c883 the acton united church op canada fclinlatsrrev r zimmrmn o a isirsonase willow btroet 1100 a til f hi minister uubjoct god in tile blhle 230 p in balibnth holirtol auiaslon 70 pm the mlnlsur hubjtict tthn b pa r 1nwer of things ivsyrr service pn thursday nt 710 pr knox cfulrch acton mlnlatsf nw a c staartklrv -wiuowbtmet- 1100 a m the minister a series or sermons an jestm relation to hu mnnlty jesus und the poor 300 p in sabbath schooland bible classes 70k 4 m- the minister tfubjeetv j icaiylnjr upon the mercy of dod strongera leaving- nddreu with the ushers will bo called upon by the pastor lowered prices fronj fur cdat makers- a recent shipment of beautiful fur coat models seasonend for the makers midseason clearing time for ua thai i uwi dxplkiuilkfii uf ui lai ftfr the baptist gjhjbch ac patlorwmj baxur mi jkrntofwerahipftcr tha lamllng 6 t 200 p mqhduy school ivktson healsting letnptatfon p i saoj d s t tendanc last weak com and swell the number this sunday the lesson will be illustrated ontha blackboard in- color i t pi pierefllns service r- dpg wit h nrfw th babttiui dart keep u holy rmrt forgrtun the as- setnblina of yourselves tog-ether- monday 00rf t p u spccixr aanoutooetnentoa sunday thursday 730 midweek meeting tor prayer arid praise kitidly notice tho aano 0ltlmel thursday a0ycholr praatlee noli tsrata thucauuaa a ecau per house wanted to rent a house with at1east three bedrooms apply- p o box 39 acton hairdreswno scalp and facial treatments thb jsowkrr beauty jabxor phone 48w ijower and frederick- flta y v- v for sale 2 young- yorkshire hwx bred a ply to artnun swxokhamjch phone r i r it no 2 acton ids card of thalks sincere thanks am extended tothe many friends and neighbors for their sympathy ond sorvlco on iho occasion of uielllnss and passing away of our dear tepa wo appreciate yejrjc much tbar numerous floral tribute sent such kindness win evrr b huldjn atcatefuj ramembrancv thb motpat family reductions by the makers to us and by us jo you double savings therefore for those wh inv nuw1 this 4itq ooireetion of seasonaemi theres n6t an undesirable coat among them workmanahip stylb fit all of a highgrade character the ntaqufacturcr stands behind them and so do wc tj collar and cuftsof alaska sable regular 42500 for j23985 1 french sol coats with collar and cuffs of alaska sable squirrel o seal regu miiaknt cftar in selocted dark pelts beautifully lined regular 10500 fot derfl treatment in darker skins reg 25000 quality fdr black persian lamb coats choice qaality sltina with a- aska sable trimmings totr la g j 247 beaverine coats brown or grey with large crush col lars reg 10000 grade for 7985 garvanfzed rooflbg heavy faltnnlaed rooana buy now and save raonay wrt tor fme apipu und frclkbl paitt price send measurements for estiroatv- halllday a co ud- p o box ala itamtltoiv builders bargains free eatajpeu ol over two thou sand builders bargains includlni ntaurea aiid jlaha oc conutortst- fcdr hqnlea- tailaluday com pany yjis qnniil u r f wanted a llvo ma tg ropraenl canadtan llfa imorance coinpaiiy in your dlstrtet awutapise jind inatruc oona to tialit wan opportunity lnooinojm thculure bodilarl7fablg teranttont f airview ndrseries w hat now rpady ror da- hvcty leaf lettuce rhubarb and soaae extra choke primuuas and hal otjlkr tlhou pli 11 a vut fo our clrenhnuse at th thlii otycarrtlt rovtex- wiitiair tncruninaiil irf lla r it ftbbhop wow fww- bcown coney for cqats combined with tan nutria fur which blends- perfectly vwithr the coney fur giving the garment jl qft oc rich appearance regular 125 for wo od gdelpffs leadingjanb juargest store d e macdonald bros ltd datr cloalrgi b30pmi exoaphnotsat at 930 p mnd wadneadays at z3q noon 1ay the deputy luturnlnr ofllcers for ttie recent election as followa ilotat pirhnaiboo thotir llobb mlu tun llowbu i1740 a mcauraj nor- dl i1k0o albrrt poblnion itornhy s14v jr thompson oeorotown at tjjlpi innynn arrrinyiiii7i- v ciimjibollaeorjrotawn 1640 it w jphniijon ljmaouso hc0 x fook ctiehenham 11390 and f mu iisy for postlnir bills fs00 the geo nro town heralds prlntlnr account of i6e0 und tho municipal worlds bill of tzi42 were ordered paid tovviiship i council ijas busy session kwjuteinjfb murlklpaj legfalatorb had full docket at initial meeting th ncjw council- of ksaueajita- insutlled for the ytra bustpeen follows v jteevathomnv ti lnlln pepwty rtenvo w 1111a tn oowdy- counclllursrijoorbu cleave oeorgv c j fe i llbbahbl4 at the home of mra janwa injured ten clreular 8w mr thofpas llumley mrtwlth a painful accident tb his inft hand in the tannery one day last week ho was npcrnunx a circular uwwhtn his left hand came into contact with th aaw two nnsf were badjjflac- oratcd a- shower far gale of work with a vlttj- their annual sajo of work etc in flare the jsdlrs of the united church ace invited to a ithower nassagaweya is rl0 years oi age minutes of flrat council meeting hcm on new yeare day xh27 ar he omucn iirogwmrm a social hour olid rercshments cocal celebration of canada ciebrmtion mtu i i a skews l crntennlii celebrattoh this yaart many former residents nod otliers who are proud to claim acton a their blrtheliice would appreciate an invl- 4a t ion to come home ajslri for n woek 4t th9 a t juir ii dobble received 4000 on his tax coflectora salary for 191c fiheep claims were dm med as fol lows m campbell 1 sheep killed itoioo jym b shortill valuator paul kennedy- 1 eheep kltlcd by utl- uwndoluil-4aju-sh-toui- 1400 aeo henderson valuator mrs it j btnrrott aienwllllams 1 lamb 1000 arthur evnns sheep kulert hoo the anderson cheltenham l tomb killed 1000 w b bhortul tftrae- wittinatfttoor qe derson wo trips valulns00 hlmroi and ulss m il treo ner weie appointed audllora to receive 60- each far the i- aerwcrs the asseasors fortht ye are tifrli for wards 1 2 and 3 and at campbell tor words 4 6 und 9 e t narraelourh was elected as member of the board of health and john h pmith sanitary inspector a- wnr- parsed granting ttaroiaaloii- rss the nmrzjii3tts9 urer to borrow 000 rnjbengtir council adjourned to meet on afoa- dny february 14th t t30 oclock m special anniversary sale it is just one year bintw started tn business in otured whfte store and to mark the event we ore offering this special list of bargains- for ttts wecjjt 70c granulated sugar 10 sor limit 20 tint to n ctutqtner tins each of corn jc peaj and tomatoes lhr 10 bars pearl 9op for 45c 23c 19c 35c honpv 5s oranges nico siae per dozen fancy silver plunio bice z iba 69c 30c 25c b lbs spanish onions 4 h for a zdc potatoes 1 peck sweet potatoes 4 lbs 29c 21c b bara pure castile sdap for catsup quarts side bacon sliced per tb i finnan haddiea 2 ids 25c flueta per lb 15e oystera per jar 40e chain rfid whiter jfwjpnbs phone acton ont annual meeting of knox church th raueru to the congregation last wednesday evening were j v tnr annual meettnitofthaconbte- ration of knar church was held in the school itoorh but wednesday ovonlnk and- was well attended rev a c htowart the minister presided anj mr el j ftaasnjtl acted aa secre uiry the bnrrd of msamjrer reported re ceipts thro ujfltenvelo pea apeclai col lection organ fund etc of 4st74l with a balance on hand on december 31 or ixx348 a loan bf llqo indue to the hank of nova hcotla the bunday jbchool raised 4sxji the young women auxiliary 10j the ladles aid society slss7f the adult uiblo claas ls4ft the wo rn ens j missionary society f41ssc victoria mlselgn liand lftl00 th tdunjr peeplos outlrf lm- a total of ibc2ts7 thyvrlaus vmccrs were thanked for their spwndld surjcev durinc the f aq lncdcui of nuch interest wan thrf proentallon yf u kenney j rjt a bnftuhtuuy bound teach ere bible na a token of appreciation of lila