jtnsar jgltg jx wtyfrjcbrid year nnvarf thuk8b iacton ontario capf aia thursday morning february 3j027 stogie gwg the acton ukitkd church of cana jiu jciltuffcbi r plziqimwwmin ola parsonagewillow street lloo annthd minister subject seeing clod v 130 pmv sabbath rtfcboo session f00p m tho minister subject souroea of victory prayer service art thucjklort 740 presbtcehjan v knox chorw acton mtntffliv a oatewirt at ay manae willow lioo m tho minister a aerie or twnnona on testis natation to mb- manlty jesos and be gentiles j0o ptnsabbalbflchqol and joim claaaoa v v 70ft p rii th muauter uibjot- drifting- v i- strargel vlpjf address wlththo itabara tyilbolld upon by the pastor v m the baptist cbuuch ranvrtlr peaiprwraj9aktaf iloovooilpa worehlp sermon jlwilhluillworta r ltj0- ordinaaco lordft supper cbablblo school uuon stow- ardanlp 11 7a9nnttiat service sermon aotahi rr atondiy a b t p d 5 jtureoay 70 midweek- prayer mntlnjt y spegiat notices l5toe4pitrathreerinonthjroidap amrptntj traw tsroatwii hold vadtlo hata ox jtoraaaratu abeep atlot vjaauthllpo of jetoon- thursday february lo rot hmsridt w obbt aaotlonaerrj jjazwn andvataalrtfr tortoit awl jtbassifm rklan to 7 over a hundred tordyjrfodetg n the foluwlng thbeb bmilctlojna 1750 forxjveirorts that havbbeem forbjret hive -been- j 3375 for overcottstiitit hnver- bemr al t pal rijjhfaeihul- j iij ul lu ncl bhi much vlsdomtft biiylngwitk ajt yo 6amtvjntr saving and fir getting ttt guelpb in tine for eirlvchoosing v 28gs3 juf6 dri nmpn iniipae tormbortn htfrust ttfepnono 106 y aotonr pt sor6w ioticb i jiit tbe ororta put ipurra l tiu and s3 coilbtbaoianolltbatpaoplarr ciaif 14uutanibarinc mrltb servfotr boves jk vnbtgrgto joonjmtad war tla watwa nanu it u tboboarnai fi f i wvtrwrlai bylaw hatl b 3rt la pafttfttiint sp-r- f rqaatd tovfctwti mtu- nt once ml icls11iv ifiv aokptrauctrrajmsl kiaiia i cqaunaaaow u 5anaiow j fjew or aiaiss ton huoartoro t iteltf oor yearal old of ebwaajk ealf tabloarotor eowawul k m s wiqbi n on tho am ootv- jentoflhe boertor fivjrorti cityttht tiikrsa lrtlafarnufli and jstlittf comady tmoarajpbj- luwa ijiftii jsisj 1t il iaaai tav qttvaljisrio tanrlffi ttshvnllciaesai qyaae rsloyr prices to astonish smttjeriwy mdaotck achoolind street weiir- values rnado possible by urge je jdtictjoqbion tho part of thajnakers ihreo groups twfoildws mqjor w pautons hv jrim9edlon of 02 z 3nxdeq f ciiibty clrir hvlna- prculdert for lxtyiwo at tbo fttuiiialoteouo warden for hal tori county major jwpiuaanton of mhfoo mtbo niopcoiittyqjerk in thaivovino of onbirlo hi la in kthylar waa ppojntad county olk- on ootrfbei- 4i8ikaq0- opodlrlg- hjafithor who yrtm1artan yiari more tba ictniniy clark 7 jlaltori ftp wjwhoauyoojtmtut- t b thliottra connoli pd ha ooto- moncsrrteilt f yot trn ot offlotrb oeohttatiuitwfralc achyavjntum wnanh boloor in tb haltontlutioa for 8 yaararetlrlnjn 100 u3 t- 1 utjit ft uaaonor m t jyoara art at bahilktm lji if vm onioot 14 raoniba to wpoukjitrtwlth loiur 4rvjb jnodalfl havinf tiao bm patttoimter fofflftjcymrc 7 taloyr of qanapbrt jjajuji y actpn arid ihstrici montbry maajtna thtt wbnivip jnptltuta jrfll hold fttiitlf minflli onldviy ryobroary a at tho homo oriif3eo tanntx at j- otlocli a raaltraat t in ntorfor alt th pirhciprlno- rlotiln m a 2i9blhop floiiit in1 ipird- aer roifbrta that artqtiaaboi uthorltyw ty-on- thual- ititfa ihookoyfah f an a r rulofljho is olao anentj aatlo buitor andt u11 playing li ullton onrllnr oloba- lnturnrlnk coni petition jflolao crockr rlflo bol mr jitnloq wn maurfqp- ila ouutafav- of tho anuonri mm draamial fmliirtf pream vtjiat onlln ariy would en altr jwj and trmpiaiie tne ilewbprlna vpknae for uektaal 81m 11 to 44 1 inffuf- aflly wouia iiell at 9b theoo tli ooior jwtowuwa- y- 1 iii j yoara to 44 lrajru- if you choow in tlmo dreaamibai ordln- arlly- would mil it reg 1250 to v v tbo majority point twjha ihd rtrttitricaiinr phnci- i tmtirr nayybiue aiiorr- fclaclc btaaajlluto so and w to every ono i- markiblo vnlbo fim noatp a itrimmed coat all mwcd ab wthatydw v obituary 09180 wa lnadvaitnty omitted thu ouh abould bv nddoov to tho aplenahl total ofmonlcii raiad for all purposes darlnv tho ycor vbo inetnbers of the younir peoples loocuo and the sunday bebbbl of tho unrtod cbjirob presented n tsryinter- eannr snd ihbtructlro paremntv tthe way ot ijfe in the united jcbuimh on monday vumlhf about seventy jtof part r idlbslt molftinchy the ahnounosment oftba death of xlv xiij uiuiywtefonio dfj oriisdon oa sunday jvrul bring- borrow to mnnyltearte vor y vara visa uo- auxrobywiui ft4ewber in thtaboni unlty irt lealloi qc finfl r t next makfy mekdnit- dally clialno m0 pmj ejioepum 8hr0c ojopm ino wionoon great aorfowos corfjo to two homes in wtilbb ouiriadrs are keenly ititer- josbdvin asttfaendeatb frjonn ccotortuiu mr co w hi a weekaai last eaturttay wtththeur matlc foyer bvery possible effort wasj mid to aeoura jilni judf bbi akurb jtbo t are trained nurses in bo city wilted unbablnrtwlth their sjdllapil exlierimoei but bosneaumb- jalhje3aim6noonday oehfioir- jtjhncqle was um son of mr and mrs bsnryoolo and- waa- born ot- tho botnektead on thoaoton orosafload 43 1 p4o sptjlji tjirchws 7 pttoi9vjy bag it gn4rvndatojs 25c shredded vht per cpjjf apextoiiiato soiipr oo- fokiawc red salmon i lb tl aa nra fopwiyu 3 ojamjaratrijji bacbirr57ssfcit etrawp r and yljogaiioarry lsk agatpl bihatibh iilbmjli le and dectric stove i r theae fixtures kro niostly nov and niiuf be aleored out in order to make chaiigea neeeaaary for- thoopertlon of h public utilities office ji iv electrlo stovft zljf i jw j2ajtloi qtiiie i j i ntroitburn mulct niany of our reatdsntaj ecanwuayaltadr i indueneevt qerlandjaxtiunpie uponuiefgrjrounc ureic- after ber fautore death mima psclttohy went wcalfary alberts whlrofuwlun the dutleabf- bar pro fetalont there aha oontraoted ojjeavyr attok vlnlllfni from whlob she niver alii- recovered for foiir ystvlra a haa iasreorlenvwharo iipy larv- 1 ulhlr tathi iiixi-ottana- oit bupd rcsiikod htr vleoeasa a funeral adrvlee yrm conducted vt dresden by roy mi hafar cruniatar of the united churcb an lu a jm tueadpyjurljtat a0tawmrtvfi maohsympathy- wftr bo felt for 4he bereft nostlier and the other irlenrixra of tho family i- mrst hrbeiif if sortov r yj obw dnyuuvsreek mr itria crewiyon wwlinirtonetrwt hdd the mlafortune to jiave- jyara- bar falt on- blrtfot while at work at rtbe- acton taatons compunys fattory ftwo boneslnjtltl footfw- fractured f h jjilnry hm ficeri xcedhjrly pejtiful i29w rsleed tor m1ssrhs of knox church published- last week r itap mu hydro shpp to he only snail jbwtek artaainrka tobe hatdted hcnaiur with- tbo urirely incrraaed wra-n- tajledln tb jolljlon9ctftii and eflydio acoounts at tbe- oflloe the pobllo jwtjlulsrootmqpaslonitaolbva hailwrlnbrailolili dmeuna on the- 17tb dehs for the pittf weevor two othej jatuurw to discontinue- tbhojtdxlpjt haifiltnit olfaner a4e4tilcal stock at the ihop 0k7mui btract to conqno te stock ciyxlnt ito- small accessories- dally nded suoh as- bulbs piua- awtf elsicu tho fytoqa and to utlllae the premlaea there at tbeoillca bulldlnc xf the pub- i iltjuuuea csinjnlaalbtu j f xn raapontorooiniualni aa to i water metrasj the coramlsalon desire to bavo metrea put in sausfactocy oprainvnlkbon and