im m j 1 iiv i- mftttmmxnk tfumapat majich 10- imt the littlb town lwtrampld th xlmeiir it tuj dowm from north to aouih end eaatloi wetl rub after all the lhueuim 1 ukn tte quiet reatfui days without the rjiyh and notse i lk its unpretentious ways- hiu flrlsji the cordial friendly otmoaphare- i find lnllttlt town mnttuiimo wltha kindly cheer tanddrbmt awuttytwni a too us ewns tbe people thi tmnlinnl ir ihihx are mora content of i tfirlllto find 4 xtuin ottytolju soma jltlr tea t w itfcn inside thrfy were ia rayy fntiliiir thaliha joofct 7ony porcii p1a1im of the wasssliml rat- the mttle townirotoetta tttfula the am us eitlodo i but theirs i nt ue pi4ee that q11s ufas oup with miter bjww thy nwd thtf tup biabpkbnii wiujttiwrjwmpmn4 ow aibycse wjwysj tried at wow tq feel -the- wjri do ji and kme nklgbt say- that guys nj boobiv and maybe tui true v lut roba cktitoti td content to 1m of mnall renoirn uavocquiet fan paiy tittle mntpt tvltwn omo-lttue- ton r- twkntyyift fes- v jvoirv thajhu of jafrw preesaf turlvf wt amvblmaidi1iwpliisrope ara juala4n- coauoiaioav- the mild wathertua pratty tbar oughly awnlhlktad pbe malbjnv r tbyajmi laru liad aoinajjifr- us coasting on aseestresi last wtae anxiety about ty p anmn gfjrty in fbe now ibav usejottlilitjkllm i ia ed too young- mtmvassbcbmm retail h are mora la dmftmr ilvfwfr wwloiiop tumi mm jlnala ftmni hdmtnylthg ffl jln abrjtearx jiitandffcad rll mr tbomaa ptriywian jrctaailu of nk brick jtora aflil reaidanm j co ra to r j k ball for a iodmdtaaoatovbe prioataid v imk dr 311 aupoamaafoti about tbo middle- of aprll im errrmattj wiiirata svjatpj j boalnoam- tfiat ajpilii tne- lrfy thara raa- ataca road 4utlnb- troni tt joalttfk luaaourlj la panyir colorado stune dlatanea back from st joaaqb or bt joe aa it u fanllulrlrufd and bank from tbj mlaaomqvav srtrt a ruy atatlof named kenneth donalatlnc cf a-ran- emtfrbtotarv rmit orlee and aeraral dwelllfhottao cvh larcdat feoue- iii tntr rulawa umr raoibllntf oirar wlion uanraab1a in the front and lohjri low wlaa to the back- thu fibuaa wal mllr ttwrbotetroift ttliaff aftj iu oeetoant colons qoodln waaacent l j botai keeper ibel oojonal wag quite avoceaafut aiboimwawaraverr aearoa jn thai ration at tntrtlma and- uatuuly bo mmdtoaoootnodata many peonlotb colonel had aorna what am6nhpolln ha lodklivof trftvpuerb t l tomwav xfelaon stewart by jjukow drototlqtrf the yard of t boddln aaiarnopl j bwrtly xpod erwlnl t atd tomt the elder hsoodwinjnarrotttmedb cou ont- f1jwpnoa5aafou to tay anaivaibtvte j r wtit we wantore- sf and aoon round and bmtob him at wiwn bdume colotnl dood- in put iho k two war boyn in ttii aajmtiroomfbaiaay had ooouplod be- fore aodthon ii led will to rooin in the aame wuic two door aw itbert miey ftewdhira iio back mown the onvatalrway and t down in hreallimtobalrthat ba bad ou- obvwa w cat btit of the faouaa wth- iout bla toowjmtt- bftlunir hha dobra -of- their rooma limbed out on clamoured down tbemuoeandwere at be bara in a few momenta there waanhaylortjuat over thr ahed where utelr waavna were otand- laa and they climbed up into utlaand lay- down vhey bad nit r uteri i mora than fifteen tftrtnqtewfaq i man oane itao the ahaftou13hjdporl aftfimilm atrtwk jbuoc7ab4 mabjted the untern h wtf ibronab ibe craoka wm the oolonel hefurthfa to undo tab etfajn fiwvwtf traaw tenrhxarriwl ltiritolbemtfrqta that opmlefl offuie nd