lqn- continued and very natlsfnc- tory oorvlcca as treasurer of the board xf4on4ers klndl expressionawere irutiv hy various members reipccunji tho aucoosa of the year and there woa a very manueat feunr of continued coopenttipn pre vaj ling- themeetlnx jit the conclusion of the meeuna the members werojpyitedto te basement where a very aptntlslna repast await ed- them and which all enjoyed tha w c t u w r a mc unit of the womens cbrutlab teniperanca union was held on wed nesday aftonioonnt ctrttace the banieof oftfa acalcolm welean lower ayenue the meetloc was well alt ind ftnjl nrl frfj -scsauxfl- 1- lowed with cbnstdemllon of various matter calculated for uie betterment of the community acton mschlncp thetoiuabjp of najmaicnwvya has cqohuated ita ftait century of muni cipal orgmnlsauon the flnil mectlns of realdonts of the township to con stder tho elbctfon ut a council aoo township officers wni held on new year iay m27 mr jobn marshall- the preaeht townshrp clerk haa kindly fninlahed afaoajmlle report of the proooedlnas of ibujuatorlo jnetlnsfor theso cor- umoa and for the edification of all lntevswted in iilstorlo incldedu aafow lows tvhereai a a meotln with the in habitants of the township of nuu- miwiiyu uupbiv bt juajioruisimroi lifes social side is vlnltlny mrs alice alcpherion wllhtoronlo relatives mr jordan lwsonwns hoini from rorupto fbe the weekend miss iaapel cowle- was huinc from toronto university last week mis kathlecn oalbnuth aiwht the weokcnd ut bar bonis in toronto mlw marcaret- bennett waa home from yorontn over the weekend jdra tp ujutbwvitmla is oonvalisclng after orver tllnesa- mrr and mrs noy wanshrouch of toronto vuttca acton frtends last week the new t us t rated cataloffne of the qtqr tmrfj and acceaaorla belns manufactured by actorr machine co ls now on the preaa and will be issued in a few daya this enterprlainc oodi- parly haa added numbec of new jtnea for arblch larbe orders have already been plaoen the pros pacta for a jrreatly increased output this year are very encouainjr frwhrtbwrtnrihf i itjii iiiiv tfr on fiv j fif cipro held at th house of wlltlotn trudffoon in the said township on monday the ft day of january ift the year of our lord ona thousand khjchc hundred apd twentyaeven py the vlrtuo of a warrant delivered to the constable of the said township stven un th ha dan t unr esq and james ucjlride ksq two of his majesties justices f tbetcace byihe present klnar moac jkkeeliont majaty ty and with th avie and consent of the ix4slauvsjpouncl and aea of r tbo j xa ppcr canatto eooiiutufe onaindi by virtue of and under the authority of n act passed- in the paxllament of great britain entitled an act to re- peal certain porta of an act passed tn iftfl arliinsnl ilmwii miss albertha co no of krlndnln i heb miss jean and anus kennedy were home fronvtoroatn university tor the weekvind mr and mr bert land oonover of erlndale were guests at mra itobert d th we titled an act to repeal csrtaln parts of an act passed in uo fourteenth year or hl 3ta majestys rehto en- titled an art for more cflectlvo poor vision for- the government off thefxp- vlnoa of upper canada ia2prth am- ertca and to make riytlier prdvisfon for the government of the void pro- vlnee and bjrbe authority of tho same that from and after the passing of thisjkctjbmjicujixthe second nl as a lu t th cpnjlyear- of bis late ma jesiys rehfn hiit1pditto 101- kiuu ihawm ntm appblhtmeot loo of the family for a tutt onejiun dred ytont tbe late uuh black nr veyor settled on this lot in july 182 he was succeeded by his wn the lao arorge w lilack the intrepid incense inspector bt- forty years aco tho present owner is mr hush olahk jr ljaa lived on the farm all his life time -r- canadian doctor eksmlnsa canadian swimmer it wh be a matter or much local in terest to know that it was dr uanpld mowut of los angeles cat who ex- antknedi ckronfe yuunff tbe champion swimmer after the bis catullna race and decliurtrd thatlja had autald no injuries aa i rsault of hie lona-con- ttnuod effort ond exiiosure as 14 acton boy son of mr and mrs j mosrst main streel annual carnival at aoot hlnk announcements re out for the an nual carnlyal actqn iunk td be held on wednesda vvbniarx 2nd a kns list of arisen is offered fur costume competjtjjina comic itfjpcrsonauona races anicbeat skater qensrsj akat- ins pnd moccasin dando is provided between events acton cltlsena band wul provide music in case the lther is unfavorable on the date axer thvoiunlval wql be hcw the fol lowlns wednesday vcbrusry t 4a act to irovldo for the followlnjt albces n this tpwnship that la to say wllluun trudevoo town clerk eter vmasajes ojid donald mophcd- robert lanfftry collector luan qlxklna william mepary dsivid scott archibald mcxellar 8ol- omaii trvtnlcf- itoad masters liobert hutcheont keeper henry- wlnwr and jphn- bmitbr- town wardens hoes to be free oommoneca after six months oldl the past hundred years the township of naaaacaweyo has had competent municipal bovernmcnl tnterusuns to observo that in i erul case dcnuariu of the orlalnal oflloers have from time to umeservsd v jtbe township siud the county one wellknown hers- dr mowot- is- anr mr lawrencewilliams knox ave is able to be about aalnafter a serious ihneas of seyeralweeks mrs baxtsrof hamilton has been -vishipg-ber-son- pasto ba fthw baptist parsona the week mrs jas romshaw and mrs wen iandsborouffh attended the funeral or mrs masqn georgetown last week- mrr and- mra ira van natter of oeorcstown and mlas me vannattrr spent sundjiywllb mra itobert ben netc mr and mrssinclau of juurry ithrert warn the guests ofmns thos scott lake ave daring their stay in town j mr and mrs b tan ley nuaaeu and f of vayfngsoht tnihaav-wnt- forn4ers- mother mr e-rosseii- ieoutigi mill street js harold mclean of toronto was a vuest at the homo of mr ojw mrs il j kerr rower avenue over weekend our present capable county treasurer david llutcbvoo eso johnrowlks seriously hurt twaion laths- csosixed 4n him as it was bfpg moved wonderland friday january 2s nfi vouw boatman by cecil b da mills n claims that n many respects it is superior to his famous the ten commandments corned flfatp 4lhape kallx criion ktollx in the- land o fancy one show at i p m prices 16c andssc baturdav january 29 if drama atarrlnx laura x plan to comedy here cmea cliarlle irox news tue8day february j tbe campus flirt starrlns ttis popular bebe xhtntels obsiitrr 8 nf casey of the- coast quttrds comedy tior fibr j domino- rl flmninff frontier ltsurfeu eorrecj acton skating rink on wednesday february 2 1- novelty hockey match watch for the announcement ofithe lineup baces and contest galore ladies hockey match blgge ilchtg run fver hem at this hlnk get vbur luckv number tickets from any of the canvassers tii band in attendance moccasin uacing persona watching any kyenla on the hlnk froa the bruaa or lkarfhnncecv co properly fill beremlier have uwh atiea adi6rmlh tho free prii wss tt mi f v asreiwttnss pouce cojjkt news maalstmte moore was at milton yes terday trying- two chorspj of violation of the ontario temperance act on wednesday harry csman shoe maker harry atkins und borden johnstone qijfvillo youths each about eighteen years of axnwhu hadtoeei jail at milton appeared before police majflstrato shields ut oakvllla charg ed with breaking- into judge snider swpmcr residence and steallns nssti light and a valuable pair of binoculars they were arrcstolby cbief constable kerr after they had rind to sou their loot they pleaded nut guilty and were rrmnnded during- ba week lyuylnolal con- suibifl pweng nd inspector ftfeyely rounde up lree or jur vxvq who had broken info the btanares of peel county farmers and stolen seed alfal fa