wiv im the happiness of a- winters v v wlnlcr thou untighter of the morimi ilove lh wlmn tho da la oer hnite of the toimtaatvoutwardtrroarj ifmtmuuioyalhw ound the sudden evej loom trriilnv r ihoaowe love eomejhom tim candloa lit the cheerful board tho iar domestic group xaacbredi- tt tim rtro thut ahowa tha look of gleet tim lufnnu standing at our knee tho busy iieweie sfporlretqngtle tho lauh that makes us mill teal younir f tueheoith to those we love that no are far ocean winds oan blow vtie health to thos who with ua crew andtiratay wluostqled and true the wire that makesufa glide ewnyt one jong and lovely hiarrtege day then music cetnea tut found da creep the intent- listeners half asleep and busy toniiea are loud ho more and wtuterjlhy awvet eve th oer neighborhood news i- free pwmmbi story th ministers jsurpwse ay atb nodblnb v ont you no anything new kleanorf asked mrs amelia bate- pausing in preparations for church and watching her nleoe narrowly why no i dont know that i do except the thfnis you showed m when i- flrscafne replied younir lady aa she qulekly rah nerere ove the familiar riumilture of tha roan j ph h jnv anbrina- bhe- dwae xontmppoe anythlmrrtne klaulaneflo won- flef fotjuit then andrew had picked m pwceulhai had been hidden under the tabid and waa making the awkward piece or work that hb always oaa undoing the wrappings bo andre s wind ins ilpoiia speech we trust that you will be pleased to accept at our heads this handsomely illustrated book- of tray- afa in the tuttire jnouiurn els 111 h savs wefiopvibat you will be pleaaarmy reminded of yowr ural- parishioner of tfae oreenhlll society and of the- affection andes- teem with which tbey rrdyou iabby kllen looked at- me ouvof tbe comer of her eye aa the minister tookoue book secme t me thats iute a corhe down from foreign travel ta i r t 7 r rjot- hawnjif any husband tjf lltj il responsible for of ejthert ejie added ronqwfng fwr course ah enm jtfr freq teeter of milestone left last weak for- borne after apnd- log a few weeks with rlurea beea mr ajiormrs jo griper airrived home rom thetr monthe trip to catt forala last weak mr and mrs o acameron left for california where they win apend borne unia t u winigmi jsmug vancouver sdmonton saakjttddn and whhmim mr richard medley left on jtrlday evening for detroit mldl where h wul apend a couple of weeia with hla brother who u uj j at the annual m o the unite church hubthurf the foilowu oft cers were elacted forth year smera isaac auuiiar aiex i3rarwallac yoonraojiro bald a alex perry umttjliynvrinott hi ft xpta v trn elected aome tlme arat sanry avboeier wauaee toonfretajodet booth j lj- mrjt qffaacm of rtmn hill alarbama u a and dr prabata at detroit attended tha funeral ot the j- lauflara ma oib while here at a- meeuna ottharlnyillace council ocra 0 momuhao waa-ap- pcontmireaaurer far the tlhaa mr tv- aibarchm whahaa been treas urer for aome time handed in hie rea- alsaatloa on account of certain recti- tjijl mtwns aet- hy-t- boyal bank ofp ksw m thaawnaa teror lkajerofjlanmaer ohvpralty waa the preacher for the dayy bar dr dlckla of tb united church and li jum ul rmdmtth eranfnr nnn u jzr an avjoyahla cx ol v banquet vaa nem in the united church oh pharabn provincial- ee of ouik work board anva a stirrjocad j r da lea on che anbjaeti j wotud hi ttne l the aaaiui companr appreciate vary niteh 1hewomsuoof tnthd in rafraintnc tcom amoldna at the arena dxtylnc iba boekey kaasajasi jfriday avanhjipvtmr atinoapbart thvhaater cr vmc old fwjmr i have aolil the farm when my yboth waaapedt and ny days of wisdom and alad con taat and my friends have ooranto rejoloe with me jvjret last they say i am truly free if full wfji ihmirh trrtkr telr j not teu j ave sold thebeautyhhat fed nw beattr yrbfb ha came home- with that ieuer aewim m iu was iiiare sold tha aaaoap ofasara slty where the winced clqud went in 00- horta by x- have jmldihajidi that the sun shine blt and the wild wind puyed with tbs creases crest i have sold the yrovaa and the fairy and tha placid pond where the vllllea t have aeddthe flower of a thousand huea that have walcomeot me irj the morn- inc dew ji and tha tender music or bycbneday it htrds sahc their when- the eweet roundelaya and the trustful jove of my creatures dumb t have purceased eafce fermy weary handa and the way before me hath noqulck- tnacribedld oeauty lhaihouchta blhnatjrtoldnibnr mothbrs hbwhq aptbtt bust ura mr anthony baa bean elected ebair man bf ihepjmuowchoolbcam pie batlat chhroh eaubrated aari l baitci ultlu o f mea xpnctlto oldfaxmec who loved hla broad ares and the open apaoea of jshara and trhrol5 sum- hd the oakaand the player anymore mrav aamar c tnonpew had tha nuatortnh to fall onthlcy pve- mant on sunday wrnlncand fnctnra hair arn mlaa i4tor mooam who raoaau -anaarwant- an oparatloai forappaodi- oltls at queu hoapual t la cooraleacinc nieety master qordop haiaaon of mr and mra h haia nodanreot wo ioppraflonvatoaiphsoa9tal dnrlnc tlhe raafc be ta reported toba pro hr trot hlqibmottrot carbon hid home owlnc to thedaathof mlaabarab kay fjaaoa at cthaltan- anionc ha triwhufttitm odt ef town 1 who attaodtd mkmmoaw funeral wa mm penny and mm rrhaninton mrs bailor xoronto rxrar itmaliaw aad mra tauidaboroncbi of rl bmt jack tfyapaafi waa aaidacoodc hail toronto b tburaday miaa friends axtand- xaratnlatfona wlah hhn every eacoeew faj- hid ui of ana loahanod the in the fearrtpm maptaa and tha- beacnea of the wood loland tia sldatgc of tho jhwai and thowaylnc fleldotjolden cxain in tha autumn daya jio wonder ha heart waaalck after the dlaperalon salet and the coodbyea to the jsithmi faorsea and the colli dor and all but what about thearmer the aorhif bverynrhero there war jnenorieavrf thoyeara arpent by the twi to wtolbuahk t a happy hride tbehnay life of thp nleoeclajicooju the window and ta- ward nne barn where uholo andrew waa encaced in hamesainc up i wma in fappea yoq- would nctlce it the- firat thine he went on a tone of dlsaptntntmenr ivekapt u for klhd of somrlsc qf course you are kind ot used to them in the olty and not havlhc been hero lately over sunday i suppose youve ferret- tan about wrfr old one buu i should hav thoucht coma anhty lnterfopted eleanor wfth a jauyh v you better tell me whatyou areuiklnc aboiitr weil r win if you wmwma atsiinoa replied mfs llatcit ta becta at the heainntac u hapmnad that