zzzx jj 4 flhe arhm 3fa jfcwui trxrimray may is iw r i moyhehb day 3lu mothers day uyl very day mothers hay to mj and though th duy b sad or guy leer mother ilwy twill be qitdm blsalu reel upon hr heath hi kill ill hi hand i lend ah she our infant f totatvna led dulrilllng ovny nee i tmau miui wlio taught uat ho to pray wi im tluali red round hr kna tt jehuh keeper high t and day in nil nlliirlty alll mothers throughout till the land they two 1 our 1w to day nor has do wn iwr guiding lumd 1or molhu lml wffy- hoard not your treasures ill too lute nor think to 1rlng eonio day your iroplileb to lrjy at her ret that never won iwr way your flowers of off no hon lay mot olio duy in the yeur your iohoh scatter while you may to bring their wahtx ebr lo day we wear within our hearts tjk rtlblattfcla i whopo pearly ivaluim grace imparts 1h fervent lovo that glows ann link with this in memory tim rlimdtu carnatlott lends its frugrunt breath to mother day and 4iwiotent inoehso blend and uw imt hit what hitter tears rdnun knows wlioti miyuluh wring tho heortr all thrquuli tile vale of years there flows thin kt couhternsrt ttlutlt west 1-4- ctoitt hit uhud6w bleat and gay tho sun whence sorrows fleer lfit evory day b mothr day lor you dour friend and me jeanne valdesv h neighborhood news dakville work lu being ruahd on the new brick utoro building for j u camp- ball by blakelock uro v o urund of tiaskatoon hufk was lu tow hut week after an ab- miic or nlno yfearg urn 1 luiiau lum relurwfcd from a uhart vmhohr tout ilro w q buko- at uoauui htm comltir jdundaui utrot nd diitiuhtur tltlm mtdrilr went to llbffulo tar thti lajtr boluuy and wbllo tli ere the latur took ul tlioy had to nromnir their vlidt for wk xiiu irone very who wu o bveroly injured in on auto aeeldettt on colborno slrtpt otu wku utto waj brousht koma from the hoaolul la toronto on motidmy hh will have sur lrtdintf th u t of huiidlntf pmiit which havo bn taken out rdently in one for houae colonial atyla for ompblotedaiyjhjlra katon uktatfl iteoord milton ot v ir omcon jind ueaan j u tlaatfxla and istunuy andrew all of toronto uttmdd the funeral of tho laid mro ww 1jw lttat uootloy rd ojjwar who- ulatflttt uoftltnumtftr hr for aboi yur huu iwhin uunolnted totmater vro tetrti okitdlnif tho ndpolntmant of potmutr llobrt btewoktt auooena- hr chainhlou uveroa of our looaj tmcfcftra atund- d the oka convention la torvnto umt weak s tha truauea of the hlfb school are bfcvlntf the achool crounda tevel led and otherwise improved mr oorluim has returned from jhlhidolihia after apandjnr a week there with her daughter lluth who uklntf a ltoatbrailuate oourae id dutntlc the town hnll auditorium bui ban newly puiord and jtaltiud and now breoenu u hioiit wonderfully lmotovd appijarunctj tlia aitlat in choree of tn deooratlonii mr alejf a aral atrontf ha certainly duj m line and moat orodltable job of it iwformer he jrxet jttaa ijnrt jtorg a question of mother by vvilma atubba c3s tihvfry juiittiiry taunting utrunid in tlimukb thit wli tlowa ut tilt ohlinilmr wliit ntotht i x iroildftl in v terulilne onvlutiacliltf in th nifitctttbu ituhm of un oway hair hnuw had ulun lie w tiifora tend tho world outaldti hliurkled and klouiucd undur thu niuulo of fairy llfcht imiiih llk a worl of dronma kiiinia at tlio wound of her mother volcni a nleuiler ulrl in a neat viiujliatii pwn aileared in the doorway kiomit hylveutrr thi old out ilalitrliuir of u lure family thouah umienilnr hardly more thun u ilrl wih jtowevt a otxilor ut dollaue at wuut aho had been a iw wtka oarlloi when aum- moned from her htudua to bain nurao her mothei through a novum attaclf of finoumonlu thut lttmna h3 brutiht oojiuternallon uivon tho jyl- veater houaehold who were aoeua- tomed to take mother a a mutlnr of count to very owri moat you could linaylne of courae but