tt n vi l w fiftysecond year no 20 thursday morning november 11 1026 acton ontario canada thursday morning november ii 1926 single copies five centt the acton united church op canada minister rev ft e zimmorman 0 a parsonage wjllow street 1100 n m the minister subjects tho pernlexlty o n man of faith 230 p m sabbath school seshlon 700 pm tho minister subjuct whithor bound young poopliiu lcapruo on monday at 8 t m totw j3iouj will provldo a missionary programme pruyer teervlce on thursday at 730 ik jn presbyterian knox church acton miniaterrev a c stewart m a manse willow street 1100 am tho minister subject letting out light shine 300 p m sabbath school and bible classes 700 pmtjie tourig womens auxiliary than k- offer i ng meeting speaker mrs a h eklns of hespeler a ladies choir will provide tnufltic monday evening at eight oclock young peoples guild strangers lenlvlng address with tho ushers will bo called upon by tho pastor the baptist church acton pastor win j baxter sundax november 14 1100 om moraine worship- sub ject christian holiness the pastor 2 00 p m sunday school xosson calebh reward 7 00 p m evening service sub ject the plosslnc of tho book the 3aslar v yt monday 800 a m b y p if thursday 800 p m prayer meet ing special notices advertisements in this column a cents per worrl minimum charge aoc per insertion for rent a bungalow on knox avenue hear tho park apply 202 box 5 free fress wanted woman wanted to help with house work one or tivo days pec vgek- ad- ply to box 11 free press for sale qurnoy oxford range price j600 apply j be1l 20 2 church st acton wanted girl to help with housework all con veniences no small children apply so 17- freepre for sale a few purebred oxford ram lambs apply to miss hahett xots lland 13 erin phone third line erin hundreds of smart distinguished coats for women and young women i o affording wide choice- in style and fabric at exceptionally favorable prices coats with a very particular style appoai for they feature the newest silhouettes and the newest finishes the smartest colors anjtl the smartest furs theyre well made too cafeful buying jbas selected for you the utiriost in quality at every price announcement mi fl jtleo will open jv halrdrosslng parlor in the ryder mowat build ing slain street on or about no vember 15th 1326 dre88makin0 ladles and childrens dresses and garments 6t all kinds prices reas onable apply miss b trindbk- 10 4 7 4 main street for sale general grocery store s brick dv oiling stock at invoice price good reasons for selling apply to j a smith tolephone 105 acton card of thanks mr arid mrs bell desire to express their ratltudo to all those who so deeply sympathize with them in tho and oxpertonae through which they havo passed auction 8ale john torswell will hold a clenrlng- sale of farm stock etc at his farm lot 24 3rd line erin on trldny no vember 12 roy bwdlet auctioneer auction 8ale the executors of the estate of the late malcolm isltch wlilhold-ocledr- ing auction salo on monday novem ber 15 at lot 13 bth line erin roy tunpley auctionee flat to let flat to let ovef leathams storo on main street b rooms and bath room electric light apply w talbot or 3 w kennedy georgetown auction 8i an auction sale of thewhole team ing equipment of tho lime kilns horses waggons sleighs carts- har ness etc will bo hold at rockwood an saturday november 20th roy hindley auctioneer for sale hardwood beech and maple 13 in long projkpt delivery apply jack moailkqor r it nov 1 ptiono u13 acton ont 1000 revvard a regard of floqo will bo paid for information which will lead to the conviction of tho person who indulges in fouling the windulva ot this office with tobacco spit- from night to night the acton free press wonderland fritay november 12 the storm breaker adapted from tho sea story the titans starring house peters comedy fresh faces bray cartpon vaudevlllo biff bdng co- 8 people 4 former members of tho dnm- bella prices 15o andsgc saturday noy ember 13 jhan pour sqiwrt western with buck- jones comedy hla own uimmr rox news v tue9day november 16 aloima of the s seas with tallda oroy the laat chapter of wild west com- ody creation kvory boy and girl ottenillpit the ills lhapter of wllij wcsu will recelvo a book ojf th now serial the raalfldotectlvo a craig kon- nedy deteeflve story published in boy wo thoy boy seoul magazine enilorsexl by thi chief scout pxoculve of america gracklefiead