mm- vh vvu-v-rv- rf ffljpatnu3ttteebjb ilcmtot sulnied 7iim0nuw i ti1kacton frsx 1 71mndr monmav j- rfavutjtnmiiukd imitrlor jb acbmjir mmre fewaaama i ccata pkr rdi fit itterrtioa aawummu vjtl- wpcie dilution will he tekvfudimbrbia aad elutfvdecw4saa7 r zahou and bjxwtu 0u jtektaac a vmldcat- there is bill before the ontariowuulhre to increase the speed limit in the provliils6atside of tho towns and cities front 25 to 35 miles perhour i is asserted the average speed by automobiles for a long time has been easily 3 miles per hour it 15 perhaps a good thing to see that the government i providing less worfc for t a compoaitlon tp r tmt incidentally respectable dtixensywnoare in a hurry will not feel thiat they arfj law hmsaipra the bill alio provides that every msenlrawa vehicle at nigh must parry a light- thor3datfmornino marchio ih7 a 5b epeporiajm rr- rbflbrtiinre beenpreseitediby hiu4fcv pflc i-v- c ttf-try-t- fi t if the iunendmentj of the existing- liquor laws he etatetf that 75 per cent of the troubles of liquorlaw enxoxeement vrtfe dtte to the illicit sale of beer riulnl by brewers who abused the privileges granted irgqa 06ntrotr tbergontmnents majority on passing the budget the jrobja budget carried hrlhe house- of qom ntonsby a majority t 2tljo vote being i il to 8l itp thejnam motfon ft was the first aeriojia division nf this session and while- there- never was ifljt a pectatlefr that the government would be outvoted the liberals expressed their jubilation hy hearty desktminiping when the final verdict was announced one of the rouble fmwres bout the vote was thak theylkliij bidyarlxitjeriuprogrvi alttingon govcnjmfcnt benebes who had threatened to bolt failing aiowrarin statement rrtrni the ado1nlitra- tiottvetw with the govetniment v reotganhdai castoaas jfcs lew those who iutow hpvuyjx enjer min of piat baiijikj best eipuieu uf 1118 lut what tub 8bmd schooi fp sunday maftch tltlej-awuiia- the wia oll scrlptim lesin matt- m issa acta ooldiitextoo jheratoralajld make alaetpln or oil th0 natlona- matt it lit rd0v6utittarnaduik- john is 14 is 1 john 7ia wmmitmim tkmw cbrtatlanmlnaldnnl lluio morn ma a hun4rd yeara ago th nrat fowiebmaalqnmrtwiwara nt out mwvmrtcev t6 jobjotin wadlnr uxnmmuflmkrx inj bo tare awem themraia- to uakbiverta 9lvlmltjii to u tip wit- unmasuaatsutbawiwinc ohurcn tfa taakwaa c fuat lawaty onn or twolwaiot hwaa eooatht to order to data leen ana wonttri in woanercjkiutiaapirjtojimvsatm thaaa- tiffftwr anioayiaier rj jaitla ifarajib t ba jbmaavtaar hieotha itilioji t eblurva ahouaoixais w tb rrtiet teiuma lnatefcoinoenfballeawlcv ot opiwerblrvtot inaillannafnilrnjltflys q r wvrltesaaadaa tcarpnto to- free aiaunple ho 14 sunear only no i no so no 4 wo s no s i saajks oamaoiam nattonai elroybio railways vtraatnound daily tm jaajr v i r- m atr tut najlr k tiallrii c v vss psiit- nt v 70spja r pmg v apj he isaccomplishiitg in his department he is re- drgantxfnyr the department in the interests o ebcydjonety toe flndingatretotu tnentarv rmmitteeiflnvesligationgareiiinl plenty of matirial fortbonghrandnvana when- the yorkaf-thvcmmistfo- 1sco ablbaterippprwniry for totdirqf his a tiveabilities in other dlrectlontl irrria taiir if93 appoinimenti tooii vacani of