atlll a itort of tlrolaaa and indeatrijolbla ttiachtno necehmury to the comfort and wfcubaliiir of thaliotoia 1 kmmarerthobedna in yoit and wltat about the brown bread t the oouna uro- bubhllntf in the moat unproved oahlon in tho oven and tho brown broad la ooronfely do- liut thp ame in the ateamer and baker beaidtf tbm dont worry jothor dear j uat enjoy thlw iflorloua mornlh ulid wxjmnd your enervy in kel ting- well tut rapidly a noaalble do try kmnui i know you are canahio and willing tff do everythlnar itut when i think of the thine to be dona uid x hitting here belnleea don t think of tbem you havo uiouubt at then tblnjiat and allowed them to fret you too much don t you lenow that tho doctor ald it wan tbla whitih made you oueoumb ttrtbe cold in tho flrat plaoor yea und 111 try not to i do want to net my utrenictli back no that you return to your aludltsl it troublea ma to think there you ao as4ln whatever m i to du with you uolhor yvtritflldklcolieilftcoutafwhenlt a hhoauee eft tt-trfltiatt5nsr-yolii- blntf to colleae very aoon now bmmn re- ijwmber- that tho invalid ii tone wum firm and a pink riuah awept over the l noted tho oltfn lll ga the oooner if y wjlf leoyjl niecaro with me now mother dear the anawertd then auddenly dla- oorehnot dock of ehlckadeea in the willow hedge aha fed her mother tbou to tho outofdoora burlington ur and mra w a mery arrlvd bobm on hunday uornlnv ttr apendliiif thu winter in arida j ii jleonard baa oold hie fjuvi to j ji stirling of oakvlue we under- ktand mr leonard may become fc r aidant of ilurllnstoa llev o w ttfbba jrav an addreaa at appleby hhool oukvltle ton sun day evenintf laat und ur e lloltby bfflcutod at ut iriikvm ml davlnil o portneuooo i leaving for knlund on april 2 ball inf on the mteumer afontrooe her many friend wlali her a afa voyae mra a muaaon and mra malta urrlvod from ilurbage lutloeeter kng- und on tueaday to upend the aummer with the ormera daubtar mra- john trough ton cbuk avanue they camo over on the oorlc mr calvin wnahburn taetwlthim alimitttltaitajifectaetirfalle working on property of mr c v coleman next to the ulh sohool around on wlday urtunoon laal lie waa ploughing when the plow atruok the roota w a tree 4ireoklnc the traea the horaa made a plunue drovulnir mr wuabburn over the lumdlee on to the plow und injurlnot bla rlba he woa taken to ha mil lou ou tionday for an x ray und w are hwrrl to bna that hla oondltlou la quit aatlafaotory and ho i pro favorably ouxette georoetown mr ilotiry lnl who underwent an operutlou nt ouwlph ifuapltal lot wvek u proaraahlna lllooly mlau annie ityun amtnt kouter waek wlui mra v h darungton in cfalcaoo mr liana uvlngauirij of the tor onto pollcq furce waw a vuiltor town duilntr the week a inttlnir of the humane tkolaty will w held hi the waterworks oulld- ln on tburaduy evonhie april 2i at h oolook there wan a lureb attndanae at the annual tou und vale of homeiuatlo bakluif 1 ut qooroa larlah hall luit hjlurduy afternoon mbumm murturot dlouu jnd aluui moore all nth d thu aaeoeluted artlau mualciilu ut aluuay hall toronto ii tuaaday ulght mr und um 1l d wumu and mr j d ttli wurfitiof toronto wir in liiwu on tueaday ovimlna uttwud inm tho concoct hi tho luptut church mwara k y liarruclouab uujor 3rant j ll wullaco bamuel kirk and j u moore uttvnded tho funerttl of the lata j o howii rlty iroawurt r uguljuv at iiitlpi on monday ur- boon tur and mra o t ch returned homu laut we k after upetidhiu til i wtt thrmt tmmlh fu toronto mr coo a muny fiionda are aorry to learn aho u jmt 111 tho boat of health j uat at breaaitt but bop for her auaody nsi vr yd f or a id the flylvlcriilmllyjvcrjeiiokllnt u council oalled by tho oldet daugh ter mother sylveatere wd homely aaleej upatalra father bylventer luxd at ut kn pruaded to leave lila deak ami accounts and tho younger by i