been taking throughout their ves officers who had been faithful t duty and discipline- went m down at jthelr posts cairn and undls- mayed men vrho had- been uvlng without tho discipline of thoughtful neas for others 4hese and other nien of coarse brutal natures pushed fought swore and fkjmisheol deadly weapons in a cowardly effort to save themselves what is best and worst in human nature is revealed in such- momenta it may be said with some degree of accuracy that ordinarily as a man has livedo with the angel or the evil spirit master of bis heart so he faces the peril of sudden aeath and is photo graphed as he really is t armies and write on it with red ink fihot at sunrise or something that wouldnt do any good if mom mas already open up the letter and read what uncle jkn has got to pay by the first and he dont see how he can or that none of the things that we bought for graxrdnia was right it we kept back the lotters wed bo arrested nojt if they was returned to the sender corrected with a note from the censor charlie did not consider the ethical andt legal aspects of opening the can- ad ian mi l- the gunther isttera car- camo off the rond on saturday she discussed it with him although she had wept when she received the let ters from her family she seemed to feel even worse when she- got none r they tieyer come to see me she said and now- theyve even stopped writing 0 she wrote volumes herself and dis patched one on the heels or better the flaps of the other but there was no response one day returning from an unpro fitable trip tojthe post office frig and the censor met a messenger boy at the 1 gate of their home been to your house with a tale gram the uniformed mercury inform ed them and sauntered leisurely up the street with hearts that had become htidvi denly heavy the- brothers gayley weiu on toward the house some vague foreboding told them that that tele gram meant trouble for them but they did not realise he extent of the cat astrophe until mother met them at the door see dears she cried grandma and aunt meg and uncle jim are alt coming theyre going to meet hereto- morrpw a regular family reunlonl they jast havent been writing be cause they wanted to surprise me wflthner blue eyes sparkling moth er danced up and down she called outdoor wintering rled messages inimical to hla mothers peace of mrhd that waa enough to justify him in his course be stepped very high and looked straight ahead wiat what army shall we be asked frig of course it was armies that had censor charley ahoosc his war bonnet in seme doubt dont indiana have a censor he asked- t dont know if they do charley but their names arent long enough for 1 uv i m h i sumner- had boon hi for three days christine and gave her forty fjftnot last dragged hlmselfup for dinner though he waaoa little late later in the meal the captain called loudly for the steward and wanted to know where the beef gravy was please air the steward replied indicating the senator this gentle man has eaten it thinking it was the soup whereupon sumner j retired more slckrthan before some is i never heard of any cree black- foot sioux apache they arent long though outdoor wintering is be- comfhg very popular and is considered highly successful there still come in reports of losses which howewer are usually tho cesuh of inadequate prep arations being made for the winter vinterlng than merely pmtilng ones colonies la their winter cases ana ieavfngf thenj there to pass the winter it means preparing the bees in the beat way possible that they may come out strong in the spring for the strong colonios are the profitable ones with thlajlflr view preparauonfllno vou h children should be started about the end ot while- we have four and lottie does til bet i know a long name frig fottawattomles is long enough 1 guess pottawattomies was long enough the newlyappointed eehaor of that gentle tribe with his assistant at his side went by a roundabout way o tho shelter of the barn and there ruth lessly opened uncle jims letter school and alfalfavrchajleyaaldbut listen here frig heres where we go to work s fie read aloud in a hesitating treble voles it seems strange harriet that you have so little tune tor lettera mands in half a breath she ordered ice cream for the welcoming dinner and some of those little cojoanut macaroons while the house took on an unfa nqlllaraspetundec mothers and christtnes upsetting hands while very tempting f odors stole trom the oven and when among numerous bundles the groceryraan brought a large pack age of cocoahut macaroons the self- deposed