sjinl clover muritrac crawford infudlrtl hfstr pewtlea- moat of the seed vrns racorered magistrate wntt x u tikjxxul casta upon jaramiaholarkuf wstoajfnus-4- pou-rcouh- at ooelpltrrwhan ha wstnunaullty on a charge j hutroatlns a bores county constable testified that he had fomwl th s n a sheffon wlilct there was no door laavlnc the aiuma ut the mercy of the elemanla- imhlel uottery of oshutva was aont- encod to fifteen months in the ouulph reforuiatury by judge uuddv when hi pleaded hullty un tltursdsy to a charge of rnckleas drlvlttif and of in jurlna iewglas qlbb in oehasta ooi ut yar while he was paying iii other children thos h cook president of ksqussii r-a- aohculturel soeisty for year 1927 therojgjis a ood utlendance pf nienibers at the anrturmeljtlriit v vsqwsng aahauuurv1 adoxsy d intwtown hfth orgiifn huuractory reports wore fnd w the tlecreary jfroa surer sqwina v htpjlety to- bit iqam snap financially irtfl av re iftqsilris forward to another atfooassful ysarjn hit the following officers were elected fur the ensuing- year president thos ii cook past president hon initcti 1st vibe prtsluenc j j it aullol ind- vies presidetitoliris offaf ecrourr a wjluoir rrfeasurerpercy plfrif wttlrww rs m- nearrtfht kw fiuvi j ft vvkaiala df paul a isnd tat the window ft dayeyfsf uk h gotilltr alia jos b- orods tjaf c rr v lleati and jo wsiefln l audltgrat c mcculuuffc ad oxh h blplrtninc w- rnipoe htd kway and savuoay m ufa a hth 1m1 v thos marshall suatalna a painful fall early in the afternoon on monday r thomas marshall agmes street was tisplk in open ins a ear of bark which was standlaf on the brtdsre at the tanneries when lbs ladder he waa stand ins on allpped and he was pre- cjpated to tbo f rosen ground about twenty- flve- feet begw fortunately in falllns hestruck a pile of- bark tn the descent which broke the rail he escaped without any fractured bones but was badly shaken up snd sustain ed painful bruises on the face and limbs thsvoloa boatman tho stark realism of tlio vulgra boatman cecil b de ml lies new per sonallydirected feature is destlnodto mak it one of the mostoukedor pictures of tho season in the opinion of many crlllca presenting fbr a background the maelstrom of russia in revolution do mille bu iroysn in romance melodrama and hupior with a doft bond capltallsins on his sense of the specuculnr wrthout lew ins the human touch- a niatlta contrast between ihc splendor of the arlstuc- racy anil h squalor of the psasans la brought out la the ploture wwoh rollows th experienetsi of threa lead ing cliaracter prince a princess and n volga joat ma n- through the ruaauui revolution tbe volga boat man will be shown at the wonder- laruj theatre on krlday ilth inst- aotondals club meeilno rel mtejldrd meailok of tha aciondalo club was held in the 1arish imotrw lrlay-awbtniqtie-1ro- g ram mo was given by the group of wntoh mlas klsie storey is jsaoer -of- thljw4ugausn bers which were- iiresnted oponlng- chorus luartetts chairmans ad dress ltetiltatlun auco storey piano holouernica brackun dialogue heading the woekly ban nor debate iussoiviki tliat the l lhiuchter in ontario lm fewer incciitluves to rrnwtln uu tliu fitrm than has the kannera bon the adlrmatlve wm upheld by jean saysrs lpuls lirown- and alice storeys the negative by ethel o ran ronald mckachern and unk froeman after tills titer was vtuun solo by avllmor watklna and paimir by arthur mcketiwn m hsrold mwaofthanier occujptem the chair in a viry caiutoltj namxtu was arrved aid an nioytila w th jjisj adms hews t in tbe avrtlsemtnt of the white plun hurvau ot the canadian lutnber- rpenassoulatloa tn the current num ber ut the canadian homes and gar dens there appears nn engraving showing the home or the late jcenaa adams t lbs corner of main and church streeta acton keferrths to ncruvlng- the descriptive matter the old homestead tluatratt above la at acton in the tuwamlthi qf csaosslnc usquaaumi ls la indian latsu4sa pimps th iani of the 4li pin v u wag bmjit 7 ysara tm and u typlcal of thousands of wooden kni- frames rtilooa sldinir etc ar all of whit- pne p4aiss budbua and tlu tn u imnfect stale of preaarvatten attar ex posure the rigoroua canoelun oilm- ale fur nsnrly a oentury this an old usa iy to mr j a mac- keaale andls occupied by s fore msn mr itqrnnaa molsod n cuest at the home of hts cousin mr william robertson vlctorw aveowe rt week soperintendent wilson afth0 hydro cornmiaaloivtundd -the- convention of tlie hydro utilities association at toronto last week mr murray isomervllle of north battleford eoskatchewan is visiting at the home of his mother mrs thos somervin mlu street mrs efius jsclaiighlln l jyeuesley hag been spenttlax thtrwcev with her parents mr and mrs thomas moffat ufxh line and the family a enjoyable birthday party wai spent at the home at mua lucy gd wards on tuesday a dtiacn qf her young friends vartlclpaicd i sinclair warden- rof wejiington ufj slnculr reeve of erin town ship honored by county conncdiorb at the initial meetlpr of wntllnffton countyi co u noil kt- uuolph on tuesday mr d j sinclair ilcevo of krin township was elected warden ot the tatmrityxor 27 bsreircbunctllorb wcro nominated fdrlpoalu6o bf- honor of tho coon- tjryhlv of wog- hffarvj13iinvf iuchr4son or riotm rbttc- 8 burns of palmerston henry irvpia of ar- thbr vinsbviirwih of ctjitord- and t heilts of iljount forest ir einclarvndmrioltdm of kut on thomtanrllns- rptn iskm fotlnw ng the withdrawn i of the majority of nominees mr sinclair had 11 votes ttf mr holt ems 11 mr holtom grocl- ously requested his supporters to rise and make the vote for mr- sinclair unanimous folosjlnsr he offlxlnr of his signa ture fa the dacln ration of office war- o w conduc to the- chair by- lxwardcns t b knrrell and j a thnmpanr spemklnr in conarstultlon ot his succaasor in jhs wardens throne mr fttrron stated- that ne was s uw t ji- f brjftijjmlmcq jaua ibio jutt ocen chosen one of tha best that hod taken the wardens seat in many years past ho ut amah that will keep a close eye to business and is capable pf jooung- after tbe affairs of usccflty a c m after thaamvlng ma sruportera fos the honor which they bad conferred upon him by electing him to tho hlaheai office the county of welungrtnn bod to offer warden sinclair stated that durr- inshla fourjemratn jliecrovntll foor food men had est in the wardens chair and be doubted his ability to fill the position aa well aa they he hoped to gmtde the affairs- of the county soc- wrfrjliy- n ttti fi hwflp rf tt r t- p i w evti- s 2ojinicbasj4waald r-k- con cession i ofkrin tpwnship ahout six miles from acton and has lived there all his life he served for three years previous to lttf on the county roods committee and last year on the com- mr c mmrat of afceitahsbsnl curuy boons ho in close touch with tbe offcraof weiunaion county and possesses n store of knowledgra of county atfalrs- that will aaslsthlm in the fulfilment- of the oncroun tsufjea of warden accident occurred at acton machine companys plant last friday afternoon by which john howies one of the machinists employed ttrure met with a aerjous accident wljlch maht have been attanded wlth fntaj conoa- quencesj a two t oh lathe was being moved out through the rear doop of the sbop it had been elevated about 13 inches or so to the machine truck alwavs used in movlnc heavy machinery from place to illace in the shop and had been oonvyell 4y the men under the direction etc air fred blow the man- aaer ten far twelve feat to tbe door in passtntcl through the door a crow bar was bejfn used by mr how lea to ease it when without azv notice the machine canted toward hlrd slid off the truck and canabt him ogninst tho door franie tan men apcasa at ones to