odttte e pedtency and arted hia j iqdepen dencfe with com marttb finatcf tbwmim politics and the hop qi- ibosc who are ifypkiog rorwarij fo a compute deaohip of tjbo cioinffae tlw good of tbc wiiryr viv aaniv whatairtra toaaarrow i jwuit luintt iif tbo wler 3f plkltfct 1 cany tutii whftttowrlt botrf -ai- t aboot jfi4rthjarrto pitvkm ctclr i anything hkipt rcjlsoi and po- itlet l4ii-vwhr4- wutkr anr amuplllv ibo w if we eouunt tblnk tii oiiftniu utcetw rolt umuf i4x on tiulit ill iwit it fiaoiai wmlnglm saeriloa t battl jt bohftnrj ja drm bcxht zteeidtn attxha-m- lafoaiolii whw ftwt iurn liiftmnt to flfcildrcn to ttnit alio the orpim art inrtberfjce of4odji amlnea anff pliiriiwa wtrij gwuiprd la otptabtmsmm wrhein ihey wcv nnutt ttag uuii mmriy ot been ribtag to pftce- djrunauoi but from rwrto vkrhe m jcatloii arow until in nxany plactur thj viotk hu betome iunjpportlntf the limfly twpltmal mp in borne 4jtdcatihiiiit apmiaaachhw eofailb7aiaiiifjmi by mlwioim ry ut are tmtrte by tbe patta omeflmca autd by the -ovra- ment ouiauan tbinlcera are cofnliiic kreath4jnitw t feet that mlvattton inoitmlawootiditjtonji pi bxy and mind aa well air q ftofct uux tbiit tbe hew aa cm be better chrtrtjtni llrgwkg li txrtiflttto glitby ttr jhw3nartfrhbrtwhd aire belnv eent wiywnrtfiatra t today are aem rtu iained nteo- jaiisia iihuwdr tor pecifle ta4 fttiyalclaie wio have m a ntjegjol pecn aevvral deepivaai ratot-iltaj- of ana gfaanrnowl aceelftetter bo i l r hail-d- 4uai p s gfiigeibr jawimvarwu tp wfajtfoir liie smith vxppcmafottingh scbool ahjdto ofactxn who are in ths chdacatiott of the ruhag gcrtiipir and f gcnirir t s4uu t in l bqitokui notba tf the highwaya r k fbiiiy la rpe aa to frijrblen jxtewt tbo bi- ttittf yjr fr iajaowfido of tlwroad i iiro sperd iomacas ircwstwem that uul people farfnevadttx anile awtfavwaaai k- 1 1aj tfl 1 canada before the wortdiin a f avorabhr light thef should not overlook ja miner the naturalist his lovs for wild lif and aticwariy hs friendafiip f or wildgees h h k b ajdjnjbiij jh a j g 1t ijepart rfedncation isof the opinion ibentjatpqee of tbo present boudlng to provlde l hexsesiey fcoterprfse ot which wuliam mo ef5 uitwm and interesting writerand he keeps heenterjwise jf jijftifit jt000 tjiimiaatvmaror optoeitefpjbj adyocacy tf the beat fatereini of llhiiwiajiffli oleooiiimotiity tte i h itst a yeartbo ka 4late as a lt fov r r stolait iti erteot ofvmcsbc ie iatrtirjfopiaj fcdelttpfeahia3nicft s s apdeoonbtnfc nninuirojher rreaoof rare varietieifc it has a problems told tfie shebeld k3umber of commerce jjptoflif iimiiiiil ii nirfriiiini iijii jtiinit l n day thacpnihihuion was giving the united which here- isabout a mtiestmrlufemthw sftft jwmtagepiiietim oyer acttneapiatatd treatinat afar the adeef the world touonbaltmffte highwsy at oe ibntaiio pnnkrednots the qujmtiry impairs the quality and tft actonjl will no donbt- offer ta l vl u- ki44attitjctare acttaj pngland eaiettei thejato warren a hard- ifcjvitawf f in preahjeat of the united states declared si s irafflo was destructive of much that tor hrcerfonrto blftiw t p r ry5miwtweldistwee matter well worthy of iv hiaratiim- etpwiauy pjtliblltrltafairfe 7ts5 fcnwdeeisiotr tife9 judhdal com r7rfusfciiji i v fci u