censor of the pottawattomies and his assistant held gloomy counsel in the box stall they had smuggled the red ink back to fathers desk and had scattered i lot of fresh straw over the carmine splashes that decorated the floor it seemed like a good thing when we started up the censor muttered i- thought theyd just get all right and them stop agreed frig l the future loomed dark and even troundngly whoever thought our familym have a reunion mother cried happily that evening- i didnt said- the censor truth fully we do think an awful tot of one another we gunthers- boasted moth- er but were not gl show senator sumner says mj longfellow was a man more than six feel in height ier themoiint of a srenial temperament but some what wanting in humor ho took him self very seriously- he almost always wore a whltp- waistcoat with check trousers and white- spats quite in the english statesmans style he was rather aweinspiring to us children and had a way of resting his hand affectionately upon our heads and then as he forgot himself in conver sation gradually- bearing down till we who at first did not dare to move at last gave way under the pressure one day some time later i saw the same black must not forget my father nad had a shower- both con structed in his dressing room- ono day as hewas showing it with pride to sumner he explained that merely by pulling a cord you could make the water descend whereupon without thinking- sumner pulled the cord just to see and of course was drenched i alas for the dignified sumner another story which sumner used to tell against himself relates to one of his voyages to europe as the guest of honor on board tho vessel he hada seat on the right hand of the captain those were the days when the captain sat at the head of a long table and carved the roast himself tlie acton ouette records tho fol- lowlngltcmh in its last lusuo to reach thlh ofllo local roman catholics are joining tho pilgrimage orgunluod by tho cath olic association to downulde abboy on sunday september g a largo audionco listened on sun day to a programmo of music rondor- d by the acton borough brass band under tho cohductorahlp of mr a w slmms the lawn tennis finals of tho acton central old scholars association will bo held at 3 pm tomorrow in the school playgrounds all old scholars and parents are invited to bo present mr basil burhum of acton will give his now lecture tho legend and history of tho south country on october 12 in the memorial hall fnrringdon- street- e c under tho auspices of the national cyclists union rr j s crone west middlesex coroner hold an inquest at wollcsdon on tuesday into the death of margaret icftte davis of pecham who waa found drovyned in the canal at actonlane on frlday having been closed for a fortnight for stock taking tho lending and ref erence departments of the acton pub- 1 lie library reopened on monday tjbo preacher at st peters church acton green dt thelfbclock service on sunday will be canon redjjf st georges cathedral antigua who will give an account of- tho work of the church in that province the rt hon arthur h seymour the earl of parturllngton wasi fined 5 at acton polce court on wednes day for exceeding the motorcir speed limit he was stated to hevo been travelling at 38 miles per hour mr j taylor secretary of the acton chamber of commerce is to bo u guest of honour at leyton early next month when the new greater london borough receives in stato ita charter of incprixxratlon leyton is tho first borough on the london fringe to be incorporated since acton miss mary raleigh richardson who twice unsuccessfully cpnteated the acton parliamentary scat in tho labour und independent- labour in tcresth was on saturday adopted as the llrohpeotl tho bury- st edmunds division of suffolk- the british fascists held a meeting acton on saturday evening and soon attracted a large crowd r whose numbers wore increase by the public curiosity aroused by frequent noisy interruptions by some of the fascists opponents a sharp are as sudden as it was mysterious in origin occurred on tuesday night in the drawing room nt 60 twyford- avenue acton the res idence of mr w t davenport ex his motorcyclo near wathngton ox fordshire on saturday afternoon miss flor ence alice- smith only daughter of mr and mrs arthur smith acton was married to mr qeorgo aubrey gruyy oldest son of mr and mrs g h gray ulso of acton tho service took place in acton parish church and wn conducted by tho rev w h gregory in tho presence of a largo congregation to celebrate tho 21st birthday of mr wilfred j elliott