blue needffe- point coats featuring the new fur shawl collars with one long revere extending to the waistline or to the hem line the furs of grey mouf- ilon or grey thibetine which look so well on this deep rich shade of blue sizes 16 18 and 20 yearstwo special prices 35 and 3975 other gracklchead blue needlepoint coats with collars and cuffs of fitch- opossum at 4500 the same charminp blue shade in needlepoint coats trimmed with moufflon bol ster collars sizes 36 38 and 40 3500 3750 4500 marvellassuedene velours and duvetyne in interest ing groups of coats featured in all the fashionable colors with sizes from 16 to 20 and from 38 to 44 1975r2475 2750 2975 3750 4500 fur coats notable for their moderate prices persian lamb with collar and cuffs of alaskfe jjoiic sable french seal with collar and cuffs- of alaska sable sizes 38 to 42 for 150 in fvench to 42 at only seal sizes 38 125 fr s with squirrel collar and cuffs tlca only 1011 hudson seal without con trasting fur ioc for 41d hudson seal with collar and cuffs of kolinsky tfo7c hudson seal witr the fash ionable dolman sleeves at 275 guelpffs leading and largest store d macdonald bros ltd daily doling 630 p m exepting wednesday at 1230 noon and saturday at 930 p m ssm the famous higel superneutpodyne receivers thfle excellent seta aupplled in various two and consolo models of beautiful deal pn equipped with a and b battery eliminators to run off your lighttog circuit or with standard battery equipment ro- sults guaranteed illustrated is the ieyonahiro model and llknll higol radios is in genuine walnut cabinet arrange for a demonstration no obllgration to buy wo aror wiming to demonstrate this set in comparison with any aet 100over ttb voluo wd talbot phone 76 we deliver main street just around the corner thanksgiving and armistice service actons citizens and their visit ors turned out en masse at mondays services once again the thanksgiving hem orlal service on tho holiday mprsi- lng provided a moat fitting celebra tion of the day for acton citizen a and visitors after half a dozen years the service has almost become established as a custom as may well he and it is quite assured that similar services will bo looked for in subsequent years at the same dato the place it takes in the hearts of acton citizens was immediately evi denced in tho attendance at tho first beclo- of the service at the town hall which was virtually filled on mon day morning tho jrnlpters on the stago trio great wifr- veterans in two rows to the- left and the towrfolkand acton citizens bnndaaji wijio sur rounding i tho meeting was opened- fittingly by reeve mason us representing the municipal council and a prayer by 1acj baxter of the baptist fmiurcti xollowed the singing of tr a d watsons lor of the lands rev- r e zimmerman read a fami liar scrlpturo passage and rov p a sawyer centred the thoughts of the audience in an address laudatory vf the heroes of tho great war both of those wbio had given their lives and also of thoso who had perhaps played even a harder part in returning to take up life again under such vastly differ ent conditions he exhorted tho folk to make the pecasion not only a mem orial service but also one of resolu tion in attempting to live so as to bring about the future fdr which the lads overiseas fought mr j p scarrdw expressed the ap preciation of the veterans- for the way thqijkiflple otatn b cnoperatftd in the poppy campaign and outlined the plan for the remainder of the ser vice r leavlner tho hall a procession was formed with tho inilnlsters the band the veterans the boy scouts the womens societies and- the citizens in general which marched to the soldiers monument here the service thpugh brief was exceedingly impressive after slneflng the doxology the monu ment was decorated wreaths being placed by the junior qaughters of the empire the womens institute the g w v a the citizens band the boy sbouts and the duke of devon shire chapter of the i o t b tho fact of the sacrifices made not only by the men themselves but also by their relatives and friends was brought homo during tho reading by corporal j j cooney t c m of the names of tho nineteen lads who gave their lives for the great cause after prayer by pastor baxter the quiet and significance of the day was emphasized in the customary two minutes of silence after which- the always impressive last post was blown by sergt- major