endeavor to raise the lathe but were unable to lift it fortunately a block and chain were on a track over- bead and within two minutes tbe heavy ptacfalna was raised from th injured man whose position had been agonulnx in the extremu rr mcniven waa culled and waa- on the scene within five minutes jie promptly udminlslured trst aid arid administered an oolate und then bad the poor fellow conveyed tu his home on main street examination proved tbe injuries sustained- to boi the rujhi sldo from head to foot waa palnl bruised a bone in the leg was frac tured just above the ankle there wei abrasions on the face and the rlsjtu eyo waa blackened tbsexcruclatina pain auttercd srbep removing- the in jured man and other symptoms indic ated that internal injuries had been sustained but he has done so well the post few days that hopes are now held out that there has besa no serious in terns derangement mr blow of the acton machine oo- feala keenly over the accident there are twenty- two heavy mschlneslnth factory and rhssethavs allbeen moved hs poasession and never before has on ac ooourrsd in tho tape in order to faq irw msrhlnfts jtomuth safely and avaidlpb the possibility of accrdeni the macnfhe truck employed was aecured- theraa me afternoon a four ton lathe was moved from a posi tion near this oj oeneral symiwthy la felt fnr mr bowles f lila serious injury mrs lord on mackay of toronto sneni a few dayswlta herparenjs itere mr mmt mrs r h wanabrougit lake ave durlngrthe weelc the bearers nt mlsa moftots funeral were meaara herbert cook fred cole wllllnm mcdennld nlnup xlndsay jr iamss mnnn and w- anthony mrs le vlnness or nlasara vulls n former teacher in the public school here sient a day last wk with her friend mss annie mcdonald park avenue s dollttle of toronto ooent several days dorlna the week- with mr and mrs malcom mclean bower is and incidentally visited axaln her birthplace miss sadie crwips who has been in uuelph qenernl hospital for some time has taken a turn for the worse it understood a seobnd operation may be necessary f an eajoyaola family reunlon was held at the home of mr- and mrs itahert red oomer mill and young street on saturday all the chil dren and grandchildren were present mrs- w korshsm was called to walton last week owing to the seri ous nine of her pother mrs gardi ner who posed owny on friday mr araliam went to walton to attend th funeral councillor john n i cols little six yearold daughter christina contract ed a cold last wvek which developed into pneumonia for several days she was in a very critical condition hut is now safely out of dancer mrs august anderson was called to kitchener bn tuesday of lost week owing to the death of her alsterj mrs jkrchl holman mlas helen and clarence and mr and mra o brown attended the funeral an thu day mr and mrs park xtdilbi who have est isassrsq month a suhmr ouhr aged father mr oeorgo dills and othjer relatives in canada and the rochester and johnstown n y where they will spend a week or prior to returning to colorado halto county fa1x fa1b annual mesna dsaiaad on fiaatern- r tim unnua i tiseu7u of hultoo culyaarlyultur socjmjf was held in uumii issl week and was targvly utmlud prssldsnt i toad bead was- in th ebalr and gavs an outline of the past ycara wprk thanklngr the direc tors fur their splsndld support it was decided to ndm a field crop competition in fall wheat u oals this year the annual r pair will be held an friday and saturday bemerabsr 36 and october 1 tbe following offlcfxs wore alfretsd for ensuing- 9ssfrv3tb frsatdenti e- m head head milton preoiaent tt uairoi mntpn 1st viospraaident v f cjhsbolm sllutii ua vtoe- mrsjlient a- ir4hsnrter muton hecretarytreaspref a- i macnabb uuton auditors j m denves and w moclenahan milton plrectors- nelson townshp m w cientsrn hsrtloy k mcarthur w resdtiead nasaasawsya township w c blak- ook w iteld f monlven bsquestnc townahit a hums w know nmc- callum a mcnsttr trafalgrar town ship j m wilson d- itsld cawslri morden cmccann w m mocready mcaibbon acton faik is prospering a wood lay mhtou sptolajr k syer v llun- a net surplus fsooss from the 7 fw af iff the annual meuns of acton fau fair held last wednesday january 19 wajrll attandsd althouch tho weather was unfavorable the efficient work of the officers and directors and the loyalty of the dtl- sn of acton to thsfsir was reported as having- maintained a hbjb stan dard tbe auditors report showed a net surplus of m0d3x for the year tils the special prise olio fed to the member who apld tbe most members ticket was won 4y u j kerr who is now vtcelresideut the- oovoera for the fomlns year weresleetedas follows neaidenf duncan modouxail 1st vlceproudent h j kerr xnd vlcprsident john it bihlth directors flohn b ktmnstdy w krnney o wood ha it k j ramsnaw wm- johnstons d it undsoy w k graham l nahry u liarrtaoa ii undsoy d d waldle j f itobert sort t w dredx itobsrt kerr c mcketwii wm hortop norru a black j a mann c moltat auditorsua t urown b beswick tue dsta of the ralr for 1w was fixed for tuesday and wednesday september jo and si wtiryeu prvve this mrsrejbw hpahrs tonsilitls treats congh ca tonsil uls with suocsss- ec money back lt llaascrs prttw btare ts anmmfc messing pubuc libraby rsv a c stewart m a rsslsctsd chairman snm h- n former m a- bscrwtmry the annual meeting of the acton free library waa held at the homo of tbe chairman on thursday at 10 oclock a m members present rev a c stewart m a chairman rev futher mcorosvy john cameron a k jnfckjin j p hp moore p m and h n farmer m a thcrs was a general review of tiro activities of the library during the ycur it woo decided to secure about easter 4 6r tbo latest works tn various classes df books and tdd to the library at the election of officers rsv a c stewart was reelcoted chairman and h n- farmer secretary- treasurer rev father- mcoreasy was elected deleaatcta the annual convention of the ontario library asaorjntlon to be held in toronto inaprll tb book- committee for tbe yoar was appointed as follows tbe chair man rev father mogreavy a el nlckiin and h p uoare mr john cameron was appointed reader of several suggested books be- fore acceptance for tbo library the board will appreciate the prepar ation of lists of books from general readers from which to make selections for the proposed addition to the li brary these lists to be handed to tbe chairman or librarian not later than apr 1st- f- an honorarium of 1500 was voted to mrs watson librarian for special work in catalogulna and listing ad ditional books during the year the chairman jno cameron a el nlckllrrttnd ltcevn mason were ap pointed oommlttee to visit tho li brary and doviso some means for en suring ureater safety- in the tveotinc stove and pipes there the board ad journed to nifmt thii flrnt week in april at a time and place to be fixed by tho chairman edward agnew warden the rssve of nsssanaweya elected to th highest position as was anticipated throughout the county mr icdwurd asiivw ueove of nassacaweyu was elected warden of the county or hut tun at the lnaugrural meeting of hal ion county council un tuesday mr agnw has hud a number of years experience in ipuilclital rqa iters nussusaweya and as a inoruber of tho county5wonoil- ms will ott uw otnee with ability juul iornnv jilssx- ecuttve duties with ptooiptltude and lu mr ajrnows name was tbe only one mentioned tor tbo wurdeashtp mr aasw in thanklnk the mem bers of the- council for the honor be- towud upon him elated that 10o years ago tills ntonth nussacuweya town ship elected its first municipal coun cil and that uu election as warden of thp county was not only an honor to him but to nustfmmawaya township which he had tits itunor uf belm reeve of