wilt tmslad b have cobanmera bavlaa complaints meet tho wmmlajon at- their rocn ia forinl1ruy meetinsa tueedaj y lit iwumw1 ucr wu lifes soc5alsidp jaine- sind6gz0 mrii bobrrt shaw visited- friend 1a ouelpli butt week mrt tt vmeraun ojctoponto was in ttiw7ionbatuuy mr majrtrejl bell wii hnm- from torohtodver tueaday lav an enjoyablbov4sr frldky- evening thsl6 of wk show tr- hold at tbe awbeof m rat oy isy- jj19 ladies of tbe unlted charotvaafl-irv- dayeveihifnaj wae very suoceasfnl and most enjoyable event there was a larr auenftnnoe ojid th bidles biyuxhivorem a dne variety orfaney wofkv ladles and childrens shnsofa 4nd otljer article a prafframtneof mncjoat ttiuafflry nttmajeraferjr fwaa ktruxtato4vbjftxtnii tfjreah mmraaiiti aatlsiairtly adioted- accounb wore passed aa follows v hydro ferrantl kietiio oo iran- former fti4 it mr h- 1 uporev it baa been tonflnmi tn vtdftrii wtkpsurtrwfut aokttru j fsarcae or bronchitis dominion btauonen auppllss it 3 m javmwtbyiiiqp aupplle it- m- mcdonald are lnmtrmnoa wn m upon mouod kin tt h bptmht flecrurytreuiutv a to- issue cheque on jtiw w works accounl jtfae secretary was instrueted- to bavea snitlca inserted jn jhe pataafw7iwiweka7tauvnotor sons taaiperlnir wlib vpnidc p jf mra wtcoluera bwcki meyroa i- jj- j7 jotoj coiactorqnto acratchedan4- tba- cap came oft with onjya brokenr window- vand jthen rlstbted9n mjitimidway waa able to continue te journey toronto r- father and- bon banqiiet a date whicb should be kept open ayr member ob the united church conkrefatloft is february lltb on 7ikieabloirbrbe tctnrniiot ifion sanauat thl banopet 1a under nomeamao on thoacton crosanoad 48 to uaiv lnvlttfd every tnanjindr boy yeara fljto 7bn a-ytrtinamarrheaii- bwreas pltxqa of the freed inttfiachloa sobool for several years becapie mifaxprt cr counntan4 foraayeral yeaxfl bad charfte flt tbe book brty 3forey flgaj iinufaclutn acton later- he took o paukm vrhh lb orayport motor cn nwoofmtorers atgbalebap nmmbflpofyeiireitato he went to toronto where h aajoyod a dod ettbejuon irltb the durant motor olr co on november iv 1914 he waa joined in holy wedlock to jalaal ajbecta molara elder daughter 6c utv and mrs- n p melam main street mracole antf thteo soba tind dauthler survive corus ytflbua john and jean mr cole waa a-mem- mr j j smith who baa bean for years superintendent ot the manitoba e jts gbvrtum-mttr- flelltlrkihsanbtftr was a member ofwvjkir lodgsajr and aim acton the body waa brouifbt to acton on tueadayand the lfaneral took ptaoa yestordmy afternoon i jbree ookrcjc interment be4nxrnae atvftibwcatoetery vary inqre aympathyia felt by the csjrnniinityfor the famillea ao aorely bevef t magyar of sara wk orajuun actonj general ijret and sorrow wpr felt- in waton and jcjjiliciajidjiy janh ii iffa ltbaoa lqtown ifa mra1 jnet3cerr rdino ofthotpioam prsrolnent gynf thiscomcqunlw bfrt ftmw bw home here shij jfl lto in btluajsboalth until tbprtvrous tteturday nbjhi when a vreuack of pieuropnairoon sej in anddeaplte ah thfttdoctore and luster nnd loved obos ooiild do her cou aadooms tn hlrtior servhoe htrl nusband lau mr alex oardlner prpdocotucd her in may tf sir tbelr ewiiwia uamv ju a fij outppf 00a and themeiory6fthlr devoted ltve of onatcratet aervlbe in ttetr cbureb ad conjinliy will stlwpyv be anlp sstbitlan to othire they were the flrst- nafihtbeiwrof jjuffa presbyterian cburth wfuton syjiq- inov an aeilvi limurt in tub b s and all other aotlvl- u of thorittetovater ber hus bands deoftfa tfra oardtnee oarii4 n jtsrtoble mjwrishlan foftli sdentmenhslr invtbe tteavtlfql jiomia walton- suwuoded iby herrrare dawcra weys j constant soufoe- of jor to hrlp her wmwpmo waekv irbom olio wya- a movb inuravvjiwhand abaisart bfltn ready py ths na4renit troubled bealdjtt- a boat ojt aoftowburf frtirnaa and ruuvaa leavea til moiirn her loss f mrs- ton jkfnitapxiiucjranow aiul r wrsrtv jt qmhajtof acton ajtqpila wnjtlbejrtaiii6jt 0t two- anna peter of walton and dr john of ohioaitoj mfa nev db maralt ubd sort jsmea predeoeeaed jlfbo4h-texenta- the members of ths lt hpso wtthtb beloved mouiwdurtaaj w edmwtpbf h waj ji jaucpeof ycest joy totheilpit one ttave them near7ptr tbe re main were laid to rstfi btfllda 4htwe of hrhuibwd ana eon pn flttofdvy january tf umzitnybimngj bald frwplbira vnltm church j tvajton ndtte service copuetdbjr bar j p3fttv wwutojistaal tor a wlilyaoinlkht coach from anelph ha4what raicht tbave been a very serious accident on the dill on the seventh tlbo the car slipped bnfbe ley roadway and whon olmoet atop pod and apnturently under control f itnchand oapssed ovwtfifaa tuns wnn p ihi tjtmtale w a vary fair atundaoocwiui reported tbi auaploei bt the tuxla boyand h mloc- m banquechave xljady been drawn up and the boyae working harjd 10 oa- suri jtj illftfletr arl jaiurasbwer premier of ins olath of theeootarfo older bora parliament has opnaeni- ed to be the- speaker for thy evening earl iutehslaxar la at preaenion an extensive tour ot bastern ontario spemjrinfpn boys work and it is hjped that his iheasaa her wll be aarreat help fo atj tboaa who ore fbrttrhatai enough to hear him breakdown somo montlui aco and la taking a vacation with view torj gaining his hoairtt a note ffoni him last week said that he and mra8inltii are ttt vancouver b c after spend- jng- avfewdaya thera 4bey intend motorlog down the pahflo highway to los angclea oaj where they espect to gpejid- month orttwo thejt will hen motor home by way of jthe south ern route through- arlsjona rlewtwex- loda ttrxsa- kanaka iowa nd mlnnl- aota and ytm ricb- winnipeg obont thenratof may r apdilrs smith are tootf formerresideiitbfitinon and jiatnbeff of frlendgtiere will hope tbf mr bqutrirajul changepf cllni- au will result in bis oomptete rectyv- i lrtetauahorvofowoerir at the ragular meeting of aotoit lodge no 204 1 o o xv held 00 january 35 bra r m mcdonald pji u -w- mlttatatlefl uv4 r ir the asulna term agricultural filftr tho treaaurer presented tbe onan civsuteoieitsb4wlng total rejoeipw for tb year fsii inclodhig twlanee from -ins- to bo 9m2076 tbe 3epon cfttura jrtea at fair 1476 fkl crop oompetlllop 1360 norae raoea tr tmat laprlieav u7aj- whicii waar tbeargeatamo unt trtr paldout by the society other rtfflnbtg eitpens- a ware tmlfclt leaving aralanoa on hand of llj074j offlcara eleod were president george davis jst vtea- president- s h ortfflwrrnd vlceprdsidenu d sloqlajr djlttinojataj mcklanon a gt purry robert kerr j saj peareo henry aeod k mcdoogajt o d acott a c burt atmobajdlrewra rjainer klirk- woodjohn wilson joaepb thompoon jctmoklnney j r cree cheater bnxti auditors tc tfloater andc tc overland flenetajytreasiirer a mcmillan- ear for the angulng term j p oibrp w bearer j wovbr rayaewarif- vorbjroy b burnley i jtooordlng 0ecretarjrwbro f ken- nadyr lttiianclal secretary and-q-eajruror- i bfo bm- mcdonald- y v wlpjrdeh- bro 1 jfatnt tjtieenfore 7 t corjduotprsjtro jo agoew o 3h3 campbell carrier f- ijrdjre geo hall -r- 43k bro- jelm warthi i ovt thilvogel area ofi hor- ipnemnsazrjika wluwaaaon joum- owflvftr to yisifi pag pn ffcrkl tu a v fl hortnnn wilds k aaavbatani rwtll v at tr- 3al wlbtin juav ubro ja w cmainliv43rt ttru ritchie 1 fjai ur lnsauttjvnv t n hatlanism iaf thaarvtuianarwaa anant vbalanoe of the- avenjag nil spent in games and