fcailwiaj s-f- tiwv wic w ji t tteqpiai ti fly second year no 30 thursday morning january j0 1027 acton ontario canada thursday morning januartt 20 1027 single copies fiv cents tjie acton united ctiurcu of canada mlnlatst nev r e zimmerman d a parsonage willow street 11 00 a m tl e mlnlstftr uubjoctt tl bible tor to day 2 30 m halibnth koliool nctuiloh 1jm p m tho minister hubject a question for nil i atujwur vruyrp service u i thursday ojl 730 pkesuyteh1an knox church acton min stsr ftev a c stewart m a udm vruiaw street not a in tho minister a scries of mfrmonit n jcnus rejutlon t hu nuinlty jeaua an 1 thn outcast a 00 pw sabbath school am blbld culoms anbipct tjlrangnrn leaving nddreas with tho tmh an win bo called upon by tbe 1 aalor r the baptist church acton pastor wm j baxter a church with n hihnaan sunday january 3 1l0q a m tmqrnlnj bcrvico and worship sermon our father sfto p n sunday rl i wm w nt ilftoen more new arhuluri cpmn anil help the school croiy too p m rvcnli service sefc non tho cill of tlm iost fluol hinging all welct mo monday g 00 i i 11 y p tl j thursday s 00 p m i rayor meet- special notices loar 1 slain wrtat- watch ptnder please return to bymon a store and cot re itahlre iowi oreat ap ffis r r vo i acfon i young- to arthur swackkambr ptippf ii r no i obeoamakino ladlaa and chliaan droufia and jnrrnents of nil kind prices ro nnnlt apply miss b trindkr 27 4 main btreoi wanted a co i y of chapped s am erica n of inn tutor by dr bridge please ad via hjwaish saskatoon soak notjce will uie party who wu seen tekln maltese kitten from in front of owners home please return name and aave j farther trouble a it wan valued oa chllda pet ed rkesori umimukoofia riwufy ryu buy now and aave money write for free sample and freight paid price send msaaurement for estimate hulliday co ld p o bo ill hamilton 140 weekly for votf ambhlqua inexperienced men wanted writs nt once for fr catalotme explain n how yo can earn while learning troco work battery welding barberlna abd hair dreaalnit itvrnphlllaj practical school 169 kin wesi toronto buhcurs bargains free oatalnalie of fiver two thou lujklera daravlna including ind pum comfprtest ml wtiremalllday com p fairviev nurseries wo bava nov ready top fclq uverr leaf lettuce hhubahb sopje smn cljolfe phnu a vlalt to our oraentldumft it lt un or yor will vfoo eg 1 oeo4jitkl lnaroo1n on4 pfo rfuble it ii msiiop i wonderland fltujav january 21 wr imlntt wojitorn atnrflnic tlp met y atory by lntor u kynt col o ly a tok i if with churllo chaplin llray i iclorlal saturday january 22 hrd fhot imlh 0j ml tnf tv comedy n ill hn f ny jlnif cray kox tuesday januarv s ytm never kpoiti women an otion uuy tnurrtnv klordcfl vldui cl kptsr 3 or cmy or tho cuxmit iunrjo- qorimtr mrtil mytairl- c0minq tin iiqngrontjtf i rlgbegomrason savings remarkamjn our january sale of fur coats every suiiq model carrying this stores guarantee of quality a reliable maker allowed us etbkmely low prices on a special purchase made by us this month with the oearancc womeji from acton and vicinity who invest nw 11 need cd fur coats obtain tho benefit of double reductions in price the mokcr because his season was passed gave up his us profit a tt is- w q ranitr- w e have not added our usoal fair percentage you couldn t imagine a hotter opportunity for economizing on your in vestmentthan these circumstances result in eburch muskrat coat with border effect in darker skins regu jar 25000 quality for 18755 muskrat coat in selected dark pelts beautifully lined regular 105 00 for- 14985 french seal coats with collar and cuffs of alaska fiahic squirrel or seal regu lai slfio otm 12485 hudson beal coats with collar and cuffs of alaska sable regular 425x10 for 28985 black persian lamb coats choice quality skins with al aska sable trimmings re lar35oo0 for 24785 beaverine coals brown or grey with large crush co 7985 n brown coney far coats combined with qq qc naturu fur regular 125 00 for f003 two dollar days frdday and satdbday this week take another careful look over the important bargain news already sent you and be in guelpb as early as you can dally cloatng 6j0 p m excepting saturdays at bj0 p m and wedn4y 12j0 noon d e macdonald bros ltd gubipits leaping amd labgest store quality always higher thaii price red wflte stores hve mude it their unawering policy to place within reach or all high quality merchandise and good foods the prime requirements of the corqmumty unrivalled quality and valuo in these conrniodities secret of red white scores success quaker corn plakcs 7 3 for ctc thnti the qioice black tea per id custard powder tib tin 55c 27c swifts prcrmumside bacon by tho piece qq per it joc swift premium back baoon by ujo piece axt 25c 19r 29c 25c 25c small oranges per dozen lemons per dozen potatoes jer peck javel water 2 bottles for pineapples each pure jam s lb glasi jar raspberry straw 40 berry loganberry fflrc chain red wh1te stores j w jongs phone 26 acton onxu col steve marshall fa high s a position takes a complete eaavjuarteati staff from new york to boston the jlouton qloltaya tol ktmlien 11 ami tall whu aucoeeda cdmiltlasjotirr w a uolntyrelaa jocm mnnder of he ualvntloti array in nm njfunl ha arrlvetl in beaton with mil hvadquartrra nmtt to tnkn nvrr hi dutlea hnrv cutmnlmtonrr alrlntyre hasajixa 4uaumnta ga hloa at the new bhiuem tuvlaiaa io array co i marahalt com to no orxanlxn tli yankee rovlnc nod develop 1 roi unme i- rev vtit although th ru i r p of the- chanae aounda llkn the move men li of an jnrad nc rey cl unrahall tirtwii 1 think uf btmeeir aa an offleer pv mtbr than e eoulier ailhoual nfwnt 41 yearn crusodlna- dm balvaa- tlon army lie cetoiarrh ha boeltlon to that of at mothodlat dlabon andthat or ha indlvtaual ci cfa aa eldera in the chnreh the naw hierarchy ot the churrn in fcludea uealdra col marabaji hie wif major ftudmtr vvlllum ilarnitiond adju and sirs wluusn fax apti llclr and mra t w rairreevm mra jarhall la a sajly ojilecr aide de aoclato blahep and jurnl col of her husband a the mo rah a da have atx children hire ions and a dauchter tho alrl and three qf thn aona are ofbcni in ui army and are married ao that the mai ohllatmenta n jh r4oner en lly nnrriber one of the aona went houtb with col ilclntyrc to oncolzf younjt imopea work from atlanta annther eon la a yttnn people a aecretary in kloaida the other chll tlran vn reatlared threakh the eoun try in varloua acuvltlea of the array cnlonel haa toroorht hla ataat from the fonjmand of the ifetropoll tan new tork province where he waa lor alx yra- lie laae done vtorlc in new enxland before he wax com- irlth headqaartara in vvorehealer s3 yearn en jlnd thla la our own steve t- bbrn in lira c bailee and enased jn hualneaa in acton unfll ht cnllatment here in the salvation army forty one yearn aex ax that time beve varha4 and h bdmondaen were in the atooen and cookery bealnfraifc in the old post orlce afore whloh athod where jtae tlffytrtinifm ftmidtna ow alknrta the ttrm tuuoa waa maxhaq a kd when steve went into the army the bualntfas waa aold oat crft arbat la a brother of mr thoa itarahait acton andr rich ard uarahall umehouae wonder what the tin i 3d tatea would do without aunui if our bright canadian boy a to help thro tajo charge if rellaloua and refortn work here la a remarkable co incidence jsteiro uajrehflll who haa 0onamand of au the salvation axmjr work in the new england superintendent vlllllara si