its hunatedtb cuunoit the sportsmans magazine while jack minor is well known for his interest in the breeding and con servation of wild fowl comparatively fow know of a remarlable farm al most in the suburbs of toronto whiao varieties of wild sesa and other water fowl are sain bred this in ter tin ojacs forms lbs subject o one of the articles in the newly pub lished jjsbrusxyjssue of rod and oun andcanatrapltvev vox newa tu wjilch oohrge ilebden cursun sr tells how he rsjses tbe wild imhw on tjlk farni at isllngrton the artlol is well illustrated within the cover v this issue included number 3 uf canadian slhrsr fox jrws which joatlfles the promise shown lit the flrat appearance some ihipurtani phases of fox farm in a are dealt with in the many artloles rod snd oun and canadlajt silver fux news is putllshed monthly by taylor limited woodstock ont i on turf and curb and elan ting roof the snow storm spreads its iron woof it paves with pearls the garden tarmh bronchitis sore throat ahdfwaik and iqvhngly round tattered d icjvhngly rt staler and srl vephtgr stem i wsavsrfs mantle fair aa uly v t1 y ij n- tsshb m ujeehsr sibdawkssbgscs yiik iioue of jprartim 3fa jlrraa ifrmilier cults fljtu jltint rr ulfrt i town vmlil ofclsiio uthr tileaclttmiiiiat i tluit luy wutnuag st tl m free i r jjatmiesv mill 1 treat act hi ontsrlo the nlttrtjllflo tirlce ia fi tryrsr in j4u ppalas l- lir ldiiioaal to okri is thj united utck tim late rt whlftl huirlllon r4 pskl la lnausud rtt4dv u11 advfelztjung uatksvrnimt sjvril cent pr lint skite kaesaure w 61 taeal augu or j cnl jniftti tor cseh i r r aii j 1 so inclica of taaim pf k tin dm 1 cenlft pel- lodt tscli hmcfllaa aaivcrtixiaiau wllh e pmiac trellin 1ii he intrtcd till tathul nl chsntd hccurtlidgl h f uoousl pruldcnt su1 kdliw g a bills uom nj asltsst liber tkikpllonrfi- editnrul baullluutta oaic- nw bsaldeoca uf lruumt nri uum d msasgw l thursday morning january 70 1027 optimistic oil to canadavl future hon hugh guthrie lea dor of they conservative party ho none far afield from tho blue ruin talk of s6nic of 111 journalistic friends a fcii months nu 4uiuuiislumuul to hm ercdnty conctttdinkarnorti 11 itilic apckcli 011 the future of xanadu tho hon hugh guthrie quoted the seventh eighth ninth and tenth v cries of the eighth ujnptcr rjf deuteronomy ns thi best description of the dominion of gaiiada the passages arc folio wn iorhe lord thy god brirtgcttr thccruntota good land aland of brooks of water and fountains and depthn that spring ntlfc of valleys and lulls n land of whoat aiul barley amf vines and ffg trees a land of nil olive and honey 1 land wherein hou mayst cut bread without scarcity thou 71i1 nit not latik unything ut it n land whoic stbnts are iron and out of whose lulls thou mayst dlgrhrass when thou hast en ten and art fujl thqn shale thou blcsi the lord thy god for the good idnd which ho hath given thee j say dad nw pssture or these col umm cturnrnytsl d twstn fslhar aitfson from aclonitrcian under this heading the actoli england gametic had this interesting mem intherjast number received m this office acton ontario an already aq in this ctinmnrcgstttiy adopted our borough c of arms with one slight appropriate alteration in detail viz the substitution of maple leaves for the oak leaves sir harry brittam who is much interested in canada la general and acton on tario in particular took t share in the discus sions which led to the overseas acton paying the parent borough thesinccrestrornv oflflaf tory ho intends wc hear to in ark the occasion by presenting our canadian friends with their neighborboodnews n6rval -1- s jbiimuftuil tfouali 1 tin it jgth wtdilivib- unnlvi ihiiiudiiy januuiy 0 win n fanhrilt i iruiiry on tin y woii lit ik iiui to liumeroum fi ibiiiih finiu lorojiiu mltloh aouut tin tii iiur itundldif onninitilty ilutrly inn khituhit litih ipnl hint wuliiw fir mn llimni hiuilth jiija huupiiu-iu- wrtiy nx t n h 1 to tliii hrhhi luirf urooui dainty luft i limit iiim wt r4 kn rvd tmhiiiulu mill tin vi nluu pitit with hit ml i i nidd jor iiuil lilu uoii i wtfti wnii dim luirlilv noyed jiyuil ghlm discover for yourself green tea anotllrr workmau12 hid you uvoy ouone of thcjio word comiwtitloti thlnifiv sjt i tluti uttja viibiie lilcklr lrn editorial the editorial ipage there are somei few newspapers scattered around over the country tha have no editorial depittnterit but they are simply commercial shoots devoted to adverilslngnd otherouee9 of revenue they havo uo opinions of their own and therefore no need fa paddle along with publicopinipa laofno value fvery tiowspapcr worthy of the name should aspire to be of the titmostscorico and help to its commun ity it can only da this if it directs the thought of the community and helps to crysulize public senti- triont on worthy objects forest free press borough arm appropriately painted on a large shield or banner jchajforlc is it is reported to be done by a local artist and we shall hear more of ifwon acton canada ccrtainfy appreciates the growing interest of its municipal progonltor andflt already feels indebted to sir harry brlttain for his signifi cant and chafacterlstfa interest in tho canadian prototype aesthetic and reverent the townjof prlllia opens the proceedings ollthe ycttr at the inaugural meeting very fittingly with flowers and prayers tins is surely indicative of a fine sprit of consecration to service amid pleasant surroundings tho packet times says in keeping with tho custom of some years the inaugural session of theorillia town council ook place in an atmos- pfiero of lowers which were arranged in artistic stylo on the desks of tho aldermen and along the front of the dias each member of the council re ceived ti begonia plant tho gift of thcpafks dc rirtm the custoa inxt c ful the rev dr maruion pastor ot tie presbyterian church opened the proceedings witfi a prayer a j the conclusion of which ho eulogized the spirit of public service in short and thougitful address entitled a man and his joy wht tjm country needed o- day was big nen m o n rfoalw hero the catastrophe occurred jost weekby which 78 children lost their lives but the blame docs not all rest upon the theatre people surely a large measure of re sponstbility rests upon the parents of the poor chil dren whose lives were so ruthlessly blotted out it jirlse of an ulrtht a tlir onn who tiaiidu in tint fhu ai list of wirdu mmte lit of llio letters in ham iv it kmt jiclijy oh ion i iud to 1io ko for such work its loth of fun mid helps ones eihillliilr if you tfo ubnut it tnnthodln- ally i hon l know what you morui dnd why if you jimt uo hltormli you ro novor cai tain of wolthia half urn wortlu iljinus iifist jolly won l ulvo you many anyway for it crmtnltii ullly ivvoviwelaauuil jfl ihlh is tlm way to efjirf rauo tlio flwt lotter ii in tills caao moj dy uniting itlib with fnch of thu others in turn ha un iigk ut im rbi thofos our flrat woul uolng on wo tfut uttfo tllu w00ld oiio so w i know that wo can have imj two wordu of two lotteru botflntiltiif with r uoo tiio mothoil i moan now buro i flo tllan what start willi ar r not yet take 1ia with the othora jtnd see wliat wo not han is your third word 1iao is tho fourth rat tho fifth hay tho faluth of course uticoi incia uiki ufcnij md a olxit v ithtruiiii ltfl iclint vlult wllh rt1utlvu in tjrot ml ly foi land i llmhriu urmlllfil itrllvtd lit her lutpu iii hllluliurtf fioin hcotwuni i 4aiu m muttn luy evinliiu- fin tin wintur ollihiyw tint immnl mm tliiu ot tlio j iiwimhl t tt clin ajl iqultuuil huclnii luid lu tho lowii llnll jttltt on thuruttikyv jfunpuiy 20 b ur lluncuii mcrjolltfiill wum re- nmvtd to it toronto hompitul luut week wlioro slio underwent un