trf theahad mdemttld hear tumrp wwto aiobp t 7 j cotdejon bojttlatd will jumpthf they roi down vfrom the b4jriloff veryqojetiy and war v ha llttletl foom1eatdefb oolopel iuiit aa ha waaj aunatecbabtyh ofjujljtl tbbofttaldrar tutmaa nartfrfl atthtnvln bewiwermebt- wnr wfnt ort wltbonivwvunir for it reply j alv jfaaton io yoftr utuetrom cokinet- an queillon or two waa aakad fer followa v g eook hont vm not ioh an iliffant pook wbliv it oomea to the fancy djifaaa but for plain 1 very day 4ooklqtf i oan lit ihnayi r eya twlnklftd wbln i wajc ftrat marrtets memon aaya to me nora tne flrl sv a happy cha im- a- folrt to i ft r homeooinin- im after needln cwoi tbinir pmua jtv life ye wont feed me ftaab ltn tired pf haahand im not oar in jo aee lnytheral of mbrn daya x nora prunairrfflia iikah- with thic rioh dit w ah bojeu e l vyer rtfhl jlmrpy m luvflioart i ojinpavwoll yell nlrer aee haih in ourbomel fltbevoryirat day we had jrt b haah tor aurei pewoffflnelmtofahmleln y a ly tbetwaolr oand x ehtudland tttiiauathlftumad ataw ttoa acrapa with a bit otbukm and wato and taty loinisr ittovad a- tiiflrub bbthr hla eyea aa4 tbta b jwkatjir- worm aayaba yejiivm- m mo ya iana fta- tnat uiuiau lyuiljlu fnt tbem jbbitba twp mjttthend of tbebarb tbnrt iswtouajl will ta ready in about tbea be want on with obopplnxi theae boya were beavy tbbbera for b 1 rumrtnjr itr tbebi sl o vbfob the lumber- waa fattened by mekum at lokhmalna j6d ubopczuie middle of e iqteda tbt tenlnattbe boya uatesed whb tbarkoaneat aftenlion to tb cotoneta atoxlea of narrowt eacapea- from the indiana aaaoctrkpvlnena hsntnis aboup ten vdpohv to jbinrarthamup- j nut uu jgumgy made tbeae boya- pay yea last- week for their 16abbalna and yen eanrllke- wlaa payjneor uu damagv thacyoi bayedone to if you danthdnitf w wttl make if hot for yqur a- vsreat scotv but yotirf amart yal tbe colonel affably well rbenaroana oornerqd hoa oornered xll setyon thatmoney he paid it otw wkb many vain- hla ikmipui vrombmnot to pay hla trick on anytnore tnktauera a4 blfboagh- they made 4111aetrt inquiry n after yiaaiv xt frlbtara tat want that war 4bey- nayarbeardof any moroj jocbaoa- at tbecolonela io hey concluded that he bad actually kept bla word ica chore- time r mary katherine ill ramble out d bit 1 tblm nothlnir mm to tire mea a jnetf aft- en it tbe eryptal fauoetamrtheeatvabarej tljliujulil fj i eb nlejhfc au dayltlay now lilac abadowa coyer it the weat laall aamiloi ita qhcra time uary katharine f think 111 walk awhile there letmo hrlnfthe wood for you dont wait upon me ao the fire will warm me better if 1va bebed io make it clow somehow im r4tteairwtiobr alt wub idle banda andbraraj v m tbooj j broodina far away to otofrday amttnr -v- orywubbrownan4 tour intfcber cblwwaaquttaacooif ao all the neiabboraaaid v life chore time slaryiutkeet lues i owkfcr wht a qcjjcao aiibtletieaft-at- at ulmoaauat weakotq vacyjfanoy prlbeawertf eeoured twentyaeren ftblbt niontba bldi a- jhitub uu uu loumlbat ji69aiba wwr pjona -they- went to tbebr boatat obee and told bun of rock villagb rausikravboakp takaaea seewre f h tttraf orotndatarrarkard tbbockwood i trua- tee voard matin the town hanoa monday marob t aji n jfews- i mad in eal6v thiey oome round nera and ateal wbateyar they can lay tnetr banda on 1 6wtee- what tbey want with iorcbabbut i anppbae they want uemorompthlii4or they wouldatj flnytra ranje