fonrrave who la rn charge of the antl saloon xeajpte work in the ateat atate of ma b cum from gronreovn aajdarberf lalnjc huperl of ue lpagije work and editor of tfiijjaaua baa eft acton skating rink annual carnivett wednesday february 2 ntvelty hockey match watch for the lineup ijlncjtt weeks isau racks and contests galore ladies hockey match the bigkcat nlghta lain ever heu at the kink get your lucky nljmftcit tlckpt5 from any op the canvassers band in attendance moccasin dancing h6ckey match thursday jan 20 aisp m georgetown and vcton tbe old bhrsjflse tiua game perspra vvatftklna any fcyau pn the nlr iron tke bridf w btwdsiore ik co propfrty wtjj jkrcrealfierhare tbdr nimi adrortlmd n hit fre pnm ilia ititp of vefmpnl fia4fjoafilo acton juai think theae three little towna in a row acb famlaed a man tak cbarce uf rea relrloua and reform ntvmnti in thv united stntem t fo can so ii ti further acton aim hul mrd wv dr j b parmer la at the head of a preabyterlan fehnin hltlnira keb- tt chaa a cook tk d a poator in seatue washington and a leader m tho bap tlat church of america- aud rev an drew armatronv who is a pioneer uethodlat preacher in idaho the united statea haa oertalnly pro fitted in blvlna thee plirti of die tlnctlon to canadian boy auth date op settiment tnfdrtnation showina that the a settled in acton in me laat year waa acton a centennial jcir of ita foundlnjr by he adama family and the event wa otunaly celebrated soma peopla had doubta o acton bain- founded nrtor to ouelpb which eelebratea ita centen nial year in july next- actons natal year la however 1921 without doubt aa authentic data provea trot ken pasa haa juat received from ilra o w cook minnie adauav of grand raplda aflciu a copy of thfcj ceneaioical hbuory o robert adama of newbury jktaaa and hla deaceod anta from 1c1s to 1h9 tnja volume of nearly md pacee waa compiled by andrew n a name formerly a member of the senate of vermont after yeaxa of reaearch- i recorttnc be acton branch of the adami family thht record amya that rev ipare adama and tfia wife iaa proator who bad lived in cam btidae tfaaa- and iaindyf iapa can ada atjiled in atun kequeaaa can nda in u31 on july u hit jena maria adama waa hon 1n a in hi ihelhar lad afehaiah ma a leaohee on mny 3i ip2ruiun roaana wi imru tn atun hhc married kev mat urrann tvaa mlalatar of the hfh odat church in ferau acton ana oeursetown loonc waahlnrtoo adama waa born in arton july 4 un on a usual 13 j 15 he rtarrled laabellat lane lxwea ahortly atter went to qaa4 llaplda jalck to eealde pouce court news two caaew of violation of the on larlo temperance act by realdenta of soniton will came up f3r hearlna on hatwday afternoon leorae thutuaa bum o toronto waa hned xt0 and eoata for drtvtna luat a truup alcn in oeorketown by ollce uaaunrete cq- aa tbf outcome of a eharare of hav in liquor hja place other than a prt dwelling- aaelnat olacomo carere william bmvaun alice street quelph waa fined sim and coata by laaafutratej watt in iollce court baturdy mordj in whentirftpttailel fullty throogh hla oounaal mr rflool jeffrey l c three uthon la da came before maglarrate moore at the conrt vooee milton on monday charged tty xjr martin with treepaaalna- oer a muak rut nutrah ttr akaflnj ptvat notloea to trveiaaaenl k the tmiya ware alyen fall erly oounaol reepectlns tha 4b- aer vance of lbe rtajhta of dtheha ahd hukp 1 1w 3wwo rt h sftvft 1hh1 neat u wlu aea juv opanlna of the new union rtatloa en toronto teraftnal offldala aay the old atatlon will nqt he tarn down but wlljl be uaodj acton and district the public sehool principal lou ulnnle 7l lien ne it prfnclpnl of acton publla school waa taken hi in larhool on friday and waa unnbln to teach for aeverafi daya uhe 1 aa auf ferod from a sever o attack of fhij artdw- impfovenvanla at the ur ted chureh av ntoetlnc of ttit tru t ltoenl of the united c liirrh tuat weik it wuh decided to i ut ii ann n w metallic eeluna in- the auditorium trie matter of re decoratlne and palnllnk u nleu nntter ronald ration fall and broke an arm lajtc wedneaday mra harry atkn oh apim street had uio mlafortune t allp p the ice a her back door and in f 111 ni tract u red 1 er left arm the wo i ided member haa been very ualnlul iuij dolns u well ae ooulu be looked for aealeted kitchener tadte santi allnae little and llaae maon were i kltchenee- on sunday eveolna aa autlnjr the klichcner ladle uand it the apieodld conenrt they provided re in capitol theutre about aetfenty rive lad lea were in tho band on thla occaalon a- c crippe in bualneaa again mr a it crtppii haa re nurchamd- the e rena at treartaae hualrfeaa from mesara ceorke mnnn jk bona who have been conductlns the bmlneaa the paat few nontha the jofaaara lunn were nldlslna an 1 attentive to bual p neaa but tho work did nh 0iea them ilr ct pa haa had i na ex perlence in tht cartnae bu jncaa carnival en february 2 the acton junk committee are now atrranjtlna the annual carnival which ta achedoled o take place on wednea day ovenlna iebrunry t ew ttnd novel entertainment and evena are belnx pla and the carnival tw cotannnnitt nf mljeaj ahmfr the poa tare and advee wtll kin the detalla of te ey the w wleh weadlnp a quiet weddlna was aolemnued at knox church afanae on uonnay ftot noorr e tour oolock when mae etjaa beth eldeat uabrhter tft mr and mra ix s whaon mill street became the bride of w ix wallace of lon doa rv a c a w m a icr formed the ceremony in the presence of the immediate relatlvea the bride who waa becomlnalj browned in her trawdlqjr outfit of ajrey tpantah cut pluah coat and gray and silver bat t a coreae buuuu t of bride rm end illy of the valley after the ceremony e dainty lunch waa eerya at the home of the brldda parent a toater the happy couple left amid abowere of confetti and cood w la bee for toronto and other polnta official vialt of dr k on mondjajr evenlna an excellent ryeetlnjj of the yourijr peoples qulld of knox cet held the meet in wu addrcaaed by hev lf kan orturonto iii hi now in leoplea work of th pviahytetitnirw inueeaao of paraoti iondurt chureb in canada some worth while i tt vutitia houm thu mmney alma and ldeu for which to atrlvu tho aeventy year old defendant waa oatflated by provincial conatahlc oyem from the jfyl to tho court ilouae and preaented rather a pitiful appearance thrbuffh hla counael mr roy ient after he aoveral charcea had been read be a reed to plead sulky aa to tbe caeca of october 33 jnd new tear a bey oa aecortd or aubaequent offencea and- to drop the appeal aalnnt tl o conviction of set temlrr 0 and throw himself on the mercy of the court special i roaecutor walahj of ham 11 ton crown attorney torphy and special offlcnr allen acrued under the umatancea to wllhdrovr the other charaee and alao the oharfe aaalnal van alen a tartrnijer proaeoutor walal however demanded that aeveisj penal t lea be indicted in k la juturment maxlstrafa moore said at the outset that he had lexor- daed elenj when the flrat daau waa up in sej ember in th hopo that tho defendant wqutd tjicreafter obeyj ur jaw- he had then cor hla i agtl nwatt0aaiprf riinrtnltlea iend flxeh ine tenuny at aa low a nguro aa poo were aet before the young jiei le earneat apeal waa made that all be come more familiar with the itlblu and tbe sport er catechlam ir knnnuwlp la alwuya welcome to the home f hl boylmod and to knox church uuil eal humbera were contributed by mr victor kumley and a ladlea quartetto eottpqsrtf