hweeireaaa and newfoundland in tbe sjggy gujojrenldaghi tl regarded hythohllc and issi sbs5 toiyl todleimi th territory allotted lit- silt f f t- v0000 mid a at taow a hvobjijabfcof tbqsmmeot v fo bdvatfonf oni3o the eccsaary -t- wwh many a loarf that tor a ttnia j mlofllfltwrtfootpfconcera to total mat is their wpas- t j i c betatwayary aannm lt twmp4 0ia atd- si aoriahtl qpncaro pamfa- be a grefs5r present croved conditioos k c vaffly th board o tly rmany towcaaqd rfflages bewdea that of fergui totget to bother ahat uw foiwlity otkiqg the oath of office few of them howevcfy wee pflt in jtefime sislmni4u other day to the dbttctho teheri eapoctally ft- t fairvlew pl thfr ajiclral home of fthe sidney smith family as the site and the initial building foe rihchs 5 frbb p fa pt rtifled tia made immediately rijsi ft wt tlisvamjitb nnjdj igalfiia for ar tra wcsca5 mhe t pr9iiwtimteipiia ftirtemti kqd jntyjhrauajiatim for- the nut rrhetdqq bf ni otrmlrtoil vor atleaat reeorti topic for vtteaattnlnded cmldtwa daim tdt tbpoaandaof wild- eyed attifenta have tried to pat their ownwotdjc cm lofty e totmdln hlatortee wihaphe bookaofaeaya on jhea saae jeeta any erne oatwtdcb la ao broad oentury theyre done doty laat cation trtltona ere atnonr tfi fc bani xjaktabottimiat allahalmi in dla la tee4dawtthlabora bow to eo tvrwjuwot it ywivreliot much awdp ttsat ebdi that and tttie brotlh atbood of wanr r busbt to act moke like tfit he prmenred j rtuxliuoit and treed the aut- -i- h trlvn in whlcn ihey jtre fojabor and w with atculturtand ro the aou and double theiwodu3- tlon of cotton- ad they are learnlna the dignity of labor aavell av bible leaaona and joracflcal jcarmina- joa j of naown aach th chlneae- to- ptanf treea on tie feara waa eatafulahed and la ewhaaiaatleaujr ooaerired t wlartonarlea of nnuaqnl ability ant training- are oeln eon- lmuy aannshv bcaaaes3f the reoedk nluan otlne taet that tfae real leaders in lcll jaiidibuial w adqoa trained datlvati it la the devetopmfntof rlisal f n rtiriw a 14 fllieret- hra of ypur vomaoal- tjoaaaro dooe ao xar a torja lon apik rsr 3at e i v ftatr andimaainatltf ta1it upon anbjeet yoa know notunf about but hr to btjpyoqf of booaar aee hint pad buf what can maaaea r thd neonle arvwaiuna that the- mlaanonatiea ar pntdnc forth 1j their reo berole egortat jt uirjwoxidl termatjroaa waa panr dotr to knrope roma and spata 1 cmaeaitn waatbaww patdooold think in the world tertaa othla time tbav the drat- at ex- w vmiotii9ktttktaaef3n made toc ikwalbl into the raorot bla twnk- inatand avrnpatby ba4odaehle wfeolo world have w fturr araapiof facta can wsvtto- him think intconilnenta many of iia have oat hecun tcf hwi nesea of wrltantrf r itoow li t the aenaajothto time tbav the fliyfn ex- ltf trylncto develop your coorae yov leafzrof waahtnstotf and x4noobi onthaoitflt bonkamny point la that eaaimbtloagirtic tomfiowtidw wu yon twnetnbee wjtjojbatiiaied compoaluoaa abjtakl prove how well yoaomnexpreaif xour own ideas now thjabrlnsa ha to the queatlon vftmt d yo weoa if yon put it that- way dad i dont aoppoae i know anythlni- tconunandahty modetand tan that pick but too on or lnatanpe by practice and obeervauon jon know a kpod deal about thetrame of marblca you- utenrat