ve tor hud boon induced to put aaldo their oehoolbooka whloh tak was not aa dimault as it abould have been to consider a matter of groat importanoa so lemma warned them heave ahead eni eatcjmmod tom the inooniglble when father joined tho group around the table dont keep u tfuaaalnk- lone it ian t good for the digestion not much need to fear for your diageatlon my boy retorted hla ala tor to whom tom appetite waa i never- oaaalnff aourco of wonderment about mother of course alia began am i eo 1l we are all in pdit rctaponsibl for tills alckneaa we have thought that mother aauld do everything beeau he was willing to try w have let her wait upon us and do our work for us and httvj never once thought that hhe might war out some day it was mother this and mother that until aha had no strength left her body lu havlntf u rest at lost but not her mind so long- an she la within sight or sounl of any uf u the habit of years will itself theres only one thltijf to do according to my way of think ing and that is to sund bur away for time meunwhllo sotting- to work to learn to take care of ourselves as sbo finished icmmu tiylvester fclanood from one to another of the family group for support wo cnnii veryaear losing- her you know she added softly if one wore a humorist it would be liiterwtltig- to ploturo the conster nation apparent on the faca of the vtylveater family at that moment not to have mother to ffo to to consult phidh not to bo divulged ynt whlrh will ivuulim in direction mo it wa sttld ttil ufl r lung und famrat prcaetitutlfm of ov rj toncelvahlo mlgunmnt on the part of ovnry mnilwr of thu family ii bright morning in kebrunry mothi sol out on lur jo unifying a toward tho sunny houlliahd ft waa a hovel tjppi leiido for the lohgumu stay ntbuio und onao filr- ly aay fromua demands nt hum mrs hyjvcster gave jierwalf to tho enjoyment of now eoono and tti strange senso of lbillturruplud jelsuie with the kest of a girl at rtralto be sure in tho rnhbit of bllaaful forgot rulni alia would bo suddenly brought to br old salf with compunotloni consclenoe at worrying- ko llttlo t toms irftaous or alice m colds 1mb pamtble nrjahflj f itut t evory mil und hourwrmrrftn from famlltaf sceries mother flylvt ter found hpr good iine runs jrlng itself 11 the ti h wnn wrm rt uomfortubln bungalow unions tho munolln tlmuo vialtlngs of an overaeiisltlve eon sefenoe were dylnjf a natural death meanwhile htrapg m j uu rlou uio ceodlnge waro rurtlfja thu uuuiiiiy jilacld atltioaphore of ho flylveatnr houaehold they wer nl 111 the fceeret now and tho letter which travelled southward gnvo jo hint of volanlo dlsturbancos ho tebruury snows becanio unroll jiluxurdm and tho blasts of old ho rods htoltotl into the warm wlmlh ofajrll and may at hint he mciigo came uettlnu tltem all on tlmioo with tupeotancy and exoketiianl am us nt ns you please uuui bo wjul you on tho venlnt or may 1 why that lu tho night boforn mothers ay ismma exclaimed ilow things ut tohotllor doll t they wo oouldn t havoiuiiihl her cam inrf hotter if we hud net tho duto of her return ouraelves at lftt the mom on to ua day and hour oumo houih- dnth imtl doolafod it never would and tom had inwardly arrived at the conclusion that tlio clock and imthor tlmn wero in u ewntplraey to npvswlth biucij uuin otdlaaryjjailbonrtlonnf thl parti iur blalarm 0 ytrp m olif iii mr m aab prab the old road you know tint nunl thai llnloc thiouirh ii f n and iujui ho fioit niounl hit rocky turn 4 ah if it hud n ohnrmlnu tiyut lu keeli on mmio fur hidden hih wlioio iou- ou khow tlio hollow whro u dlia to stay a moment by tho birch rlmtntd pond wliea nwiiy 1f fjtjcr wiiuisj uip uliletu und the rnodi 1 n woahvuya wonder vbi ro that old rorttl ion j a it ih uo long witice nny ftct but ours unvo followed its faint track through grauo and flower and droamlnc