of mtkaea lura aklna antl iaa be anderson and meadamea arm atron und moore a apeclal offerlnjt waa taken to aid a korenn slrl n whom the ouild la lnterealed acton u o l offioare inaulied lat tbnradoy nlatrt tbe offjcere of acton u o l no 47 were lna tailed tiy broa robt- mocartney cqunty that the ada a and pved kortoa qmjtrjfcf mooter aa followe w mbrp pfeorare uat ix m bp joha r setrraw chaphun bro v wheeler reoqrthna secretary lire- ii l ritchie klnanclal secretary und treaauret bro h unaethurat marahal bro wm turner lecturer bro robert ixtnbor dutrict lecturer uro robert tur laer committee ihoe w jlmlth f kennedy o mofvdtlan fc itooney j maooey tylerebroe w hall and o mua alee after tbe cererpony yt inalallrtlon lunch wee acnfejl no a pleaoont oodol hour wa eioyed waa maddock aahe marriasa a very pretty weddjng waa vvlotul ued in knoj coljejca hnpl r satur- day january is vfhtfd uhidya luulae elde dauhter of iter it t and mra moodle of toronto waa married tu frederick o maddock eon of the late mr p maddock and mm maddock of acton the bride wore r drem or or chw roae eonrett trlnu ed with all net and velvet wltlitiat tomutrli and can a bo hutterflyj tbaaa arid my otth yaltey she waa klveh away by her brother tsrnoao vv moodle and wa attended by her ala ter mra vera mattnowa who wore a dme of dell lilnluin tilue cnlltpn ud a ribbon hat of nmtel ahodoa and cox rled aihiuquet of columbia roees mr rjcmkbka hseton rtbruntu aced u beat man the bride a father conduct edlh ceremony aaalated by lusv of john htenhouec of toronto durln aqjnln of the reglater a aolo wm tiedlatel new yorv and ohcr polpi judoea at wuefey cmlval maaara ci ttytuun and howard mocuhlb lued the ulcaoore of ofnotat la aa judaea at the ice carnival at wallealey on wldoy ntabt the coy 1 ered rink uf jhat town la now uwiuilj and operated by an old boy of thle dlatrlct mr kuib uclauabtlu eon bf melaon milaarhun mr ha iublln ik hutharn very auccoaaful md tho arnlval on krtdaj nlht waa ittraely attended there waa a ion hot uf nntalea tn the varl oua evanla and latwe crowdof apec atore the evenlnae ei tfrtalumont waa auarmented by a aeven pledj r cheetra frout kitchener which ftod make a two and a halt hour drive bjf horae and lelah o al toplr caaaju menf owjna t tho heayii anpw ioijn whlcf preyentejl moturin the nn- tulle dilvv ttiiqt uadeft to wellealey j waa afely made by the judaea due to th aklllrul drivlna of mr moljaub tin in hla larae to ear meaara mecutnb and bymon apeak hlmhly of the aplendld reoeptltm they received eltpo handa ot the huarjuable watlae key tnuu 1 sequel to the new years frolic ward van alen united states clmzcn payn dearly for con tempt of canadian law on heptemlw r 10 ward van alcn i n w y rkhlate wf mm utan lu a few in out hi earlier to conduct rood h une in th albert inlan hotel a tbe toronto han lltoii hirhway waat f iort c refill waa char sad by inapeck r itccvety with bavlna houor fi r aiilj in hla botei tbe caae caine ui for hcarlnir in tho court jjajune brampton before majdelrnto moore van aen wmi fined i26ooo and c rft ue ftp pea lied tl e cnae the nvld ence 41 nd other neceaaary papers wcro put in butfio further action woo taken b rsnr nvk-tod- and huuhc llifllt chftliia 5 iirntvmi atorr torjjornnatatsauh luwruhy hnvlnic liquor on october 33 oetnber 28 and november 37 tn the meantime van alen went to preoton kprlnee for iwatmonr fir rheumnuitn j and- al the request of hla ao licit or tho choraca aatalhaltlm wefittrpm tfnt to time remanded until december 14 whan hla cournicl when rtquefltln o furiher remand catered ap unturtolc ids tlat tr he oaaea wore remanded uhtfl jrthoary iv im7 vari jtteh would eomo up for hearlna without- perait venture to whlchmablatcuta moora und the crown counter asrevfl all thla time van alen wo out 00 ball of 92 000 00 late in december he waa oumncntly raeovere i to return to hotel and make arranrements for lebrfltlon of new yearo thp brdtlon camo qff an t ttoa reported to hav i een accdmpnnlhl with open i uno l rlvllemea in the way of quoro so rfbtmiuua waa the celebration that he hon mr jerjruaon tlio premier took the matter bp and aenl provincial ofdceni to invcfluume- the reauu was thrff further cfiargea wcro laid and von an wa8 rret aod rodced in bramptoruhlu when the court opened at bramp jis iw meajlalrate- jooore had four charraa unnbftr to be lfl her nbice nt the umibte to be lfl her place at the poat had four chanroa pendi a van jll ajidooa-j-omee- praewrrl daya aaalpat hla barfonder a sootchman earned jack mopberaon vram evidently mlapluccd for within ootb u aecond charze vna laid for belling and a few daya biter another for unlawfully havln liquor he waa urreated tut roioaaed n i ill pendlttf the hcurlne of tie u peal on noy bor 27 omcorm f und the law woo utpiln brlnjr v o la ted and laid n tllirdj choran but the climax came on new yeava lvo when hla hotel watt thxqwli- optu to altand aundry and u notortoubdlcnt wm epent the dolly pnpr referred to it the aenerai public tulijed about it pramlar ferauaon heenl about h and aenl irovtnclal offleore tq inveoti cate with the reull that further chorjea were la1 lp rjl4 3udjtrripnt atjdpeaatna the oe cuaed 4jaclatrt moore aaldi ward van alan yu ctn to thla country with cltucpihlp under another oa your aetlona have proven that you deliberately proceeded to violate the la we of thla province even after be in once convicted and fined you proceed ed to treat the previa ton of tin on tarlo traprymic act with contempt and when releueed on ball you repeat ed theae offencea canada baa- a wo i people who coma iter o enjoy the fine opportunlllea we ftffer and the auperlor mituro repoureea of thla country jiut we re pro ba to the aet t lenient here of people who come tu dj bey our lwa and treat our ala tu lea with cqntompv ypu ar apetj 1760 00 and eosto f the oft e no y4v oonfeaa hay in oomphtteed on hf trpl octubt jvlth lmprlaoiunvnt for three raonha in athhu of ipimwhato pay ment of the ftn and ooaia end four muntha additional ond you are hned 50oov and coata tor- tho offence- you admit having committed on new year a buy with imurlaonment for thr montba in default ot immediate puyumtrt f thla duo and coata at d four ni nthe additional you- wilt apnd your torrn of li inrluonmuut in ontario he form at wry jt ouepu your tortna ui inn rlaonmui iar da fault of pay ill out will run tunoacutlve ly but your additional term will run- ranotjrrnit iwntn aurprload if ut the cumpletlou ofyour term of iraprtevtlhient the authorltlt of uur country take atejibffor your de porta tlon the high school utehaby socamr ajlcj b rv mr g ixitulirully iuiui tiy ji maou klvk th r7 im aietin mltoo the new year on krl day jauary 14 lreauent uaiuble conducted 0l eet in in a dellhtful manner and the iroarntnmo for te jjiactitl wiw con ducted by ttf third burnx 1 uplla wtllowln the reudln f tho hecru tarya report ujadya bcarrow favored the eihoul puj iim with piano aalo whtrh won area l a l luuau thai the third vuvwi lrl reulered a v cdl aeleotlon after a huaimoun roadlnat by kevjlle i la to j uetirao juaooti pliyed t ih i hone selection which waa pla and oredltohle a dlalojtue via aiyen by aimi 0 tho til r huu uuuiu n tu axolted vrcal kuhkl hev mr hawyor wh noted a itlu va area ly imeaaod vltfl the iriucraoiina tajuea 1 le deilahi ih wlna- able to aiienk to the atudenta and everyone enjoyed t l remark the meettb cloeed with the- nation- al anthem reporter uypreve