i waaapendlnc nnaftarnoon with rnoon rteva hajathat new york cenuemaci 4bat waa koardlnc at omkea last ansuner qpaii t llt h tie fff f 1 qulistfee to make re- s6ss arka- afor me 1 seld nothlncnhouah i relt aa if somebody had thrown wet blanket ovrr ma fdut the minister waa as smlllnc aa oould be and hv made a beautiful speech thonch abtty hflenamd of snickered when- he skid he should vrisa the- cm- ifot ad mock for jtt intrinsic value aa for the spirit that prompted it alter he had 4nlahed speaklnc he left tfae book on the table and wint to htlncunc with tha people aa uaaal bflt abel bayea spoke up- and says be brother natee in ma remarks aald sotttethlnc about xodar tylera feellnca in tha future when he should turn the mra tyler who j the mlnlatevavwife teavea of that book thfiv tfcatvimo of us would like to see him turn the teiraa a llltla ahoitld not be abla to oomo to green bflt acajn for aome time if even buvha vantnred to ahow jiuiappreo- utlonof mr tyler by a little en closure thla ta a peraonal aift hi wajit onto nay and x want you to rasa it in the way that will give you moat aatlefadtion the little enclba urethatx spoke of turned out t be aheoaucor three juindred douars- ehmttslater took it as quiet aa if threehundreddouar checks ware everyday affalra but mrs tyler ashe bubbly rlrht over tbat money la colmrriirtotbatravel- fund says then she explained that they bad been fxuttlnc -by- allttle fottra- bhenjre that came in waddlnc faaa and the llksrjroplnc tnafc aome day mr tyler could co abroad it almost oeemed aa if sho wanted tobectnto hla vallae rlcht ott but the minister calmed bef- down he aald ehe should have t think or it a htue- in the mean time slater bates saya ho perhapa wo will say nathlnc about it outside rrhe minister flushed a httle at thai perhapa taking hint that he hadnt nhrnm imnnrrh intrranf in h r aa thopktoneybntjto tyler mnaf have dropped a word to aariaio jt a a aw did ca around that the minister bad a wind tall and waa coinc abroad r but- 1 heard- nothlnc- 4 -nhtu- laafr r taeasf dlav twatffa wofxtnat mgrnlnct and jaa jual thinking it waa about time for me to 6 when ailat onoe wwv iiaanor do 1 twfhty veaf aqft i stnai tha laawe ef aa- free pn a jrac wacthevz tbia arlnier na spaaua of thie kind -fre- wojy t bar of premlass tn townhay s rr t in what thfnaw nothap niut avoid bhr fi- ha botnon tb jobaatono- 4k co property at the eoraru mju and john atraeta hia boao vacated it wta be ttoyadolt ao that operatlos ib what most often a wjo new aotoorcithwna promanadaj ooaoartla the v town hall neat tuesday avetotne u aaayawwirjabataar to nplaa ahd ptioamoft atoaai algna to ribthotapva- ttba aonatdar owpopnlatlon of tha townajec sai v- of leoalky are oak t mu pwlh 1 fgjjf atftona la an uthvyaarroon4poru elation oajrvlla jnaaa hundreda whan r ha autmit oomaa aaohyear r- ah wwli artwork on aaplltthic ma- jp in tha tannery tifttttn acton 3- itanhlagco laahjrrlday morning mtr r had- the flrst three ftn- aava ofaiiiirnnobhpusly una carmaraywlfaiar household duties her hours frith tie chickens bar woirk in thakjtchen iaxdn and flowers in tronti her joy- with the bahtaa as they cantafrom time to umaand hernor- rjjnali they by and hya flitted 50 iwnieoot their own the dear farm mothara bttsyemntoymouftotostm me tin aunrsecday aite4hroagb hoyaara- v pvrvr4v and fion father ahd mother reached tha shotted epen the old tamlly bible rere th fact ihat ihly had raaeb fxk wktmjl2tbk thla xntafnl- diaoojery la followed by the utfttal decision after houra ot nuditauon oaualry l jgjojapcnlhtljar tas7lb aeu ihi j0i4 farm tha aa a finally over a home ir found in town and then cornea tha daya of jone- lloeaajuid mothera lonclnc foraoma thing to do with her handa- father chorea gboixt and coaa for the- mall and mental oldnelsthbonvbocoqieta town and chate in the blaofcathith aboif but mother is dahled iheae tittle frtendlyvhreaka n llfezjnbaoiony an4 thiajaeaeoiauyitrnel uvfng with- onaof tha auuredducv tet4o toamybvlnharvkjndnaec of hasiri jc alwa aolloltoua j lneeelnr thkt jnctwar ws now atreny yon knvrdbw- pjardo- herael many asrinoiaa mrbaan preached editorials and endow arjlfen about ttaeatnslctd wj ma nlaap m the parlor while her mother wmw dlabaa in tha kttebenno donbt aha needs a cood- naikingto aa often aa aba gebs lu nerbatw oftahar yet any you aqiiaad- anythlncyat7 dontiook bat hteo whyi anhtle cried the nleoa tn andden recogniuon ofa fact that bad been vaguely present in her cone- douanaaa nta thf churehbejll it aonnda dlfferant x cuaailtdoea aald mra bates complaoenuy r and aha stood llatanlng lnvery raputtentloit t aruesei it doea- aba repeated and ii didnt laka- ana a -long- -touiaanaa- jtu4hat tbaokagtvlna7- nornlng 4ldnt knoc jttat how to for it but the minute i beard it t conne it in mew mind with that rthraeuodred- dollar ohack ton ceo mr tyler nevac coold get reconciled to our bejl be aald that tha ring of church- bell on jnmay ought to ba the sweetest of mualo in the pootjlevempa rtlliovktatonand aong of praise and he allowed that our bell didnt sound ilk either r dnbt if it would have pleased him even when k new and it waa cracked long before but ha ateppad op to the table and opened the book and began telling us what tha flrar chaytar wan about then all of a stidden af4ajeer look came over hie face and hrf waahold og up a twentydollar bill that h had found at the end of the chapte- keep on turning elder i saya the booktrtnindjbhtoyulua- tmtadtust an brother boreaas and if you wul leleve me there wasatwatyaolur bill at tho end of every chapter titers were twenty- four chapter in all and besides one bmwaa tuoked into the fndex when the minister had taken hem all out he tried to make another apeech bqt if waa no 1 use thla time though he had been glb enough befote allhe could- iey waa again i thankjrou frtendsl tcr welcandoawiia ready to oomajjifo tba house at last and here ie been aundlna- before tho glass and dajwe- nothwis but talk for the last up nln utt tee the minister is going abroad neat fau and 1 hope that thn way will be provldtjd- jjr mrs tyler to t top we must mako haau now the second jiell will betrlhglngjaoonvtea it j is a sweettoned bell aa you aay and we all take lota of contfdrt ydtp it be too jawy qnyotir henb make them produce v fwj sjd by wo tatbot acton ont druggist telle eaay vny toenid bladder weakness plaaasnt ineapemive