oldest aon of mr and mrs elliott atftolrt vin enjoy able time was- spent on monday oven- ing whon the family visited the theatre royal drurylane to see rose marie when the party bat down to supper tho health of mr el liott was drunk with enthusiasm anil the usual congratulatory toasts were submitted and responded to in no part of acton are there pret tier front gardens to bo seen at the present than in perry n- road on both sides roses are still to be peon in plenty there are some beautiful climbing flowering plants in full bloom and hosts of calceolarias hydrangeas gladiolus asters geraniums nastur tiums phlox sweet wlulams snap- dragons sun ho were a profusion of the socalled dwarf sunflowers marguer ites violas pansles and others- tod numerous to mention canadas trade in four years 1922 to 1926 tho in crease in jjho volumo of our exports totalled 576000000 it is interesting to note that in the entire history of the united states prior to the war there was only one period 1909 t 1913 where the in crease in- exports surpassed the inh eres so in canada during the pnst four years in that period their increase was 697p00oo0 that great accom plishment took place while the united suites had a population of 9000000 canada is now making- those strides with a population of 10000000 during the last four yeara the in crease in american exports has total led 9994000000 the mercian popu lation is now 110000000 canada with a population of 10000000 has increase ed ttm exports over 575000090 in the same period of ttme are we doing business- tu say we are it is worth something to live in country which is astonishing the t cfindid i i developments surely4 the trade policy of the country must- have been right during the last four years when we have taken the leader ship of the world if you want fuller information n the frado question arid canadas po- sltlon do not hesitate to write these facta will come in handy no matter what your polklcji are you owe it to yourself to know the facts by r j beachmnn president of tho acton chamber of mmtaiupmjei the quantities are exact the directions sim ple just follow the recipes mak ing sure thiit you use keejsjs mustardand your pickles will be an entire success write for our f heaawxlery freestcipeboak did ywu ever stop to think fact and comment fll ushw lotaosilv aboutxhejjicn hasnt toeen here alhce he and j hair is getting a llttje thmontop july by seeing that the colonies are headed by young aueensot at least vigorous ones in rder that at large force of young bees may be produced should there be no fall flow to stlmu latebrood rearing it maybe necessary to feed winter caims having bnjnmde ac cording to ones own design or to drawings which may be had by writ ing to the bee division central ex a end of september the colonies after being weighed are placed in the cases and four inches of packing is placed uhdorneath and about the aides ef the hives the colonies are r fed jif necessary any tenframe xjangs- n troth hive without- its outer cover does hot weight at least 7k poqnds should be fed i pound of sugar for every pound lacktaa ina ayrup com posed of 2 jarta beat grahuhtte sugar tol part water for straight winter- ing sugar which cnnsnq reslae sjfasiusltteupmi while we have four and lottie do all her own work lottie always vfflcs to her folks once a week rain or shins she doesnt look so well a she used tp she ought to let things go more but she cant stand iseelng a apeck of dust round our house i dont know what i should have done thinsnunmer if i hadhad to pay for hired help lotuer- the censor interrupted himself here frig you t the letter into th i ata and ill go lh and get the red ink and a handle tin ten minutes uncle jims pulogy of aunt lottie had been crossed and rtcrossed with red at the bottottfof the page the censor- had penned also in red copy this over leaving out about hired help and not writing harriet obby pays christine twelve a month ana sells eggs for it signed censor pf the pottawattamie a day or two after they had launch to clog the bees fhtenem hjl flpw lor to honey in tns4 sugar breaks down into- gas and water whereas honey leaves v rewdueohey how ever la necessary forbrdod rearing in the spring the bees -being- fed the reauired amount of syrup or as much as they will take down the top packirig la put lh place r natural windbrealcs should be used if avaffablo othei sviiiwoodon fences almlkir to the snowrtencesof the rail road should be provided to break the piercing winds that would strike and chlh the colonies the above requlremeats fur good