Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 13, 1927, p. 3

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wssfwijecinf ii ifrwif uianninnii gjdkdiiivitt the iioue of ijp artimlffrrr pnfbb urmur sliird town wcakiia ojurio t1ik actdftfkek puess j dobuacvcrj thufuy moinln at lh vtut prasj boudlns milt street vv oatarki the atibacripuea price ao per year toadvufee foil- is cnarrcd addttioea1 to ofacaala the tpitl suict the data to which aubtcripuod us pu j iadjcmcd on i he mumu ubl advertisikg itatkstraaaicai admiac- neat creta pr boa atl nraanrafor tint jlne lor each aobae locution abd j cents per quest inter sou contract display advenlaa- r i is i pr in tli each inicrftda advert scat la with out specific direction wui be averted till orbld aaxl charged accordingljr tfclkvlionts kdilortaj and nualaaaa ofica kaaltlenc ol iraaidcnt kcakleac of slaaagrr changing world condition tho volunury entrance of germany into the league or nations changes the character of the league as seen by many forjjign nations frorn- art j association of anicswictohojiajathhgceatwi a league embracing all nations cherishing- a spirit of goodwill the united states professes not to be behind other nations in desiring cooperation but whereas other nations are prepared to sacrifice sorriethingfor tho general good to forego prejudices and to make concessions to he desires of other the united states will not accept membership unless she is given her own way toronto star a vjetory for disarmament jrtsidcnt coolidgc won a signal victdry for his disarmament proposals in the house last week when hjis supporters killed an amendment to the naval apj prtfprutioa bill providing an appropriation pf 450- opo to beginconstructiop of three scout cruisers authorized by the 1024 act- which the president opposed the victory capie op the heelaof a request by the president of an additional appropriation of the american government in the work of the pro paratory commission for the disarmament confer ence to bo held- in geneva under the auspices of the lea of nations movements under wav for say bad a- nw- feature for th col umn chummy talk be- baasjl fhhici tban thursday morning january 3 1827 editoria jail term for bootleggers when governmentcontrol of the sale of liquor becomes the law of ontario the penalty for boot legging will likely be imprisonment for nothing short of this will satisfypublic opinion under the 0 t a there have been heavy fines but when a boot- to a in a i d d world peace emphasized by spokesmen for the pres ident itis believed overcame the revolt in the house against the administration and swamped tho big navy advocates the unifed states will eventually ido up to the other nations which re making pro gress toward disarmament and world peace the tedimq of life when real success fa 3fiaed at jiojstop him in his work however a jail tefmwut have a salutary effect and it wililio doubt b more dreaded than a fine tho desire to make money easily and quickly has got a grip on very many and t unfortunately bootlegging has appealed to very many as the ablution of tho problem pembroke standardobserver tho penalty referred to as like ly to be imposed under the new governmjmt control law will be salutary and deserved- tho writer-cvi- dently forgets or is unaware pf tho fact that jail terms for bpotifeggers are provided tmde jbe oft- fi tario temperance apt- from this county alone three 4 botfffjeers sentenced under the qt a mtc at the present time serving tcraupf fifteen rnpnthv each two at burwash and one at gueiph reformatory t nring the patyears numbers of bootleggers havc i seryed terms fnjaiun this countv v 1 good roads bwential to copmani ufa and tmoh thvttitdlng of improved roads has come to be jvlttdvjmbrttntporpf 6f cbmmuffity fi thf good pavements ire sue of the iiuoiriesjf thei rf in wondrou reputation tar the dick twentieth century in 1000 mark sullivan tells uajjii have to try to iivo u to it ever thouaht of rlxuisme mr ponl awn juj a tnanucaeturor at aicnuu joy hut 1 did rpcnel a simple llttlo pmo tiie other day mn i naimeil it domo wtmf it mean dadt bounda like tt metvl potiab it fromtbe frooch word beaiu- couortuany ajid mou tworda urine ran the mall box on my drmk tbrtr od each of theaa nquares of ird- boaxd you will find a letter they run front a to x aqd there are four of each letter that ie ive cut up jour aiphabeukand thcrc arcinbo xour inhfs fascinating the turn of the century there were less than ten miles of coacrete xoads in the united states but in 1025 tlfere were 25000 miles ot i suob roads in that country and canada we are ac customed to gliding smoothly from place to place ith so little jolting and jarring that we are sur prised and resentful when we encounter a bit of rough going after all it must be remembered that paved roads are for the multitude one who is am bittous to get above the crowd must not look for a irji high thuzaulesai rt lil ttttt the sunday school lesson t jtor is uejbayu januxlft j how to oct 1ikli kilom this otiujd fjenernl icanon tltui tho chrll- ar uao or hid jllble ucrlpture ijton dout 6 0 2 tim lt17 doldju text thy work la a lump lnto my feet and tlht untu iu patll fan 1ib 109 liavutlintul ueadlna 26 fmequality 4 taict i asw woitboalib do you auppoo yougouul thlnkup icintltrrr ffnnin fur na fvllotra dad nti- r line ur aomf thl tut taut ian i uno made bis till i cn jtai jjonr r here young rn do you reallkw thatjlnioat nvry v k yogr at your poor father for n rtvv gumnl wtoil you a- iarf qhe tya oranl- waya aaylnc say 4 kft your cuvnor to ihow you aomothlnit new to play i tell erni auraa you doh know any jnorejptme x3a on they hout lie can turothecn out ilka furi vera one every two mlnutra and they are- always eaey to learn and plica of fun iiaiwai anolhcr- hit jo- mormv nyrht of 1 tha tait eplaiod icut 6 4a flrat text puatluce 1i ujirt uftli aoiamn exhorlatlfin uivmi briuars to thorchlldren of lararl on tlijj tvc ihelr paaalnft ovcrjurduii into tin imnuaod land their ftilurn uuccoob hauplheaa and aervjee io itio wold will depend upon the fidelity with which each aucatcrdlng ssntlnti i brotighl up in tho knowledso and tor of 4ji- hovah x 6 thou ahalt lovn- fiod anfl thy neighbor a aummary of all thur ud requires of roun referred to py jmu aa the frrentebf cutmnandnuinl- tcticll ttiern dlllacutiylo thy dill dronmo senerallon to kenriatloa lods method of evnnscllain are edu- ctttiunaltallc -of- tlan wolajl- jn- aatjafyln only 43c per fceno road mt allbut just a trail sleep- oujh jit times dangerous if our etesire is to go where few ever get we must not eitfject to travel on a smooth road with a highpowered car wewill have o dp our own climbing nd i will be r bard sweaty breathtaking struggle that b the 9njf way any body gets to thejop editorial jmotes right hon joseph chamberlain m p in the lbritish house o commons said it i could destroy tomorrow the- deaffe for strong drink in the people of england we should see our taxation rcducdby millions of pounds sterling every year- gressive city and town must have its leadmg streets paved of course but more and more the farsighted business njcta and in fact all reaidertts generally of every commua ity arc rejuizing the bencfir yes it jyryrawrjpa ingb tbebuuing of impiove roads uat trivel fa my comfortably underuven over fay gieroad 7 or concession lipb wjth he mtenatvg uao of tho autornobilel it caqnotbe denied tftat the conatrux- i- librf of improved roads taa beoomd an eeotiomlo fjiotor vhwh will not be ignorect wheti the people of town or pity tke the lead in thu important work anj ihov their willingness to j assume a fair share of the cota incurred they naturally create a urge measure ot good will in the community which i great business asset- think of the benefit ao3hsv ffavare residing on the farm who need to ftot to hear a lecture to at- tend a