trotter from the monument tho procession proceeded o the cemetery hero hymn was sung and the graves of the veterans were decorated by the junior paughters of he empire assisted by rev p a sawyer and pastor baxter the veterans monument there was honored with a wreath by the survlv- lug soldier tho ceremony was -closed- with prayer and benediction by rev r e zimmerman first payments on the new pavement beardmore co propose munici pal supervision of the acton skirting rink h at the regular session of the coun cil on tuesday evening nil the mem bers wore present excepting councillor holmes reevo mason presided tho twentythird report of the fin ance cohnmltfoo recommended that the following accounts be paid qensral account boll telephone co services 6 15 acton hydro tajloctric co mm town hall lighting 2 dl acton hydroelectric co mm street lighting j w barbereo fencing at the cemetery stephen coxe gravel alex mclsaac gasoline for flro it j svallacc teaming d b nunn gravel f287 41 waterworks account geo mann son cartnge 1 21 acton hydrobiootrlc comm power at pump v 18 76 acton hydroelectric comm power at spring 42 28 bel telephone co services 2 05 j b mackenzie supplies for pump house w r e blair pipe for ser- vlces ac tori hydroelectric comm operating system mlsflb h speight for col- leoting accounts 31 25 c w wilson freight paid 80 canadian national electric railways freight i 70 evan joikfe labor 1 20 170 00 30 60 36 00 1 80 19 95 20 00 acton and district jums8 ffiiirpsticat pv0ttint account c a mclarty calcium chlor- ido j v 118525 boy f snilth enelneerlng foea 600 00 w w kinv contractor 10000- 00 the success op safty fmst an enjoybl evening witnassing mirthprovoking dramii arwme the amateur throeact comedy saf ety first by sheldon parmer pre sented by the ybunfr people of st al- banb church on thankasl vlnjr even- lng was favored with a large audience tho play was carried out with credit to tho performers tho play moved alonff wkh oulmlnl- atlng effect- incldont succeeded in cident and tho several act endings were snappy andnad plenty of move ment for everybody every actor in the ploy ad ample opportunity to impress the audience and add to the amusing situations tho audienco manifested their pleasure toy vocifer ous aipplauso the caste was inade up as follows jack montgomery mr f mccloary jerry arnold joe whentham mr mcnutt ted tyler elmerflannel a rogers abqu ben mocha george lewis mable montgomery mrs smeth- rst lrglnla brldger lottlo holmes mrs baxington brldger mrs han zulclka lillian tylor mary ann ofinnorty misb jcsalo qalbraith the third act straightens out a very serious social tangle after a succes sion of laughable ovents culminating with an elopement down a ladder in which jack thinks he- la eloping with jinblo bin wire but flnds that tho lady hp 1s running away with is the irish cook mary ann ofinnorty model 35 with ome dud read the headlines of the air jast as you jo newspaper electing what you want to read and passing over the rat so you sample the broadcast programs and select what you like with an atwater kent qndiolreceiyingfiet for swift easpofoperatiori oonv bfaied vith wonerfiil tone quality power selectivity beautiful appear ance reliability and senslbu prjeo you cant beat atwater kent radio jc us show fvf above model 9800 other models 8400 to 19500 five srx or seven tubes ome pjauin three dialb kfffl8evewnee true nuluroltons la vlnl ta your enjoymentiofjruloa varied progmmmeh power is vital too so l uioniwiity to soloot what you want and koep out uw restl every expcwenccd listener knowa that nil the goou quulltleo you hear so much about ro required instruments which are strong at one- point only to show weaknens at another aronqj be most desirable one of the things which havo mane atwater kent jtadio lh choice of so niany pcojile 1 its all uiwj etntjlenoy its consistent reliability it has ye lyjutiout ovrmphnsls of einyone it doea tho whole job andj bo hhloh surest- at brown why not secure youft set liy time to listen to the election returns roum effllenoyity cunalstent reliability it has over y flnp quahly x ovartmphnsl of any vne jt doe tho whole jab am1 bti- atwatev k one d1ai oicruon u upeedleat caslear their wame 1liyeth forever th whousoma chtraoter of actons arm i tic and tkankapivino servlco by all ineans do all you can to keep up an annual servlco like the one of thankeglvlng tnornlng aald one of