wintering being satlaned no further attention will be required until tho springs x h buch aptarlau central experimental farm ottawa ont lottie went to the worlds fair on their wedding trlp and meg good ness jfred she- hoanl been here since yon wore dresses i want you to show her how you can reaaand write my charley she will be surprised how you can write t charley n answer lirj hrignter days he would have prob ably disclaimed this praise with oh i cant write so very good but just now the mere mention of writing with grandma uncle jim and aunt meg only twelve hours away they came on the eighttwenty train the next morning- and father brought them up from the station in a hired automobile grandma looked increalbly young she was very nlumn too few parents ore on spanking termswlth their children says an ex change j many a man calls hhs wife the bet ter half when she is about 90 per cent of the family enthusiasm is something that be gins to ooxe away after tho third in stallment has been paid a friend qf ours says the hardest bargain he ever drove was a second hand car baudot tc minn region- the bobbing erase will bo oyer when barbers begin to aay madftm-your- f a terrible tk8t hp a negros ingenuousness is monu mental you get the perfect example of it in he police court scene where the magistrate exaspenated but try ing hard to be fair in an all too ob vious eaae says tea but look here rastus-hf- you wars not going to steal ehlestona what on earth wejs yobdoing in that t of course r is srinahswsrahle asfum except to hasttls who wtth- t eylk lestln mn hjnjttw ah wassost ai fi4miidowerr l v iu jsorn acknowledgement of the samples ar rived sheisnt suited with the samples charley announced whenho had open ed the letter it does seem like me we might have found sone green p-q- pln if mamma had went herself theres a lot of saas in this letter the censor and frg were stung to red- inked indignation over tho asper sion cast upon their choice of samples they noticed too a coven hint about their wrttmg to grandma mr taylor 6fteh hears from ifer grand una they seem to be very bright little boysr the censor had to make hla annota tlona on- an extra sheet of paper be cause anrandma always used up all tht available apace and ran yours lov ingly along the edge of tho pags or upawo down over the date the ex tra sheet merit back to- grandma in this wise- in regards to paragrat about the samples they had lots more a yard wide but yu hld tq pay only fifty cntav there was- green- poplin but it isnt or old people if yohr ewn aaughlev didnt ask how yon was last wsas4lt was tsoauaa shs forgot do not say any more about the children mtowriung because tlhvtxnaau4 to sjmbaiit asra rnaturiy after- ihottatht ie cenior added ji has erwupth to cryabonr rt hereat home1 i jmluteiiiriiha- nose g vl i l xt- n and always laughing and had two dimples uncle jim leaped down first and handjed grandma to mother- ho looked very strong aunt meg was the youngest aunt they had- ever en at elose range perhaps she look thirtx but from a knot hole through the front gate she looked about nineteen aunt meg shook her- pretty head high in an attempt to show saas but when she- and the others saw ths j trenaulous affection and eager welcome irr mothefs face they let down all bar- 1 riers and surrendered without reserve tthia is the loveliest thing you ever did cried mother jptannlng this for me and by ttfe way she said for mo you c5ukl tell thatshe never ex pected much attention uncle jim looked search tngly at 4jie plain clean house and raothexsplajp little pink dress he saw burly chris tine elbowing her way about and per- haps he contrasted her round face wfth the delicate lines of mothers tou dont look very strong harriet are ypu realwcllt o dear yes im all right mother answered happily but you dont grow old a bit said aunt meg none of is do mother declared there isnt any growing old in tho family we never got the habit then- it was that the guests as if with one accord burled the hatchet and some one echoed by the others inquired v whpe aro those dear boys t it was follovrin- a hirrflmt office cream and macaroons that the censor ajid fhg wuhdrewto a wlhdow seat to eecape tlie- reunion in fact the causvof the flight was a chance re- mark of mothers tin wolattllrbaur ahe ald sweatlf t6 pma tha y rjtet on ansa all rightlottle id flne what vians you think she wu srtr jt- v v 7 cwwji you alwaysi spoke of hr be- ng ovrwotkfl j hard tunef and its an awful waste of money to ratlse a son and then let him do just as he darn pleases kitchener record