concert go to church to go shopping to visltjrienqs in a hundred ways relieving the nion- jqtony of rural life and very important indeed get- tin quick metjical or veterinary attention and it iira s hoped that ere long the leading roads at least will be so constructed that they may be used con tinuously the whole year through in af a loeen years the budget of the can adian nutiongl railwayghaa chinked from a dficjt jof thirty nilion d9ira on operation to a gratifying surplus of fifty mlllfonf if thia keeps on dur na tional paowayrmayyft ijiecotnc our motjt profitabie national uiitie aineriean capital in ciiadlan entrpr9eo a oorresponderit in one of the dailies c i the 250000000 american capital that has bean inrj vested in canada during the past year represents the passing out of securities to that value front a canadian ownership this of course is- entirely a misapprehension it represents the investment of am eftcan capital in new canadian enterprises for i instances- a mine is discovered m northern ontario or quebac american capital is shipped in tho forritof macjiincry and equipment jor the development of tftrtnrri6r the brktof development goes on in eanada the owners of that muipmeritturvcriaken shares in the mine in payment of investment of ma- xhinery etc is canada pporer because thatbaa bap- ponjd canadais richer because the work which has beea done in that mino has given employment to men and from that mine will come products a porjinoug1itdown by the government at the nexf session tion of which at least will be further fabricated in canadian instltutipns the more capital that comes into this country the more prosperous we are ajnd the more we develop our industries the more im portant wo become as a nation- during the tdur of the party of cnadtaiitnewspaper men through tth british isles the speakers of tho company when addressing municipal authorities boards of trade groups of capitalists and maufacturers lavariably stafedthat while this country yalpes the immigration of british peoploto canada and cordially invites their doming- they appealed to the men of means in that country to invest their surplus capital in can sdiari resources and manufacturing enterprises so thai satisfactory development may bo a ceo rnp listed aiid financial prosperity insured canada cjn absdrq unlraitted capital for the development of her mjgtyty natural resources to the benefit of fer peoplo pnd kstu4n thvgenefaladymiuge of tfae country capital coirr- flfit ing to canadk may well be welcomed wtipthef u comes from tho united state great rritain of other countries posseuing a surplus of ch- for 11- prcsidentcooliflge voiced a very signiflcarit faci the olher 4sywhen he rhaqb this staterflcnf inotwng is easier tn pending tfrc public money it docs pot sppcar to belong to anybody the temptation overwheirningly to beg tow it on -somebody- nelvfowb afifl uavo themmiiid uy in ui vt uip tablti m nov you alt oppoalte me and well make believe there a another iflayer between ua on either aide allet dad let her col- you draw a card and placa it face up before oul the dummy r on your left drawa one and dpea tbasame with it 1 draw mine and nofrji other dummy takea hla now its your turn acaln your first letter wn an r and now youve drawn a k you cant make a wordrram those two o tho naxt man dravrm lift happens to have an 9 and an a so he cnajtea the word jab that bivca him another turn and he drnt j n if tted drawn on m dad could ho liavr made has and atlu had another turntt kxactly tznisram m r waw inf already a p and a t i can make 3ot or top 11 dofant mnttor which jii call it rot 71 draw uonln and kt now i can nuko plot draw asaln ah x no sod see bovruixwabt supe i do i iiuu listen dad- sup kso someone had the lttars to- priake ai4 and ho woujd it b5betjer to leave them tvaj way jgr to ttnka tfir vfonl atjho andhayc- a latter over uutmaj- n juu uji yeraatlon in a rolltfoa homo should liticlnda rcuatoua topics 8 vmatlola between thine eyes- peraonal ornaments with purpose thus the pious jew of the first cent ury 1l c wore a tiny scroll in a tiny leather pouch an hla s forehead in literal fulfillment of this injunction but be also tncmoclxcd all tho trpocl- fjed portions jf the law inclndlnj the summary of- the cununnmlnunu dciilfl b paul is exhorting- timothy to he raubxuita uiyrbugioaa tarsi hi aga ol hb oblidhood and youths jcoowuir of whunf thdu host- learned them tim othys first religious toachern were his muthsr k a nice and tils icrnnd- mother lois jo bacred writlnrethosu of tho old tctuinwnl and th only wirt of the wbla then in existence if kvery scripture not only those sacred vnitanrs of the jews but any other inspired of clod pucb for tx- ample was the very bitter paul was then writlnc to timothy profuablc for teschlnff more even than for re proof andt correction j 17 complete perfect only aanaa pf batnv wimiilfmr ftaitiiawdj charles mckeown hc memoer for dufferin in the last ontario leglslaiare- was appointed by tho government last weektotbe chairmanship of the ontario railway and municipal board in the- place of dmjhcinryre whohas resigned thq fhbe press offers congratulation ontario progressives in caucus last week reelect ed lion w- e- raney as house leader for the coming scssron imd appointed j w jviddincld member for north ontario party whip in succession to j w freeborn of east middlesex who resigned his seat to contest the last federal election smoking has been banned at the city council sessions af london it may have been offensive to some members of that board and there has always been the argument that smoking detracts from the dignity which should bo attached to the conduct of business at a regular meeting of co uncif walker- too- telescope v- canadas growing prosperity is becoming an ad mitted fact even in usually pessimistic circles never in years baa there been so much prosperity talk in this country as has been heard during tho holiday season it comes from all quarters the sspfx th busmpss jsgood and bexomingeveftbct ter- there is a geajeffil conviction that the dominion has entered upon an era of good times t intimation has been made by both premier fer guson and hon george s henry during the week to the effect that legislation providing for the raising of the apeed limit on jiighwaysto 35 miles pec hour of the caarnt dick the length of lh words you ifiako counts more than thr numbr of them remember that pr at the close when all the cards havo been drawn cacti player reck ons his score according- to xhta ached- tslot- zletter words count 6 points 3 letter words count 10 iwlnui 4-luttej- words oount is points 6- hitter words counl i is point letter words count 4 go points 71 tier words count 100 wtnts letter wiirds count lsoo point loiter words count- s0o points the longest word wins an extra l wlfro points subtract the number of yoor unused hit- tors four games mako m act- dud thats a lallapaloasal i think thats going lo beat ecu au llutaay i can aeo tbaf unless youre going to have tho longest word on tho tablo or a number of long words it might be beat to imkn ttn many ohprt words as you oquld isnt that sot yes thats wbera your judgmcpt comes in at any time during the play you can change your words to make them longsror maka them more if you a tho wiry to do it as play- era said of another game i showed you theres more to this thing 4hon you would think ot oouraa only words to be found in tba dictionary may be aaed doem adding an b to a word i mean making a piural out of a singu- lax give you another dramr j- no for yon havent mad knotbar word but it doea give you a longer word of course ftcertalny youre always hoping to draw letters that wju anabla you to use up utoae lying idle for all unused letters count ntgalnst your core at the end a lot depends upon how many vowels you are fohvnafe enough to draw among- the four