the codynarttuic auit would eeemio warmd awaet and bright fffpila the awrpplna hickory asalnat bitter nbrht j -i- rtbapathwayahbvelad tothe barn the froat agmbiat tny race ita eberb tune mary katharine 1 think ml waltaapace tbwuadlw of knocbureh are mak roa irent r for tbetrao nuallat patrick basaar ontbo 17th teat r hfah haf irtah- tw- taaf it far yereelf wu jimmy helped himself j till it waa all jrone thata the blat- mealrve been atla for amtmtb of sandaya wt93unatk30lxm nuuonviriahew ny umr j acter a apeux found aofte more acrapa and monotwuttnta crumb so flxadup itha vlry ttloaat dlahtj knew- tiora aaya me mon nor what in mat dieti i tutpiclotfr bc- ab jwr- jimmy me laiqbvaftht taatln it for yeraelf i aaya dldnt rromlae ye i wouldnt make haeiit thats not baab ita toad-ln-the- tjoeir7 r tvall there waabt mite of trouble about jtmmye edit at all me havln a bit too at 0durw thlnjiwroy watted hla lipe andi aarr nbric radlntheholea food atln invoay lit the wakotvbot dotmaa tiul- k rj ha won anna ld4 waa jlmtuy and who wourd baveiibauffivui tin yeara 4 fc okl the denf ohllder ami left alon alooe l tbe marry winkle valbe4rln 4 aofrmit in jtaraa hrlfail irffr fl iptfldu all ware ehentr fpr a few than wuh braya albah ahookjn tba glooidi find lb aanortnia ntooilli broadened into a wugh eyan- bfor the moturewfll towjtrflwtha twinkling eyea jvo oidjf nlyer broke ma promiae to jimmy t ntvjr gave itm- baah ttf hf flyln day tie nlvt tlnw i put aoniya on the wbh hjtbad thf aoaploloua look now nora llhpla it tar yws- thata the dun lie jimmy t jeat aai aeirjmmyaaya the rrwnch man eooks makflniul fqe iln ahwam hotala tna mbnl thafa yrenoh jrogoytl t though we doubted whetb i nnehtihef- would hktw recognjaart the nanug mora jprbtmunoaduv we mrvt ih art of vnaklna excellent ragout flh had atovped to lough- but an wiu gpaajdn ajlu i v v wbln 1llmmyttj6oae4 v jab tb do opl- make haab whlf thtfre ar ao monyutifecot00aone jatjdjui4 yyeaicb ragcjutoia jp of thp haapr- walta nfvvrrnxladrlato mer cookv in- agiln ana- 1 juyer waated a aetop of mataibut t aygatta aciirl no need to flaffer anptiwr pay i tirwefnnt7jng int pair otnetma tthehjc biu abadowa ontute apow thaweat vroeyaold the boraaanoruna in the lot and trancuta with tbe eokl tbe water ura4lnatbrpua1t the loe the w fbanilawbibr- the kitchen wip- aenttppbt thatcher prealdlnjr it waa rowdby mimx fred spiltb and it tbatcber that xm be paid tio tb v t smutr co umltedj ror the wuaaabeve- lege adtic obtained in lmevaurrbid i the foilowtaat aoooonta- 1 hydro vthoyajvbakyfltrfcoae rental rt xm beck memorial xnotrmenf und hrttp j4ioryawer r- and forma gfoc lm duaeld apdltlna booka am n- black audiunffbookac- sm c l neuea atauonery attd caaea m p vi a what arer w nba toratfrh queried jtonazcan- kae i tba lumber on oac- wagoaa witbau oh to ytreoutorarire wakt place- near jtieve where we oouldget aotne morer not place that i know ofunleaa lyotf would go over to leetqala leo- ifonla was twelvv mile away otbae trail tbuttbat would jake jdja tom and we promlaed to haretfaf lumber at tuton by tombrraw nlght tbe colonel risoactedfor ex few too meata tvetf b aaid alowty tt donti ear aa there bjainy ir that i can i belpyou aatoeprtblet you talec my two old lognbaanku yon think thoy wurdo tbaye jaettyjunty though jslmyll be better than none aaid tow r i oa andbee tbemv eald the eelbnel leading the eray tk