heme treatment quickly rellevea dally irritation and qettingupnfama no jnatter what youragowi hew long yoq have been troubled or how many medleinea youhkvo tried without apcceslf you ore a tlntrra jit bladder waakneaaand urethral irritation oauslflg daya of troublesome annoyance and abonia you anooitt try ineniaaing value i of dr southwortha uratabsau onoe imadafrotn aapeolal formnla aac- oeaafttlly used in the doc prlvats practl f bmj yeara tabs are particularly designed swiftly relieve- the pain and misery of burning urethral irritations back aches bladder weakness and oettlng- upnlgbta safe pleasant inexpen sive and supplied by airgood drug- glstspn a guarantee of money back if jiot kltlsfled if you need a medicine of this kind try uratabo today fire 11 te auumoblls aoeldent and slekneas insuranoa money to loan t0000 deaths iqp000 injured on this continent by automobiles inmpse ton cant ajways eabape injury you oaneaeapo nfmn- clal loss by calling 6n a t rtloktim r ave inauranae aaent t collections eekiev iwi jisalli eslu ta years experience apeaks for itself aasurlng efficiency and re- liability kelly aiken collkctorb orangayllle and owen sound ret standard bank ot canada phone no p o joox m harold nash farmer m a barrister ftolleltof netsry pumie conveyancer ate perry man block attton ont money lekton uobtoaahb hours ffi0 am to b pm saturdays 1x00 volobk dntalt- or j mbelldda xds dentist l t honor graduate of toroato unrrer- teat e ua if desired offloa at residence corner of mill oltiwjck-tr9taw- j 4 dp j h johnson ddjs uds dmital bufg9n offlci over sank of npva soua telphone lt the iwnu and empires 7000 cold mine offers 3000 fbr ton this puzzle win a big cash pr the biall and emrtb 0tnffis this trrffi play tho cewleet gmmt in tins 1 f7r0 tjmj graeurs mot on m cajd3rimet 9aawacsqaaamawawteh a c uanni a a hpinntg evct madal- he came here di there waa about- the wggest 6oilgreg4qon thair ever aaw thisnaiagtvlng day and of everybody waa wondering juat be- forathrra ty aald i hia oerrav7 that the generosity of a frlanov4arpsrkina of ttew trk bad ariabladhitn toprovlda g aorprla for hla people hrtne shape ol the sweattoned bhi that haj aummqned fhamtp th trdjnfcsgjvlnaeivloa it seemedtnavmr tylhad bought the bch and arranged for a couple of man to orivoovet with ir troao oush- nooeitbeforaandha2igitjintr knownat to anybody except john miles the aexton there la conatdsr- abl ofthe boy ttf our minister you la quite a jwnd to plan 3- oarilfan 77lttpictiw there le nbeateh in lt there la nothing hard to da there la nothing to risk and there hi tbrea thooaaaddotlan towin turn to the picture below wlfhhi tta borders are a wabwr w wi there la a cow there la acrpaaf a caif and a ctkar and cabbage etc hoaw ecjtfc asff jajrf tlctfl tnf yur of them are unusual words kaay words wait pag with itaae burled fn them ready for you answer fo t cworb can vflrtd we publish tbia- picture- today only tb start you on your road to rfcheav it is a large picture all the objects starttna with c are there- and easy to find jand that in the key to the aitentlioobakijdoliail oqid minb yi msprlsas wll he g fnr th r rt worda t f s this pusale the answer having the largert and nearest correct hat of visible objected and artlclee in the picture that start with the lettar c win be awarded first prtaet second bast prise etc see how many you puzzle must be mailed not taterttiaf saturday february 19th one may wall quealoojrhtihaxjuili thanks spm j l 1 mir glfb oaw ga a glrliraakaa iier mother mora unconi foytabl thmntpe girl who goes to the w al ai see that mother doesnt overdo inge mother must ayold uta dangerotu things fpr her to do nr the honaehoidju th aba has erforasad ah her waahlngla baovsieaisaa ft axpoaaa her to ebanga of tamparatura iron ing kaeaafaar in an overheated room awaaplnc la hard on bar back i aewing itnluia bjnrrysa and ao one after another the occupations that have made bar life roanha oldtarm- are taken fyoht her anothhela aaked to itvlth- folded handa and look diu may tt foniiqf walkinrfiiwl beosue aha waa aeyerity on her prrtbtfar aontdr- daughter in vatung a carriage 7qc her when fflf jn fej oaola aafar her in i soowratorro t la tostnt quite absurd mother musl bar mind to think pf euch a ptlqgl she d see to be showing algna pf dar tfauar baam ledjy and- found herontbe top of a ssfrmiko i ixuiat the real- ateprudder nearly four feet high uk- inc down thejaoe ourtalnato do over epka orpnab aetnn 4mv tueeday by her cathec feeny flssjstts and laat fall juit tbeoaase daugter bad to be away for a dar or- two another too advantage of herabafnee svs1lss5 -vyfc- motiurl anljxr mkir im inmiiany uwlr uvmltlu qot i4md ti bdoultlyiiifur i rtunn m jnuit to ao plmimd mni it ltfaadnt bacn in eliuroh i snem uum wpuldiiav twh not npplftujtt a k wan andrawvm twullm an4 julun au jhrool th and tltn p loova h mian to talk 0ont mrtf n mor think to b tnaldual r o tmt taanlukwtn day i luiltr i my mind xhlok tp b thankful forf ttid btbjr uyu a thin to beaaliani- 4 o i said th jnbnay that boiuthtth nwaa a pntaont to tho mlnv4r fad not to th pariah and it ouaht a iw into hu traval fund i aald as h toi jnati urt ola th iiui d0 a yononailt atbout tba ball tjtor w0ld botsa taw anrtbmi crltlln to biak auob cw and- now mat n jhmiamd it u youbafl tblaaat t f tn c thiaay i am jvud nud ami otnar wax x voowm yovr aiprmlatton than by pawln vatoof inanka to th man that dldn1 l th b 1 lalll wali at hat andraw naror opaiiod hla liaad but knaa wall monh nnroul lnikinipatadoyfoi only jaaur- fhai ho waa hloln tb votrtday iom uctpo ha aa on aji inytm wuh whail atrcuadrikr ttut at o t ohfamalt sitihaats t it hyts r- aw si lniwablllssorvc otmra 1 tattrtdtoltnstuwirii rrtsrj out inntlqatn wbar ba waa golnci but haltrd pr him all rnr town taking tha men a aldaand oondab- lnr wluttham and in th obunk it tba nakt fortntcht wfyrml aftha ala- toratdld m th4 auapmud tba man war batoblnc up aomathmarthat ft watnan warona t knot iaboat vary wall 1 aald juwat umaabolda- araiusb fnla parlavjcor oum tn tbahr lino talron am thouih aaa aonwthjna wohhwhu wllh- awwolyt dlifllttbaji uuf iurnl am do ltand wal- k aaiikk tuuti ojocla v f i 3 nt fttbnmaiolaapnim ulnnk thay oouldnt kn ua from jnaaalaa and i4maum to aay that aotaly waa ajaatfaarjrlmd at th anowl urate wmmaaaaaw aakad tha tktorwaim and than apmsfc tbr tm aaajlitbfi8tli