ptayrr tiicva are twentyvowel but juixsobsaay be kouiuuckyaji to draw but few or them while his consonant pile up and cant be used its uua tink jslflrdwliig jbva and and jta whenvriuua on a or an wotdd complate a nice long womj the carrying of lhts by au vehicles and the recogjl ajfp vlmiiwiic rition of all provincialoads as stop streets will be ujajjilw iv ruuhmo intwunttdays of the ontario legislature canada has emerged from the shadow of restrict ed buaineas unsatiafactory earnings and indifferent balance sheets and the trend of business is now dis- itincily upward in practically all lines of trade 1 rannot seeany indication that this period of prosper iry is aoon coming to an end 1 believe the under lying conditions are sound and the future oan bo viewed with confidence sir vincent lneredith presi dent bank oimontreal toront ttiaioritywere condmfted bywgkcta of foreign wrib thfj will be an incerkiye totoop yp iho ilnnilgra tioq hwk olohc the- aanit rtlghrbeaaid the wtnid oyero i af njli jhspeking nations are concern ed unfocpnjitcly iholabprlnicrejts generally arc conrroucd hy ghroni rora tourhorn europe who oo no fltsnual inbor ihetnkilves but contrive to live luurlouly upon hardearned dues pay by men who do work and earn theft oread by toe sweat of heir one thin woman bkinny mfn can po thg amc au weak kiqa and- wopnn v allnarvqujj mp gnd wantaa- all skinny men and woman xgruw trangsr heajtblar and igoroua and take on ou4 need ed naah in sb days just by taking sfo- cojf tpd tuver estraot tablet fou- tlntea a day sugar coaled and easy to take a candy and what a bit these naah produc ing tablets havft madc oni druggist tripled- hla sa in one weak tsverybody know that f oin ha uvera of th htjnihle codfish eoniaa a flrat ouae vitamins that la a wonder ful vluuxer neah urodueer and baalth creator million of itecoys cod liver fet- traot tasjtb ore sold every week and thousand bf frail rundown under- walgnt people are helng helped a baa t fo tablets for so cants and u -any- skinny mao or woman doegnt gain at least i pounds in so day nunsy baok aakjy tjrugglat any- wbare injunarlca sa attre and gat hocoy tha oig inar and genuln sad dont btnct tbera la npthng on aaxth so good to maka ibaojtward uauaa turtrwalattt ohil- rfla grow 0reue and rvhuaa caaaon thamaa every scripture paul was not aware of the- literary activities of hi contemporaries he believed that ui spirit of god was a silent partner in the production of evme of tbco first christian recora aoapels hymns and bpistje after reminding timothy of the sacred writings which be bad known from bis youth up and from which he might gain wisdom onto aal- votlon the apostle declares in effect that hoi only tbooe sacred old testa ment writings but wcry scripture inspired by god that is every scrip ture wjth the production of wluch tho divine hplrlt ito anything to do la also profitable for teaching and for instruction in right oo lumens as well a for reproof and correction which are the negative factors in the oamif t ijitw irrsiurrnougt pttot would say yc timothy tho- wrjt- uies of hebrew lawgivers a nil proph ets ure still our textbooks but uod vn now has in preparation urnew teatiblng literature for the better an3 moro perfect instruction in the jegu wayof life profiuble for teaching the book pf tho hi bio werepiodacrdrromtho sonse or obllgullon ito itbas on to others the rollglougtnith gained hy the wrt era ua u mutter of pertional mllgious insight and experlcctcw tjiy vvre produced in responso to u need for rcltgkua information und guidance individual books of both old and now testament were written its actual jxthuoka of instruction during the centuries since the completion of the new testament the ulhte hu been translated into practically all the lan guages of tho world and distributed to the ends or the earth in tho in tor es la or tt- worldwide progranuno ot ch rtstlau teaching in a similar way the writuigaof the christian fathers of the mod i ova church and of tha lletwrmatlon lead er were intended primarily for-pur- pose of religious instruction as were also the formulated creeds of the church the docreo ot tho church unclla and in paxticuljir the bom- ijirs breviaries and catechlsma lliu t ul pearred in great numbers rtnr lng nucceedlng centuries this in crca4 of teaching literature rogtatcrs grow ut of the christian church bucb uterature la in turn nn ovldonce of the educational activity of tin ag- greaslve religious fellowahlp scripture written snd unwritten tho heaven declare the glory of god wrote the paalmutt the oldest scripture la therefore ttwr created unl- verarf for- the universe la older than tho ulble and older than man tbo fullest scripture thai most eaelly un derstood j written in the ulble especially in the new tuetament whlcn gives u clods fovelation in christ but the scripture wblcb no man csui tell to tfndcrstapd and frpm which he can never entlroly bfrcapo that scripture written not in the skies or th caa nor on uihlo of atoqe nor in tha holy ulbje but in tho heart and oc of man sow pco do not appreciate the beauues at na ture nor do they see in them tfodq handiwork hopta have never even itlbla aiid hera or tll a few tribe into whose language the sacred acrip- tares iae not yef been translated but nq man can eojlrely oiam vhut uuwrltitan 6c4p4uro which la part ofj ma own nature and of his napvo- in- unci hffl impulse- inded the ttlbl u vns aeve4 tqbk because it meet tnans tjeeneat need tho pot whlttiur wrote itcally the oonvv0- ing reason why we reoolvo the lilblc a the word of qod i becauaa it ac- oord with our highest intuition wo ftpd the law and the prophut in our own qula our hearts burn w i thin we talk with jesus tiro ugh the new teetamem and again h auud nu revelation of sclnrc no do- mtruetlv biblical criticism can shako the faith of those who listen foe tha vol we of qod lq their own soujs per study and plouion why doctiriatlan people atudy ihj hlhut lluw did cod aiteak to n in the otd testament t in the newt why 1 the itlbla nlore valuable that thr writings of the tunn tlmur wliy ore new translation of the 111 bio heeded why do wo not now use the first translation that were niado into kiigllsht what js the idvuiitago of reading the mthle nllyt how do you yuur ttosaagr for dsvutlonal reading t dally raadinas fr nxt week hunday jan is palnv4ki s1b holiday fan it msrull4 u2t tuesday jan is luke ix 611 wednesday jan is malt 5 it thursday jant 30 psalm m li wday jan si luke it ll saturdsy jan si iuin 1 ass0 time tables at acton canadian national electric ftailwava tohelpyouvayour income tax retujrzn to assise the income jax piyera of this comnniv n in preparing their return for the year 1926 due on wprfl 30tbitext the bank orontrtal has isued irbooklet on thh canadian income tax act this booklet compiled frooi authoritative iourcea containing jot only the full text of the law but also clear mterprttatiqns and illustrative examples may be obtained without charge on application to our ceaxcrtbanchv c- bankot montreal established i8l7 xotalieeia m excess ot tsooooooo acton branch l b shorey wdnaaer 1 toronto terminal keel street and st- clair avenp krelgbt delivered by special i s fxelght straight picked up- at any m- dreas in toronto torontokitchener bust service luurlou t k xa coachea operate ov w leave acton qa west a to p m p m 1005 z0e zo leave acton qalng east a m d- tii p mu b30 130 7j0 arrive ouelph 104b a- m 346 p m and oilfi p in arrive kllchoner h10 am j0 pnund1000p r f- arrlvo toronto 1110 am jt pm and f00pn an coaches call at wum cax acton fir lke automobll acoldsnt and sickness insurance uonmy to loan 30000 deaths 400000 injured on this conllnentbr automobiles in 1924 you cant alway escape injury vou can escape inan- clal lo by calling on a e nick un- bower ave- insurance agent fee bath heua and stsbl there is a good deal of similarity