leaaoor-for- woitdrvltiaenanid i a m a meeting of the directora of tbe omnrio fisbtos ttwhttlhoaln qotario nniw bona fldo hotai ba and nutoual frtwjffi iu f rfcoob ffemi jitoamjtl htto waiting qffro1it that aoatitmo make o a onoeorhx and to tjaaanttaf ovml wni ttty tamchar- atand fr that aort or oompoafaan dadt jfaat about what rvaroantt onr on my own boorr- if idiea eia-fa- wftb relief when ar reada it and coaatatnlateyou tor loavimc the beaten path j- ahall be moat dlamppolnted in bar then why not wrttaadmui the toy hooka ttfw read thatiyon abaft odnll anwaat to much end cut why yoa dldnt lika them jnulowta that with another oa uioae you like beat and why w made a wt to the aaadpin a while ako and i aaw reu taklns notea of aomeofftbe queer ttah there that trip can eaau be turned toio a very readable fonr naaea nd pad tgaseaalty in aneifeor atxml wbelradto heat t h howl bout my aet veiy aood indeed and how wol it do to aita yoar tdeaa oonoernlns thia wrltinar of eompaaiuoaahat they oaaht to be eomethina better than rewrtttan thouirht and dlacov- erlea of other manthai jjjay j4qpw reflect the peraonal meaaand ideate tie wrjtert au rtabt then here are your alx aubjocla ihrohah tho xeedy to- lhaiiiiefl m favwirthw j u rf marblea hjataarvlo bbya bookal like bofa books i dont tlfce somquear jtatf what djbjtjmmrbttika my idea ofa flood comnoeiuan tharlc you had i i aura waa dreadlna all that work- and now i know ita volna to bd areat run r aoaiw8t hl incuhatiqn uadtlrtrid ua bto whin z waa you jjr flx 1 in my mind that a the tiny twic bant oo la de taw ineunedj and when hed lav at oroee bla kaea t ottoioalinntlatept iuad toorr bay dad look out- or mrow npall bent and whan bvd aay xjotne on jrouna man and weed tlun onjton adt v juat when td plaaaed a nahlna trip wfii jlmnata jeeea inatead need to aoowl pntll my tape twbji bktok aa buokoquli do bpt year have coma end year have anna jwkb naiyaajeand tronbla pwa wet maaaare farane as for a nu thatul craoe he baa- voka a i vr t r j- j y one of the rnmet- effective velmk medicine aluldrer jm retatu ttkr ayeaam and aaaiataialaa the lafanl u in a be a b ooadtnw vhm u potftja ihtfaelv oooapoakloa that arffl ntarjtha moat delicate otomaot wbai d3ictioiaaniieuawaaand thav an rore expatislveneaa of aympatby amectea has a sreaterchauenae than mtkh other mttlqnjto lca tbe pro- vlntdalandr to develop the internation al mind j j- fne most make the etart and uye with it dally fftr one doea ijot pah froavparocfaial to world thousht over qlcht j john wealey had it wtien he epoke of mhen world aa hlm jmirlak wiuum ljqm had it when h aaidi fmy cottntrx la the world my conri- trytnen the inhahuanta of it the almmaker william carey bad over- come jprovlncaah w in ja4lajt not v sak if clodoan do auch thlna toe the indiana of america wbynot for the parana of indlar alexander lfsekay became what ha waa to rasdabe4mdae ia r father knew how to trace the journeyv of uvnastonw on a map before the hoy n4 oecauae a mothera heart had thrilled to talea of nriaaioaary- jaarolany today of twenty-ave- thnnaand aaaerto an xhrltlahand continental mlaaion- arlee are worklnc ata worfd prpblent madww mlaaloaa have 7 oaaght the aiatoa of tawormwnd are at work for mankind save