a ah that stood- qear the barn i thechalna ware heavy ensugblnit tba colomd liagj itj m moi4oiji world a cndtt rf llf wh mn ftmilfjbanib p xx4wunrlatanw on 41s ttrplw- vjirb bll ta invuuitneksnkjmaoutt pumakl moc mtcr illmuioj uh trmimi omul to alloir umia plan fdmu piw powpnow wflt ia ttlc i p mptlrtp jk xqebwmc poobd-kmpir- tmxaxa pmic or jut dtmn1m n brdro nporc miiu aadao- ceptm ihowlnr oaif mam of b a kotc imeranr yriohe behtmmom ron ix i tr r t v seboolteaobwrn daclare tidren bkr tur fnb4uawrfotaavaan jion of granjenatloal rulea wibey- are at- least twatre yeara old jcbe oonreraablori of hatty wbo la eight reported in thftvotbaran tend tq oonflrinthe tatettfeqt 1 ihettya uncle wbo la a eohaouj teachavrjjiat her on the atreet one beautiful vayday and aeked bar if aba waa going- put with tbe maying party noj aint golutv- p my deaii aeidber inok inuavnot aay1 a gnlnr m j wf am nolgojmf and be p- liabtlw l arir bar a utua leaeoa in i rtbu arl not gclag mirf liu offer waa apoepted and aoon on their way thay day fop traralitny andi ttieir inbsoded wemftyi tbe abort oouraeahew in tnw farm- ejob robme be1w- earpilf tbe wlntejrmostba baie been welt attend ed and bar been jrafyv intereatln and matructlve tbey ended ut rnnradaynlgbtwitba banquet at the jalltontin wb4ch waa lartttly attend the ujtarrink aertea of the iuitdn eeoiifcbftery ughtt fvm chore ttoaemary katharine ramble ontabltr v there nptbutar aeema to tire me ao ivttnetme when i tho operated on in- quelpb general boa- pttal recently fa unprortea nicely i wbileoaintttying eddiee at tbe rear if vhbi reaidenoa ajtfrownridte of valimn townsblp atlpped- and cell oft 0reibiidajvhroakbvbia ootar a bad the misfortune to- fal twenty i irood y th goyi teeeout o7a71raa whlnlv b was out- i and 1 wluay ijmydl ub down and broke bla bin trttere are fourteen kaaonero id thi halton county ji with flre more out- on bail the committala aince octobeajri th besinnlna of tbe jail year number aeventyelghl tb7gnhyrabtioe oer tuts- onyvvenlng about forty member of tbe choral society motored out tq tho ofzmrndmji thnfcmbkerr in rbavaa moat enjoyawe mydnaanbr of beareobayecproe true ita chore time mary katharine and therell be chorea to dp oerbrude wesl there ione simple yet inexpenslya way to raduoo inftanjed awolbjn toe joints jufd get them down- tqnormol andtbmtla to apply mbooqs blmeraid otl nlgbt and morning ask xl j hassavd or any first cldae dntgaiet xoc waojinoel hortle v mopries bhnarmfl qutfoll pwnhrattlfreparicti iquncea imbvlonst time and further more if this wonaerfjil- discovery dots n give vb comdlete satl you canmiare your cibbeyefundod 0poal note people who vant to nr visriftnan jnxj abonld geta botuo o bmeraid oilat once applied night and morning aa directed vthey wilt quickly notice an improvement which will oontlnue until the vetasand busies are reduced to horhntc r y jimmy nlvsr well nora spent the- whole season as cook at tho mill boardlnc boose aqd the men said tbey never- wars better fed ofoourae aba never tbe men hash but aomhunseji the dishes were spsptdioualy like liasb but they wre alwuya ao appatlatnst ant wholeaqnie that nary apemplaiht wag everbeanl wonna sap 4hestronvth and under- irdasvaa ja jt wdrm puraalteatx jen4iire aatkmi mto oa from the tt1ble auffocatlng aaihma fa a grant thing but idbaf safgtfuarded jar the future la even arrester w only does dr j t