running away from trouble is like trying to lose a cat when youget back there iris sitting on the door step generally- speaking the man who gets up with the lark hasnt been on one the night before kingston standards the sabbath observance problem might be solved if pulpits were erected alongside the fining stations border cities star commerce and in less than an hour did damage estimated at 900 two annual events of much inter est to the acton fire brigade will very shortly take place the first of these7 to be- held in acton park at 230 pm on saturday september 4 is tha com petition for tho acton chamber of commerce shield the items of which will include a sixmon midnight turn out- y harold howery a milk roundsman of bollo bridgeroad acton was chargefl at acton police court wednesday with embezzling on august 23- the sum of 1 13s 9d received for his employers the express dairy co ltd marketplace acton mr and mrs wcdd 13 a rave road acton wish to thank friends and neighbors for sypnpathy shown them in thelrjsaa bereavement also for the floral tributes sent mr j s mcnlsh 23 chatsworth- gardens is tcrreprehent the acton con- aervfsuve clgb at the annual confer ence of conservative ciubs and asao- i j elation b which m toboheloat scar borough on october 5 6 and 7 mr cyril luder the second son of mr and mrs xhbmas rider cref- flcldroad acton sailed for the united states on wednesday ho is taking up the position of assistant to the croat western railway cos general agent for united states and canada whose office is1si wow york city mr g b atkuffbon acton a young nglneef working in mayes- has just returned from a pleasant trip of rath- j or more thah a fortnight in bussla which he found as outwardly busy and prosperous arid aa pleasant and quiet to travel in as any other european country the presence of numerous young friends added- greatly to the pathos of the scene in acton cemetery yester day week nt tho funoral of mr sidney fraser youngest aon of mr and mrs a fraser beaumontroad acton green who lost his life at the early age of 22 through being thrown from that the question am i my brothers keeper is being answered with a strong affirmative every hour of the day or night by public utility companies throughout the country that their dahy performance is proof that they recognise responsibil ity for a contribution to the well- being not only of their brother but of their sister father mother uncle aunt cousin even to remote degree and of the ivast throng of the public with whom only the kinship common to all mankind exists that when military despotism was outlawed by the war it was the most notable acknowledgement in world his tory that every man is worthy of the name of his brothers keeper that the most malignant cancer now gnawing at the vitals of mankind is economic dlstressrthe struggle of thofbelowtheaverage man to pro vide shelter raiment and sustenance for himself and his dependents that this country can progress andj prosper and byadvanclnffstandardsof llvjngforthemass of people and mak ing it possible for the people to live according to the advanced standards thrreby raising the plane of the civili sation of which this continent la a part r ed son r welte shawnee oklahoma it contains other excellent recipes for pickles chow- chow catsup rel ishes salads salad dressings sand wiches etc- mailed free on request easy made fat in an earthen jar 1 gallen vinegar 1 cup keens dsf mustard 1 cup salt add onions diced green tomatoes small cucumbers and cover in the usual way these pickles will be ready to eat at the end of six weeks and will keep perfectly delicious 1 quart small onions 1 quart cucumbers 1 large cauliflower red peppers peel onions cut vegetables its mall pieces cover with weak brine and let itsnd over night in the morning bring to a boil and drain off take 2 cups brown sugar 1 cup flour 6 tablcspoonfuls keens psp mustard i tablcspctanful turmeric and 2 quarts vine gar boil thli mixture for twenty- min utes stirring continually pour over vege tables hot let stand ten days stirring every day then bottle i colmankeen canada limited dcpt 32 1000 amherot street montreal kccts mustard a r aids ji x tiigestioiv internal and external pal aro proropilyralieved by dq thomas eclectric 01 l lv fifty veam tham ivtr fohitb that it has bum 8010 foi r wo 18 tttwf a objaten erwr la a tcstlmonial that well matched how the allcast moisture system saves money h it lriui formerly the sood oldcan- adlan habit to klsf the children good nlcht but nowaday tho old folk cant ralt up for uem klncaton whlgr