physically speaking be twee t hu titan beings and the lower animals uou are subject many silniant inflam- niiun and to ji oiantier uf out aud briuacsl prthomas bclectrlo oil is an odilriily nualila remedy for such aliment and mishap in both human biaa jjd t3 lower ordsc ol sui cuts feeding costs 50 titer sugar jack system the saga jack heres how it works come in and seeua i a ix thatrhna produced amazing results it vox oxiiy does hway with tlie expense of a silo but also increases the milk flow and weight of your live stock and cutafyour feedinatcoata in half v convtrta r o ug h a g e into an easily digestible state ranking jx actually more palatable and nourishing than the highest quality ensilage and hay thus roughage such as hay straw clover threshings bean and pea vines etc con now be used in place of ontlngc and will give better results the sugar jack press and converter compound predtgest roughage into highly nourishing feed this pre- digeatcd roughage feed ia relished by live stock and the fanner using it oyflgtrtter profits and owns healthier fatter live stock wc will gladly explain how the sugar jock wil increase your live stock profits and save you time labor andraoncy- its a wonderful new feeding system that do enterprising fkrrner should be without j mill st w barberee acton ont children cryfor castoria mother ffhtehgva casiorla is reilauy pre to relieve jnfahtr in armsand children au ages of constipation wind colic to sweeten stornach ltujency disrrhea reflate bowels aidiiiithealuulauunqfpjproinutlni cheerfulness rest and natural sleep without opiates to avoid mtatkws alwayi look for the stgiuturo of sojttiu proven rfircctlpoi on each nacksge ibjalculu crcrywbcrc ivwobuba fc collections we handle eollecuon oiily 3 year experience apeak for jlaela asaiirlnc efllfilancy anjure- uablllur kelly aiken colltectohb ornovja and owtn sound itef htandard liank of canada savage optical service you cannot get satisfactory glasses- by simply buy liu two lenses and a frame you must havo skilled service brat the rnfracriv errors of your eyes most be carefully measured the frame properly ntted in other word it the sbftvigb that count am its servlco that bavaoel speolallse in whan yau buy savage glass vou buy ssvsg optic service best in sight a d savage optometrist dv mfo- optician jllsit at tha xost offlco- savage building ouelph savage company jewellers china silverware lower wyndham sl phone 571 guelph the old and reliable gnpltejand marble works w are tiianuteturors and dlreot importers of all kind of monumental and hood tone work we soil direct to our cuatomur at wholesale prloe thus aaving our cuatoiiiiva 4i par oent we havo tho boat appliances and tha only mechanics in tha dominion who cats opens t a pneumauo uol properly- wr can slve reforence from bundreda of our austoiner in toronto and other place where others have to have law ault in order to collect we bave tha lirut and beat aloe aix oranlte in tho dominion or more than atny three dealer in the wul w are legitl- mato dealers and employ no agents and da notjinoy or pt customer by a ut ignorant agents solicit ing order we employ only mechanic and defy oompetltlon hamilton sons ouelph ont smmilmmi r iisusi fifty accond ycarno thursday morning january h 1027 1 acton ontario canada thursday mowing january 13 1027 single copies fiv cents the acton united church 1 of canada mlhlstsi ttav r extrrimsrtnsn gwiw htraet 1100 ji mpi mlnliitr liglijucl cun wo ihllttvt ilu illhln 3 mo p m hihbulh htlinil jhuulon 1 10 mthi minlfitir lluhjot l lif kv trtuudiik- mi icy by john mill u n hi y yniingt l oti monday at jl 111 o uork ml uoniiry mooting 1 1 liy i o oi mi pi ill l hi ivm an ijiuruduy at presbyterian knox chohch acton mlnistsr ftv arc btavvart m a mttjiae wjllww street uoo 1 to 1w 1 o vtf y ml filnniiry ftnin korea do nut mlati hli yrfn r i 1 it m ji classes tuo p in ihgs minlutor mill jet vt atoh dnd 1 ruy and carry on monday evtiiliig- nt h n clock dr w u ictinnnwin struhgoru limvlnjr nddmun with tho ushers will ho calod upon 4iy tho pastor the baptistchurch acton castor wmj7 bfekfer a church with u m usage 3100 a m morning worship ub- jint tho normal arowth ot tho kingdom 3 08 p m bunday school riof p rlfvn1nsflrvjor oppi isuaugehytlisi paula r monday boo pmn v p v led ly mfs plank th lint lay boo pm mooting tor iruyev unit pril come with your uibl vlultoru mo nlwaya wlepma at uny of our saiylo special fffotices atlmdlacafam in ihu column wtl uinusun char oc pr lawrtwn 1 111 i 1 1 for bale ord madan for ia1o in a 1 condi tion ahiiy v t a voiwon v cor sale 3 htove 1 boater ml ficdor 1 000k stove- 12 0ft including plpeif 0 iving town aindy k cambnok xvte c woollen qlovt lost a ftiivcy knitted light blown gonllo- riuihn knitted gov for loft hand irliifts r will favox loser by having rt jrrwbthichh oki jch stenoorapher wanted tlltl r thn otttoo wmilsd o- sary t h li t tako horthan i und operate typewrit f apply dressmaking ladliiu nd chlldiwim drouuou ami gutoiedts of nil klii ilron 1 on- nonuple apply mihh h tulmttiail flri 4 willll htt 40rl2 card op thanks the undorslirnoil dtlret to tpfens very slncero thanks lo hr many friends und neighbors tar their niimur- ousacu ot klmlilnss etme ulirf was tokn to ouelph oouornl llospltul unit spealally for tho kind lotiieiiibniixcs ruclvod durtntf cltrutnmittl le ajid thu kw var tieiimi mibu uie btonw executors auction sate rxocutof auotloti hn1e of the fmi stock and implement of tho estate of the late wm jff bmlth will be hold on ths vreralse lot it turn t icrin t township vs mllo north of ouelph travel road on friday january 7th 1937 at oho o clock sharp 37s hoy hindlhy telftwj u it 3 aotori assessor wanted applications for thff lmsltlon of as- ossor of tlw vlllnge of a0l011 tor the year 182t wll ho rclvdby thn clerk until tuesday january 18 19j7 ut noon fcuatti salary txpoatndlti up plication and uunltiltuitlonki pobtmaxol jor the position lartloular u to dutlevmuy bo hotiimfd froni 11 m kallmliilt c ik acton january 4 1hs7 dowlfi caro thanks with henitfeh giutltule y til airtf sluul tlumktf nmnv kind pilghh l t ir vvurpt aympiithy mill k uiu mlrc olii imd frtarnf fin j their vturm aymimlhy mill u uw wis durlital the long- lllnrs of i moved ttusbinih hnl fathsi inid ih ud yiout wah w egfierlaiiasil tlaimpilwf itway wonlii ut iipt axpreos muf full twih u it h kilsobu anu v-amilv- dr j h johnpndds los dntal sugvn onlfi vr jinrk t u ivii hrotu r wonderland friday january 14 ftpaukows titiurlng tha wo 1 ids mwuet hi art mury i likford c nnmiy chilkii youiwlf kodiio 1 ailg movuj m tuy oauvlllimoi hesuii on h iw ut l i ivluum adult- jrc tiluui011 uo saturday januailylb j tramptyiiniptromp comwdy iinmu with iury uihhdiut canisiily hkipti hagimao rn hfw tuesday januais 18 ivo km und ieitve em with ioiu mrookn dupolnif h lllnnk l tl hi thf last flimptiar of tie ittllo oelui- tlvtr tl 0 hi at chuput 0 cussy if h lwil cluurdw cominq tdos utv with clmihy chillii hard boaled vtth iii w r- l- 5kegov son savings worth xoming to guelf h for in maciowall3 jajkualtycrjkarance befired coalj at 14- fc regular ui to 25 00 away and jibovp thp ordin ary aro values ijkei thestj nirfhy wore mecured from tho makert for bolow the usuql wholesale cost rich mnr- vollas and suedcncs among them imported travel tweedn with wahn ifti1n3 hiid1iier- l fhiit mo thcu splendid coats forsporti nnd far driving all with fur v collars and the majority with ftlr cults too leather trim med po blouscd backs novel sleeves anttother tnter- cstntr stylo features sizes for women aitd for liilsscs- tip to 42 ctliarinorvrillouli ooal aav itifs at 19 85 24 85 29it5 all the 5iinart dresses dresses for every purpose for daytime nnd eveiiins wenr all marked down at fractional prices like these dreifites to 24j0 985 drbeslot29j 1285 drtascfl fa j32b0 1685 drawee lo j3s0o- 1885 