thuitri nllllla tceata f co lifes social side mlaa ileaala woodhaj vulted frlende in toronto hver suadoy mlaa clara tanti wim homo trim hamilton over tho week end mhin clara bbbaao ot toront aient the week end in the olll homo mr thomi on mltlcr et kitchener vlnlted frlendh hern laat week mian kthel fjulrn ot the ityerapn school nlnff ilamfuon spent tho woek end w th aolon frlende lirn orweh johnston who waa 00 critically ill laat week la now maklnff tiraareoa slowly toward rocavery c v barr of kelfleld baak 41 cut n coui le of daya at thn homo of mr a ir hurjticr durlns the week minn roes of liea ft c ulin two 111 f ouaa ilnttle llndeay woji called home last week owing- to the lllnena of her parents mr and mrs h u llnd ay miss margaret macdqnald irfcpal of tlia aclo ibch school ent batjbr day and sunday with friends in tor mrs archie mctavish left 01 thurndaj to pnd ihn rest of tho win with her eletvr mrs pur at scaortu t joputyreevr w oowdy j i wi n rueot 0the bonqunt to lfeut ooverrior cockshutt at torento on tueeday evenlnf mr an i mra wneet coleaepetitlhi wcek end in aoderlch wrtfr lite iatter8 brother mra ct lea la alayfn for a week or so there mr pater smith woo one of the kueata at the banquet to hob horry cockshutt at the coliseum toronto od tuesday evenln to yrt mm i mtaaea lottie and ilaxel mason pent tbe weekend wtth relatives in kltflheher and took in a apodal must co i service there on bundoy mies uertle bmltb was jsome from toronto for over bunday she sen a aolo very effectively in the united church at tho uvenlnu service hev oad mra it ic wtlnt merman enteruilned tht united church choir very houi it ibly nt the parannase on wednesday evening of laat week mlaq bertie spelcht secretary treaonrir or tho puhllo utllltlea qnn inslon wnn conflnedlo the house for iverul driya durln utb week throuch an attnek of the crippe mr morrla bayers of churoh street u life ion resident alvact was ink uddnnly ui tio fiunday with a aeru ous menuil ailment ife was taken to the stnlti rtum at hamilton cor treat raenl mta- fred helm who has been aerl uuely 411 for- severer rn aecani eel i nn wu t tho bnnltnriuin at hamilton where it s hoped bee condition may be 1m proved n u cer and the case would ha dealt with try tawnptjotrruna aa ttaawwaor and tax collector for thd year ihi waa sriven tho required number of readlnas and passed by the council r j mcpherson was appointed td ful fll the office only two applications were received for the pirica of aaacasor from messrs a nlolclln and a h crlppa and the council deemed it od visa bio to halve tbe urnce under tho supervision jit cbjflc aicphereon- the secretory of the jtire brbjade save the result of thetr annual el so il una in ujo brigade as follows aaals unt ci lef aiid captdln ut hook onct ladder j imcarthur- captain of pltt truck n mcleod lleutennnta w chlshalin tand a- fo secretary treasurer t melmoail- the clerk reported that tho-conn- 1 had authority accordln to tho statute to cloee up all walls in acton if a proper by law woo puosed the clerk also reported that the ouulph trust co hud usroed to pay 100 for perpetual care for the plot of mrs jennlo b wood and tho coun oil agreed to accept tbjjuamounl i bcav eea ss 00 1 18 s74s770 for boads in 1926 1 w hard re ppe nted nssaapa ways roact- super in undent for ib27 at th imtukural inciting of maaaa liuweyu c unci the mem bora took their 1 clutujjuttn uf ofllia and ro ceeded it onc wtth the buejness be fore them- accounts- were passed aa follows johpatontf ft co funeral ex vsnftos of mrs clayt i w vf kina baunce on bridge contract levi klale ooda for mrs korbea oooraetown florul co wreath for soldiers monument early removing- t scott tu brampton mdalplne atovel aipev telephone account marshall refttsterlna 87 tlrtha j6 deaths and 4 morrlaceti for actvn ftuni laaaa for prlntlna mtnutea by laws and financial flueement a o dutton euttln bruali v albert youns tevel anslne kravelllrqc uv cbrlatle henderson oft blast lnr material 9 3 mot tun culvert repair 5 60 joe mutfat extra work and tptleaare 10 00 bylaw wan p appolntln townsjilp omeors for tho year via assessor l w mcmillan collector wm mcphall li o u wesley pick tt school atlenditnce ooloer w j moore sanitary insieqttr col in mo phall sheep inspectors j irvin and culln kllchlair auditors a j j4c pbedrun and ohas a darby tim itecva and clerk were aulhorls 1 t petition the government f the am ni on road an 1 bridge uxjkindlture t7 4117 10 durln 1834 a 1 y law was xucd 1 1 fine the loads ofrnotor trucks from nprember 1 to may 31 o w harris was re appointed as itoad superintendent fur 1837 couixll udjouraod to meet kebeu ary 14 john marshall clerk 10 no i 2s s 45 ia so 117 cll k 00 t so 1 00 haxton plowmen association ofncer and dleeetora eleetsd for the year 1027 will youprev this mra byullla blmhrs tonllllls t teats jcoub c tarrah itfonvhltle thire thmat and tonsil ilia with i suooeaa or muny i baok aijhoaaarda lorn khorej iflf irn la fy saaoa aas n ll t the annual meettiuc of l hal ton plowmen esanclatioa we hid -irt- rrmern ctub hootn milton tl follbwln- orfloers were c looted fur tho eotnlnsz year hon president a mculbbon mlf ton iresldent ii wills uluqa 1st vice president r d ttarrol milton ida vwreildenr0 chlsholfrc hornby seceiaiyh h flejrtlna mdton keasuretrj l wlmmotl mutoo auditor john irvin direct era t u wluon fllanlayl hal it jarvla a buck victor halltp w d nlobn h afoarthur peter hume wtrr hume naassiiaweya john cartoq archie aervins tornest dredffe dunijin camp hell lsquealrur alex law son john coutson geo wilson th is chlaholui county director- john davidson it vaa decided o jolp the provlflqlal ass nation and send three aehabttm to thaaaouol meeunsj th aaaooia tlon baa nfld yary auocaasrul year r j mcpheron is appointed assessor all waterworks accounts handed over to public uuliuea c6mmhaftot at tl o rtnucl tly suouln of tin council n tl nluy v h countll jors holmeri tt tf r 1 atklnu n and nioo war 1 rqsei t in 1 e tl he co f lleevn uason councillor ii linn ure hided xall tiuc hud been collected from w m velly jr in fltroc a ho vm lot yet lnwwtyorfuyaara of age the clerk waa ordered to mako a refund the klnoncrr commit too recommend ed faymettt of the fojiowlns accounts in their second report general aeedunt v al kelly refund of poll lax t 00 itoul jahnomsta co is so a jdcnlvnn for board of health j hassan supplies for tuwn ha public i utilities commlsidun town hall lhtin i ubllq utilities commission street llbun w maoales milk for mrs taylor xhoa watoan wead- fur mrs taylor david llutohaon duo on coun ty rate hlncuitr repairs to council chamber furniture a jmccann ooal fur town hail 3t 23 jdoved dy is t tho t ford eoconded by l er atkinson that thjaocond report of t he liluaneecommlltco be ip tbd und the accounts ao therein recommended be paid and that the waterworks accounts be handed to the public u tilt t lee commission carried lleul cluokey of toronto in charse of the hilton blues pointed out tbjtt accordln to the statutes ave men who were enlisted in the beftallon iere were exempt from poll tax they waiiqrt l rt li h prnj li 3- 49 3 a special meetln was urraned for thursday gycnliuc four small chujren- burned illdren of acton mother lost tn toronto home fire iour anuill children wtjre lujned to deutli in tl vlr home in toronto on batunday nlht while their parents mr and mrs aubtmnrio tjcoltroy were attending- u uorty mrs ueoffroy went to