upatatjon nut ahe may make coiiipltito ro- toovcry lu tho mm fitturu t4tstwftiroirins tjnltnd church 1 rlw ihtenilhglylntr il hi vnln ml lioldhii ii lmkuur n monday to ttrink a cxp is n revelritioi- try it is amazing why in this day and generation chilclretf jtonder years ne so often left to shift for them selves in the evcnine3whilo their fathers are enjoy mgthem selves la their favorite- jhauntrf andtelr mothers are engrossed in household duties or are for some reason away from the home it is true in aron as it is true in almost every other community that children under sixteen are evening after even ing week after week to be found congregating on tho streets in thojjicture shows and elsewhere with out any parental or adult supervision to their great moral detriment and often to the annoyance of aldr pfcojnc home life is evidently not as protective ns it was m forweif days tjie iutic or- parenthood shotaitrirotatattrore fltion is to h saved fropr avpidahje iporgl and phv steal dagger pdirorkat n0tp baisw the standard of candun pphupt as thc means of raiajna the ntgndarti of canndifln politics the hon charles murphy forrncc pogtnias tergeiieral in a letter to th press hag suggested the use of the residence of s jfob a macdontdd and sir wilfred tpuner a mccqas for sjirjiial pjl prirnageb when the pplltlcal leader of to drfy under thq inspiration of the traditions of these grcn chiefs would perhaps be able to ivy down their policies in girfrgolnare in keeping with tho importance and jufcnjty i camidiiin politlcsj than jwhat baft been thruft on the canadian jeopo during the last few elections mr murphy also suggested as a kind of political education the holding f public meetings during the recess of parliament whereby parliamen tarians eould give an account of their stewardship all of which i excellent advice for there is now gain- saying the fact that canadian politics were never at so low an ebb as they ure to day moreover they will never get any bwttcr until the standard is raised and this equally applicable to all political parties can ada to day has problems which the fathers of con federation never dreamed of problems that affect every citizens and it is only as the man in tho- street can grasp their full meaning shall these problems bo solved intelligently consequently they must be plac ed before the electorate in an intelligent manner by thosewha have ta u themselves the respon sibtlity of leading the country f cloalnjf the cala all clear- thinking canadians will applaud tho ac tion of the feeder govir elvumiltnttcl ijiven pout to ly the chrhj mollpr cage at van- pouver h g a cargo of liquor oji that ship wm geraetl by the ousioint oapurtment beeaue it had reanofl to bcllevo frit the port of destination vaa wrongly stated lu the ships clearance papers for tbo future the customs authorities propose to de mand a double bond from all shippers of liquor car goes naming the port of destination and declaring that the liquor has been duly landed at that port this constitutes a precedent und gives tho depart ment a double assurance that liquor cargoes will neither be diverted to united states portsnor re turned to canadian territory without excise being paid the new regulation will serve to make both bobtl gging and umtiggllng doubly difficult it will certainly give the united states authorities a helping hand in their efforts to fight liquor nhipmcnts can ada is pledged to do ajl ut her power to prevent 4iuiggting or liquor into our neighbors territory this regulation couhtiiiitcs practical evidence of an emphatic type that ihcjs psepared to implement her treaty undertaking am law abiding canadians en- tirefv irrespective of their views regarding the vfol stead fcf must admit that the auioif tncn by tyd custom department ts on the ido of law and o and is friendly gesture lively to faijjtatc good ro attons- between this country and the united states montreal star inupiication to canada for the eleven ntontha of uie calenda year 10 cded n 30 amount- tbrq 30t ocoordhr to a recent atatemont isaued by the tepprtitl4qt pf immigration and colonliwtioii tbig is an increase of 8 per cent over tbo same period of 1035 tpib yefr about one hundred million dollars of dominion government bonds carrying sj per cent interest become due the credit of canada is tack to pro war conditions and it is expected that what is not paid off will be refunded at 4ipcr cent this is remarkable for a young nation like canada new market era 4i4iiunuiot to them itlhe careful way i vo shown you whon jo seeni bo ontlroly uhci up heforo ntartnp tlunoo over tlm shorter wordy fn tho dictionary bofilnnlntr with ua ami uk horos uah for iustanno liiit prolmbly propor nhinss von t count qood luck to you djcltl luck con- jilmtinff olntnc tcnthahartljvflrjtajl uuual wltath tho other tntli drill t oonorully tapportuulty lio yuu vrmumbdr any ot tlio onus you wprlcod outr wniml tp talto a ipfiiff word lllto coiistitntlnoptf hr l ri list uphundradu of words from il wlifin you huvs jfaur vdwolk uilt c linflvo und a coocl mi or i hunt rf conaoniintu you yd sdhin lmadwdrk on haiiu tlid no irtlulnho ivoptr tinmus nnd plur- ulil and air ghmijloto woitts ouuht to hj prohlhltid l mtiy ui til lowod oi not tit you choaud iirjmr nround imllf dts n or ynur frlond uomo wvoiirnir anl wolf trjpu a ow words umltlnu s if h trill to flflorn iuluucu el jou ihn ilok uurn to awjird iia flng paakqt illcuonftry xaaiullii totlinflhai ivhiiui llllly fnr vnn dnih only 1 inn l vunhiir rohrunry h in iho room of the hurch tho hotn of mr und mr t ii murny 10th 11ml lirln towiishtp was tho ucino of u imppy fcuthnrliui on monday vnnlnt loth hint whop frlfiitdu anil ntituhlmru joint d lu wish hiir mr und mis murray roiijfnttula- tlnns and ir winlirmlt hoimr tin twnnty nrth annlvorwttty of tin ir wul illntr rho happy guuplp wer ho ro ckpioiitu of many benutlfdl ufu dainty lunch wrni norvfil uiiuull sonnt a vi ry pltiitmit itmr advocat dalflrjafao uolurt colif nnd hlu diin litrr ihv niiwml i mo mi rllli lipum lutnly octiudleil by mc ilowtlnii- and hlv family ljl i rl ut or iminmiirnl with n vry iinhrii aocldant lust wwk ho wnu rptliiliiir to uaw wood at mr jlolil cfilim nml hllil tiuir hit iniforu luid lycut oil tho circular uaw cul win buhlinqton according to a recent compilation by the cana dian government canada now loads the world hi tbo public per capita dlstrlbutlonof electricity from central electric power stations the ftgurps of kilo watt hours generated per capita per annum by the five leading countries are canada 1260 switzerland sso united states ssi sweden 467 norway 370 the annual report of the dominion commission of highways for the fiscal year ending march 31 1026 recently tabled in the canadian hoiiw of com mons shows that 7018 miles of highways have been constructed in the dominion under the canada high ways act jit a cost of 48428 713 the federal gov ernment msda payments tp the amount of ia420- 107 to the different provinces medical reporrs arct gfacments froprsa retain urns where tuberculosis 13 ttjteclally k m tljiow that tho fernala t1 r from tuberculosis exceeds that of the male at the age qf 0 to 0 years it is ncsrly 50 per cent higher that that of the males at the ages t0 to 14 ycura and nearly twice as high at the ages is to 10 years the utter being tho flappers age group efforts are being made t re this high lute of fatality the forestration of the open arasrjr the prairie provinces la being undertaken with eomrvitndible eit terprise during the season of 1026 the fprest ser vice of the department of the interior through the forest nursery stations at indian head and suther land saskatchewan gent out 5512j425 little trcv for planting