the holiday visitors to the frkk- jtttsa oh mondny evening it- was a strikingly unique thing i dont know- when iyo seen any more fitting way tb celesrate tkanlcflglvlng on a munidipallty and it- wao particularly pleasing the way tho cttlsens partici pated and the aplrjt manifest through out jhe whole service one thing some ofybur people may not have thought of he wont on is the minds of the children of tho town those born within the last ten or twelve yeara know nothing of tho vvar personally and the otortes thoy hear of if from different oouroos cannot al ways be healthful if they are led to feel as they must have done from the effects of the service on monday that the war wa a btruggle for tight and that a sacrifices made during the war were worth while they will have not orrly a better understanding but also a more helpful appreciation of tho greatest military struggle in history the presence of the soldiers monu ment in such a prominent place on the main street ofiyour town will also haveft healthy influence he oontlhuv od 4 brining the nalter over ajl over again eforo tho minds of tne growing generation if its influence is acdompanjed by tho proper torch ing in the schools it wui have ft wonderful inouence in making the idea of another war abhorrent tp the rininggeporntlon who wulb ruurs of tomortow 110685 26 tho council pays all bills for con struction of the new pavement and when completed will be recouped for a large percentage of tho cost by the provincial government and county council a letter was received from george mann son wanting settlement for a tiro claimed to have been damaged on the road the councillors appoint ed had examined the tiro and tho cose was ordered to bo forwarded to the insurance company for a report on the claim mr n h garden was present and addressed the council relative to the operating of the skating rink which had been built and run by acton tanr nlng co and beardmoro co- the inltlai cost of the rink had been 7000 in the past edx years a deficit of about 3900 had accumulated from operating the rink these facts were merely pointed out so that eomo cooperative plan could bo arranged for the future carrying on of tho rink as the beard- more co felt thoy should not carry the entire burden the beovo and clerk were appointed a committee to arrange to bring all tho public organisations of the town to get nor in a general meeting to form plans to cooperate with acton tan nlng co in operating the rink for the general public a letter from a lawyer in quelph acting for fanny nicola requested a refund of tho transient traders fee paid by her the reeve was asked f reply stating the facts in tho casearid- showirig why the fee had been proper ly collected and retained the chief of police was instructed to be watchful for parties who axe making a habit of spitting tobacco juice- on business windows in town the bylaw prbyidlnflr tor polling places for the municipal elections wus glyon tho required number of read ings and passed the nomination day was set for monday november- 29 jund election day for monday iecember 6 messrs w j gbuld an4 a msnrttih were appointed deputy returning- ob- cera a bylaw amending the construction bylaw providing ior tho extending of the fovtyfoot pavement from knojf avenue to river- street was read and pawed in the usual manner now m pro hockey player jack kentncr who lias made good in amateur hockey has been engaged for professional work with quebec on a contract covering the heason at n good salary ho leaves this week to join the team at montreal ytev mr borland at knox church rev a c stewart had not suf ficiently recuperated from his illness to be able to take his work on sunday rev mr borland of knox college supplied his pulpit with much accept ance mr stewart hopes to be quite recovered in a few- days 8aks of taking tho duke of devonshire chapter of tho i o d e will hold a sale of home made baking atthe best room in the ryder momat building pn saturday november 13v the prorerssjiv aid of the rest roon donatlbnsgratefully received speciatl address at w m 8 this thursday afternoon at three oclock at the regular meeting of the womqns missionary society of the united church mrs rov charles a brldgmsn missionary from china on furlough will deliver an address mrs brldgman has had interesting exportenqesin her work on tho mis sion held louis piatro died in hospital louis pie tro the