the party ul a nelkkbora houao about half a block away at 10 30 leav in tho children asleep in their- horqa at 3d puutetto street she returned between eleven- and twelve to see if lhvy were all rtht and while there her husband camo home from his work in italian fruit store theflre waa fixed and tie husband and wife went buck to the party at 133s a nolbbor discovered the are sounded an alarm and sent word mr and mra geoffrey by this time tbe insl le o the house wan a mass of names the father and a police nut n made hero o efforts to set into the bouse to save the children but without success when the firemen arreved the games were aoon overcome but when they ot into the house th children were discovered dead the toaby tsmerson r muntha old waa in u bosket uoor the kitchen stove hla little body was tjurned l a rruq loreen aed is ontha josephjne aed 3 years and matthew aed 4 years were found u stairs suffocated mrs geoffrey la a dauhter of mr anil mrs emerson anderson church street aotui she was tnaerlod about five years uo to auustlnd qooftsay of torch tarw here they have lived ever since their buby boy wue named for hla grandfather ktnorsuu anderaun jlr and mrs al dorson und mr and mm qeorjru lvaim waul to toronto 1 miriday t at leu j tho tuuerai uuob symihithy is felt here for mm oeuftrey an 1 the bereft family in the tryln oxt orict m wl loh 1 us come t0 toronto swimmer wins 1 a contest wtth 10t others at catollna california lv re youne lerontu tl wwim iliv worl 1 a her wl imr of tho rlalcy p60qo uiuiui inaimtl un told tho associated 1 ieiw tl ut ho had ituked eh t me ttlu uwil ik ued poaseauio 1 in nutour stundin for moll u n iuk otl or than hor he swld iiu jum nn nlv mtnd alio lar- fei endent t n htm this caiu ilau boy la emuhuuitlly 11 other a boy and he la proud uf it he said 1 vut 0 very thin i hod into tht raoe for my mother it waa not tuu4l1 rhapsbut it wan so y ml 1 iy sum lour stand lna 00 canadian d umpluii i wanted to mlnr her to c ill rrdu there wer 101 ntesta t und youajr was the only ouu a nnjjdi tho thirteen women rite vd thu cbinpetlllon xw uf them mis huus and llta atuler were u ranted noalutloii t rlsea f f 500 uoh for heir coumaous tff rt tho unlets tlmo if the canadian tilutuur chunn lot vus lt h ium 4a minutes hl avers- rawt atrokn throui ut waa 64 to tit minute tho mu started at 11 il n ni buturuuy 1 nd rimhd ut 3 os next inurnli w iie llatmicu bo nwani wm 3 ml ion f 1 1 thu iialn land tu c utullnu islut i this cuuree waa nov or swum i f r hiopl look i llstvnl bttop and lei live train fo by it iruiy tukus minute y ur oar will start uuii in 4 act and better atllt youve in it i stilt yout fflrffssi a v zr xsssf usrrsglgai tiir iiauv 01 ljr artniijtrrr jlrraa ur tt- muclai towo wclu tl ocuvio llm actonrkrk fltkks la publulufery tl uuy t the vets praia duudlsa u ill irrl arloq ootailft the ubifriptuw plc la i tki vr in leatfcc rotus u i brki ldl4mi to ohr n the united if 1f tl dale tu which auwrlpuo ate pu j iadicaml wi tl a addraav label anvjttlmn uatkstrnhml advert tncnu la cent per- line mrsis mrmurrtoy firat lancrtion hd j crntol pes- ln or aecli auba q itfot inurlloi conflict display adrtlaa par inch uch inner tidrt adwrrl wu iut hemclfie dirbltlona will be imrud till tofbu sbu chargai ercorihngly tfel el hones editorial and huinaa 0t realdeoce ol 1 raawlcat residence of uaar changing world twwora the voluntary entrance of germany into tho league of nations changes the character of tho league as recti by many foreign nations from l jjgjhtqfsjllcslctqriqu o a league embracing all nations cherishing a spirit ot goodwill the unttjcj states professes not to be bchiyd other nations in tics ring co operation but whereas other natrons are prepared to sacrifice something for tho general good to forego prejudices and to make concessions to tho desires of others the united states will not accept racmbcrnhip unless she i given her own way toronto star say dad new- feature forthsss co urrms chummy talks bo twen father atsoqon the sdnday school ibssob u thursday morning january f3 1027 editorial a vjctory for ltaarmainent jvisiucnt caolnigc won a signal victory for his diuarmament proposals in the house last week when hjis supporters killed an amendment to vho naval ap propriation bill providing an appropriation pf 4- 0t0 to beg in ruction f three scout cruisers authorized by the id24 act which the president opposed the victory came on the heels of a request byjhe president of an additional appropriation of the american government in the work of the pro juratory commission for the disarmament confer cncoto bo held in geneva under the nitspiccstf the league of nations movements tin tier wav for world peace emphasized by5pokcsmcri for the pres- idenf it is believed overcame the revolt in tho house against the administration and swamped the biff ilavy advocates the unrfed states will eventually aide up to tho other hation wbicbare making pro grcss toward disarmament and world pcax the tedium of life when rcml success fa aimed at jail ivrm for bootleggers w when governmentcontrol of the sale of liquor becomes the law of ontario the penalty for boot legging will likely be imprisonment for nothing short of this will satisfy public opinion under the ota there have been heavy fines but when a boot afaaj days the haa d uot stop him in his work hbwev a ja term vill have a salutary effect and it will no douht be more dreaded than a fine tho desire to make money easily and quickly has got a grip on very many and unfortunately bootlegging has appealed to very many as the solution of tho problem pembroke standard observer tho penalty referred to as like ly to ik imposed under the new govermnjjnt control law wili be salutary arid deserved the writerevi dently forgets or is unaware of the fact that jail terms for bpotlefgers are provided undv the on- tarao temperance act from this county alone three boodc4ggers sentenced under the qt a t at tho present mc serving trmfi fifteen morithscach two at burwash and one at guelph reformatory ejarjftunng the paajtyears lumbers of booheggprn havc served terms in wul n tho county l u good roan rssentlaj to coprn unity ufa and contort the bohdlng of unproved roads has come to be an important point of commurftty inje pver irq good pavements are one of the luxuries of the twentieth century in his fascinating the turn of the century there wcto ten miles of concrete roads in the united state but in 1025 tjfero were 25000 miles oy euh roads in that country and canada we are ac customed to glidirig smoothly from place to place with so little joltltig and jarring that wo are cur prised and resentful when we encounter t bit ot rough going after all it must bc remembered that paved roads are for the multitude one who is ajm bitious to get afaovo the crowd must not look fof a crtn the xbanc a ri ijqn road at all but just atrail sleep sduht at times dangerous if our desire is to go where few over get we must not expect to travel on a smooth road with high powered car we- will fuve to do our own climbing and will be r hard sweaty- breath taking struggle thai is the onlyr way any body gets to theop akw wowb oamh bo you aui imuo yog uould think u nni thnr cnni r n fill jws iiad li v v ft wnthlia tuat luut ono muilo a hi till i cit joil umi now vo filer iiki p ynou iinc nmlu fjnerul lesson thjo tho clirlst jallm use of tht bit la merit turn ison bout 0i 4 v tin i i 44 17 v oulitiitrust