on prairie farms fend since thr beginning of this work in 1001 the total number of trees so seitt out has been a little over 87500 000 the editor of the mount forest confederate and representative it a strong advocatd for the erection of soldiers memorial in that town tbe courrcstfr has repeatedly turned down the propojitioq mr wright whoia one of the ni03 of ciiiieqa an4 spends his tlrre and pditonal w fforri wce t6 week in te epfleayof p advancs tie bestmntefeatt ufifie towq an fim 1cu buminam bevaue the people pianifcat ftu little loyalty and vcsrd for the nteiuory of the mount forest soldiers who pald the supreme sacrifice for the saving of the empire of oipr own land add of our homes ppou1 itfaaivould look vi ry ulco tor mo tu win would it unitet tho eir uniatftnpoo wo wont nko any annqunoomont nhout that hut it 3uu do win woli iqulst upon tho rurnior up accoptlnc the pi uo another tliliiff to mako it porfgetly fall dan t you think you ought to tench tlio boyti tlio method i tmv nhawn you tonlirht tlpitu only uquaro dad ill do it and it oull let tno make a nolo of noma rood wordh to nraotlco on woll ii bo in tins htinpo wlioti tho tusslo contoh w1w yout vpm retwrvliiif home particularly lntlstuff ones for tlio crest oompstl- tlou lets soo put down tho two i mantlokiod coiuttantlnopjt and ir tatlou tliiui illorouiyphio irr proaghalilo mlsanthropo lumlouallsa- tlon wow loadl un not uuro how to spoil 0110 of thorn webster is and looking thtvm up will liolp you to romomher tjmm if the follows say thoy d r ithor follow the hltorniua jurjnillhod than ours jet thorn whon thoy aoo your lints uioy 11 reform with hie haphnaard wuj mut poruoiih wllliivcilook many of tlio iilniplost wordh tho 11 writo down tkn and novor thlntt of niqt- tho tuimu word turned about ity thu win until you jo ok into it ytaj ii uovr feallxo how mnny words maka- htnise whan spelt backwards of couiw a fow spell the same both ways llko lbvku that 0 in teres tlnu couldn t thors bo another tpime brlniflna in that back ward upellliib irtcat ui8uy r4rk j or exainiile you inltfhl try to and how many rvrso 1 words aro rt luted to uio oilulnal hrko rl aim ami munler siy ukttharu wondprfjill atluj whole santunch ruat ia antiiq both ways oim of them u mama no onb ninn that a rartnlmy dmul t thi most nmruia aaiitrnef i ivr heiiiil lif iwirocmy myoraliq lu iitujbuuolj t viixjlp w ttu h wr are 1 aw cw l oakvlcle thol4i wninrfulldookaron tusd ubon i1u honor judao j h kulot prmldml ovtr lilvlslon court trpoulf vlllo fu knox church hull under the- aus picon of the kirk ctub on tuesday january antheie will bo lipid a oe biutlou in honor of the famouu oootcli piotj ilobomjuuiii whoml blriliday falls on that date qlausco limited hiivo juilt recnlvwl two rarlnadw oc the qoiiulno scvillo oranifu whlrii tuoyj imparted direct from m is now ftpet y n rrt vort tot tlio havwo oiniibo maimabido ipoilowlnif an anino nttiirkof ap pendlcltlh dr 10 p uoanu wnu ruulied ilton qolicral jiospltal lost ivlday and an opunitlon was perform od by dr klnrvoth iooiokor latest reports dochiro tliat dr bonnoo is con sidered to bo out of danjfor cnifonjxiujtiriiiiicfiflcnleabjjl 7nriji nuiiihor of ratspayarm tho iloqrd authorlurd llin cofmttnictlqn o un ppen air rink a eueli of tlrttliubll hopolx tho pit i lion was ntada on bs jrflunrts that thstnunictpul rlpk wait not nvau ablo for tlwi juveniles turlni ta flaj jiulew ilurt b mlufln wutuo apuiiktt nt ijhfl otnr- lurt1hp n monday- oyrnli ipvl qltha flibson uouiia he yipke on tho evolution of law in amcilca and traced iho man rwir nut mountt of ho adinlnlstratlon at law frsm thu porlnd of tho eary sottlemomtu on the mow iaiiblnndhmut down a tbo nraupnt thm immnillntely fgllowliia the inatm uia aodrtbts which were given at the nutulhthm of tlm id3t council on monday tha entire council und a nupihor of iriicstti iidjournid to the aibapn jiouo on tho invltiitlon ot iy wllnson rorlunoheou prorrrr l p4jna mayors w b uavls qoo llllti p p a h fortpr or- win wall iind others inoludlns the townofdclau uncord qeortgeyown jl pawrul mijilits viw lisaltlnir propeituu in nix eusantlal alls an con oentuitid lit every botthi f dr tliniphs kclsclrla oil fuiiiintr une of tho iiiout powerful llhliyiusovor of 1 tb the use of man staiiy carl testlfrau to its iiower in allaying pain id many more a in testify thivt they we their hetitth tu it its wonderful power ut not oxpreuueil by th hiuiii prion ut whch t ills is mccannah was to ajiplintod aa ifotuior at n salury of ij26 and tax collector ut a aalary of 1250 albert tost bus heeu roatmiutod llie chief at 7k per year and anffus dilncnn deputy chief at 115 per year mtdh k d uyun will continue col- ivctoi of wator rates with chief jack son an assistant niuht worshipful uro e y barra- cloxiffh and very worshipful ilro qoo iid instullod the ofilcern in the ma sonic lofltcw ut umlro ila uelnald d haxolwood who has been on thu herald staff or tho past flvrt ynrs urff on monday accejvt a position with a printing firm in toronto mr lvad davis son of mr and mrs geo w davis loft last wook for ml- ninn klorlda where ho has accepted a itouitlon in a recent lasuo of the tarpon spring florida loader wo notlco hut mru harold cohln la oruanlat rrnd mr i j uaiber ischojr director n the baptist church of that flour usujills ouuiorn olty iv jviu sutton of indianapolis visited at the homo of his slater mra robert ouult a weak aifo will wad a member of tho fauisus old aetnr lafosse teaio lu oeorvetown chum pious in ibbfl 0 mr and mta v c anthony ro turned liom oji i- rfny last after wprndlua h eomiletf wrekw vlth ro liuiyeti in l anfl atull ittuautql ook wbb m bean in orontq trppml hnapmm t wopkii iu imvf imirovnsr nlpely v e v kimf w haw been m in altifospltil iu reooveiliim nicely und eifpanth to be imok in his efrlct antnb iwn the pfoesjs the public hilwui cvlioctt bold hotora christmas dunatloiiu w4ru soot to tbe fulhiwlnif jublui tfhxicrassov orlpple iollh di en adam heck umi rlil lloiipltal unl thu children uhflter milton on tuesday evening a joint jnutlil- hit km of tlm inlrofh of orton xxidno vrlneu of indhiu l is ostab lliihliuf ii jllitnt hero for maunfacturlnu a r elsctrlc nwht rl million floor tublo lumps in wrought iron bronxu und ulvor also rlro pbico fur nlturt uji as hruss oenl iimim fend ers tiro ironw etc mrs p val tlltou and mr ami mrs a jsfhoyd are spend in if a few days in now york mr an 1 mru jintios almau left on monday for florida wlloftltluy will s iidii il the rejnnltider if tbo winter kjwuid uotifton of wuteidown a former member of tho iloyul batik staff haio lias hnen promoted 4o ntv impnrtnnt office of ibe hank tn peru muuth america on hiluy ivnlrnr k hruary 11 thu juuuajfuinciiulral school will itlvp uu entertainment in the thvirjiall the popular oieretta midsummer vv will ho presaiited llonsclub have issued invita tions for their annual at linmo ut the drant inn on friday oventnif january hi bh ivar a orchwstnt whlf h whl iiiulut of imrven pieces is preparing special proitrnmmo far the occasion mru m d hinlth4uul mrs a d allnnhiivailuposed orthslrhoumtftin tlas hliaud of ruronto wo under stand tiny will convert tlio property into a convaleuceht home for u uinltnl niinilhvr of patient iloth the ladles ate ktaduato nurwnu david h riokett lh jtothnay avo llumlltort pimsed avuj it the jonorttl hospital 9 january 3 after a short tiurth n pf jr and mis ww plck- 0em8 of thought hume in rsorih folhiw th dlelud n nt jbolr ih lonru only in th sanni aaiuin lu whleli uitwihrnrm uuy be mi id lu follow thli hmimi ik im riilvlnir whatoly lie who cnminlts u wronur will hlin mtf inevitably seo lh wiltfrtif on tho wall tlmuffh the wmll may not to illnl ituilty-ctippor- juul hlu