Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1926, p. 3

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u gin- atlmi mvttttsb thuksday november 11 1d2c opportunity with doubt and dlsmuy you uro smlt ten you think ihcio is no chunco for you my son wjiy tho best uoolcs havent been wi ttcn tho best i ico hosn t been run the beat scoto hasnt boon made yet tho host song hasn t boen pung tho best tune hami t been jlaicd yet cheer up for tho woild is young no ch ince wthy tho world la jual tagir for things you ought to create its atoro of truo wealth la still jneager its needs are incessant and treat it yearns foi more nowcr and bcnut moro laugrhter and lovo nnd romance more loyalty lubor and duty no chance why t herosno thins but chance tor tho host verso hasn t bcon rhymed yot tho boat bouse hasnt been planned the hibhoat peak hasnt beon climbed yot tho mightiest rivers aren t spanned dont worry and frot fainthearted the chances have- just begun ror tho best jobs haven t boen start pel tho best work hasnt been done barton braley the chapel in later years it was called in tho every- day speech of the conu try side abo binnigera church people smiled indulgently when they men tioned it binnlger always had been something of a visionary and the quixotic scheme of fitting up the top floor of his house for a place of wor ship tho neighbors said was just what might bo expected of him abram blnnlgor was a wheelwright by trade and oj good workman ho experienced religion when ho was neorlng middle ago and then giving up carflentry became a local preacher attached to one of the many omaller denominations that during the last century sprang up in tho middle and now england states he was an earnest godly man but lacked tho gift of ready and convinc ing speech and bis services were not much in demand where ho held mootlngs mostly in echoolhousos and small abandoned country churches his wifes singing was moro of an attraction to tho people than his ser mons and her kind motherly face and gentle voice won the hearts of the children and the young people when it began to be rumored about that abe blnniger was gohig o build a church of his own his 111 success as a preacher in other places gave point to the joke and the bluff country peoplo enjoyed it it was goodhum ored ridicule however and when the chapel was flntshod the sparsely set tied community turned out to a rnan for tho opening service there was no other church near at hand sun day was a long day for many and tho meoting had the allurement of a social gathering how long the little room on the second floor of the blnnlgor houso continued to be tolerably well filled on sunday afternoons wo havo no moans of knowing at this lato day hut tho congregation dwindled off as tho hovelty wore off when abram blnnige died his wife kept up fiunday school for the children and bought books and papers for it out or her own slender purse fcarly in her last lingering illness it was discovered that except for the house and the garden mary blnniger was virtually penniless to many persons that was a surprise and tho thrifty hardheaded younger genera tion wore not slow to say that she had fooled away a modest compet ence now sorely needed some of the older peoplo seemed to bo of a dif ferent opinion and contributed cheer fully from time to time for tho in valids relief i dont know but what my boy matthew henry would a gone to rack and ruin if it had not been for abe binnlgers church one mother en id feelingly it peared someway to be just the pull he needed and its a debt money cant pay another mother wept softly as she told how little sarah had begged that mary binnlger should come and sing hymns at her bedside tho night she died and an elderly woman with a carelined face related that mar binnlgers tact and delicacy had saved her from a runaway match with a worthless fellow on cedar mountain abe binnlgers church was anally cuit up into upstair rooms by tho new owners no doubt abes scheme mioo impractical to too often imi tated but tho inner history of this humble work for christ as it comes to tho ears of men in snatches of re miniscence stirs the heart and touch es the feelings i r t i f i 5 ti tms olt han j or rnb j pi i 1 h closing day in the old school time so slow for many a fortnight crept ulonpr time w creep and tho breaking up was on us after all with sudden leap and the iioft juno twilight found us rather solemn lather still slnco besides the joys that waited there were duties to fulfil whiff tho town hall blushed with rosea green flrscented mottoes too spurrod to zeal with latin phrases placed that morn with much ado by tho youths that scaled tho lad ders pretty helpers worked near by- curls perhaps awlst in paper yet