ttiy uili lu u iiml uoio iny ifmti on 1 lljltt unto m iut6 1bj lit 100 b v ill 1111i lludlna- mitt 11 40 th tskt expu ujoul 0 4 j tur tlrat text hut lulf 1 pirl uk tht outnli t xhurtulil u ulven i yaloseal t iho chll iren ot uru l oil thu lvt t heir uuusliia vr jordan inlo tl t l mlaiml fjiml tht lr futum uucceiui hitpi lueaa nn uervjee to iio wo i will deiend uuon the rulnllty with whlrh kfcm uucear- liny e v lh h roam j in th knewledicu unl t ir nl 4u hovah s thou uhalt love o wl una thy neighbor a suiimuiry tt till th if oed r quire of tniin reterrtd to tiy jnsitm um the are iti st coin ma no li ten i 7 ttvlt him lillaentiyto thy chll dnuiifxorii beliacallon to ueti ratio l lods htethoda of ovilltillruh are c tl ii c11u01ulltallf uuwuu uot- lliin cmnw koo here y iintf tn i lo you tlixw that aliiiost every 3k you ro your lior father fir ttttw eiunt t vvjoll you a llaif bio lys ryil ways unylnw e your lor to ehow you eoipothlntf to lay i tell ent i aur hn ljnow ony ore j tme oo on they ehoul he can turn uieot out like niv l one every two mlnutea and they are nlwaya oasy to learn and tlles of have olherhy jg nlaht au si wondroun uouvahullt un such reiiutatlon tar uie elck 1000 mark sultivanvtells uijil have to try io live ui to il 1 never thought or rlvaunic mr vonl vitrl hh u- manufacturer of kuentoj joy- rldao- hut t- did cojieoct o- simple little kohlo uifl other dav kud i uohifrd it bomd what a it mean dad founds like tt hiatal polish itm iromlhe fvehch wftrd bu- coupovuvny arid mots word br ink hie the small lo on tny dtndc tljem oil each of these squares t card hoard you will find a letter they run front a to o and there are four of each utter that la lv tut up jour alnhabflto and there a m ii tj 11 v hslftviwnisro bilked usf w thveent uf u wo now you alt oitposlte me and well make editorial jsotes i v gressive cify and towji must have its leadmg gtreets paved of course but mor and more the far sighted business ni co and in fact all rcaideifts gerrtrally of every community arc realizing tho benefit yea it m arborea3orrsbly i enepebsitypo f encotrrkg ving of thetluuding of impovcd roads so that travel my coqifortahly undertaven oyer any sleroad or concession lint wjth b cxtcnaivo use of the autornobile it caqnot be denied that the conn true tiorf of improved roads bs become an ecomomlo factor yhwh will tiot be ignored when the pooplo of a town or pity take the lead in thu important work onjj ahoy their wllljngneas to assumer a fair share of the costs incurred they naturally create a laxge measure o good will in the community which la thegreatest business asset think of the benefit xfrhose residing on the farnr who need to get to tpwpferequently to hear a lecture to at tend a concert go to church to go shopping to visit friends m a hundred ways relieving tbe mon- jitony of rural life and very important indeed get ting quick medical or veterinary attention and it is hoped that ere long the leading roads at least will be so constructed that they may be used con hnuously the whole year through in half a fjozen years the budget of the can sdiarrnmional railway has vhnnred from a deficit of thirty million dalura on operation to a gratifying rurpfug of fifty millions if this keeps on bur na- tiofjal ppijwnys piay yet become our moat profitable nation f i utilities american capita in canadian ssnterprises a correspondent ui one of the dailies oomphuns tht 250000000 american capital that has bean in vested in canada during thq past year reprcsenu the passing out of securities to that value from a canadian ownership this of course is entirely a misapprehension it represents the investment of american capital in new canadian enterprises for instance a mine is discovered in northern ontario or quebec american capital is shipped in the form of machinery and equipment for the deve of thmfrtlirte a it the workof3cveiopmeiit goes on tn canada the owners of that fequipmcnl have taken shares in the mint m puyment of investment of ma chin cry etc is canada poorer because out has bap pened canaditis richer because tho work which has been 4one in that mine has given employment to ntimatiou has been made by both premier fer guson and hon george s henry during tho week lo the effect that legislation providing for the raising uf jhe speed limit on highway to 35 miles pet hour the carrying of tig hi a by all vehicles and the rccog- n tion of all provinci josd as stop streets will be men and from that nunc will come products a por4trroifghf down by the government at the next session tion or which at least will be further fabricated in canadian institutions the more capital that comes into this com n try the more prosperous we are ajtd the morowe develop our industries the more im portant we become as a nation during the- tcmr of the purty of canadian newspaper men through the british isles the speakers of the company when addressing mumoipal authorities boards of trade groups of capitalists and maufacturers invariably staled that while this country values the immigration of british people to canada umlcordlally invites their eoming uioy appealed to the men of mean in thait country to invest their surplus capital in can adian resources and manufacturing enterprises so that satisfactory development may be accomplished and financial prosperity insured canada can assort unlimited capital for tho development of her mlgty natural resources to the bene fit of hef people and tho general advantage of the country capital conp tng to canada may well be welcomed whether ii comes from tho united state great ftritan of other countics possessing a surplus of ih for in vcatnietnt r right hon joseph chamberlain m p in the british house qf commons said im could destroy to morrow tho deaifd for strong drink in the people of england we should ce our taxation rcdueed-by- milhons of pounds sterling every year president cooliflgfc voiced i very significant fracf the ohcr dvy when h maclo this statement nothing ist easier than ependnig ho public money it does pot appear to belong to anybody the temptation m oveiwtichtnigly to begtow it on somebody chsrles mckeown kc member for dufferm in the last ontario legislature was appouted by the government last week to the chairmanship of tho ontario hallway and munlapal board in the- place of d m mfclntyre who has resigned the faun pris offers congratulations ontario progressives in cancus last weckr reelect c4 hon w e raney a house leader for the coming session and appointed x- w wlddiheld member for north ontario party tybip in succession to j w freeborn of east mlddleselc who resigned his seat tc contest the last federal election smoking bis been banned at the city council sessions af london it may have been offensive to some members of that board and there has always been the argument that smoking detracts from the dignity which should be attached to the conduct of business at tf regular mectwfc bf courted walker tod telescope i canadas growing prosperity is becoming an id mi t ted fact even in usually pessimistic circles never in years has there been so much prosperity talk in this country as has been heard during tho holiday season it comes from all quarters the story that business is jood imdbcfmingtcvcirbetter there is a geaertl conviction that the dominion has entered upon an era of good ttmes believe theres unothfrijlayer between us on either slda allset dadlet jier ao- w you draw a card and