joreesefl to 39jm 2485 prs9o400 ipzooj smart ilala for almost nothing llooup mealjbderwea al- l49 worfh 2s0 heavy rlb- bed shirts anddraweps nova scotia wool mens shirta and sweaters jtmong the most p tattling savings pullovers and sweater coats up to 7 007 for 2jq5 font just one in stance j jlouae fumiflhingfl all the rues wallpaperfiv staptes undei- wear hosiery all over this ittijj store rich treasure savings abound do your january saving early a or thejzcst choloa iluv- o vrooalji at- j l- reg values up to 29 50 ithis seasons models plain or belted half lined and full lined men bnitri al 1750 just about halfprice mav- ings ah wool tweeds plain and fancy blues single and double breasted d e macdonald brosltd main store lower wviidhamst t j mens branch store upper wyndham s dally closing 630 p m ekoatinp baturdv 9j0 p m find wsdoesdays at t30 neon pua8at ow poultry hduartltafm jdurliitf sunday hlht vranltjortai ii cltlclum fanoldl of jjolnon towimhlp who hah ju poultry houua eloctrloally wlrod with a burglar alarm wan ike n fed team hlii ulumbtiru by tho ringing of tho hill mr 1ortor who a roturnod soldlor crept out ot his liouknuiitl u tho jiourry yard with til piinm gun ready far notlorf cuu uounly intzontored tlib poultry houue ready to dliilintoh to uotun otlmr coun try any twoltetfcll iiirauar wlio iilglit wlah to mlluvt him of hlii fltn uh xtiliorju tn hla utottlshment ijr tortorb pot cat hut on the oioot trjrnil co o tho alurm boll apd had be n thft cauo lit tho abrupt siun- tnnnii uurjngton caxotte quality alwayshighertliaiiprice- red whute stores have made ir their answering to place within reach of all high quality merch and good food tho prime requirements of the community- unrfvalled quohtjrand value in these commodities thats the secret of red white stores success caiined peas sie 4 oh 2 for 0 matches z pkts 0 boxes heinz beef steafc sauce heinz pork and beans tiled z for- heinz spaghetti small 2 for c 45c 29c 30c 25c potatoes goctl 15 lbs penrl sflap 10 bars for star am 4 pkts for corn syrup per tin mixed nuts to clear per lb 29c 49c 25c 35c 20c chain red white star- j w jones phone 26 apton ont deforest crosley radio 70o completely installed 1 3600 dealtfned and llullt in canada for canadian conditions this 8et is oivino complete bati8c action special bargain uadiola ml a four tube set complete with storttfe- batlery ct for v 90 this includes a kpecial msllobany calililol wori io0f s vcrsknghouse no- w complete threj tube set with horn batteries tubes anil aensl 48 00 otstinghoube hadiola a c three tube set complete 03 00 this operates on dr cells how about u gusrarmeed aulonmuc triple cluuicer for your a ltatlery we have all the kadlo maeazinea in stuck just alilciveu tluzem uadlo call book 5c have vou vour tasf badio license t atbrown i acton and district unlud church choir cohcrt cholfhiuuti r olda in uiranuimr otuurt lo ha tfiv n by mm clltuf vt tho units l church alio lit th injditle tif mutoh iiih work ia hrovlnif vary mat lufaiiloi y nnd tha uh iiihtirs nru om iiiiiu with itiuh or illt to tin uail- anjhlltjjajniflrtvii a viy jntt miitliiu iiiuuloiitilriiifmiiiiiip ifi luiltiu uiraimail timr bprowl fraotairas ahuu oiii liy luut wi k icjirl tithiiwl hon or jaimchtrowl nt thtr town llu wuu 111 tha lofjf tiev tirjvlnu liiiumd iiotuntf a nio llimbqr wbi u ha mluaod hs foot- nio llimbnr wbi u li inir and mi troturiiia hla nnkl hi houtil fnnn itiorti htiioum injury wm vitulnur on titer rnlnidiiioild tm h to hutwnen thu hiotbr ctr and a ilotnooiat iutr r lllu njilr h wro vrry inln- ful co in tjuy but he now lm- lirovilnif th wsrtuti oj haltdn for 102 tiiij now oouuty coutil i w i mmtt fur tha first tlm this yai0n t 10 fourth luohtlay in jutiwuiy whon hit tlrut olllrtr of hurflhvtim uffnr ttlo illntllhvim nhj tlndw rlaotuin cortlfleutos will w th olouoti of u wirdan luitt your hot vo atrnaw nf w t naidldatn for tho wilrdonbhlp but lost by a utnnll itmiruhi to iliiav jil il t mlltfiii it way thou uurtni stood wo hotlnvt that thw honor- would io t lliovo aunnw tlilh ytxit wltliluit-sip- poaltlon ha ltvhould- heiwrnwh pin uijom spirit in wu oprsyar tho union waok of praymus rvlcou ooticiutiot on rhuruilny ovonlnu with thu aolvloo m thouliltod chutui3hu aarvliitm uifauiflioiu- tlw wmkwcro woll ut t nd od rtayok and praiua wort ifradomhiatlna fsaturou llm ndilrenu um by itov a c htownrl pastor jlaxi tar rov r e yuiiniormiin nml hov i a tinwyor wore all oblo oxjioaltiouu noootnuanlod by oaruout entreaty to hlalior tf and mnr holpfui atcd soul thn oholru vf the v chmchom iikhlstod hi tha uurvlcai riuiiiu r j utuuhnn mtutas hip clov- imiiuiit ik otrrnilii d to nnlko an ux utrvii of ps4iiilu who not only ruu to coootinilo but ara ditsrmlnihl to defy tio taw for tlmli own milii i notwlth staitdltio vutt alan n icooid li hau utidorfakt n thn ixuloll foi which u lu now uriuutod wo tire ifalnif id treat itihuiin who ixirulhtbiktly dftfy tlm law with drautlc moiihiiri h vim alan who h an ameilcim mid ho 1u tirtiuldtmt t h ooinpuny thai puiulua swvatalhotolu in the u ttr wilt niiiiiiir in xtninibton couit next lftliltxhiifoi of aft ton who jireuidiss li puudw with tha uutallluhmont ot a vnotlon llotliro ntildln oil iin utxlh una ol xiufulgiirj hp0mltlt jim ouuvflla golf oliih in whlah tho work of nollco doiii will he fmittirotl in two rw drujnau lonwiacjrf h i ml comedy nuiuro oauvllle will boarjho til h tin t oil oflmvliiu tha flrut lisidertjikliiu of it liutiiro within tho iotnhrionlhffacentrrothf rortttmr on din ouanarnrouts of smpfcfnm cuhnu the hisl jnonth or two then is imhii nilt u chuna in the ninttar of slilpiilnir htook and liroduoo from acton hlnoti tho jitstallutioti of lilook yarilx ut uio station of tlio canadian niitlonal lolcctrlo roud a lira bulk of flhllmenti luiv umn mada jiohi thai a which formerly wore loadud ac tho canadian nullomir hallway yardu on hutu i lay u huo volumu of uiuh calvcu and houa wore iiiiiimj at tho nloctrlc railway jirdh thu tumip tihlwioru aro also uhlliilnit laruoly from jtua imuiu j 4 mnrcknmxio dfttw nlnrori luinhar yaida and iilunhiif milt has improved hin wr jhhiu faclllues at hlu coal scuh a noar thn mao trio railway yards to acoommod uottiu imw duvnl ihliiuincnf ahlmiln olaco in that unction of thn town now tori irn h rttitrnttnc rrnftyjitiruirtwluirj jjtc iriikinuin and ut prtmont a mart onaiptmtorsiaro xi woitc vomodt lllnu tho itarii pluulnir utllooii in tho front ml ooimtrucliiijf u niodorn uro proof studio in thn roar tho ontlro umloi luuhur is bolnu do volopod by a w uoho who la well known throushout tho motlcai plcturo clrolob of u nl tod b la ton uh a trainer of otininh mhrrjiliurd doc uuud in tho production of onlirilil act lntlie luduu- ity mr ito in drltuli boni and foi iiabur ot yoai 1ms siioolulfxad in llm train uur of pollco dajm and unlmalu for tho film tiruductirn at prosuntr ha in rauldlne on rhructi btrat purl ut tho t halt olffht yoaru ho hus boon oon noctod with woll known motion ulc uio jlrmn and iiorwoiililly triilimd volft ono of uio tlrut doits to uhpm llnlrtfln t dy mr itooa has ttnvural oon iraou on hand railing for wlnt boors of toattimwtia thsmsion uatui iloy parewall to pslthul em ploy a air lloyd d iorhuu lino typo opor ntoi at tho luai piouui left ihlu wook foia iioiulorin do trull lloyd who a iatlv of tha town onino to uilu oiuce uu ml npprtmuo nourlyulx yoaru uo h mado good prokrokw and now kraduistpii uh a jumcyman printer and tiuichitis oiuirator 11a him lihnuulf a uuaflil cluson haa baou a ibur of ths acton citizens hand f knox church choir and in other ways has ma ill liimswlt uhdful on lvlday uvsinlntf a ntrawoll party in hold at mooiecroftwhoii his h tho munition of tho uaft andthul famluns and mr ami mru john dwi- nu mru donnln bclnjf or yara i mfmhor of tho uatt fijrmc tha om 1 any thu ovnnjiia ygxd very oujov alily hpnnt attor