they charmed tho boyish eye now thrilled out the martial music as tho brave and fair trooped in teacher s cornet tony s fiddle help- od the dear old organs din overture and then tho pieces strident trio solo faint violin with shrill falsetto and the flute a uncertain plaint but the oratorical efforts who shall venture to relato lofty flights the big boys efforts tender themes the lasses fate we tho urchins numbed or shaken as wo faced the burning deck or the vineclad hills of blngen seemed ourselves a battle wreck countryside sovonty or elghvty years ago tho small dwelling next to this must have been built over seventy curs ugo i remember that john rarmcr and his family lived there sixty years ago tho farm abutting tho highway now owned by mr smith was orlginallj tho zimmermnn farm tho now et ment pavement runs along tho font of this old futm past whoro tho oil gate used to be and thcro it joinn highway no 7 where 1t runs acrona country totjrowsons jcoiners i think my old rememberer is pretty go il when i can recall all the peoplo who licd on this fine old faim john zlm merman james camcion samu moeue william hems tree t a j hcmatrtet jumes brown john nelson henry wardlaw nnd t presont owner mr gilbert smith i think i left the other side of the street at hverft bower avenue th corner of the henry smith nropert across tho street mr tlce lombei i lives this house was built nearlj if not quite fifty years ago and the first occupant was itov mr swallov the first rector of st albans church thomas worsnop lived there tor jtars on tho nojet lot thoro was flut a blacksmith shop and thlswas lator converted into a waggolf shoj wil 11am grant ran tho waggon shop six ty years ago and lived in the houso beside it wheromr robert dron now lives my good old friend malcolm ken weekly fashion hint whocnrigo through i season with nedy the stone mason lived intho outaplaul frockr especially when it envied just one time and only little maidens who demure lisped with smiles their doting jingles had their gestures all secure needed not the prompters murmur did not think their task a bore but with innocent elation bobbed their thanks and prattled more there were shows and there were prizes thoro were speeches most profound lyom the faculty from others that had made tho world resound but when one recalls this school days and that night of nights tho best breawngup tomorrow coming when o boy a boy might rest just a whiff whtio work tho magic evergreens or flowers of juno or the sound of dome ones fiddle n scraping out the marching tune is it wisdom ho remembers no a whltcfrockcd maids bright eye and his boy self late of bingcn and tho old fair dream a gono by jeannlo pendleton hall stone house next to that mr and mrs kennedy had an oldfash oned family for slzo and right upt date in character usefulness and d brt- ment two sons and four daufchterd i think there were ana everybody liked every ono of them im not qulto sure but i think only two kate mrs tom smith of penetangulshene and lizzie mrs robert craine survives mrs kennedy the mother of tho house was a choice character and a goqd neighbor to everybody who need ed neighboring not only mr and mrs kennedy passed away in this house but i re call that two others of our early resi dents also passed over tho river from this domicile thomas c moore and christopher mosaics i think iii stop right hero and call this a week neighborhood news on main street long ago i told you last week about tho old school building which stood in front of tho presbyterian church that was not the fii st school building in which school was conducted in acton however acton a first school was 8elfpity cheerfully conceited porsons al though irritating at times are not al ways bad companions but there is never any pleasure in the society of tho dismally conceited person who is prone to condole with himself for slights and failures woes and disap pointments preoccupied with his sorrows even when ho keeps them to himself ho diffuses dullness and depression of course there arc persons afflicted cruelly and tragically beyond the com mon lot of man and their sadness can awaken in their friends only a hope less poignant tenderness but the habit of feeling sorry for yourself usually has not tho justification of some tre- endoua and shattering calamity or of sotao overshadowing grief it is traceable more often to a selfish sen sitiveness and a morbid disregard of tho proportions of things tho peoplo who pity thonaselvei most keenly aro generally callous to tho troubles of others lor the mis fortunes losses and bereavements that occur in tho homes of their ifrlonds they aro quick to find some compensation young persons who aro becoming self- centred might profitably take up