place it face up before you the dummy on your left draw one and do hie same wlh il 1 draw mint und uowjho other dummy take hla now its your turn again your ilrsl letter was uu h and now you ve drawn a k you can t ronke a word from those two so the next man draws h happens to hive if and an a so he make the word ar that elves ulm another turn he drawjm i if lied drawn an u dail could ha have made has utul still had httotlmr lurnt kkactly nou7tdrawau0 ualv inif already a p and a t i can make pot or top it dwtu t matter which i ii call it x ot i draw airsln and at mow it caw nuke plot nn 1 draw mkhiii ah x no ood bee hftwk gowiv sure i do t vhut ilstuti dud sup hiso aomeoitft imil the 1ture to make altj and h wo 1 itlcjto lrav them jwt way jjrjqi pacu up vrilathqanujuivo ujetur overr uyouaa t of tl cavm pick the unath of th words you inuko counts more than the nurnbvk of tliem hunteuibor thut vor at the close when all tu cardu hav been drawn eae4i ilayr reck emit his aoore accord inu to this ached 3 letter word oouhl g lolnta s lotter words ount 10 nolnlh 4 luttar words count ib points 6 letter words counu- 25 points letter words ount go polnu 7lelter words count 100 tolnts 8 jotter worda count- polnla 5 lulttn- words count tod points tbe lonlfeat word whui an extra lfto lwlntu subtract the number of your unused ut ters pour names wake oil ail t- dud ttuitu a lullapuloasat i think that s gxting in lht ttii all but uay i can ak3 thar uhiosji you re olilf to iijivo tba loiisntst word on thu labia or u hum ler at lonjr wortik it inlaht he beot tu liiaki oa tiiit ny aluirt word 4 aw you could ian t that ao m that whero your uwlrlent comet lu at any time durinjf the play you can rhurtce your vfda to make them lonar or make them more if you aeo the wry to do if am ttuny ers aultl of unotbor til me i showed you there a iidro to this thlna 4jiau you would think ot ooursa only words to be found in the dictlowlry inky be used does addltur an b to a word i ruean luokjna tt plural out of a slniiu- la aive you another drawj no tor you havent nmde aaotbr wonlf hut it dotts alvo jauji lonaer word of course hcvrttunly vou re always hoplna to draw lettera that will aaabla you to ud up those lyliuf idle for all w used letbsra count vsalnst your soare at the end a lot depend upon how nuiny vowels you ur rortunats enouah to drowu aiuona tiie four playrra iheai ure twenty vowels bui iuiyuila iuay bo no mjucky aa in draw 1ut few uflbeni while his oonso hants 1 lit up und cu t be ud its ux iailjhijig uyv idniwlna un and fe and jtfa wtttjiivmhaus un a or a 1 woidd complete a nlos icng wort vnrsntl n in a rellsffus homo hhuiil i ibcludn rtljaioua topics r hi innilolo betwt all tliljjo ryu poreoitul ornumouu with a purpose thus tho plouw jew of the first cent ury ie c wore u tiny aerall tu a tiny leuthtr jmiurli nn hlu foteheill in llleiul tulnllnierit f thin injunction hut he tilso memorized h tho vpocl fled portions of the law i no lading the summary nt rbe comnuin imontu deul fl b rarinrs rri7 14 paul is nxhi rtlns llmnthy to he isiuitur id uioraualoouu3blttas f hla childhood and youth uowiuht uf whom thuulutrlmuruod thorn tl in ftby m first iirllalous toachern wcrn his mother kunlio nn 1 hlu grand mother lola 16 hucred wrtlnrt thoaa of the old tomtuttsunt nji tlio only part of the jllblu then in eklstonco 11 icvery ncrlptur not only thws taicred wrlunr tf the owu hut any liter inspired of odd such for amplti was tlivvry jittttn paul was then wrltlna to timothy proflfnhio for teach ins more tiveu than fftr re prtojfriorcorrectlon it complete perfoct only in tiu wtmee pf llrur ver fine quality truly satisfying only 43c pif y ij time tables at acton qalito wm ho 26 riun lay only 10 41m nu si bm wo as 2abpu vv in l 6mum no 24 hun lay only t oil p m no 28 tallin m m llm sjb p m tm pm ii is p a nrt sfl nojii t of th ontario legislature canada has emerged from the shadow of restrict ed busineas unsatisfactory earnings and indifferent balance sheets and the trend of busineas tf now dis tinctly upward in practically all lines of trade 1 ramtof see any indication that this period of prosper ity is oouu coming lo an end i believe the under lying conditions are sound and the futuna 0ln to viewed with confldenc sir vincent meredith lresl dent baiilc al monlrefl of the few ijtnltcs in toronto the st year tu priority were conducted jsrjir3 of foreign birth this will be an incentive to keep ip the irnnilgra noi bars olohe themmb mlghf beaaid the world oyer f far as nghthiipeaking nations ire concern cd unfortunately the labor interest generally arc contrqlleil try agteton from aourhem europe who oo no jnanual labor themselves but contrive to live lunuriousty upon hardearned iut paid by men who do work arid earn theft bread by tbe sweat of their brew one thin woman gained 10 pounds intwbhtrdays akihnv mpm cam d th fjamfe au week pqp ad wo ah tiarvtm map al vfumad all skinny men and women c krow atronaeu hoajthier and norv vbrorous j1 take uu solid heed ed riswh in q daya tlust by taltlnif mo coy cod luvr fstraet tablets fou- tltnes a daysuaar coated and easy to take as taudy all i what a hll thou hash produo in tulm tiuvej mmm one drukalst tripled his salmi lu aits week kverybody vtiowa that rvuin thi uvere of uie lnjiubls cotlrish xs a 0rs4ohaf vitamins that u a wonder ful vltaluet ueaah broduoer slid health teeator atlllluus of alocoy sc tjver kx traut tahlfftai ar sold evory weak ajtd thousands of frstl rundown uadvr wslalat people are beiaa helpwj a i of 6 tablts for so cents and if -any- skinny nuitl or woman doean t aoln at least s pounds lu 0 days iittuty baokv ask mnf druaaut any where in aknerlco ije aunt and gmi aiocoyv the osia- jiat and aenulne aad don t coraet there is upthlua on etrth so soud tu maka aokward listless underweight ehll etreta arow s4rewm sus4 faba laaaon thamaa every scripture paul was not un pware of the hturary activities of hlu contemporaries he ileved that ut 8lrlt of ood was a allent partner in the production of aomo of these first christian reoorus oospels hymns and kplstles alter reminding- timothy of um sacred wrltlhir which he had known from ills youth up and from which he mlstht gain wt adorn unto sal vatlon tlio apostle ileclaroh in offtict tliut hot only theeo sacred oil testa nieni wrltlnaa but every uortpturo iiihpfred by qod that is every scrip tun wjth the production uf wlucli tlnr dlvlno hplrlt luia anythuitf to do also profitable for tencblnu and for instruction in rlahteousnetts us well as for i reproof and correction which are the nsimtlve factors lu tho kama t rrrrsttirrnouett paut would aay vt timothy tho writ ihcu of hebrew luwalvers und proph etu ore still our textbooks but qod even now lms in prlarutl tu iv hcw teadliluif lltersturo for the better an t more perfect instruction in the jetjue way of life prefitabls lor teach n0 the books of the lllblwwereiprounerdtrom th si nad at ubllttullun lll ukw on to i thurn thn relliclpuorutlt k i i y the w t era uu u luulter ot personal fe liislaht und eklierltrnci thy wui- i roduoed in reamjitim i u itiuid tar rcllclous information in 1 suldsince individual books of both oi 1 und now t tin tu moots vera written ns actual teylbooks- of instruction during the rrivlutles since the ooirjt letlon of the new testament the hll has bean translated into practically ull thu ian tuaues uf tho world and distributed tt tho en is of tho tarth in tho lutar cats of