force not elegance during the war aaenliated man ivli had done well in oufservlce wa com- mlaaloned aa a aecond lieutenant he knew il drill ml his dutlra perteotly but owlne to hla lack of educatlott tnc werda that lik uaedln hlir reporta were aometlmee punllnjr trurlnk the flxhtiinr round chateau thierry he found that he and h1pl- toon were far in advance of the rest ot the lino and in a very tight iilucej there waa little hope of their getting out unless help caraequfckly calling tola runner to hla aide he gavehlm thl niagaaffieto- deliver to bla colonel beat it lo the old man kldaa taat aa your legajl carry you and tell hlm wlthmyreaiecta to huatle up forcenienuc aa me and the whole pla toon are doobaoasd in aplte oftheohplee of words tho fjelnforcemonta arrived -in- tlnie the nervous treerultabbiit to take his first lesson in boraemtmahlp says the los angefea times bciffged the stable sergeant to be kind enough to plckovt for him nlce gentle peace loving horaev dja over rlcfe a- horse before tho sergeant growled never replied the rookie ah returned the sergeant with a sour amlle heres just tho- animal for you hes never been ridden be fore you can atart out together could hardly live for asthmaonc man write who a years orauf- itertnb tiott round complete relief in tir j 0 kellogga aathma remedy kow he knows how needless hue bcoit his suffering this aintchloss remedy gives aure help to all afntcted with asthma inhaled as smoke or- vapor it brings the help so long needed bvery dealer haa tt or can get it for youjfrom his wholeaaler testa have proved important savings in fuel where the warm air from the furnace is properly moistened- the saving has reach ed upwards of 20 per cent the hygienic vapor jan in the allcast i designed to supply tho correct amount of natural molst- uro required for health and com fort atmosphere that protects r the family from winter ills other ekclusjve fuet saving featurea- of the allcast are the freedraught shellbar 0rate8whichbure combustion and the fuel- saving air- blast which burns the smoke and gases the allcast is easily oper ated it burns soft coal and all other fuels equally well it is reasonably priced come in and let jnbhoje you its many important fea tures or write for complete details there is a size and type of happy thought furnace for every kind of home uajtinpmidpptk r- leo leatharh acton ont fcanaaa3 1 cxtmmnymrjatsr raiuoesfurnaces to clean a wino8hjel0 y i every motorat knows the danger- and dlffloulty of drlylng with a damp w1ndahleld ao this tip may be valu able a solution ot two ounces jf glycerine and one dtam of common aalt mixed well in an ounce bf ttatdr will keep the windshield clear tn ojl kinds of weather it should be ap- plfed in a thin layer with a piece of gue a downward stroko feeing used getung skinnier something must be done and done right now quick hollows in cheeks and neck growing deeper eaoh weak tena of thousands of trtln rundown mon yos andwomon too are getting discouraged arb giving r all hope of ever being able to take en flesh and look healthy and strong all suoh peoplo oan atop worrying arid start to amllo and enjoy life right now for mccoys cod liver extract tablets which any druggist will tell you all about are putting flesh on boats of skinny folks every day one woman tired weak and dls bourdgod gained 15 pounds ln flvo weekstd now f sola nne- welr know that tho livers of cpd fish are full of vitalising flesh pro ducing vltamincaandtheae samcvlta- njlnes of tho highest class arc found in s qod xlver extract tab- leta sugar ooatajd ind aaeaay to take aa candy and this shows what faith tho mak er havo lb mccoys for thoy aay if any thlh person dont gain at tenet b pounds in 30 day your druggist la authorised to glvo you your money toaok and only 80 cents for so tablets ask any ijve pharniaeiat anywhere in north or south america the original yua ab vteawinana tgq k mu aortsi or south amertca rlffpplrerr v lvrwhnr itfa5 tlhlas assure to get mocoythe origins advertjjsinggetsqut and hustles foi y jpidyou ever diink of that loiig- liepded husiness men aire quick to put ad vertising jto work for them and keep it at work advertising in the acton free press can bfe made the most usef uland productive employee advertising 4s an employee that never loafs on the jobor quits or gets temperamental and has to be coaxed ad vertising pulls its share of the load always cheerfully and willingly and yojth real resuitsv yyyfyy yy tyy per cetiie purchasini is a systematic ti sjavi

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