lio ouutopiary intut 1miuih blijiin- in iiuhic nlld iiiiolal in unnuruo ami klnjly rurowolllt to tho ifuflql of the i vo n hip arthual union qkshjia party ih yountf paoply ot knox church guild nnd of tho young- ituillua luii 4ihoof tho united church hold tuslr annual union ukfiunff party on lomwy veiilinf thai thy approclutml this opportunity for mod la i iiiuroqurm in tlilu hoalthfut cajiudlali outdoot hort was imwly evldonoad ly tha numhei who uttondod both the sallatlvs bthitf lartfrly roprudiinli lliey wore jnluod uuio by numliors of lounic ptioivlo from othui ooiiiiiiunhii ilyerythiuir oqil- trlhutod to tjio plthisuro of tho vnliltf llitie wum itod loo cluirmlhif wlnlur wiuithir with moon and ktur uhlnluu uptundlil luiislo by aotoii cuisaiih llatll pntl dullifmflll xomptillloiishb aliaut tun oclook thai laijj larty lore li link- and iiixhadud to tho uih hin of knojcluirrli ultlitii iuttts mil ouffihi uavn uvo vndu u fdlultutlon wtini pokoii by mm m it moom and klluu minnie y llannult tho irahllonth and by it vu it li liimiolnian and ai c htiwurt tho mlnlwtiru 41 wau abiut midnight whan thlniiiry enjojabla fuiictinn was coacluiu uititd church tatfs qoarl him a til roiisuniiiitlon of tho unon tin mattui t tu ru ortfaii s tl t t hoard v0 uhv hnymift haj yf o chur prmrty paif l lvtmvhw uhkijthlwuii with a vvw tti klvinu uh oppoitunlty foi htllin of u tali pioportlon of reiiv anlatlvu4 rjronv thn lr shytai ian utoup who satuid thu un on hevia of th liiumburs or the uouid uotvtl wlietr tht church wua th propn ly of thn mt ill hli a i church ti ndui ad thoh raluuiltloii the wun n 1 mouiu lluwd wlllliunsoii ii v mooio j iu matthuwu mil n 1 lulu and ynu m mrv mr john imrf also retdtfni it as h hid tiahaferiwd hu niytiiljrnlilp to the united chill oh ut chui ohlll llm rtulunutliitih ot n 1 moots duvl 1 wllllaiiitmtt u mnoru juiiis mi and john 41rtin wra uiit ilud i hiiu of uknsrri 3 c uatthets mid n v mi lam wure tut a ptw tin brthrii tmlh ruuusled ti temalii in oltioa uodr thu fuiinui itlme tliuia won hu t mi inuntbuu on thw lloilrd the btulm of unl in fimlu tlw uuiwhoi mip to ttrtiwt thu voui vuuuiiolu wri tlthd ut a hhtisahiilitr ditliiir luat thuredar uyaiilujr tiy slaitloii iif ihs foitrfarliiir 1 h mtavln jsie inlah hll llmtuy ltinilu n uiht l uaui wktaoii l a1tbrmati1 oivni3w yeaiu 77 ciliwrfilldic vajvrv pritiior rryuona invsalloatlon lsad t arrafof hotlm- on hluh lviuowlnif an invent lira ion h 1 rovlnthtl iollio oit1cii m uu li r llm dlrictlon of lifiiiilii fl l kiuuon mil linuiiil willi unu cuimnli of 1 rovlnohil iulln tif ututuiiumtu that lltiil ii wun mild it jhu ijodu hotel 011 tlla roiontoiramlltoii j way now viaru wvc waul van altpt thai pi oprjtitoi was an wniwl hint dairs hy nflnimmiii he wnsnknu to the hikriiplon jallind liolilf with out lull yaif almi when urrustl 1 was in tlt ubultluu of huvlint un appeal atfalnat a iotivlrtlon lu 0l whon muslstiutl moore hnrdhlm 60d jilid costu willtinv to bo htuuil 1 nhlu pt fuoliilf two lulitltloual ohnrifos of uiaob of tho ontario t niporanoo ait allur- to hivnnouiiod wihojim illhirnl wllh llfniluls i lil movie theatre tho cry of u in montreal hcluro show itenuiuh in awful horror on sunday flio tnitfidy hi thu ut 1 utoat movlim phtuta duautoi in thr histary of can utlt aroint d in montr it on himilny aft 1 r noon iovontyuevrtn tlislki and wimoko lilhilfontn bojluic thu majurlty younif rjhildroii were in the ntorcun ylutlma of tho wdii mtiunuitdrj down tho niiipm ninlrtvay of thn tula tiieitrff on hunduy afttrtioou in foin city houpltulm a score of other rhlldreu tin 1 it few adults wni laknii far triutthetil or molu or less serious liijuiusi raoulved whon thfgy were crtinhixl aiitj trotltlvh underfoot in t iris itmruu ami luiuia of tli on it niuy die thfi dvad wero taken roiu u silrway hurofy tllrty f at tuuii 1 011 ill 11 if ft 0111 thu iimtom end of tho theatre ftillmy to tho lrot jtn iiilhiitil uneompau- ued tjie wholo trflmnly probably not moro than throo or four of tho hundred of morodoud und svoundod vlotlms of tho plottitvi pidaoo lira uiidpmlo had any rluhtto be ad mltted tp thn picture uhow at all in th nf coruinf m movie studio at oakvhxe motion ploturas to b mad nywo rsal doo drama tiouicpiaiihud this ui ithon- cfvirlyln 1h prtllmltuiry ndiuoam to tho jury at niornlnif fnto thn doith of tho 77 who lout their llveu 4 livanlf interrofrateil bl parants ovfrntjiht ae told the jurymen not mora than uuao or four of tho clill- ilion jdnnuflciljjyuiafloiiaeontjtwcti aooonionnlnl hy nn adult aii roquhod by ipjitf tho orjffln of hit flro 1 unknown but tlio uuthoritltih surmjuo thnt it orl- tlnatod tlirouah clfcarctta umoklnir or a droppod match hy u smakgx m n ims und next wotik two camoramon ary coming- mid it la protoaodntai tin tho rival production of tho plcturo about the flrut of lebitiary around oakviuo ha claims there closo uniand very kind ot country huluiltln for tha iioduotlqn of tho par tloulur typo of plcturo in which ho 1 uituieutikl fioni tnb uiuiclouii rnnldon tlal -aoctlonb-to- tlibvoublnmd woodtii country wh cli 1h of value in takhm mr houo ma umonu hlu prtnclpulu veil hlirhly pimllsrrood and ti an d dice douai i or luimun actors and truiiuou he oxpvota to bo ablo to find l4qtt qujtvlll iim card dicath ov hugh macdonald a ma in bar af lh tnfrr of d e mao uojvald and bros quslpli mr llufth muoilona i cluulph paau fid away at ths aualph onnoral hon pllal ut nn oarly ljoiir on hunduy monilny in his 7tth yeat lip hirl boon in t ullntf iiualth for abatlt four year partly rocovvrlnu frohi time o tln and returning o hulnpsi u ho iftld up ubh it hy repealed alirkii it lnetw uu wau rttiliy tken dowirupval woks ntfhuiu hlu condition nft since boon jetowlnif ufuduauy wortio hpno days 1 rior o hlu dntlh auffdthh a uliifht puvulytlo utroko njid wan akon to the houiiltal heath- wan duo to cnnudlcktltui u trmilileu utartlnu with thn at in ok of join years nto lm11 macdoiuld vu k on tt tho lato lvnn muciloniildf hmhflold ouolph bolnir 0 iuinhr ot u family of thir teen ot whopi all hut ni tho oldout a lutlf ulrl whojjid in nurly alilltl- liood fcpw xo maturity 1w was tho iildoutvpt eight sons of whom hut tour tiow uurvtve he was odncakd nt the ouilph publlo fjchoola and tha all cramniup bchool which proro to i tin hikii moliool and collnulatu institute in early ii fn ho wau inturouted in military miitiuru hulonirlnb- to tho outflph aitllleiy und uiok a coinuo of i iu inline ut the kinttstoii ftchool of oiinhi iy iln flrwt chose a iwdlc v ljlrii r and ntudled for two yrum ill ths old totwnto holiool if modiclne buritttei deddiml to uiitti oonnnurol il life 1 or tho punt thirty vom ho had boon auuocliuott with h diyiiiiiula flnn of i u mucdonsld und tiros holntr in ohiiiae of the holtue fuinluhlhuu do piirtnttnl in tha devuloiniu ul und killduct j thin h kiil ro hlu maiurv ifparuiica und uomiil judkinnnt- wttia uf urvul value tub disaster at monxlleax drwa attsntlon of ontario paopls to our own taw rsiuaotlnd m visg tho hi itiiuti of onrlo wut eupuut inu thn liquid into df uiilliien a moy ink pittin u alioyvu jv jiii n ti k it 1 vi uyutt mipanloii hi an adult wiilm nut b vvm kt tttliti any illulllttuin hv oiiminnvobtuipll uiqvlitf plttuio mmhtmi 0 u ii p 1 uipiihu apimrituii tax iulilialon to which a fm lu churu l xcpt on uaturduy or each woau and on public nml mf il holidays ho iwthii tin hohru t uai ilnd fl p m diirlnu which hnuru a illation to bi irmumiuo 1 bj tho tin mo whima duty h uliull be to uuptuvjuu thu oon duot of such uhlldiun nnd of udults to waul thum wliua in uuch thwiln thi appolntmt nt of uurh inuti in to h aanclilinii d u uuth naniii r 11 thu uuauria of untiiiio maydlioi aiih the iruiuuit ot olllailo iuuy at 1 tin it ii la hlu dlunutloli dim iutv with thu atiaajame u u tuition ulm ci oh vlll hold tluli con we lilt u llv t vullllip 1 l 111 url ep the