larcbon out baond tho jqjl through green and nhndowod ulm- nesm alwuyu cool oh hottnut ii y its hi iglu lead us mtlll from onft turn to tho next to day tho hill lloyond tlii fragen pond wau loud with tinnl a hat cutolarf joy tliungh april still lu lone auay and teliruary bruyntho skloa i lirnrrt the wium hid notru of blue- birds rlno i found a dandelion a early cold and aaw tho unowy trgrimt aplueu unfold whom iinjil frairca atarrud tho rooka the breuo ijlnwnoftacionu my xaco anionic tho trews heady made madlele vou heed no pbyalouh iur ordinary ills wiicq you have ut band a bottle of dr thomas kolwctrld oil iuf eoughs colds aoko ttiroat bronoblal troubles it is invalu able r cahlu bums brulaos stualaa it is unaurpuunl hjl fj cy ores and the uke it is an unques tionable bonier it needs no testi monial other than the use and that will satisfy anyone as to its effeotive- knaw what a follow wanted mother could always and lost things motbr would hiake a cake for tho picnic or suiiper when you were jut dyng to have it no mutter how buy sbo was mother put things away for you and mended and did oh very thlnif not to have mother why it was not to have home uvn now when mlckness and weakness wero upon ber mother waa still counsel for every member of the family hut if it wro true what umma had said that mother eould woar out and might just because of their seldshnes at was a fearfu pos sibility and a foarful oxiurunoe through which they had paswod u fow wk earlier when r uwelooma- ruast iwath hud bnvei ed on tin tlireshqld seeking udinlttaiicb un x krlauoe nous of tbsin oarvd to have re j wi tod tblu thought sobered them and thuy bean to settle dawn and consider ictiinui u uuauoutlon gather sylvester was the first to speak thtro sotftns to bo truth ip what you say my daughti r i dare uy the dootor would hgur you out in it have you uny definite plana liow- ovarr heaps of tlipm toi many for one evening liouldits uoino of tlmui must be kept until muther has gone hut this to iwgln with that wo inslat tin having- her aiwnd the roiualiidcr of the wiitur with aunt adu in the uoutl bsalher whlsfllil softly loin an ahio exchumcid looks wi ttu jw i r and grounnd audibly isniiiilit ou don t nu mi for nil winter v ramoustroted it th tin biiby of tlio family who lu all tlio abort ipali of her ufo hud ui vcr knot moihtr to rtiiiulti uwoy for mpio th day oi two at a time vo for all wjnttr dear don l nrry iuiu durllulf sfhter will tiy muko up for tlto lou of mother the very wiit unit sin hut surely icinntu you droit t thlnktii- uf giving- up your lust nur ut oollag- this from father in an anxious tone only for tbts winter it really doesnt muttur whnthor f rouotvw my diaploirtu this sprlngr or nest lyu know w ut least as t uiuttwr whether mother is kupt for u or not we ran barve a rmuaetiefnor and uthless msnilge vry nlcnly vatber fiylvrater urred no t have thought of that but it won t do you see we are la go tnio training wnl puitbar u none and who but a proapecflvf school marm u fitted to put thee rsudtf folks into forinr ueal4ssj i bays trttmr la that tontf would not have inade knowtt tor a good deal though it is uufo to sa that it was suirdby u t family lrhjujimuiorhadoluoumi hoalthlly tlroil from her long journey and so alt entranced nt find hotasif agatii among her dock alio would havo soon haw with flnmuesu albeit with toot oho und nil united lu not all owing- lho roturnol traveller to invado those familiar haunts tho dining- room and thu kjtchtn as it was she noticed nothing yundayj s day duwjiod utth ckur skies and a snrlnix utmqs pliore willi heth dancing tsbout lier mother hylvettor went downutalru early meaning to have break fun t wall uhder way boforo tlio rest of tlio family hud awakened ehe knw hnw they lovod their extra sunday morn intf nap und tlio scramble buoesuury afterward