kelloggs aafbms lumady briwr prompt relief but it introduce new ere euvilfe for the affoted hyalam- aua lnhaheg of smoke or fume from ltwe vfinadytptavanu yeattack and oftap fff acts a ptrmdnahi cure an alhalftical retort after aevpraj cumuinm hod baei made to him the- vlbar of a eartaln ohurob aaya the haaloh came ja an oplblonthat hla old eexton waa oe frlaetlngoartaln dutlaa- th aktoa whuwajlnot wan una in wit trenuuualymteflled tba charge and said that ho was not coin ts island no mmdlln with his affairs llut johq- argued the wear it bbmv everybody o mind hla pa and qf l 1 rijewybotiy escapt wt retaajod th old man- refuting to be oornarad ive wnenvbto do to mind imy kayr and pewav w i in stomach create oaii seurnaaa and pbi v jmadloal antborltle atata that nearly flloetantb of the caaaat of stomach trouma injmgastltni burning gas bkaunrnauaea etc- due to aiua uf yiiuiuailioflclacia lolne atomach and not as aome bellevs to a lock of digestive juices tbe delicate atomaob lining- is lrrltateddlgaetlon la delayed and food sburs cuetaet the daagreeabla symptoms which very suimaeb auffarerknowa soweuv rtlflcjal dlgeatenta are not needed ineuch cases and may do real barm- try laying- aside all digestive aids and from ahy druggist -a- few bleurated mwgoeala and tak teaspoonfur in a- quarter glass of water rfab afur eallng this sweet ens tbe stomach prevents tbo forma tion of exceaa acid and there la at sourness gas or paln iaurtd maar- neaie powd or tablsr form never jlqum or milk is harmless to r 1 tho lneadgpstvela -takn-and- is tho moat erowan form ojmftnasla rrr milli wss myajajsarrsawjv 1 ts ffr offle and umlairim cm ifttjlfitn pliers u dr 9- e nbtsotfr- prdbuck 0uaep7r-vll- aeion ontario leoal phon no u f o dot jl harold nash farmer m a rrlabr wllt nrt7 rwk perryman slock acton out monet- uktox uoaro trm hourt m m m to b p m- f dr j m beix dds l onut ifn ri t i w ally thajatt nobto dmlred offloo a rplnfioi cpnmr- c mm dr ji johnson dd5 lds otntm 1 telnjilor lf optliciaii4ua of pwovbo jojotosi mobj yrtlli ppraorofov of indlxmrtloo the finest ellc8tiooosnoe hlharmon ofooo over bank of naa seotla tbleihonb misctharlgou accqjmt boo ofab idndanwdote order periodicals of vrmrf ov tlon carefully bound ruling and promptly dona wyndbam street laepkv xkea orer williams mora twenty tears a utetjrotm paofbrtt acton j t jwftaiio c t 1 rv wwimi jdw ia in utsmenxa when tbiy stcpedjo camlet oyferowaivtt sustalnlrg- three nrofc a aimager ba bad beedrlvliu be- 1 en rtbs- w bind them ever alhoqjiooti at the satta pbuw with i uiiiaiie cotuna faaurflyree ctijsma poa l a ntt ajglagj i ofyhaeys4 ourt beuyft- inajaoourtery there aint iiebedy w j had hi wih atout hiit w 1 tmust go to the cftyvand 4e a lot depdcasn- at ljfr-vn- k bab r7 akaqae tttbe waather la r- mr 8terdcfcsb seated end qf th table oonsau and rvad ajoud 1 ttplrii ihall anew nbnasand noodsl at tba ethar bis s cloofi wuvinq- xletag to market u nof an irtsjirate xty- torsutalpestrwelsre rpola th jtjjtoaeetbi vreyes jvvtf zbuywajw wnstand nhlm7wbure i tetjroi lute conversation at pnoe ejutfns slf iibarrnad amy objections to tide oampv 1 las at tbaat place tom rapped pbatthey wtjwvb7a4adof pany the etranger ehaited plaaeaat- ly as be unbuchml hisraee hap tianee at tom load oi gave a low laugb and a wautia r toa stayed tetipfpouv last nlsbc dldnt your be inquired j ttea said to gow di yon