nfreahmata were ajarv- od and ft lioclnl hour enjoyed by all amokhiwn tmevss rgitnak thieve vt imck elaq crown attorney who was proae- cilllng iwllliam iaaror of milton aav week on the barges of etenling the pblokena of hr mrtrtha jonec 6f mujoha twp or dorlsv a ume between tbe lltb of novawtrfltaand lb 4tb ofjanmary lang waa flnalm caught made restltutlbn odvftrtniflhl the fowl stoln and 1lvootmsei mr t harkuychoon oleadgd toruapena 01 aentenoe oftof v tpoagibla x magtstrato wng ua thlsvejm this count ptbal tiome tlmewas spent dumueslng de tails cspaeuftsi that operation of thcl pubuot7tluura ofllc and ur follow- limf raolutlonwn paaae4 moved y e j haaaara aeoonded- bynvaibadrealtea- tbat allwwmss a i uf jstfft i frg mr oebrge cowie apept tfcuraday ylth frufids in toronto j 1 jkfra drubell rauirnled last weak from her visit with friendaja new york mra w jmuiyjot day last weeswllri- her- mother mnc soptf xlmebotiae r mr nerbvrawrev- trfottuwa apentvtba weekend with- his brother henry awrey bare t mrtlr jermlemododbn entert a mls lu114irou actovasfbet cca by cotnicil sosi get bepoct nstnoa w- au the counctuom ware pg at- the seasloa on tueaday ersvnusjr iteevtv mason prralded jtbvrrttoroxsjcdotm ortreconunaodod pajrmettt of the fmv towina aooouottu pslwsral aeeount ball telephone ccw aervloea 2 c j bt madffefjrle lumber for t oe wv 1m geo cdwars strap foe truck tj ar coxa- aupouea 4 acton rree library grant if ift farnset aalarles and x uvpiiw 1u r sjternoon mr and mra n pjfdljtm worn at the home of mr andmrsrojwi cob torontoon sunday mk jidima3rown were fcbth lald during the week with severe attacks of jnouenauu mr it h vfansborongh attended the fnileral of hia pldegt brother in toronto- on ihondy mr john a motfif of bsoumond hj1i attended the funeral of hj nleoe miss christina mohatiast week m w maf aiyy titu a mary of iort maltland are vbritlng laftiadfofpolltbx wrongty luniclpal woild supplies- 1 it-t- til iw tbo report waa adopted- mr j acheeradaraaw oooqell rejatfre to street algits da- akyitatjagltlia naa ad pass a bylaw car njunbrtngof use ba i r ibaarnan i9treataaaitl -wadtaat- llnoti and tafis beyns- a ga over- tlterprqgromtton vrtth mr cbeer make au eatiaaato of tfie oodt receaneada41tat4aaj8t waa npe moasrs d mcdougall and lj kerr wera in tdrbntd aueadlnc aineetlngl of the fall fair aieocjallon boll ce r ip r or r iilch aajtuilha plugs- and twnkillv offlco aball- be open dally from j0 a in to 13 noon and from lto sp 1 on saturdays tjio ofllo uialloiphr noon and on friday evenings from f to 8 oclock that the salary of the sereasytteauteratuinwf400 jtarwt tkattr tha sgjatt of ul1 mr oeargncowliiciab will no doubt bo able aborts to ro- mne- aausf n eaa jjir l b sborey had a trying attack of hiccoughs for a couple of daya last week thlawaa tn oooncetlppu an attack o the flu aban- 4e 1m thejjutslda work of tnahydro a the watprwprka- t the meeting adjourned at 1u0 pn khin fajjfthasrbaiancb of oeorya davie prealdent fori mrjackj bowlsjrvof detroit was as jiere during the week rllpg fltafatberw1ia winjtht tlwee1f before mr- rowlea is now making good progress toward- recovery jmratakllvbejosrmabjag o u ford motor caat saskatoon in com pany with hi atmtmra r b ntahnn vlalted acton relatives last week jmr xlokup was a dotegata to the ford convention af toronto r mr and ojfju bt o mceaeh4si of bglcarrea- baak hate fvtlirned rnonva after vtaiunr at the borne of their nncle and mint mr anj mrs john crawsbaw at spayslde alao mrs mc- bachrrn jr and father mr7amaa soott- mlaa jnutabetb stasa joba btree who- haa ner- hlpfractiired early jn deceniber was- brougbt kbme on bat- urday after making splendid recovery m nisr r nagf calling to offer oongimtulatloniaon ber recovery acton mdscian8make mebb tk vhud ourah qhalr enanuln 4 choiraaf theothar churphea tho menuwr t ta ohoira of knox church staibaaa and tho fiaptlat cboroh wera be truaataoc the ehotr ot tha ttoltad church at a akauna party on we vrenlnraod a vary irniyablvfiint4toa u prored to ho r th eompany had a wry pleaaant hoor or ao or wkfjng and thadju- tn the aehool room ot the united churchtrpr rafraehment upon antertny they jound wttlr oisslbuaaimato which stiawar and pmtor llaxtftr made happy tapuoa the 8undayjqhoot orchettia cn4sts houeo in which h raaldml re4aevral atleotlona th oambcm alta ctdaana band who bad played 4u4maayaaatera attho rtakuwefflnv cloddintbe jueecj taaho thrpiufhout breathed va pnt- lnitw rariah uaunuradax erenlna vebraary everybody high school utebary ineifltino prooxamov yt on by tail saaanel rwt laat prhay th utarary flocliy of tneaaauwi iawanuauon school held a vary plaeelna tnoetlna the programme of whlah waa atva by the second form moril meoamb aa vteapraaldent conducted- jtaa maruna in a aktlful when faced with lbcoitwc ha nrajnto openad wtlh thai nvtttad th ancceaatoo of- taatta hajmfo tlrmyil totlowailrtibuaio mad reautunpnmverlnirthevaltio orjo l- c 1 etrt ayrral the tart fcnaralrla olrtndll ka4alporm jgs awfyyrastit ttsmm osuraitlnraarka aatay fix very aueoeatfttl p with tha w say ore tbomta jars sy- fckbaxtiiuft geu yo tt li ttmm mrs james bagl ahdmlaa beatrice ataglet t- preston spent the week- tplti4iltlllj kerr ax mra jamascowleof toronto who wlaalaoevmddeqenbm returned homejn tjtqradgy- mra frank- kennedy weldngton- sv who has been ni foe aeven weeks bad og operation on- ttaturday for abaceaa behind thr ear which garvem r tbo abrta yxaf tm in- great relict vltatlon abowa with wjmt ea tb etbsrt t rev moyeru bald and spcaka dgdor of tbe aucceaa of ols pastorate la pprtu mr mpyr laetvldenuy just aa ptro lar in hla p nt charge aa ba wa ba his former one here waetow pouck cour news police magtstrat moora had a full docket at seaslon otpolioe court la mllwn last wednesday frederick shepherd milton waa ebarged with unlawfully having liquor tor sale ofbcera reevejy nowwtma chief chapmgn under a aearen- warrant jum- covered shepherd and four men drink ing in hla bom after a hockey match january 14 thridence for tbe proaeeutlon was put in showing that the wine found tn bttapberota bouse wag oakvuie wins and legaby pur chased and that tbe beer was par- ofaaaed on a script issued by- a milton doctor and therefore not idegay pnr- chased there belngno evidence of sale of liquor the charge was dismiss ed the court and the large crowd wuo re 6 ti uiaf the that tbe ofttoera bad eone upan a bootlegging redesvous but that the evidence was insulllolent to warrant a oanvfetlon another casaeif bee waa fbond at qeooratsd tabiestandappetlslag odors frointbe- kltcbeii boma aeveotynvo peraoaa sat down to a subatanual menu of baked beans irobaand- butter oak anlsibntaa- bevmrcsummeitnan in felicitous tenna extendeda vary oordlal w 1 s which alfred gj dnnian nda itcitaev mrrplai ikned belonged to aim he lined 18000 and coats for bavtur ttauor ibja place other than tnar7lvatadwet- cbaiwesv against wttllan lang for stealing tablcajnu wero jxangwas sent tn the ontario bafarm- atory far a year each on three cbargea the otner two charge wera dismissed orii5jisdtsstanzs heidln mfuop toaay at wtnch cfiarges wtu- be beard- against milton po01 vin n a tltree for loitering in the town hatl r 8ssx0vs acctoawr to a young bjgn fahmht twfuarn murray ion of mrhul wur- ray lnjuiat ty tailltrng tree about ten