von- tcsnaht lt ara yoa avowlnr more abkt day by day to pray thy kingdom come with new content not only to the quality but tn the ezpepalveneae- at that eon- oaptlodr the modem roind and jiaart and conadenoe muat not have fronv tiefavmarka of a world chrlatlan yj it for stirdy and jkouaafaa are in -the- wovldr tofday tatha cltriatlan churoh arowtnc moat rapid lyr what la tbo principal hindrance to the srowth of the christian ehnrol in oriental jtottnthea amojqj m nonwchriatlan people of our own oonntryf what proportion of aduta la your local chttreh era reauarlju and dtronltely for ary objector la there rame worth- wjdle task for veryinasr atolaat of huv aarvloes dotnt does your local charch en- deavotrto help each man dnd bla task itove you found yourat daily ftoodinoa iw et iweek laeoday itaxch a johh 14 jlfl rcuarcb tneadaycuarcb is cor 0 110 wedneeday march it mu h il ea- r thi i j wtfnr m l 17 laaiurday maroh 11inv n jlt- sunday acacah fa ravii 1t bard and aojc oorna 60th yiw to uolloway cora retnover whiofa la entirely aafe to vae and oertaln and aaoefactory to ttjhaotlon b now skepa fine liw pew deye ue ufwtaba aheoe ammna buwlder invtatlena r oetoooupniohta the triaia aiiddia- caencarto of ijjaddajvweakpee aboqld be totoriwtectn thu letteat 1 have bothered with bladder- trouble oraribn 4 a bundaar irr ttbukanjraii ahhoat oo amt j tovt out of bed oerhsp mea djmar a amcht r div e a taw days and i now fet i mx trouble prajcajb ended am very arata- i nor what this stand medici baa ola far- ina and will ukraya use xhatabe whenever iteu howhotar what eiaa ajwyy t 7rt4tatloo- rartt at unt nhyetolan mceeaa en axamsjto rpn enaatoa a or natadir at pa tr the nr sottthwortbm years ta a of experience troranta wellknown moul of th family aavin vkxperienoe telltsxte tp buy only quality producta in cveiy mduatiy tmtfteiiflme wtaada out reprea1priut6reliatalhyaetice quality- pi m 1 anc touk davoxk cahadias wfigrapjube company jqfbqb j gadeky or toaioiilto r araouuusr wjix bb at a t- bbowwj v btorb acton ptfaetl vlaloa baadanb ahoald not oum um opportaaur ot aoaaattlab tola pfcjt -arooutt- r n aaaa wuh mr a t bcownxnmtatp consttxastok hubb otb hunt a m till 4 p m iaciaa astohim ld oirtsii- fi cdbtinatioo w8jii colic xa sweeten stoenach tmleacy- daurliaii regolate bowels aids in the aariirriulbn of fdod pronotuir qieerfojness rest and nth5l slp wrt opiates kn nuhm wtdpf phrfdanal amm racaaaaaaal is la- present oht aauaoff tbe jua i- present oht ache tnere ia only one to- awt permanent rauef hav vetircyea examined and tw6miser i ip iw t- zr company jewellers china silverware tower wyndhaai st phone 571 t the ou and beluhle grantto an htat worta wij m mn eiraa i all fctoda o htflnmata ana wora wml ttrmf eeateaaaraat wbohiaal prteea tbaa aartaa ear e 4s per aanli jc bar fa mat aspuaaoaa- ana taa r in xb donuuoowho oaa- epat pawin tool pro w oaa stv nckraapaa fraei haadrada bbstaaam la tntwto ana otaar wearaataem fan to ban in tasrwailatwi h uia t doojaion ae aura than nr thrw daalata aa tkawaat ar laatu- aiata aaalara and awoloi no aaaan aaa aoaat aaaesm past ujtonmn araaaalac not lanrant aaanl mqlkstt- iaa eailma aaaplor only amehanlaa ax eoeipmiuu r ausih out fl h -sr- fv jjy 4riv nit- slwiifiritrr