to get to cliuroh on time at the dour o tho dlnlnc room alia stoppod in bewilderment jiuvo iierclianoe made a mlslnko und oomo mlownstulrs lit my nolgli bor s houaer alio iuerlixl of her oldost daughter who appeared at that moment in a doorway not sbu knew at tho further aide af the room a sound of subduod lauahtor behind her caused her io turn uround tom and alice und 1athor hylvootor klthered on the hall stairs aoemnd jo bo enjoying tho aceno immciiuoly or uni i dreamlnifljl she nnlshed helplessjy oii you rotfuoo hoy alnh it irreatr tom wau tlio flrs io rflnd a voice isit t ltr corractod his slstor aotto vooo ths mellow morning light beamed to bo rotlocted in tho gomau unt of the wajis tlio dark massive aide board and table and ohalis which had bdon mrs sylvesters mother a appeared to better udvaiiluge than now by tho ulda of the break fast table a wbeel tray which hud not yot given up its loud of croaimui uivd cups and souceru cauaht mother u attention oh a wheel tray aunt ada bun one and it saves so many stepu hut thu room is smaller thun it uued to bonielhlnfit more has bean dono thun re- tinting- tho walls and uddlnjr fresh hangings what i wo ii tako you on un exploring trip if you like it i like mother fuco wuu atudyforapalu tar jjnutht tyrrnifrrzxlltljulwkr motiiw wing ah i kimw hiis wan thotiecmi iload ngt huth aughlllree vialon and these who walk out to aca the beuuljps uf nature ns our lute editor was fond of aaylnsr would mft iouuty iyerywhoro around him an ho truvureed the wood und floldi und glnns whether on tho lure f tho wary trout intent or in aeurch of will lowers or watororesa there is hauty all around u rlgljl hoi in ur own community it w pen our eyr and have the vu1 n for nutuui urn- trlltution r i was tolklttg thu other duy with un oldtime kvrval friend nd the uiiip meetings bf nrty and sixty years ligo beuine a toy in uf our convoraa- tlon tho campmooting wt another plane of getting close to natllro and nt the some time worshiping tho authur uf ull nuture a botiuttful sur roundlnga two ur tbri of tbimmt camp-mett- luga were held in tb fin- mmci and muplo errv on lho third lln op- luialte windy mnnn s farm two of theaa war notable gat boring und had u wide tnduenoe tim jlyoraon lir te8rton and two brothers wbu prwuohjjr- ut the oumpnetlng hold there in ubs llev dr- alexander uthsfbind then in his probationary yea re ws also a preahar at that series ut moo tings hut tbe ahnual campmeeting at jpryol was the lobgest oontlnue of uny in tbls oeatlon iror about twenty years camp- meetings were held on llwi thomas porster farm j uat ut of norval numbers of iople from this community attended year after year it td good said this norval friend of mine to feel young enough o bo in yymputhy with m p utu wnoujfli e teinoin- br thu old carrrbtrlootlng as h wag before the innovations and to have known it from the inside in those day there were no flaming handbills hu guto receipts ilo ex cursion trains the camp meeting wo knew belonged to the life of tho people and was a normal oxprosslon of their religious reeling it citmo enah year axtor tho harvest und befora the frosl we looked for ward to it ull tho year it was uiero that w learned the riew hymn we wero to sing all tho year ull tho ntrt cjtmp meeting thorn we would moat old friends there wo would hear great preachers it was our noclol und rullgluus jtouht of tolmsrnuoio yns x know it is the custom to muko fun of it ami i h not rorget that there were oddities und axcses but theao were largely in ute life of thopoople an jtiotwhorty to bo charged to the mooting t thlnk which appear in tho ordinary deu crlptlqns of those occasions ore not tlia ones tbjiljln member tbo noise und fanaticism wr nob the wholo of ths me ting thorn was much tltsf was different ourfamlly waa-dno-of- lho most the ordinary shurtmetir