dul n 11 sessron of the guefh presjiytery pra at th maattha on tuasday 3uolph pieuhylery of tho prohhytnr in church of canada convened lu t andrew 11 church ouelph on luouday morulnir with a full repreuontutlon from alt purta pf tho dlutrfet tho feat 11 10 of tho noun i on was a dluouuilon ii hilduot mothudu lod by tha itov grant socrotary of thu oeuoral mlaulon iloaid toronto tho mod or otor vt tho ireabytery tho ilov ac htowart m a of acton occupied tho ohatt thouo pioiiont wero tlio xtev a c utowart of acton ltov cis lloyd uohptlor ilotf a n curoy st an ilrow n cliurch ouelph jtev aoorjfs atkhon st paulu church oualph rruv t rxono at amifiowvq ltov omirtfo aaylor ullnro klbohaher hpv v c jltcliuiduon waturloo uov mcavoy hllmlra he v oliver m ltov 12 a thumpsojt iclora ftcinr q mcdonald wiyu lluv ctjonod nuuswuiiwiya hav v ifl qouullh hoakwood iciluiu preuont were ala maodon aid acton jouoph llttlo kdtm mlljs jamou jjrunilaiw laloru william a bnon uuolph a t caitilohaol jcuolmnnr col- bdcliead wutorldo haw hiiiiiolor androvvtilllott tunl r c winrtpii onltjnauifllaiw w w j puttsiaioti win ooirtloil to homo throiibli ulnpau fiovnral days limr vmolt hllt isuhlortcriifr about ntraln mr wuiiaim wtthann wliu ima bfiei iounnd to his home tl oukii lltnosu yirr a wook or so lu how recovorlnu- rilcaly hr nnd mru t d furmor loft on hiiturrdiy foif wnwr ot leans ln wliern thoy intend lo spend thn winter ipl- t nlnff puhlin the county vs tkafalgak township judfjs grant 8sy trafalgar has hard hill to climb objection was raised in weekly court by b l wauhlnirtun it c to mr jijhtlc qiunt h oar 1 11 k a motion on ho half ot trafaltrar townylilp nualiiut tho county of imlton tlio motion was to quash county byuw nuntbor glfl 1 ho floctlqn objoct to imioued iath n un tywnshli and ttiloabli property therein utidr a numboi of nucflivl rutjiifr bylawn mr wnahlngtcjil notlari d that in vlovr of a oa hiuirht by ilaltou county ujrunst tnifalear township in wliloh nil tho matters involved uio to ho uixiuitltt up iio nrouoth motion aoothpd morolj an attempt to oldo track tho unuo tht- uro some vorynlce points of law involved nnd i ohould dlallko to judffu will want to hear tho evidence of tho hooves and wurdona who arc familiar with tho case uaid th judtfo after dliiauuslun it wua decided that the uroutoul spooil and convenience would bo noouriul by trial at tho mil ton uuulsoii in march nnxt mr 01 mm in if counuol far the town uliluiuuuaehtdliat the teuullty of un ubiuinitent trtlicht hit decided on iihl davltu riia judlt asked if it wau not the fact thnt thn townublp vot money from tho tnunty spent it on roadu and now refuuod to rtpuy it on uio around that tlm uuroimtiiit to do no uii ultra vlreu on mr munnlntf udnitltln this the juduo mltl th lowiiuhlu hiufii liurji hill toyllinh pouce court news lor larkin- hlu car in trout of u hydrupt in oiixtph jumon mcdouitull of horkwuod wo tuid 11 00 mill oottttf hy muulhlrato watt in thu p lco court 1 uos lay mmnlna at po lit court lit 0nitovfit mmidav ohoii moklnkiy mf tll uamu uhuitftut nlirmnu ulhlwn v4th fallinu to luiiun to hlti awluunooyvlun ho had colldtsd vvuh hlu bread 4 utv tha kurvil uoud on dambr the jtlh mtlclnhyu iiaht urm was puln- rully iiijutud ut thli hhouldal and his ulularlt bfjilly damsifed liniwn wau flnul nuti mid costs hurt mori lu of cheltenham wau ill l if ud with tulllntf triitiip hlu ojr at a atop ailuti in oeorlitiwn uu wau mnul l 00 and s 10 oiwtu hov hindlevb lt op 9le8 wuh loi j6 1u rift 1 mi 1 1 h umiy wliult 1 u f mm ig taut va tuim ulft hatlilihiy viu ix uie iuvn jhtu wynm 1 uqitu hppivulhd li lu w 8peakino op new visa ft 9 th om lu no muulo in lit new youi to chahut f illui to uucoi uu or tnlu- 01 y to joy icvtiy jimr tthdu to rn low- 1037 w 11 piotuiuly bo an m luwu 1ijt will 1 1 obably ho un up lihuulxod voruhm of luhfl unless y iu uuikt up youi mini that you want u rhftha if you aie tlivrjd of thu fillureu und w ran if dolntiu of the if tliut lu owi jou cuu havt uu radical a chanwa au you duulie wh talk t tuuitujf uy a m v louf hut what you i x iu u 1 do if the uamu old uoltlnif unj ujiiuuj k i awln- t bututjvll uv mruln ihti ft puin is notutnx ul4 yju ivumu iaiur mythfltlsv you 1111 niaks illa nuw yai a ny lifes social side he 1 vo minimi hiitl houii in jt ntr a this wink un a iniuliiruu trip mluu mai inn huriw of clg iph vlull id alton frli ndii ovli hiuiduy mr win i uiirsoif of u pinto upnii tho wfilt 1 lnl at hi hiiuu l tif fluwlph sialic mlua maftfai acton and district misu ol0u thomitu wtek end with llrow jl4lrjrltaiili bus bovii con lltiul to br the bast few dnyu with h11 ttltiilk of tho orlppo mr ooiden xjiwu ut clue n n unl vuridty kliiuuton mudii aoum frit nil- a brief cult luut woek mr hnott of i rln hav been ttiy in y with htr ulutr mru malcolm hoi hnifer durliifl- tho wook mrw valentine john htrcnt won culled to toronto lust wcokvto attmill tho u 11 erul tiflioi slsttir uu re mluu jousht morton returned homo 1 tueudny nfter utieudlnar tliu holt dayu with relatives in omihlwii mru orwell job nut on who 1ms boon irltlciilli hi for tko past twi w6 uu appear to ho ulowly impiovliltf mrs tol n hlia nnd mluu itillh of 1ettaploce man upent 11 few days di the wtnk w a ton frltmdu a0hd vonjrljhtfulicvuaftmtlli uttoiu uf tho alllunco to ueouio uio fi w mldimeton rfcaut of tho can- nd lun natioiml itajlwuy at acton uta tlon took a trip to montreal this wuok mr an uru krt d hrown itpd mluu sdnn wi have been living nt ahlum for tieveial yoaru havo reniovad to stuyner mr ooorce cuwlo lu ulowly recover injf from hla icceiit acrid out ho hau hud a tedlouu and very painful month t iporlenco mluucu ctlnu plnkoy aiidauosklel nuruou of ouelph qonoral houpltnl mujiu a day ljiut ulf at tho homo of mr and mru 1 liomns kennedy air und mru jorcmjuh riell amljfr liobert h lore j attended a very dnjoy uhlo family ro union at mr and mru allison u homo at ilurllnnon 011 now yvur mr unit mm ooortfo naiiioubnftoin uf frln who htvo mimeious filundu in acton und vllnlty coiehrutahl their qoldeti wetldhnr anniversary on chrlhtmiiu dai- mr aniiutroufc who luiu biferj ia i lb vl ntr ut klarn liuw alt on a placti on utuk at tho ltunk of mohhuul to till tho vacancy eauuid by the ietlr niout of mi kdiarvuhwyck muutm walbico laby who under went an opeiatlon 4u ouelph oenora lloupltal tmi w airo huu bn 1 r tmjvttlulili hlu braodfatlior- mr wallocoa lasby itill atroot mr htanley crlpp mr cecil crlppu and- mrs alkr crlpi u tilent baturdav nmrh uttdirylrrtl nmtplrwtrrmtbtrsadiir ctlppu who underwent a vary critical opirutloti lu at jouoph h hofephul on friday morning and for whono rocovr ciy llttlo hope lu held out our onto 0 mod cltlkonu mr and mm dnv d wllllamuon ouelph htloijt on- in rod upon tho ulxtloth yar of theli marrtaiidlujav cuijalniu wook riiulr honutaf friends niuuorly hoiio they will both ho jiparwd to uulobualu tlm it diamond woddluar next docom- lor young polks op the farm hsv vary fenjoyabl evnl r at mr h nbrown friday evntnu tho itohpttablo homo of mr il n brown wau tho uoono of a happy uttth- iiiw u uti prlday svonltitf january 7 iiocldottonamdavltu tlotlovo y4hlio ammhflru ot aotondalo clulw hold tliolr regular monthly meptlnir tho mooting was in charge of tho u p p o and tho proiframmu wns given by tho group of which mru j fltowart lu captain mr btewnrt oc on pled tho chair and tho followlnu splendid proei ammo wau irlvun opoulnji- chorus by tho croup mouth oikun duett mouaiu mc- jlaiitliun und puoker a papor wua reutl hy mr it mc- keown vooul tio hy jluriop drothoru a recitation by mluu llna mccut olkoorf vie in uolo mr archlo kerr dhilouuo city und couniiy altalmte ueuolvod that tho cloth ills of ikoth uvxiiu uhoiihl bo taihlurd lmd wun ifivau nu tho uutlii featur ot the proicrumiii tho urhimatlve wum ably uphold by msuis hairop and mukeowii mid thi ii6iuhvt by muwst