u- worl 1wldo i raoranuna of christian reaching in a similar way the whtuifcii of the chrutun fathers of tho modi oval church and of utolteravtiiutlou lead era were intended primarily for-pur- poses of rellalous iiulruclion aa wort also thu formulated creedw of tho church the docroi of tho cjiurdi coun nils and in portion lor tho hom ijitli breviaries and cateohlums that adpeaervd in uroat nut ibers iulc init muocoedlnif centurion ahlh in eroaati of teachlrujr uleraturti rojfbitcrs growth of tho christian church such literature lu lu turn an evidence tohelpyouwyour income tax return 70 aiwlh the income ux piycrti of tlun cotniriu nf tnttrrpannf tlutirrctu the ycu 1026 due on april 30th neat the bank ofivlootial lus waucd yhooklcfc on the canadian income tax act thw booklet compiled frotnliutliorttativexcaircea fintalraog lot only die full text of the law but auc clear inlerpretntiqrvi and illustrative erimplai may be obtained without charge on application to our warat branch cankocarj national electric itailwavs j wes rztz 7fcc sub 3jahy ck ousl daily 1j 6 ajn daily ia vm sxc p w- j vt5 dm 0cji4 m bet cresslv relltflous fellowship scrip turwsy whiun and unwritten the haavons- declaru the glory of cod wrotilha k aahuuil thtt oldest hcrlptuire lo therworethtr created unl vrsy for the unl verso is ol lor than tho hill lo and older than man tho fullest bcripturj that tiiost easily un derstood is written in the ulblo especially tn tho new fewtament which fclveu ua qotl m fovolutl id in christ but the kcrlptutxj which no man am rfall to mhtltratiind and froai which he caiwttever enthjy fiacalh that tterlpture wrlltu not lu jio skjei or th seas nor on tablas of atonw nor in the holy ulbhj but h the iirt uivd conscience- of ruau uowa inctl do not appreciate the uauifl of iul turd uitr do tly ki it thm ioa 4 haudlwork homa hay novd aufu a llible sun baru are suu a iw trlhasv lute- whoaa lanauaao th mauril mtlp tirw httvw not yt heeri 1ranautd hut nt tpinn caji wnjlrely ttumiw hut uuyrltttan rkrlie whltjil is fort ot hla own nature mid nt hlii imtwe in stlncb lhd lldpulsee ludd th hlbls pi a us a wofvopgoolt- loecauae it mutjbi taus davpeat not the pe4 whutlir wroto lteully th ootivhio ills rousou why wt reoelve thu lllble the wurtt uf ood u bectiusa it ao- oords wilt our hlahst intuition yv rijul th law und the pn phuts 1 our wu souu our hearts bum within is kh ww talk with jeiu throuah the me testament and aeraln ha haltl no revelation of sol nc no do slruvllv biblical erttlolsni can alutkt tlu faith uf thos who listen for the volue itt clod iii their own souls par buidy and disousalen why do chrialum po le atudy tho lllhuf how did ood siveak to mti in the qld tostattittlt in the new why is the itlbls tilor vuhlal le thai ther wrltlrias of the sums tlmoy why are uw transutloiis of lbs lllble lumhledt why do via not now ute the flfrf translutlonu thut wsro ina le idtu tcualluht what ds lb i tvautau ot udlnu the wlble dully t ilow do you choose yuur tiusiiuges f i levotlanul rwuliutfr dally misdlua for nest week huuday jun 1 i aaui 41 s 18 monday jjali u murlilh s3 3 tusjy jan 14 t uke lti 6 iv avvdtfsday jan ib iftut fl 5 it ihursday jan so 1 sa i m m 1 1 laday jan 1 i uk is 1i flaturdsy jan as 11 mi ii 34 lu far both ruuae and stable rhsri u a aood deaj of slmllailty l hylcally mj miik tils btwkm human bhias an 1 thii lowr uuhuals uoth uro itubjoot to majiy albmmts arlatn trou itiflunir- liun nd 1 1 mji nuiiiper ur ouls and brulacet dr thomas bcleelrlu oil is uu ustllslv reuoutsj rviuedy for such atluunts and mishaps in both human belucs and the owe wdaf of ab banktofmontreax 4 estnbl 3 1817 ueojasseia ut cxc4b cc tso ooo oojj acton brarich l b shorcy mimnr toronto terminal kaeie street and bt clair avenue prelabt delivered by speelad expr frelahl- prelaht picked up at any dress in toronto tonontokltchener 13us beftvice luxurious tkl coaches operate overtit wny leave a q west au p m p 10 os jog tu leave acton going east p hi jto j l30 tatt c 0 30 arrive quejph 10 tc omj 1u jj aod 0 ib v arrive tatchoner u 30 avm 4m pmactd 10m p tn arrive toronto 1110 nbi j0 p m and 9 00pt all coaches call at wiles cafe acton ffra lrfe automobile accident and sickness insurance mon to leon so ooo deaths 400 0o0 injuretl in this oonhlrtntby automobiles in 1924 you can t always ri ape injury you eon ttneajm i nan cjul loss by calllna n a e nickun bower avs insurance a pent 1 the sugar jack system the sngae jack herev how it works ceocae la and scct9 iaatperfcctcd fccduietprocess thatrhna produced amozintf rcstilu it not only docs hway with tlio expensd of a silo but alao incrctuca tlio imlk flow and weight of your live stock and cuu your- feoauifftcoata in half v convfcrts roughage into on enauy digestible ntnte makuik it actually mttrc jwilatable and nourishlnsc than uuj highest quality erutiuige and hny thus rougliaee euch as hny htraw clover tlircslilngs benn and pen vics etc can now bb used in placgolensdnge and will give better results the sugar jack press and converter compound predigeat roughage into highly nourishing feed this pre- dlgested roughage feed is rejubed by live stock and tkte former using it enjoys greater proflta and owns healthier fatter live stock w will gladly exjplaln how the sugar jack wijl increaw your live stock profit and aave you tune labor and money jta a wonderful new feeding ayatcoa tbnt no cjitrtphfling tarvaet ahould be without ttoolb iawjv and fcrtllk co umitaud hmnutmd 0ll j w barberee mill st acton 0nt cbildreh cryf0r castoria imqtjlerjflebhera caatprht is wpjfjj pre to relieve infants in amis and children all ages of v constipabou wind colic to sweeten stottiaxh llatuleiicy buirrhea regulate bowels aidiiiithculisluiiuuunaf ood proinotui clieerf ulncas rest natural sleep without opiaua to kvottl tudlatloo alwjyi look or the aiiuturc ot cszjtttma 1foyrrl directions od rath ut uir lhyiuisils cvcrywtlclx tnrr jti collections we handlo collections enly 3 yr aupcrlance speaka for uuiell assuring einclency liability toslly aikkn colllctob orshowwllts and ouvn sound ltef standard hank of canada savagc optical service you cannot cet satisfactory luinsfo by ulniply buylim two lenses an i a frnmo you must huvo sklllc 1 uervlce tlrsl the rt fruorlve erroro of your ayea must be carefully iiuiasured the frames properly titled in other words luf tlio ukitvio3 that counts and it tt sorvlco that ravadld apeolallsaa in whstt vau buy gsvape glasses you buy savage optical service 6e8t in sight a d savage optometrist a u optician itlht at tho rast orrlct savajro llulldlnk ouajph sewage dtv companf jewellers china silverware lowes- wyndham sl phatw g71 guglrjh vi old and ueuaufl firanlle and marble wu we are manufacturers ami dlrot in pottvrm of all kinds of uouumautal and llfiudstone work wo sell direct 10 our cuatomurs at wtioiftsau prloeai thus aavlua ur customers 4 pr ot we huvo tho bast uppllaucas and tha only mechanic lu the dominion who can operate pnaumauo tools properly wt can 4lvi refreuoo from hundrda of our austmniuh lu toroutu und other places whore other have tu hay law nulls in ordur tn txilltu we have tha turuwt all j boot utoclt tit gvault tn tho luotnlutan lu- moro than 4ny threo daaurs in the west w am lajtui miuu dusjora und employ no aaenta aud do ris4 mjiii y or pi uustoutevs by aandlnef ut isimrant aantt solicit in ordera we employ only ineohaitlcj and dry eompetltlon hamil1xn sons quelph ont hi