wiew byt that ebalo on your mberx p y imam dbuli pcu cut nlgbtr cwje oieaulpqledtom and dldnt tfie old man offer- to fytht- anqthw- cbaln- in the morn lait i i edlda bouaht h elv those- were yoarehalns that you bought froaf the ootonel oar- own ohalneft repeatsd tom areaur nayaufled wtiy i that cant bav onre vrera brlgbt and clean and tbea are old and rusty tola yee have any twisted ltnks or anytflitaef mka that ooyour eedun that yoa wqowl anew it birr aboatws centre that was twjhrtsd paacoek btnrstro tbey got tbawhlker tr havtngtwoaav gamoa outf u beytmsrab carpenterof maasos wood stripped jajtd fau in cletneata b rtba left lart week kt ec jceepbshpspital qbelpb f actheairouavmwtinytthsjtoa chfitt riunhfypmb tbeobnclaqf flhoraumeis4bvfatp of leisure and us boors of atreauouai effort according to clrcumstsflccs aal vbviromneat the old man who latk4 be cbqre tune la the poem with bfai mary xatherlne evidently had ooma to the time of- iif when doing the qhorea waabis nrlndpal oocupa- lion there was a tparlped dioeroee in this to tbe chorejtime duties of numbere of the carnmrs who engaged in teamlnt logs and lumber back in theaucties and seventies in this com tnunly latboee early darswben tho saw m were conyerhng m hfnrlfii virgin pine which grew soobuqdaatly unjosqueaing and naasagaweya there were generally forty or ofty teams employed tafeauung logs to the jallla and lumber jcromtbnjlb to acton lor shlpmentr oyer tho old qrand trankrrhauiray jo addition to the tsamsbers who made thu work their whetq jobiher numbers of farmer who earned consldersbls money to aupptsment the revenue of the tana jyteanijnc la the winlcr- anu aprlug thee niea knew what atrenooua wtwk meant in those daya vlubi trm pmrtyj9os lmpjrnnlb o nbfudlpp hom abhiip cottl wtiol5ir iodiiwfibovo4 fe vjlf i th upoouulonto botn iiirplo j- to fm tblrporwvdo lt 0ma1rtoomr wr otaowd dbwirjo tfc buh or wit ny rordi aee 1 worv ofbrnnrhl pmiry r- x h wunj aodltor p d hvttoyaad mfa ciraptmu jl- fonnr sal and i taiclitji woihd1 sjaass hi and buae v rwiwy pjstor- tbwatranterf cbureb strsat and baa nmt to tbsme old eameoyer qtbewaan thats an old game tot bqodlajltjmytpnv ne munrni hesajdjsyfrdldawlebtera au ea tnaf lot to it but wbeaanybody newoomaal aioi imni anybody- new locinnaobaui slips out to th abed when tbey are aaleep and takes off tba cbala and dips it into abia bo of ktrong brioeto a little room at- the north and of the by ujoamng n t eqvv wltfej rooat knew want be does mtr aaio- uhrbrtaerhkt- makes tbe ohaiii nun se fast ti hsntotl rajjnaqi fallow taont dad wsi ehaln boodla jglves him tnl indian ator ana sells tb feilovf bbi ownehaln atv about iisiubifiirtea fwby doeantt somebody have bind arres for itf cjeed the boya indlg jnanjuyv l pff w to r l d luadi netv i etwn mrs j mt isextalton left last ereek an ave weeks r to the south satlmafronlnaw tork city mr kuwrnrotowtuland of bault bte maris mlchir la vlstrtna whh bis uncle- mr jgbnxeeaia jwa- other frlenda i v mr rkoberi clark basparehased tbe udarbjtbbeptoeab of tbalat jos huise m oranawvlifa mr clark win atill ooqunae itau alton nitaeea mrer wiorrlabhon vrlyed baate tbia weakvftmvwoeetarvmaav wbereha 4as bean vtsitlaa jer metbar mra ate who was seriously id butnew te laiprovina in bealta 1 pcihemtiiutawajiih nt the ontario i hartloulfarai soelaty lefaet erbtlbd tba eoirnersjid alaborat plans ata already la