moiaimchhsi und wutuon lhth uldu wru fuipably drlt whil but tho jud guv thlr deolalou lp ivvtir uf lh amoiintlvi aftei thbsojrumnuahiijunclla uixlul tftiis wttvtipttiit in uamtim unit inualo which was thurouuhly i ujoyod hy all i chkcken thiteves get a year in onuhd ftsrormaiory fof thaft rsf powl from era moss farmers isaftu- ilmywr and philip dm chiimpu itotli uf toronto uolf copfeu mini choksil thluvwu wero bach ulvon uunti hom of ulk month detmiulnati und slic 111 out lu indwteiilnatu it the onturhv lltformalory by mukutriiu watt in polio court laut wudmrda when thy unterad pleus of utility ti throe suputatai churueu of tuiohali thievery 1 ho fowl wau atoleu frunl hitnk outiantr hubert vrillmuvjn unl lot li llsi nurd ot lyitnoua tuwti ulilp iluull huuiy 1 oi onto hututwr who rfpieuonutf ho iirlaoner blooiltll ll extwnuulluu uf thulr uot that th two ilh 1 j iiii r 1 t srswsll dane a minibi r of tha y tunc people a thu town hoi a vuiy mjuyul h faiuiwall dm in ttio town hiitl on tin h lay avenl lib on tho nv 1 f tfio diip irturo of miuuiu ltoy t i 1 iihiu und aubrey allan for do trait during thu ovmlnu ut intermliiulon in the dandift thrtu ioiiniiiu- chooitt who given for tho luiyu and tho cmikliaiiy matlun hicln around tlum sliiglng thoy uro jolly ooo l 1 till own a local mnhomiu pmvldo 1 oyuollent mulild and dainty uofreuh tnont wno anrvs d pntsrlo reformatory rlsonsr arrested hr j pilaonur w1m ifcnpid from thif onturlt itsfohnntory at tluelph arrlvoil in aetou oh tuesday uttnriioon he wuu in pt jjiuiinufbaiulclijuf mcx ttfin lurthm lihn ui1 larttfiil hlii tho vollu he phoned tho itaformutory- at ouelph and tw oljluirm cumb down in tha afternoon and runvuyotl him back to custody uu hud been impris oned only u towdays hlu ohcapano wlll pailubly hienn lwo youv temv additional at jcintton p pltuitlary preservation of tds lords day jlov di hochmlciqfluoial blnnif tury of th nu tl auuday lord 11 diy allllaia 1 cliurolllftttt vuninitajuldollvored a j6w ipr abuorviuico of tho lot da dai and ono day of iut in uovon for tho mell und women who mink thslr living by thalr labor tuiu will probably fcj uochestei u htstr vtelt to aton in hlu present capacity ho is shortly to tak mi editorial lioiiltion n hie 1 iyu liyterhiii tjhurh hoaksy ms uk last 4tuvcy night a protty tah crowd attended thow hockey mutch on baturtiuy ovnllluit betweon acton and tho c k h toam from roronto thoy wen tnstfld to a stood uunio of hotkey die- hcqio wu a1 infavor otthu vlallunl jtll u youi then iii thn sucond miasm acton livened tho ucoro twit not for ion- us thu vlul t fir m tioon mada aliothar tally and lit tho lout period added an- ohter ono fir uwd mouuure the cunio wua clwin and font throughout joo jocquo handled the belt lssva ths old horn town yautorday throo of our bright youuir men left acton tp trx mltrftlfwkv in another unvliunmout xtouliih lioyd joibou of tho piutii piowjui utult aubtoy allan of tho hank of nova fctootla and ldtar v vunwyck of the llauk of montreal went to detroit to ueek pool- thins thoto they aro young men ot good cbuiaolor and havo mado thom- uolvi uytiueful lure 1 hoy are pouueuhed of nulmlltii splilt of udvauture and kut mug tuf luatot i u bottoniwnt uu wa luusuuuud hy tho ten young an n vvji left aotoii uoventy yoaru ago for tho cuilboo gold mlnom in llr t luh col umbia january meatlnfj womans lthut tho monthly moetiiiirof acton wo- men u inutltutu wua hold at tho hom uf mr jutneu tmbbl illrock avunuo jaut thlmay ihor wait a tood at- tuiidauoo und an intoroinilng progiam- 11m with inlpf i djtjfludguinha ilia pituiilont guvo a gratifying ropoit of tlio racent convention it wau decided to bo ropiouontod at tho county pair at milton through the agricultural itopriueiitutlvu a louolutloii of tliunku vrraaiittnr1o of fruit to the biirrel s nt tolha jatukiui chlldron u lloupltal toronto an autograph uullt in one of tho proaant miterplluea lunch wau nerved at tho cloue ot thu mooting toronto to kuohsnr bus lihs cud ihu busubu jn tho toronto icitctieh- 01 and loudon couch lines dlucohtln- luid- uioir itinerary on monday all tho buugos worn roturnod to lorouto that at tornoon it la roportcd that tho company lu in ilnanoial dlltlcultloai iho lino wojj odouod uut april and gave excellent uervico und vhm topu- lar with tho travailing public both for local and through imuuungoru tho drivoru wtio courtoouu univaocpmmo- dating and tlioro lu ifiuch regrot folt becuuun of tho discontinuance of tuo line it lu hoped unit a roorganlwv- tlon of tho company will mean a ro- nowal of the uoivlca ln tho uprulg at leant i eoplu unjuy thtu trip along tlio highway betweon toronto and london now that nout tho deioulu liavo boon romovod msry plokfdrds sparrow dram i allowing do inly on tho heels of tho popular little anulo hooney mary plckfoid u in wont photoplay flpar- lowu lu cuniliii to wondciland on liulay und ci a unltod artluta car- loiution loleuue it lu brimful of com ody and human into unl that lh bound to plmno upuirowu lu tho story uf u baby faini har boring nine wiutful uinipu of huiuaulty ut tlio mercy of u flinty hcurtihl old vllllan and hlu half- piaited wife ihu children lungu lu ligu fioia inoro bableu to mama ml- llo u girl bt twolvo whoue hi art youinu over thuunfortunato wee waif ihlu role offum mary pukfuid one of the incut uymi uthetlc of hoi caret r for it gtvts hur un opportunity to ho all of her ttioutohrt rining solvuu bho lu udoiablti uu the tmpluh llttlo hoyden umusltiat- the chlldron try borwdiiy piank mid uaually ulipo illng au tha tondor llttln mother in ruga und tat ters tho- worlds awootliout lu lr luulstlblp mid uho foittikou them only hr lilly ut tho end of tho plcturo wliorq everything ondu happily of courio ajj i 11 ami jl o th makta of aetsrns btam rfr entjlnu v john d 1 tonal j th manufacturer if tlm unit stoam him ongln in can- titlu dlod in hamilton jh umiduy hu wau nlustytlvu yoaiu uf ago mr ltonajd wau thu makoi uf aolon m sismuu fir- engine und was horo pur- uonully wttuii it was dvnionartrutod ubout thirty flyo yuir ago it wau wtauvtd on thu vdgu of huudoraonih pond and tjtwttttuu woru thrown otot thu htoi oy ulovo factory with t usiw mr utoi y wuw uei vo at uio tluia lh tingluo wua puichuuetl und put into uouimlsjalott it novt 1 fujlod in doing good uarvhrut uny 11 ro in towu and is still ortriotlve ihlj wu uhowu particularly during the blu llie ut tit unu bud been drink in twt 1 chitatmu taunarl lu auguut 10- whon its u you ulu vvh uuu i lulu li uh hluh puvi uu umt uuyh wittttut c futt hut u witt stmu uut num all the i vt vm tiuve vnr uvatl ibm nulutul tndnoy howsvyr is f r unu day w b uks ahothar and one yui ik th last thu w1i happen hgdhi unl you tak it uih yoir- ett to inuke chajgra i mid la u uotiuo wire not ivaponslbl or thuh uctluns mi wvltluiliswl uut that drinking w4s lki vtouee mi lussitry tu10 thu imuirt that both tush vstti biairlwa uull sld he- joyrlda uv toihtd tuu li thieving p4ltlon luo itsjntvm taoovihed tin ir- oh token h shtad uia usurt1 ihu lw nch that u minor amiltuiif e would tehtil thu miu- usury inuaoii crown attui mv kuuriis ulihough not iiilviiimlliig thh mtimiii p nuliy fui the two uiwii thouuht tint mi x utirplo ought to be mudo of tlum t duoguiuge this iiai tloulur 1 imid uf thhtvui v strtmtms wero a vuluablo adjunct to the waterworks uid thu luardinoro uyu tains aotun hgu wmn very vnud or fir eejiiohtis wall wt may for it wa the naduiul through which vuua uf tliousand of duhuxm woith uf ptti- pavty baa bean auvod fom destiuotlun during th year it has served 11 faithfully mi kouald hud a lecuid uf uohh vvuitint in ihu bualmu world whhli xrtix e juiuhtu by fww of 1ju uur- vlvoi of the diuuu tndiutftul ruglmu 1 f thu tiovno during hlu lureur thu late mr itauuld uuiyd uxollant huulttt afro hut inly l ulluig for a rw ummthu v r

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