days ago mr hl murray of tbo tenth una kftn and three sons want ottrrln tba farm rood lot felting two trees outfung ibem up and hauling tp a woojl tvf broth- tin iraa it jrs waiwtllam ok axwrttavlaap tn waunpad batutur oa hla face a hajoll tfcebutt of the tr atruak aim an tba lower par otbuf back aiatielmadeortotaaarlnv mr lurraywm redaualy latvrad after raeattln anavald- mwtrtab to ili ll ooatpb ow laiio na aatara of hletnjorlaa thla irlaapjulmaioua aa4patorll xray uanalaauana prorar sat two bona nvakj iswar pari of th back i rataar earl- 1 layavvag eitrs guatatned xsjju wfi1rs efflciestuy failed th opto of aaretrrrreaurer of anton fejltalr reppotad for thla pear 7 ngswahi at tba 15eardmor atsd xa- w-jtbe- jaa eladr pi moved by f x aotmiea aacefad ty- j nleov juu m- mcdonald bwate- irtntad chief of tbe ftre drlgaoa tt ihe year jftt tbocouncu iueated tbattbwnw- paaaa renorttna xnlautew of tba pub- ue scnool board anatubuc butmaa proceedings and if tbe reporter vsai onal to attend tbo nistnga tbaiafc- oeas be avennjtbo mliiwtssi vfsa acton ajaii district killed by a albert keller ottalpcv yaars od i oiwlpb township wb inelph townatdp wbea irja ffi nnt jvy afa-a- ly tfrv rbargv blowlnx abola tn hla aide v thoea cotanpilbav butt fanjlar old nuisances braauitntt tbreate- or invitad t rswvajn fsr tjaa vaa- axavarriaaly attearsaeai maetlaa- of tha board t this pnltadcnrck motiday evinlngtbobe 0m moyea- vsanatter fehparjrs treirfilse bfloctg to devtonp foreign jsi tor canaihan ffgtrade jyorajd fatal to the blabs vannattsr fox farms latd peorgetown and a jnoettng of credit- ork waa held tn the btsoea of humpb rartakiunolta tocetnto tar osapenv poae of appointing- laejectors j and mapping loat nlana for tba re-organt- ttm atrea a l if 1 rllmjlaw 0 tubluueei of tbe company to tba ajntaimatkyw- wfla fkar tvhe meeting will run aboat ijm wbdet tba a easts oooaistrnsr ofrmachea la r ontario and michigan mad tba atonaw of ftnnrei are about aflee tina fax arm rpthtr tg to qtnlr cgy streasa to be docog wall ce kfjbty- wivtb aurtbday baturday waa tba- birthd of tn oldest narirtvaorp realdantof artoa e thomaa- bbiastkervinav tbo day waadttlagly calebrated itatbe of mends and relatfraa parftclpalad there amaaaouveb4r and nnnverotta talotna of raenctaber- aaee from frtenowsadaadtora mra scnmervino has been ill for aomatlssa but waa feeung unoau mqoa bar hlrfdlay her naldeiriana waa raay brown and sbe waa tba ongblercf bqntro atnaander brown ad mtrat brown ber blrtbplaoe belngv ui bouao where -mr- n unoajaad faadt nbw teslflet- bno baa lived in aecea ad vlclntty all bar ufa gjmt no dtl- is bald in nlaar eataaea by tbose wn jnsowbgr ccetjgytafmiatlayta apora bar atatlnlna aucb a ripe ago have been iaoatved from many frtanda narrrair vi nsra aftva pap ment kdltor of tba actqm ipaaa pgaas flir tbe oenadlan fioaarctl ay trajntns- la undoumedly giving tba teenage boya than any otner ctaatilsakloa of lbs kind r meeta tba needs of tba youtb of t d and altera kuldanoe and council which possibly ths lad can not obtain etaewbere of r l baaed on the boys ganging aplrtt by gettlns tbe boya into tuxia and trail ranger group all tbe eu of and tb bttaiafe3aaxlotr tba oanlaauaa la juat uka aay othar corpora tt raqutrea fund to vjtrgiio tbo ontario timtrf the- only feaatbla way older boys parluuneart decidad weak tbe sale of bonds thee boada arc of on dollar and nv dollar deaamla what bitereat do tby swyr you asav tbaai bondg 4a not pay any sent but atoffvetbrnrf nunemaly better tban atonay tbobsa tereaenl aal fhtrtaeraae- e proper clthtenafclp an tbe youth of our great couatry the coming leadera of our it la my earnest dealre that ghat th nautbera of tba tuxla aaa trab oroupa call on yon la tb tstat weak ot laawaary yoo wlowwhri with sn open pnraa bt tbl vanr worthy oabsa j jobabicdat aaget for xleortmo small ewwroa a he uaattewaaj slia oomara jury which uynelleb w tha daataa oc the jbjut cnlatran at auyuatoj amdaaalanaraori jao byibra lavtkalr howtjtwa 4- w 5l ijsj- j in unanrcmndranr avioa ia m noma in tha tnuawtna tm wa atroaati iw t pracaoa afpeaata amrtac tailr oalhlraa at lfil aaraata aratatha haktt at apanalna- taw mftihltnm uam aaaaao will aair4aaearttoaa r tut aalt ta ra- wrt r samm s3bmigzzsba2i sesmamni f- jrymxxrjrt hr atinti 3flrcr llrrafl utji 4 cpt twllua wtxlily nwhp4r aawkuttuu 1 r vl i town wullt ot obtrlo tlik actum wife t tttiu u puwuhed llltf r the p tt utiaf no 1 mill a tificat la futm ptr vtai rharetlaiiiiiibnajii bultt tie dale it pmj jmtinltittwt lhaaxurci the v unluiat aa the uburlptlo kancr koala u to tsfli 1 1il alovetttislnfl batkst t jrl utmla tat mot per lion atmk nkhute to fiftl inter lion end j cant pr lino for tech tobatv aiuaii jamitna npiv ar ami lof snlnchr- per it clt acii iuaertlo ativcrllwmitnlt with our poclfia aiyoctlot will tm inchtd 1111 iobi end charged kvccortjlnaly h 1 woo me 1 r a diixstu tt- 1 el ho largo numbers ot canadians fc returning homo from tho united states because ttrcir employers are insisting that if they remain they shall tpke out clti xenship papers tho situation is drawing attention tononilgtnycairttdran svaluciirrt3i ilsircl rzcl uhip wo recently heard of an incident which cm phastzed tho same fact a prominent toronto stir j con was offered b salary or 25 000 to go over to the 0 m ted states npd tike charge of a hotpjtal there after consideration he declined vchils the salary is much larger than i am receiving i got enough for my needs ho said i want to continue to be tlntish subject and 1 want whatever credit i may bring to- the profession to belong to canada yet tome people say that sentiment counts for nothing in business orthtartfimc3i new canadians for caxiada there fiat been nn appreciable increase in tin raovement of new settlers to the tomfnlon from tho british isles the scandinavian countries and other places in europe during tho year just ended and in directing these people to ca natlg and pla uhem on tho land the department of colonization agr culture arid natural kesourccs of tho canadian ma tional jtailway has played an important part by ruins rtf tfrif fivrtni nrgriinrnjjion ami thrn tl thursday- morning january27 1027 editorial canada now exporte alfalfa seeel fivo years agotcanada was importing alfalfa seed now its exports of this scd arc of consider flblcvouhio in 1q20 over 61720 bushels were sold to other countries principally to tho united states and it is expected that in 102 the total exports will jtch forces established in this country the director of tho department dr w j black inj reporting on tha seasons work to mr w d robb vice president in charge of colonization is enabled to state that in the matter of fairulics transferred to now homes m can n da domestics brought across and- placed in employ ment juveniles sent to farm apprenticeship and men placed in agricultural work theactivitics oftho dc partrnent during 1026 show nhijncrcasc of 211 per cent in comparison with 1025 ircports from over seas officers of the colonization department cana dian national railways indicate extensive bookings for tho current year with a consequent increa d ing 1027 f the flownof immigration to canadi neighborhood news jjnu tlttlrd has been appointed caretaker of crln tin i constable tttovmrynwmturvtriifttb 1937 fur a miliary