onaft dla- sou rot tham aj m icpuatooud hjunlydliuaa rou dylva hofb g uaan lyduuaa rou dylva hoju taa aadonaolouaiiaathatiil corlm njadmn i alba ttjst twtflrwvwt atk kaugh leafnp win a share of 7000 dubing your spare tims tk rt t oppocluiltt rur ttt i what j mallr- ir w py lrary aa p tou motuf ffufuj au tjr fcojrrtiury bar pm4i adolbjr pjil af f wufaiamll ad th jlnd ta moat xaworovt t to avlpua toul nnd it ima u what tba hall and bmptr hj ooariu you i aaa pr tou cant halp ln4oylnajtnunt tor- pworda nd tta worth trnukx tho0i la thla pleura auaal oam inthla all join in and hal jofiy aod tlma qlv mary a ha olda ma paneil afak it a aama 8w who can j ipdialta fun ita aaay u doira ad ita ainuataavjknd wbaa you kanmad u your llatof cworda- and it loalontwlth on or una yaarry auhaortptlona to tha mattanvsatr at w par xar aehjor f if a arada- gantll pr loqii wrtr guaiify your mwmssrmp f prhiatw bawarad proaaptlyaftrth ovw of tha puaau oamav atarcn-jat- m c m prizes wifl bt aw fxrded wtamam to tktr felumar 700000 cash prizes nothing tp tgjifi part and you don aubaarlphjiavwln cta vtw ta 1 jwt wa ar makln tha folliiwln mcu alarm ola 0o win tma raah prlaa by aaadlwtn 0 yaayly aubaerlpipna 1tho atala m wl hewshowblgprlzwlubeawarded lvvvvv pltad oitb yearly aatoortpuoa to tbo hall ameaiaar at aa par yea in boon aa ba uooad iwpa aamm tbtrrr faog o ha i ajf awmw v tiat 1iaaaiw for amy awawraftarad taw tatt jra8arr- r- b caoh lr dai aaonal pruavjiir thlsl oili i 5l lunusw ma thlrdi- uatoad of aao0 wm bo awarded id ihp aojnrav waanlac iraf prlaa pro tatad ttmak yaamyaun- anrrpuoam to tti hu per year each or aa00 ar xioortoi are aant lav rrlae looaoo olo r mm tauoaan ofjkraraaja ribe uat la qaauryloa tba mr prtaou m om aaw 1oripuon mam arat la r- nee bo lata pj1i1ii la avrraam will give extra amounts an all pris in th aaanb manner if your aniwer it auailond bytjntkmyaariy bubacthpllona and you win lourth prlaayon wllljreaejvafiaa and ao forth down the prlaa tour awn aubacrlptloa wtb oount or artibaertptlona to mart at aome f utara datej just write on the order when yen- wanhe7p a wlumart prbtnptly on4liaxaata orlwul to the mall aald attmnlse to qualify your anewer for the prlsaui i bi by far tha beet dally newspaper dllahedla ontarle r r v mmwmm 1mb tf tea mill i tjfh watt hn pmb ijubt nruaa 1 aay mm wfniaat or eklm vm uvea ta oaaaaa aaa t at a riwlirt of tweata sea wtio m sat tatae ealestsr w tta- stu aa ifcastt at nmtw of aa mm tmmnrmmw aeatmlt aa uatnrw it vmu imuibs t try rprts wlivarita h ptetare lsitt aajsms sea ia it ii ka lau9mmltvlbmmrjiwimlmemn bsehslate ts sjms rail mm as i4drtm sarmasl asui wi h j t y iv isureiteaahlm mm aasme tejtfette mm oaty wefeiiaai wwt ua plaier p sauaa eeeotote mm -wave- eat si iaseaa t iami laa sl dmiua a madluoit blrktw daeerlbfml e torua ta woritt t ta mtmjrm waara tba plant u vkr pruf m0 ea uro ra prtamawtit aaallaa ceraa tf wiiuni- hv aa i lwlfjil hvwaa u1hm iwyaaimteea wriunj- nv meriu asea dtlaa the aera i any mumaar isn rmf mlna la aarartas pan but ov m pii wilt a ewrda4 va mm wkm mm will rua mwk4m mttmtommw pf inrmvwmm mjjiim u- ta let e ihs- iwwaw tw fawat vwa wita ta arm- is the wrairof a tie far ear awta aa ataia iheauaa aeattae ef sea tha asm wsda lw reu rtaa win kii i5 wti3aaac- rear kivre4 ay parrttf un will ba awpiaji 1iwtb -tun- t new atawrlihiea nest va saw i utud fl a arraxii waltv- wfaas wtll nea ita aarma rhatt two or mar 4lra uaiiali worda saa tha im ambmiil at itte aer r4r mr boy la hamluaa ar la ion iss tar the ih erli ne ssbimrtpikia for 01 la ute- tniy at tarsals will be eeestaa te eaajirv aaewtra 11 au saw eabsw wtlr i 4tul f1ptum z ry its as eaaurrtas it ui aaawa will rcal4 lb- ijeeiesijailaa funji h1f r al rluik ts tmttaismm7mwmizlim7tt xy thrwa poiilni troai tntha hwtie- wltk tb mall am fttiplr witt teasntdiatmio el a jai ta wlrmwra sas rvrfmpmau taaamllss la fbalr claetiba wiri nanksasaat ihaaacuteaaa tab- 11 tba ladsar will tae aa ma aamllsa la aa itmrnlj bta wfbmrti al mfrmt liar et werda slu t aabllmi i all sad cmslre as estabty brarir aa paaalma foapa room 206 i fe 0 oaautsw aaa al ulflual vc 1 a ualra for i blrirbai umwmaij munxw huulaiitvuxvrl miicrvlll i jumuiry 13 107 jama wlfrt a yat tobltan- i 7tlli vr jlororim bnldtjr num in her 42nd i at tho riniyjrcajonctj i i krln township on tan abtim i ytr 11atik1at1- at jiinuury 11 ion rord widttwf the late ieter bath- jntt fimnriy of kramos iri her ulut your ihciaiw the homer he a itobbrt mlholalr rainy lliver onu on muturday january ik 121 clomtiitlnb widow of tbn lata ollr lrfiit mnalli- tormjviyot acton in iut iieiu yew oaudnklt on vtday january it lizlf ml her lata rcaaldancn wnllon jnl junet kerr gardiner widow of tlt lite alexander osrdlner and arty iwjovav mother of mr4-w- m clrkani acton inbr ttlr year t r iv -wemottlam- bavisin ewr lovlni ounory o my dr loch violet lydla davis who r -j- defatted thla life january aeormc thn vnr hirv iftanr thl iutttilmfryliiwht olll mwf tho uilnoryof those happy- days whenwewereall together sadly mtaaed by v jttncte wuui n loving memory of our dear taunt who passed away janu ary twh 1m ivthwlent midnight waif-hew- twhlle tho lights were burning dim jesu sent v beefed of angal tb brlig itv uiiil father and motbin x miss you at a thousand turns alone lires weary way tor if la not he saso to tarn sine you were y away sibter vetma fflli ditn jprrr pna truitiixay jcarjuatt it litt brief- local ne j bcti ucnrjt came the anow- itml the i advta and learn the beat planes to shop l hl worrits mora atvil winter will lpriuljweubunt shnv tuesday ihu yv on tha lira t day of alareh- xarcal merchants ii supply your beads fjlvo them your orders the mercury- dropped to the low est point thjs season ontueaday nbzht all the weiithsr prophets nd nowtto m4xka-ubemnlatpp- nerly wwing advertlalnjf drwdoces tha rbat aeuing ixu-lt-a- it reduces the time o v mlc- lirj a a t yo m values thikuisai th ynimuittinotvmmi pasks 1f you want 4ho brwatnat reeuua tharevw been taany 111 on- th allpixvy walks- the tast tvr- tunalely ttw analoo aocuenta have nsaulted i ilnc vm taprowl lake ave ana tained a patnfoi fall anct ahaking up pear to the entraac to kno church on sunday morning tb4 uaual prevaatmoe colds and influonxa la keeions the doclora and nuraaa busy just now vw hofhes have eacaped the aodaweole youll enjoy the carnival bettvi- next witoa4axwtmrti