hu finis i nnlil flirht th- ihnh wwipons must not wonder if on overmatch houth the devil knowetb lilu own nnd lu a piirtlaulnrly hint jinynmhter j m crawford triiot that man in uothlnif whow not a eonualoncoln ovcrytblns 3 btorno a quiet ooniiclonco makos one ha utrono dyron cruelty and fear ubake hands to fothortllalxac ttme tables at acton t yiiiiijjiimtiirfflsnja gofilu wsst tin j6 iliinday only 10 iia ra n 31 vlfia ro- no jj j jy in no 3c c 00 p in- cu cast no 34 uunilay only j 7 01pm no u f 7 0um no 10 r j 1mb u in no 34 j 3 at p tn no 30 17 p hi no 3b j lsp irt canadian national electric itaicwavo vyjoitbound daily 7 cr ani tiy d cr turn diully 11 ck- ttn dally i 1ec put dally bc pm laiy cu im dally m 7 gc p m doily o td p m xwtiy u 12- it j j eastbaund jdulty w4 fc 0 bb arn i dajly p t p 37 aln pally 11 37 atn taiy l 7 im jlallir 1 iirr yss- k i dally c87 pjm paily j v btf pm joally t 37 p nj datly if 11 sb m- voronlo tsrinlrtsl klabtrt snd bt clair- avnu fyelarht dsllvarsd y spsolal axprsssi frslsht tarofaht picked tip at aty ad dress tn toronto is your child thin and weak oil boyhood duu und with his brluht und sunny dlbposlttott ondhuied himself to till tlxctte coinufuuue much suffsrlnir but houoway u corn itomovor offcro a speedy hurc ajid satlufuctory relief cod livsr sutrset in 8uoiar cstsd tsblsu puts an flnsrd builds thstrljjir in just a few days niioksr than you ovftrdreamdof thss wnndsrmi orsattrrrtdtsts called mccoys cod iflver icstraot tablets will surt to bolp aivy thlh underwelaht little one aftsr slcknoss and whar rickets are suspeotd they are especially valu- m most people know that from the livers of tli lowly cod tub vltamlnes of th flrut class are extracted tbo kliuniial liolp nil feeble underweight men women and children try tbnsa wonderful tablets for 30 days and if your frail puny child dan t jfrallybisnoht etyour manny bade a very sickly child ajfe 9 trained 12 pounds in 7 months ask any drugglst for mccoy s cod liver fk tract tablets 8 asv to take as cniily and 80 tablets co cants ffvcow tonrc fijmbi pratt cow quart free st canada llnus4 tomhio bold in acton b v w d talbot veahtl of pilqhimaqe christ lunu do put iwllke how uer loumly tiitf motdtitiiu tuko the nmttir of a pllwihtaiafcti to meccj a visit to thu holy city w uie aim of a lit time iihd it noitietlmes tukeu u lfthne to achuv1 it th lllshop of iomlun dasorlblntr a4iuo of ills liavelllnu ox pileuceu in afilca lu the tianur says we mlopjuil mjr spedul train for uu luuir or two tin very inhluu yf afitiu uud wdiil u u iiklrn in a wnlk ttimie wij titlnis if ni tlvaii on diihuuvu fllim tbe viiuimu ound uoiniiiu or wuii u the w lis liey ilifinualvd dlu mil wo l ilked lo jllll ttellvlltflll imltlv 1mh ubtllll tlidr uvos n toy wiii ou ht wiiy iq afecai he lml tuiyin 1 iilrwidy fwi or ihwv thnusful mlluu unl hid tut ii jbtst y-m- uu hu ixii mn miim hail ui uu lbs wuy mil wlnu i kit hhi liiw he would tiaanaav bu salil quuty tdj wui provide kwe nulwutvs ufteiwaid wu came arss shrss woillsll l lid wumsll id two daushtis tbu ibust rlauiih- tsr wus rlvwuii ltwinty tlioy wm mjrl buck from mimh uu i iliwi bul urted off she sail wbsii lie was llltl lrl u iwlv all 1 vurlun uebpkab fulire was bulj uro uheruyod d d o m and fellow itlncuiu inutulliil the o hi com kefreuh ments wui u ourvod ut tho clone of tho tnstullaton ct rmony ilorald if stomach hurts drink hohvater ulrsllss bumseh aeldityr p osnt pood rsrittsrttatlon stop lndiyten if thi uti wlt miffer omn india tlm wm whul oi tliilirlm t atuin ru a i ihy oi u tdt in mu mti k it irrttli bintoum u woul l xike a tcitkiiodii fdt of pun auutatd maniiijuhv in bur ii jflumm r hut will i ruiiinuatilv uftui u tin it tb y w ui1 hiou m tul tin y wi tii ultlictud willi siunubh ou uud dilhus wml i ln lo lk tftwlp whtl in iliti utbm uf tbfiam v4ih ii wtl know now yuk nliiuwifii sthttl bit lu fiun 4 uf htopihu tiubli h itue to lllom- iio utility hil rimeuutloii of the rnil ipntiulu or th uiiniiutb oml in imi with un wsunloli ut blchid supply t the stmnuih hut wati lnunn s tin illicit supply slid illslilmbd m miw a whlrli nun he riohllly jjbtnld t y mu frfllilil itruu slur tu elthvt- tul letu or powdwi instantly nutrullss tlm ux rssslv stuniai b uul i an i stop i o 1 rrimiiitutlmt th lolltblllntloll t tb twitriiiansfortt beliia niurv lb usly jni ivsstul iincltuitttllyvrfthtuc th ue i srilrbjul d u- tan i j sllmulahts o uumucimss fur hiihsssiirr special prices on nursery stock and bulbs send your ordew now for gprinq delivery apples pears baldwin spy mclntouh rtuaalan transparent khiif snow hod antraclian hi slop crab st lawroco jtiroenlnir dollclouu wealthy durliomj huwer 60c each 25 or mora atboc each 1 currants ploolt currant each hed ourronn 16o 2o uaruott clitpp u lxvorlto elvoldon duchcsflo ptomlh noavity cherry montmoroncy plum bplro lombard monarch hblpporh jvldo florinon pruno tlftlhmi tvuno uiwlsitaw liuibank 60c eodi 25 or more atsfc 60c each 2s i olfmore utcoc each 600 ahi4a3 a8 exhibited at acton pair september last 25c 35c and 50c each i bend orders at one to iictow addnm to secure the low prlcw quoted frank morgan ruiuieyiuede nuraery west toronto 681 wllliml avenue saage- optical service ifoil cannt ret satis far tory iflussos hy stinply buvliiic two lenses and tirtvuma you must hnvo sklilod korviro nrst the refractive errors of your yes must bo carefully moasured the framos properly iltted in other words 1ut th filqllvlcb that counts and it s servlr tiiat uavaoic specialises 1n when you luybavanscsss you buy bsvso optical t 8rvies ije8t in blqrlt t a d savaget optometrist a mtg optician itlltht at tho lost oqloe hsvaao hulldlinf quelph savage company jewellers ghina silverwave lower wyiidhnm sl phone s71 guelph cry for castoria wothfr pletchertcaslora u a pleasant harmless substi tute for castor oil parcgoril teething drop and soothing syrups prepared for infants in arms ond clilldren all ogaa to avoid imitation lwar loak lot till 1intut ol csftit ivei ijircctkmi im iacti pacwafte puyijiaua everywhere reauwaead it hie old and fceliamo granlto aiul marfalo workft w ore mutturaolurm and enrnoa importers of all kinds of monumental and hoadstona work wa sell direct to our customer m wholesale drtoss thus amvln our customers 40 par osntt wq have the bast appluuie and tha only moohanlcs hi tbe tiomlnlou who cur operate pneumatic tools properly we can eivo references from hundreds of our cub to mora in toronto and other places whore others bavo to imv law suits in order to oollool w have tho lareest and host stock of oranlto 1 dominion or mora tbaji any thr deslors in tbe wasir w are lakltl- nmto dusters and omp1jy no agsuts and do not annoy or post oustomars- by send i us out iffuoratit ajceuta sollolt- t 9rrs w smploy only maahanlcai ilml defy ooiupetltlon hamilton sons auelph ont newspaper and majtazine subscription adncy this otllco cwn aavo jou hid troubh of wrll nir und tin post iuu on any newsnapir or mujrurno you may du sire if you do not itui hi one ontho mst below you wluli b l uu know ami it will be procbrii i fur you acton fre pris csnsdlsn countryman u cansdlsn horn journal csrlsdlsn peulirypjournal colli- wkly gountry oaittumar dllhstr family hrld snd wsjkly 8taj- paitri and dslry rrrnr advost farrrtslv burt plnanolnl foit pert snd btrsam rsr jourruil ottawa qlobs toronto jounisl 0v kadifll hums journut mali and empire tarohtp molun msgsxlns northern msssnosr rod and oun in canada baturday evenlna poit baturdsy nloht toronto star toronto teuurii turonto wltrtst montrasl catjm must accompany all ohdehs the fifee press subscription agency r zoo 100 100 2d0 ion 3 00 100 0 100 1j10 8 00 2j00 1b0 sou 460 100 8 00 200 bo f 200 200 400 boo 6 00 200 n