le r cbureb street unavbae r tearlnjrown e jwdbouafv ve an defstshdihe alie annual rose tins of the huls- bnrg herse flbbw jysld at dwtar bdtaihlllftrar it waa decided to bold the aprlnrabow on may ft tth birthday quietly at sfm borne en turaday f u present vfjavbl days work tba chores at night he undarajgned baa receiyad in ns qfrpmiby l we the struotions estetepf tbe t mte davifi bahwuh to eem by ailexloh op iht prti- ijot ii conooefljonf buildings oeatro of oodoaaslo on thur80av march 17 itzt aale to conupencp at 1 oclock sharps j the followlag bqbsbs blajsk team aeuunga rlslae yeara wbu matcbod wetgb- inat 170 iba eapht bay team rhung vhtdyearsrmawaadgaldlnairalr edby lerryady boy maro7ialmi yeara aired by bavenacralcr 1 vwy riatngone year sired by bvarbeady jcverreody and itavenseraia are-mo- klnnoasr chestnut lload mare rising 10 yean la fortoie vrtton hack- neyabmlluh oeldliig rlalnr 8 years blrjed by iq wilton brown mare aged 1 pttty rlalnffl year aired by la whloa ludoiri purejff nf fin a story 1s told ot known- la masesgnereya ago andalnos who was working via farm- andalaodqlnst teaming about the milu in wlpier lie was r blk rmttw ylhb9mulrjrt-ihnim-t- to above hw alra- w r ufabadtwo tfanlatnnd blrad a nslgb uno oatttb llalfey calf bors sen to drive extra one aass in the winter of 1m that he hired toatlthefoannaatd work for klht- tarn own thrty yeara old itaew hia epnloyerv refutation the aratroorn- inar an neet cpdeeioek and wlkd tbe mmatp bis aoir npjpyare noma he arritert at foarthlrty bet a hit eonlabjpealjmr kmployevwas fbf- ing with- impatleace too are late sir lata sraakfest was- over sems tine asuv and theteame are all ready to hitch up tour breakfast la on tbe wiartwytlipatt- afer xwm had eaten b halped thf bees hltob the twb laanis and thayj started for thw timber lot three miles joisy rsecned usjua uartarj awsjt thf fnlp i5tpi1 uniqlpal down and eav eralinrjlvm determined whoh mrar a mcmllbvi waaauay pointed vuuge mualdpai w tbe yflklr lift while ootung wectwub a ctreu- ur saw at albert fiosaolfa atmltnoaa ear ktlday oerdott vatsow s his eauroantht lo tba abst and bad u torn atbls badk and xtjkrmra mtoti sat f tkhm moi m a timttokk 0fanpoaiidhnrra ofc srl yutjdolgqpv t wmtoh wtth ujiprimmio cwmiasi sw nt dn to tntmuf twwa tv j npirontio tubl tp fnlppf ohjnm ulrt5r h ten r1lfi lumt wvworltr tbmtojt ul dr tsv baolmlontokhmair and whnoiyl rotorpad to jhouw cot irood boj auppn- and anjlradlu- work atmrtrndo-plook- tfyt moodd mprafna p roa at thr ondvaumd to tb- aumwa mjak cmtwaa amlnir dn tba ubto ut teatli ywc aid blp- mployarj tby- obor r done and uyi tmuparrmlv saibd abbbobbn anoofl cattijb turd bull lf pot pr- tiouriy ld pawsmi larup th srluoortborn tjpt m 1m4 brail py x ix arkln ouaaoaton opt dam- prlddof tarkln hra so48lr botanlat ofdoora holm- ilt oowmrfmn pat 1t11 oorn julj 101h7 bwd sapt uk apvdob0ptlad3slt4u born rabi hit du april 14 vic of abardmp suflfdo tlmo of wile born alwum10 1 tlo of ajlprdmn wd 511111 boroiootober it uk oalf a adew anrd- 1711 jxmi jul1ua dan abe 1 m4ialr wuard oi aarmmd ilh7i bttu 6alf hay u lut bull calf born sapu 111111 bou calf fcornj nor j lilt mfotinv otooktoap au be ptptaund osadb ojlttua heildornani cow b yaar old do mby 7j grew jturbam cow 10 yr old du tun fafted dornam cow creanlold do mm iughrjar durban cow 4 yaamtss sift apmi wtewbf rlalni ytarat i hurt ki stoar