uf 1 4 lltu in how of th united church ktl lntt1 1 rvlng u lit valentin leu umt h i ling a buur i moults nvtuljiii 1a itruary 14 ilr wtii jjiybuur ml burg toui hi iiouho in tlm vllluuo unt week to mr iohmki awfiy of juimoua mr harbour remain in tlut h ue for otut yir llmw cray ul littl hon or now tlumburir isv raturnml homr aftr vlnhintf with her luxvont linr mien vllth llanrls of iwibwa alxrlur i vlaltliq willi mr utxl mrw hul hurru luiroutttnlii un 1 uthtfr frliiul x liiti r lluwltiif omcvrarfar kdn hot tlilijjturrtl ftrclnty were wltrctfrf etr thv uimultl iiiawljiin ltin ite uulot- juattco 1 rtutldtmt xllias h ic mnmll- lun vlt frtultlinc k ouousii 3 hit vlru irtlttlt lit xbkjtt tua- rvtun mr 1 j ainclnlr nvourir- it v hull itourtl ut directors tor two yuur mr w- oruirita l juhiioo mih aj llrrrv mrs john mo ictnney m1ma yrt- jltra o taftt mi- j ii aibeon ilrjj j h imiic 11 mnttlxlw iwuu auduir c k ovorluhl itijy oruijdy tlio uocloty lui 7 ftp tut luli li atlvxtcatfi the sunday school iabssoh i fob sunday january 30 tiijmmiatian ovi iicouino tkultatom 1 lit l ut liu lilmutir pttul lid 1 ubltt 41mt ur fviii ltl crlbtuli ihoii 1 uk i- 10 13 13 lolduii tfiti in tliut litui uiiftyrfm t tiruf t 1 nlttt tii0 w iir 3 ib lvollvnul itulflltlfitaj dl 1d it th txt expirvml l e jtu whm it l in thu hiijjlt in u wlunrniw ixtlllg lrt i4hl of th anvil jtu l immeauitily i1 into iiia thoisht preiuittttlun t if hi hilnutry lit- doubt wlhtnl ic t rni inn hi 11m tf uotlon md itnritf txmlat tho o i ir hi fiuitlng ami im illnuon 111 itaxllly we ikitm tut nru i ltif i tli lvlllulbnlly tho udvor ury thw hon of ttoij and tlitir ubu to work mrrtialfw ijt no scientifically packed salada m g orthirto of alfalfa from thiapfo vinoo have in the past few years won the highest awrd at the international grain and hay show at chicago canadian alfalfa seed is m demand in the united states because of its hardiness good produo twp vgluc color and general appearance fftr0 fey of ffittsraurmatheau vrarwat hgy tfle during gconccrt in the town hall chesley would dome ono have the presence of mind to step to the front of the stage and call for ordej to prevent pgnia that wknoc tho first thing to do the negt beat woulobo tt go down the main stair orderly and for those on the stage td proceed in an orderly way down the fire- escape once on the landing the steps are so ipy they wouldnt be long in getting to the bottom in the wjnter months it is surprising how many people lost their heads when facing a con flagration chesley enterprise the same question might be asked respecting aptoiijtowrt hall ths architecture entrance and fire escape being very sim iar to those of chesley hie commnttity ift it is so easy to criticize leaders and public ortciola who are trying to accomplish highly important civic work each of us should ask self directed questions and profit by the astounding results shown uppn the red jnlcsilr if jharomunuyajcjgc4thgcc ar t qeorqetown at thu annual vtttry lootjn of tit qtrvrgv cliuroji tite wunln rctort uhowtd tho pulvtu of tho your ulrtountcl to 1 jim 70 tho kmvtiiuy ofui unnlvunuiry of th ounolng f lite church will bi odour tl tliln yr w if jr o a wlliton of yulker rwi aciott nt thd inital- latlon cjnhccia uf credit jlodjcu on th 14th lnl lly ufotttlntf milton 1 to 0 in thi qua junlrtr tmureut muton tho uiidufouttml asoricutinvn aaxtbtto tuincj tin lr ivosltlon am loader of ttm uriu wltb tlirmi win nn io it aiiuintine xrjhodmmunlty who mttrildaxl thecoikiliittt b4inqut ut r6nnlo wort major tyrant 1l ii louu 1 ulsby jw v llurraclouklu w fcord ii 1l ultimm j ix muc kotulu i uv watlluua tlie joint insulutlom of iljtjom cam at uo orion tawlfb i o o k uiul verdun itelmkah js lira tot k lilac a li donetojiclpriie town how many meetlngsorcla tion to civic problems have i attended on how many committees have i served to help this commun ity in its civic commercisl and industrial gro have 1stnod on thevstretcoirieignaritfdted or have i aided in solving the problems to help bring about remedies to improve conditions have i tcally tried to understand what this town is facing in re jxjjwmi bread no no but tha oranl- liotiw coqld do ihl tlnj suggeeition ivir weeftf myhav wftvtntm whlt atton m tliowhut trmeknlllng lodve uf fureod 4 it 1 written xwut b 5 the whnfti nuin i tuknn mrn of by jod c iad bl lalttluiow juy w i trnf u itfty jtlutaatm ovorlookng th laftrriln coott jfvaili ilul doubttvs viuwtxl iudjlunimtuv fit till ll and tlid ttmplo brouglit th uevtiti vtry vividly to hi hi niciry thu world tho jraxik uxurwnaloit hivnn tlio iti- htahltwd tmrjli only in lnmujiinution could tlkoho m on k i will give ul thin an umiiml- tlon of authority which jirni vtafuhod to udmll u wrutgj a kbitcmcntlu illftolatnt word 1 1 thu nmf ihd imkioml twwti m w entic llamomitprlng t hto worda imw mn any brunch of th rhurrh ttwclt its udhtuainta tu ray to the ritlhtu or tivou to one ho iiljftily iioh5t d of gd mm uuryy 0 quottl rant mo 01 13 it 1 u4ldnut- ltlnrtcl frain hlrrouatthniv nd ik mil i ungeln ttiejtnd mlnltird unto him jciius vn cven ihtt ut lurunc that the rlht liad won tor a imaitoii thin was not tin lout battle with uittutnm rtcy wort fought whrn jetium hvnt whole nluhtk in prayer jwhfn nojui in oethseniaivq tin 1 nvon on thn croaa slut he nt lint triumiliod i cor ioj is i i faa tewe tables at aotoh nadian natiowih li zfi uunday ooly si as free froiw dust as tea tctar le iodic ootna on uuuday tjvciiiiitf 0 a ajut bherwood of itrontltton and pint- xrealdcnt ulsur tukor t nvaa1etbrirfrd fit bluost crtrdlbln niamitr the arena cuainy are determined to nut a stop to tba nmuklnir imliuinc during hockey matches at tha arena no smoking notice havn ten put illlundjimalnjcu wlrlotly forbidden contabls will hit on hand to soo the led olmytid hruld what would happen henot if that terrfyng cryfirei should be heard f to turewlb wd the prosperity and in- mb h tw mlt rtu wm happiness of its people in short have i cared hgva hotel men seeklruf uquor privileged the hotelmen have made two definite requests from tho government first asking for the privi lege or serving beer and wmo in thhoierdtrttng looms with meals second asking for the privilege cf acting as agents for the government in purchas ing liquor for their guests from government store are not surprised at this bdt we sincerely hope tho premier will bo strong enough to withstand the pressure that will be brought to bear upon hint u depends a great deal upon what constitute a moid it hag been known in days past that a crust of dry bread answered for a meal with which to furnish liquor ye do not know just how far this would extend at the present time then a to their beoom- ing agents for tlio government in providing liquor for their guests this we believe is open to tho very gravest objections and should be opposed m6st strenuously this abuse would be universal and the just state might be worse thjuktho first the royal templar the voldr of a chamber of to jr town there is more value to a toaui which has a live organization a chamber of coram en or board of trade than is realized by the i rank and file of thd community thealms and objects of cither body is to advance the material interests af the town where they are operated john blue secretary of the ed