tho study of astronomy if they keop before their minds for a while the rather awful fact that this earth is but a grain of dust and that they themselves are but tiny atoms they will acquire a proper humbleminded ballinafad mi and mrs 1 i ink cough miss lllliam boltz mrs s let lo ruddell anil ml leslie ruddell or ktitchonor all and mrs wm coleman of lies pelci spent sunday nt tho homo of mi and mis alfied sopci mi joseph sopn mi j dowey sopci and mr cecil soper of pres ton weio vialtois la t week at the fjimci h home mi alfred sojlei the promise of perfection chicand inviting is as smartly developed 05 this model taffeta flannel or broadcloth maj i c selected as the fabric with the deep collar and inset vestec in phin silk a smart flare is afforded the modcl by circular side and lnck see 10113 joined to the waist at a lowered waist line medium size requires 4j1 jards 40inch plaid and 5 yard plain nntc- nal norval rev w j baugh who for some time has boon in charge of the angli can parish of norval has found it necessary to resign on account of ill- health since his recent accident he has not been ablo to do the work of tho three churches of norval stewart- town and hornby rev mr baugh preached his farewell sermons last sunday oakville a pa88inqart h among tho cherished memories of a certain charming old lady is that of a teacher of her childhood whoso theory of hfo wdta reduced to a simple principle learn to read well young ladles- to enunciate distinctly to mod ulate tio voice pleasingly to interpret the words of tho author with sympathy and understanding learn to read well and all other virtues will follow it is possible that the requirement of all tho virtues seems a slightly more complicated matter than it did to the r old gentleman of seventy years ago never tho less tho advice is not to be be lauglied away if only because it recalls tho days when reading aloud was counted one of the most desirable of the fine arts of life this is no reflection upon the art of reading as taught in these latter days the ques tion is not of the actual process but of the place that reading aloud used to tiold in family life many a gray haired man or woman who nover heard of round tables and nover discovered that authors hnd early or late styles yet knows his scott or thackeray or shakespeare as few young people of today ever know them inr part this is due to the fact of reading now covered by young people is muoh larger than it was half a century ago a deeper cause lies in the decline of the habit of reading aloud we have no time now to read aloud we say perhaps not yet before we de cide might it not bo well to consider whether any other recreation offers more permanent pleasure or greater enrichment to the life books rend aloud about tho firo with the whole family sharing tho interest and dis cusslons will hold a wormth of color which time will not dim betwcf n their pagts will lio counties happy memories a treasure whoso values will deepen through all tho years to come now owned by crewson mclaughlin it was built in 184 j nnd was usod as a ichool for quite a tnumbcr of years john harris tvas tho first teacher and in june of the abovo year the school was opened with 25 pupils enrolled township commissioners governed the schools in those days the commissioners in charge of acton school were james burns chairman john atkinson john gra ham nln ian li n dsay james barber and william stull at a meeting held at hugh chrks inn on march 5th when mr harris was about to be en gaged as teacher tho following reso lution was unanimously carried that no person bo admitted as a teacher in any common school in this township who docs not profess to be lieve tho christian doctrine that there is one only living and true god that his son jesus christ is tho only saviour of sinners that tho word of god contained in the scriptures of the old and new testaments is tho only infalllblo lulc of faith and practice and that there is a future state of re wards and punishments a good many of actons early res erected on the adjoining lot 1 north of tho church lot tho building jind lot will ccxlsb- tamnsidertho heaviest of iheir burdens as of enor mous and vital importance then if they pass from the study of astronomy to that of humanity thoy will acaulre a prospective for life they will have for the oher hurrying worrying atoms moro indulgence sympathy or admir ation and jess envy or bitterness they will know that whatever hon ors and successes some may gain and others fall of none can go thcough life without unhappiness and sorrow and that though will awakon in them tho rov george bailey and mrs bailey have recently removed from toronto to oakviue and have takon residence on kerr street dr john c duff