elf at about roo ne rtfcrak hodpwi le- taut welobt about 00 fbe iiofl pi heff- hoaa- aala taut york bowts pile wmbt 800 iba tprk uauar caivea bow due uple of abaur110 iba cmrakp oxford down barak 1 unibao abbropaotr nun 1 bferap i tm1 a ttt aartr blply b uuatod rjiryil pet doriarjny tb araapfcw bafr era elpxf tknj rf nwdaft m uu early tm tobviib m1k al4wtbatll antt ml nudf lajpikmhinira juaaaexibaeru binder e foot out tieerlnf uowpr t foot utl afaeeerkarru suy bake intmnatlpnalt slay loadar inlenuv tlopalduedauvery rake new dmrtndl it toptk aultltptpri kumrharrl a tootb jouluraiorl uaaaeyharrta ii ho bnd orflltntemattenal two- borlie hootrter blpple boufltler two- way rldlna- p4owtbslahuu wklulk plowtpewj t pleuryvwatttnv pknw aharrowaj turnip wwert-maaeey- barrta puluer wd cooker t wapq wltb tto 1 atook 4xaaw ihayttaikatjtit bote aleu t outural 1 ductw -disio- hehmna anni ruer 1 npmereaw e artwne ltm ohv- rolft car oarurjbs 1 bx braae uououd uarpwaa 1 st vork iarnmwt j bel slrltloc harnee- number of collara oratnsllo buabel beml- barter p-a9uc- oohtalnina ipo acre in t tfueaeklitr mo jmi 10 in th cirpooav op tbo era una lty- wlcdarrm in a good obltttltlop- u bloushlna done stluvlf and ui vmum l wtth aohd 0x40 ahd pp bqplmaent tbtb jboartsno boude cooit rnboviatpryymalld another ajj3emrirfltbinn- tfnnirnjhy ajsuhvatppapted- wltb tn routa- bpppa downpl jq1 ofc-tra- waabul kh il a aotlm -pbetev- apttearttmajo on the ppomlmiawxhif laformtton a pptpln jrteb wpmarawmit ow anj som0 doatba 4m0m inland on tbta eontlneat by mint ttopparrti injury yau u eeoep flnan- dml loe by relllnp on at e mickuh boiwer- avp collectio ins there is tood biws4iwla im mk- j pidakrai da of le twf aaul lib cpatn apilali auar ui lubtorw- on pprod 1 wtpppjrat off iftr abei poafmep t padbodmt apd wbo- apdwbea ttrey beard dren lp aa ptdr l vvv iiffv tes wna bipwlmnppc oft roe open saortl fl- maiatt ptotky jjedjt- ofil i i eahuilbpriii atprmyl t tralpp wt at hllujbujw tola jpjlb pp heldt vadef oovwth rjtart gnum it jit45ir ifii assets and liilitriei wtr haadto collactloas ooly t years experience apeaka tor itaeltaasurtaa efneleacy and ra- uabluty kblly ft abqb1 t- r or and owen ltf standard baqk qf csaeda css4eahgdi- deposits with gn4 twtrs tgej of otner bsnia depoajf wfafa coital gold reserve oil and short loans on bonds tebctv tuns awjsoxfce- vv pontic ion aa kovladsl gamntmtn- aairitleea onshjan municipal secuaiiti and bdm fordga and colon wriblic seatnctes other than csnacuon aailwiry nd other boods dkatunes andsadcks 801983684 4kf69ih 1 1 ijipovw 1fii8ii 41793h09 qpjckaaets iz04871195o pri anj dbooupia apd otbrs anns 3318775870 bank pmniat isowooxo yiavur pf oimie under irttci oi grdit a pct tourel 7 ti7oyi47 f wabjhttes tq pibjc wutoutior 4 ji- npiixi- viuimsjta uwf4e4it jwjwhts cidijp1wi w toed uabdwo to pubjk 508 em of amdtt orwxjpuijiw- 151 isvs monuments from ww uall ahl i we will offer apebtal attractive frioea on ail qrdors puedisri monuments our uual good warkmaaahlp on all work and ju good aetectlon of old country granite- to c from alw inacrtpuaoa put n in cmartay acton monument works nicol main st acton a thestoxewhez youbuy ytrnt gracetfe i a that our paclmu ra put up i in wbually vatl9rtre doool d out pkeketa i- vpl yop buy a packet o p i afle j ou oe b eurrat jipm ktpv aalliaoory tlulliy wtn produe pood rwulla ff ix h inut co windoh omt