jcmoriton board of trade speaking at luutefail alts recently dealt witji the place a board ofjtrad tfiom o in a town here arc so my flflufl 004049 why any such institution why a town council wb schq6i boa why a qurcj beegufto they fill a necessary place in the organisation gnd maintenance t the social aide of the community the powers sod funotjons of thi council school epard or churcn organltations are circumscribed by legal limitations there la ncd in every community for community lesdership organised government is not nuoacient there is need of gome unonicial or- ganltation not limited by charter or statutes hint ex c- presses and embodies the spirit of the community education social life hospitals music xport bust ncss- a successful commuiiityuhas all theacand a board of trade or chamber of commerce brings the tibility of the business men to briar on all these pro blems a good business man 19 the best asset of a community business builds a community and tho function of business is to provide wealth and diatrl bute it for the comfort cnj happiness of mankind to accomplish this the business man needs rare abil ity involving self sacrifice he must be a financier u merchandiser cstablisv and maintain a good repn tution trade w everybody and still make money tftte board of trade or the chamber of commerce is tho best training ground for tho stiidy of tho needs of the community aro you interested in your towyi do you want jmsincsa tohourih jn the district then study thfl cmnjunity study it problems and onng to bear on these the best ou slave to offer our town does not consist of thj streets and homes within tts boundaries but is that influence that radi nfes from within its borders to tho furthermost tn batxry district happiness of its people 1 seen any higher than my own counter or looked any farther than the pavement in front of my home or place of business have irealixed that comparatively speakinjf h few mefl and women jf- my community have actually supported it in a civtf way while i bavnoi done my full duty nor con tributed my ful share have i merely been stay ing in town or have 1 been living here have i merely been a resident of the place or just one of its citizens have i been holding back and letting the other business men in town do all the advertising to stimulate businessnndhe dmngnothmg but reap the bejicflaof their efforts to bring tjrade to the town why should i not realize what others have been doirtg and resolve to do my share of to boost ing for the community during 1027 these aje real tests of good citizenship rlow many of us can make 1 satisfactory passing mark yarmouth ldght editorial n0te a house of american nations in which canada is represented 13 being established in pans thus anticipating canada a suggested entry into the pan- american union it is significant that the united states congress on april 1st next will raise the immigration quota of great britain and northern ireland from 34007 tojno30 jjdwill reduce that of tho irish free state from 28576 td 13867 chos nonpon first line trafulka ttwtthiji hus sold hi 100 there farm av4b hlcbard hloutt alo of ths flnrt una tnrltth- towamhlii mint ii howe of the 1ubl c thehuwt tlxadhlug idun 1 visiting hm irothor 1i new york city mr a c uowdu drukklwt during hor awenca tlte vacuimy 1 tilled by mr itohblna iljnhhwbllace who in leea rulbi mur hetallh lately hi been frfvemtod on far ai ndlcltw at tin cuel h otnrl 4yupltal kill lmuiak ig good inotr towartl tooovtury wthllo walkinr ujixini lb tlaar ut r oowland one day last week mr partridge niuulo teacher ellnd an 1 full ituiartuinlng painful injuries to tur right arm at jhn elbow llr aori kowruon milium f 1 on ths- sidewalk imutalnlng barlouu in juri to hei head and hprtiltilng hor ikl an badly ftiat he will bf con dntd to tha ljtourm for voiho lilp gwrgg iiilul war v and formrr town rnutivllor liad u floutp attacl t hawdo i on tluntlay and wan ruahfd to taranto fteneral jkoe pltal wbrr an oratlon wus iw forme 1 lu i nolnff woll how the annual htung of tho milton horticultural boclity was hold laat krlday ovonlng the llmiu showed inorfusahl hienterhlt and a oouritih ing nondulon in nil reuoects oitlimr r elrctid aw follow lrrl lent mr w martin int vlco pnu k hyr 2nd vc wo canon nortel kec trekt jus mobkri la auditors v cochrane- ujwi i crawfunl blrec tors j i wilson unt utrcletuihan urs foi v vootmi j tl u1l um mackhloii ur mutly n a inr 1 clements urn euuclalr champion laws are made for the safety of the people hse wjjp disregard them to the menace of the vast majority should be punished to the full extent of tha law regardless of financial or social position re spect for the law whatever it may be is the basts of freedom and public safety farmers advocate youth and age unite in legislating for the peoplo of canada the oldest member of parliament is 09 and the youngest 23 the former is hon george c dessaulus member of the senate and the utter louis m auge representative for prcscott in the house of comnimi both are- l re rich canadians canada igortcdvest year 1713u0uo tba of coal afldprthlutd i41owio0 tons- oftheimpurtaronj tarry tto 1 9000000 tons of which almost 10000 000 f00avamlljalgutftk coal in central canada would help that province and would aid the balance af trade for all canada the clothiers and haberdashery are agitating for the removal of the sales tax ou clothing which it is stated amounts to upwards of 0 000000 a year there is a dominion wide demand for the abolition of the income tax which results in a ruuch greater ddition to the revenue but the war expenditures must be paid by taxes some way building permits issued in canada in december 1020 according to the records from 63 muntcpali ties compiled by the canadian government bureau or statistics totalled 11472 132 the highest on re cord for the month the statistics for the year 1020 so far compiled show that in 1026 moretnoncy was spent in canadaofi building and construction work than in anyyear since 1020 it is rumored that milton ia likely to have liquor store as a result of the vote on government control also the name of tho prson who is likely to be ap po in tedby the ontario government to take charge of the same is stated there is nothing moro certain however but thai tin majority of tho people herehre opposed to the idea of having a liquor store o per at ing iniietr midst lxjtfgt do lourubirij- business bul u would undoubtedly be af the expense uf the other business interests of tfio town milt on can 4 very well without a liquor store reformer- wiltoj- two ouystawptna touhs i ha hfil truly u ttd tint lrvl i a ulirul cjucitlun mil th ux ixratdutl wum hvt m tru u u lh to dy thtr wholt world no to ihuk llluih eay tlf llr by truhitikirtati ttynnit by mil prmn tfuelilu and ucroi wjitr whllm the ntlynntmit of jriivil i a w avji ui t many itihtrn 1 il the 1uw rtrrtiitmii nlu of 1 ru railroad tru bortntlon 11 nil ix exuding r tiuireihyu iff tnn noltrn travellvr a resurji id freaturn a mfoct liav artnirwi cttntti runjeonnnitt trli rttlior l4kliig m v th of lht i n extehhlvo t ktltx lvry tru tiuii trli w1 1 4 dt bftjlt rl 111 pluauuru a wise rathtrn it i by umi t dbiilt unit my duuuhubi hi la jut it uti 1 murycnth nrlim hliull 1m rur 1 and euuirw i y my anjd wife who itlnil lubit