tunes do vnty wnll f i indoor 1 ut fur lho early iini nlnn ut oiupmeetlug thu ol t lung un ur uni n wif ihh oi thut nt we won i 1 ghihuinhig lilhl othrrs wt 111 i o tint miiu sind o ii thur wan hinging ull round tho nniirn und tho ming jli jim 1 our h nits r thh mating tliein welt pit irlkiu fr un loiltil huiiia unt piauih4im f r m n droit rt und onto u imi m thodlut i pm oj il blmhop thu moutw wtoi tinril on i rough un i buekhas mil thu ioniums wero many und long un i uuiu of thm i doubt mil tiudn en nigli ant tlia thing th it unlliue mo u m nip t unt aviltei wurti tloiimliy in vl 1 em hut wo km w llvu that wru huligid und hopt uwit were ijvlve i w lomvv tin rrlotidshlp nmiwitl mil the new mhga 1 irn tl and ull tin yor thrnulh wt hud uoino thing to ri mt mtm an i something to look f r waril to ho i uuy it lu gou1 still io fel young unil to lu long to a lomiutlon with more yeurs to live und with luipts und utuuis of tlio proaent uud still to i emixiiber ttot the o ldltla und itxtruvuluimo but tho aocuil and iciunl unl uptrltu oil ttll rhuni- l- u of tit ai i i tin nuvul i i ocelli lr 1 i imp giniiml ihtik m aa hull mr unl xtr t ri klllntl ml mil ln aliminli- ilrown ur mi ulitl i i willi un oiiht util aoiie of u- m m 1 tim uf tl ijly iliniiilim mill thew mom uud wnylt r fumlw i thowi go utipilllhlli i id diy willi llitlr rrl miller worm powders jlairoy worms without any liu oiivj num tin ohlll mid o rfrrtuiilly that they mw frtini ihi hn ly unperc ive 1 1 thoio uglily rltuiink tho utomnrh j i owelx mil itavo tlitm u u condition not favorublotjiworniu uimi tin re will he no rtvlvul of tho peutu now packed in aluminum is good teat your grocer knows when you order red rose orange pekoe you are a judge of jine tea jl tt p ictnma led tho way toward the kitchen mother sylvester followlni and father and the rout of the family bringing uptho rear oh now i seo and juiit what l wanted too mother gaxed dollght edly at tho ihtla pantry separating tbo dinlnir room und klchen for cutting broad und cuko isiwma wilnted to a broad sbolf and no mone traoklbg through thu krtchn father opened tho- refrig erator and pointed to the arrange ment for putting in loo from tho out side and all these drawortt ami shelve for supplies and for dishes moth or observed enthuslastluilly 1 other will have to look uftur mo or i uhull buy the town out ill rjsk it lluy away motlior ytiu ktow how to savo money but it wuu the kitchen which ul most brought the tours muthor jut tood silent kuklng ut it all lit won deriiienl ths linoleum on tho door the whlfo onuiusled uluk with rubber mut thu slue coytied work ubu tho kitchen cabinet tho do mouldy untod vcrytlilng arniugod with relation to oiju ailothur aftui a niun- ncr to ihako work eusy uud tupu few i just can i bolievo that it is truc- tuotlier gasped ut lust uut it is lunnia usuured litr un i lnro iu your laundry opuiilni tbo door into a small room tuuoii from lurgs sliud ftnlshiul und in atod untl fuiulshul with sot tubn und trio wash log jiiuehlnu how did you tjiink of it ull die dsiiiuiulut ut lust whj uu know how you dlullkt having a inahl uul i lmnm and in slut on dolnu your own wuik that wi may keop our horn nur own woll wo oouldn t let you wi ur yoitrui if out we liad to und n way do jou like our solution uko in i tljturiil k this way rathoi lim ttned to udd wo think at tin mill thut we must have all tho tutosifuii pluinous tlmt its only economy to do so i gin s muniigtiig u homo is something like i- mm dig- nui outaliluh mi ut or oughftn in and we have itevn haiiilnl t tako taro uf out solvit vi nturnd alli and it s uotluu s imj uur mothers duy hhuulod j om thruf chir for lho bout uttb in hlu i uir hooray 1 worms f wl uiwm tho vitality of eblldreu aud eiulangwt their jlvus v aimpw and rfdtitlvs remedy is motlior 0raros wissi iftariulnatoi