and mrs duff have returnedt trom their honeymoon trip to eastern ontario and have taken- up residence on church street members of tho local lion club with their wives and sweethearts en joyed a very pleasant evening at tho regular luncheon of the club held at the hotel gibson the staid jialls and corridors of the oakvihe high school took on a trans formation and resounded with lilting music and merriment on monday evening when the students held a de lightful masquerade tho arc department had a short run friday morning at 11 45 when a small blazo broko out in a back room of 1 p lunaus store tho fire was ex tinguished with chemicals after despatching tho major portion of scheduled business with unusual celerity the town council on monday night held a length discussion on tho rights of pedlars to stop their wagons on the main9reots and conduct an open market to the detriment of tho taxpaying merchants at thb regulac meeting of the oak vlllo branch of tho womens christ- ian temperance union hold in tho temperanco hall on tuesday after noon tho following resolution was passed resolved that we reaffirm our faith in the principles and work ability of the ontario temperance act and that we pledge ourselves to vote only for a candidate who will pledge his honor that if elected hewill stand independent of party allegiance to maintain and strengthen the on tario xemporaape act at tho rtguhu horn plajei of a southern oichchtta was hi sajs tho aiunaut tho conductoi had iciuc tantb to accept the services of a col ore 1 man who played in an amateur bmuss band ho was natmally a lit tie doubtful of the technical ability of tho amatour aftci tho flrst perform ance tho now playei asljed tho con ductor how ho had done the con ductoi replied that ho had done fairly well but would pi obably do bettei with practice whei oupon tho new comer cxelaimed gratefully bosx tho music was strango to me to night an i aint jeit ahoro of it yet but jet you wait till tomorrow night and 50 ain t gwino to hear any of them fiddles at all it hit the mark tho famous caricaturist sir leslie war better known ns spy tells a stoiy about a sketch th it ho onco drew of dcon wolfoley rfhortlj after wards l says sli leslie i was n tioduced to him pcaa d to meet you mr waul he said but his frigid tono somewhat belled his w ordh i don t mind your picture erf iik at nil foi tho timpl reason that it in qulto uniecognlzabk ilowovei i tot my own back a ftv days jatcr addi sps when i re celved a ri itoful lettoi tt om tho do in s w ifo to tho effect that thanks to tho cai icatui e hei husband had at last dlscaided an awful hat that sho had been vainly trj ing to induce liim to get rid of pqofing flooring here is a sweet that is ii delicious pnopmjty owvunfl nonspiior jiitw awi nincdeits fiiiour d wniri- irm oia fkhm htaloour jatjiday company itb po cox c19s hamilton ont arret nourishing golden syrup l the canada starch co limited montreal jl i 1 ont be fooled milton government control does not cure these evils 1 1 bootlegging bootlegging to extent of 5000 cases a month in and around vancouver the hook an antiprohibition paper bootleggers handle twice as much liquor as the government stores 1 vancouver world 2 flask drinking i the sherbrooke daily record speaking about con ditions in quebec says the hippocket flask is an institution to a greater extent here than in ontario 3 lawlessness of youth s andrew blygh jp of vancouver describing the state of affairs in british columbia under government control says any night cabarets are operating with 50 of those present showing signsof intoxi cation the dance halls areapublic scandal with young girls slipping tothe back alley to get a nip from the flasks of their escorts 4 drunkenness i there have been 851 names placed on the indian list in albertaduring government control the majority of whom procured liquor without permits 5 reckless driving i com montre and toronto mayor duquette of montreal stated montreal has registered twice the number of automo bile accidents with half the number of automobiles ci what will cure these evils ci the honest sustained enforcement of the ontario temperance act vot for your dry candidate ontario prohibition union 24 bloor street east toronto tho annual bazaar under tho axis pices of tho daughters of tho empire will be hold on friday november 12 acompavorwlderanaaeever thsl m pauu church schoolroom ttiora mill hi o nhnit mnmnymnl safety ruue8 for coal oil ha- 1 study the rules for ugtitfl 2 be aure that oil heaters an1 cookers do not leak nnd that thoy wjll not overturn i k tho burncrn clean und do knot turn tho flames too hi eh 4 keep tho oil can outside of the r if possible 5 do not let the floor beneath tho cah beconn oil aoakfij 