aaton sectlonman who sustained serious injuries by fall ing from the handcar on the r section of the c n r n couple of weeks ago died from his injuries at guelph general hospital last thurs day svth insl the body was brought to acton and after a burial service in st josephs church interment was jtiftdo inlhe dublin b ccemetary baptist missions in bolivia at the regular combined meeting of tho b y p it and prayer meeting of the baptist church inst evening miss nephew teacher had charge of the meeting as the leader of the mission ary department her theme was based on the baptist mission fields in bolivia and she told some of the main reasons why the missionaries have such difficult obstacles to overcome the pioneer missionaries of bolivia were also mentioned during tho evening mr ernest coles sang a solo back from the old land mrs thomas obrien and miss alicia of toronto made their first visit to their former home here since their visits overseas their visit to the old homo in ireland was delight ful the scenes df childhood and the early days- wore visited- with great pleasure and satisfaction they also enjoyed the visit to london and were much interested in then stay in rome and also their calls at other cities in italy their acton friends tfcnjoyed very greatly their rehearsal of inci dents of their visit overseas womens institute meeting the acton wonjentf instituto held their meeting last friday aftornoon- at the home of mrs nell monabb when a good number wer present and some real good discussions fol lowed the date for the fruit to be packed for the sick childrens hos pital at mrs sayers is wednesday november 17th when it is hoped ull the indies will leave their fruit by that time mrs cameron iselshman sang a solo and mrs byrnegave nn instru mental and both were very much on- joyed after closing the- social com mittee served a daljityiluiuh visitors here for thanksgiving day visitors to the home folk and to friends were numerous over the weekend l a busy day in police court was was miss ruby clark was homo from toronto mr maxwell bell was homo from toronto miss bert jo smith was- home from toronto i miss ross visited toronto friends over sunday mr j n taylor of london visited acton friends the misses mowat were homo from the university miss jean barber waa home from normal school miss ka of proston was a guest at mr rc j kerrs mrs william snyder of toronto vi ac friends mrs james 1 warren of toronto visited acton friends mr austin reld of toronto home for the holiday mr j c lindsay of toronto was homo for thanksgiving mr ross allan of toronto home for thanksgiving mr jordon lawson of toronto was hortfo over the weelrend mr and jtfrs willam kilty of tor onto spent the day in acton mr and mrs charles aklns of tor onto erewlth acton friends mr and mrs wm mcnabb of tor onto were with acton friends mr harold sutclitte of dqtroit visited acton frlendb lasfweek dr elmer henderson of aurora was at the parental home here mrrandmrsr gcortf e co wlb wbreal richmond hill for- thanksgiving mr edgar vanwyck spent thanks giving at his home in owen sound miss eleanor mason of kitchener was wiith acton relatives and friends mrs d w smith of toronto visit ed her sister mrs jennie mcdougall miss helen coxe of toronto uni versity spent the holiday at her home here rev dr and mru moore of tor onto spent thanksgiving at moore- croft mr and mrs vf d smith of tor onto spent the holidays with acton friends mrs r j mcpherson visited tor onto friends oyer the weekend and holiday messrs john lewis and harold cosh spent the holdayr with friends in toronto mr and mrs r h wansborough spent the holiday with relatives in toronto miss gulnn of hamilton visited at the home of her slater mrs herbert swiuer mr e j moore t toronto wns a gres t it tho old home duringllnel weekenct mrs lowrle of erin wiia in town on sundjix visiting her sister mrs r j kerr mr and mrs melfort b collier of toronto were visitors in town for the holiday mr and mrs a kcannawin spent the weekend with friends 1n shel burno and laurel n the conservatives norjiinatetsfflubner is with premier fwgubon for government sale of intoxi- eating liquors at conservatives convention for halton county at milton on saturday afternoon george hillmer of oak- vlllo formermamber for the riding- was chosen by acclamation to contest the seat in the forthcoming election the convention was unanimous in its endorsatlon