ijeauty all about us ihln in tlm nrvibo n o ihi y whlffr appculu to mo uo fur an thn real benuty of field and forciit labdcaio and lleocj cloudg tho singing birds und tho luuchlug brooks und tho boalitita of nature genorolly i find thcuo pung tlio old road and ei i chilly if mary is with mo oa uhe uc i to bo on tin o yfaku long ago wo vo wulke i tor other along tho road wjicro tlio hollow tllpu by the birch rlmmtd pond and aa wo wandered aloni unit i1 1 n id it took us to grasd and lloucrfi unt limpid pooh and on to tho lildth n hill vvhero tho gontlan a loo pa lontf oko iy found tl at dlntnnco ji not uuv ai u ncccsaary to mako tho vluw enchouu riioso who aso houuty only in things fur off have little beauty in theinuclvo i i foar lu thu dlucoi jiliiu eyo that dlncovore ch trin in people in unlmiila scenery ntid lovo will trunuforin an 1 glorify thfit which to tho unloving ucoins iluln uud uffly ihctu wldoiit truthu iro huc tod by julou ltruton lho famouu 1- painter ilo lovod tho counuy and its ficemu tho woikera lu tho fit id wero to him m uro than mora to hera they wero follow mortals with inula und bouvcnly imaulnutlomi lovjng uiity and truth an bo loved it many canadian nro familiar through reproductions with the bong of tho lark nml nnmo havo un doubtodly uion tho original picture in chicago art inhthuto a girl la going to the hurvojtt held at dawn tho hj nut borna down with tho thought of toil but trutmportod rath into lho realm of tlio beautiful by luik fui up in lho sky ulnglng ut bcacn u guto thu nuimo of other pulntimii 1u1- tunny wuulu rwomom aathurlug woods women hurvoiitnru 1 ak in care of tin lurkoya and chi wu tclilng cowit hugueut tho hub- jectu which hi o to ii trout ml hut d not i mil en to how ho transformed tho common thing of 11 fo by uiuklng tliir beauty ovldcut to ull who hud eyou to sod it lu not nocoiuiary fo go abroad to jlnd thlntu worth looking at or worth lovin rim homily thlngu of hom migjtjrbj wrlwaysentcrttlt cleaning the weektxiforethe brush was out uway from tho grounds tho hprlujf was dug oul uut tents wero scrubbed and ull waa ot eadyrtwo or threo nelghtutrlng- farmers drow over a load of straw qch a wr tinodhobeus iiniltuuwa worked we- planned and talked the tents were really cabins built of rough lumber for tho most part and were located round a hollow urmare therwver a fcwteilta hnf i jh g6nily4jlduilfsl towatf bad thrh or evvn four rooi ililch cooking ii h thero was the week before rightiicre in acton for the norvul camp meetlngl hueli ironing and it t arching and packing i an what excitement as we loaded all into the wagon und jolted off t the camp- round getting our osm tent sottlod and watching und greeting the later arrival as they camel and what appotltos wo hud and wlvut cook ing fried chicken nevr was so good hot blaaults and johnny cake molted lit onas moutli with tbo butter spread upon them and aafo tho pancultos and buckwheats how they dlsuppoared in tho ham gravy and maple syrup wo wero long in gutting to sleep tho tlrst night and early to waken in the morning how many birds there wtio in the woodsl how early thej began to sing and soon as we uorc at work getting breikfant wo would hear home one slhgmg p uho fried tho baeon a chnrgo to keep i have a od to glorhry youll notice that welldressed men the best good snc fcbharrlsqn say-dangerousaricose-afeins- can be reduced at home the heart r blood in veins flows that way if you or any rotative or frlondu are worried becauuo of varicose velna biinchos tho boot advice that any one in this world can glvo you is to ask your druggist for nnorlgfpal two business directory fth jf a mcnven pjiyeloian and qurqeon xhiilo mil luudduducornar hower a vj it on noil git j litroot 1iionh hit dr r j nelson 1 hi iii ilicic utitrpt acton ontario legal phone no 23 p o llox s3b iakold nash