viw u from the comfortable link balconlea than from jutarla street brldjre j- c conery tr the royal aru ocial stone cooualph died in juajib on tuesday in hlaatth year mr conery built the first eamnt pavw mart in acton obituar r ittav k v coibll itarrlaton- gloom waa cunt qvcrthl cbmrnunlty by the muddon fthath tff luv e of lull itiir nf thn c ttv on rttdoyv mr couh had been vlalllngayoaimi nt tit- rnunly in on ik raj of hla conartasatiuji hint weak ukid euri- trauted eblllx vrhlch iruved fatal lie nvei to rnoum hla luaa a wlddw and tiiree aniktll chddreat the tne mortal irloo waa hold bt klunruton at 210 in huiaday thn ruunrul arrvlc touk ilacy at llruntc tt sjo p m d uomtny and interment woakaadn at ialerrrto nv mr colah waa the tuiuuttuy- at iulermo nt i iron to fer juu yajarai amjwam sreastly beluwd t1iowah wlijov mon toad air and lira ii h walaolv ltndrd tho runerul f tho ftirmarj unolc mr tuomaa wllavn kr v mono lod onmonoay sjr wlltton wbm a brotlr- law of th uio jtev jt c vvlaon m a- foieily uf a was one tho iilanroiw f albion township and bad ruiachd jhrtirlle s of ta year mr wtlaon laa artwaya enjoyed beat if htnl ih sod had only been alumf for uw vast wk though oonaldered atjlioua ilia end oattio h a audden ahock tt hla family had retired for tbe oleht not rl- inga well and pajpaed away li a rounle of hdora lllaailinent wa dropsy lie leaves to attuutn his loai one brother henry of burclty al l sj al the funeral took place to prov- ldncejccnietcry and was followed by llacca number of friends and tvolxh- ra hla alk sons acted as beaveca miss clilusttna itoffat a popular younf lady much loved by thoae whcaie wntartt stway- onltucadayln tho person of christina latarsaret hatfrnxi- eldest daugburr of mr and mrs thomas uoixat altha tjxtmiiirqe mtml2tattmt vitto waa 3s years of ac ttad been con ftned to bar bed for the last alx weks wlin m mmi- ajre cold which deyetoped into teu tovonu dorilig oi-utatlw-daysvnra- vloua to- her death mlas moftat iwemcd much noproved in health nd aplrlts and tbe family avaahopejul of her re covery on tuesday morning- how- wvsr auteiook a turn fortha worse from which to rally the deceased laaurvlved by ber father and mother threo brat bom and aadater hhe will ba greatly mlaaedln tbe hflme and as weil in the whole communtty where she wasbelotqd by all miss moffax was n iqernbei- of knoj cnurch ani of tiatanockbum wwoman v inetl- mts- jnbotnot ajctxvrixitrmmt- thw tuumxmufoit itlacsj at two- ootlaradayaft raw- a b stewart her pautor eon ducting the ceromony interment took place in fsirvlcw cametecy tbft waather prbphete ara exuoas- sing opinions freejy how one prophl- axea i fmnmotloa atmmrr end an- other says well have a very bat one 11 patient and well seas ohi way of reducing autooaofalle aceideiita- would be a seneral aaree- baent among motorists to use their brake- instead of their horn when a padeatrtaa aoerf ahead thoae who attedfdihe oompli menla bahquet to lion ilarry cook- ahull the tvtlrlng xueotoovernor toronto last week from aetotc apeak highly of the unique runctt the truckai still continue to run throush quits rrvely on the hlahway and a few motor cwrs are bravitfk thv depth of snow tbe provincial high wars mow uw went through tn monday in another montli ur au when spring ens aays a hcal phllo- opher niitblng will add aomiple uf hundtbd doltarw to the value of youc botoa buildings quite so qulokly aw mo or lit worth of patnt can snyone think of s iiwdhaw twnpttrtothe trwleew huatrs ybu so about ehaotlnst vwi- the farina iuth ctenttnaikincfaalik novw wastlaem asuosa dqtvt1 motbar than mrs clementina hlnclalr who spent many ybars of her long ufa in actoji left awldow with a family to support more than forty years acu mrs klnqlair with indumjnabw -per- amrreranoe and a constant solicitude for her children dved- through th xvmrm with the constant seeling that ah was doing hot- htmt and the beat meant that henchlidren werenomfurtr ablyclaitbed hml fed ctven achool op portunities and trajnod up lu tha nur ture and admonition of the- lardj mrs hlnclalr whoa hiaidcn iukm was cuwoniuiat holcrvw was bora at handwtch jaruh sitotuni inlands si yian and z ttionths aru- bjm and her huslklnd tho loto tiltbrrtt hlncwir cam to w2auda in ikc tbey fellow- travillrs with th late air and mrs- wtluani nlcolsou wno nlacam to acton fmiu hte khotund lwlands arrivlnc at acton both falplilew temporarily- to tho iioxn of mr too bavldaon second una mr ibavidaoa and mr klcolaon being bcouvarslsv uw mr and mrs sinclair uvwd in tb hcotch sllocac tvr nearly twenty years when mr hlntiuir pated away m4 came to acton about forty thro yosrs aso tblswaatha hotn of tho cunuy until isoas whnn ber man tolrtt luvving btcoaui settled rainy ltiver ah left acton and knad her home with him and hla family for these twentyolw yesrit white ah often longed for the old home and friends at acton stundntpthr wm ie t fwl wry welcome aiid much mt home with mr nad mrs robert sinclair and their- sons all of whom duleverythlng in their txiwmf to en- aur her comfort a few days be for her death mrs hlnclalr was seised with pneumonia -and- notwtihatnnd neigmorhood ncw6 8a1linapad the iriiuns people of t ctiurem hnvo ursanlacd lrinvanbiicijty v unliawl limchouae president rktaii uwber- jsh-r- st mssusku a a4 auv f-i- saws etastad t hlgbi- uratid mra john w nlpk re- turtved homo laslweek after a adaas ant visit with rwlauvaa in hernia la addition to lbt haiulomo ar- medul llr j w klckwll sua awardaml as winner of drat irnc lit th old- time flddlrfra conteat at toronto hx- htultlon last year he has been smx aented with a boatitirul diploma -ap- lirvprtately worded and having hlr nutve engravod therepn as wjlprter in the contest and bearing the seai of the kxhthltlotf i natasauaweva v the younf leotiles lsgofe of ihl bden milts united church wtu have charge of the service tbere next uun- day evening mtrm wm ilusband f pdfn ullla formerly of naasagiway oelbratsd her nmefyelahth bletluiay onmow day at the home of heraon mr jamas r qusfaand with whom she resides we extend hearty conjtratulalloiss and good wishes tolifr on ihli happy aunt- a1 mw titrlo lulall uuabrtimn aaocialloa ul tiirontolhat wak mr john it larhaansl of iho acton ani ceocxe tiarniumttr std coal tualatas wat itonvrofl with tnv vlectlo- swlr u uvkvasbtbilatton mr luckmxie isul coo ila mr jamej clark of wl h ii aw