of hon mr fergusons platform of government control and by standing vote passed a resolution expressing their opinion that such a polloy would solve the grave dltncul- ties under which the province was laboring in controlling the liquor traf fic and would react to the benvflt of the people of ontario m b smith president of he halton conservative association presided at the mooting and following the usual business called upon the candldoto and former memvber to address tho con vention mr hillmer tho candidate opened his remarks by assuring the elector ate that the proposals fjon mr ferguson with regard td reductions in the income tax motor llcenun and ahniscrmont taxes meant a javlnsjft tho people of tne province of roiiio 4000000 turning to tfie administra tion during the past three and a half years which aside from the temper the very who1 effect this sort of thing repeated yearlymust haveonance i8ueconstitutowm hon for a swoeplng on dor eat ion of the premier hy tho electorate hon goo sv henry had brought untold benefits to the county towns throughput the province and it was clearly indicated that in he not far distant future there would bo an increase in grants for township roads ijlm ready to admit- mr hillmer contlnupd turning to the temperance queatloh and mr ferguson is ready to admit thai the o t a has done a great of good in its day but it has certainly lost tho sympathy of n great many of the people and has not the hotd which it had 1n jdw it jnust be- reasonable to the minds of all thlflklng men and women that there is something wrong t r hon john s martin minister of agrioulture 4n the ferguson cabinet also addressod convention vdo not fall to henr tom sjkes anrf mr piper at knox church on fridas eveningnovember 29 they are un que hoar them ftav mk leo shows london knox church ladies aid provided a pleasant evening for thanksgiving day supper wan served in the base ment from 630 to 8 oclock follow ing this rev e lee of erin showed 100 pictures of old london illustrat ing the extent- and importance of the worlds metropolis many public buildings parks palaces and cattle drals the king and queen statesmen and public men were shown illus trated songs were sung by miss jessie anderson mr alex jack- and mrs john njcol tho audience manifested their appreciation of the pictures shown know whareaf h 8peaks when torn sykes speaks to the working man he knows whereof he speaks one of a family of nine children reared by his parents on the yorkshire wolds on less than four dollars a week a writer in the british weokly saysof him i have seen a mist come over tom sykes eyes at public meetings when ques tions of wages and housing were dis cussed he knows the admission fee is within the range of all tickets may be secured for his lecture in knox church acton friday night november 26 from any of the elders or managers or at hansards drug store mala quart abba cpntest and local coneert tho park improvement committee has planned ahewtyle of local con cert for wednesday evening novem ber 17 a fine array oflocal talent has generously agreed to participate and a new feature will be a male quartette contest there are already four or j five qunrtettcs who have al ready consented to enter and the con test promises to eclipse the oldtlrpe fiddlers contest for interest the pro ceeds are for park improvement work which has been carried on this sum mer tho plan of the hall will open at browns irug store on saturday afternoon get your seat booked early see posters for programme details thanktaivina day actlvftlai saturday sunday and monday were dcllghtfut autumn days scores of visitors came to town for tho holiday nd numbers of our ottuens left home to visit friends nt outside points no one could reasonably claim that acton was devoid of attractions ror the day at ten ocock the series ofschtinka- gllng and armistioo services wore opened at eleven oclock the impres sive service at tho soldiers monu ment was held and following this was the decoration of soldiers graves nt fairvlew cemeter the afternoon wns generally spent in social vial t a- tlon family parties and motoring over the good roads connecting acton with tho outside world thero was a full prpgromme for citizens ami villi tors in the evening a tea and ex hibition of pictures of london kng 1n knox church the play safety- pjrsti in the town hall under the auspices of st albans churcbjunil