tarmer m a bam-t-r- solleltor notary public conveyancer etc pcihiyman block acton ont monly int on mohtoaoiu1 ilotira sfrm to 11 jim uuturduyji 12 00 oclock m dr j jw bell d d sh p s dentiat tfonnr f 1 f liiiu ttnnai alty lhti desired oftlco nt rcsitlonco comer of mill and feyodrrlctc rtrooto djr si h johnson d d s lds denial ourneon ofllco over dank of nova scotia tuziupilonlo 46 ulsccllaneout franols nunan t dookblndar arcount books of all kinds made to ordur porlodlnals of overy descrip tion carefully hound hull nr neatly and promptly dono wymlldlm direct ouolph onl over wlllwmn store il-t-kerr- ttooncertrrui twenty yfinrs itperlnnco uut yorjh litopkrty 1 withmb acton ontario ouoo- 4owlwnf moons rnetrnlcrndnj full strength and apply night and morning to tho swollen enlar vein soon you will notloo tlia t they are growing smuller and lm troatmont should bo continued until the velna nro of normal size o penetrating oml nowerful is tnwrald oil tliat oven piles uro nulekly ubuorbed b j muuuard aalla lots of it auto and accident insurance a c nicklin flower avenue acton insurance of all kinds money tp loan for only twentyone cents st tlr cent suntna wdl do i will saod you by matt pot paui u silverine keyring tag like illuttrutlon tamped with ypur name and address dont dixayi write to davi sorely your key- are worth twnly-on- cents james carson doherty 94 wurtkmbukg street ottawa ont 1 1 f n 1 tuvo a grace and a charm that inoro prt tnntlouu and more dliitant objoatu cun novor rival in tho eyes of thouo glftol with the heavenly making goodyear tubes leakproof used cars used cars used cars clearing out of used cars at reduced prices collections wo handle collection only 3g jonr cxpt rluuco speaks for itself assuring efficiency and re liability kelly aiken collfctor3 oranueville and owen sound itof standard djink of canada monuments mark every ggave acton monument works jnicol msln 8t anton fvekiy ooodyur 1ub ml uots u umlor water strrtth befont it louvoe- thsj fuctpry tlio till- u iritiatej placaj in a tunk of water then strotclird inochaultdlly to u ikiint fur la uwss uf wliat it w1u dof lu thu sovbrost of willf tills test tkjuilpriitt unj rovoals any uwullio uoros- lho gligiitist huknilc inouiis rejection 1 huts why ood- yoar lubos dollvu- buii unl- vorsul batlafactlmi gwklyturs- dont cost any moro than ordinary tubes wovo lat your alio cot our iwrlcus h a coxe vo xval service tiiy luro- la fuwa ford touring from 50 up tudors from 125 up coupes from 195 up powhteril uttfrt ikllwrlrfj all at sacrifice 1rlffti cotue in aiul see llicit kiiuill pay incnt down ualjinoe wtekly and monthly paynienta we are dvtenuineil to clear them out lo toako txloat for the new line we are now aelling we hmve aluo a fe alnaodt new cara at very attractive ftletn chevrolet aiuleusex all closed earn ul a coxe chrysler hudsonessex cars phone gc main street siib the public health c1tixcnq aftc hcqucbtcq to comply with the public health aqt r v ii ii nl i 1 1 will j h it ii n th it ull riwj itll i it fitttliwlth i drains urds i i ii ithllll llligu j i i m 1 i muvu thtrc ill illrl ui ii in mil i ihor uuh en uliili ma i ml uigur tho pub- ilth and tu hai lho huiiio com i ly lho ninth d i uf may next hi h diy tho h iniuiry linipector n nmioiico u i oneiyl luspootlaii furthor tuk milt a hit tho soo th n i t thu 1 nl il ilium act pro ihiitliil llm it j h u or hols boluien the 16ih of uuy uud tin lflth of no- vclillur except in pi u i at luant 70 fm from uny dwelling htiimo and bd rat flim any tre t ir i in with hoars bar from all st ui uni wattr and n gulirlj tl iiiunl villi h titrlclly sa f 1 1 1 l all iltlseni ur turntutly rfmuiwij i wuip tin it lumhiu cntihtaiitly clear i thoroughly u nfoctod amoh mahom iimivo f tho muilmjuilltl lioii april 14 1027 34 l a kriu 1 ji jufuuiutve riuii j iuliajijlhaa r t