portl tulur lualtt in wutnlng th iij o vnll nil ulton iuiim at puhllo ilnim h reilu- a cluukffn lh ulll y which 1wu1 llynn rllri firmer who die i in tnroiri on tm mlkn u iu dl fmktit f 1iu lulatr tf s7r idd trim yll was fylod for iirmli tlio hulk of thu tmtmte i lett in the two dauyli 1041 a j- 7 4ssts xjtscvm s j sjhtpav- ootna cast 54 sunday only wu 1c 7jlaura- s0 imisbfj 3 r utpn u7pm ajipa canadian national railways wt bound electhtc naiiyv daily daily dally wall oally lally lsuy u dally tu ajdo 9si tun lls us ltss pn uts ism 6s6 tma t jks pas pjra 1u4 pata hi 1 burltnqton john o church 1 suing j ii vol- lurd for too 00 in tho oouuty aourt u a rtniuu of the recant uutomohll ocldent wlien the plain lnv young uau wua injured nn urunt eltreel houtur day left on wo ineudny laat f r iort arthur to take up work in thd hl yuritt- where ho was for flve liidr iteforo coming to burlington tlio intmbttn of the tnwn council town odlcldl and thf band wy were entrtalnsd at tlio trinity clnjrch lien a club ituwiuct in the tfymntifclum wndoeaiday at j0 laid tueduy evunlng ur and ui u mflklndley cntertulned at their it ime tho rurpit r mejtilwr of chrlt clmrcti chulr n honor of mr and urtt heolpr day at tht unuual 1au1 vulr inestlllg leoretary dyneu prvwantod the flnun- cltil ituteietit whlvli uhitwttl a bul htv of uvi- 81i60 on hand after all uxiona had betjii met ihe total ru cblpisrortheveat wr k sb so and thcrlwh4l4aitjiattlta berahlp ww 1st ttnjd thv r4alnt her for the oomlng yuitr tutu i fs a uyynle ttiurjiilnmttit undeji auploe of thayetdanegta chap 1 o m will bo held 111 ut tjukow wrld luli bn wlluy ovtuilug january is at eight uolook th pro- uruuitiie will coonui of rudltigs niul cal ekntche instrumantal kdeotion e und ehauld yrov 11 idublcul truut war ha lgii rtcelv fiom ivkln china unnounoliia tha dialh of dr jean uow intmlltal lulajilanary of the uuitd church of canada this hew ooiiia om al4jak to teluuvami und friend ramldhig in this htoallty an the i11u dow vulud lulatlvu hrru lamt juh wlinu hoiiii on f ui loujfh tihe was a d uglitvr oc the lata in ter dow of ik rguoustta juillt worm l attack the f rm in tit toumejt und lutextlne at onn and n worm van otvn lu dontsut with them upd llvt- tliey uuo cortmit the wulwnilttiy uundltlona in tlir dlkveilva organ that invito an 1 tnctuntg woruiu ttcttlng up ruotltti that aro iiot beneficial t the arowth of uu uhlld tttoy lav slueltwl thtli lmiwrr in hundred of uim and lit ull time nrr tuuroughly tructwortliy tho klddlni have improvvlat t sllitrfg-jilao- owth wvinenu in tt1 litl 1lrlutii ortiwn up httv to wateh out aethma i yorior no ne whu itasn t suh i fr brath lr the powr f uatthma ttn w what aurh buffer in jc rhuuaan 1 dq kmiw howuvc frutif sxiel 10w ititmbtiabriiblu 1 the -xuf- i royided by that marvellnu lirtlvi df j u- kelukss -a- hi tna itsniedy vr yar h has be 1 ivluylna the if sever huge t tyu uye 4 sutlsrer do not delay u v in sovusjeg tuis remedy fo yur druaglaf- civen in thtv preceding lmrt of tho pa unsfl lie uiat- thinketh hb tandeth wry common a wu uo- utibtlo temptution ovr eonfldnnco has lout many a buttlo uavinsu wuithmt hla radora aeuln fuuo confldnnce the aimiatla immodiatoly reaaur uiem concern- inu- the nutnoivny tifood s wace uud aid fur bvery concclvaliln temptation lesson themes the human side of jua in enl phuoislng tha divinity t our lord wo frthiuttnlly overlook the fact tliat ho wjm juitt hs truly human mm lie we divine jjasibf the young man -wa- molou of u power within hlmoelf wah jum as dtmlrubs of winning fame an 1 hucoum us f any rd blooded caiiahlw young man to day iftv wlleved ibat lis aould do u and nov-otaly- lhkmmite- thsungulubed huaxituf bul4fdma a blomalng to otliwrs tltq olitcj alter nutlva was that of becoming a humbht teach or preaching a doclrltte tlt would make him iiilnundertoo4l and unpopular with th leader ami prom itifiit men of hi tlm uo much ut least lie could fore lu it ataango that th struggle wu so hcrte thut the disciple long after jeu ol 1 tl em of lr as he doubtlestit did wr uhl t ijowcruw it o vlvjdjj fa ilotm alutthvw it fs also mentioned by mark who la aujino to have ob- tnltifxl much of hla ittfortimuoii trom rtvr tyioal porins of temptation in this exi oriouco of jtswi tha three form of temptation mny ihj regarded us ypioal tire thorn uu the fcug gudhon of using his power to gratify hi pei aonal djlr wnlch oould be sutrlchntly gratlfl6d in srothor and a simpler way it waa a tomptauon to employ for his own convenience and material comfort that fore which wo deulgned to fcry great spiritual nds hitoond there was the temptation to ue hi power in performing unuauul miiltaceauiary ad svectaculnjr aot in doing thliur that would hava cauvd all who saw or hoard of thorn to wan der at him this would tnuva given htm a gmat following tbird ther wus the temptation to rule in the natural rather than tha spiritual realm as wi think of jeaiu ua a man 4eoagulklng hi powttr longing to servi thekktl whop ha loved w cun easily fcuuslno that this mlsht be tho loin ihat ton laat and hardest to overcome i wu the lwrfll of tht r ffood the moat suhtla of all temp lutlotu curly i way to hie nothing uems mo is natural than that tho tion of mud n bo uhl be cuirlod of tha hplrlt into grim aotltudua and thafri fronting the tempt r do grlmmeat hattlo with him name it if we olioiwa with or without vlnlbu devil whether in tha wlldernea or populous moral doeierl of ulflhnin und imum lies to such temwatlon us wo ar ull called 1jh in temptation mo man la jusurlud in exposing hlmaalf unnacu lly to temptation wo cannot wholly baoapa temptatlo tnough lukutring ip different crmu it 1 common to all mettaml when tdinptel line 1 not fta that our experuncu differs mat 1 rial y from that uf others tjw uluiklut laul writing douhtl from tieotwi emperinc uawur u itattil tin5uotiltrami iuike u way of eucuim tlutt yu tnay laf whit to war 1l lt is the aikuttlii iilatawh y us hint j hilvlp bnn tempted in ull point ilka as w yt wlthoutiti la ablo to succor them that are hempted ip r ha lk fits nuint otfeotlve way of forllfylng ouftlvvu isitidat temptation u so to crowd our dally projfrumuia with uroruabu en deavor thut thero will tki 11 1 time for thosft thltut which have no ubidlng worth a mind tilled with that which u nebleat aiul bt in lufratiir and in thu aspirations of ihti a lieavt per iiffatod with devtttlou tu 11 lofty i loul strvlo a llf fully ocoupled with the urfalr of thu kingdom and in luu- inony with tha teuchlugs of tho wonl of clod will ha ttoiuro agalnat th 1 temptation to live for aslf for study and dltxiuealoh in what dlrferttai won is tliu wuri temptation ud in tlie ltlbbt n wl nt uamlaut wwfm thai temptation ej krltii- t by jvwiu typlalj kit plain what tiondltlotia or body und mlml muk olltf wapeflajly sueciptlblv to tamtitatlont jtow can a ireou foufy hlniamf aaalnat toiuptation iihyalcal lyr itwllitelltmtuallyy how uplrlt uallyt in what 0011 may well moan lug peramin wumii u ideali uf limp tution lo othrt how umy wo hwlp wliat char kotur vauie tro thurv in rjjltlng tam4iti4iy dally hdltttt far neat wk tiun lay jumiai ho ltani h ill nduy january 31 ualt 10 tuesday vpl riiary rlxalm is wmtteedliy fauruhy sual tin i tluritldii anl to aihnl aa lltth tlm um immhii arritneuig itw man