a bpeclal film on exhibition nt won derland theatre air the people vfero required to do was to make their choice and pay their money and they did it so fully that all these fnnotlonn were generously patron ised mr and mrs jeromuvh belt attended the funeral of little edith irene wil son on saturday mr angus kennedy andvmis jean were home- from toronto university for thanksgiving mrs george ramshaw mr and mrs t ramshaw milton spent sunday with friends here mr leonard g krauter of the bank of montreal staff spent the holiday at his home in brussels mr george dills has been spending the past week visiting with his daughters in toronto mrs james sunley toronto spent tho holiday with- her aupt jmrs t ramshaw peel street r rev mr borland of toronto was a guest at tho presbyterian manse during his stay in town mr7 and mrs william wills of tor onto wore here to attend the arm istice memorial services miss mae watson of rock wood visited at ihe home of her aunt mrs- alfred watson last week mr william miller of lindsay spent a couple of days with his sister- inlaw mrs maud mcbain mv and mrs j wilson of toronto spent tho week-end- holiday at her fathers home mr j j- kennedy miss delaine gibbons of st mich aels hospital toronto spent the weekend holiday at her home horo mr fred maddock and mr and mrs ed maddock of toronto were guests of their mother mrs anna maddock mr and mrs campbell clark the bank of montreal chats worth were with mr and mrs w j gould mr fred mclaughlin who was call ed homo through tho death of his mother returned to new york on fri day mr earl smith and misa ida clarke oftororito woro guests of mrs maud mcbain guelph street over the week end misses edna henderson and helen mcdonald of toronto university spent tho holiday at the latters home here mr and mrs g w thompson of hamilton were visitors at tho home of mr and mrs a reesor mill st over tho weekend mr w i hobortson of toronto spent tho thanksgiving holiday at the home of his sister mrs camoron irishman mill street miss jehnle wiggins of acton who is attending north bay normal school spent the weekend with cmshoim friends rpowoasen nowa mr and mrs a- tnicklln spent thanksgiving in guelph at tho home of their son mr- hs nlckllnmrs jslcklin romoinlng for a few days visit mr burton wiggins of acton and his friend mr gordon johnston of hamilton were guests at mr d q raffs for a day 0- two powossen nowb mr and mrs wm n scott milton ontario annuunee e engagement of their daughter marlon isobel to dr james richard mcgarry son of ir and mrs junieh ht mcgnrry nlngara falls onturlo the marrlago to take place novener 17 a very pretty wedding was solemn- mod at s4 willard ave v toronto whon kntliryli ruth youngest nftugh- te- of mrs ixiura c and the late it 38 jermyn was united in marriage to clayton w moffatt son of mr alex ander moffutt and the late mrs mof fatt of gujt hey h c prlestpor formed the ceremony mlaa jermyno rather was a merchant in acton thirty years ago alleged bootleggers and burglars cleverly apprehended on sunday night 31st october totalled masclos store at milton heights was brokon into and a con siderably quantity of tobacco cigar ettes etc was stolen the provincial and county polico were advised of tho theft on thursday morning provincial constable owens and chief smith burlington secured a clue and fdjjow- ing it up arrested hurry isaac hilson and hilson of nassagaweya after their arrest the young fellows owned up and voltm- tcercd to guide tho officers to the place where thoy cached their loot tho officers accompanied by tony masclo brother of the stbrekeeper ac- xompaiexrtacselfonfesscdburglars to the placo where their loot was hid den up on the mountain they to- covered the following 154 packages of cigarettes 87 packages of tobacco 27 quart bottles of g w whiskey 1 cotton bag containing 11 lbsof coppers t tho prisoners and their takings were convoyed to milton jail and thero ar- ralnged before magistrate moore on the dual charges of breaking and en tering with the intention of commit ting an indictable offence vis theft and of the theft of the list of goods above listed they were remanded in custody until yesterday afternoon but the theft at moscioa store had an aftermath when the officers found the 27 bottles of whiskey in the array of stolen goods they knew at once that the italian storekeeper was again at his bootlesging vocation for which he had been