81 ariihepurt that the can docs not leak nor drip 7 fill by daylight only any recen taolo in which oil is to be burned dents attended this early school eighty four ye irs ago among them tho older sons and daughters of the matthows hull a laabya cummings snyderu moorea warrens and other early families i think john cameron and john hill whoaro still with us were boys there between crewson mclaughlins plnco and nelson moore s residence tfrere is a atreet allowance a con- tlnuanco of river street this street leada in to the old burying grounds and was the 1 car entrance to the graveyard by which monuments and headstones were conveyed to the plots there n f moore lives on tho site of thomas overtons blacksmith shop this was qirlte a busy place in the early days mr overtons eon wil liam learned the blaoksmlthlng trade and then opened up a shop whore sandy mclnnactf gantpo ie now locat ed and conducted a business in op position to his- father the old california house an old- fashioned tavern stood near the creek occupying the land vhere john watsons two houses artauio dl3- ecraceful old hack recently moved to the street line now stand this old tavern did a big trade in the oarly days most of it over tho bar old timers can remember name strang doings there the old temperance hail used to stand where the roadway runs in to henderson mill th sons of temperance was an active organization teaching temperance and rescuing those whoso appotites had haaatorcd thtm juit ns premier fergu son aays soclot oh and churches nhould bo doing now cionios about tho bar room off tho old california house would wager with c ich other that those rescued members of the sons of temperanco would not hold out a week thoy ivould wait until their victims wer jnltluted and woull tjiem waylay thfiy and intlce them into thp bar oh somo pretence onco thoy got insmo and ieieived a whiff at the tonrjitlng booze prepared for them their obligations wcio often forgotten drinks uero indulged in and the barkcepor and hl stool pig eons won theli wagers tho duped violators of their ttmpoinnco pledge hntyc- told mo numbers of times of these methods adopted for lcgainlng california houho cimtomero tho old place was burned down about forty years ago and with 1t mr ovei ton s neat frame ho tin whhh stood a little farther up tho street whet o thomas isbblige afi ovciton s eoniniaw lived foi years on tho same lot was the tannorv any thoy feel for themselves they will want to do what thoy can to make tho bright aspects of the journey still brighter for their companions and to that end thoy will strive al ways to keop a cheerful spirit and a courageous heart a poor crumb of comfort although it happened in a western railroadstation it might just as na turally have occurred in the hast a through train was pulling out tho cars were well in motion when a man camo down the platform he was in his shirt sleeves and was panting very heavily smith smith he bhout- ed in tho parlorcar at the rear of the train sat a man who hearing the cry stuck his head out of the window as ho did so the man running along the platform looked at him and then reaching up struck him a smart blow across the cheek with his open palm evory moment tho wheelb wore re volving moro swiftly and before the passenger could call the conductor the train was out of the station but the man who had been slapped on the face was even more indignant than he was when the blow wb struck and by the tinaetho conductor reached him he was boiling over what kind of an outrage is this he demnnded of the man in brass but- toms here am i an innocent pas senger sitting in this car just as tha train pulls out of the station sud denly a man runs down the platform shrieking smith smith i look out tho window and he reaches up nnd almost knocks my face off now i want to y pardon me interrupted tho con ductor is jour namo smith no it isnt and that l just what makes well then my friend what did you jook out of tho window for there wasnt anybody culling you was there 8ucce8s he has achieved succoss who has lived well laughed often find lo ed much who has gained tho respoct of intelligent men and the love of little children who has filled his njche and accomplished his task who has left tho world hotter thanhe found it whether by an improved poppy a pr feet poem or a rescuersoul who has never lacked appreciation of earths beauty or failed to express it who has always looked for the best n others and given the best he had whoso life was an inspiration in short success in life lies not in the necumulutlon of rlohes or high posl hon hut in embracing every oppor tunity of doing good nnd helping others there will bo a short memorial ser- clco by the local clergy at the soldicri memorial