tuhrunuinla mruadarbyrof tnatcbb laid upwtth trouble n hlslec- aaula we hope h may aoon be around dtbun n of tba ut- earajry society was held at tbehonie wrjikid mrs john black thursday evening nearlylaillbs it must be a tnstter of assjeb aaii- faction to him to have climbed tr the top of tbe jlsw which irp- satlsfibctafty hi actoo treonle have pkawtt la offsr- inc fellchatloas to ibis boskorcd ben 1- enjoyei ths ood proaranme provided- tn hrs item waw toe slnglnr of lb mals lesx after th bnalaeas of the ing was aniahed community awe mg washahl mxbaykr anewepmertn our neighborhood sang two delightful olosmu viola wwlfrt gnsa pajteron tlctiirisgnn canada and measrs j black and a valkner gave a harmonica tanmberlwjjich was greatly enjoybdv mlasea marcaroc waldie and arinle lilsck cavortjd tbo audiene with a pianoj duett mrs georsrs somar- vine gmve an edweiitivw lectur iaarllamentary procedure the mri morren nmnrmocmjlr ing- ctosted with- th iiaiwref forts my aottl tit jniitfqev auonaiaitlemrchtwsait m dmt why ah ed and a il hour spent v vmna jewse bot xhdul0hicii oxtlwatfosaaaa oalatiailyjjbeiatldatoi- tdqmaglo lnautote hiilil llitiu jsniasiy lanntlm do a r sa st the home of mrs clodras villa wjtnthe prbsldent tn the chsir- a paper vm-rhcn- entitled new yna lueolution which was very bpuropriatv a reading on- hot eaehool lurid and a kplaaaaaldrepori of th convention iotorotowerwltriy next metlng will bo boh as a k31 evenrlttsr on lobmry 10 at the bame of mrs wis urachen rockwood tug the beat of medical attention and nursing she sxadikaily declined and oi saturday jeth in at- passed peacefully away th decadent was a jkodiy n ho member of acnojc cluatch was more regular lnattandaoosat th church ssrvioes than v and none were mor 4ntreated in the cause for which u stands than this dear saint of tiod she lived to au bar chll- tfaret-i- hetrlih on -agpep- tlon robert who with hl wife mrs slnclair accompanied th to the old hotna and bom rjrcfa laat thursday masai and bnay and jamw dleddurlna- thir resldenc in acton and john passed away in fancy when tb family rdii in th hootch kdock uernvo 7aoaen cordon rosa norrnao clarkson wal ter ltohrt utanuy woodrow and tleorse murray survive a very ing bervie was nndoctj by rev a jjuwart m a n thiusday after n and tntermant wavs toad in the family plpt at valriw crmlry tajddaltear saekina- tlmdulw-a- objectionable i pbople generally t ir henry curk th veteran hie pterk or klora has tendered- his reaignaikin and tlte council la askln cor appllcatluns for thn noloo the foaitiu cmrrlaj with it a aaurv lf 110 to0 ut thubains mm the hyoo mr r k mills fonuerly of the klora kxprsss is susqrwted a hkely suomsaor would mak a aood on last prlday renlng the boya osm mission rand of the untied church held s public meeting whlhwj well attended curtl wwtson pnwldise tbe mission rshd put un a snort pro ne afterwards an bddre waj dvn by imward jollur- tho annual buslsjes meeting of th re w held tb church on monday rvenjng lnat weak th reports ol tik vaiiood ac- tlvitics sreraj very incrcslipg aod augers well for rw a4eful year- work ahead at th cooclusioi of tb meeungth ladles served a dtjghtriil lunch in th basement tho inltlsi meeting of th vltlgw trustee roard was held at monday laat wvekt whn mr robert thatcher was rearppointsd ciuilraasu and jfr tl tirpyce beerctexy mat- teca or inlsrrst wwr discussed and s public metlng la called for next mon day list lnau to consider th oatur jrf tha wtenda cemetery being traaafer- red to the lviic vulago trustees far a publlcu cenaetcry this ropossl ahould b uf interest to utl and a cood attendance ta looltd for ilast uaaturday evwnlng while sksl- intr d tho rink miss lorotby ltoucbts badtb mlsfortun to fall and sprain ber ankle kb- was taken in a w to mrs camerona home wherai ah boards and will be eondned to the ous for aome days atlas katblcsn uynch of ouelph u homo after aa operation is tho al mxf cuolphat mrs ceorar uoltnn was thraalrnasl with an attack of appendicitis ut baturday morning mr lloltan and daughter mary of th m t cunllb co ud being clid bom owtag to th- serious aatur of th ili as mr mem of acseter is visiting a mr and mrs s r pearta mr u r ouitd or ooltx was ln tnvtihur on monday in coonwetioo with th poultry busts llr john bmlth of rrmniford is her on a visit to his hrotbrialaw wm a mcculloucb olds st the uall ajatewcsi buaday asaisat twissjairaeouvab w- uc to tlaeahle whtcbi rauod by tbwnu w what ekuth i da ttarc wuh jnauakaiclil u called rtrttr- t tta iwhiiasua a4 the daoaaw- da gwtphe bisr titrtay ie iy and iturdajr uiijitajraajlaliy tor jnx aerctunu ilractraj lca snaawirai of tlepa4 x grtoaawj vlrmkby 0r nwrifcants would alj wl to redual iaauca tjetlsr lltay of- ihetr own tbary xsaja crcavwi fasx as l- wthw bauesjas mm any of tsve astaije jottmb pass i denf ontario retail a has been a member of tbo vajeeojlt sor seweral vloptpsid yrauw i ivbt- science amd jchiho-dav- eucn mm mrs 6aten w prefab or grerttog r hat is 11bc- d ratioor a wbair- aald mrs tammertey tm folks at home- nfooll r with us- bradley vvintbrop asked tamjydoic th only on of tb group who had uotssuf what bo would dv l hayenttoadcuuuy mind lannoa rapbrf it me every mao who oss fro a small town to a city should mubwrtb for bis ahonia ppr xi wll hod it u wwlfly joy it is -alei- ilmj tur -my- iisaa w hare wwakiy wrulitdfr that ba was unm prtvllcsd to live iri u country town it la n hurvrlluusiacivlleaw said au elderly bbmulovaar tu u auup of lutrn- ra tlw ttirl- day rthwe enjovment 1 what constitute tecruatioa d- psads of ceunkf on thopolnt of vlaw f tw cm n ryrrati4 tula aoec- dat from th tory times shows what on small citlsea thonjrhl anjuyable a bier boy in a csrtalai 8tatechoo for iapanden child- wrote bis father tbui tjaar papsc w hll- drea as having a good time bunns mr sagar woke his lac and cant w went un apiowioaad it and w all aot wc usay efslldren hir auafc with mumps mr iliggtn ret art tio aaon and wstoktrtrtstab but h wtwk a ultla the man that ta diaatng th dp wall whipped us boys with w buggy whip we threw sand la hla iaaahia anfl mad black and blue nurfcs on ucj rtaastjbwgr wm welvkias v in shr stveet cars lux nasoa wtilbx lybjhti fr h did not wish huaae and walk thro mile after leaving hh carl fcald ltfadly with think h worth whilv to save dm jmury tliafs so muoj aasll hastily 1 isnt mufti of cjui 1 thldk