convicted on a previous charge last january and fined 200 and costs an information was therefore laid for asecond offence a warrant issued and in tho course of an hour or so tomileo was landed in jail by in spector roe vely and provincial officer owens to keep company with the bur glars who had looted his goods and whose theft of the liquor had gotten him into serious trouble a compatriot of tomileos came to his rescue and put up cash bail to the amount of 2000 for his release as soon as masclo was handed over to tho governor of the jail the imo officers departed with another war- ramfor the apprehension of charles currle of nassagaweya who also was charged with a second offence against the ontario temperance act he also was arrested and lodged in jall two friends arrived at tho court house during tho evening and wont on cur- rlos ball bonds his trial is in pro gress as we ko to press it will bo admitted that the inspec tor and constables had a busy day- last thursday xtss tragic fatality at milton yfi u little girl runs into mr joremiah bolls oar and injuries prove eatal lust thursday afternoon about four oclock mr and mrs jeremiah bell church street acton were driyintf through mhton en route to burling ton to visit mrs bolls sister they were prceediasojjman street east ward to the second line of trafalgar and when opposite mrs james kel mans residence edith irene the 12- yearold daughter of mr and mrs john m wuson who had been bang- ing on the rear of ford durnans delivery wagon left tho and started running toward the sidewalk she evidently ran directly into mr betta car with such fprco that the front lamp was smashed mr bell who hod no opportunity whatever of seeing the little rlrl until she ran into the cor stopped within the length of tho oar the car however oassod over her and she received fatal in- l juries death following almost instant- ly the little girl must have been running with her headdown for she struck- the headlight on tho sldo of her head at thetemple with great force mr bell was running at not morothan ten miles per hour every one horo knows that he is always punctiliously careful in driving and never drives fast anywhere there is absolutely no bhuno resting- upon him in this unfortunate fatality- both mr andmrst bell feci terribly gtlef-strlck- en over the sad jovent and general sympathy is felt for them that their car wnnthe unwilling cause of the accident the verdict in the milton tragedy no blame on trainmen but jury recommends guarding of tho crossing 1 the adjourned inquest on the triple fatality at the c p r second line trafalgar crossing at milton was held last thursday afternoon whether a number ot box cars tanding on a sldortrack obscured the view of the driver of the illfated car in which jesse klppsandaie jones j of hamilton and a bcouch presi dent of the zlmmorknit company were killed or whether the train which struck the car was plainly seen was thttqucstlon to bo determined at the inquest which was- resumed be fore coroner dr r a mccoll in the milton county chambers crownaj- v tdrney w i dick represented thtt- crown after a retirement of about half an hour the jury brought in the following verdict wo find thnt albert b couch al bert e jones and jesso klppa come to their death by being struck by h westbound passenger train no 639 in october 27 at about 230 pm at- milton and according to evidence submitted no blame can be attached to tho crew of the said train as the view was totally obscured by a num ber of freight cars standing onfho north side cast of the second line cross ing which obstructed tho view both of the motorist and train crew it is the opinion of the jury that in all such cases that somo one of th train crew should guard the crossing especially when another train is due to arrive the 6nly survivor of the party la mrs a b joneswho is stlh critically ill in st josephsohospital hamilton a ttsa m police court news for driving recklessly on main sl georgetown on monday night howard ramsey was fined 1000 and costs hy magistrate moore on tuesday austin adams of oiangevlue was arrested by chief jackson at etebrfio- town on thanksgiving night for bo- ing lntoxicaod he came before mag istrate moore tuesday morning and was fined 1900 and costs ho swore that he was intoxicated with liquor he hod purchased from a toronto govern ment vonilor in a script issued by art prangoviuo dootor miiswmb 4-