in tail 11 the itlmrrtry und train con m olloii hoctirlm nlottplnk enr ntttim and hflti 1 n e vatlohs ottf hi iin uluo to mcjke owr ih t fwuiailih utje of th time aviillubln by tl th ctniloii irthir mottmiwrtant trnti worth wlillo attraction and uiwvo all to know how mneh it will rol all lids im dono tar you in the ur tonally con hmte 1 all kxmmt tour which liuvw beoiililo kft liopular with the caiiiullttll pilwlc tha leit known uol mot nipiilir lining the splenlll tnilt- npcratr 1 y uthe ciiuidlun nu thmnl krillwnyua under tlio direction f mr murtln kerr ii a lleulm avrt hamilton ortt anl mr a 15 jlryson 41 hllverthom jv toronto onl of the krv llryson tour two moro aiieh tourn are uiinminoml foi july ltr7 one from toronto through hie cmaflluh vefto tlm aclllc couut iticlilillnc walnwrlnht lirk jnui er national i urk tha trlatuila totn- vtwitrnnminl- yirtimla ii c ihtrlng a 00m is ixillt rhk and lu tiyslv ii much loltor to j6b holl iwiiy com umnover and oigjl ilu them fntlroly gr- si 30 t0 lay reliuaiy s v v rluy rvbruatv sir 1 4taluriay kbruary 61 1ur 1 v w lhver colorado btirlnirs pjko n paak it ml chicago tho other from toron tn mint to montreal quebrc hte anno de llouupr the iauunuv hlvcr the m aritimprovlncebatnnr ua3fmr jmne imwahj ilsnd ths alms d or lake halifax n it land of wan tfollnfl aniiapohs valley koston mass und flnully ottawa the capital of the inlon decrlfhlva booklets of both thcfioiour will be uvallablo very ahortly mil in the hiintlmi further information nuylh tlfcurcd from any canadian katlomjl 1 tall way aaynt or from the organlattma if you jiavo not prvlouuly lwon in terenttd in- theue tours it i well worth your whllo to enquire about ihtjm thoy will solvo your vacation probjom preempted itr arooly is conf momlly tout but he la klnl hearted and a treat lovbr of chlllron cimirt t mt msbtil ho aid to liln niece ono day com t e t on ijncle charlie lap i cant fluid fabl wolng him critically your utomach sitting on your lap skinny men iiirlowirmeir linlly 1mh imlly oally itlrtlly j7- a 11jt aa tjrf pja it ejtt a tk 11 jt u ttuy mi n twonla tmlmi kmi wl ad et cuir anu alaht 0llvr by imui axpraa rmlabt vraht plclud tap at any aav rfr- in tornia nervous men dpiit miss this youre iwihlnd the tllns if you don t know that cod river ou ttxu ztt thsslvljb of tht jcreateat floah lroduoar4 in thttt nunuana it s alco one the worl i iloeaum it contains more vitalising vltamlnea tluxn any food you cart ret- yinilwi gkul to know tlutt uo coys col liver 1ytrnet tablets come insugnr 00a ted form now oh if you nt to put 1 r t j of rtsuywitnt 10 mt i ey a v jyvw v foal well snd mironstand tdivb com sironst 1 lex ion that pupl rtl udm uny drugslmt tar u box of mccoy cod i ivor kxtrnct tab only so cents far co tablet and if yoirtson trks infwtfiwnndmln sotays vonr drututlat 1 authorised to hand you buck the- money you paid for them it uu t anything unusual for a ncr- son to sain 10 pounds in 30 days and for old people with feebleness over taking thetn they work wonder 4 savage optical service yea cannot wt atlafaet ory glosae by simply buying ten lenses and a nine you mutt hatq-bkjllcd- ocrvlca jlmt tba aefractlve vrorm 0 your ya muat be carefully txmttted the that aavaqk pkuu in when vou boy savaga olatraea you duy savao op ties i 8rvl t bt in bight lhdrsavage tlltrht at tbe tort offloav bavatxe building oulph simple remedy for bad stomach givesquickrelief no ned tif btroho medici or djll pamsusj but simple old english relp keep stomaeh in fin co edition banishes after if you are a victim at fltnniarh troublaarqua aouvnaa pain lr uloatlitg you may have qulclf un 1 certain rllof by followlna this ttlmple udvloe don t taktj strong modlclnoa artiil- clal dlgetantu or pull down your ayu tern by following unnecessary atarva i dlelm laver hurry your msals or overat of anjtthlug hut within reauon mast folks may at wluit they uko if thy will ktip their stomach sweety clean an i notlvo ami fro frqm tho aourink a old that hinder or paralyse tho work of dlcohllon nl tho lmat und easjt way to do 1 is to follow cvory meal with a small amount of pura llliuruted mas n sisa 1 laauaut lunnloaa und infix imnutva form f 3lt ignnsla that firompt ly neutralise acidity and kaci a your torn a ol buoot und cltan a watrku trial of tjiuurated mngr nla which muy td uhtulnad from any drugslat ut small cost will easily convince you of tho croat vuluo of this ol 1 lnlh recipe business it goofr if you go after ep- dopj ot your tele phone stabidjille uao it make itwork for you you wouldnt let ma chines tttand idle in your factory if you could help it mum now that harvest timo is hero in tho business world reap all tho benefit you possibly can reach out for more business by long distance i many subscribers who used to think they had to make person-to- person calls now find that they reach tho person they want with station- to- station calls thoy are quick- cr and cheaper el dtwtamr statje internal and external pains are promptly rsliarvsd fay a ps thomas eclectric ol l wuyfrr hm lacsmaoad soa mumlv rmrv ytjusa- atea is tooav a oaturesj scuxa tu rn ib a tostiuomial that srcakb ia its iexsm c4mji ouatrnsa lal pains a oilam reti f or t2c7zcaj castoria jviqthep fletcher castoria u fapadally prepared to relieve infants lit ami and children all agta of coiisuimtfaii wind colic tq sweeten slouach ifatlllcncy diarrhea regulate ilowcls aids in thoasslmllatlon of iooj iroinotliig oieerfulneas rctafid nuturul sloop wltliout opbtcs f 1 u kwj liallataall alwiy lobk or lu jjpulur ol ccrtm jwcii ofctlo wi fh wcltaite 1njucua enrwbere i k savage company jewellers r china silverware lower wyrrfham si- phono 571 cueuh tbe old and helnjbjo granite and marble works wa an haanufaoturws gad urot importsdr of all kind of utatupratm and headstone wortc wa au diiet to our euotoaueim at wbohwslv krlcsv thus oaving om cuelomearsi e pr oent we have the bast appliance and t only mscbanlcs in tha what cajt operate pnanmaiin tools propwly wo can glvu referamoea from hundreds of our cuotomsrs tn toroaiu ha1 other tlat wboro others have to bv law suits hi order to collect we hav th luriseat and bsst stock of oratilu la tho dominion or knoxe than any uu dealers lu tba w t- we gr laitl- niate dealers and employ too fc and do not annoy or pat tistonfa by sanding out tgnorant agwti olicjt- ing orders w employ only nnvahahloa aitd defy com petition hamilton sons cufelph omt newspaper ahd suhacnpiion agency this ojtica can sav you the troubla of writing und lha immalaeo on any newnpaiuir or niagaslna you may da klro if you do not luidyhe ono ontlia list bolow you wish lot ua knov ud it will hn iroourcd for you acta fr 2ja canadlsh countryman l tin canadian horns jouratvl ukj cfchsdur poultry journal lod chillers weekly sjoo country ovutumkn tjbtt dllra4tth- r 1 3j0 fnly htrld and wwkly 8ur tjtk form snd dairy ao fennata advtwsu 1a0 farmre sun tio flttarveiej po1 bu famet and stream farm journal ottawa qiaos tooto w ottawa hamt dautrvtal 2jvj tldtjf 40 100 ttuo mall hrtd etnoltn yoromo maolaan matismns 00 nothtmt umjmnor jso rod and qu it canada j 2xh saturday evening poat 2jj0 t3aturdy ni torotittf 4tjo btsf yanto sju yeleurehv ytata ooo wltiwav montis zoo ca8h mu8y accoupanv all ordemjl the free presiy subscription agency j v