victoria park at 12 30 noon on thursday november llth in com memoration of armistice day one wreath will be placed on the monu ment by tho veterans in memory of their comrades and other friends may place small floral tributes during the morning tho annual meeting of milton lo l no 2385 was held monday even ing when tho foil owl nguofllcers wore elected for tho ensuing year w m bro henderson d m 13ro h london chaplain bro c lewjngton itec secretary bro r philip rynan- lal secretory bro m j carton roas bro g hilycr lecturer bro q millard dopt lect bro a -pat- erson marshall bro l maude com mittee bros s stoutt james gal- bralth o stoutt x e armstrong and david douglas the annual match of the halton plowmen a association took place laift wednesday on the farm of kenneth agncw adjoining milton the weath er was fine the ground in fair candt tlon there was a goodly number of enterles and tho work of the plowmen in all classes was exceptionally good the following were tho winners clsa 1 champion high cut in sod open lt on ridge boat crown and finish w 11 vanslckle cainavlllc 2nd h willh milton class 2 high cut in soil open to county only 1st on ridge k agnew milton 1st on crown k agnew 1st on finish w wilson georgetown 2nd on ridge w wilson 3rd on 1 dge el wilson milton t class 3 champion jointer class in sod open lat on ridge 0am wilson milton 1st on finish s wilson 1st on crown a robinson milton 2nd on ridge a robinson class 4 jointer class in sod open to county formers sons 1st on lidge beat crown and finish h agnew mil ton 2nd on ridge c chlsholm mil ton class 5 boys class in sod open to young faxmers under 20 years of age 1st on ridge beat crown and finish ii wilson milton 2nd on ridge l carlon milton srd on ridge frank pcddio mtltdn can yon find the twins no they ore not nil twins i two and only two ore identical and are the twins you are asked to find can yon to be sure the 18 pictures all look alike but look closer how about their hats there are other differences too read the clues only two girls are exact duplicates they are twins can you find them i clues at first glan co all of the pictures look alike but upon examination yeu will see that almost every ono differs in noma way from all tho othors in some the dlfforcnco may bo in tho light or dark band on tho brim of tho hat or in tho brimming on tho hat or the collar or some may wear necklaces or earrings or both only two aro exactly alike no its not as easy as it looks you must search carefully just look closely mako sure that you have tho twins then send in your answer some body who finds tho right twins is going to win a big prize mako that somebody bo you t first prize 200000 maximum award thla ts ono of tho btepteat array of cash prizes that has ever bcon offorod in a mall and fmplro puzzfo content thats what it is folks and you can bo a wlnnor tho prizes ranse from 2 to 50 and from 50 to 2 000 all prizes will bo awarded in tlmo to reach tho winners by christmas day t never etart a col oi wood flro1 built iby john ssinimcrman and whoro with oil i ha tanned shoo leather or the wiholo i- iffifll ifc smut or barn if sore irritated fo flamed or granulitad sitefor osojutttiiw oi too iniantorarrorjt atu f v j wvs- think of hi yqu can win as much as 2 000 in this interesting puule contest and will bo there will be go winners and the first prizo wont that ho a wopderfut chrihtmaa plft prises will bo awarded 1000 points wins first prise we will give mediately upon receipt of your correct answer imlldlng contest in which if successful 30 4200000 first prime or one or the 49 other vcs sir 5001 t cosh prices may be won awarded promptly after pecember 11th thft koldeq qppprbwty 3000 irt cash in the ovont pf tos fqr any prie otfplicato yon 930 points for finding the twins im- we will send you particulars of woruv 1 earn tho final 50 points required to win a cash prises mail your answer today wow find tbo twins write tho numbers in tho coupon below fill in your name and address and mail jt totlio puralo manacor got started for tho big tlrst prise puzzle mgr room 207 tilt mail and empire toronto canada an raut bizk i twin puzzik coupon i so cash pb1zes listed below ore the maximum pi yon can win lees id m 2000 2nd prhe 1000 3rd ptlse 700 4th prlta 200 slh ptite 200 cth wo 1 100 7th prlta 100 bth ptite 100 9iajrlio 100 xolh prize o0 xlth lo solh prutt inclutlve 10 i twin puzzle coupon punlo manager room 207 this maiij empire toronto canada numbors and i aro tho twins that i havo found if theso aro correct pleaso filvo jhotrio 50 points and tell mo how to aain tho final 50 points to win rirst prlxe namo postofilco street or it id no provlnco is ulfefe4sls jwwrw

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