it la ingdon broke tit when its on af a anseii axuas fil th youfmnkly how a i with tus bvtuy dollar 1 put intu suet tklngal take something from the folks at home vstbr an j taoiher r work- lag twice aat hard as thaiy should blv lu tlu chaktc ihey mlaaed ltn dwtng all i dun to iy toy own wttlwllo uo rxtra mohy asht to g back hot- and not into auto trip to fuo4bell gamos youll huvtu count tn oot- in ll hush that rllowed ilasgalou hausbed rivther awiwar r lllsk fwi urauulng be aald ttou folloars wtu do as y like uf iurb tl c with you if 1 could eitosd it in bis room that evening h slipped i ttooiyordr into hla letter to tb folks at kume euail in amount but avlsnirtcaut or lov and salf-ancrl- iu as he srsteo ttjivlope h fruwnpil no wjiauui he had madf eaesai by his rrak hpech stints one knocked ml tb dt was nwbsn v spak aa- you did old fellow b biutted out its been 4rryluat m- th thluaa thay drag you into its a quarter bar m a dollar thwrw and i hated to aay p my coa ana like yours they go with out lota ot mines to as esb tauoosrh hoto mo iwn s tsea ad dad i nought td tell yea lm solas to 4aod ivedwaee seotte ajvslo4 i i eotildnt mak up my lwad ttu aftar yow aald what you did- oakville thar were 6 births si oeth aad is hvsrrlages iookvul lulssc th llottlcultural boclaty has a menibarahlp f iss 11- u donovau wh- operated in f or intrhal trouble avrkl waivi k ba now making koed prott to- srard tctmnr rv w 1l balt ajlof couta wood pfechd snnlvtrvajryainboa in hi johns church mr tlmltb wsj a forater pastor tb council u advertialng rfor ta servioes of an aase omelet aitknlng of th bear aoout hti rth ha- jtmlawlay hkf1ran jbnwryfatihr oelock- mnctps arctrtlwwfii aandersoli atw nunabered y ajrvwut tba isny wnllacd to their hosa with iverw e tb third annua minstrel rbow of th onkvllle liabsll asyociatlon will ik held is urary tnewtr on mon- isy bruary 5 uud tuoaaiey march ijtt hi tilaht ocuck tb annual mene rally ut bt jshav united cluicb will be bald un honday jvnliig january tswhen th rv iv charles ucotu of the cvsrtiup avenu unuswl church at llamiltoa wtu b th iumaw- mrrn chajrles aldrisb aha miss ilsura xldrirb utl last weak fp sab kvsacitwco whbatw they wtu ta the ssaoats uf the luiwci4 dalisjblsr mrs- a j jaorie and wmtt lalluwln servtons bt iir 1st resld- oeai ijundas htroet tyatsbjar toarn aalp uo tuosday aftsrnoo of isst wvta tbelraawtas ofthe late char loittt mcfjowan- ux iiueai con urar vmi balal bv raid la kriodal caitery on january nth itix- mayor vwda ttusby erf manalmo c waa n- actd t sor by ay su aaa- jorty wwar hla optsjaewt mayor vactor itajtiaon loathe aaunitht scc term taurt it llkb bhrracks and asji roos and reveille and kaki aad aca ihlatvt its scwtlflc too said mrx morren band its awamtblag every nuicht to lu khwi jau eu i dont unawstxnd itvie kkaarked uri tananrteyaawlly ut i dawtmy ijdll hcht- she tuiw to kntrw gtftat ani alctdtvaiched ber inou- proodly aoiiiuu happtbr- sh ear about tunujrbnlrt all but utrly sh fajwow alluto collar wilta a aw ltu4ous till im wild- ibhw ihcctoa diaapihiintad tuw arbiis it ot undaot- stnd au about pluntlxinj and ess- mtlnjr utad ajajtaahaastlng and th kwlr atlv vjlua jf rjd paodiawrtsanj e triclty aad utotonijwa try lvak- keeping 1 hoaa hr cat tap ah carcass hrp h wwlt ikia voa wajkv lauaiki f sipain it aaunds twoay but u u huultaif all tiae aauaa aad waict laua 1 ret so nilxod i dox know the iaiaaj know it ikltatot waslc ww soacr bw rv darml kfi house all thes ywaaat wub bo tralalag at au boa beinar in b kiiirhep with bay- waptba mak t aaaam aa n aaijliwiaas- visrtoam tamctatotmtix iuarwi kdm can ulak u tw uaul kd mrs yuarnffvy arjiy ryou worry luicyri bhr sduled gently- our uzuchts 04sfat to keep toue brta- altt aaorne dy and its taaaly bit of young vanity to amiie as tf th-yr- tta ulck to tfaink they can do it bow and mis was bood for our day if not for this aad it tsucht thlnaw that lusirwatoanai ammt tiarhit taucht hnrnlaw tavatv clrls have a hardca tloac- arwajrauaac tkaa we did and after all it knettaks waosr tbary learn itv tax but l wsr ksn4 lassas it khould bo ker tbres eta ntella be troabjrtbacaaiwli toat always apauv ur ujd- f a sh on wl way of keeping hewwas- tiwytl love aad reeaadnbaar hoan loavg aftar thyy foraottoo tjvemheu uevrb rat ions too bar a beacaad bsy toitexiag ardfispect ataaareaf mral morrea asiastnov laat ssscl ine x waw to m to ljaaalra t ctoavt an shall added wtssabbtay and l- acton and djimrict ttis a dm tie f tb ui v- kill he held la tb xwarattfajaaa n fiatordar jamry w the spl witaaa aolo wktl 1u yu ax wub jwmr by oitirau- oataiiailay ahi xt giru aad ruawyetasi tawis ily rural ecioos of tb kaaaiha af usi- toa najdtoaand getvroth jat kw- tb oatario war auaadents to waotev acbxpolw inmidmcxma by t d- tw u iwjit reaay rsa lesttysi afaa- baar c- post nave- juat pavccla up to 11 p tb sates re- mala ne betbre bat bsarir trwaeks over and ap to is ylatoiw a hi- witlmla ft bailee of uk lac of baniaer was sec i now ase- bwyoaaf sa kwllaa aad jn oatarlo tb rat wwjs aeel b now atl jk is ta parcea to mamatobs or qaebe w x tt is ibjejfc to lastc rt ot mshnsnv proviac it was tut u ta w sus to albcrta it wsrttb ear ul aad to itvttlsb cotaara u was su aad tb prsesc rate is reajsmed to sxaa t aoor psirect post taruc wrtu anclvasaasoabaty w awlstxna- lbs sajsrtalhxjn sa fa fg w tmrtvm wm cns of thought uv wbil yoo tts tb ajawt would bay aad awa ta psea of thjaepaaalaacdagy xivsiwail yst jtvc tba aacrvd prechsr crieai aaa g cod eacm hinrnwt a u tlwa xaard w toajr viwws let both wailsd hex i live la plaakttr while x tit to wa uojalrtdc- l tat ua eronwd of u thb- racols helcmnc with home ucbsoms ia tnteewmt in th docaltmk oraa of avcxajd oould wot p lurtb- tba u la wama jtf mr jcmaes waawaaa saetbott et aotviaxg tnatbcmuiltc slraotdeeas wonurkajrw jn jpre tto waa the note which was band ied laiopa of the gisdr teacharw tbe tkiaanr iiy i tjar lluilufw johnrr teday ii wiu no be af actoi 4 u acting mm ll fothi flhvr ia socht yoa watvw bin tbu lktmpb- if a nrtd is 4 teilmvqtnii hovr bc u1 it tk- a- man walking 3 knllr- an aanajt to wakk 314 hmrs around ut jobaay aint fa nua mt are bad tu araad bu daddy they laft wwarly ihl spyaarautte and awy husbarl aaald thtxy rrbtiotd tuck bte tanisatlhoaach kkvauxn it wfafchtib laao4srioar macam alrvaaf anake lastprohleea jboaat kadir a any buihatvd cauat mi- raard t in s day srrmfk i oiwau bavw abotinh t wart but t aaarparjc a day axr aafniiy wttr than my hoajajit itcaqty yrs mraji job for at amob 8ahamtah allwwr nliniiin raajiait ni to the abaa waf a ajukctair la- a maiiitl abaiot s aad aaed him to mi wskraw to daslstat tosa toe daxtor crsttked his river and hrvty naricauajy a thlr deatintloav up ibeir arrival tih saweaavan aaadlfnwwinfr rrnnr frf hitr- tt taro djlarat aid tb pbyalciaa said tbe aalesman sic to drivo th ualn tbbmjoiras s to 0 per day ptwav mecbaaleal mat rta rrlcfetsywac ptas barvers are always in d- join varicose veins reduced or lone backpays tyu taouuty u 0rhyj tvoea vlrii troes birth- tttia taasy lwpal ni i laoaae trrwlaar hat b ciiwtbor jatabjratiisw- kiaulli today all- aa thsx took wias to treat osu aow b wadedtja a few days if you basw vartfawa veins or bunches you i aslrc tdsy 1 awing them jck t kasbtvaal sd if jfou ar wlso ya wul do so bottw of msockev kanerald oil al 1x dups tasr tutxsaatlatavnd spplyll nxbt 4nd ng to ta ralarcod watlaa it is wry prwrrful ajstjenetraulng and loady uttw 1 auauved- agtew 0i tv daya troatnsacil tb wins will batxlta t fcrow s and by vadar wee wiblaooa dio to hjtaei bot vlrta that kaaak the bas tblrty yvat uf r ioaiafs htv ar bidden la lhaw weeds u sukaiecf tri diotm par f a td f c fotajfaaitia od a davtiua w tbr ul bosamor lba t th ras bwiu lram b si er and lb hji buy be thoat wilt lyaiw moaaae 17 urald ou is auo a nasr- vwrlwns kvoing acveu on ainallrs- tleas tr lastawr stop in- itcfalnjf of nvrauv bad a trmf aptuicallons attu tin imoptaotas to dry tap seal on and ifasplwly diaaijapwar it ajwoall la t4ctiv isbarrre udv salt rheum irjataw aj l- skin trouble aple wb waktal a ineducar varjinm ins r a- rid of fli ulcers ur pilaia aht days bhould taut besltafa ta cw a bhikak uooe jalaa jaawrr- rol tluf anaalt wtu will ukta lontf tajavav lay phsraauiry- cin auavply you kc y llasard mils lots of u xevotrs cash carry save butcher shop spkdats rqk the vveaslakd blad tcaaat maaty pot roast tutaomutr suedc i oaala ijufmmt r r u fise tslaoulilr roast per m te 8anlder ibdl per tttkzz- fens ytroah lbs p4- it rte otlwnn ojiwie lab amd be assured of a souake dcju- wm e bcnla u saue all larifly uac loxst aaiotal to yearn mows tbe i i sata lajnattire at i we bawe 8hatltrxbp we furniture rugs oilcloth linoleuins etc savk honey b bwjraa now pirns wt be aatow nbate wt be as ug tor i b wi eat aaat ooatkaby wai waw ci ilij stocfc- sale starts saturday jan 29th 1927 9 sfc oa and educated is oakvlue and b a brottaar uf willlaw ruabr at towa the skalinsr rtuks at tb nubile chrntla ar in full swing hue and ar esiioylns- an nuuraki- ualrosae fro tb pupilaj 0mc are co by nature wb prtdd oaartaln young a a bruaooeneas that ba sals- took tor alt met aa eaainant but t noe scaatybtor at a atawtu awsaper as yttro tbo cbaa bo said aa a4scrtntorpducd that mass mud mud bssbdat woe ail of tjbeaa- the aoabtor ire- jmm mseuy u3 wsc- si3s 13c 45c 135 4jar w7s jfrl sa76 carpet sweepers r 175 frilled scrim ctartains fiv sxss comfrtcr- i si jj5 jardiniere standi ii 6sc cocoa sals ij j- l soisumltmvat ffi su50 coil spriasa- ri sizjoo walnni steel beds j- sii5fwicker chairs njl kocken flj y 3dj00 dinner sets ot pieces alts fcarbef pillowx tii sac siaoo cbclcrpcldtablcs v j1l7s iuoo oak gbray fables i j8k 7sc brooms qi ase basfxuns in ciugnfckfuflii surn lovely suite at greatly deduced rsriccs yow aae from wsoo rtsjx on eacb ojtc tlisxio tapottry suite apiece aj ss 18500 tapestry suite 3 piece fci 1151 slesxo mohair suite 3 piece i jusb sz2s0o mohair suite 3 piece jf 1sm fs27sinbrusabsultetpsrr s2jsjw blue mohair suite 1 fc r 17sqo s2ojoo vdour suite 3 piece igs0o w2s00 mohair suite 3 pwce g j2fi0o w wilb kaeb saite flaw moor talk siare 1375 s4h50 kitchen cabiacts wilh porcc lin top eu all the latest con- tor 11- portelaiu top tables aujob oak ijiioeri leather i saajs solid oajf lou buffet bi tl9j oak jtutcotaoa tible fo imninc boom sdit1m suite in oak 8 pieces 6joo watfuusiie s pieces d 1- fssusb uhd walnut suites 9 pieces 6 bullet ispcdal i uisjh s7sjd0 orcaac altdltlf uaes iuvcry yeed condilioa ye 375 ggstooa sums walnut suited rerjilar lisjjo dres- er beach vanity cbiferobe and bnw end bed r 7w stock taking af the mclean co store mens ribbed underwear shirts and drawer cotton andwool quitooft fjht i c ail warm a odd raroicut d 10- special each 110 y meri twed work pants mens tweed wofjc otnts winter weight gooj wearing pantry- balar price 456 spccal t fancy towels at reduced prices 10 tlfttcn iri y int ttnr jyf ralnr arr hliir- pink gold and belrtropc- regular price 70c special 48v 40c english flannelette for 35c thisplannclctteyardwide extra heavy nap good oc value at aoc special z jzs jodt carjhartt overalls the neat pair of overalls you buytry carhnrttr el the best 6vcrall made good value at per pair r- hnxsnosxct c6 t acton ont f g we have a new and date line of season able groceries ftciikniuktrs smoked meats and sausage i flour and feted call ami ynveattjrnle our prices nd goods before rhryiiur we urxlver- after foub ooijock and on satukuay ecripps avion ekms casm phone 159 wattjh fuk tiik v great opening sale of the dominion bmgain store lnthel by mkhynd6 this sale starts nextweek ttk store will carry ti full uoe l ilauiea mens chudrenvi and irjanh luadytowanrfirwai savings guaranteed ouk motto satisfaction tlsoakwrked or money uefundkd dominion bargain stprp take advantage of these bargains while they last smiths fnrnitiire store es a t t fnaafaiatmayluirfaw smoked meats hack bacon 2 1j piece per lb side bacoo by ihe- piece perlb coluge roll whole or ball per lb larro smoked roll pertb 42c- sle 50e a2e- 28c 25c 25c wyaeutanst gtaelpi wywiluamst cubapb smoked harasi wtiold or half per ib 1 hckmd imjltfjkiiyowttcura haws whale or half per lb sid pprlc hy ihc piece per lb bulls of pork trimmed putte laud nev welrbt s tb pail lard im 3 ib pail or lard fe z 5 lb patlshortcnirt in 3 jb pjil shorteniit ij i tb brick shortening jfp try our tlnaaeniade satalaijle 2 iba f or sue hamburg steak 2 tba fair sttr kish british columbia saliuonr hy tha piece per lb j6e white iiih per ib 16c lrcsh herring per lb loe lie 75c 45c 17e wilb every iib order purdbaaed we will piae vuu a otic patual jtrlck uf sborienir 10c w x pattehsqn piions jo a9ton ont- a a laaiaaa aaia ia as a i ajj i as sp i sfsi as aai i aa issssf 3srfei3t